Shrouded Heir of the Seven Hills: Constantinople [Fate/Grand Order]

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Mystic Eyes of Depth Perception
Original poster
Posting Speed
  1. 1-3 posts per day
  2. One post per day
  3. Multiple posts per week
Writing Levels
  1. Give-No-Fucks
  2. Beginner
  3. Elementary
  4. Intermediate
  5. Adept
  6. Advanced
  7. Prestige
  8. Douche
  9. Adaptable
Preferred Character Gender
  1. Male
  2. Female
Sci-fi, Magical

Welcome to Shrouded Heir of the Seven Hills: Constantinople!


The deadline is closing in on Humanity, and the Human Order Foundation is still unstable. The Chaldea Security Organization is deploying to the seventh Singularity - Absolute Frontline in the War Against the Demonic Beasts: Babylonia - with the hope of entirely fixing the Greater History of Man. It's the last Singularity detected, after all. Demon God Flauros - Lev Lainur - laughs from the grave. It wasn't hard to hide an eighth Singularity entirely from Chaldea's sensors - he did have direct access to Global Environment Model CHALDEAS and Near-Future Observation Lens SHEBA, after all.

All is not lost, however. Just as in the previous Singularities, Humanity as a whole can assist. The Counter Force has deployed more Servants than ever before into the Singularity. Good, evil, doesn't matter. The Singularity must be resolved by any means necessary, or the destruction of Humanity is an absolute.

An indefinite reality like a Singularity, cut off from the Greater History of Man, is like a shadowy legend even to the Counter Force itself. The information the Counter Force can provide is scarce. But this is known: the date is 545 of the Common Era. Khosrau "the Immortal Soul," is Shahanshah of Persia. Justinian I is Emperor of Rome - of Greece, really. Constantiople stands as a wall, letting the mighty armies of Persia go no further. And further they have gone - to the soft, blue shores of the Bosphorus. And like a shadow in the night stalks the Plague, in an Egypt ascendant once again. A misplaced breath, and Western Civilization will shatter, and the hopes of man will pass into night.


In this RP, the characters are all "Servants" - ancient (or not so ancient) heroes with mighty abilities. They can be basically anything; real individuals from history, mythological heroes, even characters from stories. If you've got an idea and you're not sure if it will work, just ask! Canonical servants are also perfectly fine, though some won't work (because they're too powerful, which is to say, Archer/Caster Gilgamesh). Below is a character sheet.

True Name:
Magical Energy:
Class Skills:
Personal Skills:

Noble Phantasm(s):
Title/Alternative Reading:

Some notes:
"Class" refers to one of Seven Classes (or EXTRA classes; if you'd like to play one, please ask): Saber, a master of swords; Archer, a hero skilled with bow and arrow; Lancer, a spear master; Rider, a hero defined by their steed (alive or mechanical); Caster, a master of Magecraft; Assassin, a master killer; or Berserker, a hero defined by rage.
Stats and Skills are ranked from E to EX ranks, with +/- for when they vary in certain edge cases. Generally, you should have about one stat of each rank A to E, with EX only when a character is defined by that stat. For skills, it really doesn't matter. Class skills are listed below. If you make up a skill - which you should do - describe it; if the skill already exists, a description is unneeded.
"Luck" is the ability of a character to defy destiny. Basically, if somebody led the hero around by the nose, particularly a god or "fate," they'll have a low Luck stat. If somebody rebelled against destiny, they tend to have a high one.
The "Noble Phantasm" is the core of somebody's legend in a physical form - eg. Excalibur for King Arthur.

Class Skills:

Archer: Magic Resistance, Clairvoyance
Saber: Magic Resistance, Riding
Lancer: Magic Resistance
Caster: Territory Creation, Item Creation
Rider: Riding
Assassin: Presence Concealment
Berserker: Madness Enhancement
Any Connected to Gods: Divinity

Example Character Sheet:

True Name: Ajax the Greater
Class: Shielder
Alignment: True Neutral

Strength: B+
Endurance: A
Agility: C-
Magical Energy: E
Luck: D
Class Skills:

Magic Resistance B
Divinity D
Personal Skills:

Unconquered A: Embraces a Madness Enhancement until all humans and animals in sight are dead.
Battle Continuation C
Aikhmeta B: Ajax can ignore any and all defensive abilities of a lower rank on Archers.

Noble Phantasm(s):
Name: Rho Aias
Title/Alternative Reading: The Seven Rings that Cover the Fiery Heavens
Rank: A+
Type: Anti-Fortress (Self)
Description: The great shield of Ajax, made of seven bull hides covered in bronze. Manifests as seven great shields, capped with the seven-petaled purple flower that grew at the place of her suicide. Boasts a near-absolute defense against thrown weapons.

Background: A proud warrior and royal of the island of Salamis, eldest daughter and heir of King Telamon. According to legend, she was the greatest hero of the Greeks at Troy after Achilles. Her massive shield was made of seven layers of hide of a bull, with a covering of bronze, which she used to great effect in slaying many Trojan heroes, and fighting Hector to a standstill. When Achilles died, Ajax desired to take up his armor, as it was magically forged by Hephaestus. Odysseus, however, was far more eloquent, and was awarded the armor. Possessed by fury, Ajax attempted to slay those who had awarded the armor, but Athena sent an illusion to her, causing her to instead slay crowds of sheep. When her fury faded and she realized what she had done, the shame overcame her, and she committed suicide.

Accepted Characters:
@Supremacy - Rider Hannibal Barca
@Yankee - Lancer Yomotsu-Shikone
@TheSly - Rider Manfred von Richthofen
@Torack - Lancer Leonidas of Sparta
@LunaticRedEyes1 - Saber Prince Shotoku of Wa
@0th Law - Caster Albert Einstein
@Sidereal - Caster Françoise Prelati
@chaosheart13 - Saber Charlemagne
@Brother Gabriel - Ruler Louis IX
@Aspiring Shoulder - Ruler Jean Valjean
@imprimatur13 - Berserker Samson
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That is a metric butt-ton of Noble Phantasm he has there. Though, with an Armor that big I won't try to argue.

Just in general, I just took some time to properly look through all the sheets. there are loads of servants here that are really amazing. Good job team.

I forgot to add the fact that Ruler is very, very, very hesitant to use the other 3 Noble Phantasm since they are relics and using them would either kill him or destroy the relic, even Sainte-Chapelle is a one-time thing, while the other one is a detrimental Noble Phantasm. I tried to make Ruler into a servant who has to carefully know when and where to utilize his stuff for maximum efficiency because he knows he's on a time limit of sorts.

You're telling that to the man whose character's strongest attack involves blowing himself to smitherines. I think we're sitting in the same boat here ;D

Wasn't critiquing or anything, I kinda like that a Ruler of all people has as many NPs as he does and they seem well written and well "executed" - if that makes sense - too. So, more power to you.

I can imagine a double suicidal Noble Phantasm attack already hahaha, that would be very dramatical yet comical in a sense.

I was surprised by the sheer amount of them as well, but going over them again, I can see how situational they can be.

One of them is simply for us to have a base of operations to work from.
One is meant for only when he's dying, doesn't even kill his attacker either.
One is just stating that he's going to die
One is simply a healing item
Only the spear is going to help him in actual combat.

That and Ruler's hesitance to even use them is going to make for some interesting moments in the story! I'm excited to see him actually use them.

The other NPs I can't wait to see in action is Einstein's E=mc2, Prelati's Spellbook, and Mannfred's Held der Luftfahrt. That's not to say the other characters' NPs aren't noteworthy of course!

Hahahaa if you've noticed that most of his NP's have some sort of detrimental side-effect, my favorite being is the one giving him a notice that 'you're going to die, bro'

Ruler's hesitance to use them stems from the fact that this is relics, just for display and adoration and not meant to be used for war, if he was in a Holy Grail War and his master would even suggest using one of them he would give them a blank stare and say, "Hahahaha, No!" so the best is that you use your command spells to make do it, but that would sour your relationship with the King.

Overall I would like to see the Dynamic between Ruler and the Other servants, especially that his idol, Charlemagne, is here.
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Reactions: LunaticRedEyes1
OH MY GOD I LOVE RULER/LOUIS AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH oh man Charlemagne is going to be over the moon over the fact he did a lot of stuff inspired by him XD
  • Love
Reactions: Brother Gabriel
OH MY GOD I LOVE RULER/LOUIS AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH oh man Charlemagne is going to be over the moon over the fact he did a lot of stuff inspired by him XD

Going by the fact that there are two Charlemagne, Charlemagne/Karl de Grosse, he would probably expect the latter more than that former due to Karl's exploits in real life making the Kingdom of France possibly, plus Louis is indirectly a descendant of Charlemagne, in a sense.

But knowing Louis, he would immediately jump at the chance to meet and impress his idol, Charlemagne-san, and he would try to 'mimic' whatever Charles would do . . . and fail miserably I think.

I'm excited to see what dynamic Ruler and Saber would have, considering that their skills and Noble Phantasm complement each other.
OH MY GOD I LOVE RULER/LOUIS AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH oh man Charlemagne is going to be over the moon over the fact he did a lot of stuff inspired by him XD

Going by the fact that there are two Charlemagne, Charlemagne/Karl de Grosse, he would probably expect the latter more than that former due to Karl's exploits in real life making the Kingdom of France possibly, plus Louis is indirectly a descendant of Charlemagne, in a sense.

But knowing Louis, he would immediately jump at the chance to meet and impress his idol, Charlemagne-san, and he would try to 'mimic' whatever Charles would do . . . and fail miserably I think.

I'm excited to see what dynamic Ruler and Saber would have, considering that their skills and Noble Phantasm complement each other.



But honestly I can see them having religious discussions too so that'd be fun!
OH MY GOD I LOVE RULER/LOUIS AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH oh man Charlemagne is going to be over the moon over the fact he did a lot of stuff inspired by him XD

Going by the fact that there are two Charlemagne, Charlemagne/Karl de Grosse, he would probably expect the latter more than that former due to Karl's exploits in real life making the Kingdom of France possibly, plus Louis is indirectly a descendant of Charlemagne, in a sense.

But knowing Louis, he would immediately jump at the chance to meet and impress his idol, Charlemagne-san, and he would try to 'mimic' whatever Charles would do . . . and fail miserably I think.

I'm excited to see what dynamic Ruler and Saber would have, considering that their skills and Noble Phantasm complement each other.



But honestly I can see them having religious discussions too so that'd be fun!

Hahahha yes, I could imagine them hanging out while kicking demonic arse and talking about their shared religion and bible puns, plus I can visualize them having a discussion about their own lives, with Charlemagne asking how is the state of things in Louis' time while Louis asking how Charlemagne united most of Europe under him (with Louis wishing to emulate the feats of his predecessor)

Plus I think the dynamic would be that Charlemagne would be the Older Brother and Louis IX would be the Younger Brother since Louis deeply holds Charlemagne in great deference due to his achievements in life. So expect if Charlemagne does some posing, Ruler will follow suit.
OH MY GOD I LOVE RULER/LOUIS AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH oh man Charlemagne is going to be over the moon over the fact he did a lot of stuff inspired by him XD

Going by the fact that there are two Charlemagne, Charlemagne/Karl de Grosse, he would probably expect the latter more than that former due to Karl's exploits in real life making the Kingdom of France possibly, plus Louis is indirectly a descendant of Charlemagne, in a sense.

But knowing Louis, he would immediately jump at the chance to meet and impress his idol, Charlemagne-san, and he would try to 'mimic' whatever Charles would do . . . and fail miserably I think.

I'm excited to see what dynamic Ruler and Saber would have, considering that their skills and Noble Phantasm complement each other.



But honestly I can see them having religious discussions too so that'd be fun!

Hahahha yes, I could imagine them hanging out while kicking demonic arse and talking about their shared religion and bible puns, plus I can visualize them having a discussion about their own lives, with Charlemagne asking how is the state of things in Louis' time while Louis asking how Charlemagne united most of Europe under him (with Louis wishing to emulate the feats of his predecessor)

Plus I think the dynamic would be that Charlemagne would be the Older Brother and Louis IX would be the Younger Brother since Louis deeply holds Charlemagne in great deference due to his achievements in life. So expect if Charlemagne does some posing, Ruler will follow suit.

Bible pu-



I am going to have so much fun with the two of them my god XD But Charlemagne would definitely love to act like the older brother! And teach him. And teach him how to dab just to screw with him. *shot* But man, Charlemagne's posing? I know Astolfo kinda taught him a thing and it was pain and suffering but like...XD Hoooo I can't wait! Discussions about their own lives though...I would think Charlemagne would be a little sad he is that God fearing...I know Karl was a talking a bit about uniting everyone in SE.RA.PH with his talk of God and the world, so I would imagine him remembering that...a bit of a bitter taste in his mouth. And considering how he fought even in Fate/Extella, he'd want him to loosen up a bit. But even then Charlemagne keeps his religious views, he's just...sad Louis was hurt that way.
OH MY GOD I LOVE RULER/LOUIS AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH oh man Charlemagne is going to be over the moon over the fact he did a lot of stuff inspired by him XD

Going by the fact that there are two Charlemagne, Charlemagne/Karl de Grosse, he would probably expect the latter more than that former due to Karl's exploits in real life making the Kingdom of France possibly, plus Louis is indirectly a descendant of Charlemagne, in a sense.

But knowing Louis, he would immediately jump at the chance to meet and impress his idol, Charlemagne-san, and he would try to 'mimic' whatever Charles would do . . . and fail miserably I think.

I'm excited to see what dynamic Ruler and Saber would have, considering that their skills and Noble Phantasm complement each other.



But honestly I can see them having religious discussions too so that'd be fun!

Hahahha yes, I could imagine them hanging out while kicking demonic arse and talking about their shared religion and bible puns, plus I can visualize them having a discussion about their own lives, with Charlemagne asking how is the state of things in Louis' time while Louis asking how Charlemagne united most of Europe under him (with Louis wishing to emulate the feats of his predecessor)

Plus I think the dynamic would be that Charlemagne would be the Older Brother and Louis IX would be the Younger Brother since Louis deeply holds Charlemagne in great deference due to his achievements in life. So expect if Charlemagne does some posing, Ruler will follow suit.

Bible pu-



I am going to have so much fun with the two of them my god XD But Charlemagne would definitely love to act like the older brother! And teach him. And teach him how to dab just to screw with him. *shot* But man, Charlemagne's posing? I know Astolfo kinda taught him a thing and it was pain and suffering but like...XD Hoooo I can't wait! Discussions about their own lives though...I would think Charlemagne would be a little sad he is that God fearing...I know Karl was a talking a bit about uniting everyone in SE.RA.PH with his talk of God and the world, so I would imagine him remembering that...a bit of a bitter taste in his mouth. And considering how he fought even in Fate/Extella, he'd want him to loosen up a bit. But even then Charlemagne keeps his religious views, he's just...sad Louis was hurt that way.

Hahahaha but not too much, Louis is a serious person . . . but if Charlemagne would ask, he would probably do what the Father of Europe (no matter what form he takes) asks him to do.

Well if Charlemagne would ask Louis to 'loosen up a bit' he would do so, but he would immediately disregard 'loosening up' if the situation calls for it. I don't know much about the events that transpired in Fate/Extella Link but what I do know that both Charlemagne and Karl have opposing views on how to run things, Louis, on the other hand, is defined by his religiousness because of it is a part of who he is a person, though he would respect his predecessor, he would still try to understand the Great Charlemagne and what made him think that way, Louis is like that.

Plus it would comical to see Charles admonish Louis, he who be very crestfallen to hear his idol reprimanding him and he'll go all 'Hashirama' comical of depression.
OH MY GOD I LOVE RULER/LOUIS AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH oh man Charlemagne is going to be over the moon over the fact he did a lot of stuff inspired by him XD

Going by the fact that there are two Charlemagne, Charlemagne/Karl de Grosse, he would probably expect the latter more than that former due to Karl's exploits in real life making the Kingdom of France possibly, plus Louis is indirectly a descendant of Charlemagne, in a sense.

But knowing Louis, he would immediately jump at the chance to meet and impress his idol, Charlemagne-san, and he would try to 'mimic' whatever Charles would do . . . and fail miserably I think.

I'm excited to see what dynamic Ruler and Saber would have, considering that their skills and Noble Phantasm complement each other.



But honestly I can see them having religious discussions too so that'd be fun!

Hahahha yes, I could imagine them hanging out while kicking demonic arse and talking about their shared religion and bible puns, plus I can visualize them having a discussion about their own lives, with Charlemagne asking how is the state of things in Louis' time while Louis asking how Charlemagne united most of Europe under him (with Louis wishing to emulate the feats of his predecessor)

Plus I think the dynamic would be that Charlemagne would be the Older Brother and Louis IX would be the Younger Brother since Louis deeply holds Charlemagne in great deference due to his achievements in life. So expect if Charlemagne does some posing, Ruler will follow suit.

I have this weird feeling von Richthofen will antagonise himself rather quickly to Charlemagne and Louis... Y'know, because of the whole thing with WWI. XD
  • Like
Reactions: LunaticRedEyes1
OH MY GOD I LOVE RULER/LOUIS AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH oh man Charlemagne is going to be over the moon over the fact he did a lot of stuff inspired by him XD

Going by the fact that there are two Charlemagne, Charlemagne/Karl de Grosse, he would probably expect the latter more than that former due to Karl's exploits in real life making the Kingdom of France possibly, plus Louis is indirectly a descendant of Charlemagne, in a sense.

But knowing Louis, he would immediately jump at the chance to meet and impress his idol, Charlemagne-san, and he would try to 'mimic' whatever Charles would do . . . and fail miserably I think.

I'm excited to see what dynamic Ruler and Saber would have, considering that their skills and Noble Phantasm complement each other.



But honestly I can see them having religious discussions too so that'd be fun!

Hahahha yes, I could imagine them hanging out while kicking demonic arse and talking about their shared religion and bible puns, plus I can visualize them having a discussion about their own lives, with Charlemagne asking how is the state of things in Louis' time while Louis asking how Charlemagne united most of Europe under him (with Louis wishing to emulate the feats of his predecessor)

Plus I think the dynamic would be that Charlemagne would be the Older Brother and Louis IX would be the Younger Brother since Louis deeply holds Charlemagne in great deference due to his achievements in life. So expect if Charlemagne does some posing, Ruler will follow suit.

I have this weird feeling von Richthofen will antagonise himself rather quickly to Charlemagne and Louis... Y'know, because of the whole thing with WWI. XD

Hahahaha XD, I have this scene in mind where Louis would ask von Richthofen how is the relationship between France and the Holy Roman Empire (Germany).
@Brother Gabriel

Oh, of course if the situation doesn't call for it! He's pretty serious if the thing going on at hand is super serious too, but even in serious situations there needs to be some light banter and jests to help brighten things up a little, right? Make the darkness go away for a bit and make people happy for a short time before everything goes back to dark.

As for Fate/Extella Link, I actually played all the scenarios myself so I know what happens!

So in the game, Karl wants to assimilate all of SE.RA.PH into his own perfect design, so that there will be equality for all, but to do that he brainwashes people through Oraclization to do his bidding and listen to him and only him. So that no evil exists and stuff like that. Charlemagne wants the freedom of the people and their own thoughts and rights, despite the darkness in people's hearts, so he opposes Karl and fights him off. Because they are two halves of the same coin, if Karl dies, Charlemagne dies too because they are like Harry Potter and Voldemort, "Neither can live while the other survives." So basically every time Karl is defeated, Charlemagne poofs into light. It's a bit sad so yeah. But Charlemagne really wants to stop Karl from taking away free will and choice so he fights for freedom. Karl wants a world of peace and he uses his experiences to create that world, with no strife, by making everyone listen to him.

This came about because of seeing some kind of mural featuring Altera and having a vision of her loneliness. They wanted to ease it somehow...Charlemagne remembers. He knows the loneliness well and so did Karl, so Karl wanted to create a good world for Altera to live in. But even then, Karl's methods were wrong to him so NOPE.


Oof, oh yeah. I mean...WWI. Honestly Charlemagne wasn't there for WWI I think? ...Oh yeah definitely not lol. He would have no idea what was going on. XD And honestly the war itself wasn't he'd be confused as to why he's antagonizing Christians. XD "LET ME HAVE MY FAITH PLEASE STOP." XD ...Oh wait, I forgot Austria was a part of the Holy Roman Empire. WHOOP. He would not care, everyone is a good person if they try and as long as they try, it's all good. XD
  • OMG
Reactions: Brother Gabriel
OH MY GOD I LOVE RULER/LOUIS AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH oh man Charlemagne is going to be over the moon over the fact he did a lot of stuff inspired by him XD

Going by the fact that there are two Charlemagne, Charlemagne/Karl de Grosse, he would probably expect the latter more than that former due to Karl's exploits in real life making the Kingdom of France possibly, plus Louis is indirectly a descendant of Charlemagne, in a sense.

But knowing Louis, he would immediately jump at the chance to meet and impress his idol, Charlemagne-san, and he would try to 'mimic' whatever Charles would do . . . and fail miserably I think.

I'm excited to see what dynamic Ruler and Saber would have, considering that their skills and Noble Phantasm complement each other.



But honestly I can see them having religious discussions too so that'd be fun!

Hahahha yes, I could imagine them hanging out while kicking demonic arse and talking about their shared religion and bible puns, plus I can visualize them having a discussion about their own lives, with Charlemagne asking how is the state of things in Louis' time while Louis asking how Charlemagne united most of Europe under him (with Louis wishing to emulate the feats of his predecessor)

Plus I think the dynamic would be that Charlemagne would be the Older Brother and Louis IX would be the Younger Brother since Louis deeply holds Charlemagne in great deference due to his achievements in life. So expect if Charlemagne does some posing, Ruler will follow suit.

I have this weird feeling von Richthofen will antagonise himself rather quickly to Charlemagne and Louis... Y'know, because of the whole thing with WWI. XD

Hahahaha XD, I have this scene in mind where Louis would ask von Richthofen how is the relationship between France and the Holy Roman Empire (Germany).

"Ahh, you see. You built this great kingdom and then... Then we blew it to bits and slaughtered your men in a war."

That'd be hilarious to be honest. Him just being flustered, faced with Charlemagne, Louis and possibly Prelati as well.
  • Haha
Reactions: Brother Gabriel
OH MY GOD I LOVE RULER/LOUIS AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH oh man Charlemagne is going to be over the moon over the fact he did a lot of stuff inspired by him XD

Going by the fact that there are two Charlemagne, Charlemagne/Karl de Grosse, he would probably expect the latter more than that former due to Karl's exploits in real life making the Kingdom of France possibly, plus Louis is indirectly a descendant of Charlemagne, in a sense.

But knowing Louis, he would immediately jump at the chance to meet and impress his idol, Charlemagne-san, and he would try to 'mimic' whatever Charles would do . . . and fail miserably I think.

I'm excited to see what dynamic Ruler and Saber would have, considering that their skills and Noble Phantasm complement each other.



But honestly I can see them having religious discussions too so that'd be fun!

Hahahha yes, I could imagine them hanging out while kicking demonic arse and talking about their shared religion and bible puns, plus I can visualize them having a discussion about their own lives, with Charlemagne asking how is the state of things in Louis' time while Louis asking how Charlemagne united most of Europe under him (with Louis wishing to emulate the feats of his predecessor)

Plus I think the dynamic would be that Charlemagne would be the Older Brother and Louis IX would be the Younger Brother since Louis deeply holds Charlemagne in great deference due to his achievements in life. So expect if Charlemagne does some posing, Ruler will follow suit.

I have this weird feeling von Richthofen will antagonise himself rather quickly to Charlemagne and Louis... Y'know, because of the whole thing with WWI. XD

Hahahaha XD, I have this scene in mind where Louis would ask von Richthofen how is the relationship between France and the Holy Roman Empire (Germany).

"Ahh, you see. You built this great kingdom and then... Then we blew it to bits and slaughtered your men in a war."

That'd be hilarious to be honest. Him just being flustered, faced with Charlemagne, Louis and possibly Prelati as well.

DEAD OMG. Charlemagne would just be blank faced smiling and mentally going "Wtf" XD
@Brother Gabriel

Oh, of course if the situation doesn't call for it! He's pretty serious if the thing going on at hand is super serious too, but even in serious situations there needs to be some light banter and jests to help brighten things up a little, right? Make the darkness go away for a bit and make people happy for a short time before everything goes back to dark.

As for Fate/Extella Link, I actually played all the scenarios myself so I know what happens!

So in the game, Karl wants to assimilate all of SE.RA.PH into his own perfect design, so that there will be equality for all, but to do that he brainwashes people through Oraclization to do his bidding and listen to him and only him. So that no evil exists and stuff like that. Charlemagne wants the freedom of the people and their own thoughts and rights, despite the darkness in people's hearts, so he opposes Karl and fights him off. Because they are two halves of the same coin, if Karl dies, Charlemagne dies too because they are like Harry Potter and Voldemort, "Neither can live while the other survives." So basically every time Karl is defeated, Charlemagne poofs into light. It's a bit sad so yeah. But Charlemagne really wants to stop Karl from taking away free will and choice so he fights for freedom. Karl wants a world of peace and he uses his experiences to create that world, with no strife, by making everyone listen to him.

This came about because of seeing some kind of mural featuring Altera and having a vision of her loneliness. They wanted to ease it somehow...Charlemagne remembers. He knows the loneliness well and so did Karl, so Karl wanted to create a good world for Altera to live in. But even then, Karl's methods were wrong to him so NOPE.


Oof, oh yeah. I mean...WWI. Honestly Charlemagne wasn't there for WWI I think? ...Oh yeah definitely not lol. He would have no idea what was going on. XD And honestly the war itself wasn't he'd be confused as to why he's antagonizing Christians. XD "LET ME HAVE MY FAITH PLEASE STOP." XD ...Oh wait, I forgot Austria was a part of the Holy Roman Empire. WHOOP. He would not care, everyone is a good person if they try and as long as they try, it's all good. XD

Of course, I could see Louis learning from Charles to be more relaxed, it would be some sort of Character growth for him

And also I need to play Extella Link then, looks like I'm missing out on the good stuff.

OH MY GOD I LOVE RULER/LOUIS AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH oh man Charlemagne is going to be over the moon over the fact he did a lot of stuff inspired by him XD

Going by the fact that there are two Charlemagne, Charlemagne/Karl de Grosse, he would probably expect the latter more than that former due to Karl's exploits in real life making the Kingdom of France possibly, plus Louis is indirectly a descendant of Charlemagne, in a sense.

But knowing Louis, he would immediately jump at the chance to meet and impress his idol, Charlemagne-san, and he would try to 'mimic' whatever Charles would do . . . and fail miserably I think.

I'm excited to see what dynamic Ruler and Saber would have, considering that their skills and Noble Phantasm complement each other.



But honestly I can see them having religious discussions too so that'd be fun!

Hahahha yes, I could imagine them hanging out while kicking demonic arse and talking about their shared religion and bible puns, plus I can visualize them having a discussion about their own lives, with Charlemagne asking how is the state of things in Louis' time while Louis asking how Charlemagne united most of Europe under him (with Louis wishing to emulate the feats of his predecessor)

Plus I think the dynamic would be that Charlemagne would be the Older Brother and Louis IX would be the Younger Brother since Louis deeply holds Charlemagne in great deference due to his achievements in life. So expect if Charlemagne does some posing, Ruler will follow suit.

I have this weird feeling von Richthofen will antagonise himself rather quickly to Charlemagne and Louis... Y'know, because of the whole thing with WWI. XD

Hahahaha XD, I have this scene in mind where Louis would ask von Richthofen how is the relationship between France and the Holy Roman Empire (Germany).

"Ahh, you see. You built this great kingdom and then... Then we blew it to bits and slaughtered your men in a war."

That'd be hilarious to be honest. Him just being flustered, faced with Charlemagne, Louis and possibly Prelati as well.

Hahahaha, dude that is hilarious, but Louis would be so downed that France and Germany are fighting and would ask Mannfred to scourage him as penance for what his people did, he might even ask Charlemagne to scourage him as well for failing him XD.
@Brother Gabriel

Oh, of course if the situation doesn't call for it! He's pretty serious if the thing going on at hand is super serious too, but even in serious situations there needs to be some light banter and jests to help brighten things up a little, right? Make the darkness go away for a bit and make people happy for a short time before everything goes back to dark.

As for Fate/Extella Link, I actually played all the scenarios myself so I know what happens!

So in the game, Karl wants to assimilate all of SE.RA.PH into his own perfect design, so that there will be equality for all, but to do that he brainwashes people through Oraclization to do his bidding and listen to him and only him. So that no evil exists and stuff like that. Charlemagne wants the freedom of the people and their own thoughts and rights, despite the darkness in people's hearts, so he opposes Karl and fights him off. Because they are two halves of the same coin, if Karl dies, Charlemagne dies too because they are like Harry Potter and Voldemort, "Neither can live while the other survives." So basically every time Karl is defeated, Charlemagne poofs into light. It's a bit sad so yeah. But Charlemagne really wants to stop Karl from taking away free will and choice so he fights for freedom. Karl wants a world of peace and he uses his experiences to create that world, with no strife, by making everyone listen to him.

This came about because of seeing some kind of mural featuring Altera and having a vision of her loneliness. They wanted to ease it somehow...Charlemagne remembers. He knows the loneliness well and so did Karl, so Karl wanted to create a good world for Altera to live in. But even then, Karl's methods were wrong to him so NOPE.


Oof, oh yeah. I mean...WWI. Honestly Charlemagne wasn't there for WWI I think? ...Oh yeah definitely not lol. He would have no idea what was going on. XD And honestly the war itself wasn't he'd be confused as to why he's antagonizing Christians. XD "LET ME HAVE MY FAITH PLEASE STOP." XD ...Oh wait, I forgot Austria was a part of the Holy Roman Empire. WHOOP. He would not care, everyone is a good person if they try and as long as they try, it's all good. XD

Of course, I could see Louis learning from Charles to be more relaxed, it would be some sort of Character growth for him

And also I need to play Extella Link then, looks like I'm missing out on the good stuff.

OH MY GOD I LOVE RULER/LOUIS AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH oh man Charlemagne is going to be over the moon over the fact he did a lot of stuff inspired by him XD

Going by the fact that there are two Charlemagne, Charlemagne/Karl de Grosse, he would probably expect the latter more than that former due to Karl's exploits in real life making the Kingdom of France possibly, plus Louis is indirectly a descendant of Charlemagne, in a sense.

But knowing Louis, he would immediately jump at the chance to meet and impress his idol, Charlemagne-san, and he would try to 'mimic' whatever Charles would do . . . and fail miserably I think.

I'm excited to see what dynamic Ruler and Saber would have, considering that their skills and Noble Phantasm complement each other.



But honestly I can see them having religious discussions too so that'd be fun!

Hahahha yes, I could imagine them hanging out while kicking demonic arse and talking about their shared religion and bible puns, plus I can visualize them having a discussion about their own lives, with Charlemagne asking how is the state of things in Louis' time while Louis asking how Charlemagne united most of Europe under him (with Louis wishing to emulate the feats of his predecessor)

Plus I think the dynamic would be that Charlemagne would be the Older Brother and Louis IX would be the Younger Brother since Louis deeply holds Charlemagne in great deference due to his achievements in life. So expect if Charlemagne does some posing, Ruler will follow suit.

I have this weird feeling von Richthofen will antagonise himself rather quickly to Charlemagne and Louis... Y'know, because of the whole thing with WWI. XD

Hahahaha XD, I have this scene in mind where Louis would ask von Richthofen how is the relationship between France and the Holy Roman Empire (Germany).

"Ahh, you see. You built this great kingdom and then... Then we blew it to bits and slaughtered your men in a war."

That'd be hilarious to be honest. Him just being flustered, faced with Charlemagne, Louis and possibly Prelati as well.

Hahahaha, dude that is hilarious, but Louis would be so downed that France and Germany are fighting and would ask Mannfred to scourage him as penance for what his people did, he might even ask Charlemagne to scourage him as well for failing him XD.

PLAY IT IT IS SO GOOD AAAAAAAAAAH. But yeah, he'd try to teach him how to be more relaxed. XD

BUT HOLY COW THOUGH I HAD TO LOOK UP SCOURAGE AND CHARLEMAGNE WOULD BE HORRIFIED. Charlemagne: "NOPE. *CLINGS MIGHTILY* NOPE. NOPE. NOPE. NO SCOURAGING. YOU DO NOT NEED TO REPENT FOR ANY OF THAT NOPE. People war all the time and I've been in war too, you didn't think I, too, have killed? War always hurts...and we always have blood on our hands. But in the end...we fight for different causes, same with them, right? Despite what do not need to repent for something you did NOT do." And more clinging XD
@Brother Gabriel

Oh, of course if the situation doesn't call for it! He's pretty serious if the thing going on at hand is super serious too, but even in serious situations there needs to be some light banter and jests to help brighten things up a little, right? Make the darkness go away for a bit and make people happy for a short time before everything goes back to dark.

As for Fate/Extella Link, I actually played all the scenarios myself so I know what happens!

So in the game, Karl wants to assimilate all of SE.RA.PH into his own perfect design, so that there will be equality for all, but to do that he brainwashes people through Oraclization to do his bidding and listen to him and only him. So that no evil exists and stuff like that. Charlemagne wants the freedom of the people and their own thoughts and rights, despite the darkness in people's hearts, so he opposes Karl and fights him off. Because they are two halves of the same coin, if Karl dies, Charlemagne dies too because they are like Harry Potter and Voldemort, "Neither can live while the other survives." So basically every time Karl is defeated, Charlemagne poofs into light. It's a bit sad so yeah. But Charlemagne really wants to stop Karl from taking away free will and choice so he fights for freedom. Karl wants a world of peace and he uses his experiences to create that world, with no strife, by making everyone listen to him.

This came about because of seeing some kind of mural featuring Altera and having a vision of her loneliness. They wanted to ease it somehow...Charlemagne remembers. He knows the loneliness well and so did Karl, so Karl wanted to create a good world for Altera to live in. But even then, Karl's methods were wrong to him so NOPE.


Oof, oh yeah. I mean...WWI. Honestly Charlemagne wasn't there for WWI I think? ...Oh yeah definitely not lol. He would have no idea what was going on. XD And honestly the war itself wasn't he'd be confused as to why he's antagonizing Christians. XD "LET ME HAVE MY FAITH PLEASE STOP." XD ...Oh wait, I forgot Austria was a part of the Holy Roman Empire. WHOOP. He would not care, everyone is a good person if they try and as long as they try, it's all good. XD

Of course, I could see Louis learning from Charles to be more relaxed, it would be some sort of Character growth for him

And also I need to play Extella Link then, looks like I'm missing out on the good stuff.

OH MY GOD I LOVE RULER/LOUIS AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH oh man Charlemagne is going to be over the moon over the fact he did a lot of stuff inspired by him XD

Going by the fact that there are two Charlemagne, Charlemagne/Karl de Grosse, he would probably expect the latter more than that former due to Karl's exploits in real life making the Kingdom of France possibly, plus Louis is indirectly a descendant of Charlemagne, in a sense.

But knowing Louis, he would immediately jump at the chance to meet and impress his idol, Charlemagne-san, and he would try to 'mimic' whatever Charles would do . . . and fail miserably I think.

I'm excited to see what dynamic Ruler and Saber would have, considering that their skills and Noble Phantasm complement each other.



But honestly I can see them having religious discussions too so that'd be fun!

Hahahha yes, I could imagine them hanging out while kicking demonic arse and talking about their shared religion and bible puns, plus I can visualize them having a discussion about their own lives, with Charlemagne asking how is the state of things in Louis' time while Louis asking how Charlemagne united most of Europe under him (with Louis wishing to emulate the feats of his predecessor)

Plus I think the dynamic would be that Charlemagne would be the Older Brother and Louis IX would be the Younger Brother since Louis deeply holds Charlemagne in great deference due to his achievements in life. So expect if Charlemagne does some posing, Ruler will follow suit.

I have this weird feeling von Richthofen will antagonise himself rather quickly to Charlemagne and Louis... Y'know, because of the whole thing with WWI. XD

Hahahaha XD, I have this scene in mind where Louis would ask von Richthofen how is the relationship between France and the Holy Roman Empire (Germany).

"Ahh, you see. You built this great kingdom and then... Then we blew it to bits and slaughtered your men in a war."

That'd be hilarious to be honest. Him just being flustered, faced with Charlemagne, Louis and possibly Prelati as well.

Hahahaha, dude that is hilarious, but Louis would be so downed that France and Germany are fighting and would ask Mannfred to scourage him as penance for what his people did, he might even ask Charlemagne to scourage him as well for failing him XD.

That will make for one interesting situation. Even moreso because Richthofen would probably have a lot of respect for these people, since they're all heroes and heroes he might eben have known when he was alive as well.

It would also mean he would have an idea of how powerful they are and would probably do anything else but tell them why exactly he is in the position of a Heroic Spirit.
That will make for one interesting situation. Even moreso because Richthofen would probably have a lot of respect for these people, since they're all heroes and heroes he might eben have known when he was alive as well.

It would also mean he would have an idea of how powerful they are and would probably do anything else but tell them why exactly he is in the position of a Heroic Spirit.

Oh yeah, an interesting situation for sure! Honestly I can't wait for Charlemagne to interact with everyone, this'll be fun!
@Brother Gabriel

Oh, of course if the situation doesn't call for it! He's pretty serious if the thing going on at hand is super serious too, but even in serious situations there needs to be some light banter and jests to help brighten things up a little, right? Make the darkness go away for a bit and make people happy for a short time before everything goes back to dark.

As for Fate/Extella Link, I actually played all the scenarios myself so I know what happens!

So in the game, Karl wants to assimilate all of SE.RA.PH into his own perfect design, so that there will be equality for all, but to do that he brainwashes people through Oraclization to do his bidding and listen to him and only him. So that no evil exists and stuff like that. Charlemagne wants the freedom of the people and their own thoughts and rights, despite the darkness in people's hearts, so he opposes Karl and fights him off. Because they are two halves of the same coin, if Karl dies, Charlemagne dies too because they are like Harry Potter and Voldemort, "Neither can live while the other survives." So basically every time Karl is defeated, Charlemagne poofs into light. It's a bit sad so yeah. But Charlemagne really wants to stop Karl from taking away free will and choice so he fights for freedom. Karl wants a world of peace and he uses his experiences to create that world, with no strife, by making everyone listen to him.

This came about because of seeing some kind of mural featuring Altera and having a vision of her loneliness. They wanted to ease it somehow...Charlemagne remembers. He knows the loneliness well and so did Karl, so Karl wanted to create a good world for Altera to live in. But even then, Karl's methods were wrong to him so NOPE.


Oof, oh yeah. I mean...WWI. Honestly Charlemagne wasn't there for WWI I think? ...Oh yeah definitely not lol. He would have no idea what was going on. XD And honestly the war itself wasn't he'd be confused as to why he's antagonizing Christians. XD "LET ME HAVE MY FAITH PLEASE STOP." XD ...Oh wait, I forgot Austria was a part of the Holy Roman Empire. WHOOP. He would not care, everyone is a good person if they try and as long as they try, it's all good. XD

Of course, I could see Louis learning from Charles to be more relaxed, it would be some sort of Character growth for him

And also I need to play Extella Link then, looks like I'm missing out on the good stuff.

OH MY GOD I LOVE RULER/LOUIS AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH oh man Charlemagne is going to be over the moon over the fact he did a lot of stuff inspired by him XD

Going by the fact that there are two Charlemagne, Charlemagne/Karl de Grosse, he would probably expect the latter more than that former due to Karl's exploits in real life making the Kingdom of France possibly, plus Louis is indirectly a descendant of Charlemagne, in a sense.

But knowing Louis, he would immediately jump at the chance to meet and impress his idol, Charlemagne-san, and he would try to 'mimic' whatever Charles would do . . . and fail miserably I think.

I'm excited to see what dynamic Ruler and Saber would have, considering that their skills and Noble Phantasm complement each other.



But honestly I can see them having religious discussions too so that'd be fun!

Hahahha yes, I could imagine them hanging out while kicking demonic arse and talking about their shared religion and bible puns, plus I can visualize them having a discussion about their own lives, with Charlemagne asking how is the state of things in Louis' time while Louis asking how Charlemagne united most of Europe under him (with Louis wishing to emulate the feats of his predecessor)

Plus I think the dynamic would be that Charlemagne would be the Older Brother and Louis IX would be the Younger Brother since Louis deeply holds Charlemagne in great deference due to his achievements in life. So expect if Charlemagne does some posing, Ruler will follow suit.

I have this weird feeling von Richthofen will antagonise himself rather quickly to Charlemagne and Louis... Y'know, because of the whole thing with WWI. XD

Hahahaha XD, I have this scene in mind where Louis would ask von Richthofen how is the relationship between France and the Holy Roman Empire (Germany).

"Ahh, you see. You built this great kingdom and then... Then we blew it to bits and slaughtered your men in a war."

That'd be hilarious to be honest. Him just being flustered, faced with Charlemagne, Louis and possibly Prelati as well.

Hahahaha, dude that is hilarious, but Louis would be so downed that France and Germany are fighting and would ask Mannfred to scourage him as penance for what his people did, he might even ask Charlemagne to scourage him as well for failing him XD.

PLAY IT IT IS SO GOOD AAAAAAAAAAH. But yeah, he'd try to teach him how to be more relaxed. XD

BUT HOLY COW THOUGH I HAD TO LOOK UP SCOURAGE AND CHARLEMAGNE WOULD BE HORRIFIED. Charlemagne: "NOPE. *CLINGS MIGHTILY* NOPE. NOPE. NOPE. NO SCOURAGING. YOU DO NOT NEED TO REPENT FOR ANY OF THAT NOPE. People war all the time and I've been in war too, you didn't think I, too, have killed? War always hurts...and we always have blood on our hands. But in the end...we fight for different causes, same with them, right? Despite what do not need to repent for something you did NOT do." And more clinging XD

Hahahaha if this is the dynamic the two are having, we might be the comedic duo. Plus Louis will definitely be close to Charlemagne and the two would share a close bond of brotherhood between the two kings, something Louis will remember once he dies . . . sad that he has a time limit

"T-thank you . . . Lord Charlemagne!" Kneels before the young land, "Forgive me for even suggesting such action to you." Bows in deference and his face in shame for shocking the Great King of Old.

@Brother Gabriel

Oh, of course if the situation doesn't call for it! He's pretty serious if the thing going on at hand is super serious too, but even in serious situations there needs to be some light banter and jests to help brighten things up a little, right? Make the darkness go away for a bit and make people happy for a short time before everything goes back to dark.

As for Fate/Extella Link, I actually played all the scenarios myself so I know what happens!

So in the game, Karl wants to assimilate all of SE.RA.PH into his own perfect design, so that there will be equality for all, but to do that he brainwashes people through Oraclization to do his bidding and listen to him and only him. So that no evil exists and stuff like that. Charlemagne wants the freedom of the people and their own thoughts and rights, despite the darkness in people's hearts, so he opposes Karl and fights him off. Because they are two halves of the same coin, if Karl dies, Charlemagne dies too because they are like Harry Potter and Voldemort, "Neither can live while the other survives." So basically every time Karl is defeated, Charlemagne poofs into light. It's a bit sad so yeah. But Charlemagne really wants to stop Karl from taking away free will and choice so he fights for freedom. Karl wants a world of peace and he uses his experiences to create that world, with no strife, by making everyone listen to him.

This came about because of seeing some kind of mural featuring Altera and having a vision of her loneliness. They wanted to ease it somehow...Charlemagne remembers. He knows the loneliness well and so did Karl, so Karl wanted to create a good world for Altera to live in. But even then, Karl's methods were wrong to him so NOPE.


Oof, oh yeah. I mean...WWI. Honestly Charlemagne wasn't there for WWI I think? ...Oh yeah definitely not lol. He would have no idea what was going on. XD And honestly the war itself wasn't he'd be confused as to why he's antagonizing Christians. XD "LET ME HAVE MY FAITH PLEASE STOP." XD ...Oh wait, I forgot Austria was a part of the Holy Roman Empire. WHOOP. He would not care, everyone is a good person if they try and as long as they try, it's all good. XD

Of course, I could see Louis learning from Charles to be more relaxed, it would be some sort of Character growth for him

And also I need to play Extella Link then, looks like I'm missing out on the good stuff.

OH MY GOD I LOVE RULER/LOUIS AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH oh man Charlemagne is going to be over the moon over the fact he did a lot of stuff inspired by him XD

Going by the fact that there are two Charlemagne, Charlemagne/Karl de Grosse, he would probably expect the latter more than that former due to Karl's exploits in real life making the Kingdom of France possibly, plus Louis is indirectly a descendant of Charlemagne, in a sense.

But knowing Louis, he would immediately jump at the chance to meet and impress his idol, Charlemagne-san, and he would try to 'mimic' whatever Charles would do . . . and fail miserably I think.

I'm excited to see what dynamic Ruler and Saber would have, considering that their skills and Noble Phantasm complement each other.



But honestly I can see them having religious discussions too so that'd be fun!

Hahahha yes, I could imagine them hanging out while kicking demonic arse and talking about their shared religion and bible puns, plus I can visualize them having a discussion about their own lives, with Charlemagne asking how is the state of things in Louis' time while Louis asking how Charlemagne united most of Europe under him (with Louis wishing to emulate the feats of his predecessor)

Plus I think the dynamic would be that Charlemagne would be the Older Brother and Louis IX would be the Younger Brother since Louis deeply holds Charlemagne in great deference due to his achievements in life. So expect if Charlemagne does some posing, Ruler will follow suit.

I have this weird feeling von Richthofen will antagonise himself rather quickly to Charlemagne and Louis... Y'know, because of the whole thing with WWI. XD

Hahahaha XD, I have this scene in mind where Louis would ask von Richthofen how is the relationship between France and the Holy Roman Empire (Germany).

"Ahh, you see. You built this great kingdom and then... Then we blew it to bits and slaughtered your men in a war."

That'd be hilarious to be honest. Him just being flustered, faced with Charlemagne, Louis and possibly Prelati as well.

Hahahaha, dude that is hilarious, but Louis would be so downed that France and Germany are fighting and would ask Mannfred to scourage him as penance for what his people did, he might even ask Charlemagne to scourage him as well for failing him XD.

That will make for one interesting situation. Even moreso because Richthofen would probably have a lot of respect for these people, since they're all heroes and heroes he might eben have known when he was alive as well.

It would also mean he would have an idea of how powerful they are and would probably do anything else but tell them why exactly he is in the position of a Heroic Spirit.

Indeed, what's interesting is that Mannfred is a current-day heroic spirit and Louis would very inquisitive around him, inquiring about the state of affairs of the World he was in and why isn't he wielding a weapon or shoots lazer beams or summons monsters from the sky or what not.

He would like, "Who in God's green earth are you?" to Richthofen and the Japanese Servants (Because he doesn't know about Japan) and would even be more weirded-out by his airplane or as he would call it 'Flying Contraption of the Arts'.
@Brother Gabriel

Oh, of course if the situation doesn't call for it! He's pretty serious if the thing going on at hand is super serious too, but even in serious situations there needs to be some light banter and jests to help brighten things up a little, right? Make the darkness go away for a bit and make people happy for a short time before everything goes back to dark.

As for Fate/Extella Link, I actually played all the scenarios myself so I know what happens!

So in the game, Karl wants to assimilate all of SE.RA.PH into his own perfect design, so that there will be equality for all, but to do that he brainwashes people through Oraclization to do his bidding and listen to him and only him. So that no evil exists and stuff like that. Charlemagne wants the freedom of the people and their own thoughts and rights, despite the darkness in people's hearts, so he opposes Karl and fights him off. Because they are two halves of the same coin, if Karl dies, Charlemagne dies too because they are like Harry Potter and Voldemort, "Neither can live while the other survives." So basically every time Karl is defeated, Charlemagne poofs into light. It's a bit sad so yeah. But Charlemagne really wants to stop Karl from taking away free will and choice so he fights for freedom. Karl wants a world of peace and he uses his experiences to create that world, with no strife, by making everyone listen to him.

This came about because of seeing some kind of mural featuring Altera and having a vision of her loneliness. They wanted to ease it somehow...Charlemagne remembers. He knows the loneliness well and so did Karl, so Karl wanted to create a good world for Altera to live in. But even then, Karl's methods were wrong to him so NOPE.


Oof, oh yeah. I mean...WWI. Honestly Charlemagne wasn't there for WWI I think? ...Oh yeah definitely not lol. He would have no idea what was going on. XD And honestly the war itself wasn't he'd be confused as to why he's antagonizing Christians. XD "LET ME HAVE MY FAITH PLEASE STOP." XD ...Oh wait, I forgot Austria was a part of the Holy Roman Empire. WHOOP. He would not care, everyone is a good person if they try and as long as they try, it's all good. XD

Of course, I could see Louis learning from Charles to be more relaxed, it would be some sort of Character growth for him

And also I need to play Extella Link then, looks like I'm missing out on the good stuff.

OH MY GOD I LOVE RULER/LOUIS AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH oh man Charlemagne is going to be over the moon over the fact he did a lot of stuff inspired by him XD

Going by the fact that there are two Charlemagne, Charlemagne/Karl de Grosse, he would probably expect the latter more than that former due to Karl's exploits in real life making the Kingdom of France possibly, plus Louis is indirectly a descendant of Charlemagne, in a sense.

But knowing Louis, he would immediately jump at the chance to meet and impress his idol, Charlemagne-san, and he would try to 'mimic' whatever Charles would do . . . and fail miserably I think.

I'm excited to see what dynamic Ruler and Saber would have, considering that their skills and Noble Phantasm complement each other.



But honestly I can see them having religious discussions too so that'd be fun!

Hahahha yes, I could imagine them hanging out while kicking demonic arse and talking about their shared religion and bible puns, plus I can visualize them having a discussion about their own lives, with Charlemagne asking how is the state of things in Louis' time while Louis asking how Charlemagne united most of Europe under him (with Louis wishing to emulate the feats of his predecessor)

Plus I think the dynamic would be that Charlemagne would be the Older Brother and Louis IX would be the Younger Brother since Louis deeply holds Charlemagne in great deference due to his achievements in life. So expect if Charlemagne does some posing, Ruler will follow suit.

I have this weird feeling von Richthofen will antagonise himself rather quickly to Charlemagne and Louis... Y'know, because of the whole thing with WWI. XD

Hahahaha XD, I have this scene in mind where Louis would ask von Richthofen how is the relationship between France and the Holy Roman Empire (Germany).

"Ahh, you see. You built this great kingdom and then... Then we blew it to bits and slaughtered your men in a war."

That'd be hilarious to be honest. Him just being flustered, faced with Charlemagne, Louis and possibly Prelati as well.

Hahahaha, dude that is hilarious, but Louis would be so downed that France and Germany are fighting and would ask Mannfred to scourage him as penance for what his people did, he might even ask Charlemagne to scourage him as well for failing him XD.

PLAY IT IT IS SO GOOD AAAAAAAAAAH. But yeah, he'd try to teach him how to be more relaxed. XD

BUT HOLY COW THOUGH I HAD TO LOOK UP SCOURAGE AND CHARLEMAGNE WOULD BE HORRIFIED. Charlemagne: "NOPE. *CLINGS MIGHTILY* NOPE. NOPE. NOPE. NO SCOURAGING. YOU DO NOT NEED TO REPENT FOR ANY OF THAT NOPE. People war all the time and I've been in war too, you didn't think I, too, have killed? War always hurts...and we always have blood on our hands. But in the end...we fight for different causes, same with them, right? Despite what do not need to repent for something you did NOT do." And more clinging XD

Hahahaha if this is the dynamic the two are having, we might be the comedic duo. Plus Louis will definitely be close to Charlemagne and the two would share a close bond of brotherhood between the two kings, something Louis will remember once he dies . . . sad that he has a time limit

"T-thank you . . . Lord Charlemagne!" Kneels before the young land, "Forgive me for even suggesting such action to you." Bows in deference and his face in shame for shocking the Great King of Old.

@Brother Gabriel

Oh, of course if the situation doesn't call for it! He's pretty serious if the thing going on at hand is super serious too, but even in serious situations there needs to be some light banter and jests to help brighten things up a little, right? Make the darkness go away for a bit and make people happy for a short time before everything goes back to dark.

As for Fate/Extella Link, I actually played all the scenarios myself so I know what happens!

So in the game, Karl wants to assimilate all of SE.RA.PH into his own perfect design, so that there will be equality for all, but to do that he brainwashes people through Oraclization to do his bidding and listen to him and only him. So that no evil exists and stuff like that. Charlemagne wants the freedom of the people and their own thoughts and rights, despite the darkness in people's hearts, so he opposes Karl and fights him off. Because they are two halves of the same coin, if Karl dies, Charlemagne dies too because they are like Harry Potter and Voldemort, "Neither can live while the other survives." So basically every time Karl is defeated, Charlemagne poofs into light. It's a bit sad so yeah. But Charlemagne really wants to stop Karl from taking away free will and choice so he fights for freedom. Karl wants a world of peace and he uses his experiences to create that world, with no strife, by making everyone listen to him.

This came about because of seeing some kind of mural featuring Altera and having a vision of her loneliness. They wanted to ease it somehow...Charlemagne remembers. He knows the loneliness well and so did Karl, so Karl wanted to create a good world for Altera to live in. But even then, Karl's methods were wrong to him so NOPE.


Oof, oh yeah. I mean...WWI. Honestly Charlemagne wasn't there for WWI I think? ...Oh yeah definitely not lol. He would have no idea what was going on. XD And honestly the war itself wasn't he'd be confused as to why he's antagonizing Christians. XD "LET ME HAVE MY FAITH PLEASE STOP." XD ...Oh wait, I forgot Austria was a part of the Holy Roman Empire. WHOOP. He would not care, everyone is a good person if they try and as long as they try, it's all good. XD

Of course, I could see Louis learning from Charles to be more relaxed, it would be some sort of Character growth for him

And also I need to play Extella Link then, looks like I'm missing out on the good stuff.

OH MY GOD I LOVE RULER/LOUIS AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH oh man Charlemagne is going to be over the moon over the fact he did a lot of stuff inspired by him XD

Going by the fact that there are two Charlemagne, Charlemagne/Karl de Grosse, he would probably expect the latter more than that former due to Karl's exploits in real life making the Kingdom of France possibly, plus Louis is indirectly a descendant of Charlemagne, in a sense.

But knowing Louis, he would immediately jump at the chance to meet and impress his idol, Charlemagne-san, and he would try to 'mimic' whatever Charles would do . . . and fail miserably I think.

I'm excited to see what dynamic Ruler and Saber would have, considering that their skills and Noble Phantasm complement each other.



But honestly I can see them having religious discussions too so that'd be fun!

Hahahha yes, I could imagine them hanging out while kicking demonic arse and talking about their shared religion and bible puns, plus I can visualize them having a discussion about their own lives, with Charlemagne asking how is the state of things in Louis' time while Louis asking how Charlemagne united most of Europe under him (with Louis wishing to emulate the feats of his predecessor)

Plus I think the dynamic would be that Charlemagne would be the Older Brother and Louis IX would be the Younger Brother since Louis deeply holds Charlemagne in great deference due to his achievements in life. So expect if Charlemagne does some posing, Ruler will follow suit.

I have this weird feeling von Richthofen will antagonise himself rather quickly to Charlemagne and Louis... Y'know, because of the whole thing with WWI. XD

Hahahaha XD, I have this scene in mind where Louis would ask von Richthofen how is the relationship between France and the Holy Roman Empire (Germany).

"Ahh, you see. You built this great kingdom and then... Then we blew it to bits and slaughtered your men in a war."

That'd be hilarious to be honest. Him just being flustered, faced with Charlemagne, Louis and possibly Prelati as well.

Hahahaha, dude that is hilarious, but Louis would be so downed that France and Germany are fighting and would ask Mannfred to scourage him as penance for what his people did, he might even ask Charlemagne to scourage him as well for failing him XD.

That will make for one interesting situation. Even moreso because Richthofen would probably have a lot of respect for these people, since they're all heroes and heroes he might eben have known when he was alive as well.

It would also mean he would have an idea of how powerful they are and would probably do anything else but tell them why exactly he is in the position of a Heroic Spirit.

Indeed, what's interesting is that Mannfred is a current-day heroic spirit and Louis would very inquisitive around him, inquiring about the state of affairs of the World he was in and why isn't he wielding a weapon or shoots lazer beams or summons monsters from the sky or what not.

He would like, "Who in God's green earth are you?" to Richthofen and the Japanese Servants (Because he doesn't know about Japan) and would even be more weirded-out by his airplane or as he would call it 'Flying Contraption of the Arts'.

I imagine everyone except Einstein might be a bit weirded out by Richthofen having an airplane. Also, since Louis is such a devoted christian I wonder what his thoughts about the nickname "Red Devil", that Richthofen was given by the French and English, are.

I actually considered having Innocent Monster at E or E+ rank on him solely because he was almost called Red Devil more than he was called Red Baron and as a result have him habe slightly devilish features as a result of thaf. I now am very happy that I decided against that xD.
@Brother Gabriel

Oh, of course if the situation doesn't call for it! He's pretty serious if the thing going on at hand is super serious too, but even in serious situations there needs to be some light banter and jests to help brighten things up a little, right? Make the darkness go away for a bit and make people happy for a short time before everything goes back to dark.

As for Fate/Extella Link, I actually played all the scenarios myself so I know what happens!

So in the game, Karl wants to assimilate all of SE.RA.PH into his own perfect design, so that there will be equality for all, but to do that he brainwashes people through Oraclization to do his bidding and listen to him and only him. So that no evil exists and stuff like that. Charlemagne wants the freedom of the people and their own thoughts and rights, despite the darkness in people's hearts, so he opposes Karl and fights him off. Because they are two halves of the same coin, if Karl dies, Charlemagne dies too because they are like Harry Potter and Voldemort, "Neither can live while the other survives." So basically every time Karl is defeated, Charlemagne poofs into light. It's a bit sad so yeah. But Charlemagne really wants to stop Karl from taking away free will and choice so he fights for freedom. Karl wants a world of peace and he uses his experiences to create that world, with no strife, by making everyone listen to him.

This came about because of seeing some kind of mural featuring Altera and having a vision of her loneliness. They wanted to ease it somehow...Charlemagne remembers. He knows the loneliness well and so did Karl, so Karl wanted to create a good world for Altera to live in. But even then, Karl's methods were wrong to him so NOPE.


Oof, oh yeah. I mean...WWI. Honestly Charlemagne wasn't there for WWI I think? ...Oh yeah definitely not lol. He would have no idea what was going on. XD And honestly the war itself wasn't he'd be confused as to why he's antagonizing Christians. XD "LET ME HAVE MY FAITH PLEASE STOP." XD ...Oh wait, I forgot Austria was a part of the Holy Roman Empire. WHOOP. He would not care, everyone is a good person if they try and as long as they try, it's all good. XD

Of course, I could see Louis learning from Charles to be more relaxed, it would be some sort of Character growth for him

And also I need to play Extella Link then, looks like I'm missing out on the good stuff.

OH MY GOD I LOVE RULER/LOUIS AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH oh man Charlemagne is going to be over the moon over the fact he did a lot of stuff inspired by him XD

Going by the fact that there are two Charlemagne, Charlemagne/Karl de Grosse, he would probably expect the latter more than that former due to Karl's exploits in real life making the Kingdom of France possibly, plus Louis is indirectly a descendant of Charlemagne, in a sense.

But knowing Louis, he would immediately jump at the chance to meet and impress his idol, Charlemagne-san, and he would try to 'mimic' whatever Charles would do . . . and fail miserably I think.

I'm excited to see what dynamic Ruler and Saber would have, considering that their skills and Noble Phantasm complement each other.



But honestly I can see them having religious discussions too so that'd be fun!

Hahahha yes, I could imagine them hanging out while kicking demonic arse and talking about their shared religion and bible puns, plus I can visualize them having a discussion about their own lives, with Charlemagne asking how is the state of things in Louis' time while Louis asking how Charlemagne united most of Europe under him (with Louis wishing to emulate the feats of his predecessor)

Plus I think the dynamic would be that Charlemagne would be the Older Brother and Louis IX would be the Younger Brother since Louis deeply holds Charlemagne in great deference due to his achievements in life. So expect if Charlemagne does some posing, Ruler will follow suit.

I have this weird feeling von Richthofen will antagonise himself rather quickly to Charlemagne and Louis... Y'know, because of the whole thing with WWI. XD

Hahahaha XD, I have this scene in mind where Louis would ask von Richthofen how is the relationship between France and the Holy Roman Empire (Germany).

"Ahh, you see. You built this great kingdom and then... Then we blew it to bits and slaughtered your men in a war."

That'd be hilarious to be honest. Him just being flustered, faced with Charlemagne, Louis and possibly Prelati as well.

Hahahaha, dude that is hilarious, but Louis would be so downed that France and Germany are fighting and would ask Mannfred to scourage him as penance for what his people did, he might even ask Charlemagne to scourage him as well for failing him XD.

PLAY IT IT IS SO GOOD AAAAAAAAAAH. But yeah, he'd try to teach him how to be more relaxed. XD

BUT HOLY COW THOUGH I HAD TO LOOK UP SCOURAGE AND CHARLEMAGNE WOULD BE HORRIFIED. Charlemagne: "NOPE. *CLINGS MIGHTILY* NOPE. NOPE. NOPE. NO SCOURAGING. YOU DO NOT NEED TO REPENT FOR ANY OF THAT NOPE. People war all the time and I've been in war too, you didn't think I, too, have killed? War always hurts...and we always have blood on our hands. But in the end...we fight for different causes, same with them, right? Despite what do not need to repent for something you did NOT do." And more clinging XD

Hahahaha if this is the dynamic the two are having, we might be the comedic duo. Plus Louis will definitely be close to Charlemagne and the two would share a close bond of brotherhood between the two kings, something Louis will remember once he dies . . . sad that he has a time limit

"T-thank you . . . Lord Charlemagne!" Kneels before the young land, "Forgive me for even suggesting such action to you." Bows in deference and his face in shame for shocking the Great King of Old.

@Brother Gabriel

Oh, of course if the situation doesn't call for it! He's pretty serious if the thing going on at hand is super serious too, but even in serious situations there needs to be some light banter and jests to help brighten things up a little, right? Make the darkness go away for a bit and make people happy for a short time before everything goes back to dark.

As for Fate/Extella Link, I actually played all the scenarios myself so I know what happens!

So in the game, Karl wants to assimilate all of SE.RA.PH into his own perfect design, so that there will be equality for all, but to do that he brainwashes people through Oraclization to do his bidding and listen to him and only him. So that no evil exists and stuff like that. Charlemagne wants the freedom of the people and their own thoughts and rights, despite the darkness in people's hearts, so he opposes Karl and fights him off. Because they are two halves of the same coin, if Karl dies, Charlemagne dies too because they are like Harry Potter and Voldemort, "Neither can live while the other survives." So basically every time Karl is defeated, Charlemagne poofs into light. It's a bit sad so yeah. But Charlemagne really wants to stop Karl from taking away free will and choice so he fights for freedom. Karl wants a world of peace and he uses his experiences to create that world, with no strife, by making everyone listen to him.

This came about because of seeing some kind of mural featuring Altera and having a vision of her loneliness. They wanted to ease it somehow...Charlemagne remembers. He knows the loneliness well and so did Karl, so Karl wanted to create a good world for Altera to live in. But even then, Karl's methods were wrong to him so NOPE.


Oof, oh yeah. I mean...WWI. Honestly Charlemagne wasn't there for WWI I think? ...Oh yeah definitely not lol. He would have no idea what was going on. XD And honestly the war itself wasn't he'd be confused as to why he's antagonizing Christians. XD "LET ME HAVE MY FAITH PLEASE STOP." XD ...Oh wait, I forgot Austria was a part of the Holy Roman Empire. WHOOP. He would not care, everyone is a good person if they try and as long as they try, it's all good. XD

Of course, I could see Louis learning from Charles to be more relaxed, it would be some sort of Character growth for him

And also I need to play Extella Link then, looks like I'm missing out on the good stuff.

OH MY GOD I LOVE RULER/LOUIS AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH oh man Charlemagne is going to be over the moon over the fact he did a lot of stuff inspired by him XD

Going by the fact that there are two Charlemagne, Charlemagne/Karl de Grosse, he would probably expect the latter more than that former due to Karl's exploits in real life making the Kingdom of France possibly, plus Louis is indirectly a descendant of Charlemagne, in a sense.

But knowing Louis, he would immediately jump at the chance to meet and impress his idol, Charlemagne-san, and he would try to 'mimic' whatever Charles would do . . . and fail miserably I think.

I'm excited to see what dynamic Ruler and Saber would have, considering that their skills and Noble Phantasm complement each other.



But honestly I can see them having religious discussions too so that'd be fun!

Hahahha yes, I could imagine them hanging out while kicking demonic arse and talking about their shared religion and bible puns, plus I can visualize them having a discussion about their own lives, with Charlemagne asking how is the state of things in Louis' time while Louis asking how Charlemagne united most of Europe under him (with Louis wishing to emulate the feats of his predecessor)

Plus I think the dynamic would be that Charlemagne would be the Older Brother and Louis IX would be the Younger Brother since Louis deeply holds Charlemagne in great deference due to his achievements in life. So expect if Charlemagne does some posing, Ruler will follow suit.

I have this weird feeling von Richthofen will antagonise himself rather quickly to Charlemagne and Louis... Y'know, because of the whole thing with WWI. XD

Hahahaha XD, I have this scene in mind where Louis would ask von Richthofen how is the relationship between France and the Holy Roman Empire (Germany).

"Ahh, you see. You built this great kingdom and then... Then we blew it to bits and slaughtered your men in a war."

That'd be hilarious to be honest. Him just being flustered, faced with Charlemagne, Louis and possibly Prelati as well.

Hahahaha, dude that is hilarious, but Louis would be so downed that France and Germany are fighting and would ask Mannfred to scourage him as penance for what his people did, he might even ask Charlemagne to scourage him as well for failing him XD.

That will make for one interesting situation. Even moreso because Richthofen would probably have a lot of respect for these people, since they're all heroes and heroes he might eben have known when he was alive as well.

It would also mean he would have an idea of how powerful they are and would probably do anything else but tell them why exactly he is in the position of a Heroic Spirit.

Indeed, what's interesting is that Mannfred is a current-day heroic spirit and Louis would very inquisitive around him, inquiring about the state of affairs of the World he was in and why isn't he wielding a weapon or shoots lazer beams or summons monsters from the sky or what not.

He would like, "Who in God's green earth are you?" to Richthofen and the Japanese Servants (Because he doesn't know about Japan) and would even be more weirded-out by his airplane or as he would call it 'Flying Contraption of the Arts'.

OH MY GOD. BABY. LOUIS BABY. NO. OH MY GOD. QAQ Charlemagne is going to keep hugging the crud out of him oh my god. And probably feel his pain, I bet he suffered something like that at one point, possibly when young...idk. So he's just noping while hugging him and going "It's okay, calm down, you needn't repent. ...Especially if you're this awesome wow." And just...try to get him to lighten up and have some fun for once like he did with his Twelve Paladins. Man. POOR LOUIS. BABY. QAQ

@Brother Gabriel

Oh, of course if the situation doesn't call for it! He's pretty serious if the thing going on at hand is super serious too, but even in serious situations there needs to be some light banter and jests to help brighten things up a little, right? Make the darkness go away for a bit and make people happy for a short time before everything goes back to dark.

As for Fate/Extella Link, I actually played all the scenarios myself so I know what happens!

So in the game, Karl wants to assimilate all of SE.RA.PH into his own perfect design, so that there will be equality for all, but to do that he brainwashes people through Oraclization to do his bidding and listen to him and only him. So that no evil exists and stuff like that. Charlemagne wants the freedom of the people and their own thoughts and rights, despite the darkness in people's hearts, so he opposes Karl and fights him off. Because they are two halves of the same coin, if Karl dies, Charlemagne dies too because they are like Harry Potter and Voldemort, "Neither can live while the other survives." So basically every time Karl is defeated, Charlemagne poofs into light. It's a bit sad so yeah. But Charlemagne really wants to stop Karl from taking away free will and choice so he fights for freedom. Karl wants a world of peace and he uses his experiences to create that world, with no strife, by making everyone listen to him.

This came about because of seeing some kind of mural featuring Altera and having a vision of her loneliness. They wanted to ease it somehow...Charlemagne remembers. He knows the loneliness well and so did Karl, so Karl wanted to create a good world for Altera to live in. But even then, Karl's methods were wrong to him so NOPE.


Oof, oh yeah. I mean...WWI. Honestly Charlemagne wasn't there for WWI I think? ...Oh yeah definitely not lol. He would have no idea what was going on. XD And honestly the war itself wasn't he'd be confused as to why he's antagonizing Christians. XD "LET ME HAVE MY FAITH PLEASE STOP." XD ...Oh wait, I forgot Austria was a part of the Holy Roman Empire. WHOOP. He would not care, everyone is a good person if they try and as long as they try, it's all good. XD

Of course, I could see Louis learning from Charles to be more relaxed, it would be some sort of Character growth for him

And also I need to play Extella Link then, looks like I'm missing out on the good stuff.

OH MY GOD I LOVE RULER/LOUIS AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH oh man Charlemagne is going to be over the moon over the fact he did a lot of stuff inspired by him XD

Going by the fact that there are two Charlemagne, Charlemagne/Karl de Grosse, he would probably expect the latter more than that former due to Karl's exploits in real life making the Kingdom of France possibly, plus Louis is indirectly a descendant of Charlemagne, in a sense.

But knowing Louis, he would immediately jump at the chance to meet and impress his idol, Charlemagne-san, and he would try to 'mimic' whatever Charles would do . . . and fail miserably I think.

I'm excited to see what dynamic Ruler and Saber would have, considering that their skills and Noble Phantasm complement each other.



But honestly I can see them having religious discussions too so that'd be fun!

Hahahha yes, I could imagine them hanging out while kicking demonic arse and talking about their shared religion and bible puns, plus I can visualize them having a discussion about their own lives, with Charlemagne asking how is the state of things in Louis' time while Louis asking how Charlemagne united most of Europe under him (with Louis wishing to emulate the feats of his predecessor)

Plus I think the dynamic would be that Charlemagne would be the Older Brother and Louis IX would be the Younger Brother since Louis deeply holds Charlemagne in great deference due to his achievements in life. So expect if Charlemagne does some posing, Ruler will follow suit.

I have this weird feeling von Richthofen will antagonise himself rather quickly to Charlemagne and Louis... Y'know, because of the whole thing with WWI. XD

Hahahaha XD, I have this scene in mind where Louis would ask von Richthofen how is the relationship between France and the Holy Roman Empire (Germany).

"Ahh, you see. You built this great kingdom and then... Then we blew it to bits and slaughtered your men in a war."

That'd be hilarious to be honest. Him just being flustered, faced with Charlemagne, Louis and possibly Prelati as well.

Hahahaha, dude that is hilarious, but Louis would be so downed that France and Germany are fighting and would ask Mannfred to scourage him as penance for what his people did, he might even ask Charlemagne to scourage him as well for failing him XD.

PLAY IT IT IS SO GOOD AAAAAAAAAAH. But yeah, he'd try to teach him how to be more relaxed. XD

BUT HOLY COW THOUGH I HAD TO LOOK UP SCOURAGE AND CHARLEMAGNE WOULD BE HORRIFIED. Charlemagne: "NOPE. *CLINGS MIGHTILY* NOPE. NOPE. NOPE. NO SCOURAGING. YOU DO NOT NEED TO REPENT FOR ANY OF THAT NOPE. People war all the time and I've been in war too, you didn't think I, too, have killed? War always hurts...and we always have blood on our hands. But in the end...we fight for different causes, same with them, right? Despite what do not need to repent for something you did NOT do." And more clinging XD

Hahahaha if this is the dynamic the two are having, we might be the comedic duo. Plus Louis will definitely be close to Charlemagne and the two would share a close bond of brotherhood between the two kings, something Louis will remember once he dies . . . sad that he has a time limit

"T-thank you . . . Lord Charlemagne!" Kneels before the young land, "Forgive me for even suggesting such action to you." Bows in deference and his face in shame for shocking the Great King of Old.

@Brother Gabriel

Oh, of course if the situation doesn't call for it! He's pretty serious if the thing going on at hand is super serious too, but even in serious situations there needs to be some light banter and jests to help brighten things up a little, right? Make the darkness go away for a bit and make people happy for a short time before everything goes back to dark.

As for Fate/Extella Link, I actually played all the scenarios myself so I know what happens!

So in the game, Karl wants to assimilate all of SE.RA.PH into his own perfect design, so that there will be equality for all, but to do that he brainwashes people through Oraclization to do his bidding and listen to him and only him. So that no evil exists and stuff like that. Charlemagne wants the freedom of the people and their own thoughts and rights, despite the darkness in people's hearts, so he opposes Karl and fights him off. Because they are two halves of the same coin, if Karl dies, Charlemagne dies too because they are like Harry Potter and Voldemort, "Neither can live while the other survives." So basically every time Karl is defeated, Charlemagne poofs into light. It's a bit sad so yeah. But Charlemagne really wants to stop Karl from taking away free will and choice so he fights for freedom. Karl wants a world of peace and he uses his experiences to create that world, with no strife, by making everyone listen to him.

This came about because of seeing some kind of mural featuring Altera and having a vision of her loneliness. They wanted to ease it somehow...Charlemagne remembers. He knows the loneliness well and so did Karl, so Karl wanted to create a good world for Altera to live in. But even then, Karl's methods were wrong to him so NOPE.


Oof, oh yeah. I mean...WWI. Honestly Charlemagne wasn't there for WWI I think? ...Oh yeah definitely not lol. He would have no idea what was going on. XD And honestly the war itself wasn't he'd be confused as to why he's antagonizing Christians. XD "LET ME HAVE MY FAITH PLEASE STOP." XD ...Oh wait, I forgot Austria was a part of the Holy Roman Empire. WHOOP. He would not care, everyone is a good person if they try and as long as they try, it's all good. XD

Of course, I could see Louis learning from Charles to be more relaxed, it would be some sort of Character growth for him

And also I need to play Extella Link then, looks like I'm missing out on the good stuff.

OH MY GOD I LOVE RULER/LOUIS AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH oh man Charlemagne is going to be over the moon over the fact he did a lot of stuff inspired by him XD

Going by the fact that there are two Charlemagne, Charlemagne/Karl de Grosse, he would probably expect the latter more than that former due to Karl's exploits in real life making the Kingdom of France possibly, plus Louis is indirectly a descendant of Charlemagne, in a sense.

But knowing Louis, he would immediately jump at the chance to meet and impress his idol, Charlemagne-san, and he would try to 'mimic' whatever Charles would do . . . and fail miserably I think.

I'm excited to see what dynamic Ruler and Saber would have, considering that their skills and Noble Phantasm complement each other.



But honestly I can see them having religious discussions too so that'd be fun!

Hahahha yes, I could imagine them hanging out while kicking demonic arse and talking about their shared religion and bible puns, plus I can visualize them having a discussion about their own lives, with Charlemagne asking how is the state of things in Louis' time while Louis asking how Charlemagne united most of Europe under him (with Louis wishing to emulate the feats of his predecessor)

Plus I think the dynamic would be that Charlemagne would be the Older Brother and Louis IX would be the Younger Brother since Louis deeply holds Charlemagne in great deference due to his achievements in life. So expect if Charlemagne does some posing, Ruler will follow suit.

I have this weird feeling von Richthofen will antagonise himself rather quickly to Charlemagne and Louis... Y'know, because of the whole thing with WWI. XD

Hahahaha XD, I have this scene in mind where Louis would ask von Richthofen how is the relationship between France and the Holy Roman Empire (Germany).

"Ahh, you see. You built this great kingdom and then... Then we blew it to bits and slaughtered your men in a war."

That'd be hilarious to be honest. Him just being flustered, faced with Charlemagne, Louis and possibly Prelati as well.

Hahahaha, dude that is hilarious, but Louis would be so downed that France and Germany are fighting and would ask Mannfred to scourage him as penance for what his people did, he might even ask Charlemagne to scourage him as well for failing him XD.

That will make for one interesting situation. Even moreso because Richthofen would probably have a lot of respect for these people, since they're all heroes and heroes he might eben have known when he was alive as well.

It would also mean he would have an idea of how powerful they are and would probably do anything else but tell them why exactly he is in the position of a Heroic Spirit.

Indeed, what's interesting is that Mannfred is a current-day heroic spirit and Louis would very inquisitive around him, inquiring about the state of affairs of the World he was in and why isn't he wielding a weapon or shoots lazer beams or summons monsters from the sky or what not.

He would like, "Who in God's green earth are you?" to Richthofen and the Japanese Servants (Because he doesn't know about Japan) and would even be more weirded-out by his airplane or as he would call it 'Flying Contraption of the Arts'.

I imagine everyone except Einstein might be a bit weirded out by Richthofen having an airplane. Also, since Louis is such a devoted christian I wonder what his thoughts about the nickname "Red Devil", that Richthofen was given by the French and English, are.

I actually considered having Innocent Monster at E or E+ rank on him solely because he was almost called Red Devil more than he was called Red Baron and as a result have him habe slightly devilish features as a result of thaf. I now am very happy that I decided against that xD.

The Red Devil? Charlemagne="Eh. *shrugs*" But he would be interested in the airplane...he could've created a flying fortress though due to Charles Patricius but I got rid of that Noble Phantasm. xD So he'd be used to it. Plus, in SE.RA.PH, there was a lot of different mixes of different places, like Rome, the Millenium Capital, a very sci-fi zone, Karl's own Metropolita which was a mishmash of different stuff, he'd be fine. And he also saw data beings that he had to fight hordes off so he's just "Eh." XD
@Brother Gabriel

Oh, of course if the situation doesn't call for it! He's pretty serious if the thing going on at hand is super serious too, but even in serious situations there needs to be some light banter and jests to help brighten things up a little, right? Make the darkness go away for a bit and make people happy for a short time before everything goes back to dark.

As for Fate/Extella Link, I actually played all the scenarios myself so I know what happens!

So in the game, Karl wants to assimilate all of SE.RA.PH into his own perfect design, so that there will be equality for all, but to do that he brainwashes people through Oraclization to do his bidding and listen to him and only him. So that no evil exists and stuff like that. Charlemagne wants the freedom of the people and their own thoughts and rights, despite the darkness in people's hearts, so he opposes Karl and fights him off. Because they are two halves of the same coin, if Karl dies, Charlemagne dies too because they are like Harry Potter and Voldemort, "Neither can live while the other survives." So basically every time Karl is defeated, Charlemagne poofs into light. It's a bit sad so yeah. But Charlemagne really wants to stop Karl from taking away free will and choice so he fights for freedom. Karl wants a world of peace and he uses his experiences to create that world, with no strife, by making everyone listen to him.

This came about because of seeing some kind of mural featuring Altera and having a vision of her loneliness. They wanted to ease it somehow...Charlemagne remembers. He knows the loneliness well and so did Karl, so Karl wanted to create a good world for Altera to live in. But even then, Karl's methods were wrong to him so NOPE.


Oof, oh yeah. I mean...WWI. Honestly Charlemagne wasn't there for WWI I think? ...Oh yeah definitely not lol. He would have no idea what was going on. XD And honestly the war itself wasn't he'd be confused as to why he's antagonizing Christians. XD "LET ME HAVE MY FAITH PLEASE STOP." XD ...Oh wait, I forgot Austria was a part of the Holy Roman Empire. WHOOP. He would not care, everyone is a good person if they try and as long as they try, it's all good. XD

Of course, I could see Louis learning from Charles to be more relaxed, it would be some sort of Character growth for him

And also I need to play Extella Link then, looks like I'm missing out on the good stuff.

OH MY GOD I LOVE RULER/LOUIS AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH oh man Charlemagne is going to be over the moon over the fact he did a lot of stuff inspired by him XD

Going by the fact that there are two Charlemagne, Charlemagne/Karl de Grosse, he would probably expect the latter more than that former due to Karl's exploits in real life making the Kingdom of France possibly, plus Louis is indirectly a descendant of Charlemagne, in a sense.

But knowing Louis, he would immediately jump at the chance to meet and impress his idol, Charlemagne-san, and he would try to 'mimic' whatever Charles would do . . . and fail miserably I think.

I'm excited to see what dynamic Ruler and Saber would have, considering that their skills and Noble Phantasm complement each other.



But honestly I can see them having religious discussions too so that'd be fun!

Hahahha yes, I could imagine them hanging out while kicking demonic arse and talking about their shared religion and bible puns, plus I can visualize them having a discussion about their own lives, with Charlemagne asking how is the state of things in Louis' time while Louis asking how Charlemagne united most of Europe under him (with Louis wishing to emulate the feats of his predecessor)

Plus I think the dynamic would be that Charlemagne would be the Older Brother and Louis IX would be the Younger Brother since Louis deeply holds Charlemagne in great deference due to his achievements in life. So expect if Charlemagne does some posing, Ruler will follow suit.

I have this weird feeling von Richthofen will antagonise himself rather quickly to Charlemagne and Louis... Y'know, because of the whole thing with WWI. XD

Hahahaha XD, I have this scene in mind where Louis would ask von Richthofen how is the relationship between France and the Holy Roman Empire (Germany).

"Ahh, you see. You built this great kingdom and then... Then we blew it to bits and slaughtered your men in a war."

That'd be hilarious to be honest. Him just being flustered, faced with Charlemagne, Louis and possibly Prelati as well.

Hahahaha, dude that is hilarious, but Louis would be so downed that France and Germany are fighting and would ask Mannfred to scourage him as penance for what his people did, he might even ask Charlemagne to scourage him as well for failing him XD.

PLAY IT IT IS SO GOOD AAAAAAAAAAH. But yeah, he'd try to teach him how to be more relaxed. XD

BUT HOLY COW THOUGH I HAD TO LOOK UP SCOURAGE AND CHARLEMAGNE WOULD BE HORRIFIED. Charlemagne: "NOPE. *CLINGS MIGHTILY* NOPE. NOPE. NOPE. NO SCOURAGING. YOU DO NOT NEED TO REPENT FOR ANY OF THAT NOPE. People war all the time and I've been in war too, you didn't think I, too, have killed? War always hurts...and we always have blood on our hands. But in the end...we fight for different causes, same with them, right? Despite what do not need to repent for something you did NOT do." And more clinging XD

Hahahaha if this is the dynamic the two are having, we might be the comedic duo. Plus Louis will definitely be close to Charlemagne and the two would share a close bond of brotherhood between the two kings, something Louis will remember once he dies . . . sad that he has a time limit

"T-thank you . . . Lord Charlemagne!" Kneels before the young land, "Forgive me for even suggesting such action to you." Bows in deference and his face in shame for shocking the Great King of Old.

@Brother Gabriel

Oh, of course if the situation doesn't call for it! He's pretty serious if the thing going on at hand is super serious too, but even in serious situations there needs to be some light banter and jests to help brighten things up a little, right? Make the darkness go away for a bit and make people happy for a short time before everything goes back to dark.

As for Fate/Extella Link, I actually played all the scenarios myself so I know what happens!

So in the game, Karl wants to assimilate all of SE.RA.PH into his own perfect design, so that there will be equality for all, but to do that he brainwashes people through Oraclization to do his bidding and listen to him and only him. So that no evil exists and stuff like that. Charlemagne wants the freedom of the people and their own thoughts and rights, despite the darkness in people's hearts, so he opposes Karl and fights him off. Because they are two halves of the same coin, if Karl dies, Charlemagne dies too because they are like Harry Potter and Voldemort, "Neither can live while the other survives." So basically every time Karl is defeated, Charlemagne poofs into light. It's a bit sad so yeah. But Charlemagne really wants to stop Karl from taking away free will and choice so he fights for freedom. Karl wants a world of peace and he uses his experiences to create that world, with no strife, by making everyone listen to him.

This came about because of seeing some kind of mural featuring Altera and having a vision of her loneliness. They wanted to ease it somehow...Charlemagne remembers. He knows the loneliness well and so did Karl, so Karl wanted to create a good world for Altera to live in. But even then, Karl's methods were wrong to him so NOPE.


Oof, oh yeah. I mean...WWI. Honestly Charlemagne wasn't there for WWI I think? ...Oh yeah definitely not lol. He would have no idea what was going on. XD And honestly the war itself wasn't he'd be confused as to why he's antagonizing Christians. XD "LET ME HAVE MY FAITH PLEASE STOP." XD ...Oh wait, I forgot Austria was a part of the Holy Roman Empire. WHOOP. He would not care, everyone is a good person if they try and as long as they try, it's all good. XD

Of course, I could see Louis learning from Charles to be more relaxed, it would be some sort of Character growth for him

And also I need to play Extella Link then, looks like I'm missing out on the good stuff.

OH MY GOD I LOVE RULER/LOUIS AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH oh man Charlemagne is going to be over the moon over the fact he did a lot of stuff inspired by him XD

Going by the fact that there are two Charlemagne, Charlemagne/Karl de Grosse, he would probably expect the latter more than that former due to Karl's exploits in real life making the Kingdom of France possibly, plus Louis is indirectly a descendant of Charlemagne, in a sense.

But knowing Louis, he would immediately jump at the chance to meet and impress his idol, Charlemagne-san, and he would try to 'mimic' whatever Charles would do . . . and fail miserably I think.

I'm excited to see what dynamic Ruler and Saber would have, considering that their skills and Noble Phantasm complement each other.



But honestly I can see them having religious discussions too so that'd be fun!

Hahahha yes, I could imagine them hanging out while kicking demonic arse and talking about their shared religion and bible puns, plus I can visualize them having a discussion about their own lives, with Charlemagne asking how is the state of things in Louis' time while Louis asking how Charlemagne united most of Europe under him (with Louis wishing to emulate the feats of his predecessor)

Plus I think the dynamic would be that Charlemagne would be the Older Brother and Louis IX would be the Younger Brother since Louis deeply holds Charlemagne in great deference due to his achievements in life. So expect if Charlemagne does some posing, Ruler will follow suit.

I have this weird feeling von Richthofen will antagonise himself rather quickly to Charlemagne and Louis... Y'know, because of the whole thing with WWI. XD

Hahahaha XD, I have this scene in mind where Louis would ask von Richthofen how is the relationship between France and the Holy Roman Empire (Germany).

"Ahh, you see. You built this great kingdom and then... Then we blew it to bits and slaughtered your men in a war."

That'd be hilarious to be honest. Him just being flustered, faced with Charlemagne, Louis and possibly Prelati as well.

Hahahaha, dude that is hilarious, but Louis would be so downed that France and Germany are fighting and would ask Mannfred to scourage him as penance for what his people did, he might even ask Charlemagne to scourage him as well for failing him XD.

That will make for one interesting situation. Even moreso because Richthofen would probably have a lot of respect for these people, since they're all heroes and heroes he might eben have known when he was alive as well.

It would also mean he would have an idea of how powerful they are and would probably do anything else but tell them why exactly he is in the position of a Heroic Spirit.

Indeed, what's interesting is that Mannfred is a current-day heroic spirit and Louis would very inquisitive around him, inquiring about the state of affairs of the World he was in and why isn't he wielding a weapon or shoots lazer beams or summons monsters from the sky or what not.

He would like, "Who in God's green earth are you?" to Richthofen and the Japanese Servants (Because he doesn't know about Japan) and would even be more weirded-out by his airplane or as he would call it 'Flying Contraption of the Arts'.

I imagine everyone except Einstein might be a bit weirded out by Richthofen having an airplane. Also, since Louis is such a devoted christian I wonder what his thoughts about the nickname "Red Devil", that Richthofen was given by the French and English, are.

I actually considered having Innocent Monster at E or E+ rank on him solely because he was almost called Red Devil more than he was called Red Baron and as a result have him habe slightly devilish features as a result of thaf. I now am very happy that I decided against that xD.

Firstly; He would be weirded out and inquire why Richthofen is called the 'Red Devil' and might think it silly, though he would just laugh it out and this conversation might happen;

"Mon Deui, the 'Red Devil'? that title is ghastly for a man of your caliber, why not change it to 'Red Chevalier instead?"'

Mannfred von Richthofen with little demonic red horns and his airplane wrapped around a dark and burning smoke? Sounds metal to me bro, but I'm glad you decided against it.

@Brother Gabriel

Oh, of course if the situation doesn't call for it! He's pretty serious if the thing going on at hand is super serious too, but even in serious situations there needs to be some light banter and jests to help brighten things up a little, right? Make the darkness go away for a bit and make people happy for a short time before everything goes back to dark.

As for Fate/Extella Link, I actually played all the scenarios myself so I know what happens!

So in the game, Karl wants to assimilate all of SE.RA.PH into his own perfect design, so that there will be equality for all, but to do that he brainwashes people through Oraclization to do his bidding and listen to him and only him. So that no evil exists and stuff like that. Charlemagne wants the freedom of the people and their own thoughts and rights, despite the darkness in people's hearts, so he opposes Karl and fights him off. Because they are two halves of the same coin, if Karl dies, Charlemagne dies too because they are like Harry Potter and Voldemort, "Neither can live while the other survives." So basically every time Karl is defeated, Charlemagne poofs into light. It's a bit sad so yeah. But Charlemagne really wants to stop Karl from taking away free will and choice so he fights for freedom. Karl wants a world of peace and he uses his experiences to create that world, with no strife, by making everyone listen to him.

This came about because of seeing some kind of mural featuring Altera and having a vision of her loneliness. They wanted to ease it somehow...Charlemagne remembers. He knows the loneliness well and so did Karl, so Karl wanted to create a good world for Altera to live in. But even then, Karl's methods were wrong to him so NOPE.


Oof, oh yeah. I mean...WWI. Honestly Charlemagne wasn't there for WWI I think? ...Oh yeah definitely not lol. He would have no idea what was going on. XD And honestly the war itself wasn't he'd be confused as to why he's antagonizing Christians. XD "LET ME HAVE MY FAITH PLEASE STOP." XD ...Oh wait, I forgot Austria was a part of the Holy Roman Empire. WHOOP. He would not care, everyone is a good person if they try and as long as they try, it's all good. XD

Of course, I could see Louis learning from Charles to be more relaxed, it would be some sort of Character growth for him

And also I need to play Extella Link then, looks like I'm missing out on the good stuff.

OH MY GOD I LOVE RULER/LOUIS AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH oh man Charlemagne is going to be over the moon over the fact he did a lot of stuff inspired by him XD

Going by the fact that there are two Charlemagne, Charlemagne/Karl de Grosse, he would probably expect the latter more than that former due to Karl's exploits in real life making the Kingdom of France possibly, plus Louis is indirectly a descendant of Charlemagne, in a sense.

But knowing Louis, he would immediately jump at the chance to meet and impress his idol, Charlemagne-san, and he would try to 'mimic' whatever Charles would do . . . and fail miserably I think.

I'm excited to see what dynamic Ruler and Saber would have, considering that their skills and Noble Phantasm complement each other.



But honestly I can see them having religious discussions too so that'd be fun!

Hahahha yes, I could imagine them hanging out while kicking demonic arse and talking about their shared religion and bible puns, plus I can visualize them having a discussion about their own lives, with Charlemagne asking how is the state of things in Louis' time while Louis asking how Charlemagne united most of Europe under him (with Louis wishing to emulate the feats of his predecessor)

Plus I think the dynamic would be that Charlemagne would be the Older Brother and Louis IX would be the Younger Brother since Louis deeply holds Charlemagne in great deference due to his achievements in life. So expect if Charlemagne does some posing, Ruler will follow suit.

I have this weird feeling von Richthofen will antagonise himself rather quickly to Charlemagne and Louis... Y'know, because of the whole thing with WWI. XD

Hahahaha XD, I have this scene in mind where Louis would ask von Richthofen how is the relationship between France and the Holy Roman Empire (Germany).

"Ahh, you see. You built this great kingdom and then... Then we blew it to bits and slaughtered your men in a war."

That'd be hilarious to be honest. Him just being flustered, faced with Charlemagne, Louis and possibly Prelati as well.

Hahahaha, dude that is hilarious, but Louis would be so downed that France and Germany are fighting and would ask Mannfred to scourage him as penance for what his people did, he might even ask Charlemagne to scourage him as well for failing him XD.

PLAY IT IT IS SO GOOD AAAAAAAAAAH. But yeah, he'd try to teach him how to be more relaxed. XD

BUT HOLY COW THOUGH I HAD TO LOOK UP SCOURAGE AND CHARLEMAGNE WOULD BE HORRIFIED. Charlemagne: "NOPE. *CLINGS MIGHTILY* NOPE. NOPE. NOPE. NO SCOURAGING. YOU DO NOT NEED TO REPENT FOR ANY OF THAT NOPE. People war all the time and I've been in war too, you didn't think I, too, have killed? War always hurts...and we always have blood on our hands. But in the end...we fight for different causes, same with them, right? Despite what do not need to repent for something you did NOT do." And more clinging XD

Hahahaha if this is the dynamic the two are having, we might be the comedic duo. Plus Louis will definitely be close to Charlemagne and the two would share a close bond of brotherhood between the two kings, something Louis will remember once he dies . . . sad that he has a time limit

"T-thank you . . . Lord Charlemagne!" Kneels before the young land, "Forgive me for even suggesting such action to you." Bows in deference and his face in shame for shocking the Great King of Old.

@Brother Gabriel

Oh, of course if the situation doesn't call for it! He's pretty serious if the thing going on at hand is super serious too, but even in serious situations there needs to be some light banter and jests to help brighten things up a little, right? Make the darkness go away for a bit and make people happy for a short time before everything goes back to dark.

As for Fate/Extella Link, I actually played all the scenarios myself so I know what happens!

So in the game, Karl wants to assimilate all of SE.RA.PH into his own perfect design, so that there will be equality for all, but to do that he brainwashes people through Oraclization to do his bidding and listen to him and only him. So that no evil exists and stuff like that. Charlemagne wants the freedom of the people and their own thoughts and rights, despite the darkness in people's hearts, so he opposes Karl and fights him off. Because they are two halves of the same coin, if Karl dies, Charlemagne dies too because they are like Harry Potter and Voldemort, "Neither can live while the other survives." So basically every time Karl is defeated, Charlemagne poofs into light. It's a bit sad so yeah. But Charlemagne really wants to stop Karl from taking away free will and choice so he fights for freedom. Karl wants a world of peace and he uses his experiences to create that world, with no strife, by making everyone listen to him.

This came about because of seeing some kind of mural featuring Altera and having a vision of her loneliness. They wanted to ease it somehow...Charlemagne remembers. He knows the loneliness well and so did Karl, so Karl wanted to create a good world for Altera to live in. But even then, Karl's methods were wrong to him so NOPE.


Oof, oh yeah. I mean...WWI. Honestly Charlemagne wasn't there for WWI I think? ...Oh yeah definitely not lol. He would have no idea what was going on. XD And honestly the war itself wasn't he'd be confused as to why he's antagonizing Christians. XD "LET ME HAVE MY FAITH PLEASE STOP." XD ...Oh wait, I forgot Austria was a part of the Holy Roman Empire. WHOOP. He would not care, everyone is a good person if they try and as long as they try, it's all good. XD

Of course, I could see Louis learning from Charles to be more relaxed, it would be some sort of Character growth for him

And also I need to play Extella Link then, looks like I'm missing out on the good stuff.

OH MY GOD I LOVE RULER/LOUIS AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH oh man Charlemagne is going to be over the moon over the fact he did a lot of stuff inspired by him XD

Going by the fact that there are two Charlemagne, Charlemagne/Karl de Grosse, he would probably expect the latter more than that former due to Karl's exploits in real life making the Kingdom of France possibly, plus Louis is indirectly a descendant of Charlemagne, in a sense.

But knowing Louis, he would immediately jump at the chance to meet and impress his idol, Charlemagne-san, and he would try to 'mimic' whatever Charles would do . . . and fail miserably I think.

I'm excited to see what dynamic Ruler and Saber would have, considering that their skills and Noble Phantasm complement each other.



But honestly I can see them having religious discussions too so that'd be fun!

Hahahha yes, I could imagine them hanging out while kicking demonic arse and talking about their shared religion and bible puns, plus I can visualize them having a discussion about their own lives, with Charlemagne asking how is the state of things in Louis' time while Louis asking how Charlemagne united most of Europe under him (with Louis wishing to emulate the feats of his predecessor)

Plus I think the dynamic would be that Charlemagne would be the Older Brother and Louis IX would be the Younger Brother since Louis deeply holds Charlemagne in great deference due to his achievements in life. So expect if Charlemagne does some posing, Ruler will follow suit.

I have this weird feeling von Richthofen will antagonise himself rather quickly to Charlemagne and Louis... Y'know, because of the whole thing with WWI. XD

Hahahaha XD, I have this scene in mind where Louis would ask von Richthofen how is the relationship between France and the Holy Roman Empire (Germany).

"Ahh, you see. You built this great kingdom and then... Then we blew it to bits and slaughtered your men in a war."

That'd be hilarious to be honest. Him just being flustered, faced with Charlemagne, Louis and possibly Prelati as well.

Hahahaha, dude that is hilarious, but Louis would be so downed that France and Germany are fighting and would ask Mannfred to scourage him as penance for what his people did, he might even ask Charlemagne to scourage him as well for failing him XD.

That will make for one interesting situation. Even moreso because Richthofen would probably have a lot of respect for these people, since they're all heroes and heroes he might eben have known when he was alive as well.

It would also mean he would have an idea of how powerful they are and would probably do anything else but tell them why exactly he is in the position of a Heroic Spirit.

Indeed, what's interesting is that Mannfred is a current-day heroic spirit and Louis would very inquisitive around him, inquiring about the state of affairs of the World he was in and why isn't he wielding a weapon or shoots lazer beams or summons monsters from the sky or what not.

He would like, "Who in God's green earth are you?" to Richthofen and the Japanese Servants (Because he doesn't know about Japan) and would even be more weirded-out by his airplane or as he would call it 'Flying Contraption of the Arts'.

OH MY GOD. BABY. LOUIS BABY. NO. OH MY GOD. QAQ Charlemagne is going to keep hugging the crud out of him oh my god. And probably feel his pain, I bet he suffered something like that at one point, possibly when young...idk. So he's just noping while hugging him and going "It's okay, calm down, you needn't repent. ...Especially if you're this awesome wow." And just...try to get him to lighten up and have some fun for once like he did with his Twelve Paladins. Man. POOR LOUIS. BABY. QAQ

@Brother Gabriel

Oh, of course if the situation doesn't call for it! He's pretty serious if the thing going on at hand is super serious too, but even in serious situations there needs to be some light banter and jests to help brighten things up a little, right? Make the darkness go away for a bit and make people happy for a short time before everything goes back to dark.

As for Fate/Extella Link, I actually played all the scenarios myself so I know what happens!

So in the game, Karl wants to assimilate all of SE.RA.PH into his own perfect design, so that there will be equality for all, but to do that he brainwashes people through Oraclization to do his bidding and listen to him and only him. So that no evil exists and stuff like that. Charlemagne wants the freedom of the people and their own thoughts and rights, despite the darkness in people's hearts, so he opposes Karl and fights him off. Because they are two halves of the same coin, if Karl dies, Charlemagne dies too because they are like Harry Potter and Voldemort, "Neither can live while the other survives." So basically every time Karl is defeated, Charlemagne poofs into light. It's a bit sad so yeah. But Charlemagne really wants to stop Karl from taking away free will and choice so he fights for freedom. Karl wants a world of peace and he uses his experiences to create that world, with no strife, by making everyone listen to him.

This came about because of seeing some kind of mural featuring Altera and having a vision of her loneliness. They wanted to ease it somehow...Charlemagne remembers. He knows the loneliness well and so did Karl, so Karl wanted to create a good world for Altera to live in. But even then, Karl's methods were wrong to him so NOPE.


Oof, oh yeah. I mean...WWI. Honestly Charlemagne wasn't there for WWI I think? ...Oh yeah definitely not lol. He would have no idea what was going on. XD And honestly the war itself wasn't he'd be confused as to why he's antagonizing Christians. XD "LET ME HAVE MY FAITH PLEASE STOP." XD ...Oh wait, I forgot Austria was a part of the Holy Roman Empire. WHOOP. He would not care, everyone is a good person if they try and as long as they try, it's all good. XD

Of course, I could see Louis learning from Charles to be more relaxed, it would be some sort of Character growth for him

And also I need to play Extella Link then, looks like I'm missing out on the good stuff.

OH MY GOD I LOVE RULER/LOUIS AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH oh man Charlemagne is going to be over the moon over the fact he did a lot of stuff inspired by him XD

Going by the fact that there are two Charlemagne, Charlemagne/Karl de Grosse, he would probably expect the latter more than that former due to Karl's exploits in real life making the Kingdom of France possibly, plus Louis is indirectly a descendant of Charlemagne, in a sense.

But knowing Louis, he would immediately jump at the chance to meet and impress his idol, Charlemagne-san, and he would try to 'mimic' whatever Charles would do . . . and fail miserably I think.

I'm excited to see what dynamic Ruler and Saber would have, considering that their skills and Noble Phantasm complement each other.



But honestly I can see them having religious discussions too so that'd be fun!

Hahahha yes, I could imagine them hanging out while kicking demonic arse and talking about their shared religion and bible puns, plus I can visualize them having a discussion about their own lives, with Charlemagne asking how is the state of things in Louis' time while Louis asking how Charlemagne united most of Europe under him (with Louis wishing to emulate the feats of his predecessor)

Plus I think the dynamic would be that Charlemagne would be the Older Brother and Louis IX would be the Younger Brother since Louis deeply holds Charlemagne in great deference due to his achievements in life. So expect if Charlemagne does some posing, Ruler will follow suit.

I have this weird feeling von Richthofen will antagonise himself rather quickly to Charlemagne and Louis... Y'know, because of the whole thing with WWI. XD

Hahahaha XD, I have this scene in mind where Louis would ask von Richthofen how is the relationship between France and the Holy Roman Empire (Germany).

"Ahh, you see. You built this great kingdom and then... Then we blew it to bits and slaughtered your men in a war."

That'd be hilarious to be honest. Him just being flustered, faced with Charlemagne, Louis and possibly Prelati as well.

Hahahaha, dude that is hilarious, but Louis would be so downed that France and Germany are fighting and would ask Mannfred to scourage him as penance for what his people did, he might even ask Charlemagne to scourage him as well for failing him XD.

PLAY IT IT IS SO GOOD AAAAAAAAAAH. But yeah, he'd try to teach him how to be more relaxed. XD

BUT HOLY COW THOUGH I HAD TO LOOK UP SCOURAGE AND CHARLEMAGNE WOULD BE HORRIFIED. Charlemagne: "NOPE. *CLINGS MIGHTILY* NOPE. NOPE. NOPE. NO SCOURAGING. YOU DO NOT NEED TO REPENT FOR ANY OF THAT NOPE. People war all the time and I've been in war too, you didn't think I, too, have killed? War always hurts...and we always have blood on our hands. But in the end...we fight for different causes, same with them, right? Despite what do not need to repent for something you did NOT do." And more clinging XD

Hahahaha if this is the dynamic the two are having, we might be the comedic duo. Plus Louis will definitely be close to Charlemagne and the two would share a close bond of brotherhood between the two kings, something Louis will remember once he dies . . . sad that he has a time limit

"T-thank you . . . Lord Charlemagne!" Kneels before the young land, "Forgive me for even suggesting such action to you." Bows in deference and his face in shame for shocking the Great King of Old.

@Brother Gabriel

Oh, of course if the situation doesn't call for it! He's pretty serious if the thing going on at hand is super serious too, but even in serious situations there needs to be some light banter and jests to help brighten things up a little, right? Make the darkness go away for a bit and make people happy for a short time before everything goes back to dark.

As for Fate/Extella Link, I actually played all the scenarios myself so I know what happens!

So in the game, Karl wants to assimilate all of SE.RA.PH into his own perfect design, so that there will be equality for all, but to do that he brainwashes people through Oraclization to do his bidding and listen to him and only him. So that no evil exists and stuff like that. Charlemagne wants the freedom of the people and their own thoughts and rights, despite the darkness in people's hearts, so he opposes Karl and fights him off. Because they are two halves of the same coin, if Karl dies, Charlemagne dies too because they are like Harry Potter and Voldemort, "Neither can live while the other survives." So basically every time Karl is defeated, Charlemagne poofs into light. It's a bit sad so yeah. But Charlemagne really wants to stop Karl from taking away free will and choice so he fights for freedom. Karl wants a world of peace and he uses his experiences to create that world, with no strife, by making everyone listen to him.

This came about because of seeing some kind of mural featuring Altera and having a vision of her loneliness. They wanted to ease it somehow...Charlemagne remembers. He knows the loneliness well and so did Karl, so Karl wanted to create a good world for Altera to live in. But even then, Karl's methods were wrong to him so NOPE.


Oof, oh yeah. I mean...WWI. Honestly Charlemagne wasn't there for WWI I think? ...Oh yeah definitely not lol. He would have no idea what was going on. XD And honestly the war itself wasn't he'd be confused as to why he's antagonizing Christians. XD "LET ME HAVE MY FAITH PLEASE STOP." XD ...Oh wait, I forgot Austria was a part of the Holy Roman Empire. WHOOP. He would not care, everyone is a good person if they try and as long as they try, it's all good. XD

Of course, I could see Louis learning from Charles to be more relaxed, it would be some sort of Character growth for him

And also I need to play Extella Link then, looks like I'm missing out on the good stuff.

OH MY GOD I LOVE RULER/LOUIS AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH oh man Charlemagne is going to be over the moon over the fact he did a lot of stuff inspired by him XD

Going by the fact that there are two Charlemagne, Charlemagne/Karl de Grosse, he would probably expect the latter more than that former due to Karl's exploits in real life making the Kingdom of France possibly, plus Louis is indirectly a descendant of Charlemagne, in a sense.

But knowing Louis, he would immediately jump at the chance to meet and impress his idol, Charlemagne-san, and he would try to 'mimic' whatever Charles would do . . . and fail miserably I think.

I'm excited to see what dynamic Ruler and Saber would have, considering that their skills and Noble Phantasm complement each other.



But honestly I can see them having religious discussions too so that'd be fun!

Hahahha yes, I could imagine them hanging out while kicking demonic arse and talking about their shared religion and bible puns, plus I can visualize them having a discussion about their own lives, with Charlemagne asking how is the state of things in Louis' time while Louis asking how Charlemagne united most of Europe under him (with Louis wishing to emulate the feats of his predecessor)

Plus I think the dynamic would be that Charlemagne would be the Older Brother and Louis IX would be the Younger Brother since Louis deeply holds Charlemagne in great deference due to his achievements in life. So expect if Charlemagne does some posing, Ruler will follow suit.

I have this weird feeling von Richthofen will antagonise himself rather quickly to Charlemagne and Louis... Y'know, because of the whole thing with WWI. XD

Hahahaha XD, I have this scene in mind where Louis would ask von Richthofen how is the relationship between France and the Holy Roman Empire (Germany).

"Ahh, you see. You built this great kingdom and then... Then we blew it to bits and slaughtered your men in a war."

That'd be hilarious to be honest. Him just being flustered, faced with Charlemagne, Louis and possibly Prelati as well.

Hahahaha, dude that is hilarious, but Louis would be so downed that France and Germany are fighting and would ask Mannfred to scourage him as penance for what his people did, he might even ask Charlemagne to scourage him as well for failing him XD.

That will make for one interesting situation. Even moreso because Richthofen would probably have a lot of respect for these people, since they're all heroes and heroes he might eben have known when he was alive as well.

It would also mean he would have an idea of how powerful they are and would probably do anything else but tell them why exactly he is in the position of a Heroic Spirit.

Indeed, what's interesting is that Mannfred is a current-day heroic spirit and Louis would very inquisitive around him, inquiring about the state of affairs of the World he was in and why isn't he wielding a weapon or shoots lazer beams or summons monsters from the sky or what not.

He would like, "Who in God's green earth are you?" to Richthofen and the Japanese Servants (Because he doesn't know about Japan) and would even be more weirded-out by his airplane or as he would call it 'Flying Contraption of the Arts'.

I imagine everyone except Einstein might be a bit weirded out by Richthofen having an airplane. Also, since Louis is such a devoted christian I wonder what his thoughts about the nickname "Red Devil", that Richthofen was given by the French and English, are.

I actually considered having Innocent Monster at E or E+ rank on him solely because he was almost called Red Devil more than he was called Red Baron and as a result have him habe slightly devilish features as a result of thaf. I now am very happy that I decided against that xD.

The Red Devil? Charlemagne="Eh. *shrugs*" But he would be interested in the airplane...he could've created a flying fortress though due to Charles Patricius but I got rid of that Noble Phantasm. xD So he'd be used to it. Plus, in SE.RA.PH, there was a lot of different mixes of different places, like Rome, the Millenium Capital, a very sci-fi zone, Karl's own Metropolita which was a mishmash of different stuff, he'd be fine. And he also saw data beings that he had to fight hordes off so he's just "Eh." XD

*The Great King is embracing me . . . what Joy!! Praiseth be* Louis thinks to himself as he returns the embrace Charlemagne was giving him, he sinks into the young king's comfort, *I shall have this clothes kept in the display as this.' He thought to himself again due to the fact that Charlemagne was hugging him and is considered as a legendary figure in history.

"A-awesome?" Louis stuttered, caught by surprised by Charlemagne's praise, he smiled brightly up to the point his smile reaches his ears and stood up and said, "Yes . . . A-awesome!" and tried to imitate Chalrmagne's clench fist with a smile pose.