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  • In a world with four corners, people are kept apart for their own good. In the beginning, there were twelve. The twelve monarchs were the ones that came up with their own race, hereby known as the twelve zodiacs. As time wore on though, they discovered that some got along with others, but not all got along with all. This led to a feud, which in turn led to the splitting of the place known as Omnia into four corners.

    Aeras, the high mountainous corner went to the Gemini, Aquarius and Libra zodiac race. Gaea, deep in the forest and a corner surrounded by endless fields went to the Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn zodiac race. Nero, a corner surrounded on one side by water and the other side by forests, went to the Cancer, Pisces and Scorpio zodiac race. And Fotia, the most deserted corner which was also the hottest, went to the Leo, Sagittarius and Aries zodiac race.

    The zodiacs settled in their respective colonies, making peace with only the other zodiacs in their corner while anyone else outside was an enemy. And in the centre of all four corners was the small island that was left behind that is all of what is left of Omnia that hasn't been separated. It's said to be a place of great power but nobody dares to go because nobody will know what they will find or what has been left behind.

    That was how it was for a few decades till scientists finally ventured out there to make something of the place. And then the new rule came in.

    Since Omnia was habitable, the rulers in each corner would send one person from each zodiac race every year for a period of one year in an attempt to see if peace can be achieved among all corners. The time has come for a new batch of young adults to be shipped there and only time will tell if this will be the time that the experiment succeeds or not because every other year, everyone sent to Omnia has died. And nobody knows if it's because of their differences, or if it is because of something else that lurks in the forests or caves of Omnia…

  • - This roleplay will contain violent themes and some blood and gore so be aware of that before deciding to join.
    - Romance is always allowed, but anything that goes further than a little lip lock needs to be taken to the PMs or just fade to black.
    - No godmodding. Don't control any character other than your own and give other characters a chance to react to what your character does. Please don't decide the outcome for them.
    - Please be civil to everyone OOC. Roleplay drama sticks to the roleplay.
    - This isn't heavily detailed. it's more casual, but two paragraphs would be a minimum for post length. As for post frequency, it's not too serious. Maybe once a week? It's pretty chill.
    - Please read through all the folklore before making characters.
    - I would request that each person make two characters, a male and female each to even things out. You are not allowed more than two characters. Please give each character equal inportance.
    - Please have some diversity in your characters.
    - Please create all characters within a week of signing up or I will give your role to someone else. I will give you one warning when the time is close and if you still do not oblige, your part is gone.
    - You may not beging the roleplay with a half filled character sheet. If needs to be fully completed.
    - When requesting a character, please use the format given in the 'CHARACTERS' tab.
    - To prove you have read all of this, please add the title of your current favourite TV show to your requesting post.

  • [if a power has been crossed out, that means it is taken]

    Omnia is no man's land and the only place where every season exists. It is also the only place where a person's power works outside their home corner. Filled with the best technology of all four corners, there are automated shops and ATMs that collect and give money respectively and there are homes with TV and internet access. It's like any normal world, but more advanced and left to only twelve people.

    In Gaea, it is always spring time. Flowers can be seen everywhere and plants decorate almost all the buildings and homes. The zodiacs Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn call Gaea home. People from Gaea are very grounded and realistic. They are practical and good decision makers and this land is home to some of the most intelligent people. Powers include Terrakinesis, Shapeshifting, Healing, Tremor Inducement, Zoolingualism.

    Nero is forever decorated in red, orange and brown because it's always autumn there. The zodiacs that stay in Nero include Cancer, Pisces and Scorpio. People from Nero are quite Charming and mysterious. They can get a lot from someone else by being secretive about themselves. It is very refreshing to know someone from Nero though because they are different and always bring life to a place. Powers include Hydrokinesis, Telepathy, Super speed, Dreamwalking, Charmpseak.

    In Aeras, the weather is always cold. Winter is the sole season in this high up corner and the zodiacs that live in Aeras are Gemini, Aquarius and Libra. People from Aeras are unlike the weather. They are filled with an adventurous spirit and are very creative beings. They have imaginations that run rampant and rarely do they ever involve themselves in conflict. Powers include Teleportation, Aerokinesis, Telekinesis, Weather manipulation, Electricity manipulation.

    Fotia is the land of summer and heat. It is not unbearable for those that live there because they are accustomed to it. The zodiacs that call Fotia home include Aries, Leo and Sagittarius. People from Fotia are passionate about whatever they do. Rarely do they do anything that does not interest them. They are known to be emotional and sensitive, but at the same time, they can be temperamental. Powers include Super strength, Pyrokinesis, Invisibility, Emotion manipulation and Thermal manipulation.

    The ceremony where children are sent to their rightful lands. It happens a few months after a child is born and happens twice every year. If you're lucky to be born in the same zodiac or in a zodiac that lives in the same corner as your parents, you stay with them. Otherwise, you're destined to live out your life with a foster family in another corner.

    Everyone lives in individual houses that are all clubbed together in one area. All houses are identical and have one bedroom, one bathroom, a kitchen, closet and living room plus an attic for storage. It is fully furnished.


    The street with all the restaurants. Everything is the highest technology and it all makes the food for you with the press of a few buttons on the table.

    Where all the ATMs and shops can be found. It is always stocked and you cannot leave without electronically transferring funds or dropping funds into the box at the front of the store.

    An abandoned lab in a part of the island nobody goes to. It's close to some caves and it is unclear what happened there but nobody dares go inside.

  • Aeneus Tacere :: Master of Taurus

    Larunde Caduceus :: Master of Virgo

    Saturni Tullus :: Master of Capricorn

    Lernean Xiu :: Master of Cancer

    Bellona Avdere :: Master of Scorpio

    Aquila Janus :: Master of Pisces

    Ganymede Hyperion :: Master of Aquarius

    Dioscuri Tyndareus :: Master of Gemini

    Vinalia Obsequens :: Master of Libra

    Martius Aedes :: Master of Aries

    Helios Velle :: Master of Leo

    Quirinus Avernus :: Master of Sagittarius

  • When requesting a character please use this format and check the folklore tab on powers you can take:


    Capricorn [taken]
    Faye Ledoux ○ Female ○ 24 ○ Shapeshifting ○ FC: TBA

    Virgo [taken]
    Alexandra Birdine ○ Female ○ 20 ○ Healing ○ FC: Felicia Porter [ @Spectre of the Fade ]

    Taurus [taken]
    Eris Reese ○ Female ○ 21 ○ Terrakinesis ○ FC: Sevyn Streeter [ @Flawless⭐ ]


    Cancer [taken]
    Seamus Ò Broin ○ Male ○ 23 ○ Telepathy ○ FC: TBA

    Pisces [taken]
    Lánhuā Arōrae ○ Female ○ 22 ○ Charmspeak ○ FC: Fan Bingbing [ @kelsen ]

    Scorpio [taken]
    Jonathon Garreth ○ Male ○ 21 ○ Hydrokinesis ○ FC: Fransisco Lachowski [ @Alexis ]


    Aquarius [taken]
    Ezra Marzara ○ Male ○ 20 ○ Aerokinesis ○ FC: Avan Jogia [ @kelsen ]

    Libra [taken]
    Cameron Fernando ○ Female ○ 18 ○ Electricity Manipulation ○ FC: Vanessa Hudgens [ @Alexis ]

    Gemini [taken]
    Oliver Sterling ○ Male ○ 22 ○ Teleportation ○ FC: PJ Liguori [ @MaryGold ]


    Leo [taken]
    Rebecca Greene ○ Female ○ 18 ○ Thermal Manipulation ○ FC: Yara Shahidi [ @MaryGold ]

    Aries [taken]
    Hercules Argyris ○ Male ○ 22 ○ Super strength ○ FC: Torin Verdon [ @Flawless⭐ ]

    Sagittarius [taken]
    Dalton Halvius ○ Male ○ 22 ○ Pyrokinesis ○ FC: Ian Somerhalder [ @Spectre of the Fade ]

  • [Character Index] :: Click here!
    [OOC Thread] :: Click here!

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In the beginning it was just you. You and nobody else. When you were taken from your home corner, nobody was on the island. That was just decided upon by the Masters to make sure that the first day didn't end in a bloodbath. So, instead, you all were taken on different days to the island, and kept in a small shed in various parts of the island, none of them right beside each other. No, the Masters made it like a task, so that when the time w right, they would release you and you'd have to find you're own way around the island.

Of course, there are maps in your pockets. You'll notice that you're not hungry or dehydrated because for the two days you were kept in that shed, you were provided with food and water, a nice bed and even a luxurious bathroom. You'll find the same and more once you find your house in the small village. But you can't hide from anyone once you're in there. All the houses are clumped together.

In your pocket you'll notice not just a map, but a pair of keys. That is to your home, with an extra just in case. You'll also find a grey wallet with some money. That's just to start you u off, but you should get jobs in the streets of Omnia if you are to continue to live there.

You are about to be released from your shed, but before you go, please kow that bad things happen to those that don't listent to the rules. Two of your lot have already tried escaping the sheds and there were consequences. Needles to say, there are only ten of you now, instead of twelve. Stick to our rules, and try to have as little comflict as possible, and this experiment might be a success.

Remember, once you leave this shed, you're on your own. You have a tracking chip so we know where you are at all times, but we will nnot interfere unless someone's life is at risk.

Now leave the shed, meet some poeple. They're in different sheds around the islands so you'll stumble upon someone soon enough. Enjoy your time at Omnia.

And don't get killed.

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LOCATION ▹ South side of Omnia

Cameron knew it would be weird leaving home and living on an island with twelve strangers but she didn't think it would be this weird.

First they lock her up in a shed - granted there was food and shelter but still. Then she was expected to stay there for two days while she got a hold of her powers. She still hadn't done that yet though. Not completely. She nearly fried herself her first night there. Back in Aeras, she had always been good at handling electronics just about anywhere, but after coking to Omnia she realised there was a reason behind that, and she was still trying to comprehend it while also trying to weild her power that seemed to thinknof its own accord.

She didn't want to think of that now though because she had just heard the robotic voice from somewhere in that shed - in all honesty she was just glad that wasn't the place she was spending the rest of her time at Omnia. She didn't come from a very rich family and they had a small house but she expected something more luxurious at Omnia. It seemed she had yet to find it.

As soon as the voice had finished speaking, the shed door slowly slid open with the sound of a bunch of gears whirring. The sinlight was a little harsh on her eyes since Aeras was always covered by clouds and freezing cold and here it was bright blue skies and much warmer.

The voice had said that others would be nearby. She just needed to find them. That shouldn't be too hard. She was always good at this whole exploration thing. She could probably find anything on the island if someone asked and if it was actually there. She realised that she was in a new place and there was so much to do. She was almost giddy with excitement about the fact that there was so much to see that it barely crossed her mind that she could very well live out her last few days on the island.

She didn't think of any of that though. She simply focused on the fact that she was meant to find people, but she kept her guard up. She was a friendly person but if someone from another corner tried to attack, her fast reflexes would kick in and she'd make sure they were sorry for ever trying to jump a girl who's barely 5 feet tall. And so, she walked away from the shed, and along the shore to see if she could find someone else.



LOCATION ▹ East side of Omnia

As soon as the automated voice was done speaking, Jonathon let out a groan mixed with a sigh. In a way he was relieved. He came from a very expensive lifestyle so this shed was certainly not up to the bar for him. It didn't even come close in fact. He was glad to be away from it, and since thy were on an island, he was looking forward to getting near some water soon. It always mare him feel better and wuite frankly it reminded him of home.

Not that he'd let anyone know he was sentimental like that.

The automated doors slid open slowly and Jon squinted as the sunlight slowly streamed in. There were lights in the shed but this was much brighter. Not something he wasn't used to though. Back in Nero, it was cold, but not always. They had beaches and humid air and definitely sunlight. Lots of it. This wouldn't be so bad. As long as Jon met with some civilisation or at least a street to browse around and see what Omnia had to offer. He hoped they took into account the fact that he dressed in clothes that most people couldn't afford.

Stepping out of the shed, Jonathon looked around and began to walk. He had no clue where he was going but he remembered the voice saying there were other people around. He hadn't really been paying much attention to anything else that was said.

He walked just a couple of feet when he noticed another shed similar to his. He couldn't tell if the door was open or not from where he stood and with his luck, it might just belong to one of those that had tried to escape and were fealt with. He had caught onto that as well during the mini lecture hy the robotic voice. He vaguely wondered what happened but he decided he wasn't going to get any answers. Not now, and certainly not on a silver platter like he would have expected.

So instead, he began to walk over to the shed further off from him, to see if it belonged to someone and if he could find someone to entertain him. If not he'd just have to keep looking till he found someone interesting.

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Location: East side of Omnia ♠ Tagged: @Alexis
Two days. Four days? Eight days? An entire lifetime? Honestly, Dalton had stopped counting after the first hour and resigned himself to pure and unadulterated suffering until the door opened once again and he was free. Was that overdramatic? That was probably overdramatic. Jensen was such a bad influence.

Overdramatic or not, being cooped up like that still sucked. He was too energetic of a person to stay in such a small space and not go crazy, no matter how cool his ability might be. Which, speaking of. Pyrokinesis. Holy shit. It was amazing. The fire he'd managed to produce in his palms was so fascinating, and he'd spent hours practicing with it til scorch marks covered the walls and most of the fabric in the shed had burn holes in it and he could hold a small ball of flame in his palms without too much wavering. He hit an improvement slump within the first few hours, though, and quickly lost patience with it. Tenacity could only push the rock so far up the hill before it came tumbling back down, after all. Then he burned through all his books (literally, in a couple of cases) and spent the rest of the time in complete misery. Nothing to climb, nothing to run on, no one to bother, nothing to do besides sit or sleep. Boredom was, slowly but surely, killing Dalton.

Then came the voice. Robotic sounding, but it was the first voice Dalton had heard besides his own in a couple of days and it captured his attention. Listen to the rules, bah. That made him want to break them all the more, but since that would definitely end in death...hm. He started tuning it out after the voice mentioned that he needed to find the other people, standing in front of the door and bouncing on his feet. Yeah, he already wanted to find everyone else. Yeah, death and dying was a risk. It was always a risk and it hadn't stopped him before. Money, shops, blah blah blah.

Dalton spared a single thought for his general appearance - messy hair from how much he'd been playing with it, burn marks spattering his khaki shorts and acid-washed blue tank top, black ash marking both of his hands and his cheek somehow, with all of his bracelets and both of his necklaces stained with the same thing thanks to his tendency to play with them - while he stood before the door, bouncing eagerly on his feet. Then the door opened and he exploded out of it with a whoop of excitement. Any and all concerns about his general state of disarray were then completely forgotten in favor of basking in the sunshine. It was less hot than he was used to, Fotia's sun bearing down with oppressive heat even in the cooler months, but he still hardly felt any chill from the wind as it hit his face. An ability related resistance? Probably. It explained why he hardly ever got cold at night, even before he came here.

Pushing away thoughts of his ability and the deep set ache for home he'd been dealing with for the last couple of days, Dalton poked around his shed for a few moments, looking for...Ah. He made a triumphant noise when he found a wall of his shed had a couple of indents in the wall; they weren't much, but it was enough that he could scramble up the wall and onto the roof of the shed he'd been stuck inside for so long.

The new vantage point gave Dalton an improved look over the surrounding area, and all that was quite interesting, but not quite as interesting as the shed near him and the person who'd stepped out of it. They looked to be headed in his direction, even.

"Hey there!" he shouted, voice carrying well even over the distance, waving at the other person with a broad grin on his face. Looked like the rest were released at the same time. Or, maybe this person was from Fotia too and they were being released by corner? Hm. Worth investigating. Later, though. He took a few steps to the edge of the roof and dropped off of it, landing well and jogging until he drew closer to the figure he'd seen. This one, a fairly masculine figure with nice clothes, didn't look like anyone Dalton knew from Fotia, so he tossed that theory out the window. "Hi! Where are you from?"

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{location || northeast} • {mentions || none} • {interactions || none}

By the end of the first day, Lánhuā was curled up by the wall the bed, rubbing her earlobe in smooth, consistent strokes. She wasn't sure what she had been expecting here on Omnia, but being stuck inside until they deigned to let her out was definitely not on the list.

The shed had seemed to grow smaller and smaller, and although the amenities inside were high standard and near luxurious, it wasn't enough to make her comfortable. In order to occupy herself, she thought of her mothers and her older siblings, wondering what they could be doing at this moment.

Probably thinking the same thing about her, or intermittent crying as they essentially mourn her.

Lánhuā knew that no one ever returns from Omnia: coming here was a death sentence. She didn't entertain the idea of certainly seeing her family again, but she did hope. Things might have been a little frustrating for her in Nero, but here there were no precedents other than certain death. Sure, she gets to be away from her constant second-guess in herself over what she chose to study, but again: certain death.

The sound of that infuriating electronic voice jolted Lánhuā, and she gazed around, disoriented, as she realized that she had fallen asleep at some point. She wasn't sure of the time, but she sat up straight, listening and gazing around intently to make note of any and all changes that may occur. The sound of the door sliding open drew her attention, and a small smile quirked her lips as she finally was allowed out into the open air again. She was on her feet in under two seconds, and out the door in four.

The air was warm and humid upon her skin and, as she drew a deep breath into her body, she noted that it tasted a little sweeter than the crisp air she was used to. Back home in Nero, the weather was typically mild, with the occasional windy or rainy day here and there. This was much warmer than she was used to and she allowed herself a quick moment to thank herself for choosing to wear a breezy blouse and maxi skirt the other day.

The voice had mentioned that the other eleven, no nine people forced to come here where around somewhere - she just had to find them. Walking would be no hardship for her, as it was something she regularly enjoyed. Figuring that walking somewhere was better than walking nowhere, Lánhuā chose a direction and moved forward.


[location || south] • [mentions || none] • [interactions || none]

This blows was all Ezra could think as he entered his third day inside the shed. This wasn't how he had planned on things going, not that he'd ever planned on going to Omnia in the first place. It's just that he'd expected they all be dropped on the island together, not isolated in sheds for however long they decided. With nothing to do.

Ezra wanted to run around outside, find cool places and do stupid things. Do fun stupid things. He wanted out of here, yesterday. Running a hand through his dark hair, he looked around the room for what must be the thousandth time, listing as many adjectives as he could about everything he saw, before he gave up and started pacing again.

He was sure that if they kept him in here long enough he would manage to walk himself a trench.

It wasn't bad enough that he had to come here, they had to lock him in a shed by himself. Ezra could be doing other things right now - like finishing his degree or you know. Having fun. But this was near torture: he wasn't sure he'd ever been cooped up this long.

Finally, he heard that absolutely god-awful voice again, and it was all he could do to keep himself from shouting in joy. He's by himself and that would be pretty lame. Ezra practically vibrated in place, the need to get outside and do something nearly killing him. The second the sliding door started to open he made his way out, squeezing his way through the not-fully-opened door.

It was hot. So hot. And humid. What is this? He started fanning himself, and a gust of wind blew his hair back. Okay. Weird. New. Exciting. Pushing his hand towards some bushes, Ezra found that he could apparently make huge gusts of wind appear.

Life achievement: Human Blow Dryer. Check.

So many new and exciting possibilities just opened up, he was feeling giddy just thinking about it. But first he needed to find the others. Cool stuff like controlling air just wasn't as fun without others to enjoy it with him. And with that thought in mind, Ezra set off.
Location: North side of Omnia ♣ Tagged: None - open for interaction
Alright, being confined to a small shed on the northern section of the island was not what Alex had pictured when she considered what Omnia would be like. She certainly didn't expect all the Zodiacs to be freely mixing right off, seeing as the corners were all at war, but this was surprisingly constrictive. She didn't mind too much, however, seeing as she had drawing paper and a few books and something to think on. That something being her power.

It'd been mentioned when she arrived that she could spend her time working on her ability, developing her strength with it, but she couldn't for the life of her figure out what her ability could be. Nothing worked. She'd tried concentrating on objects, tried moving things, tried thinking herself in to a rage (anything involving Jeremy Mitchell, the idiot who'd broken Eris's heart, tended to do the trick) and tried thinking herself into a depression (thinking about the fact she may never see her parents or Gaea or her mentor worked well for that) but neither got any results. She'd even tried to maker herself as happy as possible (with mixed results) but that had no effect on anything, either. The uncertainty had Alex spending a long while considering what that meant, and she came to the conclusion that she had an ability that was used on others or required a variable she was missing in the shed, as well-furnished as it was. If it was used on others, she dreaded what it might be, seeing as powers like that tended to be violent or cruel. If it required a variable she wasn't seeing, she was completely lost on what it could be. She hadn't been able to keep her mind off of what she could do, either, a few lame attempts to distract herself with art stacked neatly on the one table in the shed, but none of them had worked.

She'd settled back down on the bed after a few minutes spent pacing, resting her head in her hand as she resumed her contemplation. The sudden voice startled her out of her deep thought, causing the Virgo to jump and look around with frantic eyes, but it was the same robotic voice from before. It carefully explained she was to be released, follow the rules, find the others, and not get killed. Alex was torn between apprehension and interest; she'd follow the rules without question, obviously, but finding the others was a daunting prospect. What if she ran into someone from Nero or Fotia and said something awful and died for it?

Ugh, that was ridiculous, she told herself, glancing hesitantly at the door but not getting up to go over to it just yet. The people from the other corners were people, just like she was, right? A different race, maybe, but surely they wouldn't kill her on sight. Surely.

Alex wasn't confident enough in that assessment to take her own word for it, continuing to stare at the door even after it slid open. She stared for a full minute, then two, taking in the rectangle of unfamiliar landscape outside and the wind blowing in from it that was so much cooler than she was used to. She was scared, she would admit that. She was scared and hesitant and nervous. But, she decided after nearly four minutes had ticked by, she was no quitter. With that she got up and ever so slowly walked out into the fresh air. Her heart pounded in her chest as she looked around, but she didn't see anyone else or another shed close to her. Okay, she'd have to do find the others the hard way. She could do that. She could face this.

Alex took a deep breath to steel herself, self-consciously adjusting her pale floral t-shirt and tugging at the wrinkles in the neat, darkly colored jeans she wore to contrast it, then set out, heading in a direction she figured was south.

Man, was she glad she'd opted for sneakers instead of heels.

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Sevyn Streeter


Eris Paige Reece





North Side of Omnia
Eris was writing down a few lines of a new song she had been working on since the first day she had been put into the shed from hell. It was the only way she could keep from going insane. Though the robotic voice told her it was best that she practiced her power... how could she used earth manipulation in a shed! The earth was on the outside of the small coffin of a "home." She didn't say that to the voice or anyone else; she wasn't dumb enough to risk death because of her smart mouth.

She'd just ignore the oddness that was this entire "experiment" or whatever it was. Removing her sunglasses off her face and placing them on top of her hat. Eris truly was the embodiment of a soulful artist. Her clothing style just screamed deep and spiritual. Which anyone that knew Eris Reece could tell you how down to earth and open-minded she was. Making her the best friend you could ever have around.

While she wrote down the last lines of her new song, she heard the robotic voice again. Standing up from her plush bed, the only thing that made the entire situation pleasant. Fixing her curly blue/grey hair under her hat. A small smirk grew on her face, as she listened to everything that was being said. Even taking a few notes of the entire announcement. Just in case she needed to go over a few things that the voice spoke upon.

Nodding her head to an imaginary person, she glided towards the door. Heart beating faster and faster. When the light of day shined through the opening doors, Eris couldn't help but give a small squeal of excitement. She had come a long way from the little shy girl who never spoke to anyone unless spoken to first. Full of youthful energy and childish optimism that she never had as a child. Stepping onto the beautiful ground and letting the sun's light caress her beautiful skin. The weather was almost the same as Gaea's. Perfectly warm; not too hot and not too cold. It was almost like she was back home... almost.

Putting her lyrics and other papers inside of the small bag that she was able to bring with her. Never know when something interesting would be found around Omnia.

Unfortunately, Eris didn't see anyone near her shed. Pouting a little as she folded her arms and walked forward. "I hope I see someone soon... this would be one horrible joke if I didn't see at least someone from Gaea." Her body subconsciously shaking from the thought of being the only person from Gaea in her area of Omnia. She was definitely a somewhat nonjudgmental person, but even Eris had bad encounters with a few people from the different areas when they were involved with one another.

As she walked on, Eris finally saw a head of short hair, only a few feet away from her. "I could identify that short hair from anywhere..." Without a warning, Eris lightly jogged up beside her friend from back home, Alex. With a big smirk on her face, she stopped in front of the girl.

"Alex! Hey!' Giving her friend a long and tight hug. Those mother type of hugs they give to their child that is going off to college or moving out of the family home. A hug that could be considered a death grip in the court of law.

Moving back after nearly cutting of her friend's oxygen. "Sorry. It's just good to see a familiar face first before anyone else. I'm glad I found you. They must've had us on different sections of this area... wherever this area is located." She turned around and looked in the direction they were both now going. "I wonder how far our "homes" are from here."
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Torin Verdone


Hercules Zeus Argyris





West Side of Omnia
Though it had only been two days in the shed for everyone else, Hercules felt like he had been in there for two years. He wasn't the type of guy that stood still for more than twenty seconds. Having to sleep in such a cramped and soulless place almost made him crazier than he was already.

Luckily he had a few snacks here and there that kept him from doing something he wouldn't live long enough to regret later. Using his power in the shed meant everything inside was to be bent in different areas and sections. If he was a true artist, it would have looked like an art piece... instead of just a raging young adult with super strength; who didn't know how to use it properly yet.

When the voice had sounded throughout the microwave sized prison, Hercules barely listened. Only hearing that he was about to be released. Everything else went through one ear and out the other. Like most things when it came to speaking to the self-centered "Macho Man."

"Finally! I can leave this place and never look back." Lacing up his sneakers and putting on his hat. Walking towards the door and waiting. They were all being released but he didn't want to rip the doors open; they could still kill him even if he was technically being released anyway. Rubbing his hands together as he felt the small breeze from the sliding doors opening.

After what seemed like forever, the doors were finally fully opened and Hercules charged out of the thing.

Letting the fresh air blow through his nonexistent hair. Breathing it in. "It should have been hotter out here... but it's good enough; I guess.' Shrugging his shoulders as he looked at the two other opened sheds near him. Expecting for two bodies to jump out or even walk out; eyebrows going up in curiosity and slight panic. "I guess those were the two that tried to escape..." Moving his hat further down his forehead; blocking his eyes from view.

There was no one else around him, so he decided to walk towards the east; maybe someone would find him or he'd find someone first. Either way, being alone in a unknown land was the first scene in every horror movie. He was not going to be killed off first.
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