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Best rper ever!
Original poster
Invitation Status
  1. Looking for partners
Posting Speed
  1. Speed of Light
  2. Multiple posts per day
  3. 1-3 posts per day
  4. One post per day
  5. 1-3 posts per week
Online Availability
All the time.
Writing Levels
  1. Elementary
  2. Intermediate
  3. Adept
  4. Advanced
  5. Prestige
  6. Adaptable
Preferred Character Gender
  1. Female
  2. Nonbinary
  3. Primarily Prefer Female
Fantasy, Horror, Action, Romance, Adventure, Drama
Hi, I'm nij. I play a lot of different characters, but I am looking for characters that do fit on the alignment spectrum. I play male and female, but for some of these roleplays I am looking specifically for a female or specifically a male depending on the story line. The reason I am searching for alignment characters is so I know, for a fact, that your character could fit with the one I chose instead of searching for something and then the characters do not fit together.

I usually reply with more than a paragraph and up to 6+, if I am super inspired by you! I do not want those you can't reply with more than a few paragraphs to look away because I usually will match your length. I love roleplay and love to look for specific storylines <3.

As far as blue star players go, I will not roleplay anything explicit with you and we will need to work something else out. I am an active player, so I will expect at least a few times a week or more(if you are up to it.) If you tend to take more than 2+ weeks to reply, then I might not be the player for you. I also love communication with the players that I roleplay with, mostly because I love talking and planning out stuff with you <3! Let's be pals ;o!

Anyway, onto the characters I search for. The ones on the left are my character, the ones on the right is yours.

Chaotic Good(f) / Lawful Evil(m): This character would be working for the military, he might have been forced into service as a young boy or something. He used to be a chaotic good, like my character, but now he's totally opposite side of the spectrum. The idea is that this would be a dark, semi-political story line with a lot of fantasy elements. I usually play multiple characters to move the story line along, you can play some NPCs -- if you wish. This will have some romance, violence, action and adventure. I have a world that I created to make things faster, but it is pretty open ended. I have a character sheet for my character in question.

Lawful Neutral(m)/Choatic Good(f): My character is a fallen angel who has grown bored of humanity, so I am looking for a girl to fill the role of miracle searcher. This would involve your character possibly becoming some type of immortal or going through a process to make her that way. The initial reason for them meeting is your character has a unique miracle that only mine can grant, and she's been searching for him for a long time. So, she might be disappointed when he is not excited to grant a miracle for her. This is also a romance storyline, so keep that in mind. It will also have action/adventure/rituals and etc.

Lawful Good(f)/ Chaotic Evil(m) or (f): This would be a terrible unhealthy relationship, the character I am searching for should be either a demon or an evil angel. There would be some very dark themes played here. The idea is that my character wants to redeem yours and she goes to the demon realm to find your character, she intends to subdue him but that is not exactly the easiest thing.

I am also looking for these to ship:

Water Guardian/Gentle Vampire
Specimen/Military Officer
Supernatural Girl/ Guard Male
I would be willing to play a demoness in the:

Lawful Good(f)/ Chaotic Evil(f)

If you are still looking please shoot me a PM.


I would be willing to play a demoness in the:

Lawful Good(f)/ Chaotic Evil(f)

If you are still looking please shoot me a PM.


I messaged you <3!
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