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Original poster

  • [fieldbox="Welcome..., #FF00BF, solid, 10, Times"]
    ...to my over-caffeinated interest check where everything is delightfully garish and pink.​
    [/fieldbox]Greetings fellow roleplayer! I've got 15+ years of experience. I am over the age of majority and require that my partners be as well. I anticipate pretty much all stories will contain those things which earn a TV:MA rating. That is not to say that all stories are going to be smut-based, because that is not the case.

    I write on an adept to advanced level and am looking for partners who do the same. Depending on the exchanges between characters I've been known to respond with 5 to 15 paragraphs. Sometimes during dialogue things are on the lower end, during an important bit of exposition things stray higher. I'm not going to put a solid limit here but I would think that anything less than 3 paragraphs doesn't precisely count as adept, and certainly not advanced. I am very likely to lose interest in RPs where the post lengths drop to and remain at 3 or fewer paragraphs (unless we're exchanging posts a few times a day).

    Despite how I fear that last bit sounded I really am an easy going and friendly person. I like to have an OOC PM alongside the IC PM to discuss ideas, etc. Don't be afraid to message me, I don't bite unless asked politely.

    I am on Pacific time in the US, and I tend to be on at all hours. I'll be checking my messages a few times per day and would like writing partners that can usually get out at least a few responses a week (daily would be a godsend, but I know that's unlikely). I understand that life/vacations/finals/busy seasons happen and sometimes RPing slows down but just give me a heads up.

    As a female I'm much more comfortable playing my own gender. For original stories my primary characters will always be female, though I can do male side-characters and "NPCs." For doubling in the case of fandoms, I am certainly willing to play male characters. If any of the ideas in the Plots or Fandoms tabs catch your eye please PM me rather than responding to this thread, as I am not likely to see it. I also prefer all RPs be done in PM.

  • [fieldbox="Plots..., #FF00BF, solid, 10, Times"]
    ...conjured from the depths of my mind.​
    [/fieldbox]If you see one I've crossed off but really have your heart set on it, let me know and we'll see what we can do. Bold title(s) indicate which I'm most searching for at the moment.

    Blood and Sand
    There's only one way to become champion. Never fucking lose.

    Roman Gladiators! Doesn't have to be strictly historical, could be low-fantasy. Just a general idea that needs fleshing out with a good writing partner. Stolen Spartacus title and quote aside, not really looking to write a fandom story for it. Leaning FxM for romance, but the possibility of doubling is certainly there.

    One plot idea for this revolves around the wife of a senator (my character) whose husband buys her a gladiator (your character) to keep her "entertained" while he's off doing other things (and women).


    Not even gonna be sorry for suggesting this for the gladiator.​

  • [fieldbox="Tales..., #FF00BF, solid, 10, Times"]
    ...from books, movies, and video games, reimagined.​
    [/fieldbox]I am almost always willing to double, but there are bound to be some characters I just can't do justice or don't really care for. Let me know who you're looking for me to play against whom in return and I'll try to accommodate! Fandoms are listed in alphabetical order for simplicity's sake.

    Bold typeface indicates the character I would like to play and pairings are given a scale of one * to three *** of desire. If you see one I've crossed off but really have your heart set on it, let me know and we'll see what we can do.

    ASoIaF / Game of Thrones​
    This is my single biggest craving right now out of all original plots and fandoms. I'm 100% current on the series and I've read about 125 pages into A Dance with Dragons. I don't mind if my roleplaying partner hasn't read the books. For doubling here I could play *most* characters, but there might be one or two I just can't handle.

    OC x Tormund Giantsbane ***

    Dragon Age​
    Looking for a long-term and in-depth 1x1 RP based off of/around the Dragon Age games. Primarily interested in the DA2 and DA:I timelines at the moment, looking for someone up to playing Cullen. I might be willing to delve into other parts of the timeline for Origins and/or in between.

    Hawke x Cullen ***
    Hawke x Fenris *
    Hawke x Sebastian *
    Inquisitor x Cullen ***
    Warden x Alistair *
    Warden x Cullen **

    There are a lot of different things that could be done with this one, from Avengers to X-Men and anything in between. I'm familiar mainly with Marvel Cineverse as opposed to the comics, and once upon a time I watched the old X-Men cartoon. Open to discussing ideas.

    OC x Hawkeye ***
    OC x Thor ***
    OC x Victor Creed (a la Wolverine: Origins) **
    OC x Wolverine *
    OC x ???

    After playing the game a bunch (again) my love for it has definitely been rekindled. This is the only Elder Scrolls game I'm currently familiar with, so the only one I'm interested in playing a story for at the moment. The possibilities for before, during, or after the events of the game are all there.

    OC x Ulfric Stormcloak ***

  • [fieldbox="Character Sheets..., #FF00BF, solid, 10, Times"]
    ...for fandoms and originals.​
    [/fieldbox]Listed alphabetically by name, Fandoms/Plots noted.

    [fieldbox="Lisse Trevelyan, #FF00BF, solid, 10, Times"]
    Dragon Age
    Though all before me is shadow...

    ...Yet shall the Maker be my guide.

    Age: 25-28
    Race: Human
    Height: 5'8"
    Weight: 135lbs
    Hair: Red
    Eyes: Violet
    Class: Dual-Wield Rogue / Assassin
    Bio: Lisse is a fairly devout Andrastian but didn't spend all her time at the Chantry. She is/was hesitant to be called the Herald of Andraste because it felt like hubris. At the same time she couldn't ignore the possibility that she was meant to do something, leading her to join the Inquisition and eventually become the Inquisitor. She takes a "soft" approach with her colleagues, not blaming them for their mistakes but showing them the ways they might atone and helping them do so. She quietly adores Varric, his wit, and his stories. She admires Cassandra's convictions. Solas is an intriguing mystery, but she trusts him. Vivienne's attitudes and actions make her wary. Sera's antics are tiresome but she sees the value in her connections. Lisse has a friendly rapport with Iron Bull and his Chargers, always having loved tales of adventure. She admires Blackwall as a Warden, being well-versed in the tale of the Fifth Blight and the Warden's role in it. Dorian's charm has won her over and she silently finds some relief that not all Tevinters are awash in blood magic and hell-bent on destroying the world.
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I have a somewhat modern fantasy plot that I'm craving.

Would you be willing to play it out with me?
I would have to hear the sales pitch, you can message it to me if you'd like.
I think we'd be great partners, but I can't get behind the only original plot you have and I don't do fandoms - would you be willing to perhaps discuss creating something original together? If so, shoot me a PM. I'm sure we can work something out.
I think we'd be great partners, but I can't get behind the only original plot you have and I don't do fandoms - would you be willing to perhaps discuss creating something original together? If so, shoot me a PM. I'm sure we can work something out.


Still looking for many of these ideas however!
I still have room for a few more writing partners!
Still prowling for partners for both fandoms and originals.
Still got a place in my heart, and my schedule, for a few more RPs.
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