Sagas of Wayward Suns - Arc 1

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The hunter steps up, and leaves the scarf fall from his face. From his lips comes High Realm, albeit with a Northern accent.

"What we slew appeared to be just some form of bait, snare, or lesser form of the creature. It is...angry now. It can remain angry for all that I care. I didn't come here for answers from you. I came for the good of your soul. Tepet Ishin, I ask you to pass on peacefully. I will paint prayer strips in honour of your stand, they shall whisper in the north wind. Rebirth awaits, and it is better than this. Please."
Red Snow

Red arrives just as Iskandr finishes his plea. Not her first time seeing a ghost, but interacting directly with the dead always leaves her faintly uncomfortable.
"Hail, honoured fallen. We need to know about the Realm's military presence near Zala, in case of reprisals. It'd be a bit pointless to have killed a mad god if the city falls to a Wyld hunt in a few weeks."

He nods. "Understandable. There was a Hunt deployed in eastern Medo, but it was lost, last I heard. With five of you here, I imagine one of you or the Bull's Circle were involved." It walks closer, through the table and former corpus. "That was odd. Anyway. Nearest shikari are in Pneuma, well beyond Medo."


He's caught off-guard once the import of your words sink in. "I...thank you. The cycle will hopefully be kind. I'd like to be a mere butterfly for a few spins. Leave the cares of my soul to dutiful harmony..."

The spirit taps pantomime fingers over coal-dark knuckles. "It is sometimes said that beyond being demons that you are not unlike me and mine. Prone to a tragic end that must be culled. But I thank you.

"It is, however, I believe up to your friend* who shouted my soul to ghost whether I see the cycle or not."

* @Sarky

Genuine compassion filled Ferat's face. "We may not have seen eye to eye on many things, Tepet Ishin, but you stood up to protect innocents even as your brothers and sisters left. You died a hero, and I will remember you as such. The doctor* hopes to gain some insight about your killer for the good of all who live in the North, as soon as he is satisfied with his examination, I will show you to your next life.

* @Excession
Radiant Shine

With a polite nod to the ghost, Shine sets about examining the body with utmost professionalism.
He will employ his tools only as it becomes necessary, and is entirely ready to argue the necessity of such mutilations with Tepet Ishin.


"I mean, what exactly do you hope to find? I was there when it lit my head up like a votive." The shade leans over, watching you. But you do notice one thing right away: the eye isn't an eye. It's crystallized. There's something seared upon it.

"And can you tell me the nature of the flames that seared you?" Shine says, placidly. "Do you know every detail of the way it boiled your eyes away and left behind.... this?"
Carefully, the doctor extracts the crystallized object with a pair of calipers and a cloth.

"Yes and no. No flame I've ever encountered, sorcerous or mundane. I was aware during the whole thing. I tried to scream and black smoke was all that came out. Right after that, my flesh exploded off like a firedust egg. It simply watched and smiled, smiled and watched. We were...there a long time." The ghost looks at the strange simulacra of its former living eye. "That would be my Hearthstone... Lost the eye to a rampaging boar god a century ago. My grandmother is a geomancer of some renown attached to...well, the legion no longer exists. She fashioned it for me before Futile Blood."

Shine nods, not too curt.
"And to whom would you see it bequeathed?" he asks, setting the body to rights for burial.

"Hrn. My cousin is the Satrap of Medo in Dezsofi or possibly Kalasch. It'd bring her some peace-of-mind, if not of heart." He nods, soundlessly clapping his hands together. "Though I don't know about your hopes if you feel like delivering it in person."

The doctor nods, steps back, and holds the Hearthstone toward Iskandr with a knowing look, the hint of a smile behind his moustache.
"I believe you may be sent on your way, now."

"Right then."

He nods at the local mortals. "You heard the man, he chooses to move on of his own free will. Door's there if you don't like the idea of respecting his final wishes."

Ferat strode to the corpse, and bowed respectfully at the ghost hovering by it, taking a moment to compose a fitting prayer. "Tepet Ishin, your final act in life was to stand against the darkness to protect others. We may have been enemies, but you died a hero, and your selfless act deserves the acknowledgement of all Creation. Be now at peace, and go to your next life with the blessings of the Elemental Dragons, and of the Unconquered Sun."

He laid a hand on the shoulder of the cold body. Again his caste mark flared, as golden fire danced along his fingers, sinking into the monk's corpse, bathing it in light from within. For a handful of seconds the body shone brightly as it burned fiercely to ash, yet the flames touched nothing else with their fury, instead bathing those nearby with the warmth of a summer's day.

Wisps of essence from the fire formed smoky half-images, words, hints at the monk's strongest relationships and bonds in life. At Ferat's gesture, they separated from the blaze and he breathed them in, taking Tepet Ishin's great loves and pains upon himself for the moment.

And mere heartbeats later, there was merely a neat pile of fine ash laying on the cloth of the slab.

[1 mote Zenith caste anima power to burn a dead body, ensure no hungry ghost, and send the soul straight to Lethe. Also allows me to perceive Tepet Ishin's strongest Intimacies and accept them.]
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Without a word, but with a respectful bob of his head, Iskandr accepts the stone. With his other hand he reaches behind his neck and unwraps the top of that long bundle he's been carrying on each occasion the others have seen him. For the first time, the deep bronze of ancient tarnished orichalcum is visible, a hilt more than a foot long protruding from what is now clearly a giant scabbard on his back.

Iskandr's long fingers slide the hearthstone home into the socket set into the huge crosspiece and she accepts the sword, its weight vanishing as her essence suffuses it. Shadowed Pearl looks along the blade to the smith, a hulking Dragonblooded veteran. "Thank you. I, truly know not what to say. This holy edge is greater in worth than everything I had ever touched until one moon ago. What can-" She stumbles, and recovers.
"Youngest among the Solar host, I can offer no great boon or blessing, but carved upon me is gratitude. What is the name of this blade?"

Utreda Iffrin gazes back at her, and for the first time Pearl sees the tears in his eyes.
"The blade I give to you today has a name. It is called Baited Snare."

The Terrestrial assassination team burst through the windows.

Iskandr staggers, and returns to himself in time to see Tepet Ishin leave.

"Go in peace, warrior. Your memento will land in her hands, and she will know that you stood against the demon when it came."
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Red Snow

"March the grey road with pride, Honoured Fallen"

Clenched fist over her heart in salute, back straight.
And so passes another of an inexhaustible bloodline reaching back to a time Before. The remainder are quiet, thoughtful. Old Koblyz seems relieved of a great burden, brow placid where it had been knotted like roots about a stone.

The day passes more at ease than the first. And the days after seem to blur by before the next great call to your essence—the hunger for greatness what lies in each of you.

End prologue

Under northern days and chill Medoan nights, Iskandr works like a man with several plans.

His hunter's heart brings him out onto the plains and grasslands, where long legs cover the miles in swiftness and silence. He tracks and brings down local beasts, and Iskandr tastes the blood of the plains, harvests its meat, tans its hide. In the lodgings which he has quietly acquired in town, several different racks of leather and furs sit drying. Bone and teeth, fur and sinew, all become gifts in Iskandr's clever hands, with minor necklaces and trinkets being dispensed to some of the locals as he sits by the fireplace in the evenings. Over the fire roasts meat he delivers to the common room, some of it so fresh as to be still kicking. In the mornings, he spins snares and traps, and teaches the local girls and boys how to make such tools for themselves. To the owners of the inn, he presents wee beaded pouches and whittled netsuke of antler.

All of these are but offcuts from his main project over the two weeks. From wolf fur and bone, from elk leather and horn, Iskandr cuts and sews and carves, to present his new Circle with gifts. Hopefully, they will be accepted. If not, Iskandr will understand this with good grace and a tasteful minimum of sulking.

Towards the end of this busy period, though, he also takes a couple of days (while some leather is finishing the drying process) to hike out a good eighteen miles or so over the plains, on a 'hunting trip'. He's actually proceeding along the highway towards Deszofi, following the trail which would have been taken by retreating refugees from Zala, fleeing towards the nearest Realm stronghold. He'll lay his hand to the hilt of Epitaph every couple of hours, to see if the broken spirit of the sword calls to any abandoned corpse by the roadside. Perhaps he'll do some burying, whisper some prayers.

On the walls of Zala, blowing in the north wind, is a prayer strip bearing the name of Tepet Ishin.

Crafting Projects

Basic projects, to pay bills, ingratiate himself with the locals, and generate silver crafting experience:
Leather pouches, purses, and netsuke of antler and horn. (Paying his rent, essentially, and also preventing the waste of anything which he butchered. Thus, 4 silver experience.)
Fang necklaces, trinkets, and totems, of wolf teeth and fur, given to local hunters and members of the town guard who appear to get along with Red Snow's Herald. Let the town learn to associate wolf totems with competence and courage. (Generating positive Intimacies towards the Circle, and still working within Iskandr's own Intimacy which abhors waste. 4 silver experience.)
Making snares and traps, and teaching the local youths, boys and girls, how to make their own. (Plays to Iskandr's own Intimacy, the Thrill of the Hunt, and also goes towards generating either some Contacts or Influence. 4 silver experience.)
Preparing meals of wild elk haunch for locals a couple of nights, just to generate some goodwill, and to have a meal over which to sing songs and tell tales. (Probably going a little further towards making some Influence here, and by now at least some of the town have certainly figured out that Iskandr is the Hunter. 2 silver experience.)
Stitching a small pouch, perfectly sized for the hearthstone he bears in his broken sword. The pouch is painstakingly stamped with a short message, praising Tepet Ishin for his courage. (This is done in support of Iskandr's intimacy towards the Wyld Hunt. 2 silver experience.)

Major project:
Crafting furs to clothe his Solar Circle.

Red Snow's Herald receives a pair of reinforced bone and leather pauldrons, with a laced bone and sinew gorget to protect her throat. The left pauldron bears the carefully embedded skull of one of the wolves who so thoughtfully donated fur to the project.

Gentle River's gift is a sweeping cloak lined with soft wolf fur in shades of grey and silver, and a voluminous hood, to keep the southerner warm for when winter comes. Dark horn toggles tucked into the seams will allow River to pull the cloak closed against the snow.

Made for Radiant Shine is a satchel of smooth leather, lined inside with carefully stitched pouches, with the outside bearing the almost abstract image, suggested in the pattern of stamps, of a raiton in flight.

Ferat will open his lodging door one morning to find a new pair of boots, comfortable, waterproof, fur-lined. Iskandr has sized him as a man for the road.

For Resonant Hammer's Descent, there waits a pair of huge reinforced forge gloves, with multiple layers of thick leather forming the fingers and palm. On the back of each glove is the stamped outline of a hammer above an anvil.

Making the project!
[Making those kinds of personalised goods in two weeks was rated at Difficulty 5, with a free auto success granted for the hunting montage. The roll was Wits + Craft, which was 5 dice plus a Specialty, plus 5 more dice from maxing that Craft Excellency, and spending a point of Willpower to get one more auto success. Making the roll cost 10 silver experience.

Just barely 5 total successes, woo!]

[Also during downtime, spending 2 Solar XP on Presence 2, and 10 XP on Harmonious Presence Meditation, as Iskandr's time amongst the people of Zala awakens his Solar charisma.]
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Ferat just could not sleep soundly in Zala. Knowing that the city's ghosts lingered to defend the walls at night, he managed two nights before the nightmares and flashbacks drove him to sleep outdoors. The plains offered little shelter, but Ferat had spent most of the last 5 years in the wilds between Thorns and here, and could make himself at home in a blizzard on a mountaintop. At night, he found himself dreaming about his past.

When he had first met Shalla, she was just a pup, the injured lone survivor of her pack, victim of a territorial little god of the forests who had grown cruel in its zeal for defending its borders. Shalla had fled, injured and half mad with fear. Ferat felt a sort of kinship at once with her, the pup's tragedy awkwardly matching his own. After treating her wounds, Ferat sought out this little god, a spider of ancient oak that spun webs of thick ivy. He demanded an apology, and was met with laughter like rustling leaves. Vine webs descended from the treetops, revealing mementos of those "intruders" the god had slaughtered. Skulls of wolves, hunting cats... And humans. Drunk on its excesses and wicked abuse of power, it had not reckoned Ferat was Exalted. The fight was short. The little god, oaken carapace shattered, branch-legs snapped, lay before Ferat, and again it laughed, mocked him for trying to kill an immortal, swore to hunt him and his children for eternity.

The laughter stopped when Shalla limped into view, bandaged, hurt, but unbroken. Behind her was a vast number of forest animals. Birds, squirrels, deer, badgers, predator and prey united... And in the spaces between them, in every twig snapped under hoof and in every puff of frosty breath, Ferat could see forest spirits, elementals, godlings, all victims of the spider god's cruelty. None able to challenge it alone, but here it was now at Ferat's feet, power spent, helpless. That day, for the first time, the Unconquered Sun's cryptic words on that dread night began to make sense. That day, Ferat learned that gods could indeed die.

He had spent years believing that he and Shalla were all the other really needed. And indeed they were firm and loyal friends. But the riot in Zala, the sudden appearance of so many other Solars, it had rekindled something like... Loneliness? In Ferat. It honestly felt good to see the city-dwellers stop fighting and become family. It felt indescribably right to have fought alongside the others, and to lay that Immaculate's soul to rest. And Gentle River... What was it about him? There was a bond there, strong as the Imperial Mountain. But it was not from this life. In ages past, their souls must have been comrades, or brothers in arms, or lovers? They would have to discuss it at some point. Whichever way he looked, Ferat saw someone who would be there for him and Shalla. It was at once unsettling and welcome.

"Seems we have a new pack, Shalla. We'd best get used to playing with others, for now. Let me teach you a few tricks..."

Ferat and Shalla spent the days to come training, mock-fighting, and working with the others as they re-learned how to rely on others and trust that they would protect each other. They would fetch materials for Resonant Hammer, aid Radiant Shine during his ministrations to the unwell, hunt with Red Snow's Herald and Iskandr, escort River through the wilds to politic with small gods and spirits in their hidden lairs.

[Using Beast Mastering Behaviour to teach Shalla the upgraded version of Pack Hunting, allowing it to be used with human allies as well as canine. Extended roll over 2 weeks, 1 week interval, goal of 10 successes. Intimacy towards Shalla grants 1 bonus die. The Charm grants 1 automatic success. Spending 1wp each roll for 1 automatic success, and +7 dice each roll from Survival Excellency. Total 16 dice per roll, 2 automatic successes each roll:

Roll 1:

11 successes, +2 automatic, total 13. Shalla Learned Improved Pack Hunting! It's super effective!]

[Attempt to teach Shalla the merit Wary Watchdog Vigilance, adding 1 auto success to her attempts to spot a hidden character. As before, 16 dice, 2 automatic successes:

Roll 2:

6 successes, 2 automatic, total 8. Not this week, but very low threshold for the next time!]
Gentle River

The first day after the confrontation with the Devil Star, River drank. He drank until he couldn't see or stand. He drove his young lover out with stiletto words and hated himself for the casual ease of it. He drank until his Exalted constitution gave out, and he passed out on the floor of his room. And the whole, entire time, its voice and vision was in his head like a spike.

The next day, River went to work. If he couldn't fuck it out or drown it in ale and moonshine, he could get to work on defying it. Zala was rudderless, and while the others could defend it, raise and outfit an army for it and heal its wounded, they couldn't govern it. Not the way he knew he could. He just needed to remember how.

He spent most of his time in the governor's mansion, poring over ledgers and leftover books and pamphlets on governance and administrative techniques. As he worked he found himself doodling notes and annotations, striking out parts that seemed foolish or wrong-headed and tweaking what he liked, building his own style of government. He spoke to the town planner and the storemaster. He consulted with Red on defense and materiel, supply for the army they were building, and began shaping what was left of the bureaucracy into a tool he could use.

He spent long, strange days in the wilderness with Ferat visiting the local spirit courts. He would allow the grim man to do most of the talking, stepping forward to clarify points of contention, negotiate fine detail. He discovered, intuitively, not only the diplomatic immunity he had with the Star extended to the spirits and local gods, but that he could enforce oaths and bind words and honesty, which made him even more careful and slippery in the promises he made in return. Lawgiver. They called us Lawgivers. And that sounds right. And all the while the draw to the Zenith Caste was there, a bond lifetimes old. Though no further visions came to gave it context.

As the weeks passed, everything came together. Prodigy wasn't the word, it was the Exaltation in motion. River began thinking of civic projects for the future. Public education. Literacy. Healthcare. Atonement for a life of lies, murder and servitude. He wasn't quite there yet, but the groundwork was laid out.

Once, by accident, he called Zala "our capital" in a conversation with Ferat in the wilderness. Just a slip of the tongue, but as soon as he said it he knew it was true. It starts here, but will not end here. And for a while, he was so busy he sometimes forgot to look up at the baleful star in the sky, and sometimes he was so tired that he slept the night through.

Using downtime and spending 10xp and 2 Solar XP to take Bureaucracy from 0 to 4.
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Red Snow's Herald

An hour after Tepet Ishin found his final rest, Red walks into the Guard barracks to find the constables standing there, as requested. Looks like Wenceslas won't be a bad right hand after all. She takes her time walking to the front of the crowd, letting herself bask in their awe just a little. She wheels around, back straight and face set, allowing Wolf's Hunger to materialize in her left hand. Gotta put on a show.
"Constables! I see everyone heard the wages are going up."
Laughter at that, good. This won't work in the long run if they can't see the chief as one of their own, on some level.
"The Realm made you weak. They installed their legions, reduced the warriors of Zala to mere town guards, all to keep the warriors of the North at heel. Well the Realm has left Zala. From today on you lot are no longer constables, you're the soldiers of the Zala Legion. We will protect this city, we will protect this land, and we will show the Realm that the North NEVER FUCKING NEEDED THEM!"
Wolf's Hunger is raised to the sky as she bellows, and more than a few constables follow suit with their truncheons.
"You will be armed, you will be trained, we will make this Legion a force to be fucking reckoned with. Most importantly, your pay is going up by half."
That one gets a cheer. We'll make soldiers of them yet.
"Now, before myself and Major Wenceslas get to work on your training schedule, I want to make one thing absolutely clear. You all know what I am. The Realm calls me Anathema. The Icewalkers call me Lightmaker. The Immaculates call me a demon. If any of you have a problem with this, you are free to go. I will not stop you. The rest of you, back to work! Guard duties as normal until told otherwise! FOR ZALA!"
Nearly all of the constables echo her cry. Excellent. With a salute to the group she beckons Wenceslas into the commander's office.

Hours blur into days into weeks. The guard's numbers double nearly overnight, and Red is forced to annex the Realm garrison on the Governor's block as the Legion's headquarters. The old barracks in the Bowery is kept open and used as a base of operations for policing in Zala. On day three she assembles a team to help her scavenge the Garrison for any usable supplies the Realm may have left behind, turning up some tower shields, some firedust and preserved supplies, before finding the hidden chamber in her own office. The scale's worth of Brass Legionnaires hidden in the chamber may well be the most beautiful thing she's ever seen. Once the lads who found it have been sworn to secrecy she seals the chamber again, waiting for Resonant Hammer to find the time to inspect them. The next two weeks pass without incident, long days of drilling recruits and forming strategies followed by long nights making a name for herself in every tavern in Zala. When time allows she joins Iskandr and Ferat on the hunt (very nearly outrunning his arrows), plans the city's defences and future with River, introduces Hammer to the wonders of the first age hidden in her office and even manages to coax the enigmatic Radiant Shine into a pint. Life is good.
Resonant Hammer's Descent

Hammer left the guest house angry, though the rhythmic work of dismantling the portcullis. Several hours later he left Zala, cart hitched to the palanquin, both laden with iron bars, wood, and leather. He made good time back to his demesne, not having to pull the cart was a godsend. When he arrived home the sun was still making its descent, and he felt the urge to put the rest of the day to use. After coating his skin with Bronze he entered his forge, and scooped a handful of Creation's blood from the demesne's focus onto his anvil. He began to shape it, forming a squat, broad shouldered quadrupedal obsidian frame. He gathered some earth from the little valley, and formed the soft tissue of the elemental, huge digging arms, and a musculature reminiscent of an ox. Finally, he laid sod across the nascent being, in a facsimile of skin, and added shovel shaped claws of iron to its paws. As he dripped molten metal into the eye sockets he tied the spell he had been weaving for several hours with a breath, and the elemental rose into being. Hammer reached out with his anima, binding the elemental with it to act as his familiar.
[Summon Elemental is a ritual, no roll required. Binding it to my anima as a Twilight caste, gaining a familiar merit and enabling Survival charms to affect it]

Suddenly exhausted, Hammer entered his modest hut to find it occupied. "I thought you might have questions," rasped the figure, from atop a waist high (to Hammer) pile of books. "Come on, out with them. Let's lay that overactive head of yours to rest."
[Spending time with my Mentor to increase my Lore to 4 and Craft Architecture to 3, spending 7 xp and 2 Solar xp.]

Hammer awoke the next.?. day... thre¿e... days. later? with a splitting ache behind his eyes. It felt as though his brain had gotten too big for his skull, or like a hot wire was wound around and through his memories. The feeling was familiar, he remembered feeling it... even as he tried to concentrate on those memories he felt them slipping away, and the pain with them. Just like last time a small part of his brain whispered.

Regardless, with the headache banished, Hammer's real work awaited him. As he once more covered himself in an impervious layer he envisioned the outfits he would be making. A pot helm, nice and simple, though with a wide brim to protect the neck, runes of luck and accuracy etched inside. Heavy buff coats, splinted with steel, etched with runes of warding and vigour. Three short javelins apiece, heads runed for rending, shafts for strength. A short stabbing sword, enchanted for tearing and puncturing. Finally a light buckler, the crest of Zala emblazoned upon the front, sigils of stamina and turning upon the back. Hammer laid out his tools as Essence began to flow, and then Resonant Hammer's Descent worked. It was a marvel, the small smithy lit as by the setting Sun for ten days. Hammer was one with the project, his essence carried materials to his anvil almost without him noticing. The lava heated steel flowed like metal into the shapes he had envisaged, at times his hammer blows seemed to be echoed time and time again by the hands of lives long passed. He tore the leather panels for the coats bare handed, simply feeling how the coats should come together, allowing the rivets to fall into their correct places. As the heads of the javelins fell from the anvil they met shafts cut on the edges of the rocks below, kicked by Hammer, unable or unwilling to break the rhythm of his hammer blows to afix them by hand. As the arms fell onto their racks the symbols Hammer had envisaged impressed themselves into the surfaces, a slight hint of smoke trailing each one. Hammer finished as he began, with a helm. As he paced it by hand on the final stack a deep satisfaction welled up within him. This was what he had been made to do, and he refused ho hide it any longer.

[Spending 10 sxp, Rolling Craft Weaponsmith/Armourer (Same value) + Int, spending 10m on a full Excellancy, spending 1 wp for an auto success]

[Making a Sorcerous Working to grant the battlegroup wielding the weapons Might 1; Ambition 2 (TN 10); Finesse 3; Means: Complimentary Ability (Crafts Weaponsmith/Armourer), Complimentary Spells (Invulnerable Skin of Bronze), Sorcerous Infrastructure (Demesne 4; 2 extra intervals): Terminus of 9]

Threshold Successes: 3

Threshold Successes: 7

Threshold Successes: 7

Threshold Successes: 7

Threshold Successes: 9

Threshold Successes: 11

He surveyed the fruits of his labour he felt something was off. Though the arms were well made, they were unadorned, with no way for the troops to recognise their officers. Using some gold his simple elemental had dug up Hammer crafted some torcs of braided steel and gold, with rank markings reminiscent of the guard of Cherak.
[Basic Project, unaugmented Armourer+Int]

Hammer also crafted a helmet for Red Snow's Herald, to make her more distinctive again on the field. A heavy helmet, the crest shaped like a wolf snarling, the beaver forming the lower jaw, and rubies inset for its eyes. The wolf's mane he forged from chain, and grafted strands to it so it appeared to be fur rolling over her shoulders.
[As the rank bands above]

[Crafting xp at 17sxp and 9gxp]

Finally, Hammer, his cart and palanquin loaded with wares, made his way back to Zala and his new friends.