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  • So many newbies lately! Here is a very important PSA about one of our most vital content policies! Read it even if you are an ancient member!

    A site made for roleplay is way cooler we promise <3

Stray Cat

Regal Queen
Original poster
Invitation Status
  1. Looking for partners
Posting Speed
  1. 1-3 posts per day
  2. One post per day
  3. 1-3 posts per week
  4. One post per week
  5. Slow As Molasses
Writing Levels
  1. Intermediate
  2. Adept
Preferred Character Gender
  1. Female
  2. Primarily Prefer Female
Fandoms, Action, Adventure, Superhero fiction, Crime, Fantasy, Supernatural, Urban Fantasy, Dark Fantasy, Fairytales, Epic/High Fantasy, Magical Girl, Alternate Universe, Horror, Mystery, Romance, Slice of Life, Thriller, Psychological, Drama, Mythology, Fiction, Tragedy, Time Travel, What-If (prompts)

  • jTYK2J39Q-kbRYU-kFi9aIw4-VTfLKfdUuw-rhsRd8siS86wWn3zO314Rb5udlzzy8wfAlIWH2ytG5gTcuHakgWYJ5UUyRdsYMKeYorBKFeJAO2JiDTxdF8RQEtwAS4n1Yv4DVg

    This request is a little different than my other request which is floating around. Instead of searching for several fandoms I'm looking for one in particular. While this is not to say I won't accept requests for other fandoms the one mentioned below is what I'm after most.

    The fandom I'm looking for is:


    I picked Final Fantasy XV back up near the end of summer and rekindled my love for the world and its characters. If you're interested in setting something up please read my terms and conditions; in addition to my other notes. Thank you.

  • 9FmrVer4SMnYNB1mTW4HYIrXJvLGbwHG7DFS8lgzavaex0-KPHbm_WgG7UPZIbZRJEIrREj1QO911lr2qJV5WH7PjOhhm3QnC9dFTl0HHvqccEMzTZmttDExerEwLNl6cSYN2Bc

    What I'm looking for in a partner


    • Someone willing to take the time to sit down and plan out a story we'll both enjoy.Someone who will respect me in the same manner as I will them. It's a two-way street and I'm tired of being disrespected and harassed.
    • Someone who will take the time to read my rules and regulations. There have been too many instances where I've discovered people have either disregarded my rules or simply glossed over them. In exchange, if you have any concerns please bring them to me.
    • Someone who understands that I won't be able to respond every day. I've been dealing with an ongoing health issue since back in June and every month it's been constant trips to the doctor. It will take me a bit, have patience with me, please. There are some days where I might only be up for talking OOC, then there are others where you might not hear me because I simply don't feel well.
    • Someone who doesn't mind talking outside of roleplay. Another perk of roleplay is finding friends and that's what I seek. I would like to find someone who I can build a friendship with. We can fangirl over our story and our ships, talk about our day and slowly get to know one another.

  • 3FaKSitNUVYrLJNIMIWlbafdmZO4BUhVftD4bC2snyjgnAgHzhylwmPgbgAyI8bSJ5UJv01sP62GDdRZT6p05L-9ZhJFZ5j4xBkNNRvLuxbIT2zElF4LiX-8nFMyXXOkfMAM8bc

    Rules and Regulations

    Normally, I will write one to two paragraphs on both sides. However, that is not my limit for I can write anywhere between one to five paragraphs per sides. Length for a single paragraph can range anywhere between 200-500+ words, whereas each individual side usually equates anywhere from 400-800+ words. I like to consider myself a paragraph|multi-paragraph writer, although I know a lot of people are converting to novella writers, I can accommodate to a novella partner just beware that it will take me longer to reply to you as opposed to someone else. This is due to how much time and effort that goes into novella responses. I am the type of person who likes to take the time to construct a quality response, rather than rush and send someone a response for the sake of replying. Which is why I ask, please give me time to write your response.

    I can write in either first or third person, despite preferring first because I can connect with my character more; I will do whatever my partner feels more comfortable with and if that's third so be it. Also, don't forget that roles between the two of us should follow accordingly; I play my OC, your love interest(s) and additional side characters. While you play your OC, my love interest(s) and additional side characters.

    love interests, mary sues, and spotlight:
    I'm lenient when it comes to love interests, as I allow more than one suitor for our characters because love triangles make the story more interesting. However, I would ask that if we just so happen to have the same choice(s) for a love interest that we don't fight about it; instead try to sort things out. I've literally had someone threaten me, simply because I liked the same person as them (I'm not kidding). Second, I'm not an extremist when it comes to characters; meaning I won't nitpick about every little thing. All I ask is no Mary-Sues and no hogging the spotlight; this is a storyline created between the two us. Let's share it please.

    spelling and grammar:
    There are a lot of people who tend to nitpick about this, but rest assured I will not. All I ask is that you have a decent grasp on both spelling and grammar. Do this and we'll get along fine; this is something that I can and will promise you.

    manners and etiquette:
    This should be common knowledge, but all I ask is that during our time writing together that you treat me with respect and courtesy; I will return the gesture as it is only right. I'd like us to get along, I would hate for a disagreement to ensure and there was bad blood between us due to something frivolous.

    patience and commitment:
    I am a full-time student, attending college and leave for school early in the morning and return home later in the afternoon; I am usually quite tired when I return home, but I try to reply to my partners as frequent as possible. However there are times, unfortunately when I cannot reply when I'd like due to an abundant amount of assignments, health issues which can lead to me becoming sick or an emergency at home. I try to inform my partners of these occurrences, but if you don't hear from me in two weeks time don't be afraid to send me a message and ask me about it. What I won't accept, is being spammed every five seconds with the same message; again and again because I'm not replying like you'd like me to. I do my best to get to you all, roleplay is supposed to be fun and enjoyable; an escape from reality for both of us. It shouldn't have to feel like a job. I will do the same for you because I understand everyone here has different lives and schedules to attend to; but please don't ditch me half-way through the roleplay. If you need to take a break or something; then please tell me. I don't bite- I'll understand.

    Tell me your limits when sending a request, as the last thing I'd want is to make you uncomfortable. My limits consist of the following; malexmale/femalexfemale/incest/pedophilia/bestiality. This is where my limits stand, these may or may not change depending on future roleplays; however, if you're unsure about something please don't hesitate to ask me. Now onto what I will do, I am open to mature themes within the roleplays. However, I would like to keep everything to a decent level.

    canon, crossovers and au:
    I can do strictly canon roleplays or an alternate universe roleplay. Alternate Universes can range from 'what if' situations, different settings and scenarios. If you have an idea let me know, or we can brainstorm ideas together; I also have a list of AU prompts so let me know if you'd like to take a look at it. I am also crossover friendly

    I can write through a number of different mediums which include: email, instant messengers (aim, yahoo, kik, discord, skype, etc) or tumblr.

    ooc chit-chat:
    I'd like to chat on the sidelines with my partners, as it allows the two of us to get to know each other; thus making things less awkward for the both of us. Plus, I like to make friends with my partners and would enjoy the extra person to converse with.

  • GNZjYks-RNgzHIb6R7XHr0KEARZboW5_xw256layuZaHJ0zggrw3a47EfB-D8di49KyeyR39Yg2GJ-S6SF44RAbk7LCbZ7GqrWFxzBIC_wJnAL9MrAkPL7Ol0BW3MRNvioVNtAg

    Love Interests

    ordered by preference
    Gladiolus Amicita, Ignis Scientia, Ardyn Izunia, Ravus Nox Fleuret, Noctis Lucis Caelum, Nyx Ulric or Prompto Argentum

  • kAldul40GP0WuNlkbACBpup2kX-MBE1ZSFgk7-KgmbrJxXuHIqTO0WBQnbM9sTYaghAmPqHYTwzvON3JdttkIkqHZrwIU3uE4OpW8WvXQcAdHvFfcUrn2tuglbJ9kEHR-GO4JH4

    Final Notes

      • Respect my limits and I'll respect yours.
      • This list will be updated when I see fit
      • Love interests are written in order of preference.
      • Listed is the fandom I would be interested in writing for, with it are characters who I wished played against my OC. In return, I will play a character opposite your own OC.
      • Seriously, don't contact me if you're going to ditch. I'm tired of having someone contact me, I get excited and then get dropped. It's even worse when I write a starter or reply that goes unanswered. If you haven't heard from me in two to three weeks time send a follow-up message. I cannot stress this enough. Odds are I didn't receive your message, my own message has gone astray or something simply came up. Either way, I will always get replies out to my partners.
      • DO. NOT. HARASS. ME. Spamming won't make me respond faster, threatening to ditch the roleplay because I haven't responded won't make me respond faster. This will just turn me off from the whole thing altogether and I WILL end contact one way or another. I don't mind a light nudge or friendly ask, but anything else won't be accepted. I'm tired of it.
      • Be prepared to plot.
      • Plot Candies: Fandoms, Canon, Real world meets the Fandom world(aka: Characters from a fandom transported to the real world or vice versa), Action, Adventure, Superhero fiction, Crime, Fantasy, Supernatural, Urban Fantasy, Dark Fantasy, Epic/High Fantasy, Magical Girl, Alternate Universe, Horror, Mystery, Romance, Slice of Life, Thriller, Psychological, Drama, Mythology, Fiction, Tragedy, Time Travel, What-If (prompts),Married-Life, Pregnancy, Family, Crossovers, Reverse Harem.
      • If you decide to contact me please be sure to perform the following: Introduce yourself. I cannot stress how important first impressions matter and therefore would appreciate the effort to do so. I find when people contact me with simply "Want to RP?" or "RP?" to be very off-putting and therefore leaves me with no desire to reply. Next, please include any limits you may or may not have (this is important because I know everyone is different), what kind of roleplay you're interested in doing, and lastly who you would like as your oc's love interest. Lastly, it would be nice if you could include any ideas you may have. If you don't have any that's okay, if you do don't be shy to share. Thanks.
I'm still looking for a longterm partner.
I'm still looking for a longterm partner. ❤