Shrouded Heir of the Seven Hills: Constantinople [Fate/Grand Order]

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Mystic Eyes of Depth Perception
Original poster
Posting Speed
  1. 1-3 posts per day
  2. One post per day
  3. Multiple posts per week
Writing Levels
  1. Give-No-Fucks
  2. Beginner
  3. Elementary
  4. Intermediate
  5. Adept
  6. Advanced
  7. Prestige
  8. Douche
  9. Adaptable
Preferred Character Gender
  1. Male
  2. Female
Sci-fi, Magical

Welcome to Shrouded Heir of the Seven Hills: Constantinople!


The deadline is closing in on Humanity, and the Human Order Foundation is still unstable. The Chaldea Security Organization is deploying to the seventh Singularity - Absolute Frontline in the War Against the Demonic Beasts: Babylonia - with the hope of entirely fixing the Greater History of Man. It's the last Singularity detected, after all. Demon God Flauros - Lev Lainur - laughs from the grave. It wasn't hard to hide an eighth Singularity entirely from Chaldea's sensors - he did have direct access to Global Environment Model CHALDEAS and Near-Future Observation Lens SHEBA, after all.

All is not lost, however. Just as in the previous Singularities, Humanity as a whole can assist. The Counter Force has deployed more Servants than ever before into the Singularity. Good, evil, doesn't matter. The Singularity must be resolved by any means necessary, or the destruction of Humanity is an absolute.

An indefinite reality like a Singularity, cut off from the Greater History of Man, is like a shadowy legend even to the Counter Force itself. The information the Counter Force can provide is scarce. But this is known: the date is 545 of the Common Era. Khosrau "the Immortal Soul," is Shahanshah of Persia. Justinian I is Emperor of Rome - of Greece, really. Constantiople stands as a wall, letting the mighty armies of Persia go no further. And further they have gone - to the soft, blue shores of the Bosphorus. And like a shadow in the night stalks the Plague, in an Egypt ascendant once again. A misplaced breath, and Western Civilization will shatter, and the hopes of man will pass into night.


In this RP, the characters are all "Servants" - ancient (or not so ancient) heroes with mighty abilities. They can be basically anything; real individuals from history, mythological heroes, even characters from stories. If you've got an idea and you're not sure if it will work, just ask! Canonical servants are also perfectly fine, though some won't work (because they're too powerful, which is to say, Archer/Caster Gilgamesh). Below is a character sheet.

True Name:
Magical Energy:
Class Skills:
Personal Skills:

Noble Phantasm(s):
Title/Alternative Reading:

Some notes:
"Class" refers to one of Seven Classes (or EXTRA classes; if you'd like to play one, please ask): Saber, a master of swords; Archer, a hero skilled with bow and arrow; Lancer, a spear master; Rider, a hero defined by their steed (alive or mechanical); Caster, a master of Magecraft; Assassin, a master killer; or Berserker, a hero defined by rage.
Stats and Skills are ranked from E to EX ranks, with +/- for when they vary in certain edge cases. Generally, you should have about one stat of each rank A to E, with EX only when a character is defined by that stat. For skills, it really doesn't matter. Class skills are listed below. If you make up a skill - which you should do - describe it; if the skill already exists, a description is unneeded.
"Luck" is the ability of a character to defy destiny. Basically, if somebody led the hero around by the nose, particularly a god or "fate," they'll have a low Luck stat. If somebody rebelled against destiny, they tend to have a high one.
The "Noble Phantasm" is the core of somebody's legend in a physical form - eg. Excalibur for King Arthur.

Class Skills:

Archer: Magic Resistance, Clairvoyance
Saber: Magic Resistance, Riding
Lancer: Magic Resistance
Caster: Territory Creation, Item Creation
Rider: Riding
Assassin: Presence Concealment
Berserker: Madness Enhancement
Any Connected to Gods: Divinity

Example Character Sheet:

True Name: Ajax the Greater
Class: Shielder
Alignment: True Neutral

Strength: B+
Endurance: A
Agility: C-
Magical Energy: E
Luck: D
Class Skills:

Magic Resistance B
Divinity D
Personal Skills:

Unconquered A: Embraces a Madness Enhancement until all humans and animals in sight are dead.
Battle Continuation C
Aikhmeta B: Ajax can ignore any and all defensive abilities of a lower rank on Archers.

Noble Phantasm(s):
Name: Rho Aias
Title/Alternative Reading: The Seven Rings that Cover the Fiery Heavens
Rank: A+
Type: Anti-Fortress (Self)
Description: The great shield of Ajax, made of seven bull hides covered in bronze. Manifests as seven great shields, capped with the seven-petaled purple flower that grew at the place of her suicide. Boasts a near-absolute defense against thrown weapons.

Background: A proud warrior and royal of the island of Salamis, eldest daughter and heir of King Telamon. According to legend, she was the greatest hero of the Greeks at Troy after Achilles. Her massive shield was made of seven layers of hide of a bull, with a covering of bronze, which she used to great effect in slaying many Trojan heroes, and fighting Hector to a standstill. When Achilles died, Ajax desired to take up his armor, as it was magically forged by Hephaestus. Odysseus, however, was far more eloquent, and was awarded the armor. Possessed by fury, Ajax attempted to slay those who had awarded the armor, but Athena sent an illusion to her, causing her to instead slay crowds of sheep. When her fury faded and she realized what she had done, the shame overcame her, and she committed suicide.

Accepted Characters:
@Supremacy - Rider Hannibal Barca
@Yankee - Lancer Yomotsu-Shikone
@TheSly - Rider Manfred von Richthofen
@Torack - Lancer Leonidas of Sparta
@LunaticRedEyes1 - Saber Prince Shotoku of Wa
@0th Law - Caster Albert Einstein
@Sidereal - Caster Françoise Prelati
@chaosheart13 - Saber Charlemagne
@Brother Gabriel - Ruler Louis IX
@Aspiring Shoulder - Ruler Jean Valjean
@imprimatur13 - Berserker Samson
Last edited:
Nope, @chaosheart13 - this Singularity has been hidden from Chaldea's sensors. That's why so many Servants are being thrown at the Singularity; Chaldea could do everything right and this Singularity would still cause them to fail to stop the Incineration.​

Oh. Oh geez. Hooooo boy.
Is this still open for new member? I'm highly intrigued, but the place seemed kinda full as it is.
Ten servants seems like a nice number to have! Though, I'm not the GM here so I don't have much say in the matter however.
Is this still open for new member? I'm highly intrigued, but the place seemed kinda full as it is.
Yeah, you're welcome to create a Servant if ya like.

For those curious - I'm going to mark this as closed now, though; there are two additional people who I've talked to by DM who are making Servants. I'm gonna cap it at those two plus @TableCloth here.
Is this still open for new member? I'm highly intrigued, but the place seemed kinda full as it is.
Yeah, you're welcome to create a Servant if ya like.

For those curious - I'm going to mark this as closed now, though; there are two additional people who I've talked to by DM who are making Servants. I'm gonna cap it at those two plus @TableCloth here.

13 Servants seems like a reasonable if incidental number of Servants to have. Should make for a lot of diverse character interactions.
Is this still open for new member? I'm highly intrigued, but the place seemed kinda full as it is.
Yeah, you're welcome to create a Servant if ya like.

For those curious - I'm going to mark this as closed now, though; there are two additional people who I've talked to by DM who are making Servants. I'm gonna cap it at those two plus @TableCloth here.

13 Servants seems like a reasonable if incidental number of Servants to have. Should make for a lot of diverse character interactions.

Heheheheheheheh 13, no way this can go wrong XD
No Berserkers yet? Well, that's no fun.
True Name: Samson
Class: Berserker
Alignment: True Neutral

Dark-skinned, very long hair. Lame in one leg.

Endurance: A
Agility: C
Magical Energy: C
Luck: D

Class Skills:
Mad Enchancement A:
Mad Enhancement manifests as a single-minded desire for vengeance when Samson believes he, or a loved one, has been wronged or otherwise unfairly dealt with.

Personal Skills:
Battle Continuance A:
Samson is known in legend for having summoned a final burst of strength when he was on death's door, his God granting him the power to topple the house of his torment, taking with him thousands of his enemies. Thus, Samson has earned Battle Continuance A, and will never let his enemies kill him without making sure to drag them down to Sheol as well.
Uprooting the Gates C+: Samson's legend tells of him casually ripping the gates of a Philistine city from their hinges, and carrying them on his shoulder to a mountaintop. Thus, he possesses the skill "Uprooting the Gates," which allows him to destroy any gates blocking him entry to a city (or other large human settlement), nullifying protections of Magecraft up to and including Rank D Magecraft. If the gate has protection of Rank C Magecraft, Uprooting the Gates can only temporarily unlock the gate and open it (for 5 minutes, before it closes again); thereby uprooting the "idea" of the gate, rather than the physical manifestation of said idea.

Noble Phantasms:

Nazirite's Vow
Alternative Reading: [Neither Razor Nor Fear Shall Pass On His Head]
Rank: A
Type: Anti-Unit, Passive
Range: Self
Samson's Nazirite vow is his covenant with his God, and that which grants him the status of a Heroic Spirit. This Noble Phantasm is always in effect without any Magical Energy expenditure, and grants him the ability to use one of his other Noble Phantasms once per day without any need for external Magical Energy.

However, Samson is also rendered nearly powerless for a time if he violates any of the three conditions upon which the vow rests, putting him in a state of Annulment of Vow (all stats become Rank D, except for Luck, which becomes Rank E. Samson can no longer use any of his other Noble Phantasms, and is essentially defenseless).

1) If Samson's hair is cut, he enters Annulment of Vow. This remains in effect until Samson goes at least 24 hours without having his hair cut, after which time his hair begins to grow once more, and Nazirite's Vow is restored.

Samson's hair cannot be cut by anything less than a D-rank Mystery.

Note: Body hair (that is, not growing from the scalp or face) may be cut without any negative consequences; this includes hair on the neck.

2) If Samson consumes or anoints himself with any fermented food products, or anything produced from grapes, Samson enters Annulment of Vow until the offending substance is purged from his body.

If it is applied to his skin, Annulment of Vow remains in effect until the substance is washed off with water, or 24 hours pass, whichever comes first.

If it is ingested, Annulment of Vow remains in effect for 72 hours.

3) If Samson experiences fear of any sort, Annulment of Vow is in effect until he is able to joke and sincerely laugh about the object of his fear.

Name: Lion's Honey
Alternative Reading: [Food From The Consumer, Sweet From The Strong]
Rank: B
Type: Anti-Unit
Range: Self, 1-10
Samson temporarily puts himself in a state of Annulment of Vow in order to provide tremendous Magical Energy to any Servant or Noble Phantasm of his choosing (except for himself, or any Noble Phantasm summoned by Jawing Kill).

The duration of Annulment of Vow is proportional to the square of Lion's Honey's Magical Energy output; for example:

Upgrading a Noble Phantasm by one Rank (E to D, D to C, etc.) induces a 1-hour Annulment of Vow. A two-Rank upgrade induces a 4-hour Annulment of Vow, a three-Rank upgrade induces a 9-hour Annulment of Vow, and a four-Rank upgrade induces a 16-hour Annulment of Vow.

His abdomen opens and from it pours Magical Energy in the shape of honey, which must be consumed or poured on the object of Magical Energy transfer, or else said object must be immersed in the honey.

"Come, friend, and drink my sweet drink."

Name: Jawing Kill
Alternative Reading: [Fatal Pun Twisting The Bone To Reveal The Origin]
Rank: B
Type: Anti-Army
Range: 1-100
Description: Samson takes the ass' jawbone he always carries with him, and speaks a pun based on his surroundings (usually placenames or names of enemy Servants) when he calls out its True Name, turning it into some weapon related to that pun.

"It's a jawbone, because we're in Lehi. Hahaha! Get it? No? Pity... I expected more from you. Oh, well, time to die."

Samson is young and carefree. He enjoys long walks on the beach, preferably carrying a large boulder or two. He likes pina coladas, and getting caught in the rain. He doesn't have much use for yoga, and champagne'll basically kill him.

...He doesn't hold his liquor very well.

He loves life, and he makes up for his lack of love of wine with an overabundance of love of women. Loves 'em all. Old, young, short, tall, thin, thick, they are all equally beautiful in his eyes. He does, however, have a preference for exotic women; the less they resemble him and the girls he knew growing up, the better. He tends to get in relationships with women who don't deserve him; he doesn't particularly mind, though. He just enjoys their company at and on the dinner table.

He loves to laugh and joke, though some believe that is merely a front to stave off Annulment of Vow's activation upon fear. Regardless of the inner motives, he will laugh in the face of danger and flip the bird in the face of debt. He may not appear the most luminous Sun in the galaxy, but his intellect shows in his wit.

He takes that attitude into encounters with his enemies. Samson will joke with his enemies as he kills them and will feel insulted if they don't laugh.

Has an appreciation for guerilla tactics over those of conventional warfare; part of his charm, he likes to toy with his foes in unexpected ways.

He doesn't have a very strong sense of loyalty to his country or people per se, though he loves his women dearly and totally, even if they are unfaithful to him. What generally angers him are slights to him personally, or to his loved ones; he especially hates it when people deal with him, as he sees it, unfairly.

Despite all this, even Samson can experience weariness; when he does, he will simply want to die and bring down anyone he perceives as to blame for his suffering.

Samson's parents, living in ancient Israel, were told by an Angel that their son would be a saviour to their people from the oppressive Philistines. His mother was commanded not to eat any ritually impure foods while she was pregnant, and never to let the child cut his hair or consume grape products.

He was dedicated as a sanctified offering to his God, as a special category apart from other men, as a "Nazir," who would abide by those especial purity laws.

As a young man, his strength was first made manifest when he killed a lion with his bare hands. He told no one about it, and later, when he passed by the lion's carcass on the roadside, he found that bees had set up a hive inside the carcass. He put his hand in, and took honey, and gave it to his parents; again, without letting them know where he had got it from.

Against his parents' objections that he marry a woman of his people, he married an unnamed Philistine woman. At the wedding party, he invited some of her relatives and friends to a wager: He would pose a riddle, and if they could solve it, Samson would grant all thirty of them new changes of clothes; and if they could not solve the riddle before the week of wedding festivities was up, they would instead have to buy him thirty new changes of clothes.

The riddle posed was to identify: "Food from the consumer, sweet from the strong."

None of them could answer it, so they threatened Samson's wife saying they would set her and her father's house on fire if she could not extract the answer from him.

She did so, and gave it to them.

When they told Samson the answer of the riddle, that there is "no greater consumer and none stronger than the lion, and nothing sweeter than honey," he knew he had been tricked, and was enraged. He went to Ashqelon, a Philistine city, killed thirty of its men, and gave their clothes to the people who had successfully answered the riddle, though it was by dishonest means. Then he went back to his parents' house, his anger still unsated.

His wife was then married to a friend of his.

When Samson came back and wanted to see his wife, he was told by her father that she was no longer his, and was offered her younger sister. This enraged him once again, and he resolved to take his revenge upon the Philistines.

He took three hundred foxes, tied their tails together, set the tails on fire, and let them loose in the Philistine fields; thus they were all burnt.

When the Philistines learned of this, they burned Samson's wife and her father at the stake, further enraging him; he killed one thousand of them to satisfy his revenge. After this, he secluded himself under a rock.

Then, some Israelites of a different tribe came to him. They were troubled by his unorthodox trouble-making, and considered it necessary for themselves to tie him up and hand him to the Philistines, so as not to risk arousing their wrath. Samson made them swear not to kill him directly, but otherwise allowed himself to be bound by them and handed to the Philistines.

He was handed over to the Philistines, then the ropes binding him broke, he grabbed a nearby ass' jawbone, and killed another thousand Philistines.

After this, he was understandably thirsty; killing people is sweaty work. So he prayed and was granted a miracle whereby water flowed from a nearby rock, which he drank.

Then he went back to Philistia (I suppose he enjoyed having excuses to kill them), met a prostitute, and spent the night with her. As he was sleeping, the men of the city locked the city gate and planned to kill him when he tried to leave in the morning. So he got up at midnight, went to the gates, and literally uprooted them from their hinges and carried them on his shoulder to a nearby mountain, for no reason other than to show the Philistines how incredibly strong he was.

(Absolute chad.)

Anywho, being the lover of the fairer sex that he was, Samson took another Philistine wife, named Delilah. She was shortly thereafter approached by various Philistine nobles who offered her eleven hundred silver pieces each if she would tell them how they could neutralize her husband's strength.

She accepted, and began to regularly prod her husband for the secret of his undoing.

Samson though, being Samson, made something up. He told her that if he were bound by seven fresh bowstrings, he would be rendered powerless.

So one night, as he slept, she bound him in that way, while Philistine soldiers waited in their bedroom alcove to kill him. She woke him up, cried "The Philistines are upon thee!"

...Then he just broke the bonds and went back to sleep.

She was upset by this, cajoled him again, complaining that he had lied to her.

So he said that his real weakness was having his hair bound into seven locks. Which she did, again inviting the Philistine soldiers, again waking him up, and, again, he simply broke the hairpin and went back to sleep.

After this she resolved to make his life hell by constantly badgering him, accusing him of hating her. Finally, he broke down, and told her that if his hair was cut, he could be killed.

So one night, she cut his hair, as Philistine soldiers waited in the alcove. She woke him up, and the soldiers captured him and took him to prison, where they used him to work the grain-mill, like a donkey.

And so they praised their God, Dagon, for this great triumph over Samson; and they brought Samson, after poking out his eyes, to Dagon's temple. Once there, they arranged an orgy of Samson with various Philistine women, in the hopes that his strength would be inherited by his offspring. As he did this, three thousand Philistines crowded on the balcony of the temple, watched him, and laughed at his downfall.

As he was blinded, Samson had an attendant who led him where he had to go. He asked the attendant to lean him against one of the pillars of the temple, as he was tired. The attendant did so, and Samson prayed that his arm might be able to stretch to the pillar on the opposite side of the temple. His request was granted, and as he said, "Let me die with the Philistines," he summoned his divine strength and pushed the pillars apart, crushing the three thousand Philistines, and himself, in the rubble.

Even then, his presence remained a terror in Philistia; for twenty years after he died, they did not oppress the Israelites out of fear that Samson would come back to life and take revenge on them.
No Berserkers yet? Well, that's no fun.
True Name: Samson
Class: Berserker
Alignment: True Neutral

Dark-skinned, very long hair. Lame in one leg.

Endurance: A
Agility: C
Magical Energy: C
Luck: D

Class Skills:
Mad Enchancement A:
Mad Enhancement manifests as a single-minded desire for vengeance when Samson believes he, or a loved one, has been wronged or otherwise unfairly dealt with.

Personal Skills:
Battle Continuance A:
Samson is known in legend for having summoned a final burst of strength when he was on death's door, his God granting him the power to topple the house of his torment, taking with him thousands of his enemies. Thus, Samson has earned Battle Continuance A, and will never let his enemies kill him without making sure to drag them down to Sheol as well.
Uprooting the Gates C+: Samson's legend tells of him casually ripping the gates of a Philistine city from their hinges, and carrying them on his shoulder to a mountaintop. Thus, he possesses the skill "Uprooting the Gates," which allows him to destroy any gates blocking him entry to a city (or other large human settlement), nullifying protections of Magecraft up to and including Rank D Magecraft. If the gate has protection of Rank C Magecraft, Uprooting the Gates can only temporarily unlock the gate and open it (for 5 minutes, before it closes again); thereby uprooting the "idea" of the gate, rather than the physical manifestation of said idea.

Noble Phantasms:

Nazirite's Vow
Alternative Reading: [Neither Razor Nor Fear Shall Pass On His Head]
Rank: A
Type: Anti-Unit, Passive
Range: Self
Samson's Nazirite vow is his covenant with his God, and that which grants him the status of a Heroic Spirit. This Noble Phantasm is always in effect without any Magical Energy expenditure, and grants him the ability to use one of his other Noble Phantasms once per day without any need for external Magical Energy.

However, Samson is also rendered nearly powerless for a time if he violates any of the three conditions upon which the vow rests, putting him in a state of Annulment of Vow (all stats become Rank D, except for Luck, which becomes Rank E. Samson can no longer use any of his other Noble Phantasms, and is essentially defenseless).

1) If Samson's hair is cut, he enters Annulment of Vow. This remains in effect until Samson goes at least 24 hours without having his hair cut, after which time his hair begins to grow once more, and Nazirite's Vow is restored.

Samson's hair cannot be cut by anything less than a D-rank Mystery.

Note: Body hair (that is, not growing from the scalp or face) may be cut without any negative consequences; this includes hair on the neck.

2) If Samson consumes or anoints himself with any fermented food products, or anything produced from grapes, Samson enters Annulment of Vow until the offending substance is purged from his body.

If it is applied to his skin, Annulment of Vow remains in effect until the substance is washed off with water, or 24 hours pass, whichever comes first.

If it is ingested, Annulment of Vow remains in effect for 72 hours.

3) If Samson experiences fear of any sort, Annulment of Vow is in effect until he is able to joke and sincerely laugh about the object of his fear.

Name: Lion's Honey
Alternative Reading: [Food From The Consumer, Sweet From The Strong]
Rank: B
Type: Anti-Unit
Range: Self, 1-10
Samson temporarily puts himself in a state of Annulment of Vow in order to provide tremendous Magical Energy to any Servant or Noble Phantasm of his choosing (except for himself, or any Noble Phantasm summoned by Jawing Kill).

The duration of Annulment of Vow is proportional to the square of Lion's Honey's Magical Energy output; for example:

Upgrading a Noble Phantasm by one Rank (E to D, D to C, etc.) induces a 1-hour Annulment of Vow. A two-Rank upgrade induces a 4-hour Annulment of Vow, a three-Rank upgrade induces a 9-hour Annulment of Vow, and a four-Rank upgrade induces a 16-hour Annulment of Vow.

His abdomen opens and from it pours Magical Energy in the shape of honey, which must be consumed or poured on the object of Magical Energy transfer, or else said object must be immersed in the honey.

"Come, friend, and drink my sweet drink."

Name: Jawing Kill
Alternative Reading: [Fatal Pun Twisting The Bone To Reveal The Origin]
Rank: B
Type: Anti-Army
Range: 1-100
Description: Samson takes the ass' jawbone he always carries with him, and speaks a pun based on his surroundings (usually placenames or names of enemy Servants) when he calls out its True Name, turning it into some weapon related to that pun.

"It's a jawbone, because we're in Lehi. Hahaha! Get it? No? Pity... I expected more from you. Oh, well, time to die."

Samson is young and carefree. He enjoys long walks on the beach, preferably carrying a large boulder or two. He likes pina coladas, and getting caught in the rain. He doesn't have much use for yoga, and champagne'll basically kill him.

...He doesn't hold his liquor very well.

He loves life, and he makes up for his lack of love of wine with an overabundance of love of women. Loves 'em all. Old, young, short, tall, thin, thick, they are all equally beautiful in his eyes. He does, however, have a preference for exotic women; the less they resemble him and the girls he knew growing up, the better. He tends to get in relationships with women who don't deserve him; he doesn't particularly mind, though. He just enjoys their company at and on the dinner table.

He loves to laugh and joke, though some believe that is merely a front to stave off Annulment of Vow's activation upon fear. Regardless of the inner motives, he will laugh in the face of danger and flip the bird in the face of debt. He may not appear the most luminous Sun in the galaxy, but his intellect shows in his wit.

He takes that attitude into encounters with his enemies. Samson will joke with his enemies as he kills them and will feel insulted if they don't laugh.

Has an appreciation for guerilla tactics over those of conventional warfare; part of his charm, he likes to toy with his foes in unexpected ways.

He doesn't have a very strong sense of loyalty to his country or people per se, though he loves his women dearly and totally, even if they are unfaithful to him. What generally angers him are slights to him personally, or to his loved ones; he especially hates it when people deal with him, as he sees it, unfairly.

Despite all this, even Samson can experience weariness; when he does, he will simply want to die and bring down anyone he perceives as to blame for his suffering.

Samson's parents, living in ancient Israel, were told by an Angel that their son would be a saviour to their people from the oppressive Philistines. His mother was commanded not to eat any ritually impure foods while she was pregnant, and never to let the child cut his hair or consume grape products.

He was dedicated as a sanctified offering to his God, as a special category apart from other men, as a "Nazir," who would abide by those especial purity laws.

As a young man, his strength was first made manifest when he killed a lion with his bare hands. He told no one about it, and later, when he passed by the lion's carcass on the roadside, he found that bees had set up a hive inside the carcass. He put his hand in, and took honey, and gave it to his parents; again, without letting them know where he had got it from.

Against his parents' objections that he marry a woman of his people, he married an unnamed Philistine woman. At the wedding party, he invited some of her relatives and friends to a wager: He would pose a riddle, and if they could solve it, Samson would grant all thirty of them new changes of clothes; and if they could not solve the riddle before the week of wedding festivities was up, they would instead have to buy him thirty new changes of clothes.

The riddle posed was to identify: "Food from the consumer, sweet from the strong."

None of them could answer it, so they threatened Samson's wife saying they would set her and her father's house on fire if she could not extract the answer from him.

She did so, and gave it to them.

When they told Samson the answer of the riddle, that there is "no greater consumer and none stronger than the lion, and nothing sweeter than honey," he knew he had been tricked, and was enraged. He went to Ashqelon, a Philistine city, killed thirty of its men, and gave their clothes to the people who had successfully answered the riddle, though it was by dishonest means. Then he went back to his parents' house, his anger still unsated.

His wife was then married to a friend of his.

When Samson came back and wanted to see his wife, he was told by her father that she was no longer his, and was offered her younger sister. This enraged him once again, and he resolved to take his revenge upon the Philistines.

He took three hundred foxes, tied their tails together, set the tails on fire, and let them loose in the Philistine fields; thus they were all burnt.

When the Philistines learned of this, they burned Samson's wife and her father at the stake, further enraging him; he killed one thousand of them to satisfy his revenge. After this, he secluded himself under a rock.

Then, some Israelites of a different tribe came to him. They were troubled by his unorthodox trouble-making, and considered it necessary for themselves to tie him up and hand him to the Philistines, so as not to risk arousing their wrath. Samson made them swear not to kill him directly, but otherwise allowed himself to be bound by them and handed to the Philistines.

He was handed over to the Philistines, then the ropes binding him broke, he grabbed a nearby ass' jawbone, and killed another thousand Philistines.

After this, he was understandably thirsty; killing people is sweaty work. So he prayed and was granted a miracle whereby water flowed from a nearby rock, which he drank.

Then he went back to Philistia (I suppose he enjoyed having excuses to kill them), met a prostitute, and spent the night with her. As he was sleeping, the men of the city locked the city gate and planned to kill him when he tried to leave in the morning. So he got up at midnight, went to the gates, and literally uprooted them from their hinges and carried them on his shoulder to a nearby mountain, for no reason other than to show the Philistines how incredibly strong he was.

(Absolute chad.)

Anywho, being the lover of the fairer sex that he was, Samson took another Philistine wife, named Delilah. She was shortly thereafter approached by various Philistine nobles who offered her eleven hundred silver pieces each if she would tell them how they could neutralize her husband's strength.

She accepted, and began to regularly prod her husband for the secret of his undoing.

Samson though, being Samson, made something up. He told her that if he were bound by seven fresh bowstrings, he would be rendered powerless.

So one night, as he slept, she bound him in that way, while Philistine soldiers waited in their bedroom alcove to kill him. She woke him up, cried "The Philistines are upon thee!"

...Then he just broke the bonds and went back to sleep.

She was upset by this, cajoled him again, complaining that he had lied to her.

So he said that his real weakness was having his hair bound into seven locks. Which she did, again inviting the Philistine soldiers, again waking him up, and, again, he simply broke the hairpin and went back to sleep.

After this she resolved to make his life hell by constantly badgering him, accusing him of hating her. Finally, he broke down, and told her that if his hair was cut, he could be killed.

So one night, she cut his hair, as Philistine soldiers waited in the alcove. She woke him up, and the soldiers captured him and took him to prison, where they used him to work the grain-mill, like a donkey.

And so they praised their God, Dagon, for this great triumph over Samson; and they brought Samson, after poking out his eyes, to Dagon's temple. Once there, they arranged an orgy of Samson with various Philistine women, in the hopes that his strength would be inherited by his offspring. As he did this, three thousand Philistines crowded on the balcony of the temple, watched him, and laughed at his downfall.

As he was blinded, Samson had an attendant who led him where he had to go. He asked the attendant to lean him against one of the pillars of the temple, as he was tired. The attendant did so, and Samson prayed that his arm might be able to stretch to the pillar on the opposite side of the temple. His request was granted, and as he said, "Let me die with the Philistines," he summoned his divine strength and pushed the pillars apart, crushing the three thousand Philistines, and himself, in the rubble.

Even then, his presence remained a terror in Philistia; for twenty years after he died, they did not oppress the Israelites out of fear that Samson would come back to life and take revenge on them.

My religion's student heart just grew three sizes, alone from reading Berserker's true name.
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No Berserkers yet? Well, that's no fun.
True Name: Samson
Class: Berserker
Alignment: True Neutral

Dark-skinned, very long hair. Lame in one leg.

Endurance: A
Agility: C
Magical Energy: C
Luck: D

Class Skills:
Mad Enchancement A:
Mad Enhancement manifests as a single-minded desire for vengeance when Samson believes he, or a loved one, has been wronged or otherwise unfairly dealt with.

Personal Skills:
Battle Continuance A:
Samson is known in legend for having summoned a final burst of strength when he was on death's door, his God granting him the power to topple the house of his torment, taking with him thousands of his enemies. Thus, Samson has earned Battle Continuance A, and will never let his enemies kill him without making sure to drag them down to Sheol as well.
Uprooting the Gates C+: Samson's legend tells of him casually ripping the gates of a Philistine city from their hinges, and carrying them on his shoulder to a mountaintop. Thus, he possesses the skill "Uprooting the Gates," which allows him to destroy any gates blocking him entry to a city (or other large human settlement), nullifying protections of Magecraft up to and including Rank D Magecraft. If the gate has protection of Rank C Magecraft, Uprooting the Gates can only temporarily unlock the gate and open it (for 5 minutes, before it closes again); thereby uprooting the "idea" of the gate, rather than the physical manifestation of said idea.

Noble Phantasms:

Nazirite's Vow
Alternative Reading: [Neither Razor Nor Fear Shall Pass On His Head]
Rank: A
Type: Anti-Unit, Passive
Range: Self
Samson's Nazirite vow is his covenant with his God, and that which grants him the status of a Heroic Spirit. This Noble Phantasm is always in effect without any Magical Energy expenditure, and grants him the ability to use one of his other Noble Phantasms once per day without any need for external Magical Energy.

However, Samson is also rendered nearly powerless for a time if he violates any of the three conditions upon which the vow rests, putting him in a state of Annulment of Vow (all stats become Rank D, except for Luck, which becomes Rank E. Samson can no longer use any of his other Noble Phantasms, and is essentially defenseless).

1) If Samson's hair is cut, he enters Annulment of Vow. This remains in effect until Samson goes at least 24 hours without having his hair cut, after which time his hair begins to grow once more, and Nazirite's Vow is restored.

Samson's hair cannot be cut by anything less than a D-rank Mystery.

Note: Body hair (that is, not growing from the scalp or face) may be cut without any negative consequences; this includes hair on the neck.

2) If Samson consumes or anoints himself with any fermented food products, or anything produced from grapes, Samson enters Annulment of Vow until the offending substance is purged from his body.

If it is applied to his skin, Annulment of Vow remains in effect until the substance is washed off with water, or 24 hours pass, whichever comes first.

If it is ingested, Annulment of Vow remains in effect for 72 hours.

3) If Samson experiences fear of any sort, Annulment of Vow is in effect until he is able to joke and sincerely laugh about the object of his fear.

Name: Lion's Honey
Alternative Reading: [Food From The Consumer, Sweet From The Strong]
Rank: B
Type: Anti-Unit
Range: Self, 1-10
Samson temporarily puts himself in a state of Annulment of Vow in order to provide tremendous Magical Energy to any Servant or Noble Phantasm of his choosing (except for himself, or any Noble Phantasm summoned by Jawing Kill).

The duration of Annulment of Vow is proportional to the square of Lion's Honey's Magical Energy output; for example:

Upgrading a Noble Phantasm by one Rank (E to D, D to C, etc.) induces a 1-hour Annulment of Vow. A two-Rank upgrade induces a 4-hour Annulment of Vow, a three-Rank upgrade induces a 9-hour Annulment of Vow, and a four-Rank upgrade induces a 16-hour Annulment of Vow.

His abdomen opens and from it pours Magical Energy in the shape of honey, which must be consumed or poured on the object of Magical Energy transfer, or else said object must be immersed in the honey.

"Come, friend, and drink my sweet drink."

Name: Jawing Kill
Alternative Reading: [Fatal Pun Twisting The Bone To Reveal The Origin]
Rank: B
Type: Anti-Army
Range: 1-100
Description: Samson takes the ass' jawbone he always carries with him, and speaks a pun based on his surroundings (usually placenames or names of enemy Servants) when he calls out its True Name, turning it into some weapon related to that pun.

"It's a jawbone, because we're in Lehi. Hahaha! Get it? No? Pity... I expected more from you. Oh, well, time to die."

Samson is young and carefree. He enjoys long walks on the beach, preferably carrying a large boulder or two. He likes pina coladas, and getting caught in the rain. He doesn't have much use for yoga, and champagne'll basically kill him.

...He doesn't hold his liquor very well.

He loves life, and he makes up for his lack of love of wine with an overabundance of love of women. Loves 'em all. Old, young, short, tall, thin, thick, they are all equally beautiful in his eyes. He does, however, have a preference for exotic women; the less they resemble him and the girls he knew growing up, the better. He tends to get in relationships with women who don't deserve him; he doesn't particularly mind, though. He just enjoys their company at and on the dinner table.

He loves to laugh and joke, though some believe that is merely a front to stave off Annulment of Vow's activation upon fear. Regardless of the inner motives, he will laugh in the face of danger and flip the bird in the face of debt. He may not appear the most luminous Sun in the galaxy, but his intellect shows in his wit.

He takes that attitude into encounters with his enemies. Samson will joke with his enemies as he kills them and will feel insulted if they don't laugh.

Has an appreciation for guerilla tactics over those of conventional warfare; part of his charm, he likes to toy with his foes in unexpected ways.

He doesn't have a very strong sense of loyalty to his country or people per se, though he loves his women dearly and totally, even if they are unfaithful to him. What generally angers him are slights to him personally, or to his loved ones; he especially hates it when people deal with him, as he sees it, unfairly.

Despite all this, even Samson can experience weariness; when he does, he will simply want to die and bring down anyone he perceives as to blame for his suffering.

Samson's parents, living in ancient Israel, were told by an Angel that their son would be a saviour to their people from the oppressive Philistines. His mother was commanded not to eat any ritually impure foods while she was pregnant, and never to let the child cut his hair or consume grape products.

He was dedicated as a sanctified offering to his God, as a special category apart from other men, as a "Nazir," who would abide by those especial purity laws.

As a young man, his strength was first made manifest when he killed a lion with his bare hands. He told no one about it, and later, when he passed by the lion's carcass on the roadside, he found that bees had set up a hive inside the carcass. He put his hand in, and took honey, and gave it to his parents; again, without letting them know where he had got it from.

Against his parents' objections that he marry a woman of his people, he married an unnamed Philistine woman. At the wedding party, he invited some of her relatives and friends to a wager: He would pose a riddle, and if they could solve it, Samson would grant all thirty of them new changes of clothes; and if they could not solve the riddle before the week of wedding festivities was up, they would instead have to buy him thirty new changes of clothes.

The riddle posed was to identify: "Food from the consumer, sweet from the strong."

None of them could answer it, so they threatened Samson's wife saying they would set her and her father's house on fire if she could not extract the answer from him.

She did so, and gave it to them.

When they told Samson the answer of the riddle, that there is "no greater consumer and none stronger than the lion, and nothing sweeter than honey," he knew he had been tricked, and was enraged. He went to Ashqelon, a Philistine city, killed thirty of its men, and gave their clothes to the people who had successfully answered the riddle, though it was by dishonest means. Then he went back to his parents' house, his anger still unsated.

His wife was then married to a friend of his.

When Samson came back and wanted to see his wife, he was told by her father that she was no longer his, and was offered her younger sister. This enraged him once again, and he resolved to take his revenge upon the Philistines.

He took three hundred foxes, tied their tails together, set the tails on fire, and let them loose in the Philistine fields; thus they were all burnt.

When the Philistines learned of this, they burned Samson's wife and her father at the stake, further enraging him; he killed one thousand of them to satisfy his revenge. After this, he secluded himself under a rock.

Then, some Israelites of a different tribe came to him. They were troubled by his unorthodox trouble-making, and considered it necessary for themselves to tie him up and hand him to the Philistines, so as not to risk arousing their wrath. Samson made them swear not to kill him directly, but otherwise allowed himself to be bound by them and handed to the Philistines.

He was handed over to the Philistines, then the ropes binding him broke, he grabbed a nearby ass' jawbone, and killed another thousand Philistines.

After this, he was understandably thirsty; killing people is sweaty work. So he prayed and was granted a miracle whereby water flowed from a nearby rock, which he drank.

Then he went back to Philistia (I suppose he enjoyed having excuses to kill them), met a prostitute, and spent the night with her. As he was sleeping, the men of the city locked the city gate and planned to kill him when he tried to leave in the morning. So he got up at midnight, went to the gates, and literally uprooted them from their hinges and carried them on his shoulder to a nearby mountain, for no reason other than to show the Philistines how incredibly strong he was.

(Absolute chad.)

Anywho, being the lover of the fairer sex that he was, Samson took another Philistine wife, named Delilah. She was shortly thereafter approached by various Philistine nobles who offered her eleven hundred silver pieces each if she would tell them how they could neutralize her husband's strength.

She accepted, and began to regularly prod her husband for the secret of his undoing.

Samson though, being Samson, made something up. He told her that if he were bound by seven fresh bowstrings, he would be rendered powerless.

So one night, as he slept, she bound him in that way, while Philistine soldiers waited in their bedroom alcove to kill him. She woke him up, cried "The Philistines are upon thee!"

...Then he just broke the bonds and went back to sleep.

She was upset by this, cajoled him again, complaining that he had lied to her.

So he said that his real weakness was having his hair bound into seven locks. Which she did, again inviting the Philistine soldiers, again waking him up, and, again, he simply broke the hairpin and went back to sleep.

After this she resolved to make his life hell by constantly badgering him, accusing him of hating her. Finally, he broke down, and told her that if his hair was cut, he could be killed.

So one night, she cut his hair, as Philistine soldiers waited in the alcove. She woke him up, and the soldiers captured him and took him to prison, where they used him to work the grain-mill, like a donkey.

And so they praised their God, Dagon, for this great triumph over Samson; and they brought Samson, after poking out his eyes, to Dagon's temple. Once there, they arranged an orgy of Samson with various Philistine women, in the hopes that his strength would be inherited by his offspring. As he did this, three thousand Philistines crowded on the balcony of the temple, watched him, and laughed at his downfall.

As he was blinded, Samson had an attendant who led him where he had to go. He asked the attendant to lean him against one of the pillars of the temple, as he was tired. The attendant did so, and Samson prayed that his arm might be able to stretch to the pillar on the opposite side of the temple. His request was granted, and as he said, "Let me die with the Philistines," he summoned his divine strength and pushed the pillars apart, crushing the three thousand Philistines, and himself, in the rubble.

Even then, his presence remained a terror in Philistia; for twenty years after he died, they did not oppress the Israelites out of fear that Samson would come back to life and take revenge on them.

I love it! I'm expecting some massive flexing from Chad of a man!

Now all we need is an archer and an assassin and we covered all the base servant classes!
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No Berserkers yet? Well, that's no fun.
True Name: Samson
Class: Berserker
Alignment: True Neutral

Dark-skinned, very long hair. Lame in one leg.

Endurance: A
Agility: C
Magical Energy: C
Luck: D

Class Skills:
Mad Enchancement A:
Mad Enhancement manifests as a single-minded desire for vengeance when Samson believes he, or a loved one, has been wronged or otherwise unfairly dealt with.

Personal Skills:
Battle Continuance A:
Samson is known in legend for having summoned a final burst of strength when he was on death's door, his God granting him the power to topple the house of his torment, taking with him thousands of his enemies. Thus, Samson has earned Battle Continuance A, and will never let his enemies kill him without making sure to drag them down to Sheol as well.
Uprooting the Gates C+: Samson's legend tells of him casually ripping the gates of a Philistine city from their hinges, and carrying them on his shoulder to a mountaintop. Thus, he possesses the skill "Uprooting the Gates," which allows him to destroy any gates blocking him entry to a city (or other large human settlement), nullifying protections of Magecraft up to and including Rank D Magecraft. If the gate has protection of Rank C Magecraft, Uprooting the Gates can only temporarily unlock the gate and open it (for 5 minutes, before it closes again); thereby uprooting the "idea" of the gate, rather than the physical manifestation of said idea.

Noble Phantasms:

Nazirite's Vow
Alternative Reading: [Neither Razor Nor Fear Shall Pass On His Head]
Rank: A
Type: Anti-Unit, Passive
Range: Self
Samson's Nazirite vow is his covenant with his God, and that which grants him the status of a Heroic Spirit. This Noble Phantasm is always in effect without any Magical Energy expenditure, and grants him the ability to use one of his other Noble Phantasms once per day without any need for external Magical Energy.

However, Samson is also rendered nearly powerless for a time if he violates any of the three conditions upon which the vow rests, putting him in a state of Annulment of Vow (all stats become Rank D, except for Luck, which becomes Rank E. Samson can no longer use any of his other Noble Phantasms, and is essentially defenseless).

1) If Samson's hair is cut, he enters Annulment of Vow. This remains in effect until Samson goes at least 24 hours without having his hair cut, after which time his hair begins to grow once more, and Nazirite's Vow is restored.

Samson's hair cannot be cut by anything less than a D-rank Mystery.

Note: Body hair (that is, not growing from the scalp or face) may be cut without any negative consequences; this includes hair on the neck.

2) If Samson consumes or anoints himself with any fermented food products, or anything produced from grapes, Samson enters Annulment of Vow until the offending substance is purged from his body.

If it is applied to his skin, Annulment of Vow remains in effect until the substance is washed off with water, or 24 hours pass, whichever comes first.

If it is ingested, Annulment of Vow remains in effect for 72 hours.

3) If Samson experiences fear of any sort, Annulment of Vow is in effect until he is able to joke and sincerely laugh about the object of his fear.

Name: Lion's Honey
Alternative Reading: [Food From The Consumer, Sweet From The Strong]
Rank: B
Type: Anti-Unit
Range: Self, 1-10
Samson temporarily puts himself in a state of Annulment of Vow in order to provide tremendous Magical Energy to any Servant or Noble Phantasm of his choosing (except for himself, or any Noble Phantasm summoned by Jawing Kill).

The duration of Annulment of Vow is proportional to the square of Lion's Honey's Magical Energy output; for example:

Upgrading a Noble Phantasm by one Rank (E to D, D to C, etc.) induces a 1-hour Annulment of Vow. A two-Rank upgrade induces a 4-hour Annulment of Vow, a three-Rank upgrade induces a 9-hour Annulment of Vow, and a four-Rank upgrade induces a 16-hour Annulment of Vow.

His abdomen opens and from it pours Magical Energy in the shape of honey, which must be consumed or poured on the object of Magical Energy transfer, or else said object must be immersed in the honey.

"Come, friend, and drink my sweet drink."

Name: Jawing Kill
Alternative Reading: [Fatal Pun Twisting The Bone To Reveal The Origin]
Rank: B
Type: Anti-Army
Range: 1-100
Description: Samson takes the ass' jawbone he always carries with him, and speaks a pun based on his surroundings (usually placenames or names of enemy Servants) when he calls out its True Name, turning it into some weapon related to that pun.

"It's a jawbone, because we're in Lehi. Hahaha! Get it? No? Pity... I expected more from you. Oh, well, time to die."

Samson is young and carefree. He enjoys long walks on the beach, preferably carrying a large boulder or two. He likes pina coladas, and getting caught in the rain. He doesn't have much use for yoga, and champagne'll basically kill him.

...He doesn't hold his liquor very well.

He loves life, and he makes up for his lack of love of wine with an overabundance of love of women. Loves 'em all. Old, young, short, tall, thin, thick, they are all equally beautiful in his eyes. He does, however, have a preference for exotic women; the less they resemble him and the girls he knew growing up, the better. He tends to get in relationships with women who don't deserve him; he doesn't particularly mind, though. He just enjoys their company at and on the dinner table.

He loves to laugh and joke, though some believe that is merely a front to stave off Annulment of Vow's activation upon fear. Regardless of the inner motives, he will laugh in the face of danger and flip the bird in the face of debt. He may not appear the most luminous Sun in the galaxy, but his intellect shows in his wit.

He takes that attitude into encounters with his enemies. Samson will joke with his enemies as he kills them and will feel insulted if they don't laugh.

Has an appreciation for guerilla tactics over those of conventional warfare; part of his charm, he likes to toy with his foes in unexpected ways.

He doesn't have a very strong sense of loyalty to his country or people per se, though he loves his women dearly and totally, even if they are unfaithful to him. What generally angers him are slights to him personally, or to his loved ones; he especially hates it when people deal with him, as he sees it, unfairly.

Despite all this, even Samson can experience weariness; when he does, he will simply want to die and bring down anyone he perceives as to blame for his suffering.

Samson's parents, living in ancient Israel, were told by an Angel that their son would be a saviour to their people from the oppressive Philistines. His mother was commanded not to eat any ritually impure foods while she was pregnant, and never to let the child cut his hair or consume grape products.

He was dedicated as a sanctified offering to his God, as a special category apart from other men, as a "Nazir," who would abide by those especial purity laws.

As a young man, his strength was first made manifest when he killed a lion with his bare hands. He told no one about it, and later, when he passed by the lion's carcass on the roadside, he found that bees had set up a hive inside the carcass. He put his hand in, and took honey, and gave it to his parents; again, without letting them know where he had got it from.

Against his parents' objections that he marry a woman of his people, he married an unnamed Philistine woman. At the wedding party, he invited some of her relatives and friends to a wager: He would pose a riddle, and if they could solve it, Samson would grant all thirty of them new changes of clothes; and if they could not solve the riddle before the week of wedding festivities was up, they would instead have to buy him thirty new changes of clothes.

The riddle posed was to identify: "Food from the consumer, sweet from the strong."

None of them could answer it, so they threatened Samson's wife saying they would set her and her father's house on fire if she could not extract the answer from him.

She did so, and gave it to them.

When they told Samson the answer of the riddle, that there is "no greater consumer and none stronger than the lion, and nothing sweeter than honey," he knew he had been tricked, and was enraged. He went to Ashqelon, a Philistine city, killed thirty of its men, and gave their clothes to the people who had successfully answered the riddle, though it was by dishonest means. Then he went back to his parents' house, his anger still unsated.

His wife was then married to a friend of his.

When Samson came back and wanted to see his wife, he was told by her father that she was no longer his, and was offered her younger sister. This enraged him once again, and he resolved to take his revenge upon the Philistines.

He took three hundred foxes, tied their tails together, set the tails on fire, and let them loose in the Philistine fields; thus they were all burnt.

When the Philistines learned of this, they burned Samson's wife and her father at the stake, further enraging him; he killed one thousand of them to satisfy his revenge. After this, he secluded himself under a rock.

Then, some Israelites of a different tribe came to him. They were troubled by his unorthodox trouble-making, and considered it necessary for themselves to tie him up and hand him to the Philistines, so as not to risk arousing their wrath. Samson made them swear not to kill him directly, but otherwise allowed himself to be bound by them and handed to the Philistines.

He was handed over to the Philistines, then the ropes binding him broke, he grabbed a nearby ass' jawbone, and killed another thousand Philistines.

After this, he was understandably thirsty; killing people is sweaty work. So he prayed and was granted a miracle whereby water flowed from a nearby rock, which he drank.

Then he went back to Philistia (I suppose he enjoyed having excuses to kill them), met a prostitute, and spent the night with her. As he was sleeping, the men of the city locked the city gate and planned to kill him when he tried to leave in the morning. So he got up at midnight, went to the gates, and literally uprooted them from their hinges and carried them on his shoulder to a nearby mountain, for no reason other than to show the Philistines how incredibly strong he was.

(Absolute chad.)

Anywho, being the lover of the fairer sex that he was, Samson took another Philistine wife, named Delilah. She was shortly thereafter approached by various Philistine nobles who offered her eleven hundred silver pieces each if she would tell them how they could neutralize her husband's strength.

She accepted, and began to regularly prod her husband for the secret of his undoing.

Samson though, being Samson, made something up. He told her that if he were bound by seven fresh bowstrings, he would be rendered powerless.

So one night, as he slept, she bound him in that way, while Philistine soldiers waited in their bedroom alcove to kill him. She woke him up, cried "The Philistines are upon thee!"

...Then he just broke the bonds and went back to sleep.

She was upset by this, cajoled him again, complaining that he had lied to her.

So he said that his real weakness was having his hair bound into seven locks. Which she did, again inviting the Philistine soldiers, again waking him up, and, again, he simply broke the hairpin and went back to sleep.

After this she resolved to make his life hell by constantly badgering him, accusing him of hating her. Finally, he broke down, and told her that if his hair was cut, he could be killed.

So one night, she cut his hair, as Philistine soldiers waited in the alcove. She woke him up, and the soldiers captured him and took him to prison, where they used him to work the grain-mill, like a donkey.

And so they praised their God, Dagon, for this great triumph over Samson; and they brought Samson, after poking out his eyes, to Dagon's temple. Once there, they arranged an orgy of Samson with various Philistine women, in the hopes that his strength would be inherited by his offspring. As he did this, three thousand Philistines crowded on the balcony of the temple, watched him, and laughed at his downfall.

As he was blinded, Samson had an attendant who led him where he had to go. He asked the attendant to lean him against one of the pillars of the temple, as he was tired. The attendant did so, and Samson prayed that his arm might be able to stretch to the pillar on the opposite side of the temple. His request was granted, and as he said, "Let me die with the Philistines," he summoned his divine strength and pushed the pillars apart, crushing the three thousand Philistines, and himself, in the rubble.

Even then, his presence remained a terror in Philistia; for twenty years after he died, they did not oppress the Israelites out of fear that Samson would come back to life and take revenge on them.

...Samson makes puns and jokes. Samson makes- He-


Oh my god I love him Charlemagne is going to love him too.
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No Berserkers yet? Well, that's no fun.
True Name: Samson
Class: Berserker
Alignment: True Neutral

Dark-skinned, very long hair. Lame in one leg.

Endurance: A
Agility: C
Magical Energy: C
Luck: D

Class Skills:
Mad Enchancement A:
Mad Enhancement manifests as a single-minded desire for vengeance when Samson believes he, or a loved one, has been wronged or otherwise unfairly dealt with.

Personal Skills:
Battle Continuance A:
Samson is known in legend for having summoned a final burst of strength when he was on death's door, his God granting him the power to topple the house of his torment, taking with him thousands of his enemies. Thus, Samson has earned Battle Continuance A, and will never let his enemies kill him without making sure to drag them down to Sheol as well.
Uprooting the Gates C+: Samson's legend tells of him casually ripping the gates of a Philistine city from their hinges, and carrying them on his shoulder to a mountaintop. Thus, he possesses the skill "Uprooting the Gates," which allows him to destroy any gates blocking him entry to a city (or other large human settlement), nullifying protections of Magecraft up to and including Rank D Magecraft. If the gate has protection of Rank C Magecraft, Uprooting the Gates can only temporarily unlock the gate and open it (for 5 minutes, before it closes again); thereby uprooting the "idea" of the gate, rather than the physical manifestation of said idea.

Noble Phantasms:

Nazirite's Vow
Alternative Reading: [Neither Razor Nor Fear Shall Pass On His Head]
Rank: A
Type: Anti-Unit, Passive
Range: Self
Samson's Nazirite vow is his covenant with his God, and that which grants him the status of a Heroic Spirit. This Noble Phantasm is always in effect without any Magical Energy expenditure, and grants him the ability to use one of his other Noble Phantasms once per day without any need for external Magical Energy.

However, Samson is also rendered nearly powerless for a time if he violates any of the three conditions upon which the vow rests, putting him in a state of Annulment of Vow (all stats become Rank D, except for Luck, which becomes Rank E. Samson can no longer use any of his other Noble Phantasms, and is essentially defenseless).

1) If Samson's hair is cut, he enters Annulment of Vow. This remains in effect until Samson goes at least 24 hours without having his hair cut, after which time his hair begins to grow once more, and Nazirite's Vow is restored.

Samson's hair cannot be cut by anything less than a D-rank Mystery.

Note: Body hair (that is, not growing from the scalp or face) may be cut without any negative consequences; this includes hair on the neck.

2) If Samson consumes or anoints himself with any fermented food products, or anything produced from grapes, Samson enters Annulment of Vow until the offending substance is purged from his body.

If it is applied to his skin, Annulment of Vow remains in effect until the substance is washed off with water, or 24 hours pass, whichever comes first.

If it is ingested, Annulment of Vow remains in effect for 72 hours.

3) If Samson experiences fear of any sort, Annulment of Vow is in effect until he is able to joke and sincerely laugh about the object of his fear.

Name: Lion's Honey
Alternative Reading: [Food From The Consumer, Sweet From The Strong]
Rank: B
Type: Anti-Unit
Range: Self, 1-10
Samson temporarily puts himself in a state of Annulment of Vow in order to provide tremendous Magical Energy to any Servant or Noble Phantasm of his choosing (except for himself, or any Noble Phantasm summoned by Jawing Kill).

The duration of Annulment of Vow is proportional to the square of Lion's Honey's Magical Energy output; for example:

Upgrading a Noble Phantasm by one Rank (E to D, D to C, etc.) induces a 1-hour Annulment of Vow. A two-Rank upgrade induces a 4-hour Annulment of Vow, a three-Rank upgrade induces a 9-hour Annulment of Vow, and a four-Rank upgrade induces a 16-hour Annulment of Vow.

His abdomen opens and from it pours Magical Energy in the shape of honey, which must be consumed or poured on the object of Magical Energy transfer, or else said object must be immersed in the honey.

"Come, friend, and drink my sweet drink."

Name: Jawing Kill
Alternative Reading: [Fatal Pun Twisting The Bone To Reveal The Origin]
Rank: B
Type: Anti-Army
Range: 1-100
Description: Samson takes the ass' jawbone he always carries with him, and speaks a pun based on his surroundings (usually placenames or names of enemy Servants) when he calls out its True Name, turning it into some weapon related to that pun.

"It's a jawbone, because we're in Lehi. Hahaha! Get it? No? Pity... I expected more from you. Oh, well, time to die."

Samson is young and carefree. He enjoys long walks on the beach, preferably carrying a large boulder or two. He likes pina coladas, and getting caught in the rain. He doesn't have much use for yoga, and champagne'll basically kill him.

...He doesn't hold his liquor very well.

He loves life, and he makes up for his lack of love of wine with an overabundance of love of women. Loves 'em all. Old, young, short, tall, thin, thick, they are all equally beautiful in his eyes. He does, however, have a preference for exotic women; the less they resemble him and the girls he knew growing up, the better. He tends to get in relationships with women who don't deserve him; he doesn't particularly mind, though. He just enjoys their company at and on the dinner table.

He loves to laugh and joke, though some believe that is merely a front to stave off Annulment of Vow's activation upon fear. Regardless of the inner motives, he will laugh in the face of danger and flip the bird in the face of debt. He may not appear the most luminous Sun in the galaxy, but his intellect shows in his wit.

He takes that attitude into encounters with his enemies. Samson will joke with his enemies as he kills them and will feel insulted if they don't laugh.

Has an appreciation for guerilla tactics over those of conventional warfare; part of his charm, he likes to toy with his foes in unexpected ways.

He doesn't have a very strong sense of loyalty to his country or people per se, though he loves his women dearly and totally, even if they are unfaithful to him. What generally angers him are slights to him personally, or to his loved ones; he especially hates it when people deal with him, as he sees it, unfairly.

Despite all this, even Samson can experience weariness; when he does, he will simply want to die and bring down anyone he perceives as to blame for his suffering.

Samson's parents, living in ancient Israel, were told by an Angel that their son would be a saviour to their people from the oppressive Philistines. His mother was commanded not to eat any ritually impure foods while she was pregnant, and never to let the child cut his hair or consume grape products.

He was dedicated as a sanctified offering to his God, as a special category apart from other men, as a "Nazir," who would abide by those especial purity laws.

As a young man, his strength was first made manifest when he killed a lion with his bare hands. He told no one about it, and later, when he passed by the lion's carcass on the roadside, he found that bees had set up a hive inside the carcass. He put his hand in, and took honey, and gave it to his parents; again, without letting them know where he had got it from.

Against his parents' objections that he marry a woman of his people, he married an unnamed Philistine woman. At the wedding party, he invited some of her relatives and friends to a wager: He would pose a riddle, and if they could solve it, Samson would grant all thirty of them new changes of clothes; and if they could not solve the riddle before the week of wedding festivities was up, they would instead have to buy him thirty new changes of clothes.

The riddle posed was to identify: "Food from the consumer, sweet from the strong."

None of them could answer it, so they threatened Samson's wife saying they would set her and her father's house on fire if she could not extract the answer from him.

She did so, and gave it to them.

When they told Samson the answer of the riddle, that there is "no greater consumer and none stronger than the lion, and nothing sweeter than honey," he knew he had been tricked, and was enraged. He went to Ashqelon, a Philistine city, killed thirty of its men, and gave their clothes to the people who had successfully answered the riddle, though it was by dishonest means. Then he went back to his parents' house, his anger still unsated.

His wife was then married to a friend of his.

When Samson came back and wanted to see his wife, he was told by her father that she was no longer his, and was offered her younger sister. This enraged him once again, and he resolved to take his revenge upon the Philistines.

He took three hundred foxes, tied their tails together, set the tails on fire, and let them loose in the Philistine fields; thus they were all burnt.

When the Philistines learned of this, they burned Samson's wife and her father at the stake, further enraging him; he killed one thousand of them to satisfy his revenge. After this, he secluded himself under a rock.

Then, some Israelites of a different tribe came to him. They were troubled by his unorthodox trouble-making, and considered it necessary for themselves to tie him up and hand him to the Philistines, so as not to risk arousing their wrath. Samson made them swear not to kill him directly, but otherwise allowed himself to be bound by them and handed to the Philistines.

He was handed over to the Philistines, then the ropes binding him broke, he grabbed a nearby ass' jawbone, and killed another thousand Philistines.

After this, he was understandably thirsty; killing people is sweaty work. So he prayed and was granted a miracle whereby water flowed from a nearby rock, which he drank.

Then he went back to Philistia (I suppose he enjoyed having excuses to kill them), met a prostitute, and spent the night with her. As he was sleeping, the men of the city locked the city gate and planned to kill him when he tried to leave in the morning. So he got up at midnight, went to the gates, and literally uprooted them from their hinges and carried them on his shoulder to a nearby mountain, for no reason other than to show the Philistines how incredibly strong he was.

(Absolute chad.)

Anywho, being the lover of the fairer sex that he was, Samson took another Philistine wife, named Delilah. She was shortly thereafter approached by various Philistine nobles who offered her eleven hundred silver pieces each if she would tell them how they could neutralize her husband's strength.

She accepted, and began to regularly prod her husband for the secret of his undoing.

Samson though, being Samson, made something up. He told her that if he were bound by seven fresh bowstrings, he would be rendered powerless.

So one night, as he slept, she bound him in that way, while Philistine soldiers waited in their bedroom alcove to kill him. She woke him up, cried "The Philistines are upon thee!"

...Then he just broke the bonds and went back to sleep.

She was upset by this, cajoled him again, complaining that he had lied to her.

So he said that his real weakness was having his hair bound into seven locks. Which she did, again inviting the Philistine soldiers, again waking him up, and, again, he simply broke the hairpin and went back to sleep.

After this she resolved to make his life hell by constantly badgering him, accusing him of hating her. Finally, he broke down, and told her that if his hair was cut, he could be killed.

So one night, she cut his hair, as Philistine soldiers waited in the alcove. She woke him up, and the soldiers captured him and took him to prison, where they used him to work the grain-mill, like a donkey.

And so they praised their God, Dagon, for this great triumph over Samson; and they brought Samson, after poking out his eyes, to Dagon's temple. Once there, they arranged an orgy of Samson with various Philistine women, in the hopes that his strength would be inherited by his offspring. As he did this, three thousand Philistines crowded on the balcony of the temple, watched him, and laughed at his downfall.

As he was blinded, Samson had an attendant who led him where he had to go. He asked the attendant to lean him against one of the pillars of the temple, as he was tired. The attendant did so, and Samson prayed that his arm might be able to stretch to the pillar on the opposite side of the temple. His request was granted, and as he said, "Let me die with the Philistines," he summoned his divine strength and pushed the pillars apart, crushing the three thousand Philistines, and himself, in the rubble.

Even then, his presence remained a terror in Philistia; for twenty years after he died, they did not oppress the Israelites out of fear that Samson would come back to life and take revenge on them.
Approved, as you know. I'll link it in the OP later (I'm sleepy.)

Oh btw, is there a discord server for this particular rp or no? Just curious!
Not at the moment. If y'all want one, I'd be happy to create one, though (might be more convenient).
(Glad y'all like Samson! He looks forward to your company.)

On the subject of Discordia, I will say that I like the asynchronous nature of forum-based stuff? 'Specially as my own schedule is a bit unpredictable, it's nice to not have to check the thread more than, say, once a day without worrying that I missed something. I think it's also more conducive to long-form posts (monologues or whatever), rather than short messages.

I like the idea of making a post, waiting 12-24 hours or however long, then checking to see what happened. Additionally, with the number of players that we have, scheduling will be annoying no matter what.

(I've been in such Discord RPs before...)

I'll go as the majority wishes, tho.
(Glad y'all like Samson! He looks forward to your company.)

On the subject of Discordia, I will say that I like the asynchronous nature of forum-based stuff? 'Specially as my own schedule is a bit unpredictable, it's nice to not have to check the thread more than, say, once a day without worrying that I missed something. I think it's also more conducive to long-form posts (monologues or whatever), rather than short messages.

I like the idea of making a post, waiting 12-24 hours or however long, then checking to see what happened. Additionally, with the number of players that we have, scheduling will be annoying no matter what.

(I've been in such Discord RPs before...)

I'll go as the majority wishes, tho.
Oh, no - the RPing will definitely be on here. Discord RP is too disorganized for me to keep straight, tbh. Discord would just be for chat if y'all decide you want to use it.
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Ah, sorry for the misunderstanding. Yeah I don't really care much, do as ya like.
Discord sounds good to me. It'll make RP-ing a helluva lot easier if the thread isn't clogged with OoC chatter.
Since no one is doing Assassin as far as I can check, I might do Otto Skorzeny as one if it's okay.

EDIT: Okay turns out this idea doesn't click as much as I want to, so I'd still work on it but I'm more than willing to hop on a Ruler-class Servant idea I have which I also like much more than the current Assassin idea if anyone asked for it.
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