• So many newbies lately! Here is a very important PSA about one of our most vital content policies! Read it even if you are an ancient member!

    A site made for roleplay is way cooler we promise <3
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pigeons in a trenchcoat
Original poster
Invitation Status
  1. Looking for partners
Posting Speed
  1. One post per day
  2. Multiple posts per week
  3. 1-3 posts per week
  4. One post per week
Online Availability
Writing Levels
  1. Adept
  2. Advanced
  3. Prestige
  4. Adaptable
Preferred Character Gender
  1. No Preferences
low/high fantasy, medieval fantasy, historical fantasy, sci-fi, cyberpunk, solarpunk, grimdark, gothic-horror, supernatural themes, limited fandoms, adventure



The year is 1725 and King Louis XV sits on the French Throne. Spats and quarrels continue throughout Europe. People are, more and more,
becoming slaves of high fashion and, for those who can afford it, luxury is becoming widely available. Duels settle scores of honour in the
upper class and it is a time of pleasure gardens and blood sports. Crowds flock to beautiful gardens and superb markets, while others
entertain cruel matches between beasts for fun and profit. The upper class is indulgent, while the emerging middle class struggles to make
its way, and the poor scrape by as they always have. In the South, Marseille is ravaged by plague and walls are erected around the
countryside in attempts to stem the spread of the sickness.

Far and away, nestled in the Vosges Mountains on the northeastern side of France, is the Sauveterre Estate. While the residents here are
removed from the clamor of life in the cities, they still live in the lap of luxury. The isolation of the estate helps keep sickness and politics at
bay, but the residents here need hardly worry about such matters. They are more concerned with art and music, with parties and pretense,
and with intrigue and scandal. Above all, they concern themselves with keeping the secrets behind their unusual bloodline...


  • GM: @DinoFeather
    Co-GM: @Rook @Acorn
    Genre: Historical Fiction/Fantasy, Supernatural Elements, Gothic, Horror Elements, Dark Comedy
    Keywords: Vampires, Drama, Scandal, Action, Murder, Supernatural, Affairs, Horror, Dark Comedy
    Warnings: Murder, Violence, Language, Implication, Blood
    Writing Level: Advanced
    Posting Frequency: Moderate to Slow (1-2x weekly)
    Restrictions: 18+ strongly preferred

    Hello and welcome to Sanguine Bonds! This is a historical fantasy RP with vampires and other supernatural elements. As noted above, this is an advanced level role play with a moderate to slow posting rate. While I would prefer all players to be 18+, exceptions may be made. Because this is historical fantasy, I do expect players to have some grasp of the time period. Every detail does not have to be period accurate, I've taken some obvious liberties, but please be mindful of technology and customs of the time. If you are in doubt, Google it!

    This RP will largely follow a group of vampires from the Sauveterre Bloodline. Later in the story other races may be included, though it largely depends on the direction in which the story progresses. I want to give players some say in the plot development, but I also want to keep the story and original idea intact. Hard decisions, I know. That said, I will likely leave decisions up for a vote though I reserve the final say-- especially when a decision cannot be reached.

    This RP shouldn't be overly dark. I know when some people think of vampires, they think of broody, serious characters that would make any edge-lord envious... Those aren't the kind of vampires I'm looking for in this RP. Mostly, I want an air of realism. They are were humans and have human flaws. They are not all-powerful and they are not dark and broody. Not most of them, anyway.

    That said, expect the RP to have a dark and somewhat dry sense of humour throughout.

    Also expect sabotage, scandal, affairs, duels, elegant parties, strange happenings, and murder.

    If you don't cope well with cheating, affairs, and violence this may not be an ideal RP for you. Just a heads up.

    There is now a Discord server!

    (And yes, there is a joke in the title. Props if you figured it out.)

  • The Rules:
    1. All Iwaku rules apply!
    2. No hijacking other characters.
    3. Your characters are not impervious to damage.
    4. You may not kill another character without player and GM permission.
    5. Sexual scenes may only take place in PMs.
    6. Be respectful to the other players and the GM/Co-GM.
    7. You must meet posting level expectations to remain in the RP.***
    8. As the GM, I reserve the right to remove any player at any time for any reason.
    9. Listen to the GM/Co-GM.
    10. Keep a sense of humour and have fun!
    *** If something comes up and you need an extension or whatnot, just let me know! Life happens-- I just need a heads up before you vanish so we can make arrangement for your character(s).

    As this is an advanced RP, I expect all players to meet the posting level requirements. What that means is that I expect posts to be coherent writing that utilizes correct grammar, spelling, and syntax. I do not expect novels for posts-- I do want to make that clear. I think detail and description are great, but too much can actually hinder writing. What do I mean by that? Well, when some players post upwards up fifteen paragraphs, it can slow down an RP and make responses difficult for others.

    That in mind, I expect posts to be a minimum of two to three paragraphs in length and a maximum of eight to ten. (If you go over on the occasion, no worries. Please just don't make a habit of super, super long posts.) I'm not going to get into the definition of a paragraph, because a sentence number is silly. A paragraph discusses a theme or idea-- in as many sentences as needed. (Within reason.)

    Please do not post three two sentence paragraphs and call it good-- that's not going to fly. You need to give other players enough to work with and respond to. Use of dialogue is helpful and encouraged, as is reasonable detail and description.

    I also expect players to contribute to the story and help move the plot along. If everyone just dicks around and their characters make no decisions and take no actions, this RP is going to drag. When needed, I will do my best to keep things moving, but I want a lot of the decisions to be the players'.

  • The only playable race right now is vampire. If you want to make a second character that is another race, please PM me with your idea and we will see what can be worked out. Please note that your non-vampire character will probably not come into the RP until later on.


    It should be noted that only the Grand Sire, Salvadore, is permitted to turn humans into vampires. If a family member selects someone they wish turned, they must appeal to the Grand Sire and receive his approval. If the individual is approved as a member of the bloodline, the Grand Sire will turn them. Approval can be a long process, mostly because there is pressure to ensure that the potential new addition is a good fit with the family and has some skill or considerable wealth to offer.

    It is commonplace for the Sauveterres to have a small ceremony for this transformation.

    Vampires have reflections, and they rather like looking in mirrors. Vampires can swim and are perfectly capable of crossing running water. They have no aversion to religious relics or symbols, but many do find them to be rather tawdry. Holy water will do nothing more than get them wet. No one smells great swathed in garlic, but it's not going to deter a vampire from attacking. They may, however, try to avoid conversation if you've consumed large amounts of it. The only aversion vampires have to silver is in the form of gaudy jewelry or décor. Whatever you've heard about vampires and the aforementioned wives' tales, they simply aren't true. Actually, many vampires perpetuate these myths, as it makes the common folk much less suspicious of them, and it's not uncommon for a vampire to ensure that they're glimpsed in a mirror or strolling over a bridge.

    There are, however, stories that are true.

    Vampires cannot go about in the sun. Place a vampire in direct sun in the middle of the day, and in less than a minute you'll have a burnt, bloody, scab of a corpse. There is no elegant turning to ash or instant vaporization. Burning is a painful, blistering, graphic death. Dawn and dusk are, fortunately, more forgiving. Vampires can go about in the indirect light for brief periods, so long as no direct sunlight touches them. Should they stay out for more than thirty minutes or so, they will slowly start to burn. Much longer than an hour and they are going to be in some serious and probably debilitating pain. Once the sun is properly up, it simply isn't safe for a vampire to be out of doors. When the sun is setting and its light is weak, a vampire might wander outside if they can remain in the shadows. Even in fading sun, a vampire only has about five minutes of survival time—and half of that will be spent on the ground, writhing in pain as they burn. (If you want to inflict a slow and torturous death, sunrise and sunset are the way to go. Just make sure you time them well.)

    Vampires do have to be given permission to enter a home or they simply cannot cross the threshold (or enter windows or whathaveyou). No one is sure exactly what governs this unusual rule, but most vampires regard it as a sense of etiquette and embrace it. The same does not hold true for shops or establishments that are not considered a home, and a vampire may enter as a patron unbidden by the owner or proprietor. In the event a vampire wishes to enter a shop or public house where individuals live or are staying, the vampire may enter the public area, however they may not cross into living areas or private rooms (inns) unless they are invited.

    For whatever reason, a wooden or silver stake through the heart negates a vampire's abilities. While a stake is embedded in the heart, a vampire falls into a paralyzed state. Upon the removal of the stake, the vampire will reawaken, though it will take them considerable time and several feedings to restore their former strength and abilities.

    While many vampires prefer to sleep in elegant coffins, some prefer beds. At the estate, the majority of the residents tend toward beds, as the bedchambers have been appropriately draped and covered to ensure safety during the daylight hours. There are some vampires that prefer the close quarters and complete darkness of a coffin and, when staying in an unfamiliar or unsecured place, coffins are highly recommended.

    On the surface, vampires appear to be very much human. They do not lose their complexion for a deathly pallor and their eyes to not change colour. Rather, they retain their physical appearance they had as a human.

    The only exceptions are their teeth and their ears. Their teeth, as one might assume, are somewhat changed to aid in the acquisition of blood. Both the upper and lower canines are slightly elongated and end in fine points. Fang length varies between individual, but smaller fangs are desired as they are easier to conceal. Their ears also become somewhat pointed, though this is often easy to cover with hair or hats.

    Vampires heal relatively quickly, though this ability is dependent upon how recently they've fed. More blood equates to faster healing. They are able to recover from dismemberment and even decapitation, but it will take considerable time and they will need large quantities of blood to recover from the latter. Rate of recovery also depends upon the severity of an injury. If the wound is no more than a shallow cut, it will heal instantly. If it's a deeper wound, such as a stab from a knife or sword, it will take somewhere in the realm of twenty to thirty minutes. If it's a serious would, like a deep gash, broken bones, or multiple stab wounds, it will take a few hours to heal. In the event a limb (or head) is severed, the limb will rejoin the body within an hour or two. However, the vampire will remain in a weakened (or critical) state until they feed multiple times and get ample rest.

    Because they are not truly living, vampires do not suffer from disease or sickness.

    All vampires possess exceptional low-light vision, as well as slightly enhanced speed and strength in comparison to a standard human, but nothing to great excess. Each vampire, upon turning, has a power that manifests itself. Some are given vastly increased speed, incredible strength, hypnosis, partial invisibility, etc. Some vampires have similar gifts, while others are truly unique.

    Vampires are also capable of transforming into an animal. They are not limited to bats, though winged animals are prominent, as they aid in travel. Mastering the ability of transformation takes extensive practice, and not every vampire uses it regularly—or at all. Their animal transformation isn't selected by the vampire. Many believe that the transformation is a reflection of the inner self, though no one has a conclusive answer.

    Vampires need blood to live. At the barest minimum, a vampire needs to feed twice a month-- and that is to maintain a semblance of functionality. Vampires who prefer to do as little hunting as possible feed once a week, which is enough to comfortably maintain their powers and quality of life. Other vampires who enjoy hunting or have easily available sources will feed twice a week. Still others, who are more indulgent and live for the thrill of a hunt, feed almost every night.

    If a vampire is injured or in the process of healing, they need blood every night for several days in a row—depending upon the severity of their injury. Often, if one of the family is injured and at the estate, they remain in bed while blood is brought to them to help them recover quickly. Drinking blood from a dead creature will not kill a vampire, though if the blood has already coagulated, it is of no sustenance; the texture is also a nightmare.

    If a vampire drinks the blood of another vampire, they receive little to no sustenance from it, but it does result in a state of intoxication.

    Vampires do age, but very slowly. Age works roughly on a basis of ten; for example, if a vampire lived to 600, they would be around 60 in human years. They may look "good for their age" but vampires will slowly age, and their abilities will slowly wane. When they start looking to be in their 50s-60s, they visibly stop aging. If they take care of themselves, their health and abilities will not decline further. However, if they feed too often or not often enough, or if they become careless or fail to take care of their physical bodies, they will continue to decline.

    Because vampires age so slowly and in a way different than humans, it is strictly forbidden to turn a child. Yes, a child would very slowly age, but they would only ever reach the size of a young teenager. The body, once turned, is unable to produce enough hormones for the child to go through puberty, and would never reach full maturity. While no one in the family is to create vampires except the Grand Sire, it would be an even greater sin to turn a child. If a child is turned, by one family or another, the child must be destroyed—along with the vampire who created it. The same is said for any children conceived between a vampire and a human. The longer an individual has been a vampire, the less able they are to contribute to the conception of a child. New vampires are the ones most likely to bring about trouble in this regard, and ongoing relations with humans are discouraged for a myriad of reasons. Namely, if they are found to have contributed to the conception of or have conceived a child and have taken no action, both the vampire and the child are punishable by death.
  • WIP

  • Uf82vEd.png

    The general setting is 1725 in western Europe. While the Sauveterre Estate is located in eastern France, the story may lead to any number of cities and countries. While there is some push for historical accuracy, we will not delve deeply into political affairs of the European countries. There will be allusions and mentions now and then, but please do not feel overly pressured by this. You shouldn't have to do more than a quick Google to find information about fashion or technology of the time. With the Estate being so far east, little more than gossip of spats between England, France, and Spain affect the residents.

    The Sauveterre Estate is located in northeastern France, very near the German border. It is located on the eastern side of the Vosges Mountains, where it remains largely protected through its isolation. The estate is, in reality, a small castle—the result of nearly three centuries' accumulation of wealth and influence. The Sauveterre Estate has upwards of thirty rooms, including private apartments for the residents, quarters for the servants, a ballroom, a library, a great hall, an observatory, courtyard gardens, numerous guest rooms, bathrooms and boudoirs, an elaborate bathing room, pantries, larders, and kitchens. Of course, the latter of these amenities are used for the servants and for hosting grand parties and masquerades. All bedchambers are outfitted with heavy curtains to effectively block sunlight during the day, ensuring safety during sleep. It also permits the residents to be up and about during daylight hours, should they so choose.


    The servants of the Estate presented a peculiar issue. It was realized upon the acquirement and completion of the Estate that servants and housekeepers would be required to maintain it. While this would be of little issue for most wealthy Estate owners, for a vampire it was an obstacle that required extensive thought. Risking discovery and exposure, Salvadore sought out peasants who possessed no living family members and brought them to the Estate to serve in exchange for lodging, protection, and a life better than they could have otherwise imagined. Fortunately, many of those taken in cared little about the peculiar ailment of their master and proved to be loyal servants. Many of the current servants are descendants of the original people who were taken in by Salvadore, though new faces are brought in every so often. There is a careful selection process to ensure no one will defect or spread rumours about the residents of the Estate.

    In the three centuries spent at the Estate, only one servant has ever tried to compromise those who live there. It was, however, not the vampires that dealt with the dissenting maid, but the other servants. Overall, the serving staff is loyal to Salvadore and his bloodline, guaranteed protection from the family and from vampires of other lines. The servants are aware of what their masters are, but a life of comfort and fair treatment keep the people content. Some of the servants are willing to let the family drink from them, and there are even a few of them who hope they might be selected to join the bloodline.

  • kFQmh6v.png

    Chapter I:
    A Family Gathering

    Salvadore d'Est Sauveterre, Grand Sire of the Sauveterre Bloodline, is missing. While it is not unusual for a vampire to
    vanish now and then on trips or extended hunts, it has been over two months since the Grand Sire was last seen and
    no one was made privy to any travel plans prior to his disappearance. The family has heard nothing from or of him.
    As Salvadore was the patriarch of the family, his disappearance has caused some disturbance among the Sauveterres.

    Rumours of foul play and whispers of treachery have begun to circulate around the French countryside and even those
    outside of the Sauveterre family have caught wind of the disappearance. In order to keep up appearances and resolve
    the mounting tension between the family members, a note of request has gone out to all members of the Sauveterre
    Bloodline, insisting that they report to the Sauveterre Estate. Of course, prying some family members out of a comfortable
    city dwelling can prove difficult, and, in an effort to persuade them, a grand masquerade has been planned at the Estate.

    Amidst the efforts to assemble the family at the Estate, other rumours have begun to creep through villages and small
    towns in the mountains. Strange occurrences have many of the villagers growing ever more afraid of venturing out
    after sundown, though the simple folk of the villages are, by nature, superstitious. It's likely that their stories of odd
    shadows and vanishing livestock are based on nothing more than the natural predators of the region, made more
    frightening by the shortened days of approaching winter...

  • WIP

  • The Grand Sire
    Salvadore d'Este Sauveterre
    Age: 607
    Age Turned:Undisclosed
    Nationality: Italian
    Languages: Italian, French, English, German (C), Reads Latin
    Ability: Enhanced Strength and Healing
    Transformation: Serotine Bat
    Overall, Salvadore is a kind individual who insists upon etiquette and dignity, though his kindness may often be more superficial than he believes it to be. He dislikes suffering and discord and will work to prevent such, though if he feels there is nothing he can do-- or if it might take too much of his time, he will often turn a blind eye. He has a taste for luxury and is fond of hosting elaborate parties and masquerades, though this is partially to scout out potential prey. He is also fond of the arts and insists that all member of the bloodline be educated. Even the servants in the estate are literate, as he prefers to make immaculate impressions.

    Aligning with his tastes of luxury, Salvadore likes to be surrounded by the beautiful, the unusual, and the wealthy. Many of the vampires he turns are for one of the aforementioned reasons, though he is altruistic at times. Should a family member bring a potential candidate for his approval, Salvadore considers how badly the family member desires the human in question and whether or not they have anything of worth (be it beauty, wealth, or skill) to contribute to the family. Even if he finds no inherent worth, he can often be moved to accept by a passionate appeal.

    That said, he has placed strict rules on his family, indicating that they are to hunt no more than what is needed and to treat others, including humans, with the utmost respect. He is generally respectful of life and often prefers to drink the blood of willing servants—in order to prevent unnecessary loss of life. When he does hunt, he delights in killing those whom he believes to be corrupt, and will seek out people of power who are particularly cruel-- by his standards, anyway.

    It should be noted that Salvadore isn't exactly amazing at being the head of a family, but he does try.

    Originally a Margrave of Este, Salvadore was made a vampire around the 1100s. After his transformation, Salvadore left Italy with a considerable amount of his family's wealth to accompany his Sire in traveling and acquiring lands. Little has been disclosed about Salvadore's past, as he has a tendency to redirect the conversation away from himself. What is known is that in the early 1400s, Salvadore took up residence in France and acquired lands and estate, which he had restored and expanded upon. When he took up residence in the estate, he adopted the surname "Sauveterre" to better meet the sensibilities of French nobility and wealth.

    Name: Colette Teffaine d'Este Sauveterre
    Age: 295
    Age Turned: 21
    Nationality: French
    Languages: French, Italian (Conversational), English (Polite)
    Ability: Duplicate -- enables her to make intangible copies of herself through optical and aural illusion
    Transformation: Barbastelle Bat
    Born into a wealthy Parisian family, Colette places a high value on wealth and status, feeling that such assets are the mark of a worthwhile individual. She has a tendency to look down on those who began in (or are part of) a lower social class, and particularly on those who still associate with the lower classes as a Sauveterre. One of her favourite pastimes is drawing attention to Bastien's human heritage and beginnings as a servant. She usually tires quickly of this since he seldom seems bothered by it, but somehow, it always seems to work its way into her conversations at parties-- particularly when she's looking to impress.

    When she wants to, Colette can come across as pleasant and engaging, making it easy for her to draw in suitors and even friends, though she is quick to manipulate them to gain what she wants. Her main concern is for herself, but if she sees that she can gain some boon from another, she will often string them along as much as necessary to keep their cooperation. She is socially adept and clever when dealing with people, making her an asset at balls and events.

    While she pursues other lovers, Colette is still somewhat possessive of Salvadore and tends to sulk when he spends extensive time with another. She is also quick to anger and does not let go of slights or grudges easily, which has earned her a fair amount of dislike, though she is constantly trying to get others on her side. She is quick to lash out, but often tries to reconcile her outbursts with sweet talk and promises. This is particularly true with the young vampire, Matteo, whom she keeps close as a sort of private guard.

    Colette was the third vampire turned by Salvadore, and the first young woman to be introduced into the Sauveterre line. She was born to a wealthy family and lived most of her human life in Paris, far removed from want or need of any kind. She first encountered Salvadore at a ball in Paris, where she was drawn to him, both by his unusual magnetism and the desire to steal his attention away from the young man who accompanied him. In the end, her efforts paid off and they spent several lavish nights together. It was then that the man revealed his true nature and offered her a gift beyond all compare.

    Delighted, Colette accompanied Salvadore back to his estate, where she was turned and became a part of the Sauveterre line. For many years, she led her family on with letters and brief visits, insisting that, in their old age, her parents sign over the estates and deeds to her instead of her brother. His health was failing while hers was not, and she was obviously the better choice for such an inheritance. Unable to argue with her unblemished youth and vitality, her parents finally consented to making her their sole heir.

    All of this was conducted without Salvadore's knowledge, and he was saddened to hear what she had done... Though he could hardly argue with the accumulation of wealth it had granted to the Sauveterre line. As such, Colette owns a small estate in Paris and stays there whenever she isn't at the Estate in eastern France. Wherever she goes, she is almost always accompanied by Matteo.

    Name: Charlotte Frethorne d'Este Sauveterre "Lotte"
    Age: 91
    Age Turned: 20
    Nationality: English
    Languages: English, French, Italian (Conversational)
    Common Nightingale
    Pleasant and helpful
    PENDING; this character may be removed if player characters are similar

  • Bastien d'Este Sauveterre -- @DinoFeather
    Matteo Gabriele dal Malatesta d'Este Sauveterre -- @DinoFeather
    Catherine d'Este Sauveterre - @Acorn
    Falala "Lala" d'Este Sauveterre -- @Sailor Moon
    Ruadh De More d'Este Sauveterre - @Tyrannosaurus Rekt
    Samil El-Amin d'Este Sauveterre - @KageKaioh
    Connor Blackwood - @StormWolf
    Rin Himemiya d'Este Sauveterre - @SaberWolf

    More to come! (Especially as characters are accepted!)

  • Please post your CS application in this thread for review and I will get to it ASAP. Original characters only, please!

    Just a reminder that this is an advanced RP and I expect applications to be spell-checked and use proper grammar and punctuation. If there are a few typos here and there (and typos happen, I totally understand), I'll likely ask you to correct them. If anything stands out to me as not fitting with the RP, I will ask you to make revisions. Please don't take this personally-- I just want the characters to mesh well with the RP.

    I hate the idea of having to reject a character application-- but I will do it.

    If your writing is riddled with mistakes (lack of proper grammar, capitalization, punctuation, or use of wrong word choice, etc.), I will probably make the decision that you're not an ideal candidate for this RP. This isn't intended to be mean, but I want to prevent frustration by making sure everyone is writing around the same level.

    Again, telling someone that they are not ideal for an RP is super difficult and I don't like doing it. I want to give everyone a chance, but if I just don't think you'll work well with the RP, I will reject the CS.

    Oh, and this also applies to rude behaviour! You could submit the most amazing CS I've ever seen, but if you're an ass to me, or to any of the other writers/players, I'm still going to reject your CS. If you've already been accepted, but you start acting like a douche-canoe, you will be asked to leave the RP.

    Thank you for understanding!

    Character Name -- If your character had no last name prior to being turned, it becomes d'Este Sauveterre. Otherwise, d'Este Sauveterre is added to the end.

    Age -- Unless you've talked to me and we've discussed a character, your character should not be older than 250. The oldest your character may be is 300s. Period.

    Age Turned -- How old your character was when they were turned.

    Nationality – Where they are from before joining the Sauveterre line.

    Languages -- What languages your character speaks. Be reasonable here. It's normal to speak other languages, but be sure to indicate their fluency: (F) Fluent-- they speak the language with no difficulty whatsoever; (C) Conversational-- they are able to make small talk and understand most of the language; (P) Polite-- they can communicate well enough for socializing at public events, but conversation can be difficult; (B) Broken-- they can piece together enough phrases to communicate basic ideas.

    Ability – Be reasonable with this! I don't want any crazy-powerful characters because that's just not fun for anyone. Your character can (and likely will) get injured or be beaten in a fight at some point!

    Appearance – Pictures are not required, but they are encouraged. Please use ART for your (character) images! I know some people really like to use images of real people, but I'm just not a fan of using a real person's face. Not sure why, but it weirds me out and I really would prefer that you use art. That said, please do not use pictures of anime characters. If the style of the art is somewhat influenced by anime or manga it's probably fine. Please just don't use art like this. (Nothing wrong with it, just don't use it here.)

    In addition to an image, please include a short, written description of your character.

    Transformation -- Must be a small animal that is native to the region your character is from; it doesn't have to be exclusively nocturnal, but it should be active at night at least some of the time. Please include a picture or a link to a picture in your CS. (Note: when vampires transform and change back, they retain the clothing they were wearing. Because magic.) To avoid confusion or misinterpretation, "small" is no larger than the size of a large housecat.

    Personality – I don't need a novel written here, but a general overview is helpful. A few short paragraphs would be more than sufficient here. Also, if you describe your character as cheerful and bubbly, then your character should act that way at least part of the time. I understand that characters change and develop (character development <3), but personalities tend to change slowly. You may also edit this as your character develops-- if you'd like, that is.

    Biography – Please provide at least three solid paragraphs here! This serves as a sort of writing sample (especially if I can't find other posts you've written) and helps me determine your writing ability. Also, please be reasonable with this and keep your biographies realistic. People and families regularly died early in this time period and life could be very difficult. However, I don't want to read tragedy after tragedy after tragedy to the point of monotony. (Also, please try to keep it fewer than ten to twelve paragraphs. I don't need an entire life history and family tree.) Please be original!

    Skills and Shortcomings – What your character is good at. What do they take pride in? Where are they not so talented? Do they have any skills not mentioned anywhere else?

    Miscellaneous – Anything else you want to add about your character? Do they have any land holdings or the like? Any comments or funny bits of info to share?

    Okay, so— I'm not amazing at coding (as you can see by the coding done here) but the lovely and wonderful @Elle Joyner was kind enough to design an editable CS code, which I have included below.

    You do NOT have to use the code, but if you would like to, please do! If you need help with the editing, I will do my very, very best. All colours and images can be edited, and it's all neatly compiled into a nice, clean layout. My favourite.

    Only thing—the image sizes used should be 241 x 600 and 382 x 195. (Or at least that's what worked for me.) If you do use this code, you need to do all your editing in Notepad then paste it into Iwaku!

    [div=max-width:1200px !important; height:600px; color:#c29878 ; font-size:9pt; font-family:book antiqua; text-align:justify;]
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    [div=padding:0px;][div=width:47%; margin-right:2%; display:inline-block; vertical-align:top; text-transform:uppercase; text-align:left; font-size:7pt;][b]Age[/b][/div][div=width:50%; display:inline-block; vertical-align:top; text-align:left;]Number[/div][/div][div=padding:0px;][div=width:47%; margin-right:2%; display:inline-block; vertical-align:top; text-transform:uppercase; text-align:left; font-size:7pt;][b]Age Turned[/b][/div][div=width:50%; display:inline-block; vertical-align:top; text-align:left;]Number[/div][/div][div=padding:0px;][div=width:47%; margin-right:2%; display:inline-block; vertical-align:top; text-transform:uppercase; text-align:left; font-size:7pt;][b]Nationality[/b][/div][div=width:50%; display:inline-block; vertical-align:top; text-align:left;]Word[/div][/div]
    [div=padding:0px;][div=width:47%; margin-right:2%; display:inline-block; vertical-align:top; text-transform:uppercase; text-align:left; font-size:7pt;][b]Ability[/b][/div][div=width:50%; display:inline-block; vertical-align:top; text-align:left;]Word[/div][/div][div=padding:0px;][div=width:47%; margin-right:2%; display:inline-block; vertical-align:top; text-transform:uppercase; text-align:left; font-size:7pt;][b]Transformation[/b][/div][div=width:50%; display:inline-block; vertical-align:top; text-align:left;]Word[/div][/div]
    [div=padding:0px;][div=width:47%; margin-right:2%; display:inline-block; vertical-align:top; text-transform:uppercase; text-align:left; font-size:7pt;][b]Languages[/b][/div][div=width:50%; display:inline-block; vertical-align:top; text-align:left;]Word(s)[/div][/div][/font][/div][font=Lato][/font][/div][div=height:195px; background:url(https://placeholdit.imgix.net/~text?txtsize=33&txt=269%C3%97195&w=269&h=195); background-size:auto; background-position:43%; margin-left:5px;][/div]
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    [div=text-align:right; font-size:11.5pt;][font=Fondamento][b]✵PERSONALITY OVERVIEW[/b][/font][/div][hr=border:2px solid #203A45][/hr]Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, nunc elit pharetra nulla, venenatis hendrerit, mauris nec odio eget sed at. Augue morbi vel tortor vel congue aliquam, sed lacus velit ut vel, nullam turpis ac luctus fusce justo, purus suscipit curabitur enim. Eget vel non, rutrum quis nibh dui posuere magnis, imperdiet dapibus cras, diam rem euismod, amet sollicitudin. Ac aut ligula sapien in sem, dolor wisi mattis commodo lacus nunc, pede nunc turpis odio. Mattis aliquam, enim impedit consequat pretium, sapien diam, felis molestie, magnis mauris. Scelerisque ut sit hac amet non congue, enim nibh posuere, ac donec enim, nulla malesuada magnis vitae. Hendrerit orci amet in dignissim ligula scelerisque, hendrerit neque suscipit. Orci ullamcorper quam adipiscing luctus porttitor maecenas, nulla ac a, turpis lacus. Ultricies ac lorem proin tristique, auctor donec pulvinar libero, tincidunt lobortis sollicitudin, urna tincidunt viverra, et leo.
    [div=text-align:right; font-size:11.5pt;][font=Fondamento][b]✵BIOGRAPHY[/b][/font][/div][hr=border:2px solid #203A45][/hr]Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, nunc elit pharetra nulla, venenatis hendrerit, mauris nec odio eget sed at. Augue morbi vel tortor vel congue aliquam, sed lacus velit ut vel, nullam turpis ac luctus fusce justo, purus suscipit curabitur enim. Eget vel non, rutrum quis nibh dui posuere magnis, imperdiet dapibus cras, diam rem euismod, amet sollicitudin. Ac aut ligula sapien in sem, dolor wisi mattis commodo lacus nunc, pede nunc turpis odio. Mattis aliquam, enim impedit consequat pretium, sapien diam, felis molestie, magnis mauris. Scelerisque ut sit hac amet non congue, enim nibh posuere, ac donec enim, nulla malesuada magnis vitae. Hendrerit orci amet in dignissim ligula scelerisque, hendrerit neque suscipit. Orci ullamcorper quam adipiscing luctus porttitor maecenas, nulla ac a, turpis lacus. Ultricies ac lorem proin tristique, auctor donec pulvinar libero, tincidunt lobortis sollicitudin, urna tincidunt viverra, et leo.
    [div=text-align:right; font-size:11.5pt;][font=Fondamento][b]✵HOLDINGS OF NOTE[/b][/font][/div][hr=border:2px solid #203A45][/hr]Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, nunc elit pharetra nulla, venenatis hendrerit, mauris nec odio eget sed at. Augue morbi vel tortor vel congue aliquam, sed lacus velit ut vel, nullam turpis ac luctus fusce justo, purus suscipit curabitur enim. Eget vel non, rutrum quis nibh dui posuere magnis, imperdiet dapibus cras, diam rem euismod, amet sollicitudin.
    [div=text-align:right; font-size:11.5pt;][font=Fondamento][b]✵NOTABLE SKILLS[/b][/font][/div][hr=border:2px solid #203A45][/hr]Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, nunc elit pharetra nulla, venenatis hendrerit, mauris nec odio eget sed at. Augue morbi vel tortor vel congue aliquam, sed lacus velit ut vel, nullam turpis ac luctus fusce justo, purus suscipit curabitur enim. Eget vel non, rutrum quis nibh dui posuere magnis, imperdiet dapibus cras, diam rem euismod, amet sollicitudin.
    [div=text-align:right; font-size:11.5pt;][font=Fondamento][b]✵MISCELLANEOUS[/b][/font][/div][hr=border:2px solid #203A45][/hr]Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, nunc elit pharetra nulla, venenatis hendrerit, mauris nec odio eget sed at. Augue morbi vel tortor vel congue aliquam, sed lacus velit ut vel, nullam turpis ac luctus fusce justo, purus suscipit curabitur enim. Eget vel non, rutrum quis nibh dui posuere magnis, imperdiet dapibus cras, diam rem euismod, amet sollicitudin.

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✵Bastien d'Este Sauveterre

Age Turned

Eurasian Eagle Owl

French (F), German (F), English (F), Italian (C)


Tall and lean, Bastien presents himself with good carriage though he has a, generally, relaxed demeanor. Dark hair is offset by light blue eyes and pale skin. Customary of his kind, his ears are slightly tipped and his canines are elongated and end in small points. He is long limbed and somewhat broad-shouldered, though he has a generally slim appearance, which is usually draped in loose-fitting apparel. He will oblige by expectations of high society for parties and outings, but he otherwise prefers comfort to fashion.


Calm and collected, Bastien is known for his even-temper and mild manner. He is soft-spoken and polite, but not unfriendly or overly aloof. He is a romantic at heart—a reader of poetry and a lover of music, and he often spends long hours shut up in the library reading or writing. Another fair portion of his time is spent cultivating the night garden in the inner courtyard of the estate, where he can usually be found humming or reciting poetry to the plants. Despite his quiet and rather placid nature, Bastien isn't reclusive and willingly attends parties and gatherings—though his presence may not be an extended one.

An effort is expended to get along with all members of the family, though there are certain members who take more of his patience than others. Because of his good temperament, Bastien is often left playing peacemaker between feuding family members, which he isn't fond of but views as one of his responsibilities. On the rare occasion his wrath is incurred, he is a force to be reckoned with-- though he is seldom moved to true anger. He also has a rather dry sense of humour that can be easy to miss and is occasionally exercised at the expense of others.

Bastien is a willing teacher for those who wish to learn, including the serving staff of the Estate. Some of the family tend to look down on his behaviour, but Bastien pays them little mind. His beginnings as a servant of the household are not forgotten, and he holds the serving staff in high regard. He also retains his work ethic and is willing to do whatever job needs done. He can also be quite meticulous, which many find to be rather dull.

Some vampires tend towards indulgence, but Bastien is not one of them. He predominantly feeds from willing servants or takes to hunting in the forests around the Estate. Once in a rare while he will feed from an unwilling human, though he seeks out those who have been deemed the dregs of society, as taught to him by Salvadore.

Bastien has great respect for Salvadore, even if he doesn't fully agree with all of his choices concerning family.

Apart from his hobbies, Bastien doesn't speak extensively of himself, though his lowly background is often made public knowledge by Colette—though he hardly seems to mind this. Then again, he can be difficult to read as he has a tendency to internalize his emotions, always striving to present a composed demeanor.

One of the first vampires created by Salvadore at the Sauveterre Estate, Bastien was taken in as a servant at a young age. The sole survivor of his family's brush with the plague, Bastien was left to scratch out a living as a beggar in a small village in southern France. After some nights of observation, Salvadore selected the boy as a potential servant for his household, and Bastien went willingly to the Sauveterre Estate. Elated to have a greater purpose, Bastien became a diligent worker and a keen student of the other servants. His efforts to do his work well also carried over to the basic education he received from the servants as well. His voracious appetite for literature and learning did not go unnoticed by Salvadore, nor did his emerging looks, and he took the boy on as a ward, tutoring him in the liberal arts.

While Bastien was not afraid of the unusual condition that seemed to plague Salvadore, he was curious as to why his teacher was so averse to sunlight and demonstrated a set of rather peculiar behaviours. The other servants had explained that it was rude to plague the man with questions, but Bastien, unable to resist, approached Salvadore with his queries. After careful consideration, Salvadore decided to impart the strange and frightening truth to the young man: how he must never be exposed to the light of day, how he must subsist on the blood of the living, and of the abilities granted to him in his new "life." It had occurred to Salvadore that the young man was an ideal candidate for continuing the bloodline, but he had not yet pursued this endeavor. When Bastien showed intrigue and not fear toward vampirism, however, he was given the choice to join the bloodline. Bastien consented, but waited until his twentieth year to undergo the transformation.

Soon after his turning, Bastien traveled throughout France, Germany, and Britian with Salvadore as he learned to control his new abilities and adapt to his new style of life. Salvadore wished for his protégé to "experience" the wider world, and they took much delight in visiting castles, estates, universities, and even monasteries and cathedrals. Bastien worked tirelessly to learn the languages and general customs of the different countries, though Salvadore also insisted that he learn to present himself in what he called "high society." Bastien was taught the dances popular in each region and how to mingle with other socialites; he learned to effectively manipulate words and gestures to win favour with others, and he learned exactly how much power wealth and beauty held over others.

This was true even for Salvadore.

On one of their outings to Paris, Salvadore became utterly smitten with a young woman who eventually accompanied them back to the Estate. While Salvadore did not ignore Bastien after the new addition to the bloodline, their outings did become less frequent. Not wishing to invoke the jealousy and ire of the new vampire, Colette, Bastien eventually took to traveling by himself, wanting to see new places and, mostly, to collect books to expand the Estate's library.

With the growing influence of theatre and the arts in the later 1500s, Bastien's interest in theatre lead to the acquisition of several establishments in Paris and London. By this time, several more family members had joined the bloodline, and further holdings and wealth had accumulated. Bastien's efforts to expand the library had also resulted in a new construction to house all the books—a sign that, despite his divided attention, Salvadore still cared deeply for Bastien and wished to help him pursue his intellectual interests. Of course, the library was an asset to the Estate as a whole, and many of the residents took to utilizing it as education became more and more valued. And, as Salvadore had less time to spend with individual family members, Bastien took up the mantle of teacher, particularly glad to educate the servants of the household.

In addition to his compiling of books, Bastien also cleared a section of the inner courtyard for a night garden, which he has carefully cultivated for the last six decades. His appetite for gardening isn't as rapacious as that for reading, but he is always happy to find a new variety of night flower that can be implemented into the garden.

Bastien resides predominantly at the Sauveterre Estate and has his own apartments there, though he is known to take occasional trips to Germany.


Bastion prides himself on his intellect—namely his prolific knowledge of the arts. He is an adept writer and calligrapher and often pens correspondence for the family. He is a patient teacher so long as he has a willing student, and he has fair skill with horticulture. He can sing, albeit not as well as some, and he can occasionally be convinced to write poetry or songs.

While he knows the basics of combat and swordplay, he does not often exercise this ability and would be sore-pressed to win a duel or fight against a practiced opponent. He possesses the slightly increased strength of all vampires, but he exhibits no extensive physical prowess.

Continued practice in his state of transformation have made him an adept flyer and he often uses his transformation for travel.

Bastien's unique ability allows him to conjure a dark, mist-like substance which he can manipulate. While he cannot use it to interact with inanimate objects, the presence of this sort of miasma can affect living beings. Mostly, it is used as a sort of cover which makes it seem as though Bastien can simply dissipate into thin air. This does not render him completely invisible, though it does make him very difficult to detect in darkness or shadow. It can also be used to restrain or bind others for a short duration, constricting them and making movement very difficult. Restraining another is difficult and exerts considerable strain on Bastien, leaving him in need of rest and blood after its use.


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✵Matteo Gabriele dal Malatesta d'Este Sauveterre

Age Turned

Alpine Long-Eared Bat

Italian (F), Spanish (F), French (C), English (B)


Matteo is an accomplished dualist, and spends a good deal of his time in practice. As a result, he is well-built— trim and compact. His carriage is upright and at times he seems a bit stiff, though this is probably do to his general expression of annoyance. He has a darker, almost olive complexion and dark hair that falls around his chin. His facial features are somewhat sharp, though his eyes are his most remarkable feature. While he is never explicitly overdressed, Matteo is very particular about his appearance, and is, at times, downright fussy. He wants to present a good impression, and his tastes run toward the finer things in life. Generally, he wears light and earth colours, and his attire is usually immaculately clean. Feeling as though he appears unclean causes him a fair amount of frustration and stress.


At a glance, most would assume that Matteo is annoyed—or, at best, uninterested. He has a terrible propensity to look upset, even when he's not really feeling one way or another—particularly when he's focused on something. This is further accentuated by the fact that he doesn't tend to talk extensively or often. This is largely due to his lack of fluency in French, though he doesn't readily inform people of such. He understands French much better than he speaks it, but he is afraid to come across as ignorant and would rather not speak at all than try to converse in what he considers poor French.

Contrary to his aloof and rather rigid attitude, Matteo doesn't mind attending parties or being surrounded by people, though he will avoid small-talk like the plague. Generally, he can be found at Colette's side, as his services as a combatant and guard are frequently demanded. While there is no doubt that Matteo is infatuated with Colette, he isn't entirely sure where their relationship stands and at times can seem frustrated by her frequent demands of him. Then again, this is largely assumed as he hasn't exactly discussed it with other members of the family.

On the surface, Matteo seems to adhere to rules and sensibilities of the upper class. He is polite when necessary, particularly when addressing Salvadore, and he is versed in the skills required of him to maintain good standing in society. His greatest asset, and the thing in which he obviously takes pride, is his skill as a duelist. When he isn't indulging Colette's demands or traveling, he can often be found honing his techniques in quiet, open areas.

Despite being born into a wealthy family, Matteo is accustomed to being told what to do. Though he would never openly admit it, he is most comfortable when following orders. As a result, he isn't really sure what he wants for himself, and often becomes inwardly agitated because of it.

Matteo was born in the late 1650s to a prominent family in the Republic of Lucca, Italy. His was a merchant family, predominantly dealing in silk and small goods, and providing a comfortable life of wealth and grandeur. Unfortunately for Matteo, he was born the third son; the fifth and final child of the Gabriele dal Malatesta family. Even as a child Matteo stood out from his family. He was slim, active, and quiet—where his father and brothers were corpulent, raucous, and indulgent. Unlike his brothers, Matteo learned quickly, but he was not particularly gifted with numbers, which seemed to be the only form of intelligence his family valued. Instead of receiving the promise of inheritance and learning the skill of trade and accounting, Matteo lived in the shadow of his older siblings. His father taught his two elder brothers and his mother doted upon her two daughters, while Matteo was largely forgotten. Most of his care was given over to various nurses and tutors, none of whom did much to enrich the boy's life.

Once he began training in the art of swordplay, however, everything changed. It became clear quite quickly that the boy had a gift, and his parents were delighted at this revelation. Matteo was given over to fine mentors and masters from both Italy and Spain, and he reveled in every moment of his training. For once he possessed something his siblings did not, making him feel as though he had value to his family at last. His family, however, saw his skill as something to capitalize on, and fencing contests and titles soon gave way to private duels, arranged to benefit the family—winning them land and other assets. His father and brothers also took Matteo's skills as an open invitation to give insult to others, knowing they had a skilled duelist to settle their grievances for them. Of course, this did little for the Gabriele dal Malatesta name and rumours of corruption and dishonour eventually made its rounds.

Matteo was torn between longing to be a valued part of his family and his feelings of anger and resentment. As rumours began to circulate, however, those feelings of resentment grew and grew—though he was unsure of what course of action to take. He had almost reached a breaking point when a path was made clear to him.

It was at one of the elegant baroque carnivals in Venice, having accompanied his brothers to settle a dispute the evening before, that Matteo met a most unusual and striking young woman. Rather, she had followed him and had worked for a better part of the evening to beckon him away from his brothers. In the privacy of the unruly public, she told him that she had been seeking someone with his talents, how she had seen him win a duel and was taken with him, and had followed him until she was finally able to win his attention. She talked of his mistreatment at the hands of his own family and how he was wasted on petty grievances and avarice. And, greatest of all, she promised that she could give him a better life— one free of his family, one with a new family and a name that demanded honour and respect— one deserving of him.

At first, Matteo refused her and he made to return to his brothers. When he found them, drunk and belligerent, they were attempting to force themselves on a young girl. Without a second thought, Matteo killed them both. Before he could truly consider what he'd done, the young woman had again found him and praised his efforts— seeming amused, delighted even, that he had so willingly killed his own kin.

After staging the scene to look as though the brothers' deaths had been the result of a violent robbery, Matteo accompanied Colette back to Sauveterre Estate. It took little convincing for Salvadore to take to such a skilled duelist, and Matteo was soon persuaded to turn over his family's estate to the mercy of the Sauveterre line. Though he did not learn the particulars, Matteo needed only sign a few documents and the estate and holdings were assimilated into the Sauveterre fortune. He is promised the ability to whatever he wants with his own estate, though he seldom visits it as he is most always accompanying Colette.

While he had a small period of adjustment to his new life, Matteo seems content as a part of the Sauveterre family. A large portion of his time is spent in the company of Colette, and she rather treats him like a personal guard and servant, which the family hasn't failed to notice. There are often murmurings of "Colette's dog," which

In the rare event one can get the man alone to talk, he usually resorts to silent nodding and single-word responses in an effort to escape the conversation. When addressed in a language he is fluent in, he can be an attentive listener and adept conversationalist, though this is a rare occurrence. In his limited free time, Matteo has been working on his French under Bastien's guidance.


Many vampires gain some unique skill that they must master, but Matteo received a gift perfectly befitting a duelist—and he feels all the more fortunate for it. Some would consider increased speed and agility a lesser gift, but Matteo couldn't be more pleased as it only served to increase his prowess as a fighter and duelist. Heightened reflexes improve his reactions and improved agility make him difficult to pin down, rendering him a rather formidable opponent. Matteo also possesses the expected "skills" from one born into wealth. He is educated in the social niceties and presents a favorable appearance in public and at social events.

One of his greatest drawbacks is that Matteo often overexerts himself. Increased physical abilities are draining on his endurance, though he often ignores this to the point of exhaustion and must feed to regain his strength. His other marked shortcoming is his subservience to Colette. Whatever command she makes is carried out, and he is often quietly ridiculed by the family for his seemingly blind devotion. Another of his weaknesses is his lack of fluency in French, though he is working to improve it.

While he is able to use his transformation well for flight, Matteo finds his animal ridiculous.

One of his favourite aspects of parties is dancing, though he is rarely given a chance to do so.

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//takes way longer than is proper to reply.
And second reserve, because I'm kind of a douche like that. :c
Okay-- posting is open! Also, if you find typos or errors please, please tell me so that I can fix them!

Character Name
Falala, Lala(African name meaning born in abundance) d'este Sauvettere


Age Turned




Psiren Song – Using the power of song, Lala is able to will others to do her bidding or simply gain their favor by singing. This effect lasts for as long as she is singing, and only a few short seconds after. However, this ability comes with limitations and can be quite draining on her if used for longer than a couple of minutes. She can enchant up to ten people, but the more people under her spell, the less influence she has over them.

In addition to her singing powers, she can raise her voice so high that it can temporarily incapacitate the person who hears it, causing their ears and eyes to bleed from the inhuman sound.

Lala stands at around 5'3" with a slim hour glass figure, exaggerated by the too tight corsets and dresses that bloom around the hips. Her hair is full of heavy ringlets and coils that shrink up around her neck when it is out in its full glory and left untouched. In truth, her hair is very long, falling somewhere around her waistline when it is styled in braids or fashionable up-dos. Lala is always dressed in the very best of the current fashion, and prefers a mix of bright pops of color and dark colors to complement her sun kissed skin.

Sand Cat

With a voice like honey, Lala doesn't even have to sing to get what she wants. She is a graceful, elegant person, who is very conscious of appearances. Her whole life up until being turned was all about assimilation, so she has plenty of masks under her belt to fit any time or place. She prefers to mingle with the likes of nobles and aristocrats, even preferring to feed from them above anyone else, though her reasoning for that has nothing to do with class.

Lala is, for the most part, a friendly woman. If you're kind to her, she is kind to you. She can be prideful, and at times, competitive. If she sees something she wants, she aims for it and never stops trying until she has conquered it. Her strengths lie in her ability to read people very well, and to charm her way in or out of most situations.

Very little is remembered of Lala's past, except that where she was from was a much simpler, and kinder place filled with lots of sun. From the day she set sail on that ship and stepped foot on the European soil she was shunned and treated as less than human. Possibly to her relief, she was sold off to the highest bidder to a family of nobles, forced into a life of servitude with no pay, and very little respect.

Life was cold for her, but during her many years spent serving, she picked up valuable skills such as reading, writing, and dance. She could dance professionally and play both the violin and piano well enough that the family would use her to entertain guests during their lavish parties. In her free time, she would take long walks on their property and sing to herself.

Shortly after reaching adulthood, Lala met with Maria, another servant girl who she'd grown close with over the years. She had porcelain skin and bright blue eyes, but just like Lala, she was no more than a slave. They often dreamed of running away together, even robbing their family and making off with it to live a better life. Lala was never brave enough to do it, but one night, after the patriarch of the family hurt Maria, they decided that it was worth the risk.

When they were tasked with fetching groceries for a party, the pair discreetly gathered their things and the coin they were given for the food. Instead of doing as they were told, they left the family behind and kept the money to feed themselves and get as far away from everyone as possible. Lala began singing for money, while Maria did odd jobs around the city for work.

Of course the possibility of being captured again loomed over their head, but after a few years the fear subsided and Lala became somewhat of a local opera star. She was the first of her kind to break through, and people were willing to pay much more to see her perform.

Maria didn't have the same luck. Her health was rapidly declining and Lala spent every penny she earned hiring the best physicians to help Maria. They had a little under a year together before Maria finally died. Lala was devastated, but unbroken. She pushed herself even harder, and she was rewarded over the years by making a bigger name for herself. Though she wasn't a superstar, she was happy enough getting to perform at parties and balls.

It was at one ball in particular where she met her sire, Salvadore. Lala was drawn to his presence, and he, to her voice. While Lala was weary of most nobles, Salvadore was different, which she would later find out. He turned out to be more like a father figure than anything, and when she fell under the same sickness that Maria did, he saved her, in more ways than one. It was through Salvadore and his bloodline that she relearned the meaning of family.

Skills and Shortcomings
Lala is sometimes blinded by her own goals. She focuses on one thing so much that she sometimes misses what is going on around her.

Lala is a proficient dancer, and a very skilled singer. Her vocal ability is her pride and joy.

Lala enjoys flirting, so much that she considers it a skill in itself. It's a game to her.

Jealousy can, at times, consume Lala. If she likes you and you shift your attention elsewhere, you'll feel her wrath.

At times she can be catty, but it's usually not personal.

Enjoys glitz and glam. She collects unique jewelry and ornate hair pins.
She still speaks with an accent.
Some days, she will take up residence in a nearby Opera house, where she owns a lavish, but small apartment on the top floor.
Prefers women over men.

Has a shopping addiction. She always has to have the best everything.
At heart she is an entertainer, so everything she does is for her own amusement.
Lala can not resist a party. She will go where the fun takes her.
Always carries Maria's locket.
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There she is. Just let me know if anything needs changing or I took too many liberties. :D

Also, are we allowed only one ability? Or can we make like, small sub-skills branching from the main one?
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Character Name -- Rin Himemiya d'Este Sauveterre.

Age -- 86

Age Turned -- 25

Nationality – Japanese

Languages -- Japanese (F) French, English(C) German(B)

Ability – Tactile and aural influence. (She touches someone and can convince them of pretty much anything, but once she leaves their presence, the effects of her power wears off almost immediately. Which leaves them in a state of confusion and they remember the last thought they had before she touched them.)

Appearance - Rin is 5'7", toned figure and usually dressed in loose, men's clothing. She holds comfortability and mobility above all when she dresses, not being fond of corsets and dresses. She has straight, black hair that ends just below her shoulder blades and for the most part, is kept back in a low pony tail. Since she is a very simple person, she tends to dress in monochromatic colors which tend to bring out her grey eyes. Though on the occasion she must be in the eye of a crowd or entertaining guests, she will add a bit of color to her wardrobe.

Transformation --Red Fox

Personality –Rin is usually described as charismatic and intimidating. Though she may seem unapproachable, Rin is very soft spoken and kind, but tends to overlook sarcasm and humor. She is incredibly loyal and responsible and has a hard time making time to enjoy herself or have fun. Mainly since her idea of having fun is physical training or working to master her powers completely. Because of this, she hasn't really taken the time to get to know every part of her vampire family fully.

Because of her upbringing and history, Rin is used to being by herself and not having anyone to care about or rely on. She is very independent and hardly ever asks anyone for help unless it's absolutely necessary, and then she is very stubborn about it. Rin is very proud of her upbringing and heritage, not being shy about showing it or telling someone if asked. Her only sensitive subject would be her family, both human and vampire. She is protective of her friends (once she makes them) and would kill anyone to keep them safe.

Biography – Rin grew up the only child to her parents in Edo, Japan. Her father was a personal body guard to the Shogun and as such, since he didn't have a son, taught Rin how to wield a sword since she was a young girl. Her father raised her like a boy, teaching her everything he knew of martial arts and stealth, hoping she'd carry on his name. When she turned sixteen, she started working under the Shogun as an assassin. Her young age and gender made it easy for her to infiltrate rebel meetings or to assassinate any enemies of the Shogun. Rin was proficient and good at her job, having several hundred kills under her belt by the time she turned twenty. Being loyal to her Shogun, all the people she killed she saw as necessary evils in order to protect her country and family.

When she turned twenty-four, Rin lost her parents to a foreign enemy with pale skin and red eyes. He had left them slaughtered in their home, blood drained from their bodies and fled in the shadows when Rin had shown up at home. After burying her parents, Rin made a vow to kill the man that had murdered her family. She had a hard time tracking the man, unfortunately, since it seemed he had walked in plain sight, but no one actually saw him. After a year of searching, Rin found her way west and in a foreign land that she had to assimilate to. There were rumors of demons involved, none of which she believed, but delved into a world she didn't know existed in a culture she was unfamiliar with.

One night while she was on a lead about a demon, Rin found herself led into a trap and was grossly outnumbered. Though she managed to kill her attackers and make it out of the situation alive, she was badly injured. While she was walking the streets almost bleeding to death, she had given up hope on surviving and stopped in a dark alley, passing out. When she woke up, she was more than surprised to find herself in a bed, her wounds cleaned and bandaged. That's how she met Salvadore.

He had found her bleeding in the alley and quickly taken her to his estate to tend to her wounds. While she was there healing, Rin learned that Salvadore had been following her since she'd stepped foot in Europe. Rin would learn that Salvadore was a very rich man who held a lot of respect in the country. While she was healing, Rin learned about and met the man's extended family and in turn, he learned about why she was in the country in the first place.

After about two weeks, Rin was finally well enough to be comfortable traveling again. Though she had appreciated the hospitality, she needed to continue on her own path. Before she left, Rin met with Salvadore one last time to thank him for his aid. During this conversation is when Rin learned of Salvadore's and his family's true nature. He then asked her if she'd be willing to join his family, the fact that Rin could find her parent's murderer faster with help was a large factor in her acceptance to joining the d'Este Sauveterre family. After accepting, Rin had problems coming to terms with all the changes in her new life.

Because of this, she was given the position of a guard and errand runner for the family to keep one small aspect of her old life. Though her transition was difficult, as the years passed, she came into her power and has opened up more to the life she chose. Rin predominately lives at the Sauveterre Estate, though she has a small apartment in Paris that she uses as a getaway.

Skills and Shortcomings – Rin is a very focused individual, which is both a gift and a curse. When given a task, she can focus on it without any distraction, but on the other hand, she can't see anything else that is going on around her no matter how important. She is very proficient with bladed weapons and can be very persuasive when needed.

One thing that tends to get the best of her is her temper. Though calm and collected most times, her temper goes from zero to one hundred when pushed past her threshold. She is helpful and tries to be as useful and loyal as possible to her new family. Rin can be socially claustrophobic when confronted by too many people at once for conversation. Though she enjoys the balls and masquerades, if too many people approach her at once, she will shut down and try and find a quieter place to unwind.

Miscellaneous – Rin spends a lot of time meditating and enjoys being out in nature. If she's being overwhelmed by anything, she'll often shift into her animal form and find a quiet, comfy place to take a nap or sulk until she's calmed down. Rin also has an affinity for animals, but she doesn't really let anyone see that side of her.
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Lmao. Did I scare Dino off with my cs? >.>
@Sailor Moon

Not at all-- I just didn't have time to fully read through it until now.

That said, I quite like her! There are just a few things that need tweaked/added. Please add or link a picture of the flying squirrel, and please read through one more time to pick out typos. I think I caught like two-- so it's nothing major. Also, the RP is (currently) set about 100 years before the victorian era, so I'd just eliminate the word "Victorian" and you'll be set.

Question about her ability-- can it be prevented if people are actively covering their ears and cannot hear her sing? Also, what kind of branch off are you meaning?
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@Sailor Moon

Not at all-- I just didn't have time to fully read through it until now.

That said, I quite like her! There are just a few things that need tweaked/added. Please add or link a picture of the flying squirrel, and please read through one more time to pick out typos. I think I caught like two-- so it's nothing major. Also, the RP is (currently) set about 100 years before the victorian era, so I'd just eliminate the word "Victorian" and you'll be set.

Question about her ability-- can it be prevented if people are actively covering their ears and cannot hear her sing? Also, what kind of branch off are you meaning?

Sure. I'll reread it and fix the typos and edit it.

Like, when I read your characters miasma ability I noticed he can use it bind as well. I was thinking of maybe giving it an offensive property, but that may not be needed since hypnotism is already pretty powerful. I was thinking maybe that she could create a slight shockwave with her voice, or maybe a very high note will hurt their ears?

To answer your question about covering their ears, I'd say yes. If they can't hear the song then it won't affect them. :)
@Sailor Moon

Great-- thanks!

Oh, I get you. I would say that, as long as it is used within reason, then yes-- something like that would be fine. I think it would probably be particularly helpful if she has no combat training of any kind.

If powers get abused in the RP, and this goes for anyone, their character abilities will get nerfed. Not that I think people will, I'm just saying.
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Awesome! Thanks. :)

And yeah, she doesn't have any fighting skills. I'd say she's probably more on the weak side as far as vampires go. Her strengths will be off of the battlefield, but I do think she could be helpful in some combat! I'll finish those touches. I had to use a sort of scientific picture. I guess the animal I picked is very rare, because most of the real life pics of her animal are dead. :'(

Anyways, I made the change and I think I got all of the typos.
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@Sailor Moon

Great, thank you! Everything appears to be in order, so I'll mark her down as an accepted character. c:

Also, if you want to change your animal to something a bit easier to find pictures of, you're welcome to do so.

Oh! Not that it's a huge matter of importance, but remember to plug in "d'Este Sauveterre" as her last name.
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@Sailor Moon

Great, thank you! Everything appears to be in order, so I'll mark her down as an accepted character. c:

Also, if you want to change your animal to something a bit easier to find pictures of, you're welcome to do so.

Oh! Not that it's a huge matter of importance, but remember to plug in "d'Este Sauveterre" as her last name.

Oh! Sure. I may wind up changing it before the roleplay starts. Though I'm liking the squirrel. Can people double as the same animal? Like if i change it, could someone else pick the same thing? >_>
I figured it would also be helpful to set up a Discord server-- so here it is. If you don't have an account you can get one for free-- it really helps planning and is great for general conversation.
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Perhaps you should bump your interest check to make sure you get the desired amount of players? :)
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