Shrouded Heir of the Seven Hills: Constantinople [Fate/Grand Order]

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Mystic Eyes of Depth Perception
Original poster
Posting Speed
  1. 1-3 posts per day
  2. One post per day
  3. Multiple posts per week
Writing Levels
  1. Give-No-Fucks
  2. Beginner
  3. Elementary
  4. Intermediate
  5. Adept
  6. Advanced
  7. Prestige
  8. Douche
  9. Adaptable
Preferred Character Gender
  1. Male
  2. Female
Sci-fi, Magical

Welcome to Shrouded Heir of the Seven Hills: Constantinople!


The deadline is closing in on Humanity, and the Human Order Foundation is still unstable. The Chaldea Security Organization is deploying to the seventh Singularity - Absolute Frontline in the War Against the Demonic Beasts: Babylonia - with the hope of entirely fixing the Greater History of Man. It's the last Singularity detected, after all. Demon God Flauros - Lev Lainur - laughs from the grave. It wasn't hard to hide an eighth Singularity entirely from Chaldea's sensors - he did have direct access to Global Environment Model CHALDEAS and Near-Future Observation Lens SHEBA, after all.

All is not lost, however. Just as in the previous Singularities, Humanity as a whole can assist. The Counter Force has deployed more Servants than ever before into the Singularity. Good, evil, doesn't matter. The Singularity must be resolved by any means necessary, or the destruction of Humanity is an absolute.

An indefinite reality like a Singularity, cut off from the Greater History of Man, is like a shadowy legend even to the Counter Force itself. The information the Counter Force can provide is scarce. But this is known: the date is 545 of the Common Era. Khosrau "the Immortal Soul," is Shahanshah of Persia. Justinian I is Emperor of Rome - of Greece, really. Constantiople stands as a wall, letting the mighty armies of Persia go no further. And further they have gone - to the soft, blue shores of the Bosphorus. And like a shadow in the night stalks the Plague, in an Egypt ascendant once again. A misplaced breath, and Western Civilization will shatter, and the hopes of man will pass into night.


In this RP, the characters are all "Servants" - ancient (or not so ancient) heroes with mighty abilities. They can be basically anything; real individuals from history, mythological heroes, even characters from stories. If you've got an idea and you're not sure if it will work, just ask! Canonical servants are also perfectly fine, though some won't work (because they're too powerful, which is to say, Archer/Caster Gilgamesh). Below is a character sheet.

True Name:
Magical Energy:
Class Skills:
Personal Skills:

Noble Phantasm(s):
Title/Alternative Reading:

Some notes:
"Class" refers to one of Seven Classes (or EXTRA classes; if you'd like to play one, please ask): Saber, a master of swords; Archer, a hero skilled with bow and arrow; Lancer, a spear master; Rider, a hero defined by their steed (alive or mechanical); Caster, a master of Magecraft; Assassin, a master killer; or Berserker, a hero defined by rage.
Stats and Skills are ranked from E to EX ranks, with +/- for when they vary in certain edge cases. Generally, you should have about one stat of each rank A to E, with EX only when a character is defined by that stat. For skills, it really doesn't matter. Class skills are listed below. If you make up a skill - which you should do - describe it; if the skill already exists, a description is unneeded.
"Luck" is the ability of a character to defy destiny. Basically, if somebody led the hero around by the nose, particularly a god or "fate," they'll have a low Luck stat. If somebody rebelled against destiny, they tend to have a high one.
The "Noble Phantasm" is the core of somebody's legend in a physical form - eg. Excalibur for King Arthur.

Class Skills:

Archer: Magic Resistance, Clairvoyance
Saber: Magic Resistance, Riding
Lancer: Magic Resistance
Caster: Territory Creation, Item Creation
Rider: Riding
Assassin: Presence Concealment
Berserker: Madness Enhancement
Any Connected to Gods: Divinity

Example Character Sheet:

True Name: Ajax the Greater
Class: Shielder
Alignment: True Neutral

Strength: B+
Endurance: A
Agility: C-
Magical Energy: E
Luck: D
Class Skills:

Magic Resistance B
Divinity D
Personal Skills:

Unconquered A: Embraces a Madness Enhancement until all humans and animals in sight are dead.
Battle Continuation C
Aikhmeta B: Ajax can ignore any and all defensive abilities of a lower rank on Archers.

Noble Phantasm(s):
Name: Rho Aias
Title/Alternative Reading: The Seven Rings that Cover the Fiery Heavens
Rank: A+
Type: Anti-Fortress (Self)
Description: The great shield of Ajax, made of seven bull hides covered in bronze. Manifests as seven great shields, capped with the seven-petaled purple flower that grew at the place of her suicide. Boasts a near-absolute defense against thrown weapons.

Background: A proud warrior and royal of the island of Salamis, eldest daughter and heir of King Telamon. According to legend, she was the greatest hero of the Greeks at Troy after Achilles. Her massive shield was made of seven layers of hide of a bull, with a covering of bronze, which she used to great effect in slaying many Trojan heroes, and fighting Hector to a standstill. When Achilles died, Ajax desired to take up his armor, as it was magically forged by Hephaestus. Odysseus, however, was far more eloquent, and was awarded the armor. Possessed by fury, Ajax attempted to slay those who had awarded the armor, but Athena sent an illusion to her, causing her to instead slay crowds of sheep. When her fury faded and she realized what she had done, the shame overcame her, and she committed suicide.

Accepted Characters:
@Supremacy - Rider Hannibal Barca
@Yankee - Lancer Yomotsu-Shikone
@TheSly - Rider Manfred von Richthofen
@Torack - Lancer Leonidas of Sparta
@LunaticRedEyes1 - Saber Prince Shotoku of Wa
@0th Law - Caster Albert Einstein
@Sidereal - Caster Françoise Prelati
@chaosheart13 - Saber Charlemagne
@Brother Gabriel - Ruler Louis IX
@Aspiring Shoulder - Ruler Jean Valjean
@imprimatur13 - Berserker Samson
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Since no one is doing Assassin as far as I can check, I might do Otto Skorzeny as one if it's okay.

EDIT: Okay turns out this idea doesn't click as much as I want to, so I'd still work on it but I'm more than willing to hop on a Ruler-class Servant idea I have which I also like much more than the current Assassin idea if anyone asked for it.
We already have a fair few Rulers. If you'd really like to, it might be okay - PM it to me once you're done - but I'd rather have a bit more class variety. Sorry!
What the heck, I thought I had this thread watched or subscribed or whatever to get notifs when people posted in it - but suddenly there are so many posts I wasn't alerted to! Sorry if it seemed like I disappeared! Still getting the hang of Iwaku 😅

By the way Shiki, I added the eating skill to Lancer as you suggested, back in my original post.
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What the heck, I thought I had this thread watched or subscribed or whatever to get notifs when people posted in it - but suddenly there are so many posts I wasn't alerted to! Sorry if it seemed like I disappeared! Still getting the hang of Iwaku 😅

By the way Shiki, I added the eating skill to Lancer as you suggested, back in my original post.

I believe that that was a bug that happens occasionally if Iwaku thinks you haven't read a thread through yet or something like that. That's why it's good to just go through your watched list every once and again.
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I believe that that was a bug that happens occasionally if Iwaku thinks you haven't read a thread through yet or something like that. That's why it's good to just go through your watched list every once and again.
Yeah, I had that happen to me a few times before as well. A bit annoying, but like you said yourself, checking once and awhile to make sure is always a good thing.
Wise Up! 2

The nature of a Singularity: Fundamentally, a Singularity is a «Rejection of the Human Order Foundation» by means of disruption of the Quantum Time Locks. A Singularity is an alternate path of history that «runs counter to the Greater History of Man, as defined by the Quantum Time Locks». That is to say, a Singularity is an «enforced history that is against the accepted nature of history». Being as Quantum Time Locks are «that which support the Collective Unconscious of Mankind», a collapse of the Quantum Time Locks is indisputably linked to a weakening of «the protections against apocalypse instituted by the Collective Unconscious». It was by this that the King of Magic could incinerate Mankind.

Enforcement of Death: Any technique that attacks through a Karmic Link with the target's "Concept of Death." In other words, it is a killing effect using death itself. This is to be distinguished from techniques that simply inevitably cause death. Fundamentally, the difference is that one "Will definitely cause death, but via physical means," while the other "Uses the existence of death itself as a weapon." In this case, while it appears to be the former, these blades in fact do the latter, being "An acknowledgement that all humans will die in ignominy."

Marble Phantasm: Imagination Realization. Allows for "manipulation of that which lies within the domain of the Star." Can bear a certain resemblance in some cases to a certain fictional elemental martial art. In specific, a "manifestation of the improbable via probability manipulation." Impossible within "the delineation of species known as Man." Essentially, a utilization by the fundamentally inhuman of the clu- [[CORRUPTED]]

"He hath put down the mighty from their seat, and hath exalted the humble and the meek."


We'll probably start tomorrow (sorry about the delay! I was so busy every night this week that I could barely keep myself awake, let alone run a RP. Thank God Christmastime is here...!). I'm just going to check in with the three people who said they were making Servants, and see if they'd still like to continue. If not, we'll be starting with just y'all! Could all y'all PM or post your time zones?
We'll probably start tomorrow (sorry about the delay! I was so busy every night this week that I could barely keep myself awake, let alone run a RP. Thank God Christmastime is here...!). I'm just going to check in with the three people who said they were making Servants, and see if they'd still like to continue. If not, we'll be starting with just y'all! Could all y'all PM or post your time zones?

My timezone is Central Standard Time (CST).
Hey ho, Shiki, this sounds fun.

Anyways, here's a fellow that you should be quite familiar with:

True Name: Jean Valjean
Class: Ruler
Alignment: Neutral Good
View attachment 188019
Strength: B (B+)
Endurance: A+ (A++)
Agility: C
Magical Energy: C
Luck: A
Class Skills: N/A
Personal Skills:
Identity Substitution A
: Jean Valjean was known for his use of disguises to escape the law and to conceal himself from Javert, to the point where Javert once walked into Valjean's office and did not suspect a thing, even after a direct conversation. The disguises make it so that Valjean himself cannot be recognized unless subjected to an extremely powerful revelation skill or True Name Discernment. However, once the disguise is broken, he cannot use that same disguise again.

Divinity E: The actions that he took in life intentionally reflected the mercy of God -- but the reason that he holds such a skill is unclear.

Generosity of Fortune B: Jean Valjean gathered an extraordinary amount of wealth in life. However, he opted to use most of it for the betterment of M______ sur M___, rather than keeping it for himself. This manifests in the ability for him to swap the Luck stat of those affected by this skill with his own.

Natural Body C: Jean Valjean was capable of leaping over a one-story tall barricade upon his arrival and Paris, and evaded Javert once by faking his death via holding his breath for an abnormally long time underwater. Allows Valjean to enhance his Strength and Endurance by a half rank.

Noble Phantasms:

Do You Hear the People Sing: The Undying Flame of Revolution

Rank: EX

Type: Anti-Monarch

The events of the book Les Miserables are largely misattributed to Jean Valjean.
Even still, he remembers the barricade.
He remembers the spirit of the young men who gathered there that day.
He remembers the same fire that the priest lit within him.
"Though I may not be its true owner… may the brilliant fire of those men shine into the future."
An Anti-Monarch Noble Phantasm that judges the ruler in question with the sins of their reign.
Obviously, this depends on the victim's conscience. The stronger it is, the more effective it is.
For the shades of those tormented under their rule shall all appear to cry out their suffering.
The ruler shall bear witness to the result of their sins through the eyes and ears of those trampled. It would be most accurate to term this Noble Phantasm a crystallization of the concepts "consequences" and "responsibility".
"Do you hear the people sing?"

A Night Behind Which There Is Day: The Quiet Hope of Les Miserables

Rank: EX

Type: Anti-Evil

A Noble Phantasm that represents the dormant hope of the wretched.
Criminals, the poor, those downtrodden.
The crystallization of the impact of just one act of mercy.
An Anti-Evil Noble Phantasm that represents the rehabilitative justice of the Christian God, which erodes the will of those of the Evil alignment to fight.
"To love another person is to see the face of God."
We'll probably start tomorrow (sorry about the delay! I was so busy every night this week that I could barely keep myself awake, let alone run a RP. Thank God Christmastime is here...!). I'm just going to check in with the three people who said they were making Servants, and see if they'd still like to continue. If not, we'll be starting with just y'all! Could all y'all PM or post your time zones?
EST for me.
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I'm in Pacific Standard Time (UTC-8).

More speculations:
The nature of a Singularity: Fundamentally, a Singularity is a «Rejection of the Human Order Foundation» by means of disruption of the Quantum Time Locks. A Singularity is an alternate path of history that «runs counter to the Greater History of Man, as defined by the Quantum Time Locks». That is to say, a Singularity is an «enforced history that is against the accepted nature of history». Being as Quantum Time Locks are «that which support the Collective Unconscious of Mankind», a collapse of the Quantum Time Locks is indisputably linked to a weakening of «the protections against apocalypse instituted by the Collective Unconscious». It was by this that the King of Magic could incinerate Mankind.
Looks like a fairly straightforward definition. It's perhaps interesting that there's no mention of Grails.
Enforcement of Death: Any technique that attacks through a Karmic Link with the target's "Concept of Death." In other words, it is a killing effect using death itself. This is to be distinguished from techniques that simply inevitably cause death. Fundamentally, the difference is that one "Will definitely cause death, but via physical means," while the other "Uses the existence of death itself as a weapon." In this case, while it appears to be the former, these blades in fact do the latter, being "An acknowledgement that all humans will die in ignominy."
Apart from the obvious, I'm also reminded of the Black Barrel from Notes., though this functionality seems less over-the-top.
Marble Phantasm: Imagination Realization. Allows for "manipulation of that which lies within the domain of the Star." Can bear a certain resemblance in some cases to a certain fictional elemental martial art. In specific, a "manifestation of the improbable via probability manipulation." Impossible within "the delineation of species known as Man." Essentially, a utilization by the fundamentally inhuman of the clu- [[CORRUPTED]]
To my knowledge, Marble Phantasms are more or less specific to Elementals and agents of Gaia, which has some fascinating implications.
"He hath put down the mighty from their seat, and hath exalted the humble and the meek."
Luke 1:52; it appears that this verse was spoken by Mary of Galilee.
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Lukas 1:52? That is interesting indeed.

Regarding Time Zones, I live in germany, so Central European Time (CET) or Greenwich Mean Time +1 (GMT+1).
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Oh, EST for me! Also, take your time, we can always wait! Especially if you're that tired and losing sleep holy- @_@ I love sleep so eugh. Anyway, Enforcement of Death confuses me tbh XD Someone explain to a dumb dumb like me.

EDIT: Actually now that I think about it, that's a lot of Bible quotes. ...Is this going to be connected with whatever is going on in the Singularity? I know Constantinople was like, part of the Byzantium Empire and they created Orthodox Christianity so I can't help but wonder...
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Apart from the obvious, I'm also reminded of the Black Barrel from Notes., though this functionality seems less over-the-top.
The Black Barrel is interesting. Strictly speaking, it works neither through probability manipulation nor Imposition/Enforcement of Death (I use them interchangeably, incidentally), but instead, it "counters all Gin," that is, True Ether, which makes it so a hit destroys the body of any target made of True Ether (like an Aristoteles). It would be useless, or at least as weak as a normal gun, if used on a human, because the nature of the Planet/Star supplants True Ether. In simpler terms, it's basically an anti-magic weapon, which happens to kill, rather than an Institution of Death. (This is convenient, because beings from outside the World don't typically have Concepts of Death.)

Speaking of random Nasu lore, I might use "Tie of En" occasionally; that's just a synonym for "Karmic Link" (and that's all I'll say on that! :p)


Oh, EST for me! Also, take your time, we can always wait! Especially if you're that tired and losing sleep holy- @_@ I love sleep so eugh. Anyway, Enforcement of Death confuses me tbh XD Someone explain to a dumb dumb like me.

Don't worry, it hasn't been because of this. I'm just a busy busy duckling, and this week and the last have been among the most busy. That's just the way it be sometimes.
Oh, by the way, I completely forgot I made this: Chat Discord. Feel free to hop on and use it if ya like.
GMT + 8 here.