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    A site made for roleplay is way cooler we promise <3
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Original poster
Hello my fellow Iwaku users!

I have taken a great hiatus but am back, and am searching for some new roleplay partners as well as some new friends!

I have been roleplaying since I was in the 6th grade, I had been obsessed with anything to do with writing so naturally this, as you could imagine, was a dream come true. I like to believe I'm a very understanding and easy going person and find that too many roleplays are better than not enough!
I prefer to have an actual connection with a partner, though if the other person feels that's not needed, won't force it.

Before I get into the plot idea's I have or am hoping to find someone else whom will be interested in, I have a few small requests for those who are considering pursuing with our potential partnership:
  1. I completely understand people have off days or replies, just PLEASE keep replies at the very least 2 paragraphs as often as possible.
  2. If you know you'll be out of town or unable to reply as quick, just let me know. Nothing's worse than not hearing from a person until a week later without warning, if this happens odds are I will leave the conversation.
  3. If you don't like something that's happening or have any questions, We will always have 2 separate conversations; Use the OOC one to address them and I'll reply as soon as possible.
  4. I give respect and would like to receive it back. Work and School must come first, so please be understanding as I will be with you.
Nothing Violent or stomach churning.
Willing to make a plot fresh with Partner.
Multiple Characters by each partner (not needed).

Now, onto the fun part!


  • "Best Friends Forever?"
Person A and Person B have lived next door to each other since they were kids, growing up together they had naturally became best friends. The two were inseparable, most of the school had assumed they were already together. Person A had slowly realized as they entered high school that they had feelings for Person B. Here they were, Senior year, and Person A hadn't said a word of these feelings as Person B continued to date other people in front of them.

  • "Dearest Stranger,"
Person A and Person B were both born into wealthy families, whom also were rivals. On person A's 18th Birthday, the two companies announced their truce. With a price, of course. The two characters parents had agreed the best way to conjoin the two most powerful rivaling companies would be to wed to it, and thus the two strangers were to be wed. Will they be able to pull it off?

  • "The School of the Gifted"
(Each person will play multiple people for more romantic interests for each character) Welcome to Lindon High School of the gifted, where all species are welcome! Elves, Faeries, Vampires, You name it, we have it! All are welcome here, so come and join us for the best years of your (mostly) mortal lives in safety!

Non-starter Plots:

  • Bully/Victim
  • Vampire/Human
  • Vampire/Vampire hunter
  • High school student/ High School Student
  • College student/ College Student
  • Angel/Demon
  • Human/Angel
  • Human/Demon
  • Assassins
  • Greaser/Good kid
  • Nerd/Popular
  • Hero/Searcher
There are always so many I space on while writing these! Accepting any and all ideas!

Thank you for taking the time to read through this!

Have a wonderful day! <3
I find the " Dearest Stranger " interesting, we could talk about it in PM if you are still looking for a partner for this one.
I's be interested in doing School of The Gifted and I think I meet all your requirements :3 Shoot me a PM if you're interested!
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