• So many newbies lately! Here is a very important PSA about one of our most vital content policies! Read it even if you are an ancient member!

TESTING ᴛᴄɴɪᴄ's ᴡᴏʀᴋsʜᴏᴘ.

⇨ please do not claim any of these codes as your own. whether you modify it or not, it is still my creation and thus i expect for that to be respected. i willingly put them up for free use, so just be courteous.

⇨ do not use my codes as base codes. i'm simply not okay with it. 10000% you can pull inspiration from small pieces in my templates. using my code to build another, however, is not okay.

⇨ rarely will i apply credit to coding, but if i do i fully expect for it to remain there. it will always be transparent and out of the way of the coding, so there's truly no reason for you to touch it. if you see [*fa*]fa-crow[/*fa*] within the coding, don't touch it please!

do not post in this thread. if you have questions, comments, or concerns, head over to my workshop to yell at me or shoot me a pm directly.

⇨ i code on a late 2012 13" MacBook Pro. i don't have scrollbars at all, so i'm sure the coding isn't there to hide them. i also have absolutely no idea how my codes look on different dimensions / browsers / etc.

⇨ not a requirement at all, but a like on any coding you enjoyed would be greatly appreciated!
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imp colors: #708B81, #D1D1D1, #F1F1F1, #FFFFFF | imp fonts: Asap, Damion, tbd | muse: choi san | song: good things fall apart

  • I.
  • I.
    full name
    full answer here
    full answer here
    00 / 00 / 0000
    sexual orientation
    full answer here
    gender & pronouns
    full answer here ( pronoun / pronoun )
    languages spoken
    example, example
    religious beliefs
    full answer here
    full answer here
    full answer here
    full answer here
    hair color
    full answer here
    hair style
    full answer here
    eye color
    full answer here
    body - type
    endomorph, ectomorph, mesomorph
    unique features
    full answer here
    ? medical issues ?
    full answer here
    drinking, smoking, other drugs
    4 positive traits
    example ; vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia.
    example ; vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia.
    example ; vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia.
    example ; vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia.
    4 negative traits
    example ; vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia.
    example ; vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia.
    example ; vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia.
    example ; vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia.
    dislikes & fears
    example ; vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia.
    example ; vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia.
    example ; vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia.
    likes & hobbies
    example ; vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia.
    example ; vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia.
    example ; vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia.
    example ; vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia.
    example ; vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia.
    example ; vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia.
  • I.
    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum vitae justo ut tortor tempor pretium vel at dui. Vestibulum commodo consectetur elit nec dapibus. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Ut aliquet mauris eget semper laoreet. Ut ac velit orci. Integer faucibus id dolor eget condimentum. Curabitur porta finibus quam, ut elementum sem ultrices ut. Cras consequat libero vel augue scelerisque eleifend. Donec ligula dolor, ornare mattis urna ut, aliquam egestas nibh.

    Vivamus aliquam diam ut pulvinar tempus. Nunc sed nunc hendrerit diam consequat facilisis. Suspendisse potenti. Duis aliquam lobortis libero. Cras molestie nunc iaculis blandit interdum. Praesent ipsum purus, ornare eu mauris ut, porta porttitor orci. Nulla placerat maximus sem, sit amet fringilla tellus placerat at. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Sed vitae leo libero. Cras venenatis volutpat leo quis porta. Donec efficitur fermentum felis, a vehicula eros elementum a. In commodo, purus at facilisis scelerisque, quam tellus bibendum arcu, eget aliquet justo tortor nec tortor. Maecenas laoreet mauris sit amet sapien finibus, sit amet sodales elit eleifend.
  • I.
    first data bar
    second data bar
    third data bar
    wifi symbol
    6:41 PM
i'm coming to terms w a broken heart
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music players ref images:
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she's the bad girl i need.
long narrow img
─ about
MOOD ; insert here
LOCATION ; insert here
TASK ; insert here
MENTIONS ; insert here
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam et pharetra leo. Nullam in risus non quam consectetur dictum at et nulla. Morbi varius, eros porta semper dictum, erat metus ullamcorper dui, sed porta lacus urna ut sapien. In volutpat sem in euismod malesuada. Maecenas congue, neque id eleifend porttitor, ante massa aliquet libero, et volutpat libero ante vitae magna. In eu nisi odio. Vivamus eget metus a urna sollicitudin interdum. Cras vel elit tellus. Quisque ac tempus lorem. Pellentesque blandit augue nec commodo finibus.

Suspendisse efficitur dolor in felis molestie, vel vestibulum nibh elementum. Ut vel ipsum dui. Phasellus bibendum tortor mi, vel fringilla neque varius in. Nullam scelerisque ac nibh sed eleifend. Vivamus aliquam lacus sed risus aliquam convallis. Phasellus ultrices imperdiet lectus sit amet elementum. Nulla facilisi. Quisque tincidunt eleifend lectus, in consequat purus efficitur ac. Ut porttitor sapien lacus, at dapibus elit viverra ac. Donec sit amet ex convallis, ullamcorper nibh in, laoreet nisl. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Maecenas at est molestie, tempor metus a, iaculis lectus. Nulla ut dignissim neque. Vivamus nulla ante, ultrices a faucibus sit amet, tincidunt quis metus. Nulla pulvinar odio nec dolor varius iaculis.
code by tcnic
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a different kind of contract.
long narrow img
─ ezekiel
MOOD ; intrigued
LOCATION ; rouse estate
TASK ; get to the throne room
MENTIONS ; @Olissa
Footsteps echoed hollowly down the halls of the great stone castle Ezekiel had made his home in. It was a great beast of a structure. The rock used to create it had turned darker in age and the wood of the gate was beginning to lighten, creating quite an interesting contrast. From a distance, onlookers could see the flickering lights of candles or torches in each window, but they seemed to be the only source of light. It was a looming and daunting silhouette against the overcast grey of the morning sky. Perhaps that was why his subjects rarely came to him with their grievances. He couldn't blame them, truthfully. If he had still been human he likely would do the same. The footsteps drew closer to the low-lit room that he's in. Several golden candelabras sat on the shelves surfaces currently surrounding him and red satin currents were draped over all of the windows to keep any unnecessary light out. It had been a surprise to him when he had first realized that his blood slaves also tended to be sensitive to the light from the sun. It had been an easy adjustment for them, which he was grateful for.

The tip of his finger traced along the thundering pulse of the man he currently had his hands on, the human quivering excitedly with each touch he administered. Ezekiel knew that if he could see this blood slave, he was sure his face would be utterly blissed out — pupils dilated, jaw slack, mouth open, and eyes rolled back. Even with just the simplest of touches, he could send them into a fit of arousal. This specific one had been with him for years. He was addicted to the feeling and simply couldn't make himself leave Ezekiel's side. That was, generally, what happened with them all. He hadn't had a single one leave him of their own free-will.

He's just brushed his tongue along that same pulse, is just about to bare his teeth when the footsteps echoed once more outside his doorway and ceased. Ezekiel's pale gaze lazily flitted to the man that now stood there. Tall, pale, and chiseled. The living stereotype of a vampire with his reddish-brown eyes and black, perfectly styled tresses. His presence along spoke power. Ezekiel was one of the only people not bothered by this man.

"Linc," Ezekiel drawled, a bit irritated that his meal had been interrupted. Though his day was filled with little activity due to the general populations fear of him, he liked to stick to a schedule regardless. With a soft sigh, he pushed the golden-haired thrall from him and wiped a hand down the front of his top. His attire was casual. A simple, white button-up with the first two buttons open — a preference he'd never outgrown — and black slacks with faint grey lines pressed into the fabric. His feet were bare and made no sound at all as he placed them against the thick rug beneath the chaise lounge he'd been draped on. He approached the other vampire and looked up at him with a quirk of one of his slanted eyebrows. "I hope you have a good excuse for interrupting me."

"The noble girl, Celestine Nelson, has arrived," Linc informed him, short and to the point and without any senseless blathering. The mortals that worked in his state often let their words fly when conversing with him, stuttering over themselves and starting over more times than he had the patience to deal with. Linc was always concise and never referred to him as 'my lord' or 'my king.' They both knew Ezekiel had truly done nothing to receive his titles and he certainly hadn't been born of noble blood. "They're bringing her to the throne room."

Ezekiel's interest had been piqued long ago when he'd first heard Celestine's name. Most of the individuals who came to him looking to be a blood slave weren't of noble blood. However, he had heard through the grapevine that the Nelson family had become nothing more than a shell of what it had once been after tragedy had befallen them over and over. The woman had been left alone in the world, the last living proof that her family had ever existed, and the superstitious town had practically shunned her. Jobs weren't easy to come by when the town thought one was cursed. He supposed she truly didn't have a choice when he received word she wanted to serve him.

"Lovely," Ezekiel hummed, before pushing past the bulking man in the doorway. "I'll be there after I make myself presentable. Be sure they're ready for my presence," Ezekiel articulated as he stalked his way quickly to his private bedroom on the opposite side of his estate. He dismissed the maids he found dusting his dresser and wardrobe and righting his bedding. They exited with a respectful dip of their head and he reached for the dark, crimson coat that was hanging from the corner of his wardrobe. It slid onto his body with no resistance and settled in all of the nuances as if it were a second skin. He'd been wearing it for so long he was shocked it wasn't threads of string attached to a collar. The color was still rich and though the swirling designs on it had started to fade, he still found it just as magnificent.

Socks were soon pulled onto his arched feet followed by a pair of gleaming, ink black dress shoes that came to a slight point at the tip. His toes were often pinched by the tight leather of the shoes, but they fit with any outfit he put together. With a glance in the mirror beside his door, he deemed himself ready for the meeting with his newest thrall.
code by tcnic
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she's the bad girl i need.
long narrow img
─ name
MOOD ; insert
LOCATION ; insert
TASK ; insert
MENTIONS ; insert
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam et pharetra leo. Nullam in risus non quam consectetur dictum at et nulla. Morbi varius, eros porta semper dictum, erat metus ullamcorper dui, sed porta lacus urna ut sapien. In volutpat sem in euismod malesuada. Maecenas congue, neque id eleifend porttitor, ante massa aliquet libero, et volutpat libero ante vitae magna. In eu nisi odio. Vivamus eget metus a urna sollicitudin interdum. Cras vel elit tellus. Quisque ac tempus lorem. Pellentesque blandit augue nec commodo finibus.

Suspendisse efficitur dolor in felis molestie, vel vestibulum nibh elementum. Ut vel ipsum dui. Phasellus bibendum tortor mi, vel fringilla neque varius in. Nullam scelerisque ac nibh sed eleifend. Vivamus aliquam lacus sed risus aliquam convallis. Phasellus ultrices imperdiet lectus sit amet elementum. Nulla facilisi. Quisque tincidunt eleifend lectus, in consequat purus efficitur ac. Ut porttitor sapien lacus, at dapibus elit viverra ac. Donec sit amet ex convallis, ullamcorper nibh in, laoreet nisl. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Maecenas at est molestie, tempor metus a, iaculis lectus. Nulla ut dignissim neque. Vivamus nulla ante, ultrices a faucibus sit amet, tincidunt quis metus. Nulla pulvinar odio nec dolor varius iaculis.
code by tcnic
  • icon
    Mauris volutpat ornare mi, ac venenatis arcu eleifend non. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere.
    ⇾ Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
    Aliquam eleifend dolor enim, at convallis tortor fermentum in.
    Sed elementum mattis arcu vitae consequat. Nam posuere quam eget sem commodo, vitae tincidunt nisl volutpat. Phasellus ligula lorem, auctor sed libero nec, tempor maximus ex. Duis ac vestibulum tellus, non vulputate nunc. Morbi non risus vitae purus iaculis finibus. Vestibulum gravida, justo in iaculis tristique, magna nunc molestie enim, nec tempor tortor magna et ipsum. Morbi non velit sit amet leo fringilla scelerisque nec sit amet nisl. Maecenas nec sem sit amet metus consequat convallis. Aliquam convallis, elit at volutpat dictum, ligula nibh consectetur magna, at blandit tortor erat semper magna. Fusce faucibus tristique ante, quis pulvinar odio aliquet varius. Maecenas vel est laoreet, volutpat lectus ornare, lacinia libero.

    Mauris volutpat ornare mi, ac venenatis arcu eleifend non. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Aliquam porttitor lacus luctus imperdiet rhoncus. Sed lacinia mauris sit amet dignissim finibus. Aenean id posuere augue, eu rutrum sem. Nunc consequat ex elit, sit amet sodales nisi dignissim sed. Quisque ante odio, pharetra a elementum malesuada, ullamcorper in sapien.
  • icon
    Mauris volutpat ornare mi, ac venenatis arcu eleifend non. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere.
    ⇾ Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
    Aliquam eleifend dolor enim, at convallis tortor fermentum in.
    Sed elementum mattis arcu vitae consequat. Nam posuere quam eget sem commodo, vitae tincidunt nisl volutpat. Phasellus ligula lorem, auctor sed libero nec, tempor maximus ex. Duis ac vestibulum tellus, non vulputate nunc. Morbi non risus vitae purus iaculis finibus. Vestibulum gravida, justo in iaculis tristique, magna nunc molestie enim, nec tempor tortor magna et ipsum. Morbi non velit sit amet leo fringilla scelerisque nec sit amet nisl. Maecenas nec sem sit amet metus consequat convallis. Aliquam convallis, elit at volutpat dictum, ligula nibh consectetur magna, at blandit tortor erat semper magna. Fusce faucibus tristique ante, quis pulvinar odio aliquet varius. Maecenas vel est laoreet, volutpat lectus ornare, lacinia libero.

    Mauris volutpat ornare mi, ac venenatis arcu eleifend non. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Aliquam porttitor lacus luctus imperdiet rhoncus. Sed lacinia mauris sit amet dignissim finibus. Aenean id posuere augue, eu rutrum sem. Nunc consequat ex elit, sit amet sodales nisi dignissim sed. Quisque ante odio, pharetra a elementum malesuada, ullamcorper in sapien.
  • icon
    Mauris volutpat ornare mi, ac venenatis arcu eleifend non. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere.
    ⇾ Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
    Aliquam eleifend dolor enim, at convallis tortor fermentum in.
    Sed elementum mattis arcu vitae consequat. Nam posuere quam eget sem commodo, vitae tincidunt nisl volutpat. Phasellus ligula lorem, auctor sed libero nec, tempor maximus ex. Duis ac vestibulum tellus, non vulputate nunc. Morbi non risus vitae purus iaculis finibus. Vestibulum gravida, justo in iaculis tristique, magna nunc molestie enim, nec tempor tortor magna et ipsum. Morbi non velit sit amet leo fringilla scelerisque nec sit amet nisl. Maecenas nec sem sit amet metus consequat convallis. Aliquam convallis, elit at volutpat dictum, ligula nibh consectetur magna, at blandit tortor erat semper magna. Fusce faucibus tristique ante, quis pulvinar odio aliquet varius. Maecenas vel est laoreet, volutpat lectus ornare, lacinia libero.

    Mauris volutpat ornare mi, ac venenatis arcu eleifend non. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Aliquam porttitor lacus luctus imperdiet rhoncus. Sed lacinia mauris sit amet dignissim finibus. Aenean id posuere augue, eu rutrum sem. Nunc consequat ex elit, sit amet sodales nisi dignissim sed. Quisque ante odio, pharetra a elementum malesuada, ullamcorper in sapien.
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  • icon
    tcnic, mdt, INFP-T
    just a trash coder & writer tryna find some cool people to write unique stories with. feel free to send me a pm if you're interested !
    what you can expect ;
    i'm an experienced [ 7-8 years ], literate, and advanced roleplayer with 4 paragraphs as my absolute minimum, 7 as my average, and 8+ a common occurrence.
    i will always inform my partners if i'll be away for more than five days; this will be in the form of a direct message or a post on my page. i 100% believe in keeping communication as open and constant with a partner as possible. i won't ever drop without notifying, but i'm ditch-friendly. i hold no ill will towards those that ghost me.
    fairly consistent activity on the site, but a bit slow with rp replies. i'm a slow writer and my muse is often dwindling, especially during the beginning stage of a roleplay. once i'm invested, you can expect a couple/multiple replies a week. before that likely one reply a week. however, i do get busy and this is a HOBBY so at times it will take me longer.
    i'm an AWKWARD motherfucker and will be the first to admit it. i've been diagnosed with generalized anxiety and despite finding easier methods to approach people, i still struggle. it may take me a day or two to get to your first PM to me because of this. however, once i'm comfortable i'll respond to OOC very quickly.
    pretty much all of my characters are switches without preference and can be swayed one way or another depending on the character they're playing against. i do not want to be stuck in the dominant role for all of my roleplays, however.
    i truly have no preference on how much smut is within any of my roleplays. it can be 24/7, here and there, or not at all. it's up to you. [ curious about my kinks? check out my f-list ]
    i will prefer mxm, fxf, fxnb, mxnb, etc. to mxf any day of the week. i played mxf exclusively for the first few years i roleplayed and now i just can't keep muse for it.
    i love world-building and i love playing multiple characters. multiple points of view help me A LOT, even if i'm playing a single main character and multiple npcs.
    i'm ALWAYS down for multiple roleplays with my partners. if there are two pairings you just can't choose between, let's do them both.
    if i ever feel uncomfortable or am put off by something said, i will bring it up in a mature fashion. i hate drama. i've been involved in far too much of it in the past. i won't ever shade you, talk shit to someone else, or let my anger boil. i'll always be 100%.
    after i get past my awkwardness, i'll want to send you all kinds of inspiration for our roleplay in various forms AND want to talk to you enough that we're familiar with one another. this is ONLY if you want that. if you want to keep ooc to a minimum, i'll respect that. i also have a discord that is 100% up for grabs if you prefer that for ooc.
    the medium i like to roleplay on are threads. PMs are great for OOC, but i simply lose or forget about roleplays in my conversations ; i'm partial to drawn fc's at the moment [ of any style ], but don't mind realistic ones in the slightest ; i'm a big coder & use a lot of it, but don't feel like you have to at all. i'm just a hoe for the aesthetic.
    what i expect ;
    i want at least four paragraphs, more encouraged, otherwise my muse will dwindle. i can't get into roleplays that consist of super short replies.
    i'm not at all picky on this. every day? once a week? every other month? they're all cool w me.
    like i said above, my reply speed may be inconsistent. i'd like partners that won't rush me and will be understanding of my day-to-day life.
    i am NOT very creative when it's just me. when i'm able to bounce ideas back and forth with someone, i have a much easier time contributing to plotting. which means, you have to be just as willing to actively participate in planning the rp as i am.
    while not a necessity [ i love roleplaying platonic stuff too ], it is a HUGE preference of mine that romance is involved. in certain roleplays, such as ones having to do with kidnapping, i won't allow romance, though. that shit is wack.
    while i won't ever push it on someone, you gain major brownie points with me if you're willing to bring several NPCs/OCsinto the story.
    BE NICE ???
    i don't get along with passive-aggressive personalities in OOC chat and if i sense it, i will dip on you. i'm not here for drama and starting it with me is pretty much the only way to turn me off from a partner.
  • icon
    tcnic, mdt, INFP-T
    just a trash coder & writer tryna find some cool people to write unique stories with. feel free to send me a pm if you're interested !
    fandom pairings ;
    italics ; my preferred role
    green ; craving
    ⇾ ✦ ; plot seed​

    erwin smith & levi ackerman
    jean kirstein & marco bodt
    ◦ annie leonhart & bertholdt hoover
    ◦ reiner braun & historia reiss
    jean kirstein & armin arlet
    hange zoë & moblit berner
    reiner braun & bertholdt hoover
    mikasa ackerman & jean kirstein
    hange zoë & levi ackerman
    ◦ ymir & historia reiss
    eren jaegar & oc
    ◦ mikasa ackerman & oc
    levi ackerman & oc
    ◦ connie springer & oc
    reiner braun & oc
    oc & oc ✦​

    otabek altin & yuri plisetsky
    viktor nikiforov & yuuri katsuki
    ◦ leo de la iglesia & guang hong ji
    seung-gil lee & phichit chulanont
    ◦ mila babicheva & otabek altin
    ◦ georgi popovich & oc​

    min woojin & yoon taemin ✦​

    NO. 6
    nezumi & shion
    ◦ OC & OC​

    decim & chiyuki
    ginti & oc
    ◦ quin & oc​

    ◦ ronald weasley & hermione granger
    ◦ neville longbottom & luna lovegood
    ◦ tom riddle & oc
    newt scamander & oc
    ◦ oc & oc​

    connor & hank anderson
    luther & kara
    markus & simon ✦
    gavin & rk900
    connor & oc
    ◦ markus & oc
    oc & oc

    nico di angelo & will solace
    percy jackson & annabeth chase
    leo valdez & calypso
    OC & OC ✧​

    arya stark & gendry baratheon
    theon greyjoy & sansa stark
    ◦ brienne tarth & jamie lannister
    jon snow & oc
    daenerys targaryen & oc
    podrick payne & oc
    tyrion lannister & oc
    tormund giantsbane & oc ✦​

    magnus bane & alec lightwood
    ◦ simon lewis & raphael santiago
    ◦ jace herondale & clary fray
    ◦ simon lewis & isabelle lightwood
    ◦ oc & oc​

    red dead redemption 2
    ◦ the haunting of hill house
    ◦ black mirror
    ◦ fablehaven
    ◦ the purge
    ◦ doubt
    ◦ the wolf among us
    ◦ outlast
    ◦ the last of us
    ◦ the kane chronicles
    ◦ the hunger games
    ◦ divergent
    ◦ the giver / gathering blue
    ◦ ready player one
    heaven & hell roman company
    here u are
    the baker on the first floor
    original pairings ;
    ◦ werewolf & human
    ◦ werewolf & vampire
    ◦ werewolf / vampire & monster hunter
    light elf & dark elf
    ◦ princess & lady in waiting
    ◦ prince & knight
    knight & criminal
    ◦ pirate & knight
    royal & warrior
    royal & wounded enemy
    ◦ assassin & royal
    ◦ queen/king & sorceress
    demon & nephilim
    ghost & human
    ◦ mermaid/man & pirate
    ◦ royal & pirate
    ◦ embodiment of a sin & human
    ◦ ancient deity & priest/priestess
    ancient deity & archaeologist
    ◦ ancient deity & non-believer
    ◦ ancient deity & cultist
    ◦ priest/priestess & low-class worker​

    closeted politician & sex worker
    closeted college athlete & outed art kid
    crooked cop & sex worker
    professor & professor
    student & professor
    college jock & loner
    photographer & model
    ◦ celebrity & fan
    ◦ celebrity & anti-fan
    celebrity & personal assistant
    ◦ punk / rock artist & punk / rock artist
    punk / rock artist & Soft Babe™
    recovered addict & addict
    ◦ drug dealer & addict's sibling
    ◦ ballerina & ballerina
    ballerina & dance instructor
    ◦ soulmate & soulmate ✧
    ◦ mafia member & civilian
    ◦ mafia member & rival mafia member
    ◦ mafia member & senator's child
    drunk patron & bartender
    ◦ tattoo artist & florist
    ◦ tattooer / piercer & client
    ◦ ex & ex
    ◦ psychic / medium & skeptic​

    alpha & omega
    omega & omega
    alpha & alpha
    ◦ android & human
    ◦ android & android
    ◦ alien leader & human diplomat
    apocalypse survivor & apocalypse survivor
    ◦ space explorer & alien
    superhero & supervillain
    ◦ viking & nordic god.
    ◦ circus 'freak' & socialite.
    cirque performer & cirque performer
    ◦ socialite & bandit / outlaw
    ◦ bandit / outlaw & bandit / outlaw
    ◦ greaser & prep​
  • icon
    tcnic, mdt, INFP-T
    just a trash coder & writer tryna find some cool people to write unique stories with. feel free to send me a pm if you're interested !
    plots ;
    italics ; my preferred role
    ⇾ ✦ ; craving​

    [ MxM ] ✦ ; muse a is a junior in college. he's well-known, friendly, and involved in school activities more than anyone else. he's the president of this club and that and excels in all of his courses. his social life isn't too drabby either. when he was forced out of the closet during sophomore year, he feared that he would lose all of that. he was surprised that nobody cared.

    muse b is a freshman in college. he's grumpy, aloof, and disinterested in most things. when he walks onto campus the first day, reluctantly, he's immediately greeted by muse a, who is simply the most chipper individual he's ever laid eyes on. he brushes muse a off and simply keeps walking. the beginning of his year started with fights in the dorms, skipping classes and ignoring homework, and sneaking out after curfew. one night, muse b catches muse a sneaking out and with a mischievous grin, muse a asks if muse b wants to tag along.

    [ FxF ] ; muse a is horrified as she enters college. she's in an entirely new place, far away from her family and friends. the halls of her dorm are chaotic as people move in. there's luggage littered across the floor, trash tucked against the wall, people shouting and bumping into each other, and none of it makes muse a feel like this is the place they should be. after being informed that she has to get the key to her dorm from the RA, she's even more down in the dumps. she mopes to muse b's room and knocks on the doorway.

    muse b loves the college lifestyle. as a junior, she's done pretty well for herself. when a new freshman walks in, looking absolutely shaken, she knows she's got to help the girl out. muse a is soon constantly going to muse b for everything and they grow to be fairly close. however, muse a has never once questioned her sexuality, while muse b is open about hers, and it throws her for a loop when she realizes she might be attracted to her friend.

    [ MxM, MxNB, FxF, FxNB, etc. ] ; muse a and muse b have known one another for a long time. they're close friends and everyone around them is convinced they're dating. maybe that's why they get drunk together one night and end up sleeping together. afterward, they have a discussion and decide that while neither of them are interested in a relationship with the other, they both enjoyed their time together and they start fucking with no strings attached.

    muse a, however, begins to develop feelings after a short time — they've always been called the more emotional of the duo. one day, they prepare to tell muse b and that's the day muse b informs muse a that they're no longer interested in their arrangement due to the fact that they're now attempting to pursue a relationship.

    [ FxF ] ; muse a grew up surrounded by what seemed like a thousand older brothers. it wasn't surprising when she began gravitating towards frat parties instead of ones held by sororities and she blended in more with the crowd at frats, she believed. she's always regarded sorority girls as one thing and one thing only.

    one night, muse a is approached by muse b at a fraternity party. unknown to muse a, but muse b is the president of one of the biggest sororities on campus. yet, she doesn't fit the stereotypes at all. muse a finds that muse b is intelligent, witty, and somewhat cynical. the crush muse a develops on muse b is almost instantaneous.

    [ MxM, MxNB, FxF, FxNB ] ; after discovering their significant other's infidelity and the subsequent break-up, muse a is left with nothing. they had poured their heart and souls into their relationship for several years, only to be forced to return home. they move back in with their parents and get a job at the local bar, putting their bartending license to good use. while there, they end up serving muse b, a former fling from high school.

    muse b slept around a lot in high school and continued to after graduation. they've never had to patience for a relationship and has never wanted to put in the effort it takes. they despise confrontation. the only person they've ever felt differently towards is muse a. when muse b spots muse a serving drinks at the bar, their heart nearly falls into their throat.

    muse b hears of muse a's relationship and its poor end and the impacts it had left on them. muse b, despite their past tendencies, can't help but want to help them work through their grief.

    [ MxM, MxNB, FxF, FxNB, etc. ] ✦ ; muse a and muse b were both born into wealthy, influential families. their families are the modern equivalent of royalty and have been friends for generations. their lives have been intermingled for as long as they can remember and, frankly, they loathe one another.

    muse a thinks muse b is an uptight prude, while muse b thinks muse a is an arrogant airhead. they've always been at odds with one another and are always quarreling at get-togethers — and yet their families get it in their heads that they're in love. over the winter, their families both make a plan that will get the two adults together after several years.

    when muse b lands in the airport of their hometown and finally finds their family, they're not happy to see that muse a is among them, also having just arrived. during the time they spend there, their families continuously attempt to push them together and making plans that purposefully make them spend time together.

    [ MxM, MxNB ] ; muse a has always been the 'golden boy.' his grades were always above average, he had a thriving social life, and he happened to be the star of the football team in high school. nothing changes when he goes to college. he's always got a girlfriend but never seems interested in them.

    muse b is at the same university, there to study in their art program. their energy is contagious, they're confident in themselves, and they're beyond talented when it comes to putting a paintbrush to canvas. they weren't as popular in high school — especially not after they came out.

    muse a and muse b both end up attending the same fraternity party. muse a drinks far too much and does his best to avoid his current girlfriend. somehow, someway their attention is drawn to one another and, out of the blue, muse a kisses muse b. except muse a is straight or always thought himself to be.

    [ MxM, MxNB, FxF, FxNB, etc. ] ✦ ; muse a is your average college student. they get to their classes on time, work in a coffee shop part-time, and party a little extra once the week is over. their life, however, is turned completely upside down when they witness something they definitely shouldn't have. a murder.

    they're taking out the trash, the last person left in the shop after closing, when they hear two shots fire off and they look up to see two men. one with the gun raised and the other flat on his back with blood blooming from his chest. muse a can't stop the noise that leaves them. the still living man sees them and though muse a tries to escape, they can't.

    when he next wakes up, he's sitting in the office of muse b. muse b is the head of the notorious mafia/gang that runs the city of [blank]. their capo had simply been taking care of a mole when a civilian had spotted him and suddenly, this civilian was placed before them and they were supposed to figure out what to do with them.

    eventually, muse a swears themselves to secrecy and promises they won't tell a soul, already fearing that they might not make it out of the situation alive. surprisingly, muse b allows this -- on the condition that they're allowed to pop in whenever they please. hesitant, but eager to go home, muse a also agrees. [ bonus points for omegaverse! ]​

    [ MxM, MxNB, FxF, FxNB, etc. ] ; muse a and muse b have spent every lifetime together. falling in love, growing old, over and over again with one another. when they die, they're given the option to retain the memories of their past lives or forget. both have always chosen the former. they promised they always would.

    it's 2019 when muse a sees muse b again. they're working as an intern in an office building, fetching coffee and treats as they were ordered, and nervous for the visit of the ceo. when muse b walks into the room, muse a is instantly struck with the realization of who they are and simply cannot help themselves when they approach muse b in a high unprofessional manner.

    the only problem is that, this time, muse b chose to forget.

    [ MxM, MxNB ] ; muse a is the son of apollo. as a child, it was discovered he had a certain foresight that would aid the safe place in which people like him could reside. an oracle, they called him, though for many years he went without any other visions.

    muse b has just recently reached their safe haven. they haven't yet discovered the deity that patented them. they hadn't even known their mortal parent before they arrived. while entering, they make eye contact with muse a, who was drawn to the location for a reason he was unable to explain. when their eyes lock, muse a is sent into a vision and is soon spewing a prophecy with his eyes still trained on muse b. a quest, he mentions, but muse b can't quite make out the details.

    later, when muse a comes to, he insists that he must also go on this quest, for it will fail should he stay. the leaders of their safe haven aren't particularly willing to let their oracle go.

    [ MxM ] ; muse a is half-angel — a nephilim. their heritage, in part, is what he blames for all of the misfortunes that have befallen him in recent years. he's gloomy, cynical, and self-destructive. when he's found by a strange group of people and they convince him to go with them, he's worried but, anything was better than his current situation.

    when muse a arrives at this secret location, he's shocked to find a place full of people just like him. kids and elders of different species mingle in the courtyard. people his age flit through with smiles on their faces, as if their pointed ears or sharpened canines didn't exist.

    muse b is half-demon. generally, his kind aren't allowed within this sanctuary. they have a long, terrible history of causing chaos and creating ruin with other species. however, muse b was found as an infant and brought to this place. nobody would have ever suspected that despite growing up here, muse b planned to destroy it after being bent to the will of his powerful father.

    muse a meets muse b and, immediately, finds himself uncomfortable around the other without being able to explain why. though, after introductions are made muse a forgets the initial feelings that had hit him and, instead, finds himself interested in the other. an interest that simply isn't natural between the two rival species.

    though muse b attempts to escape muse a's narrow focus, he soon finds that he simply doesn't want to. however, he's learned that it isn't wise to disobey his father.​
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cs outline
full name ; blh blh blh
nickname(s) ; blh blh blh
age ; blh blh blh
date of birth ; blh blh blh
sexual orientation ; blh blh blh
gender & pronouns ; blh blh blh
spoken languages ; blh blh blh
religion ; blh blh blh
verse ; blh blh blh
faceclaim ; blh blh blh [ if applicable ]
species ; blh blh blh [ if applicable ]
secondary gender ; blh blh blh [ if applicable ]

height ; blh blh blh
weight ; blh blh blh
hair color ; blh blh blh
hair type ; blh blh blh
eye color ; blh blh blh
body type ; endomorph, ectomorph, mesomorph
unique features ; blh blh blh
? medical issues ? ; blh blh blh
habits ; smoking, drinking, other drugs ?

personality traits ; [ 1 ] example ─ vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae. [ 2 ] example ─ vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae. vestibulum cursus at nunc vitae tincidunt. [ 3 ] example ─ vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae. vestibulum cursus at nunc vitae tincidunt. [ 4 ] example ─ vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae. vestibulum cursus at nunc vitae tincidunt.

history ; Curabitur efficitur auctor nulla vitae pulvinar. Cras vestibulum urna a turpis tempor consequat. Phasellus porta feugiat quam, nec volutpat velit pellentesque sit amet. Praesent suscipit sagittis ornare. Integer dignissim purus gravida nunc lobortis, vel porttitor nulla eleifend. Fusce vel cursus odio. Donec nulla elit, ornare eget condimentum quis, ultricies ac elit. Etiam eget blandit massa. Proin cursus, libero eu hendrerit pellentesque, ligula arcu consequat nibh, non vestibulum metus augue hendrerit orci. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Morbi congue, odio quis condimentum finibus, dolor lectus dignissim tellus, in lobortis mauris augue at ligula.

headcanons ; [ 1 ] example ─ vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae. [ 2 ] example ─ vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae. vestibulum cursus at nunc vitae tincidunt. [ 3 ] example ─ vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae. vestibulum cursus at nunc vitae tincidunt. [ 4 ] example ─ vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae. vestibulum cursus at nunc vitae tincidunt.
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malikai ertz
frustrated ; students / interacting w joaquin ; at the lunch room
"While the overall image of your piece is wonderful," Kai began, a hard-cover notebook grasped in one hand and a ballpoint pen in the other. He was scribbling in his messy scrawl as he spoke to his students about their mid-term project. For the most part, it seemed that his students were reaching only average performances, at best. Even though it was only the platinum-haired alpha's second year teaching at the university he couldn't help but beat himself up over the fact that his students weren't excelling. "The details are off and the contrast between subjects could be improved," He asserted, looking down at the timid-looking girl. This was the first real conversation he'd had with her, he realized. With a nod of her head, Kai moved away from her and took his place at the front of the classroom. He set his journal down and closed the lid, palm pressed flat against it to ensure it was closed, before he looked up to address the waiting students.

"Now that you've heard my critiques, I expect you to make changes you deem appropriate and that will add to your overall piece for the better. You have two weeks until then," They all nodded collectively, quiet apart from the occasional sigh or yawn. "I'll be putting in your grades for what you've already turned in, in a weeks time." Kai glanced at the clock on the wall above his door, before he jerked his head towards the exit slightly. "You're dismissed. I'll see you again on Thursday."

Kai watched as the students filtered out of the room, gathering their supplies and their artwork in silence, before they erupted into sound in the hallway. He shook his silver head as he turned his attention back to the papers on his desk. He began shoving them into the bag he carried around campus and when he'd fit the journal into the remaining space. He flipped off the light as he exited the room and shut the door snugly. Kai let out a small sound of surprise when he turned around and ran into someone, but was instantly relieved when he saw Joaquin's friendly face smiling down at him. Mr. Gonzalez was a monster of a man, but the gentlest individual he'd ever met. The two had become quick friends over planning periods and lunches spent together.

"You done for the day?" Joaquin questioned as they began walking in the direction of the teacher's lounge. Kai shook his head, eyebrows pinched together in a frown. "I have an Intro to Art Theory lecture at four," He sighed out, to which Joaquin nodded. The silver-headed man already knew that his companion was done for the day. The human geography teacher only taught one class on Tuesdays, while the rest of his week was packed. He had several students and though at first many of them seemed to be there to fill credit requirements, Joaquin had a charm to him that wooed many over to his field of study. He proudly admitted to the fact and often, much to Kai's dismay. He wasn't quite as lucky.

Even as a full-grown man who had been out in the real world since he'd been able, he still hadn't blossomed socially. He was stuck in his shell and the awkward situations he put himself in only helped to keep him there. He'd tried to connect with his students and had sought advice from the various teachers he'd become acquainted with through his profession. None of it had worked for him. "You sticking around for lunch?" Kai questioned as they entered the central building to the campus, which was just off the busy quad. They both greeted the woman at the front as they ventured toward the staff quarters.

"I wouldn't be following you if I wasn't. My car is on the other side of the parking lot," Joaquin snorted and Kai turned his nose up at him, lips pursing together in mock offense. The raven-haired man simply chuckled at his side as they finally entered where some of the other teachers were already seated, picking at the food from the cafeteria or their own lunches. Kai waved in the direction of the other art teachers, who grinned his way, before turning back to their conversation.

"He always sits alone," Joaquin observed as they sat down at an empty table and piled the contents of their lunches on the flat surface. They picked at each other's food items as Kai turned his head slightly to get a glimpse of the individual he knew his co-worker was talking about. Ren Kaneki. While seemingly unfriendly and unwilling to forge relationships with his co-workers, he absolutely thrived in the classroom with his students and Kai had never heard a single bad thing from any of his students. That was rare. The students were always incredibly opinionated and open if they disliked a professor. "Maybe he prefers it," Kai hummed as he bit into a baby carrot, onyx eyes still trained discreetly on their elusive co-worker.

"Have you asked him what you can do with your students?" Joaquin inquired thoughtfully, the metal of his spoon clacked against his teeth as it fed yogurt into his mouth. Kai scoffed and turned his attention to the man at his side, looking at him in disbelief. "He doesn't even talk to you. Why on Earth would he answer my questions?"

To that, Joaquin simply shrugged his shoulders and sat back in his chair. "It's worth a try," He suggested and Kai sighed, before he looked back over at Ren. Perhaps, it would be.
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font-awesome test
stagnant ;
animated ;

transform test

flex test
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{ in character post ; mobile-friendly version available ; easy to modify ; transparent credit applied }
she's the bad girl i need.
long narrow img
─ about
MOOD ; insert here
LOCATION ; insert here
TASK ; insert here
MENTIONS ; insert here
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam et pharetra leo. Nullam in risus non quam consectetur dictum at et nulla. Morbi varius, eros porta semper dictum, erat metus ullamcorper dui, sed porta lacus urna ut sapien. In volutpat sem in euismod malesuada. Maecenas congue, neque id eleifend porttitor, ante massa aliquet libero, et volutpat libero ante vitae magna. In eu nisi odio. Vivamus eget metus a urna sollicitudin interdum. Cras vel elit tellus. Quisque ac tempus lorem. Pellentesque blandit augue nec commodo finibus.
Suspendisse efficitur dolor in felis molestie, vel vestibulum nibh elementum. Ut vel ipsum dui. Phasellus bibendum tortor mi, vel fringilla neque varius in. Nullam scelerisque ac nibh sed eleifend. Vivamus aliquam lacus sed risus aliquam convallis. Phasellus ultrices imperdiet lectus sit amet elementum. Nulla facilisi. Quisque tincidunt eleifend lectus, in consequat purus efficitur ac. Ut porttitor sapien lacus, at dapibus elit viverra ac. Donec sit amet ex convallis, ullamcorper nibh in, laoreet nisl. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Maecenas at est molestie, tempor metus a, iaculis lectus. Nulla ut dignissim neque. Vivamus nulla ante, ultrices a faucibus sit amet, tincidunt quis metus. Nulla pulvinar odio nec dolor varius iaculis.
code by tcnic
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[ in character codes ]
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y'all have NO idea how proud of this code I am okay ,,, fonts: anton, la belle aurore

  • first image
    second image
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    age | occupation | sexuality
    : here
    ▌name meaning
    : here
    ▌nickname [ s ]
    : here
    : here
    ▌date of birth
    : here
    ▌place of birth
    : here
    ▌current location
    : here
    ▌zodiac sign
    : here
    : here
    : here [ pro / pro ]
    : here
    ▌fluent languages
    : here
    : here
    : here
    : here
    : here
    ▌hair color
    : here
    ▌hair type
    : here
    ▌facial hair
    : here [ if applicable ]
    ▌eye color
    : here
    : endomorph, ectomorph, mesomorph
    : example, example, example
    ▌tattoos / piercings
    : here
    ▌unique features
    : here
    ▌? medical issues ?
    : here
    : here
  • first image
    second image
    third image
    Nulla iaculis metus vel cursus dapibus. Sed mi nulla, accumsan sed purus nec, molestie venenatis tellus. Aliquam a finibus sem, a pellentesque purus. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Duis pulvinar sapien sit amet elit faucibus, vel feugiat eros cursus. Donec fringilla imperdiet dolor, ultricies tincidunt nulla lacinia vitae. Sed vulputate nulla elementum fringilla condimentum. Integer pellentesque justo at lacinia pharetra. Proin porttitor ipsum vitae ante placerat, eget vulputate turpis suscipit.

    Cras sed varius ipsum, ut finibus tellus. Sed vitae neque vitae purus semper porttitor et non nulla. In vitae lorem sem. Nulla vel blandit eros, sit amet dictum turpis. Pellentesque vitae aliquet turpis. Phasellus varius orci pretium turpis iaculis tincidunt. Ut nisl sapien, suscipit nec nisl ut, ullamcorper sollicitudin enim. Donec lacinia augue ac suscipit vestibulum. Cras nec turpis nisl. In dignissim risus placerat nulla tempor, ac eleifend metus consectetur. Integer non erat in leo gravida porttitor.

    Curabitur nulla nulla, feugiat ac orci iaculis, tincidunt scelerisque nibh. Suspendisse mattis ornare scelerisque. In pellentesque et odio nec vehicula. Nunc efficitur ut nunc eu vehicula. In nibh lorem, pulvinar sit amet sem ut, hendrerit mollis ipsum. Morbi dignissim nisi eget nisl posuere placerat. Curabitur volutpat ipsum pellentesque, tincidunt orci eget, iaculis nunc. Maecenas mauris tellus, blandit ut nibh in, rhoncus tincidunt urna.
  • first image
    second image
    third image
    first icon third tab
    second icon third tab
    › Morbi dolor velit, consectetur eget tortor ac, vestibulum faucibus risus.
    › Morbi dolor velit, consectetur eget tortor ac, vestibulum faucibus risus.
    › Morbi dolor velit, consectetur eget tortor ac, vestibulum faucibus risus.
    › Morbi dolor velit, consectetur eget tortor ac, vestibulum faucibus risus.
    › Morbi dolor velit, consectetur eget tortor ac, vestibulum faucibus risus.
    › Morbi dolor velit, consectetur eget tortor ac, vestibulum faucibus risus.
    › Morbi dolor velit, consectetur eget tortor ac, vestibulum faucibus risus.
    › Morbi dolor velit, consectetur eget tortor ac, vestibulum faucibus risus.
    › Morbi dolor velit, consectetur eget tortor ac, vestibulum faucibus risus.
first icon
second icon
anxious heart
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mentions ─ location
Aenean laoreet molestie felis, ac luctus mi congue sed. Donec malesuada ac velit at vehicula. Nam sit amet nisi augue. Sed semper tortor sapien, at finibus nisl efficitur vitae. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Duis quis quam efficitur, ullamcorper magna non, iaculis mauris. Nulla iaculis nunc leo, et volutpat risus mollis et. Morbi rutrum eros eget pretium sagittis. Nunc vel est egestas, semper metus at, sagittis sem.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum ullamcorper tempor felis in placerat. Cras pharetra turpis nec nulla hendrerit porta aliquam et dolor. Quisque quam sem, scelerisque eget risus eu, sollicitudin dignissim metus. Sed euismod ultrices neque, nec fermentum nisi pretium non. Curabitur neque purus, elementum quis iaculis vel, porta vel dolor. Nulla a nisl ut lectus rhoncus pellentesque. Sed auctor ultricies elit, id interdum libero euismod at. Nam laoreet, neque ac elementum consequat, felis sapien porta ex, at porttitor augue quam quis est.
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who dat boy
who him is ?
Ut sollicitudin ligula eleifend, ornare nibh et, fermentum ligula. Ut aliquam urna non euismod laoreet. In sagittis nec eros a aliquet. Sed eget dui a metus viverra tincidunt. Nulla ut ipsum urna. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Donec placerat lobortis nulla, ac eleifend erat placerat vel.
Donec facilisis enim purus, sed lacinia ante iaculis eu. Phasellus ultrices, ante vitae ornare tincidunt, ex diam commodo velit, quis dapibus quam nibh eget enim. Fusce pretium scelerisque quam. Quisque luctus eget dolor quis tincidunt. Aliquam vestibulum purus quis magna porttitor rhoncus. Suspendisse at ornare turpis, id rutrum leo. Cras sed risus ultrices nulla dignissim gravida. Duis quis ex non ligula rutrum vestibulum.
Sed at tempor ipsum, vitae gravida sapien. Aliquam dictum lobortis justo, sed consequat purus tincidunt ac. Phasellus ullamcorper metus id aliquet accumsan. Morbi dictum mauris ligula. Fusce cursus iaculis ipsum, sed tincidunt lorem scelerisque vel. Pellentesque porta volutpat lectus ac faucibus. Suspendisse congue ornare laoreet. Suspendisse potenti. Praesent erat lectus, rhoncus ac massa vitae, scelerisque mollis ligula. Fusce finibus in nibh vitae ornare. Aenean commodo, turpis eu feugiat cursus, felis purus congue ex, vitae hendrerit urna odio non sapien. Sed vel convallis mauris. Curabitur porta interdum semper.
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misclicked the bump button x-x
Phasellus ac pharetra lacus. Proin lacinia, elit ac ornare tincidunt, lacus tortor finibus ligula, vitae sodales est nulla id purus. Phasellus consequat vitae mauris in varius. Morbi iaculis, ligula quis tempor mattis, enim orci tempor quam, ut rutrum justo massa nec neque. Duis facilisis, neque eget aliquet rutrum, mi nisi luctus neque, at bibendum nunc justo non enim. Fusce leo neque, aliquet ac molestie sollicitudin, varius vitae felis. Aenean sit amet ipsum aliquam, pulvinar orci eu, bibendum enim.
Nunc vehicula diam id ante molestie, at bibendum arcu hendrerit. Curabitur lacinia ligula commodo est egestas sodales. Etiam turpis diam, vehicula in aliquam vel, vestibulum eget ipsum. Praesent auctor dignissim justo id dictum. Aenean rutrum metus odio, dapibus tempor magna viverra et. Nunc pulvinar, nibh ut maximus euismod, erat odio convallis erat, at eleifend nunc lacus eget sapien. Quisque sit amet nisl faucibus, eleifend lacus in, tincidunt erat. Nulla venenatis imperdiet tortor.
Donec venenatis pellentesque odio vel euismod. Vestibulum at diam in enim rhoncus lobortis sed nec ipsum. Sed id urna lacus. Nullam elementum nunc vitae purus finibus, vel rutrum lacus blandit. Integer sodales lectus libero, eu tristique ligula vehicula vitae. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aenean viverra orci libero, nec pretium risus iaculis id. Maecenas nisi neque, lobortis a metus in, interdum sollicitudin orci. Phasellus dictum ac lorem sed consectetur. Sed pretium ex ut velit fringilla porttitor. Maecenas bibendum turpis quis vestibulum pharetra.
Maecenas vel tellus non metus commodo maximus. Sed ut ipsum semper turpis posuere ullamcorper. Aenean est risus, pretium at tempus non, egestas vel sapien. Etiam eget eros varius, consectetur nunc rutrum, eleifend sem. Sed et auctor diam. Morbi vehicula ornare neque tristique finibus. Mauris eu lacus eu quam scelerisque consequat ut ac nulla. Quisque efficitur quam quis luctus maximus. Proin volutpat feugiat diam quis blandit. Praesent nec iaculis nulla, et pellentesque ligula.
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the flower bloomed and faded. the sun rose and sank. and, in the end, i will seek you out amongst the stars.
@taggy-tag @taggy-tag @taggy-tag @taggy-tag

smthn else here idk
Proin pharetra dolor eu efficitur luctus. In vestibulum accumsan varius. Nam sit amet lorem vitae quam scelerisque facilisis. Duis tincidunt ipsum in sem volutpat, quis tristique lorem efficitur. Nullam diam velit, maximus et lorem in, porttitor aliquam sapien. Pellentesque ac mattis justo. Aliquam egestas ornare velit, eget aliquam massa venenatis sed. Integer laoreet nulla vitae nulla venenatis, sit amet semper nibh mattis. Duis sed est id nisi pharetra gravida.

Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Duis maximus accumsan consequat. Vivamus faucibus pharetra sollicitudin. In lectus sem, fermentum a viverra id, blandit id metus. Nam nec sapien nec nunc vehicula volutpat. Donec et erat consectetur, efficitur lorem ullamcorper, aliquet enim. Nullam dui mauris, eleifend semper ultrices at, imperdiet et nulla. Praesent a facilisis nisi. Nulla dignissim purus ante, sed pretium risus dictum quis.

Curabitur rhoncus rhoncus risus non congue. Sed in mauris eleifend, lacinia eros vestibulum, consectetur sem. Integer mollis dolor non lacus tempor, ut venenatis justo vestibulum. Curabitur pulvinar, odio quis euismod condimentum, felis nibh mollis sapien, vel feugiat nulla mauris eget neque. Phasellus lobortis mi non mauris consequat dapibus. Nulla dignissim a tellus quis scelerisque. Nulla quis rutrum eros, at venenatis turpis. Nullam sed pellentesque purus. Aliquam erat volutpat. Nam nibh enim, tincidunt sit amet varius nec, convallis aliquam mauris.
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You're sittin' on your feelings
I'm sittin' on my throne
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum iaculis ultrices purus nec molestie. Nullam gravida vehicula pretium. Integer eu ex eget mi egestas varius eget a nisi. Morbi in lorem vitae felis mollis ullamcorper in eu nulla. Etiam maximus felis at enim commodo, at egestas leo mattis. Praesent mollis convallis dui a finibus. Nunc a leo et dolor aliquet scelerisque. Sed tincidunt ultrices ante consectetur congue. Morbi dignissim, diam ac porta molestie, mauris nisl faucibus arcu, sit amet finibus velit est id leo.
Nullam molestie orci pharetra velit consectetur rhoncus. Curabitur auctor urna turpis, vel efficitur enim feugiat quis. Etiam id urna eu justo faucibus hendrerit sit amet nec justo. Mauris et ligula orci. Nam a tempor nisl. Sed commodo rutrum placerat. Maecenas quis bibendum est, vitae varius lorem. Pellentesque non augue et risus vehicula rhoncus at vulputate mauris. Praesent convallis quam odio, eu scelerisque tellus congue sit amet. Proin ut lobortis sapien. Duis finibus tortor elementum, gravida dolor vitae, faucibus lacus. In dignissim dolor id metus scelerisque, sed lacinia sapien pretium. Suspendisse ut urna vulputate, fermentum magna sit amet, blandit enim. Ut nec erat arcu.
Sed ac quam ullamcorper, iaculis eros in, elementum odio. Suspendisse scelerisque, tellus nec fermentum consequat, ex enim rutrum est, ut porttitor libero massa a ipsum. Donec tempus vitae elit dignissim commodo. Phasellus mattis tincidunt purus, sed vulputate mi gravida ut. Vivamus laoreet, ante sed dictum dignissim, odio nunc rutrum nibh, sed sollicitudin velit sapien eget felis. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Sed lobortis in nisl in auctor. Fusce pellentesque suscipit pellentesque. Mauris in ipsum quis neque congue tempus ac sit amet augue. Nulla vulputate neque risus, eu euismod arcu faucibus vel.