Sci-fi alien invasion RP

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Ivan: Duke of Beards

Duke of Mustache-Beard-Combos to be precise.
Original poster
Invitation Status
  1. Looking for partners
Posting Speed
  1. 1-3 posts per day
Online Availability
Pretty much all the time. Central Standard time.
Writing Levels
  1. Intermediate
  2. Adept
Preferred Character Gender
  1. Male
  2. Futanari
Fantasy, Scifi, Modern, Magical, Romance, can do Furry, sub/dom, slave, monster girls. Open to just about anything.
Preface. I'm a guy, I only like to RP with girls. Nothing against you other guys, I just feel weird about it. If you're a guy and I know it, I'll decline your request as politely as possible. It's just my preference, and I don't enjoy when people try to break my rules or convince me otherwise.

And READ THE PROMPT! If you ignore half of the things I put on here (these included), I'll deny your request. I play in first person and in PMs, but can be talked into playing in a thread. As proof that you read this part, make your subject line "Strawberry Banana Milkshake" and say that you use first person in your body. If you don't, you'll get a sorry in response.

So I had this idea last night, based off a stupid anime I'm watching (like this one is really stupid I won't recommend it to anyone at all). I don't have much intro to this, I'm gonna just dive right in. Now I have thought up a bit of plot, but it's subject to change, we can mix things up some.

Just warning, the beginning is rather dark.


It's 2020, and everything is peaceful tonight. It's just a plain evening, people walking dogs before bed, kids fighting with parents to stay out just a little longer, teens sneaking out to go to parties, normal.

Then, a sudden light in the sky grows brighter and brighter as it approaches the Earth until it makes landfall in the backyard of a 22-year-old new home owner. The man, waiting for his friends to come over for the mini house warming party, rushes outside to see what's happened.

Sitting square in the middle of his new yard, smoldering in a large crater is a meteorite, about the size of his head. The young man is quite bright, but at the moment he is just furious with the poor timing of this one-in-a-million occurrence. He knows he shouldn't approach a recently landed space rock, but anger blinds him.

So he slides into the crater of his once nice lawn, and approaches the rock. The moment he steps one foot into a short radius of the rock, it splits open. He jumps and slips on a small clump of dirt, sliding closer to the space before hitting his head on a larger stone and falling unconscious. From the meteorite climbs a small, sentient piece of organic material. It climbs out from the stone, up the man's leg, through his shirt, and swiftly into his nose, eventually finding its way to his brain.

Half an hour later, the man wakes up. He's confused, delirious. He climbs from the crater with newfound strength, getting increasingly frustrated with everything around him. "Why is the door closed!?" he shouts before smashing through the sliding glass door without suffering a scratch.

The time the young man spent unconscious was more than enough for the alien virus to take hold within his mind, causing his amygdala to go haywire and him grow more and more enraged.

Suddenly the doorbell rings. It's his friends for the housewarming party. He growls as he approaches and rips the knob off the door before punching a hole through and ripping the door off the hinges, throwing the wooden piece into the house and into his large TV. Ahead of his panting form stands his 3 friends who came to celebrate. His two nerdy guy friends in back, and right in front, the girl he's had a crush on for many years and she on him, the shy and bookish girl who planned on finally asking him out tonight after the others left. They had discussed it all and the other men supported them.

They stand there, shocked and afraid.

He stands, eyes slowly growing more and more bloodshot by the moment.

It all begins with in a flash. His hand is suddenly in her face and she's thrown to the ground. Her head slams into the concrete with such force that she's dead on impact. Next, the friend closest gets a rapid jab to the throat, crushing his windpipe and he slowly suffocates, writhing on the ground. The last friend begins to panic and scream, running away. The man wastes no time to give chase before wrapping him in a rear-naked-choke, his body going on instinct as he's done mixed martial arts for years, and begins choking his friend. His friend taps which he knows to do, but the man doesn't stop until he hears a sickening snap as the friend's neck snaps.

The man slowly stands before he looks around his new neighborhood, seeing all his neighbors having come out to see what the commotion is, to see a three people get murdered just outside their doorsteps.

Suddenly, with inhuman speed, muscles and tendons snapping and tearing as he moves so quickly, he falls upon his neighbors, letting out guttural roars of primal rage, killing everyone in site.

After an hour, bodies strewn about the street, he makes it to the main road before seeing a line of men in black combat gear, lined up across the street and crouched with rifles at the ready, with a man in uniform between them. Not knowing the danger he's in, or not acknowledging it, he rushes forward, possessed, before getting shot in the right bicep, the uniformed man holding a revolver with a smoking barrel. When he refuses to stop, the left bicep is hit. Then, the right knee, then the left.

He finally comes to a skidding halt on his knees before the uniformed man, still panting heavily, foaming at the mouth, coated in blood. But as he sits there, his injures begin repairing themselves, healing him far faster than any human. The uniformed man raises the revolver to the young man's forehead and pulls the trigger once more, and the man finally stops, lying in the street.

Scientists come to clean up the mess, particularly the meteorite and the young man, before the government covers up the entire occurrence as an escaped prisoner.

After a few hours, the man has woken up from his wounds, still trying to attack anything that comes near, even though he's thoroughly restrained and unable to break free. The scientists run tests on him for months before finding that the virus he contracted is incurable with modern medicine, they cryogenically freeze him in hopes of finding a cure or to capitalize on the virus and make super soldiers.

Years go by and the man remains frozen. Every so often he's thawed just to test something but nothing works, and he's quickly put back under. In this time, a small portion of his brain, just a single cell due to the virus's influence, remains awake and his entire conscious remains awake there, slowly growing more and more mad. Even if they cure him as he is, he'll be just as mad as he was when they froze him.


It is now 50 years after the incident.

A bright light appears over a high tech research facility that resides within the Arctic Circle. It's reminiscent of the meteor that fell all those years ago. But instead of a space rock, it's a person. A woman to be precise, dressed in a strange armor. Her goal is the young man who the virus took hold of half a century ago.

She makes short work of the facility's defense matrix, the guards still using normal ballistic weapons and the occasional prototype energy weapon. They're no match for her inhuman strength, nearly indestructible armor and high powered energy weapons.

She quickly finds her way to his room, his stasis pod already failing due to the damage to the facility's systems. Once he thaws, she smiles as he blinks awake and she spreads her arms. "My king, I've finally found you! Please, come with m-"

She's cut off as suddenly he rushes forward, faster than even she can react. Her eyes go wide as his hand appears at her throat and slams her to the ground. Then again, and again and again. Her mind rocks as she's repeatedly smashed into the floor before thrown forward and into the wall, smashing through it, then the glass beyond it.

The man charges after her, ignoring all bullets from the security as they slam into him. She slowly gets up from the snow outside, but he's already on her. She gasps as his hands make like trowels and smash into her chest, breaking through her sternum and slipping between her heart and her lungs. She gasps as she looks down at him, but smiles ever so slightly. He roars as a black sludge from around her heart and lungs begins to flow over his arms, before he spread them fast as lightning.

He bisects the woman down the middle, both halves being thrown to the snow. The sludge continues down his arms as he roars, feeling pain for the first time in years as they burn. He soon passes out, the sludge having a mind of its own and working its way into his body, leaving tattoo-like burns on his arms.

The scientists soon recover him and place him back in stasis, then retrieve the woman and her armor and begin running experiments on her, her armor, and him.

The discovery of the woman sends science into a tail spin, her armor even more so, as they found a remarkably human species from outer space, with an extremely advanced piece of technology. And while it is all great for science, they don't learn to use the armor until decades later, and the young man remains frozen, still no cure.

As for his mental state, it improves. As the sludge was a sort of organic intelligence from the woman, released to settle in the 'virus' within his mind. She took hold of it and helps to care for the man within his mind, helping to bring back his sanity as he remains frozen, loving her king. While she eventually loses her memories as an extraterrestrial, she retains her feelings for him. She cannot fix the virus to keep him from going berserk, she can help him return to society once there is a cure.


It is now 200 years after the initial incident.

A cure has finally been found for the man. Scientists release him from stasis, keeping him on watch in a hospital. But they quickly find that his mental state is stable, if mildly schizophrenic due to the "voice" he talks to from time to time. But the voice doesn't seem hostile. Due to the fact that he wasn't acting himself all those years ago, no charges are pressed even though all victims and their families have long since passed, and the governments have long since failed. They simply don't put him in jail, but a powerful special operations unit plan on offering him a job to work, since he's just as powerful as most of their fighters. If not stronger.

Currently the world is in a crisis. Aliens, the same people of the woman who appeared 150 years ago, have been attacking through rifts across the world. They've attacked countless cities and many countries have begun evacuating, or have already evacuated, to large floating platforms in the ocean, to keep what populations they have left safe.

The tech salvaged from the woman had been reverse engineered 50 years before now, and has been in active service for 45 of those years. The only hope for humanity is to use the aliens' own technology against them.

The recently awakened man may have a large role to play.


Ok so yea, that's supposed to by my character. I'm gonna go into a bit more detail with the start when it comes around. And like I said, we can change things up. Doesn't have to be a post apocalyptic alien invasion, could be while everything is ok.

The idea I have is that the woman who came, her body was experimented on and eventually (within the last 25 years of my character waking up) she was cloned or something and grown to be the fighter to protect them against the aliens since her body was best suited for the technology. Then my character finally wakes up and they're put together in the same team since they're both so strong, both physically and with the suits. As time goes on, they'll start to fall for each other, and eventually, the lady in his head will find her way out and go into your character, giving back some or all of her memories. But she considers herself human now and is completely in love with him and will protect him and Earth to the death.

Y'know, just ideas ^__^

While I've kinda stacked it for more plot than anything, I do still want to do sexy stuff, so harems and transformation and all that fun stuff, definitely want to do sexy stuff too. So keep that in mind. I'll put my kinks and your CS bellow.


Kinks I enjoy (bold I enjoy more): big/huge breasts (F-J cups), bimbofication, nipple play, lactation, Sub/(affectionate)Dom, BDSM, mind break, hypnotism/mind control, petplay, cat/cow/monstergirls (goes with petplay), slave, collaring, spanking, harems, public, transformation, goo transformation, latex/latex transformation, anal (not on me), deepthroating, yiffs/furries, assorted others.

^ These are all just things I like to do! We aren't limited to these and we don't have to use all of them! :)

Limits: Blood, piss, shit, vomit, abusive BDSM(but could come up. Willing to let it go for some rougher scenes), genital/body mutilation, ageplay, incest, assorted others.

If you'd like, you can start her off skinny so we can grow her out some later.


(Can use image if you'd like. Put it here.)


Disposition(Nice, sweet, shy, mean, bitchy, etc.):


Eye color (you wouldn't believe how often I forget this fuckin' option...):

Hair color/length:

Cup size(I like boobs, EE-J cups. Yes, I know it's impractical, but humor me, it's all for fun.):

Body type(Curvy, slim waist, wide hips, big butt, thick legs, etc. Preferably.):

Skin tone:


Normal clothes/outfit:

Special Characteristics:

Other(Stuff I should know that won't be in exposition later on):
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Still looking.
Still looking.
Still looking.
Still looking.
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