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Original poster


Interest Check

The world as we knew had come to an end, yet it was also a beginning.

In the year 1095 A.D. after centuries of humanity struggling to survive we have become the hunters. It all began a little over 100 years ago when we thought our world would suddenly end. Creatures came from the darkness that looked like the products of children's nightmares, wanting to tear us apart. They closed in fast, destroying all life in thier way and leaving the land grey and dead. Just as we thought they would kill us a being made of light appeared with a golden sword and with a wave of thier blade, turned all the demons to dust. Without a word they vanished, leaving behind the very sword they used to vanquish the monsters.

Since then demons, monsters, and creatures that lurk in shadows have become our sworn enemies and they will learn to fear us. We've advanced greatly within a short period of time, thanks to the blade our Saviour left behind. Inside it was a catalyst of information we've used to rebuild stronger and better than before, as well as develop weapons and technology like no other. Their blade was a stepping stone for humanity to finally take its rightful place in the world and we will take it eagerly. Now with our cities being powered by a strange program called the Azreal Network, we can continue to advance our way of living and military prowess. We will take take our land from the creatures that remain and follow them to whatever hole they came from and kill them all.

This is begining of the end to the age of darkness.


Welcome to Sancteria


Seraphim is a medieval sci fi fusion set in the country of Sancteria. You are a member of the Nine Orders; trained and highly skilled fighters tasked with killing demons and taking back the land piece by piece. Though initially there was only such weapon capable of defeating them, with time and technology Humans have found a way to mass produce its properties. Each weapon is unique in that it binds to its owner for life; once the user dies, the weapon too, dies with them. Because of this, training to become a Seraph is a monumental task. Only the most worthy and devoted could ever hope to be amoung their ranks.

Random Things of Note:

  • Yes, the plot is based off the Crusades, but with a sci fi supernatural-esque twist. The plot is not completely fleshed out as, believe it or not, this is an interest check. If enough people show interest then I will update with more information and see where things go from there.
  • There is technology that is really only used by the higher class while commoners live as they normally would during the time period. Everything is connected through the Azreal Interface, which was discovered within the Saviour's blade. Since then it has been expanded upon and keeps everything running.
  • As suggest by the subtitle 'Champions of the Nine Orders' there will be nine classes. You will start as one of them and work your way to becoming a seraphim, if you wish to be one that is. I may allow some characters to start as a seraphim if you can persuade me.
  • All non Seraphim use military grade weaponry which still are able to kill demons, but are weaker since they do not form bonds with their wielders like their counterparts do. They only have one form whereas Seraphim grade weapons have a 'idle' state of a gauntlet which in turn can also become armour and a weapon when activated.
  • Within each order exists a group to represent them, for example the knights will have a round table that represents them as a whole, the Valkyries the twelve maidens, and so forth. If you decide not to aim for Seraph you can still be an important figure within your faction.
  • I would be interested in finding a co-mod as well. If you'd be interested please send me a PM and we can speak further.


  • seraph_by_lunaticlenny-dbricqu.png

    Seraphs are considered the best of the best, having been in the other orders and honing thier skills to an exceptional level before becoming a frontline fighter in Sancteria's fight to retake the land. Their special weapons bind to them for life and will never be able to be used by another. They can use whatever weapon they wish along with magic if they had learned it previously. Anyone can be a seraph if they have the skill to use such a weapon, however there is stigma against commoners joining the ranks. Most will try to keep them out at all costs.

    • Blessed Gear - Weapons mimicking the properties of the Saviour's blade perfectly, thus having the same power to kill demons. When not in use takes on the form of a armoured gauntlet and once activated, becomes a weapon looking almost unearthly in design. Their gear can also become armour should the wielder wish it.

    • Seraphs can use whatever magic they may have learned from the orders they were in previously.

  • templar_by_lunaticlenny-dbritn3.png

    The most devout to the saviour of all the factions, fighting with faith as well as a blade. They are similar to knights in many ways, however they also use holy magic to smite their foes and rally their comrades. Commoners who wished to be knights find themselves joining the Templars instead, tempering their body, mind, and soul with discipline akin to Samurai. A noble would never become one of these 'heretics' as they would say behind closed doors but the few who do find themselves viewed with scorn.

    • Longsword - A weapon with great reach and still quite versatile, allowing the user to move with ease and still deal quite a bit of damage. When using it on its own your mobility is far greater but sacrifice the defense power of a shield.

      Shield - A basic method of defending one's self; some actually will use it as a weapon as well but knights are far to refined for such things. Having one in your arsenal will allow you to last much longer in battle but at the cost of your speed.

    • There are plenty more applications than listed below. Be creative and stretch the limits of what you're capable of.

      Holy Magic - True to its name, Holy magic comes from a divine source to focuses on healing the spirit and destroying dark entities. Templars tend to find themselves having to make sacrifices to achieve an ideal state to cast it, as they must be pure in body and soul. Anyone can come to use this type of magic if they possess the faith to do so, but few outside the church will find they have the ability.
      Power Includes:

      Photokinesis – Ability to control light.
      Rally – Can envigor allies and raise vitality.
      Cure – Can lift curses and hexes.
      Black Magic Detection – Can detect dark magic(blood magic included) and demons.

  • lancer_by_lunaticlenny-dbricrc.png

    Lancers wield a shield and lance and strangely enough, do not always fight on horseback. They wear specially crafted armour with a reputation for never even so much as denting after an intense fight. They can take a hit and shrug it off easily, making them quite formidable opponents. Through the years they've been strictly only seen in entertainment such as jousting tournaments but with war on the rise many have given up performing for nobles in favour of making a mark on history as real fighters.

    • Lance - Though commonly used in jousting, lances have become a dangerous weapon after being redesigned with the intent to kill. They have great reach and can also serve as a tool to block incoming attacks, should the user be skilled enough.

      Shield - A basic method of defending one's self; unlike knights lancers can see its combat capabilities and have no problem using it as a weapon, despite the fact they are most well known for using lances. When using a shield with a lance thier movement will be greatly decreased, however, using a shield on its own turns them in a quite agile tank.

  • valkyrie_by_lunaticlenny-dbrl48z.png

    Fierce warriors that fly into battle on pegasi, using polearms to devastate their foes and possess magic to bring back their comrades from the brink of death. Traditionally they've only allowed women to join them but recently they've allowed men to as well. Those that do are usually jeered at, but they are just as deadly as their female counterparts. Nobles tend to populate their ranks while once more commoners are given a difficult time, especially commoner men.

    • Polearm Axe - The traditional weapon of the valkyries and the most used option by thier order. Their quick weapons with lots of reach, allowing them to pierce opponents from a distance. They're also good for mounted combat.

      Spear -
      An unpopular choice among valkyries but a choice nonetheless. Their the same as axes in every way; it's just a matter of aesthetic essentially. The more traditional valkyries would scoff at anyone who uses a spear.

    • There are plenty more applications than listed below. Be creative and stretch the limits of what you're capable of.

      Healing Magic - Magic that can be used to cure ailments such as poison, broken bones, and minor to severe wounds. Depending on how serious the injury the user may not to able to heal the individual but rather take on thier pain as thier own. Valkyries keep such magic a secret among thier order, only allowing thier most skilled to learn it lest someone use it for nefarious cause.

  • samurai_by_lunaticlenny-dbriszf.png

    A foreign fighter that often wields blades styled after katanas and has an impeccable code of honour. Though initially viewed with distaste, after proving themselves time and time again they have been welcomed into the ranks of the Nine. Travelers and immigrants from the east take to this class easily, however some people of Sancteria have mastered the way of the samurai through much hardship.

    • Katana - A slightly curved blade with good reach and surprising lack of weight considering it is meant to be used with two hands. Users can move with grace as if dancing, slaying opponents with elegance. Those unfamiliar with it will find themselves having a difficult time using it properly as it is quite different from western swords.

      Wakizashi - A Smaller blade worn with katana that is used for close ranged fighting rather than as a stand alone weapon. A proper samurai will carry this everywhere with them unlike a katana which they would never take indoors. Another use for the Wakizashi is also to commit ritualistic suicide, though as samurai become more westernised it's becoming less practiced.

  • enchanter2_by_lunaticlenny-dbricsk.png

    Though called many spiteful things by commoners and nobles alike, their aptitude for magic far surpasses the other factions that merely dabble in it. Enchanters use many different types of magic from elemental, healing, or other types that would warrant great punishment if anyone found out about it. They are shrouded in much mystery and guard their secrets well. Anyone, whether they'd like to admit it or not, can join if they have the level of talent. More often than not they do not join willingly.

    • Staff - The traditional conduit of magic that can also come in the form of a wand for the more trendy enchanters. Their really isn't much to them other than that thier sticks except for thier better than blades for magic usage.

      Talismen - A conduit of magic from the east that became popularized along with samurais. Some prefer them more since they find thier more versatile but are a bit tricky to get used to. As well as staffs, they succeed more in using magic.

      Dagger - Often paired with other weapons, such as wands or talismans, many enchanters can have a perfect balance of might and magic using this. However thier blade is more as a means of protection if things start taking a turn for the worse rather than a tool of offense.

    • There are plenty more applications to each type of magic than listed below. Be creative and stretch the limits of what you're capable of.

      Elemental - Elemental magic users command forces of nature. Some can bend water to their will, some are able to cause mold soil, and other can conjure fire or create an electric current. Many, if not all, elemental enchanters are capable of using all the elements but many choose to specialize in one or two for greater mastery.
      Power Includes:
      Pyrokinesis – Mastery over fire.
      Aquakinesis – Mastery over water.
      Geokinesis – Mastery over earth.
      Aerokinesis – Mastery over air.
      Fulgurkinesis – Mastery over lightning.

      Arcane - The word "arcane" means to be known or understood by very few. True to definition, the arcane branch of magic talents is poorly understood even by those who have trained in the arts for years. Power of arcane magic users comes from reaching into arcane realm, a place of magic outside of our typical reality. It is a type of magic no one has truly mastered and those that 'have' tend to become disturbed individuals.
      Power Includes:
      Enerkinesis – Mastery over magic energy.
      Summoning – Ability to cause manifestation of creatures.
      Animating – Ability to impart life to inanimate objects.
      Binding – Ability to fuse or bind something found in the arcane realm to a human host.
      Vortex creation – Ability to open portals into the arcane realm or physical.

      Mental - Magic of the mind would be best described as magic of the will. This category includes a slew of powers that rely on the will of the user. The mental talents are many and varied, ranging from harmonizing to devastating. Enchanters rarely ever specialize in this type of magic, making it something of a dying art.
      Power Includes:
      Telekinesis – Ability to move objects with your mind.
      Projection – Ability to transmit images and feelings to the minds of other.
      Therionology – Ability to command animals.
      Harmonizing – Ability to arrange one's environment to invoke a specific feeling or mood.
      Elenchus – Ability to distinguish lie from truth, also known as truth seeking.

      Blood - Powerful magic predating any books or human memory that relies on blood and sacrifices to be casted. Different types of blood are needed to use this magic correctly from royal blood to an infant's'. Not all enchanters how use blood magic are evil, but many will find themselves slipping in a dark place the more they practice it... This type of magic is illegal and any enchanter caught using it will be sentenced to death.
      Power Includes:
      Umbrakinesis – Mastery of darkness.

      Hematokinesis – Mastery of blood.
      Necromancy – Ability to bring the dead back to life under your control.
      Blood Sacrifice – Can drain the life force from another to target of the caster's choosing.

      Demonic Mimicry – Ability to transform body into that of a demon with the drawback of also inheriting that creature's state of mind.

  • ranger_by_lunaticlenny-dbricsf.png

    Masters of the bow, and most recently a new weapon called a gun, they are skilled in the art of stealth and utilizing their surroundings for the ultimate advantage. Their ranks are mostly made up of commoners, while the few nobles that join them become a laughing stock to society. Citizens view them to be too 'unrefined' but anyone in the Nine Orders knows they are vital to any mission.

    • Bow - Still a favourite of the rangers, they come in many different types suited for a variety of situations. Their quick to 'reload' and are quiet, but the standard bow will find difficulty trying to piece heavier armour.

      Crossbow -
      What was once considered an innovative weapon that would replace the bow is now known as a happy in between with the bow and gun, having the force of a gun but the silentness of a bow. Reloading is a bit time consuming however and is more intended for finishing off your opponent with one shot unless you happen to have another crossbow around.

      Gun -
      A very new addition to the ranger's arsenal of weapons. They come in all shapes and sizes, but regardless of size they all are noisy. Many prefer to use them as a last resort tool but the newer rangers have been replacing thier bows with them instead.

      Dagger / Knife - A weapon used for melee attacks if an enemy was to get too close and for stealth. Relying on them instead of a bow many would consider foolhardy, but some rangers prefer getting up front and personal instead of attacking from afar, making them more assassin like in nature.

  • ninth_by_lunaticlenny-dbriraa.png

    As you may have noticed, there are only eight classes, not the holy nine that have been talked about this entire time. The reason for that being is I would like you to suggest what the last should be. None of them may be be your cup of tea at the moment and you might not want to wait to become a seraph to finally have one you like so take this opportunity to create one that you would find enjoyable.
    Suggestions So Far:
    - Brawler

Thank you for reading my interest check and I hope to see you in the world of Sancteria soon.
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  • Like
Reactions: Becca
This is a pretty cool idea. Got ideas for a ninth class but sounds kinda dumb. Would join if you made this a reality.
  • Love
Reactions: DurkPut
oh this does sound fun maybe some sub classes would work well in this as well
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@Yuhei @MYTH* @Rads
Wow, three people are interested already? I'll go ahead and start adding more information! Feel free to submit ideas for what the ninth class should be.
  • Like
Reactions: Rads
I guess I'm also interested but I also have a question if someone did pick samurai they have to be the stereotypical honorable samurai?
  • Like
Reactions: DurkPut
I guess I'm also interested but I also have a question if someone did pick samurai they have to be the stereotypical honorable samurai?

No they don't, considering they aren't in the east so westerners will behave a bit differently and easterners may follow suit. None of the classes force any sort of personality or trope onto you; just do you.
  • Love
Reactions: Yuhei and Rads
I dig the work you put into this, color me inter-dasted.
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Reactions: DurkPut
How detailed do you want the character sheets to be?
wah- ive been craving something like this. maybe ill join~ c:
  • Like
Reactions: DurkPut
Heyo everyone, I just thought i'd let you know that I'm currently making some changes to the classes so in the meantime, if you decide to make your characters you can forgo saying what class they are until I've finished! I won't be removing any but some names might change as well as a bunch of new stuff being added so I don't want you to miss out!
  • Like
Reactions: Rads
I am also interested based on the information you've provided, but I'm not sure what you want out of characters outside of "pick this awesome class, bruh". At any rate, I do have an idea for an enchanter and will have a CS done as quickly as I can.
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  • Love
Reactions: DurkPut
I am also interested based on the information you've provided, but I'm not sure what you want out of characters outside of "pick this awesome class, bruh". At any rate, I do have an idea for an enchanter and will have a CS done as quickly as I can.

I do have more planned but yeah, I can see what you would think that lol. i have a tendency to explain things a bit badly or hold back too much information, so hopefully I can remedy that soon!
Right now the only problem I have is figuring out how my character got involved with one of the orders as her backstory currently implies a lot of her magical knowledge is informal. I think I have an idea to solve this, though.
I'm sure you're idea will work out just fine! I imagine many people came into the orders already have knowledge of thier craft so I don't think she'd be such an odd case.
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