Shinigami | OOC & Registrations

  • So many newbies lately! Here is a very important PSA about one of our most vital content policies! Read it even if you are an ancient member!

    A site made for roleplay is way cooler we promise <3


Original poster
Invitation Status
  1. Look for groups
  2. Looking for partners
Posting Speed
  1. Multiple posts per week
Online Availability
Writing Levels
  1. Advanced
  2. Adaptable
Preferred Character Gender
  1. Primarily Prefer Female
Fantasy, Science Fiction, Superhero, Horror, Western, Crime Fiction, Anime


interest check | ooc | ic | character index

  • Genres: Shounen, Adventure
    Posting Expectations: Adept
    Theme: Resonance
    Players: 7 - 11

    Welcome to the world of Soul Eater: Shinigami, where we take the core concepts of Soul Eater and try to make a collaborative, intimate, and enjoyable story that we can enjoy for months to come.

    Starting off, I want to make clear that this is a conceptual roleplay set in the Soul Eater setting within the framework of an alternate universe. What this means though, is that for the most part canonical characters and events are absent from this continuity. There is no Maka Albarn, and as a byproduct, there are no events surrounding that character and the manga's original timeline in this roleplay. This allows a fresh interpretation of the base universe, new ideas to flourish without needing to cross-reference every specific fact, and of course creates a constantly building continuity as mysteries and legends unfold before our very eyes. This is a role-play that does not exist with official canon, however, while this is so events have branched similarly to some effect. Core characters from aforementioned official canon have been removed from play.

    I will be looking for a small number of players who can commit and dedicate themselves to a collaboration that will be paced slower than traditional anime RPs and I mean this in the way of posting expectations as well as story. There will be action, suspense, drama, and potential romance as these are all things we can draw together. Your job as a player will be to communicate and invest in the RP. In something like this that is partner-centric, we cannot have unannounced drops. So think hard and long if this is a world you want to invest in. Said players will begin with an academy student in Death Weapon Meister Academy, going about the day-to-day lives as they prepare to be eased into the responsibilities of a meister or demon weapon on their first real assignment.

    There will be adjustments to the canon lore which will be announced in the OOC (should we have enough dedicated interested parties). So if you want a canonical or "pure" experience, this is not that RP. Players will be playing one character, either a meister or a demon weapon. Interplay with your partner will be important, obviously. So keep that in mind.

    If you have any questions, concerns, input, or suggestions you better post them alongside your interest.

    Thanks for reading!

  • Established by the True God of Death, the Death Weapon Meister Academy or DWMA is the academic organization that spans the planet Earth in accordance with preparing to educate, condition, and prepare all Shinigami for their role against all those that corrupt or refuse the natural order of things as dictated by all aspects of death.

    The DWMA has several locations, led each by a Headmaster (who is required to be an aspect of death). The largest of these is led by the True God of Death. The location of which exists simantaneously within the material plane and the abyssal plane, in a city that is reminiscent of various cultures and styles. This city, known as "Death City", is the headquarters of not only the DWMA but entire global Shinigami operations against demons, witches, monstrosities, and everything in-between. As long as Death and all of its aspects are present it is impenetrable by outside forces.

    Students are separated into two groups upon admittance to the academy – EAT and NOT.

  • The timeline is used based on the premise of "Before Present" to keep a vague enough spectrum so I don't have to arbitrarily define the current year specifically.

    800 BP: Death establishes the DWMA, building the Death Weapon Meister Academy in what becomes Death City, with the purpose of training Demon Weapons to protect the world and to hunt down those who oppose the natural chain of events.​
    16 BP: A civil war occurs inside the hierarchy of the Witches, causing a disintegration of the agreement between Witches and Death. Chaos ensues and brings upon a new era on the planet. This becomes known as The Witch Wars.​
    9 BP: The DWMA academy located in South Korea is attacked and destroyed by an unknown faction of witches. The aspect of Death that leads the academy is destroyed, weakening Death's presence on the material plane. This begins a series of attacks against DWMA academies all over the world.​

  • The same stock rules apply for all of my settings, pitches, and concepts in addition to that of the host rules. Let's try to make something imaginative, fun, and inspiring.
    Pacing: Activity will be left vague as social obligations such as employment, academics, and so forth take precedence over a shared hobby. But we should try to post with some regularity. Obligations will be reminded if needed, but this is a low-stress endeavor so we shouldn't feel the need to make extreme demands regarding this. Just communicate your schedule when there are issues and keep me informed is the bulk of it.​
    Writing Ability: The writing level I expect is somewhere around medium expectations (high school-level equivalent). This means a comprehensive understanding of basic grammar and spelling is expected, characterization is important, narrative is important, and detail behind those are appreciated. I'd like to see a few paragraphs, though if it fits a post that there is enough to respond to and react to within one paragraph than that's fine, but one-liner's will definitely be off-base. Keep with the fluidity and enjoy yourself; though quality posts don't have to be textbooks. Quality over Quantity, yet have fun and make engaging moments of introspection and interaction. With that said, I will not be putting posts under extreme analysis nor will I be inciting a "word count". So just use your personal judgment of quality and we'll be awesome.​
    Etiquette: Rule number zero of my perspective is pretty simple; don't test my patience or be an irredeemable jerk. Generally, the idea here is a simplified version of any sort of rules since we are all adults and we pretty much know the big rules. Follow the host site's rules, communicate, collaborate, and don't be antagonistic towards others or at the very least keep the toxicity to a bare minimum. Playful banter and crass jokes are one thing; but actively making somebody feel unwelcome is another one entirely. There is a difference between being blunt and being tactless.​

  • Meister: Nadia Ylwizaker




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Soul Eater: Shinigami
Character Application
[tab=Vitals][div= margin-left: 19px; margin-right: 19px; font-size:14.5px; text-align: justify:][B][COLOR=CHARACTERCOLORHERE]Full Name[/COLOR][/B]
Text Here
Text Here
Text Here
Text Here
Meister or Demon Weapon
Text Here
Text Here
[tab=Characterization][div= margin-left: 19px; margin-right: 19px; font-size:14.5px; text-align: justify:]
Description Here.
Description Here.
Description Here.
[/div][/tab][tab=Talents & Capabilities][div= margin-left: 19px; margin-right: 19px; font-size:14.5px; text-align: justify:]
Skill Description
Skill Description
Skill Description
Skill Description
[tab=Weaknesses][div= margin-left: 19px; margin-right: 19px; font-size:14.5px; text-align: justify:]
[/div][/tabs][div= margin-left: 19px; margin-right: 19px; font-size:14.5px; text-align: justify:][div= margin-left: 19px; margin-right: 19px; font-size:14.5px; text-align: justify:][/div][/div]
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Amelia Mercury

"Look on the brighter side and you'll see"

  • Full Name
    Amelia Danielle Mercury



    Shinigami Type
    Demon Weapon

    Soul Color

  • Appearance
    Being only 5' 1" Amelia seems to be stunted when it comes to growth. Thankfully no one really notices because there entranced by her appearance. Short blond hair reaching her shoulders in length with slight curls on the ends. She takes great pride in her hair, her favorite thing is to play with the ends, curling them around her finger when bored. Her eyes can be seen sparkling when she's happy and cheerful but also dark and cloudy when feeling any other emotion. A dazzling golden color Amelia's eyes will sometimes hold a guarded look to them, though they can also be the window to her soul, showing too much emotion.

    Weapon Appearance

    On the outside, Amelia is shy and keeps to herself. Though she wishes she could have more friends. Most days she's alone reading, hiding from the world she doesn't want to be in anymore. This world just doesn't agree with her. No matter what she does the world just screws with her. Amelia is very closed off till you get close to her. That's when she shows her true self, the person not many people see. She doesn't like talking about herself and will usually turn the conversation to something else to avoid talking about herself. Many times Amelia can be seen tripping over something or even her own two feet. She says they get in the way and it's not her fault she falls. Most people will laugh at her when this happens but, other times people just ignore her cause it happens often. When she's nervous or anxious she tends to stutter and become even more clumsy. Amelia gets nervous a lot so she mostly stutters when she talks, especially when giving speeches or talking to other students and teachers.

    Amelia's true self is a fiery young lady with a good heart. She likes to try and tell people how it is but, only gets close to stuttering out of few words. Still even with all that she will go off at people behind their backs or in her head. With this, she tends to be sarcastic and doesn't take crap from some people. Amelia hates when people that aren't teachers or her parents try to boss her around. It makes her really mad and annoyed. Along with that Julia has a bad temper. Sadly because of her shyness no one but, close friends know this. Whenever Amelia gets mad they run away or stop what they're doing in fear of her wrath.

    She also has a nice cheerful side to her. She loved making the most of things and would love to have many friends to chat with and play games. Amelia looks at the world on a brighter note. Never really seeing much bad, preferring to looking to a person's soul(not literally) than discriminate them for there personality or appearance. Of course, no one will really know this since she's opened up to very few people in her life. And since she can't make many friends she tends to focus on her studies. Becoming a great mind is a dream of her's, well so is becoming part of deaths arsenal. Still, she spends most her time int he library and on occasions will be with her friends.

    Having an adventurous side to her doesn't help with her studies that much. Amelia has gotten into quite some trouble from just wandering around. Her mind tends to get distracted when she's studying, often going off and doing something else or getting distracted by a butterfly, cloud, or animal. While this has stunted her studying some she's still quite smarter than some of her class, almost one of the top students in her class.

    Personal History
    Growing up was different for Amelia, her family struggled to get by. They ended up drowning in debt. Still, they made the most of it. Her parents never let those things get to them around Amelia choosing to let her have a happy life. And a happy life she did have. From age 1 to 7 she was as happy as could be until she saw what was really going on. Her 8th birthday came around and she was going to talk to her parents when she heard yelling. Being the curious child she was she went to investigate. There she found her parents fighting about money. From that day she never asked for anything and shut down when she was asked if she wanted something. Her parents were curious but, didn't push it. They still wanted her to be their happy little girl and she was when it didn't come to shopping. Amelia began to understand the world after that day. She saw things for what they were or what she thought they were.

    Things didn't really change around her family till her father fell ill. He ended up dying 10 months after they found out and those months were the longest time Amelia faked being happy. She wanted her father to see her happy before he went and so she was. Then when he died she fell. She and her father were so close. He would always make sure she was okay and would never fight with anyone. He did have his flaws but Amelia loved him unconditionally. The months after he passed were hard on Amelia and her mother. They sought each other for support but, neither of them felt right.

    At age 9 Amelia's mother passed. Her mother couldn't take it anymore the grief of her husband dying. Amelia fell more after her mother passed. Her only living relative left. She was put into an orphanage where she began to discover her abilities as a demon weapon. Her arm had turned into that of a thin handle with a spiral type thing around the handle. Because of this, no one wanted to adopt her. They didn't want to have a demon weapon living with them, having to live with the fact that she could get hurt at any time. That she could be gone from the house for long periods of time.

    A few months later she started at the DWMA trying her hardest to become a great demon weapon. She would spend hours working on becoming a full weapon and while she had many failures she managed to do a full transformation after a couple years of practice. Though it took her an hour to figure out how to undo the transformation. Her 3rd year there she found out she had a wavelength ability. Amelia was so happy she had a little party by herself.
  • Full Transformation
    Although still rusty Amelia has managed to transform fully into her weapon after many tries and practice. She may not be an expert at full transformation but, she's got the basics down and transform within a minute. Not a full minute but, 30 seconds. She's very proud of those 30 seconds.

    Healing Wavelength
    Amelia has a calming effect on individuals who're able to achieve soul resonance with her. She can even calm the madness inside her meister and keep it a bay. (Soul eater wiki information)


    Amelia is both light on her feet and light as a weapon. Well, for those who can wield her she's very light and easy to maneuver. Her being a rapier allows for precise stricks with precise accuracy. With her being light on her feet it's from years of training at the orphanage and the fact that she only weighs 99 pounds. After running every day she's become quick and faster than some people her age.

  • Personality weaknesses
    When it comes to weaknesses her personality holds a few. Amelia's shyness, her closed off personality, and her temper are just a few of the things that hold Amelia back when it comes to making friends. Although she is working on her faults she's run into more troubles than anything. She just can't seem to overcome her shyness. Amelia's tried everything. Even her friends have tried everything to help her but no luck. There is also, the fact that she gets distracted by many things such as animals or clouds.

    Weapon Weaknesses
    While being a simple rapier she doesn't have many weaknesses when it comes to being wielded. Her main weakness in this form is the handle, her shoulder. Hit that and she starts to bleed. The handle is made of a weaker substance and as suck is easier to cut. And with her being the weapon it injurs her more than people think.

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I'm going to throw my WIP up as well for consistency and transparency:

Nadia Ylwizaker


"I am! I-I'm just seeing if you disagree. I'm not asking for permission or anything!"

  • Full Name
    Nadia Ylwizaker




    Shinigami Type

    Soul Color


  • Appearance
    Spritzy, brash, and overconfident; Nadia's personality traits reflect her appearance in one way or another. Bearing her father's crimson hair, she arranges it in the form of a crude ponytail locked with whatever she can find at the time — which includes bows, string, bands, and on one occasion a torn piece of cloth. Her hair is rarely undone and when it is it drops down fairly far beyond her back, but is not so long she can trip over it with her feet. Nadia prefers loose clothing for comfortability as well as mobility but always tends to have a schoolgirl's sweater jacket on her person whether she is wearing it correctly or not. Her eyes are a shade of brown, and her expressions tend to be cocky and self-indulged. She tops out at around five foot three and has an athletic build.

    Description Here.

    Personal History
    The result of the union between Ivran Ylwizaker and an unknown woman, Nadia Ylwizaker was raised for the majority of her childhood not by her father but by his comrade, Lan Olzon. This was because of the fact that Ivran had supposedly gone missing on a contract along with his partner, the Demon Weapon known as Hokori. This created a darkness above Nadia as she began her interest in Meisters and Demon Weapons as a sort of idolization from the stories she had been told by her guardian. Though Lan did not paint false pictures of Ivran Ylwizaker for his daughter, Nadia still found a passion ignited within her at the stories of her father's earnest dedication to protecting others despite a reputation that painted him weak and unskilled; the reputation of "the worst Meister in recent memory". A reputation Nadia would later learn to be a constant obstacle for herself.

    By the age of eight years old Nadia's passion turned into an annoyance for Lan; Nadia beginning to badger her guardian about training her to be 'just as awesome' as her father and 'as cool' as Lan herself. The flattery may have been the first step to Nadia's aspirations; though the journey itself would be rough and meticulous due to Lan's rigid perception of skills a Meister should be expected to have before they entered the DWMA due to Lan's own status as a child prodigy in the past. Somehow, Nadia took to it despite the difficulties in front of her; the life of a Meister was all she dreamed for. A dream that was as idealistic and naive as it came… though perhaps it was because of that passion that hardened her for what was to come.

    Upon entry to the DWMA at age thirteen, the truth of people's perception of her father really hit Nadia, but what began to grind into the young girl wasn't the whispers of her father's skill alone but also the reputation that came to have her judged by proxy. "The Daughter of the Worst Meister", a titular nickname that would drive Nadia to obnoxious levels of distaste; for whatever Nadia could do it always seemed to her to be dismissed in a condescending comparison to her father's infamous level of skill and talent. A reputation that would twist Nadia from her innocent passion and forge her into a defiant troublemaker with a zeal that matched other problem students at the DWMA.

  • Skilled Combatant
    Skill Description

    Skill Name
    Skill Description

    Skill Name
    Skill Description

    Skill Name
    Skill Description

  • Temperamental
    A lot of Nadia's weaknesses fall under her general personality, a fact that she has either failed to realize or care about. It would take much self-awareness and guidance for Nadia to break her frequency to emit arrogance, brash behavior, antagonistic playfulness, lack of care towards others opinions, her "act first, think later" methods, and temperament.

    Beyond her personality, intellectually Nadia is lacking, a fact that is apparent on the exams despite her tenacity and cohesive understanding. She is ranked at moderate levels in academics and rarely applies herself due to her own apathy or spite towards her instructors for comparing her to her father. Physically speaking, Nadia is generally the least flawed but is far from perfect. She is nimble and can endure a lot of damage, but lacks precision and focus preferring to blindly attack over elaborate planning. Her stamina varies depending on how much energy she chooses to exert both physically and mentally as well.
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Nailo James Sinclaire

"Fight me, Helen."

  • Full Name
    Nailo James Sinclaire







    Shinigami Type

    Demon Weapon

    Soul Color




  • Appearance
    Nailo has been called beanpole on occasion. He stands at 6'1". He's tall and thin, and while he does have muscle to him, it isn't very pronounced. He has sharp reddish brown eyes which are probably his most intimidating feature. His face is angular and somewhat soft looking, with a hint of boyish charm when he needs to get out of trouble. His black hair is buzzed short in the back and gradually gets long enough to frame his face nicely in the front. He dresses for effect, wearing things that fit him closely, but still allow for a flash of excess skin if he desires to flaunt himself. Over his standard shirt and skinny jeans, he almost always wears a black jacket with a white fur lined hood. Red high-top sneakers are always his go-to shoes.

    As his weapon form, he takes the shape of a double bladed polearm, styled similarly to a naginata. The staff portion is a dark red color, while the blades are black with golden hues edges. The places where the blades meet the staff also bare a golden color, as well as the metal decoration that marks the weapon's point of balance.


    Nailo keeps his cards close to his chest when it comes to his expanse of emotions. He cares too much about too many things, and has taken to acting apathetic in order to avoid letting people know exactly what he feels about something in order to prevent them from knowing exactly where to strike if they want to hurt him. He is incredibly smart, and learns from his mistakes very quickly. He is very goal oriented, and has a habit of dissecting his problems in order to find the source. After all, it takes a lot less effort to solve the components of whatever issue he may be dealing with, as opposed to trying to find some big blanket solution to everything. He is also highly competitive when it comes to his schoolwork in the DWMA, and dresses nicely in order to look better than the guys who try to start something with him.

    He takes a lot of risks and finds himself in trouble more often than not. It has something to do with him being too smart for his own good. He finds it highly entertaining to con people out of small amounts of money, which would be seemingly harmless. The people that irritate him tend to take the brunt of his cons, schemes, and pranks. People who are obnoxious and think that they can get everything they want if they scream loud enough are his prime targets. He's almost fearless in regards to dealing with people, and says whatever barb comes to mind without care. He's sarcastic, snide, and at least a little bit remorseless towards his victims. You'll never hear a true apology from him within this realm of his actions.

    He hates knowing about people who are suffering, and goes out of his way to give people what they need. Most of the money he generates from his cons goes straight into food for the poor, or donations to families with expensive illnesses. He frequently fosters animals and always has a spot open on his couch for anyone who needs it. He is highly compassionate and understanding of those in rough situations and tries with everything he has in order to make things a bit better for them.

    Personal History

    Nailo came from a poor family, his mom was sick a lot and his dad worked hard to pay for her medicine. Things got tight more often than not, and the kid learned the burn of hunger. So, he figured out how to avoid it. He was quick on his feet and was one of those sneaky quiet kids, so he put it to use. He stole from the bigger grocery stores, grabbing food that he knew would last a while. It was what a lot of kids did in his neighborhood. He was a competitive little guy about it too, big risks meant big rewards. Of course, one of the kids that he pal'ed around with got caught by the store owner. Something snapped when the store owner started yelling at the kid and he just saw red, and like that little Nailo started to punch and scream and kick the owner until he let go of the other kid. The old guy managed to get a hit on the quick kid, and the fight instinct switched over to flight, but not before snagging some money from the open register.

    When he was on his way back home, he saw the cops outside his house. He assumed they were looking for him so he laid low and waited to see what was going to happen. And that was when they drew their weapons and kicked down his front door. His dad was dragged out of the house bleeding and cursing up a storm. At this point Nailo ran out from where he was hiding, offering himself up for his own crime and telling them to leave his family alone. He soon realized the cops weren't there for him. A glance inside the small home portrayed a bloody mess, and he could see his mother's crumpled form as another cop checked her pulse and subsequently shook his head.

    The kid subsequently moved from foster home to foster home, something about him being a nasty feral child who steals, lies, and cheats... before he showed signs of manifesting a weapon form. He was quickly shipped off to the DWMA, where others had taken to calling him Feral due to his poor behavior and distrustful nature. While he did have a poor reputation, he didn't get messed with due to it, and he was able to learn very quickly. However, he failed to find a meister that he could see himself working with.

  • Full Transformation
    Nailo has gotten really good at transforming into his weapon form, and can easily switch between and pause mid transformation. Again, it was the competitive edge that pushed him to gain this skill. He wanted to be better than the other weapons who thought they were all too superior to him.


    He figures things out with stunning speed, and there are rarely any problems that he can't work through in time. He handles exams very well and tries to outdo his classmates in terms of his skills. Is he trying to prove a point? Oh hell yes.


    He's incredibly light on his feet, and agile as well. He can easily avoid getting hit in a fight if his mind's in it. He learned to be quick when he was a thieving little kid, and it hasn't left him since.


    He pays attention to everything going on around him. After all, he's pissed off a quite a few people and generally expects them to try and get some sort of payback. Hence why he keeps track of where people are in relation to him. He doesn't trust them to not try and pull something on him.

  • Untrusting
    Being shuffled around from place to place has left him highly skeptical of nearly everyone he meets. He doesn't expect people to stick around or stand up for him, and even though he's managed to stay in the DWMA, he doesn't expect that to last either.


    Nailo has a mean streak as well. While he usually doesn't cause any physical harm, there is a chance that he'll boil over and lash out with something more substantial than words. He does things to directly irritate the people he's marked as targets. He mouths off far too often. And he tends to run straight into a fight if provoked.

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Cherri Perrin


  • Full Name
    Cherri Umbra Perrin




    Shinigami Type
    Demon Weapon

    Soul Color


  • Appearance
    Cherri is a tiny thing. Her petite frame stands proudly at five feet on the dot. The feature that catches the most attention would happen to be her hair. Not the fact that it is the light shade of lilac but the strange style she sports. It is deceptively long in the front, two thick pastel strands falling before her shoulders, past her small chest. The back however, is cut short, ending at the nape of her neck. It could be said that its lilac hue provides a soft contrast to her very fair skin. Her eyes are large and round, the irises only a few shades darker than her hair.

    When it comes to her attire, it takes a similar approach to her natural coloring and is often consisting of pastel shades with black accents. Cherri is a sucker for hoods, boots, and accessories but isn't against dressing up or down for the occasion. Her every movement is smooth and fluid much like her personality. If one were to approach her or prove victim to her warm hugs, they'd notice the subtly sweet fragrance of hibiscus giving off a fresh and lively aura that can uplift even the most sour of moods.


    As a weapon, she is the combination between a sword and a whip. This form has a similar coloration to her eyes and the elaborate fancy shmancy handle is actually pretty girly, a point that her meister will just have to live with. Her most obvious weakpoints are obviously the links that hold the sword together when the separate parts spread out into the whip mode. Her defense is much higher in comparison when she's being used as any other sword.

    At first glance, she can come off as a pretty serious person since she never really speaks. While this is far from being the case, it also isn't as if she bounces about at every moment. She just isn't a fan of inactivity. Her expression when nothing is going on is most often found frozen with a blank state. She loves to observe and is actually a master when it comes to staring contests.

    Cherri is far from being quiet, however. She has a fondness for noise and is actually very fearful of silence itself. Optimistic to a fault, she can be a bit too trusting. Cup is the kind of friend who will follow you off a cliff should you choose to hop off. That being said, her silence has never been much of a barrier and she makes friends fairly easily regardless of whether the other party is willing or not.

    Possessing a very bubbly and friendly nature, she has become a bit of a mascot to many and more often than not, someone some may desire to protect. Unfortunately for those few, she isn't the type to back down and prefers to stand up for herself. In solo combat, she isn't all that capable. She falls for every trick in the book. Should she gain the upper hand, she focuses more on playing with her opponent than finishing them off.

    As a childish sort, she is fond of playing around and can be rather mischievous at times. Her energy levels seem relatively high in comparison to many of her peers and it can take quite a bit to tire her out. When she does tire, she can get pretty touchy and affectionate. She will initiate snuggles with just about anyone. However, when awakened, she is quite violent. Many alarm clocks have fallen in the line of duty, few surviving their first morning.

    Personal History
    Born in France, Cherri never knew her parents but has heard countless of stories from her uncle. Apparently the pair were a fairly well known Meister×Demon Scythe team who have held a record for being the biggest overacheiveing brown nosers in the history of DWMA. While their personalities were considered annoying on a good day, their accomplishments weren't few and their flawless success rate backed up their massive egos. Many were relieved when they never returned from their final hunt.

    She never thought much of it since her uncle was one of the many relieved to hear the news. On top of that, she had never met them and had nothing to be upset over. They basically abandoned her the moment she was born anyway. Either way she had a pretty easygoing childhood. Cherri was vocal back then. When she was younger she wanted to be a singer. Her dreams took a turn when she accidentally partially transformed one morning and cut her alarm clock in half along with the nightstand beneath it, a routine that wouldn't change anytime soon. Knowing her mother was a demon scythe, it couldn't be said that she was surprised. However, she wasn't exactly elated either.

    After that morning she no longer spoke a word, the reasons behind it unknown to everyone but her. She quickly enrolled into DWMA and moved without a fuss. Cherri had no reason to avoid the inevitable. So long as it was fun, there would be no regrets. Even as others mocked her for her parents reputation and their all too mysterious disappearance, she couldn't bring herself to care. Out of all of the demon weapons in her class, she is probably the one with the least amount of training. Not just because of her lack of interest, but also because she never really planned on enrolling in the first place. In all honesty she's just around to waste time and play.

  • Skill Name
    Skill Description

    Skill Name
    Skill Description

    Skill Name
    Skill Description

    Skill Name
    Skill Description

  • Weakness Name

    Weakness Name

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"Fear the Reaper! ...Wh-Why are you laughing? I'm serious!"

  • Full Name
    Little Death


    Prefers to be called Koré




    Appears to be around fourteen

    Shinigami Type


    Soul Color

    Hot Pink



  • Appearance
    Coming to about four feet eleven inches, Koré is a very thin, youthful child. Her most striking feature is likely to be her pinkish-blonde hair, which easily reaches her knees. She sports a pair of very big, innocent looking baby blue eyes, her facial features being very round. Her choice of clothing consists of a black tank top covered with a black off the shoulder top with detached sleeves. She wears a thigh high sock on one leg with the other often breaking and rolling down to her shin, creating an asymmetrical look coupled with her pink and white boots.


    A very cheerful young girl, she is often the polar opposite of what people think of when they mention Death. Kind hearted and ever the optimist, Koré likes to see the light side of things and tries her best not to see the downside even in the worst situations. She finds humans to be absolutely fascinating, seeing her attendance at the DWMA as an opportunity to study them better. Her ignorance often causes her to disregard people's personal space, often missing the cue that maybe people aren't very appreciative of her being in their faces. Still, she means well and is ready to learn.

    Her pride as a reaper is both her greatest strength and weakness. For woe be to those who doubt her power...

    Personal History

    There isn't much to be said about her past. As a fragment of Death, her time has been occupied exclusively to either honing her skills or concerning herself with the happenings of the world.

    As a Reaper, Koré doesn't necessarily have to attend the DWMA, though her father figured it'd be a good idea to get her to socialize.

  • Malleable Wavelength
    Having a better understanding of souls than humans do, Koré also knows how to manipulate her Soul Wavelength to better synchronize with whatever weapon she chooses, meaning achieving Soul Resonance is easier for her than other meisters.

    Death God's Item

    An extension of her Reaper abilities, for her they manifest as a pair of roller-skates that cover her normal boots. Unlike normal skates, they're often jet powered and have been occasionally used to enable flight for travel.



    Lines of Sanzu

    The mark of the Reaper, to most it's just a funky part of her hair (albeit a barely visible one, as her white lines look more like highlights). An indicator of her strength and age, her lines indicate her youth and growing skill.

  • Fragile Pride
    As the offspring of Lord Death himself, Koré holds her lineage as a point of dignity. Thing is, she doesn't exactly fit the image of the reaper, and so she constantly gets doubted. And then breaks down crying, wondering why no one believes her. It happens far, far too often...

    Obsessed with her Definition of 'Perfection'

    She says she just likes things orderly, neat, and in their place. Which is fine and whatever, but considering her left thigh sock has a tendency to snap and roll down her leg, she's been known to stop what she's doing to try to fix it. Many a meltdown has followed through when her sock won't stay up, followed by her immediately going home to get another pair of socks, since these are ruined and there's no fixing it. That doesn't seem like a big deal until one realizes she will do this at any given time, so whether it's during dinner or a battle, she won't be able to properly function if she can't get her socks. This tends to extend to the rest of her wardrobe, sometimes her surroundings, her hair if it gets sliced...
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Nozomi Samurakami

" I'd rather take a nap."

  • Full Name
    Nezumi Samurakami
    Sofa king
    Shinigami Type
    Soul Color
    Dusty rose

  • Appearance
    Nezumi isn't a muscular man by any means. He is actually quite lean and somewhat lanky due to his height, which is 6'4 but usually seems about 6'0 since he is usually slouching or in general just in his bad posture. He has black medium length hair, most times he is finding someway to get a nap in so his hair is usually in his eyes unless he becomes serious. When this happens he usually ties it up with a black hair tie he keeps around his wrist. His eyes are a silvery blue and usually has dark circles and bags around them. Though Nezumi sleeps a lot it clearly isn't enough, but his eyes clearly contain a fierce personality when needed. His clothes are pretty simple, besides his one black scarf that he usually wears, it doubles as his comfort item and his pillow when he takes a random nap. Other than that the clothes are just usually things that are comfortable for him.


    Many would assume that Nezumi's personality is very laid back and those people would be half right. In most cases Nezumi is laid back, especially when it comes to things he isn't judged on, but for instance if he feels he has something to prove, he becomes a very fierce and laser focused individual that would stop at nothing to prove that he is the best. In short he's somewhat a show off that is lazy and likes to sleep a lot.

    Personal History
    Description Here.

  • Skill Name
    Skill Description
    Skill Name
    Skill Description
    Skill Name
    Skill Description
    Skill Name
    Skill Description

  • Weakness Name
    Weakness Name
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WIP - I have notepad on my other computer but putting this template here.

Character Name

"Personal Quote"

  • Full Name
    Text Here
    Text Here
    Text Here
    Text Here
    Shinigami Type
    Meister or Demon Weapon
    Soul Color
    Text Here
    Text Here

  • Appearance
    Description Here.
    Description Here.
    Personal History
    Description Here.

  • Skill Name
    Skill Description
    Skill Name
    Skill Description
    Skill Name
    Skill Description
    Skill Name
    Skill Description

  • Weakness Name
    Weakness Name
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Cruella Vanderbilt

"I just want my father to be proud of me..."

  • Full Name
    Cruella Vanderbilt




    Shinigami Type

    Soul Color
    Sky Blue

  • Appearance
    Cruella has cyan eyes and cyan blue shoulder-length hair with one side up in a small bun. She frequently wears light blue dress with purplish black trimmings, white stockings and black flats. You may also see her wearing flower crowns which is her signature look. She's only 5'4 in height.

    Despite her name, Cruella is a shy teen with a gentle heart. Kind and caring, she's soft-spoken and polite and doesn't like to be confrontational. She is eager for knowledge and fond of reading in order to learn. She is a nurturing sort of person, always looking out for others and willing to assist them in any way that she can.

    Despite being a usually happy person on the outside, she tends to keep her true feelings bottled up. She also tends to easily get down on herself and negatively compare herself to others. She also doesn't fare well under pressure causing her to easily panic. She's also rather cautious, preferring to choose her words and actions carefully to avoid unwanted consequences and attention.

    Personal History
    Cruella was born from a prestigious family of Meisters and being the only child in their family, she was obligated to succeed in everything by her strict father.

    She began her physical training at age eight and her only support at that time was her kind mother whom she spends her free time with while reading books about demon weapons.

    However days before her 12th birthday while she was out with her mother to buy groceries, they experienced a run in with a Kishin. The kishin was quite powerful that her mother was killed. Since Cruella never really had experience with fighting a Kishin nor had a weapon, she was thoroughly defeated. She was seconds away from being killed when a kind meister intervened and saved her. The meister then took a distressed Cruella, who was cradling her mother's soul to her chest, to the hospital. It was shortly after this horrific event that Cruella developed the ability to feel other people's negative and painful emotions, and shortly afterwords she gained her pain manipulation abilities.

    Since that event her father blamed her for her mother's death and became even more strict to the point that the more skills she mastered, the more she will be given to master. Soon, she was enrolled to DWMA to get a formal education
  • Intellect
    Cruella has a perfect photographic memory that helps her easily memorize whatever she sees or reads and recall whatever information she desires without fail.

    Advance Physiology
    Cruella possesses immense speed and durability but doesn't have immense strength

    Soul Perception
    Cruella has the ability to perceive the souls of living people.

    Pain Manipulation
    She can sense and manipulate mental, emotional, and physical agony, pain and suffering, whether increasing, decreasing, causing or otherwise changing pain, even manifesting the emotional energy to a physical level.
  • Stamina and Strength
    Although Cruella is fast, she easily gets tired and doesn't have enough stamina. She's also weak when it comes to lifting things

    Cruella tends to bottle up her feelings and sometimes, this affects her pain manipulation. There are a couple of incidents where the poor girl accidentally and unconsciously used her skill to others because she's mad.

    Never forgets
    Cruella has photographic memory which means she can perfectly remember anything. This also means that she cannot forget things even if she wanted to. Although she wants to forget her mother's death, she can't. She remembers it everyday
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Nurul Sabah

"Interesting...Most people would have kept that idea to themselves."

  • Full Name
    Nurul Arij Sabah

    Viper Tongue



    Shinigami Type
    Demon Weapon

    Soul Color
    Blanched Almond


  • Appearance
    Standing at a modest 5'5, nurul is a rather effeminite young man. With slightly rounded off shoulders, his lean torso ends with a tapered waist and is followed by legs that appear far longer that his stature should allow. His medium length, chestnut coloured hair is just slightly wavy and transitions to a more auburn colour near the tips. Nurul's eyes are a warm amber, though they have been known to shit toward a nearly molten gold when experiencing strong emotions, and are framed by thick dark lashes. Despite being of middle easter descent, Nurul's clothing choices are often inspired by the fashions further east. Typically wearing formfitting Qipao style shirts and harem pants. He has a stong distaste for constricting footwear and often just wraps them in bandages.

    As a weapon, he takes the form of a giant fully bladed Chakram. The nearly golden, circular blade has 2' serated edges every 15 degrees around its entirty with the only safe place to hold the blade being with the 3' opening in the center. The inner "handle" of the blade is a rich dark wood with reddish tints and white markings reminescent of runes.

    Nurul has been compared to a "snake in the grass" at times due to his rather deceptive appearance. While he appears to be a gentle soul, and to an extent that is true as he tries to talk his way out of physical altercations, he has a habit of 'encouraging' others to attack him. He is quiet and rather reserved, though he is not without his boisturous moments, specifically when people enter his personal space without permission. He is rather secretive about his feelings, thought he puts on a 'pleasant' facade..

    Personal History
    Hailing from the proud Sabah Family, one that has produced quite a few Death Scythes. As the third child and only son to the head of the matriachal tribe, not much was expected of Nurul. It did not help that he was a late bloomer to his weapon form. His older twin sisters, Amalia and Soraya were set to be co-leaders of the tribe when they came of age and he was only expected to try his best at the DWMA when he could transform and eventually marry and have children. That changed when his weapon form finally revealed itself to him, A Vada Chakra. A rarity of the tribe, with only two predecessors, both great women who only made the tribe greater and more well known.

    Upon realizing this, his parents immediately set to enforcing the training meant for the future leaders upon him. Regardless of the fact that that training was geared toward females. Having been forced into etiquette classes and several different forms of combat training, it would be right to assume that Nurul hated it. However, the etiquette lessons had been hammered into him (sometimes literally) so he never outwardly reacted, instead choosing to speak his distaste, while trying not to sound bitter and angry at his circumstances. Several years later has entered the infamous DWMA in hopes of becoming a death weapon and being the first male leader of his tribe in over two centuries.

  • Agile
    In both weapon form and as a human, Nurul is rather quick on his feet and able to move in rather complex and flexiible ways to not only avoid damage to himself, but also to inflict damage.

    Partial Transformation
    Nurul can partially transform himself, allowing his hands and feet to transform into much smaller versions of his full weapon form. This takes much more concentration that maintaining his full form and is often only used as a last resort or if he is apart from his miester.

    CQC Subjugation
    As part of his training to become the leader of his tribe, Nurul has been trained in several fighting styles, primarily for the purpose to subdue his enemy. Due to this training, he is does exceptionally well in taking down opponents using his flexibility to his advantage to perform many different holds.

    Body Reader
    Through both political and physical training, Nurul has become rather adept at reading a person's body language to decifer what their intentions are.

  • Wit
    He has a habit of aggrivating others with politely worded insults. While this can be a boon on the battlefield, it puts a real damper on his relationships with others.

    Personal Space
    surprisingly, for a person who prefers close combat, Nurul hates it when people enter his personal space without his permission or outside of a fight. He gets really tense and high strung and will 'politely' ask for the person to move away. He has been known to get surprisingly violent to those who don't listen. His miester is one of the few exeptions, to an extent.

    As he has rarely had to do more than subdue opponents, Nurul does not have the stamina required for prolonged battles and gets tired fairly quickly, especially in his human form.

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Jentezen Farraday
"A duty which becomes a desire will ultimately become a delight."

  • Full Name
    Jentezen Amadeus Farraday
    Shinigami Type
    Soul Color
    honey gold

  • Appearance
    His hair isn't quite black, but nearly so. It almost appears ashen with muted, grayish luster as opposed to a natural sheen. Eyes are a nice feature on him; deep, rich brown are their natural color. Although this is often obscured by his reading glasses. Their intensity can't be so easily contained however. His skin is pale in a sickly way. He does not much care for sunlight though if he must he will stomach it and come out with a much healthier and warm, tannish color on him. This often makes it hard for anyone who might wonder about it to place his nationality. He is a lanky individual with some lean muscle mass and body fat percentage not above 9%, which would probably be an attractive physique if he ate better. As it is his height, which is close to six feet and roughly 5'10-ish, gives him much the appearance of a post beam. His preference for tailored clothing does not help this appearance.

    Jen is... a bull for lack of better words. He has focus that is admirable in its stability. The kind of guy that goes after what he wants with the stubbornness of an ass and twice the durability, he rarely multitasks. It can be a hindrance, but is sured up by the fact that 99% of the time, he does exactly what he says he will do and gets what he wants out of life. He lacks tact in many situations preferring the ideology that straight through is always the best way without any detours or concessions. This makes him hard-headed and resistant to change, but he isn't quite an old dog yet. He is well known to be a stickler for a rhyme to his reason. In essence, Jentezen prefers for things to have an order about them. It doesn't even have to be the correct order as long as there is an obvious, traceable sequence of events that will accompany the task given. If there isn't he will probably forgo or outright decline the assignment. He makes no room in his carefully mediated existence for even the possibility of frivolity. In other words, he really does not know how to relax.

    Personal History
    A loveable mutt from a sprawling, multi-racial lineage and equally sprawling immediate family, Jentezen enjoyed a happy childhood filled with laughter, play, and all the good, rose-colored things of early youth. Even as the eldest in a long stream of love-children between his mother and father, he enjoyed simple pleasures and freedom even some single children could not and had not enjoyed before him. His smile came easily and his laughter even more so. This was afforded him simply because his father brought home the bacon, as was the way of things, and what he did not bring his mother did by way of her teeming garden.

    And in this way, he was made into a fine male specimen carrying knowledge of food, family, and goodness in his heart up until the truly formative years of middle school when he showed aptitude for spiritual sensation. It was his eyes, they'd told him, which had never quite worked in a very tolerable way with their extremely pronounced astigmatism. Something about the way they moved. His family had not produced meister nor weapon in all of its long existence however. At best, the Farraday line had done something interesting with electricity and something more interesting with opium during the 70s. In essence, Jen finally encountered something his parents and other elders could not teach him, which left him... rather distraught in all honesty.

    Taking an adolescent that was not rich in money, but which had not encountered hardship and suddenly thrusting him into a place where hardship was daily, bloodshed was hourly, and death was not only inevitable but highly likely in any given moment was not at all good for healthy cognitive development. Death City was probably the opposite of where this boy-child had grown up as a matter of fact. And so much like a military cadet, Jen underwent necessary, self-imposed re-education, becoming the highly forthright, no-nonsense, single-minded individual that he is today.

    Sure, he's still not quite right with it all. The whole death thing bothers that sweet part of him that keeps green things all about his studio apartment to remind him of the family he's learning to protect, but... Whatever works works, and he hasn't mentally broken yet, so he probably won't right? Right.

  • Skill Name
    Skill Description
    Skill Name
    Skill Description
    Skill Name
    Skill Description
    Skill Name
    Skill Description

  • Weakness Name
    Jackass - Should be self explanatory but his most prevalent and frequent source of danger is his own inability to strategize. He dives into situations headfirst and about half the time he gets damage for it.
    Weakness Name
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Alright! HEre's my boys. Demon Weapons, but they're pretty cool if I do say so myself.

Peter Halloway

"Need a ride?"

  • Full Name
    Peter Halloway
    B Postive
    Shinigami Type
    Demon Weapon
    Soul Color
    Steely Silver

    Theme Song: Fast in My Car - Paramore

    Art Credit

  • Appearance
    Peter Halloway stands at a tall 6'1", on the skinnier side, not much muscle but rough calloused hands from working at a mechanic shop. Weighing in at around 155 lbs. Stylishly cut brown hair, close to his head. Wears square black frame glasses, and often seen in formal wear. Bright blue eyes. His formal wear carries onto his school uniform, having picked the most formal amongst the uniforms provided by DWMA. Black suit jacket adorned with the Death skull on his right breast pocket, white dress shirt, and black slacks.

    Weapon Form
    Fairbairn-Sykes Fighting Daggers


    Shape of Soul

    Opposite to his brother Henry. His blade in weapon form is grey steel, embedded in the base of the blade just above the hilt is the positive + symbol. The blade glows blue, along with the symbol when Peter resonates with his meister. The blade itself grows in a few inches of length, along with the steel band on the meister's wrist growing larger to protect more surface area, the wristband has the positive + symbol embedded in it.


    "Do you like raisins? How do you feel about a date?"

    "I'm going to insist on not trusting him, I mean look how he decided to leave the house today."

    Car Nut
    "Gently! This car is older than you!"

    Peter has a sharp mouth on him, very observant in and out of a fight. His flirtatious nature can sometimes come off rather corny at times, but his string of past relationships both starting and ending in healthy ways really spoke volumes more of his ability to be rather considerate in a relationship. His interest in weapon lineage, cars and fashion round out his life outside of the Academy. A good head on his shoulders easily the most disciplined twin, eager to see through collecting two hundred souls with his brother.
    Personal History
    Twins born and raised in Cincinnati, Indiana USA. Their weapon abilities manifested around the same time, Peter's was first and Henry's followed shortly after him at the age of 12. An awkward first couple of years adjusting to the magnetic pulls and pushes of his abilities, before too long him and his brother were sent to DWMA to learn to control their new powers. Their parents encouraging for their development. It was after their first year of attending DWMA that their mother passed away in her sleep due to a unfortunate aneurysm caused by blood thinning medication, when a fall resulted in a unchecked ruptured vein in her brain. Her death was abrupt, and gave the twins no chance to say goodbye. The completely preventable causes of her death simply rubbed salt in the wound.

    Their mother's passing cut deeply for the young brothers, processing their grief in their own unique ways. Initially they had planned to separate once they enrolled at DWMA, it took some convincing from Peter to ahead with their original plan eventually Henry conceded, admitting to being terrified of losing his brother in a similar way without the chance to say goodbye.

    Freedom to have time to himself and a meister partner helped Henry open up, helped him grow outside of his crutch that was depending on his brother. In his grief found himself taking comfort of their mother's passing in studying Pneumatology, the study of the soul. A subject usually reserved for meisters to know but Henry had taken to it with great interest. Without Peter there to constantly nag him over how he dressed or how he groomed himself, Henry quite literally let those things go. Choosing a laid back lifestyle to match his attitude. He was never a huge fan of combat training, or athleticism. Instead he focused on his grades. Some would call him a couch potato but his mind was as sharp as some of the top grading students in EAT classes, and the test scores showed for it.

    While Peter showed detail orientated intelligence and picked up studying weapon lineages with interest. Ever since arriving to Death City Peter showed an intense interest in vintage cars and had a knack for working on engines in his spare time. He was hired at a local mechanic's shop part time as an apprentice. From there they dragged in a shell of a 1968 Ragtop Chevy Camaro telling him that was his project. Peter worked night and day on that car, scraping together his meagre pay-checks to save and afford the parts he needed. He replaced leather upholstery, did custom paint jobs, and rebuilt the engine from scratch. When it was complete he had his full driver's licence and drives it everywhere. Often says it as his favourite place to be.

    In the first few years working with different partners they really grew as people and individuals. Their differences growing more stark each year, but never once straining their bond as twins. It wasn't until they decided to come back together, finding their effectiveness was exponentially upped when they fought together.

    Together now they settled on their newest meister partner. How well they fared as a trio would surely show a great deal of ambition in their partner, willingly taking the workload of turning not one but two weapons into death scythes. Creating a death scythe being a common goal for all EAT students.​

  • Soul Magnet Push & Pull
    Peter and his twin Henry are soul magnet daggers. All souls have a magnetic charge to them, Peter and Henry have the ability to push and pull against those very forces. This skill is a undirected full force push or pull against the target's soul directly. Peter's Soul is largely positive, as a result he can only push against positively charged souls and pull negatively charged souls.​

    Sensing Soul Charge
    Due to their nature as a soul magnet, Henry and Peter can sense the charge of the soul. Different from soul perception, they cannot discern shape or moral alignment.

    Soul Lasso
    When Peter and Henry have sensed a soul for its magnetic alignment they can be thrown around their target to create a lasso for their meister to pull. Depending on the strength of the soul, (if it is resonating, large in general, or witch's soul) would affect their ability to pull them, stronger souls require higher soul resonance.​

    Soul Resonance Technique - Complete the Circuit
    Fully synchronized with their weapon partners, they affectionately dub it Complete the Circuit. Their weapon forms grow in size, begin to glow and with immense concentration, practice and honing of skill they are able to project a magnetic field as their meister's soul swells in size. Their techniques become more powerful, strong souls they weren't able to budge before now resist a noticeable pull/push on their soul.​

    Experimental Technique - Static Shield
    An experimental technique the twins have attempted with past partners. The Static Shield can be described as a soul charge crackling across their meister's body. By quickly pushing and pulling against the meister's soul in a strange inverse soul resonance they create a static charge around their body to protect from stray projectiles, rough falls, and restraints. In its current form, with a strong enough soul resonance they can roughly get their meister's entire body outlined but it often drains the meister's stamina.​

    Driving/Mechanical Skills
    Peter knows how to drive and works part time at a local mechanic's shop. He rebuilt his blue 1968 Chevy ragtop Camaro from scraps. Considered generally talented after working there for a few years. The Camaro is his pride and joy.​

  • Cleanliness
    Peter can't stand getting his nice clothes dirty, messing up his hair, or his appearance. The only acceptable time he feels it is okay to get his hands dirty is when he's wearing his oily overalls at the shop. Otherwise, he remains pristine.​

    One Half of Whole
    Peter is substantially only one half of a whole, he is effectively weaker on his own. In combat situations, he grows worried and upset when separated from his twin in combat.​

Henry Halloway

"Relax, we got this."

  • Full Name
    Henry Halloway
    B Negative
    Shinigami Type
    Demon Weapon
    Soul Color
    Light Blue

    Theme Song: Stayin' Alive - Bee Gees

    Art Credit

  • Appearance
    Henry Halloway stands at a tall 6'1" dips an inch because of his slouch, a little pudge on his stomach, his fingertips are often dry and rough from finger picking while playing the guitar. Weighing in at around 165 lbs. His hair long and straight, dips down to his lower back. Often keeps it down but loves to occasionally braid it or put it up in a bun. Chooses to wear contact lenses instead of glasses. His style is often clothing he dug through at a thrift store save for the band shirts he collects from a concert or scrounges up used. Bright blue eyes. His uniform is the long sleeved dress shirt unbuttoned with his favourite band shirt beneath it and a pair of black jeans.

    Weapon Form
    Fairbairn-Sykes Fighting Daggers


    Shape of Soul

    Henry's soul is largely if not completely negative in magnetic charge. Opposite to his brother Peter. His blade in weapon form is dark black steel, embedded in the base of the blade just above the hilt is the negative - symbol. The blade glows blue, along with the symbol when Henry resonates with his meister. The blade itself grows in a few inches of length, along with the steel band on the meister's wrist growing larger to protect more surface area, the wristband has the negative - symbol embedded in it.


    Laid Back
    "Relax, there's no point to get all stressed out and uppity."

    Music Snob
    "Oh my God, how have you not heard of Queen? This is embarrassing."

    "Hit the books, the punching bag has been hit enough today."

    Henry is on the sensitive side, astutely aware of other people's moods and shifts. Though not enough to get in the way of Peter's more abrasive personality traits. They agree on most things but will pull him aside to set a record straight if need be. A good buffer for his brother. Content to go with the flow. He does take advantage of the immense resources that DWMA offers its students, but his outward appearance would suggest otherwise his knowledge base is subpar. He loves to prove those assumptions wrong.​

    Personal History
    Twins born and raised in Cincinnati, Indiana USA. Their weapon abilities manifested around the same time, Peter's was first and Henry's followed shortly after him at the age of 12. An awkward first couple of years adjusting to the magnetic pulls and pushes of his abilities, before too long him and his brother were sent to DWMA to learn to control their new powers. Their parents encouraging for their development. It was after their first year of attending DWMA that their mother passed away in her sleep due to a unfortunate aneurysm caused by blood thinning medication, when a fall resulted in a unchecked ruptured vein in her brain. Her death was abrupt, and gave the twins no chance to say goodbye. The completely preventable causes of her death simply rubbed salt in the wound.

    Their mother's passing cut deeply for the young brothers, processing their grief in their own unique ways. Initially they had planned to separate once they enrolled at DWMA, it took some convincing from Peter to ahead with their original plan eventually Henry conceded, admitting to being terrified of losing his brother in a similar way without the chance to say goodbye.

    Freedom to have time to himself and a meister partner helped Henry open up, helped him grow outside of his crutch that was depending on his brother. In his grief found himself taking comfort of their mother's passing in studying Pneumatology, the study of the soul. A subject usually reserved for meisters to know but Henry had taken to it with great interest. Without Peter there to constantly nag him over how he dressed or how he groomed himself, Henry quite literally let those things go. Choosing a laid back lifestyle to match his attitude. He was never a huge fan of combat training, or athleticism. Instead he focused on his grades. Some would call him a couch potato but his mind was as sharp as some of the top grading students in EAT classes, and the test scores showed for it.

    While Peter showed detail orientated intelligence and picked up studying weapon lineages with interest. Ever since arriving to Death City Peter showed an intense interest in vintage cars and had a knack for working on engines in his spare time. He was hired at a local mechanic's shop part time as an apprentice. From there they dragged in a shell of a 1968 Ragtop Chevy Camaro telling him that was his project. Peter worked night and day on that car, scraping together his meagre pay-checks to save and afford the parts he needed. He replaced leather upholstery, did custom paint jobs, and rebuilt the engine from scratch. When it was complete he had his full driver's licence and drives it everywhere. Often says it as his favourite place to be.

    In the first few years working with different partners they really grew as people and individuals. Their differences growing more stark each year, but never once straining their bond as twins. It wasn't until they decided to come back together, finding their effectiveness was exponentially upped when they fought together.

    Together now they settled on their newest meister partner. How well they fared as a trio would surely show a great deal of ambition in their partner, willingly taking the workload of turning not one but two weapons into death scythes. Creating a death scythe being a common goal for all EAT students.​

  • Soul Magnet Push & Pull
    Henry and his twin Peter are soul magnet daggers. All souls have a magnetic charge to them, Peter and Henry have the ability to push and pull against those very forces. This skill is a undirected full force push or pull against the target's soul directly. Henry's Soul is largely negative, as a result he can only push against negatively charged souls and pull positively charged souls.​

    Sensing Soul Charge
    Due to their nature as a soul magnet, Henry and Peter can sense the charge of the soul. Different from soul perception, they cannot discern shape or moral alignment.

    Soul Lasso
    When Peter and Henry have sensed a soul for its magnetic alignment they can be thrown around their target to create a lasso for their meister to pull. Depending on the strength of the soul, (if it is resonating, large in general, or witch's soul) would affect their ability to pull them, stronger souls require higher soul resonance.​

    Soul Resonance Technique - Complete the Circuit
    Fully synchronized with their weapon partners, they affectionately dub it Complete the Circuit. Their weapon forms grow in size, begin to glow and with immense concentration, practice and honing of skill they are able to project a magnetic field as their meister's soul swells in size. Their techniques become more powerful, strong souls they weren't able to budge before now resist a noticeable pull/push on their soul.​

    Experimental Technique - Static Shield
    An experimental technique the twins have attempted with past partners. The Static Shield can be described as a soul charge crackling across their meister's body. By quickly pushing and pulling against the meister's soul in a strange inverse soul resonance they create a static charge around their body to protect from stray projectiles, rough falls, and restraints. In its current form, with a strong enough soul resonance they can roughly get their meister's entire body outlined but it often drains the meister's stamina.​

    Misc Skill - Guitar Player
    He loves music and loves to play music. Owns an acoustic guitar and is often seen practicing, he is quick to pick up on new songs.​

  • A Lover - Not a Fighter
    While combat training is mandatory for all EAT students, Henry never quite took to it. Left to his own devices, and separated from his twin he can be quickly overwhelmed. Not very good at running either. Prone to panic when placed on the spot, in and out combat.
    One half of a Whole
    Henry is only one half of a whole, he is effectively weaker on his own. Similarly to Peter, Henry begins to panic having a terrible time keeping his cool. Depends heavily on both his partners to remain cool and confident.​
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"Hmmm? Do you need something?"

  • Full Name
    Adamant of the Nidore Clan
    Adam(not a fan of it)
    Shinigami Type
    Soul Color
    Silver, but tinged with streaks of Black

  • Appearance
    The first thing one will likely notice about Adamant is that he is big. Standing at 6'4, his body is a broad mass of well-defined muscle due to both his innate genetics and a strict workout routine that he adheres to as faithfully as a priest would follow religious doctrine. Beyond that, his hair and eyes are a rather distinct silver-ish blue color with the former framing his face in a wild mane that sticks out in every direction. When it comes to clothes, he dresses in the standard DWMA uniform, with the only modification to it being the symbol of his clan, a dark silhouette of a howling wolf set against the yellow crescent of the moon, embroidered on the back of his blazer.

    When one here's the word 'werewolf', there are often a certain number of personality traits associated with it. Wild, Impulsive, Bloodthirsty, just to name a few.

    As such, most people are often surprised when they learn of Adamant's true nature, as he doesn't really seem to embody any of these traits. For most people, Adamant come across a rather responsible young man, if a bit strict and prone to over-protectiveness with those he views as his friends, especially those younger than he is. In some instances, especially with his partner, this desire to protect others can lead to him being something of a control freak as he thinks himself the final arbiter of what is good for others and will help to keep them safe. Not only that, but few have ever seen him express anything more than slight frustration or sour mood in the face of adversity, failure, or hardship. Mostly, he just sighs and smiles after a moment of silence, proclaiming that he'd just have to do better.

    In reality, however, Adamant is a soul stuck in an almost perpetual cycle of self-imposed psychological torment that he keeps deftly hidden from those around him, especially those he holds dear. Out of a misguided sense of responsibility to both his clan and his sister, Adamant forced himself to grow up, to become more mature and diligent than one his age normally would, especially in a werewolf clan, stowing down every negative emotion he could into his subconscious mind so as to keep up a strong front for his sister and himself. This has left emotionally stunted, however, as he isn't truly dealing with these problems, merely ignoring them and finding no way to truly resolve what he feels. This has recently begun to put a strain on his mind, as he fears for the day that he might finally break. On top of this is how he feels about his nature as a werewolf.

    Instead of a mixture of man and beast, Adamant tries to fully control his wild nature without really accepting it, seeing the negative aspects of his personality are directly related to this side of himself, and thus, threaten the carefully crafted feeling of control and responsibility he has crafted in the wake of his father's death. This has led to an internal struggle between the two sides of his psyche, with all of his negative and wild traits manifesting in a hallucination that Adamant names 'The Black Wolf', and often makes its presence with either the sounds claws scrapping against stone within his mind or making appearances in mirrors near Adamant or in the corners of his vision. These encounters with the black wolf often leave the young man somewhat shaken, though he does his best it hide it, and the fact that he can't even assume his true werewolf form because of this mental conflict often drives him into fits of depression that see him go without eating or sleep for days at a time. Like everything else, he does his best to hide these feelings from others, but those close to him, like his sister and their caretaker, can tell when he's going through one of these fits and often do whatever they can to bring him out of them.

    Personal History
    Adamant comes from a clan of werewolves. Known as the Nidore clan, they were well-known for their supernatural keen senses and ability to track down any target they desired if the hunter was skilled enough. Because of this very skill, however, the clan remained extremely isolated from the rest of the world, preferring to stay out of the affairs of meisters and witches, lest they be dragged to their own end for picking a side in the conflict.

    Unfortunately, this seclusion didn't stop many witches from attempting to steal Nidore pups and warriors for themselves. With their finely tuned senses, innate healing abilities, and physical prowess, one could not ask for better guards dogs. All these attempts were met with failure, however, as the scouts that patrolled Nidore lands were often able to warn the clan of the impending danger of outsiders before they could get close,and even those who did manage to snag a target from the clan soon found themselves at the mercy of the Nidore hunters and torn to shreds for their folly.

    After centuries of this, the Chief of the Nidore, Fierce, during the beginning of the Witch Wars era finally had enough of the constant hiding and running from witches. Having met and befriended a Meister in his youth after escaping the clan to take on a rather dangerous journey across the world, he decided upon becoming chief to do away with the old traditions and finally pick a side in this nearly millennia-old battle. With the Nidore clan hunters on their side, the Witches would soon notice their agents being taken out more and more often, despite the fact that the usage of Soul PRotect magic should've made them unnoticeable. First suspecting a possible evolution in the sensory abilities in meister, it wasn't long before they found out the true culprits behind the loss of so many of their sisters. needless to say, they were greatly displeased and immediately sought to take this grand weapon away from their foes with one swift, brutal attack.

    So it was that Adamant, a young pup of only 7 at the time, saw his home razed to the ground by a true witch assault. While the Nidore were no pushovers and were more than capable of handling most witch's mono-to mono, those present at the during the assault were of an entirely different level than the desperate or foolish witches that they were used to dealing with. Soon, any hope of victory hey had sputtered into nothingness, and the bestial urge to ensure the survival of their young kicked in. As such, all of the warriors of the Nidore fought with a zealous frenzy, attempting to keep the witches as busy as possible while the other clan members attempted to flee with their children into the night. One such group was Fierce and his children: Adamant and his sister, Pleasant.

    The clan chief would not make it through this horrific night alive, hiding in his children in a small alcove before facing his pursuers in a dogged battle to the end. He took down at least 5 witches before the DWMA forces arrived, scattering the invading forces to the wind and leaving Fierce near death, but content in buying the safety of his children. Final goodbyes were said, with the children engrained his scent into their memories as was Nidore custom, knowing they would never encounter it again in this lifetime.

    No other Nidore were known to have survived the massacre, as any survivors would have instantly gone into hiding with no chance of ever approaching a member of DWMA ever again. This left the orphan werewolves under the care of the meister that their father befriended and had called for assistance when the witches had begun their assault. Shortly after this event is when Adamant decided to become a Meister. Externally, he said it was because he wanted to have the power and strength to protect his sister and to keep what happened to him from happening to anyone else, and this sentiment was true. However, in reality, his main drive for wanting to become a Meister is the burning hatred he feels for all Witchkind for what they did to him, his clan, and his entire family. Even at such a young age, he knew that he wouldn't rest until he made sure to give every witch he met exactly as much mercy as they had deemed to give his clan. With those on the top of the list being the head witches, the ones he saw watching overhead while his world burned to the ground. He didn't know their names, but their faces and their scents were seared into his memory from that day onward.

    Since then, Adamant and Pleasant have had a bit of a rough time acclimating to the culture and climate of Death City and DWMA, being so different to his own, but they've learned to manage. He quickly took to becoming a protective, fatherly figure in place of his father for Pleasant, doing everything in his power to be the role model and strength that he felt she needed at that moment. As far as training went at DWMA, his forthcomingness with his true heritage led to having a rather difficult time making friends with others, as many of the student's viewed him to as either dangerous animal or a freak. Needless to say, he went through a few partners that didn't really give him a chance to show them who he really was before requesting another one out of fear of what they thought he would do to him. To say it was a disheartening experience was putting it lightly, and even though he always puts his best foot forward with every partnership, the previous string of rejections have led to him keeping an emotional distance between him and his partner, just in case they decide he wasn't worth the effort after all.

  • Enhanced Soul Perception
    As a member of the Nidore clan, the keenness of Adamant's senses doesn't just extend to the physical, but also the metaphysical. While Soul Perception is a skill unique to Meisters, the nose and ears of the Nidore hunter can be attuned to the scents and sounds of souls. It is this attunement that also allows the most skilled of hunters to detect witches hidden by Soul Protect, as even with their magical aura being masked by magic, their soul wavelengths still hold a familiar bend to them, however slight. However, in order to make this connection, the Nidore hunter must be extremely skilled in their ability to parse, track, and identify souls as well as having met the Witch prior as said witch in order to root them out as a human or vice versa, having met them as a human to identify the rouse if met as a witch. Of the two methods, the latter is a fair bit easier to accomplish as the witch isn't hiding anything while in witch form, but the scent of magic can still muck up the scent a bit for young novices, making it difficult for them to tell.

    For Adamant in particular, who has both the Soul Perception of a Meister and the Nidore senses, you'll find few students as perceptive as he is to matters of the Soul, though he's still not at the level where he'd be able to sniff out a Witch, it's really only a matter of time and training.

    Werewolf Physiology
    While unable to turn into a werewolf, at least of his own volition, status as a werewolf gives him several distinct advantages, first of which being his impressive healing factor. While not to the level of a member of the Immortal Clan, Adamant still possesses a strong healing factor that makes him rather hard to put down completely. that being said, even if he can recover from a lot of hits that others could not, his healing isn't nearly as fast as that of an Immortal Clan member, often taking a decent amount of time to heal for more major wounds, tho it's still extremely fast when compared to that of a normal human. That being said, anything that would instantly kill a human, such as decapitation, complete removal/destruction of the heart, or a sufficient amount of brain damage, are often suitable ways to take down Adamant, as his body would not be able to recover in time to prevent his death.

    Along with this healing factor, Adamant boasts an impressive level of raw strength even in his human form, so much so that lifting something like a mid-sized car would only require a modest amount of effort, and if he pushed himself to his limit, he could probably even lift something like a large truck, though not for too long before the strain would become too much. Other notable attributes are being generally more durable than a normal human, especially with his healing factor, and having a greater degree of stamina.

    Finally, Adamant's most exemplary ability would be that of his enhanced senses, particularly when it comes to his senses of smell and hearing. These abilities make him very difficult to sneak up on or surprise, as he can even hear a person's heartbeat even when standing a little bit away from them, and could track someone down by their smell for literal miles before he even started to lose the trail.

    Hand-to-Hand Combat
    Adamant, under the training of his caretaker, has trained himself in a variation of his clan's martial art, of which he had minimal training in and his caretaker had seen in action more than a few times. While bastardization at best, it's all that the young man has to go on, as the style was traditionally passed on from master to student, with no written records being made on how the style is performed or learned.

    In any case, this yet unnamed variation of the Nidore Wolf Fist is a versatile art that can switch between offense and defense with amazing quickness. However, because of its focus on being able to change your fighting focus at any time during a fight, it suffers from not having enough aggressive or defensive techniques of its own and as such, is still a work in progress before anything else, requiring a commitment to either aggression or defense before it can truly be developed any further. Until then, it survives well enough as a supplement for if Adamant ever finds himself without his weapon at any point, though not for too long as any skilled fighter will be able to capitalize on the flaws in his form as long as they can deal with the strength gifted to him by his heritage.

  • "Everything is Fine, really. . ."
    Adamant doesn't want to worry those around him, nor does he wish others to view him in a weak or negative light, As such, he often buries any kind of negative emotions he feels stirring inside him, despite the fact that this behavior is likely one of the main causes for his bouts of depression at times. This also leads to him hiding any kinds of problems that he might have from others, especially those whose opinions matter to him the most like his family or partner, so things like the Black Wolf hallucinations, lack of eating or sleeping, and other issues he's facing will be hidden or ignored in the presence of others. This can often lead to a worsening of the imbalance of his soul, not to mention the physical ailments that plague him and thus lead him to make clumsy mistakes due to mental and physical fatigue, as well as messing with his ability to match his Soul Wavelength with that of his partner.
    "You. . . You don't control me. . . "
    The Black Wolf is a visual manifestation of all of Adamant's negative emotions and his repressed bestial nature. Unknowingly to him, it also serves as the key to achieving control over his true form. If he ever learns to accept and deal with both his negative emotions and the inner beast he houses in his soul, he'd definitely be able to enter his wolf form at will. Instead, however, he fights to contain and isolate these parts of himself, which only serves to make them grow in strength and intensity over time.

    When the Black Wolf appears, it's usually during times of either high stress or deep introspection, moments where Adamant is forced to face some sort of feeling he doesn't want to. Upon seeing it, especially during a battle, the meister suffers from the same symptoms that come from his emotional repression, but to a greater extent than before. While it has yet to happen, Adamant can get to a point where the Black Wolf temporarily consumes him, his subconscious seals breaking to allow all of the pent-up negativity to flow through and reverse his mindset, bringing all the negative traits to the forefront as well as transforming him into his werewolf form, but with his blue hair turned into matted, coarse black fur and his eyes filled with anger, rage, and just a hint of madness. This Adamant is reckless, wild, rude, and extremely self-indulgent. If this behavior change causes too much friction between him and his partner, then he will handily abandon the weapon and instead fight with his own two hands, actively finding the act of ripping his foes to pieces with tooth and claw much more rewarding than hacking at them with a weapon.

    This is a temproary status, however, as he will transform back to his normal self after a short time, leaving Adamant unconscious and likely badly injured due to his other's half's reckless fighting style and disregard for protecting all but the most important parts of his body because of it.

    "The Silverware isn't actually silver. . . right?"
    As the movies often tell it, Adamant has a rather crippling allergy to the metal silver. Not only does any contact with it make him break out into severe and painful rashes, but wounds dealt by silver weapons, or any weapons or attacks that are specifically made to deal with supernatural beings like himself, will heal at a rate much closer to that of a normal human without any outside assistance, as well as weakening his body a fair bit as the silver seems to act like a sort of poison for him.

    Wolfsbane is also another common tactic to use against him, as weapons coated in it will aslo slow down his healing factor a fair amount, though not as much as silver does. If one manages to sneak it into his food without him smelling it, an extremely difficult thing to do, Adamant insides will begin to burn something fierce as he comes down with a fever, and will likely be bed-ridden for days, of not a few weeks as his body works the poison out of his system.
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Here's a nearly-complete CS.

Things I'm working on:
-- Fixing the stupid code! (Fixed!)
-- Finding a partner, and figuring out that whole relationship.


"It's just aesthetically pleasing, alright?!"

  • Full Name
    Bobina Fabricio De Luca
    Shinigami Type
    Demon Weapon
    Soul Color
    Orange Peels (#ff9f00)



  • Appearance
    From a distance, a more rectangular frame is noticeable-- with a flat, toned body lacking any sort of curvature you may expect from an European woman. With a height of 1.6 meters (5'2") and a weight of 56.6 kg (125 lbs), Bellefleur isn't necessarily the mental picture of an exotic, sexy Italian-- but nonetheless carries a different sort of allure to her figure, with her longer legs and shorter torso. Her blonde waves nearly reach her ankles are usually pulled into pigtails for everyday-wear, while for more formal events she curls her hair-- letting it fall just below her knees. It is obvious that this hair is greatly cared for, as it is incredibly soft to the touch, and holds a healthy shine in the light.

    Stepping closer, a round face with a small nose and heart-shaped lips can be noticed, with bright blue eyes staring with a certain intensity at first, followed by a lighthearted playfulness. Bellefleur is seemingly never seen without makeup, and enjoys to take a simple approach with it. A simple cat-eye technique with liquid eyeliner, and a light gold smokey eye gives the illusion of a doe-eyed appearance, while a strawberry lip color adds a much needed splash of color. Being incredibly nearsighted, Bellefleur is required to wear glasses-- and while she does own prescribed contact lenses, they are incredibly irritating, and as such are only worn for special occasions. Because of this, she makes sure her retro-inspired glasses are incorporated into her looks, the circular lenses usually adding a final touch to any outfit.

    Clothing-wise, Bellefleur tends to wear a crop top with a pair of short overalls, along with a worn pair of leather sandals. If the weather is colder, she will change her overalls to pant-length, but for the most part she ignores the weather-- instead storing a portable white umbrella in her leather rucksack. Accessories-wise, her signature look has the right side of her upper body accessorized, as Bellefleur considers her right side as more photogenic. She always has some sort of hair accessory on her right pigtail, usually a bow that she designed herself-- painting various designs onto them. Her ears have never been pierced, so instead Bellefleur opts for a simple golden cuff near the top of her right ear-- which matches the large asymmetrical golden chain necklace, created from smaller circles connected to a single large circle that rests on her right collarbone.

    Bellefleur is very much a social creature, who is more concerned with her appearance and social status compared to the majority of people her age. As such, she genuinely loves to stay up-to-date with the events in her friends' lives, remembering little details with ease and always at the ready to talk things out with warmth and sensitivity.

    Being conflict-averse, Bellefleur's automatic response to spotting tension within her group is to restore harmony and balanced. Her moral compass is based on already-established laws and traditions, and while she is willing to bend the rules slightly in order to do the right thing-- Stitches can find it difficult to do so.
    She holds a passion for planning out her get-togethers, and spends a great deal of effort on making sure that all parties involved will enjoy the experience. As such, Bellefleur is easily hurt if the planned activity is rejected, or if nobody shows any interest after all of the hard work put into it. Often times, if she is not praised or thanked for her efforts, she will become dejected-- internalizing the experience as herself not trying hard enough, or similar trains of thought.

    When it comes to relationships, both platonic and romantic, Bellefleur sees them as a responsibility, before a pleasure. As a result, she refuses to believe to worst, and always gives the benefit of the doubt to those involved-- expecting the same from her friends. There is no such thing as a "casual fling" in Bellefleur's vocabulary, and she expects the other half of any relationship to commit just as much (if not more) than she has.

    Personal History
    Bobina Fabricio De Luca was adopted at age 2 in Bari, Italy by Alessandra De Luca-- a famous designer known for her high-class fashion line in Italy. It is unknown what happened to her biological family, but Bobina was happily raised by her mother-- that is, when the woman was actually home. Most of the time, an entourage of private tutors was hired to raise and educate the girl-- making sure to emphasize things related to the world of beauty such as watching her diet, dressing stylishly, and taking care of her hair (which, oddly enough, she was forbidden to cut). When her mother brought her along for out-of-town excursions, Bobina quickly learned what it was like to pose for a camera, and found it quite enjoyable.
    By age 8, Alessandra stated that she wanted her daughter to model for her fashion company in a few years. This lead to her tutors applying a fashion-related lens to the subjects taught to Bobina-- Anatomy class focused on what parts of the body were seen as the most appealing, Economics class turned to the fashion industry for examples, and etcetera. During this timeframe of a few years, Bobina became fascinated with her mother's line of work, latching onto a dream of launching her own clothing line someday.

    At age 13, Bobina was launched into her modeling career, with her mother acting as her agent. Working with her mother's connections in the high-fashion industry, the young girl worked solely on masquerade-styled photoshoots, donning the pseudonym of "Bellefleur" for the next two years. Once she turned 15, her mother had decided that it was time for her to become unveiled to the public, causing a planned explosion of popularity when the company released a line of clothing that was based on Bobina's personal style-- much to her delight. For the next year, Bobina's popularity steadily increased, and she was just as steadily offered potential contract after contract that would become active when she turned eighteen.

    However, all good things must come to an end, as shortly after her sixteenth birthday a gunshot echoed through the small house by the sea Bobina was raised in. The cracked mirror of her vanity showed a sudden lack of a hand-- instead being replaced with the familiar wide barrel of a shotgun. When Alessandra De Luca rushed in to see her distraught daughter having the appropriate breakdown, she didn't respond with a tender touch. No, the fashion icon had always been a fan for tough love, and quickly booked the nearest flight for Death City-- the pursuit of a fashion degree acting as the perfect excuse for Alessandra to inform all employers of the family emergency that will put Bobina's modelling career on hiatus.
    When Bobina arrived, she was incredibly confused about the vague explanation of "fixing her problem" that was provided by her mother. Her mother had promised a monthly salary of the royalties made off of her previous work to be sent, with equated to just enough money to cover the rent on the two-bedroom apartment that she had arranged for her daughter to live in. However, one more restriction was placed on Bobina by her mother-- to live under her previous alias, so that she could easily return to her modeling career afterwards.

    Thankfully, the drive to return to her previous life resulted in the slightly-unhealthy relationship with her training. Eventually, with enough effort, she got the hang of transforming-- and subsequently managed to earn the right to enroll into the EAT class.

    Now all that's left is for her to graduate, and then she can return to modelling!

  • Aesthetically-Pleasing Memory
    Bellefleur can recognize people not by their faces or names, but by the clothes they wear and the general aesthetic they emit. Sometimes, if the style in mind catches enough of her attention, she can recreate it within her sketchbook, often times correcting certain aspects and improving their look with her creative expertise (or at least, that's what she thinks).

    Detail-Catching Vision

    Whether it's from all those anatomy facts she learned, or her experience in people-watching for inspiration-- Bellefleur has a relatively sharp eye for observing the finer details in most scenarios. As a result, she tends to come to conclusions about people's general attitude relatively quickly. However, she is no mind-reader, and she doesn't seem to realize the fact that this skill of hers is incredibly assumption-based, rather than experience-based.

    Swimming-ly Fit

    It's a proven fact that some of the best models out there have some of the lesser-known methods of keeping fit. For Bellefleur, she swims for exercise-- although she doesn't swim competitively. As a result; her stamina is above-average, her shape is well-maintained, and she's faster than most in the water.

    Fashionably Artistic

    With her abilities to capture details and keep a general style in her mind, it isn't surprising that Bellefleur developed a passion for sketching ideas in the leather-bound book she carries everywhere with her. She doesn't intend to boast, but if asked she would gladly go through her sketchbook and show you some of her favorites.

  • Mnemonics for Everything
    When it comes to memory, things that are not related to fashion (such as names, math equations, etc…) are harder to remember. As such, Bellefleur is constantly creating mnemonics to help her remember things, one example of this being a habit of creating random, sometimes-demeaning nicknames for the people who she can't seem for the life of her to remember. ("Oh, you're the cup of hot chocolate on a snowy morning!" or "Uh, you're...polka-dots and plaid.")

    Reluctance to Transform

    Becoming fearful after her mother's reaction to the first transformation, Bellefleur has developed an extremely negative opinion of her own transformation. While it is possible for her to fully transform when the need arises, the fact remains that she refuses to transform for stupid reasons.

  • Theme Song
    Madonna-- Material Girl
    Myers-Brigg Type
    Spicy Food, Unique Aesthetics, Pistachio Ice Cream
    Wasted Materials, Broccoli
    Trypanophobia (Fear of Needles)

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