Silent War Signups and OOC

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Thuro 116 Pendragon

Original poster

It started long before me, I never saw it coming
The distance, the promise, a state of isolation
And in my darkest nightmare, things that I can't remember
The answer, is drowning, this pain will last forever

The promise, the breaking
Rejection, deception, reflection, conception
The missing, the torture, the madness, the sadness

Can this be, or is it?

You awaken. It is dark, a darkness darker than dark, and a heaviness seems to weigh on your skin and your soul.

Is this hell? Or it beyond hell?

Seven others around you awaken at the same time as yourself, the soldiers for the coming war. Each of you is marked with a sign that you never saw before, one for each, unique in all the world. The one who will guide you has not arrived, an angel of death to breath beyond the last.

A landscape darkened by oppressive clouds is all around you, a crumbling city at a base of the tall mountain. It hasn't been inhabited for decades, and cut through it are forests and jungles, climates that couldn't possibly exist in an urban environment, but cutting through it as if the very hand of nature was striking back against the modern world.

As you watch, the natural environments shift and move slowly, an organic living creature devouring the world. It cuts through the dark clouds above, and in the wake of it's passing the city and the darkness reassert themselves.

A battle between forces unseen and unknown are fighting in the city, and the seven Masters are at the heart of it without ever knowing.


If you can see this blog, then Welcome to the Silent War. You've been invited to a fandom based post apocalyptic urban fantasy where dark monsters lurk behind every surface and the truth always seems to be just a step behind the lies.

Seven Masters awaken at the base of a mountain with a command seal on their hands and no memory of how they got there. The world is long since destroyed, and ancient forces seem to tug at them at every turn, to manipulate or destroy them. Only a single clue is left for them, a name, "Lordan".

The game will have an unusual player system in the fact that duos are required, but your second characters will not be immediately playable and will not appear as often as your primary character.

Every player will choose a Master and a Servant to play. The stronger of the two characters will be the Servant, and the weaker will be the Master. Each pairing of Master and Servant will have a single casualty over the course of the game, leaving seven characters to remain. Whether the Master or the Servant dies will be up to the individual player, and the winner of the Grail War is to be decided completely IC.

There are a few things worth noting when choosing a set of characters.
-Servants cannot be ludicrously overpowered. This is a very firm rule, and any apps that I deem to be too powerful will be rejected. No Accelerators (A Certain Magical Index) and no Fall Maidens (RWBY). Using the same scale however, playing Kuroko (A Certain Scientific Railgun) or Nora Valkyrie (RWBY) would be encouraged.
-Masters, while needing to be weaker than their Servants, can still be incredibly skilled fighters and low powered combatants, such as Felix (RvB) or a Misaka Sister (A Certain Scientific Railgun).
-No characters from any of the Fate series are allowed as a Master, simply due to needing to maintain the mystery of the markings on characters hands IC. However, a character from the Fate series could be played as a Servant.
-Not a rule, but it is heavily, heavily, recommended you play as a character that is a team player, or can put aside their personal attitude to work as a team. Despite a Grail War being part of the setting, characters are largely going to be in the same boat and going to need to work together.

If you have any questions or comments, feel free to ask since numerous questions asked have already helped me solve problems I hadn't even seen coming.



Appearance (You can post a picture):​



Skills and Abilities:

Canon (OC or Fandom):

Master or Servant:


Appearance (You can post a picture):



Skills and Abilities:

Canon (OC or Fandom):

Master or Servant:

Class (Servant's only)

Note: The ability to use your Noble Phantasm will only come once a game at a very, very steep cost, so it can be incredibly OP.
Noble Phantasm:

Example CS


Connor has dark hair, cut unevenly as if hacked off with a kitchen knife or a tomahawk. He has piercing blue eyes, inherited from his mother along with pale skin and sharp features. Slim but well built, with a runners physique, Connor of all temporal periods can be characterized by a variation on a simple outfit that he began wearing when he began work in the field. A dark leather jacket with a stark white beaked hood that he will wear when trying to disappear or entering a fight. Pulling it up before a fight is not for the simple cool factor, but rather the fact that the original Connor, his eventual namesake, grew accustomed to fighting with it, and thus Connor II feels bothered without it in his field of view.
Offsetting the more gaudy biker motif of the jacket, for leggings he wears simple jeans, having grown accustomed to the small limiting effect on movement it has, and performance sneakers.
Occasionally he can be seen with a black (what else would a emo have -_-) backpack with a Templar cross on it, with a flap that goes over it that can hide the symbol.

Connor Stillman

Grown as a weapon by the Templar Order, Connor Stillman was given no name, simply a number. Subject 5. When he became operational, he became known by his simple call sign, Wolf. Later, after his expulsion from the Order, he began calling himself Cross after his project file, Crossed Wolf.

He was raised in and out of an animus to retrieve key skills from his ancestors, though he had a low synchronization rate with them, and was forced to train to integrate these abilities to his muscle memory. Training sessions were often akin to torture, with sparring often becoming a beating when he failed, and free running courses failed would often dump onto the far off ground below.

The Templars got very good at putting him back together.

When his training was deemed complete, he was sent out on a mission to kill an old soldier. The soldier turned out to be something like Wolf himself, a clone made from a legendary soldier that had dared to change the world. He was a victim of advanced aging, something Wolf himself would have to face due to the Templar scientists not taking certain precautions. He was at such an advanced age he was likely to die in a few days anyways, but he still tried to go out fighting, managing to disarm Wolf with a martial arts style called CQC. He then warned Wolf to not spend his life fighting, or to at least not let himself be a pawn.

The old man then died, and Wolf fled the Templar Order, the lifelong mental conditioning being broken down by someone so similar to him having already been through to the end of his own problems.

He fell into the life of a vigilante in Starling City, clashing with the Starling City archer several times, acting as a bloodletting vigilante that dealt with the criminal element, misinterpreting the old man's words of fighting for himself or not fighting at all.

Eventually, after crossing paths with his biological father and traveling with him for a time when the former was on the run from the Assassin Order, he unraveled a conspiracy involving Templars, a major cybernetics corporation, and a multiversal third party, he began to let go of some of his darkness as Desmond began to fall into his. He eventually let go of his hate of the Assassins and Templars enough to claim a new, final name for himself, Connor. Shortly after this, he went to sleep one night, and woke up with a symbol on the back of his hand.

~Abilities and Powers~
Connor has no superhuman abilities, though his physical abilities might be considered on bordering superhuman in his own universe. However, coming from a universe with more grounded set of abilities, these feats may not hold up to world with altered physics.
He has the aforementioned combat and freerunning skills, as well as the ability to track.


A middle aged white man, Marcus Roivas looks to be about in his forties, with a faraway distant look in his eyes that earth soldier's often call the thousand mile stare. He has a heavy beard that wraps around into a goatee, with dark eyes and pale white skin from a darkened sky, all topped off by a thick head of dark hair.
He wears the simple clothes of an Arellian soldier, the long dark coat just a few inches too short to be compared to an old west duster, made for a variety of conditions, most notably wicking the rain off yourself and repelling the cold.
Due to the theory of parallel development [note to self look up the real name before posting] that states that like conditions will develop on similar worlds, Marcus wears dark jean like leggings, his original combat issue leggings being ripped off in an encounter with a… less than agreeable bear that snuck up on him while he was relieving himself. Underneath his coat, he wears a very simple long sleeve thermal sweatshirt.
Additionally, he wears a very ornate but girly locket hidden underneath his shirt.

Marcus Roivas

"The pain of an entire world child."

~Skills and Abilities~
Marcus was formerly an immortal, though his long lease on life has since been ended. Wandering the planet for centuries, he gained an incredible amount of life force from defending himself against Cursed and Hollow alike, each time he killed one of them they would not rise again for decades, most of their tiny fragments of souls flowing into his. It wouldn't be inaccurate to call him a demigod.
Marcus additionally possesses full knowledge of the shirt and second age of darkness, though his vast stores of information end with the relighting of the dragonfires in the second age.
Marcus has many undefined abilities including the ability to manipulate small stretches of time, telekinesis, and the ability to enter a state of heightened sensory perception, much like an Assassin's Eagle Vision. However, seeing most of these abilities in use is unlikely since he closely protects the amount of life force he harbors within himself, instead using more mundane weaponry like his very old but well maintained UPA (United Provinces of Arrelia) assault rifle.

~Canon (OC or Fandom)~

~Master or Servant~


~Noble Phantasm~
"Something I hope I'll never have to use."​
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Looks good man! Just forgot to add a Noble Phantasm. Uh, I'll have to read over it more accurately in a few, but I think it'll be approved.


Anya Corazón

A young Hispanic(half Puerto Rican and half Mexican) gymnast hailing from Brooklyn. Once just an ordinary high school student, she was caught in the midst of a skirmish between two mystical clans and mortally wounded. To save her life, one of the members involved gifted her with abilities. Eventually, she left the organization behind to pursue her own path, as well as gaining different abilities closer to Spider-Man's own, fitting for her legacy as Spider-Girl.

Skills and Abilities:
Superhuman strength, speed, durability, stamina, agility and reflexes
Organic webbing generation
Low level healing factor
Resistance to toxins and diseases

Marvel Comics




Dimaria Yesta

A descendant of the ancient people of Mildian, Dimaria was selected by the god of time, Chronos, to be his mortal vessel. She serves as one of the Alvarez Emperor's 12 elite bodyguards and commanders of his armed forces. One of the premier warriors of the twelve, her valor and feats across numerous battlefields has bestowed her with the epithet of "War Maiden" among the Alvarez Empire, despite her relatively young age.

Skills and Abilities:


Immense Magical Power: Like the rest of the Spriggan 12, Dimaria is noted to wield a truly staggering amount of magical power, comparable to her ally Brandish who's level of magic power was enough to make Natsu Dragneel and Gray Fullbuster(both exceptionally capable mages themselves) visibly concerned with her mere presence. Dimaria's own level of magic even shocked the usually stoic Kagura Mikazuchi(a gifted swordswoman herself) when they met on the battlefield.

Specifically, her magic is temporal in nature, allowing her numerous abilities that exploit time. One such power(her lesser phantasm) she refers to as Age Scratch, which assaults the target with shocks of pain equivalent to all the physical pain they had received up until that point in their life. All of that pain combined in a single attack that leaves most people writhing in perpetual agony.

High superhuman levels of strength, speed, and durability

A gifted swordswoman, Dimaria wields a blade that almost matches her own height in length. An extremely well-forged sword, it is resilient enough to match Kagura's unsheathed katana which obliterated part of Fiore's capital with a single swing.


Noble Phantasm:

This world is mine

Her Noble Phantasm is another exploitation of time, in this case the freezing of time. When activated with a click of her teeth, it keeps everyone and everything else within a mile radius utterly frozen and locked in time, save for Dimaria herself. With everyone else vulnerable, she is free to strike unhindered at her foes until she allows time to resume. From her enemies' perspective, this only heightens the fearsome reputation she has cultivated as the War Maiden, seemingly cutting down entire legions of enemies in the blink of an eye.

Fairy Tail


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Okay, looking over both of your OCs, they are both great. Everything is in order with your CS @C.T., 100% approved. @T.O.M., just make sure that Ennis isn't immortal in the game, and add a Noble Phantasm, and you'll be set.


Appearance (You can post a picture):



Hanzo Shimada


The Shimada family was established centuries ago, a clan of assassins whose power grew over the years, enabling them to build a vast criminal empire that profited from lucrative trade in arms and illegal substances. As the eldest son of the family's head, Hanzo was bound by duty to succeed his father and rule the Shimada empire. From a young age, he was trained for that responsibility, displaying a natural aptitude for leadership and possessing an innate understanding of strategy and tactics. He also excelled in more practical areas: he was a prodigy in martial arts, swordplay, and bowmanship.

Upon the death of his father, the clan elders instructed Hanzo to straighten out his wayward younger brother, Genji, so that he, too, might help rule the Shimada empire. When his brother refused, Hanzo was forced to kill him. Hanzo was unsuccessful, however, and Genji narrowly survived the attempt. Nonetheless, this act broke Hanzo's heart and drove him to reject his father's legacy, ultimately leading him to abandon the clan and all that he had worked so hard to attain.

That was ten years ago. Now, Hanzo travels the world, perfecting his skills as a warrior, attempting to restore his honor and put the ghosts of his past to rest, honing his murderous skills all the while.​

Skills and Abilities:

-Master of both martial arts and the bow, to the point of being able to curve arrows with his shots
-trained in the arts of the ninja assassin, able to move quietly at great speeds and sense the presence of even the stealthiest adversaries
-While his weapon of choice may seem medival, Hanzo employs a collection of trick arrows that include flechette and sonar
-Can call upon his ancestral blood to infuse an arrow with the spirit of a dragon, shooting forth with a large blast of energy

Canon (OC or Fandom):

Canon; Overwatch

Master or Servant:



Appearance (You can post a picture):



Alaelaoui, The First


Long ago on one of the many worlds that dot the multiverse, the winter and summer fae courts waged their eternal war upon each other. Constantly one would trump the other only to be brought low as the other side surged back and shifted the tides the other way. Thus were the two locked eternally in struggle, equal. Those in the know knew that was the way things were meant to be, and such was best for the world.

So of course, someone had to go and try and ruin it.

There was a winter fae who was a powerful, terrifying warlock. But though he was strong and respected among the treacherous courts of ice and snow, he chafed and grew frustrated that there were still others above him. The Ladies of Winter were the word and law in all things, and he grew to hate them only slightly less than he hated the fae of summer. So he hatched a plan. Winter could never truly defeat summer, and he knew that winter would never beat summer as it was. But what about a being that was both?

So he set about his task; to create the ULTIMATE LIFEFORM! A being that had the cruelty of winter and the bravery of summer, a MIGHTY CONQUEROR who's terrifying form would crush foes with terrible strength and the awesome power of wyldmagic, the true essence of mana. A dauntless warrior who would outfight Winter's most terrifying beasts and outsmart summer's cleverest tacticians. He toiled for centuries, almost dying numerous times in his attempts to capture the essence of both summer and winter, before the day finally came and he put the truly legendary ritual into motion. But in his hubris, he failed to account for how... wild the force of wyldmagic was, and as the ritual reached its peak and the arcane energies surged all around his lab, something fundamental in the world broke. Everything blew up. Like seriously everything. The vortex of pure mana touched the world and tore it apart in every way magic could. Bits of lab were teleported across the universe, lightning crashed from the sky, the kitchen sink became sentient and immediately died when a sword fell on it out of the sky. When the dust settled, the winter warlock looked up, and saw... that his experiment had borne fruit!

Just not the fruit he wanted.

Standing in the middle of the circle and looking very perplexed was a young girl, certainly not the seven foot tall conqueror he expected. But it was no matter. He knew the experiment could work. He'd just scrap this mistake and start from scratch.

Unfortunately, in his excitement, he failed to realize he'd been turned into a squirrel, and a passing eagle saved the world from his evils on its hunt for lunch.

Such was the world that Ala saw when she was born, or created. She wandered for a short time, happy to simply learn about the wonders and sights that filled existence, but unable to quell a small feeling that she couldn't quite define, always at the edge of her thoughts. But her world was a treacherous and strange place at times, and in the midst of her hunt for a friend she'd made, she fell face first (literally) into Wonderland. It took all of two seconds for the brash and confident fae to tick off the Queen of Hearts herself, and so found herself in the express lane to execution-ville. But through clever words and subtle trickery (and a whole lot of luck), she found herself face to face against the Queen in a match to the death. A croquet match, to be specific. It was an epic duel. Or it would have been had Ala not blatantly cheated in a way that didn't actually break any rules, and the Queen found herself very suddenly and violently deposed. Ala was swept away in celebration, and very shortly after found herself in the midst of her own crowning ceremony. It was at the moment that the crowned touched her head that everything clicked into place. This was right. This was perfect. This was literally what she was made to do. Alaelaoui was now Queen of something, a ruler, a conqueror!

And she knew that it was her destiny to rule not just wonderland, but everything.

Skills and Abilities:

-Incredibly intelligent. Programmed at birth/creation with a dizzying, encyclopedic knowledge of theoretical magic, warfare, and subterfuge. That said, its apparent that it was a wannabe fae warlord that made her and decided what was important, and some basic mortal concepts still evade her understanding

-wind and wyldmagic; Ala was intended to be created with the ability to use any magic at will, but she was also supposed to be a guy and seven feet tall so its safe to say most of that didn't work out right. She can use potent wind magic to control its direction, create blasts of wind, and do some downright impressive acrobatics, but any other sort of magic instead comes out as Wyldmagic; pure mana that can do literally anything magic can, do, but what exactly is out of Ala's control. Whatever she points it at could easily be disintegrated as it could be granted super powers, or changed colors, or hit with a lightning bolt, or teleported five inches to the right. (there's a chart!) Ala's self control is a bit lacking, so when she's excited or scared bits of wyldmagic can leak out to affect the world around her; thankfully the small amounts when this happen only cause minor effects (or at least comparatively minor to some of the various horrors wyldmagic can unleash)

Mystic eyes of confusion: Ala's swirly rainbow eyes were intended to destroy the minds of those who looked upon them, but instead just twists the thoughts of anyone who makes prolonged eye contact with her (briefly confusing directions, tasting colors, etc), even when Ala doesn't want them to. If she concentrates and actively uses them, the eyes can blast weaker wills into amnesia, or severely scramble the thoughts of the stronger willed

-during her creation, the warlock bound Ala's soul to Headhunter, [BCOLOR=transparent]a sinister, midnight black +7 unholy flaming burst keen vorpal fae-bane greatsword. This monstrous weapon is also monstrously large, as in far larger than little Alaelaoui could ever hope to lift let alone use. the command word 'Qadi' shrinks it down to a small, seemingly nonmagical dagger of similar design, but again at that point its nonmagical and no more useful than any other mundane dagger. Another word, 'Avci' unlocks its second form, a sort of combat armor complete with two daggers and a prehensile bladed tail. It thrums with dark energy, and while the armor is not fully covering, the metal itself is nigh indestructible. it doubles the wielder's physical attributes, and the bladed tail and daggers are wreathed in a dark red flame. However, Ala tries to avoid using this, as it also seems to awaken a malevolent intelligence inside the weapon that at times seems to seep into her own thoughts and feelings[/BCOLOR]


Canon (OC or Fandom):

OC as heck

Master or Servant:

Servant but in charge as far as she's concerned

Class (Servant's only)


Noble Phantasm:

Queen of Spring and Fall:

Ala embraces her true nature as a melding of winter and summer and gains full access to the wyldmagic within her. So long as her noble phantasm is active, she gains full control over what her magic does instead of it being randomized
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Appearance (You can post a picture):



Miyoshi Karin

Karin was assigned to the Sanshu Middle School Hero Club by the Taisha in order to oversee their activities. She was not originally selected to be a Hero, but as a result of ruthless self-imposed training she was deemed fit to become a Hero by the Taisha. Thus, the Hero terminal that originally belonged to Minowa Gin was modified and given to her. Although Karin's family is still alive, she lives alone in an apartment complex.

In the second visual novel, Karin revealed that the reason she trained to become a Hero was because she constantly felt inferior to her older brother, who has a high position in the Taisha.

Skills and Abilities:

Just putting this stuff here for the sake of consistency but for this RP, Karin's powers are basically nullified. So she's pretty much just a pretty tough fourteen year old Japanese schoolgirl.

Karin's fairy, Yoshiteru, grants Karin twin katana which she dual-wields. Karin is also able to throw her katana to strike at range, while being able to generate new ones. Karin also has powerful physical abilities, and can sense things without being able to see them.

Karin's Mankai form takes the form of four giant, mechanical arms, each holding a large version of her katana. In addition to slashing with them, her Mankai can also fire a rain of katanas as well as unleash a sword beam. However, despite her Mankai's great power it seems to be very fragile, dissipating after taking only a single hit. Due to using Mankai multiple times in Episode 11, Karin loses faculty of her right arm and leg, as well as both of her eyes and her ears.

Canon (OC or Fandom):

Yuki Yuna is a Hero

Master or Servant:



Appearance (You can post a picture):


Jason Voorhees


Friday the 13th

Jason Voorhees was born to Pamela Voorhees and Elias Vorhees as a hydrocephalic, making him physically deformed. Because of this, his mother never took him to school, and was extremely overprotective of him. Pamela later took a job as a cook at Camp Crystal Lake, where the other campers would frequently bully Jason because of his deformity. One night, having had enough of the constant abuse from the bullies, Jason drowned when he dived into Crystal Lake to prove that he could swim. The camp counselors did nothing, as they were busy having a party in one of the adult cabins. Pamela proceeded to kill many of the camp counselors and campers as revenge, before one of them, Alice, decapitated her.
Friday the 13th Part 2

According to legend, Jason was watching in the woods at the time his mother was decapitated. His first actual appearance (other than a flashback and a hallucination) was in Friday the 13th Part 2, as the killer, wearing a burlap sack over his face. He killed Alice with an ice pick, then went to a camp that, like Camp Crystal Lake, was on Crystal Lake. He killed most of the camp counselors there, and a man named Crazy Ralph who was warning everyone that the area was doomed. Eventually he was struck in the shoulder by one of the camp counselors, Ginny, with a machete. However, he survived, and attacked Ginny through the window (revealing his face to be quite hideous), and presumably killed Paul.
Friday the 13th Part III

Jason killed the owner of a cafe and his wife and hid in the barn at another camp, Higgins Haven, killing anyone who entered, namely three bikers and one of the campers, Shelly, who had a hockey mask with him. Jason took Shelly's hockey mask to hide his face, and continued his killing spree until the last surviving camper, Chris Higgins, hung him. However, he survived, revealing himself as the madman who attacked her a long time ago. As he was about to kill her, the only survivor of the three bikers, Ali, attempted to get his revenge on Jason, but Jason brutally killed him before Chris struck him in the head with an axe, supposedly killing him.
Friday the 13th: The Final Chapter

However, Jason survived; after being taken to the morgue, he woke up and killed an attendant and a nurse, and went to another camp where he killed most of the campers, including the older brother of one of his previous victims. While stalking the last two survivors, Trish Jarvis and her younger brother Tommy, his hockey mask was knocked off, revealing his face to be even uglier since the previous film, and this time, quite inhuman. Eventually Tommy hit him in the face with his own machete, but even this was not enough to kill him. Seeing that he was still alive, Tommy hacked at him with his machete, finally killing him.
Friday the 13th Part V: A New Beginning

Jason did not appear in Friday the 13th Part V: A New Beginning, except for dream sequences and hallucinations by Tommy. Instead, a different killer named Roy Burns appears in the film as the main antagonist, using Jason's M.O. and identity. Burns was eventually killed and in the process, his true identity was revealed to the audiences and characters.
Friday the 13th Part VI: Jason Lives

It is believed by authorities that Jason was cremated, but this is proven false in Friday the 13th Part VI: Jason Lives, where Tommy attempted to burn Jason's corpse to ensure that he would not return. He stabbed him with a metal pole, but before he could cremate him, the pole and Jason were struck by lightning, bringing Jason back to life, stronger than ever and even more impossible to kill. Jason killed several camp counselors, the gravedigger, five paintball players, and (once he finally realized that Jason had returned) Sheriff Garris and two of his officers before Tommy used a boulder and chain to chain him to the bottom of Crystal Lake. In the process, the sheriff's daughter Megan ground his throat up with a boat's propeller blade, breaking his neck.

Friday the 13th Part VII: The New Blood

Jason was accidentally reawakened by Tina Shepard, who used her telekinetic powers in an attempt to resurrect her father, who drowned in Crystal Lake. His chain was snapped, allowing him to return and kill Jane and Michael, whose birthday several people were celebrating at Camp Crystal Lake, and most of the people at the party, as well as Tina's mother and her doctor, Dr. Crews, until only Tina and Nick were the only ones left. Tina fought Jason off using her telekinesis, and eventually snapped his mask in two, revealing his face to be even more hideously demonic than in The Final Chapter. Eventually, Tina summoned the spirit of her father, who dragged Jason to the bottom of Crystal Lake and chained him there again.

Skills and Abilities:
  • Super Durability: Jason is extremely hard to kill, able to withstand injuries such as stab wounds, bullet wounds, fire (to an extent), etc.
  • Super Strength: He also has super strength, as he can lift people up above the ground, crush their heads, or smash through walls--similar to Michael Myers.
  • Pain Suppression: Jason is shown to resist physical pain, such as getting his hand cut, his leg stabbed or getting hit in the head with an axe.
  • Stealth Tactics: Jason's killing style mostly relies on stealth to get to his victims without anyone realizing he's there; he was able to stalk and hunt down Sgt. Brodski's grunt team--again, similar to Michael Myers.
  • Machete Proficiency: Jason's most signature weapon is his machete which he uses to stealth take downs, slice, stab and slashing methods.
  • Feral Mind: By being consumed by rage over the death of his mother, Jason will kill anybody who enters Camp Crystal Lake excluding children and pregnant women.
  • Enhanced Tracking: Jason can track people down at great distances whenever they're out on a ship, in a police station or a diner.
  • Enhanced Marksman: Jason can throw objects at great distances, such as throwing a machete on fire through a cornfield.
  • Speed Swimming: Despite the fact he couldn't swim when he was a kid, but when he was full grown, Jason was able to catch people quicker when they're on a boat in the lake at a distance.
  • Teleportation: It's unknown on how he got it, Jason seems to teleport to get to his victims, it was shown when a man was climbing up a ladder but Jason was, instantly on the ladder, able to thrown him off.
  • Oxygen Independence: Because of being resurrected as a zombie, Jason can survive without the need for oxygen. This power does have its limits, however, because Freddy Krueger was able to nearly drown him in the dream world.

Canon (OC or Fandom):
Friday the 13th(original series)

Master or Servant:


Class (Servant's only)


Noble Phantasm:

It's got a Death Curse!

Jason creates a reality marble which resembles his home turf of Camp Crystal Lake. Only the camp is completely shrouded with a thick mist which Jason can blend into at his leisure. Zombies resembling Jason's past victims will rise from the ground and emerge from the mist and once their's a sufficient number of them, Jason will appear behind the unfortunate victim to be and summons a machete to his side as his zombies attack in conjunction with him.
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  • Appearance



    Rentaro Satomi


    At the age of six, Rentaro's parents passed away, leaving him at the care of Kikunojou Tendo, who wantonly welcomed him into the Tendo family with open arms. However, as tears dropped down his face, Rentaro held a burned charcoal in his hands as he ran from the funeral of both his parents telling himself that his parents were in fact alive and that he will find them. When the Cursed Children were born into the world, women would give birth by a river to quickly drown them and relieve themselves from the burden; Rentaro bared witness to this as a kid as he walked past a river. When Gastrea first began, Rentaro was attacked and mortally wounded, but healed by several doctors after he signed a contract to live. During his first days as a Civil Security member, when Rentaro first met Enju, the former was attacked by the latter instantaneously. Later on however, the two developed a strong bond.

    Skills and Abilities


    As a "Promoter," Rentaro is a skilled tactician with a wide array of abilities at his disposal. He is a highly skilled marksman, as seen when wielding his pistol, the Springfield XD. On top of that, he is highly skilled in martial arts, specifically the (fictitious) Tendo Combat Style, the effectiveness of his physical blows amplified by his cybernetic right arm and leg, which grant him superhuman strength and durability in those specific parts of his body. Naturally, due to his training and experience as a Civil Service officer, he possesses near peak human reflexes and speed as well.



    Black Bullet
  • Appearance





    Hisoka's past is relatively unknown, as it has never really been discussed. I mean, you wanna ask this guy his story? Most of these words are just filler words to make the app look a little prettier and wordier, but yeah, his history is relatively unknown.

    Skills and Abilities


    He's strong.

    Really strong.

    Hisoka has all the benefits granted by his status as a Hunter. Notorious for his graceful, cruel, and deceitful fighting ability, Hisoka has proven himself to be a deadly opponent. However, his true abilities have never been shown, as he is willing to fight enemies famous for their terrifying power. Apparently, he doesn't fight according to any conventional martial art, combining his tremendous physical attributes with razor-sharp poker cards, an unpredictable mind and an unquenchable thirst for killing.

    Prenatural Perception - Basically, he can sense the presence of others, even of those who actively try to hide their presences. Hisoka's ability to gauge a person's talent and current power is so refined, he has created a point-based system to quantify them. Partially due to his vast fighting experience, Hisoka is capable of discerning a person's strength by looking at them; on one occasion, he detected a very strong individual nearby and measured his strength without even seeing or recognizing him beforehand.

    Immense Strength and Fighting Capability - Hisoka is incredibly strong, ranking third in the Phantom Troupe in terms of physical strength. He can shatter rock and send a block of the Heavens Arena ring flying with a single kick. As shown in the dodgeball game, he is able to catch a Nen-reinforced ball with the destructive capacity of a cannon ball with a single hand, and throw the ball with such power that Razor's Nen puppets are unable to stop it unless they combine, in spite of them being able to intercept Razor's lightning quick passages.

    Enhanced Speed / Reflexes - One of the pillars of his distinctive fighting style is his speed, matched with his surgical-like accuracy. He was able to easily grab [...] spinning knives, dodge continuous attacks [...] without moving from the position he was in, and barely avoid a homing ball thrown [...], even blocking it when it was redirected. He can wipe out a group of professional Hunters single-handedly, and dodge or catch bullet-fast objects with ease. Combined with his Bungee Gum ability, he can disappear out of sight and move at speeds that even experienced fighters are unable to follow.

    Enhanced Agility, Stamina, and Durability - Self-explanatory at this point.

    Highly Intelligent - He is able to formulate accurate conclusions based on mere observations. Hisoka even categorized Nen users according to the different attitudes and behaviors they show, which allows him to identify the category of Nen his opponent falls under, like he did with Gon. Hisoka is able to retain his cool during fights and rarely allows his emotions to get the best of him, intimidating his opponents even more. Hisoka is very observant and able to guess the amount of strength a person possess, their talent and even future heights by simply looking at them. He can often tell what an opponent is thinking and how to react with his moves. He can plan whole battles beforehand and prepare his victory right after the get-go. Furthermore, his deviousness and volatility has prevented many opponents from anticipating his next move, and this has led him to win many battles.

    Bungee Gum - Hisoka can alter his aura's consistency into an incredibly sticky substance somewhat akin to bubble gum, albeit much stronger. It can be used to pull opponents within punching range for a flurry of rebound pummels. Bungee Gum can both stretch and contract, depending on what Hisoka desires. It can be attached either by pointing at his target or through direct physical contact. Additionally, Bungee Gum can also be used to cover a greater area by molding it into a sheet rather than a string. It is so reliable and durable that it can act as a shield against attacks or as a means to return them to their original caster as shown in the volley ball match against Razor when he returned Razor's Nen ball back to him, and against Gotoh when he returned his Coin Bullets back to him. When not attached to Hisoka's body, Bungee Gum cannot stretch more than 10 meters.



    Hunter x Hunter



    Noble Phantasm


    The Jester's Bloodlust

    The thing about Hisoka, normally, is that he tends to greatly hold back during his fights, so his true strength is never revealed. The stronger his opponent is and / or how excited he becomes while fighting gauges how much of his power he decides to output. However, when he goes absolutely berserk, the only thing on his mind will be a deep lust for murder that won't be quenched until his target is dead.

    This Noble Phantasm is your basic power-up ability, in short. When he gets in the zone, pain will be nothing more than a word to Hisoka, the sound barrier will be like a turtle to him, brick wills become comparable to crumbly cookies to his strikes, and the further his bloodlust rises, the more his strength does as well.
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Elsa Bloodstone

The daughter of immortal monster hunter Ulysses Bloodstone, she was trained practically from birth to slay the things that go bump in the night. Zombies, vampires, werewolves, demons, mythological beasts and other of their ilk, Ulysses abusively trained his daughter in all the forms of combat he knew so she too could slay them all.

Skills and Abilities:
- Proficient with various types of firearms, melee weapons and hand to hand combat styles
- Genetic inheritance from her father imbued her with low level superhuman strength, speed and durability, as well as makes her blood lethal to vampires if consumed

Marvel Comics




Celadon Terentius

A RWBY huntress

Skills and Abilities:
- Superhuman strength, speed, durability, a minor healing factor and a force field gained from the manifestation of her soul.
- Her semblance is a sonic shout, potent enough to deafen anyone close enough and send objects flying
- Trained and skilled with the use of her giant blade, Chrysamere. An extremely tall and wide broadsword, Celadon usually wields it one-handed as testament to her exemplary strength. In addition, the sword incorporates Dust into its design, allowing it to send off slices of razor sharp wind when swung, giving her a limited ranged option.

Noble Phantasm:

Celadon's Noble Phantasm is reflective of her own determined nature. Even if your only crime was taking a loaf of bread...she will chase you across nations, through rivers and over mountains, past bandit camps and Grimm infestations until she finally manages to corner you and make you pay for that bread.

As such, her ultimate attack is a charge maneuver to slice her opponent's heart in two. No matter what obstacles stand in her way or however many shields or protective measures her opponent uses to save themselves, Celadon's indomitable spirit always breaks through and guarantees a lethal blow.



Now part of me really wants to reserve Cullen Bloodstone...
I tried. I may have to work a bit with this more too, but this is my basic sheet:


((I'll mainly be focusing on the Mundane abilities of her, but tell me if I need to Nerf the magic or anything. The Dragon Blood is really the only inherent thing. She requires tomes for other magical things.))

Appearance (You can post a picture):


Name: Corrin of the White Rose ((The reason for this is because I gave her the Rose accessory in her hair in my game, and it's an awesome name.))


Corrin was born to the Hoshido royal family as the third eldest child of five. They were kidnapped as a young child and raised by the royal family of the neighboring kingdom of Nohr. Corrin has the unprecedented ability to transform into a dragon, since their birth father was the discarded heart of the dragon given a human form, as not only can they transform, but also have pointed ears, a similar trait to Manakete from past games of the series. They only gain the ability to transform after Chapter 5. As a member of royalty, the Avatar wields the power of Dragon's Vein, allowing them to alter the terrain of a map. Later, the legendary blade Yato chooses them as its wielder.

A great war looms over Hoshido and Nohr and soon the two kingdoms meet on the battlefield. Corrin must choose to side with one of the kingdoms and help with their respective causes or be neutral in an attempt to combat a larger threat by joining the two kingdoms together. The Avatar has the services of Silas, Gunter, and Kaze as well as both Felicia and Jakob, though their recruitment order is dependent upon the Avatar's gender. They will follow Corrin regardless of the route they choose. If the Avatar achieves an S-Support with any opposite gendered character, they will have a child named Kana, whose gender is the opposite of the Avatar's. The Male Avatar can also be the father of Shigure, while the Female Avatar can be the mother to all of the children characters aside from Shigure.

Unwilling to fight against either side, the Avatar chooses to side with neither in hopes of getting Xander and Ryoma to talk. Believing that the Avatar was manipulated by the other side, Xander and Ryoma engage in battle. Needing a way to draw their attention, the Avatar, Azura, and Felicia/Jakob decide to take down to frontline commanders of both armies and succeeds. Unfortunately, both Xander and Ryoma see this as an act of treason and brands the Avatar and Azura as traitors. With both armies after them, Azura takes them to the Bottomless Canyon and tells them to jump with her into it. After jumping in, they land in an unknown land which Azura explains is Valla, a mysterious third kingdom that has been orchestrating the war between Nohr and Hoshido. To ensure that no one can know, a curse was placed so that anyone who discusses Valla outside of the kingdom will be killed. With the true villain of the war now made aware to the Avatar, they decide to return to the surface in hopes of combining the Nohrian and Hoshido armies in order to combat this threat.

After a series of battles, the Avatar manages to convince both the Hoshido and Nohr armies into joining their cause. The Hoshidans join them after seeing their honest personality and the Nohrians joining after King Garon becomes unstable and a threat to the kingdom itself. With the Avatar as the uniter of the armies, they lead the army into the Bottomless Canyon where, during the descent, Scarlet is killed by an unknown assailant. After a skirmish, though the Avatar has to break the news of Scarlet's death, the Avatar and Azura are now able to properly explain the true villain to both armies, the King of Valla, Anankos.

The Avatar leads them to face Anankos, a dragon of Valla. Upon defeating Anankos, the Avatar and their allies seal the old Valla up. Ryoma and Xander cede their northern territories to the Avatar and they are crowned the new ruler of Valla, bringing peace to all three kingdoms.

On a side note, the Avatar learns that Azura is their cousin, and their aunt being Arete, shown inthe Revelations chapter 23 as she mentions her younger sister Mikoto; however they never learn about the fact that Anankos is their birth father, nor do they learn that Lilith is their 'sister' due to separate vows of secrecy that Lilith and Mikoto made with Anankos's heart.

Skills and Abilities:

Corrin is a borne leader. She has Dragon Blood in her veins, as well as blood of royals. Corrin is trained in the sword, and carries the Yato, a chosen blade. She is also trained in magic, and can use Spell Tomes as a weapon. ((I dual-classed in Mage.)) She can change a battlefield IF she finds a Dragon Vein, and the Battlefield will change dramatically. (I.e. Rubble may be moved, some water may be dried up.)

However, for fairness, I'm going to nerf this where it will also take a toll on her, as she's not in her world, and the Dragon Veins will be at YOUR discretion, Thuro.

She is strong force on the battlefield, and an able tactician. However, she doesn't really like to actually kill anyone, unless they are truly evil. And if she kills someone who doesn't deserve it, she'll suffer from a nightmare.

I am not including her dragon transformation ability.

Canon (OC or Fandom): Fire Emblem Fates: Revelations (Semi-OC)

Master or Servant:



Appearance (You can post a picture):


Name: Leah Cain


Leah had a hard time growing up in Caldeum. Gillian's mind had been adversely affected by her contact with demons, and so was not always in the right state of mind to raise a daughter, let alone function as a member of society. Gillian's stigma made its way down to Leah herself and she was regarded as an unlucky child. "Sewer rat" was a name that bullies gave her, in part due to her time exploring the sewers beneath the city. For all her time in the city, she learned to live with the insults and indeed, her time exploring the city imparted survival skills to her. Throughout her life, Gillian never told her the truth about her father, or that Adria was her biological mother. And all the while, Leah had to contend with the powers she had inherited from her mother,[4] such as prophetic dreams.[5]

However, at the age of eight, the insults were starting to become unbearable and dark times were settling over Caldeum. Belial had set his minions in motion, and were on the hunt for her. To make matters worse, Gillian's state of mind was deteriorating even further. It was also at this time however that Deckard Cain arrived, who took her under his wing.[4]

She travelled with Deckard Cain, collecting artifacts and finding lore for a long time. She finally settled in New Tristram with Uncle Deckard. Then, the End of Days came, and she met the Crusader Romulus. Together they travelled the world trying to stop Diablo from rising, until she ran into Adria, her birth mother.

Adria made her become Diablo, as she was born to be the vessel of Diablo. She declared war on Heaven, and took the form of the Prime Evil. She was defeated by Romulus, and never heard from again.

Skills and Abilities:

Archery: Leah is a skilled archer, with the ability to load and fire a crossbow incredibly quickly. She is also deadly accurate, able to land a shot a distance away from the target.

Magical Ability: Being the host of the Prime Evil, and the daughter of a witch, Leah has adept ability in magic, and can cast various elemental spells. These abilities also allow her to tak the form of Diablo, and work with her strong willed personality to fight Diablo.

Quickness of Feet: Leah is incredibly fast on her feet. Due to light armor, and carrying a crossbow, she is incredibly swift, and can also run a long distance in a short time.

Lorekeeper: Leah knows all kinds of magical lore. However, she didn't believe it until relatively recently. This is an ability she gained from Uncle Deckard, as she studied his works and traveled both with him, and with Tyrael and the Crusader Romulus.

Kind Heart: Leah is very kind and caring for people she doesn't know.

Strong Willed: Tied to her becoming Diablo, she was also able to seal away Diablo into the Black Soulstone at the cost of herself. She has an incredibly strong will, and ability to survive.

Canon (OC or Fandom): Diablo III

Master or Servant: Servant

Class (Servant's only): Either Archer or Berserker.

Noble Phantasm:

Diabolus ex Machina

"She who becomes evil incarnate."

Leah can become Diablo. She loses all sense of humanity, and takes the form of the Prime Evil, able to bring massive amounts of destruction in her wake.

This is the being that plucked the angels from heaven, and destroyed the spear of Justice. The being that corrupted the Worldstone, and has killed many men. Diablo can summon the seven evils to its side, and send them out to cause destruction against its enemies. Diablo can latch onto, and use its enemy's worst and greatest fears against them, even turning them into actual beings. Diablo can trap people in cages of bone, and teleport. And has elemental powers.

When she returns to human form, Leah forgets everything that happened while in Diablo's form. She can only be controlled in this form by her master.
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  • Appearance


    William J. Blazkowicz


    An American secret agent of the OSA (Office of Secret Actions) renowned for his many exploits against the Nazi war machine in Europe. Due to certain events and a diverge in the timeline, Blazkowicz found himself fourteen years in the future following recovery from a cranial trauma induced coma. The Nazis had won the second Great War and reigned dominant across the world. His arch-nemesis was the head of the Nazi snake, General Wilhem "Deathshead" Strasse, responsible for the advanced technologies that saw the advent of robotics, super-soldiers, augmented canines, and more. All which ensured Nazi Germany's victory in the war. Emphasis on the was, Deathshead has finally been slain though we are left uncertain as to William's own fate following Deathshead's attempt to take the both of them.

    Well, now we know what the hell happened to the intrepid warrior.

    Skills and Abilities

    He has the uncanny knack of surviving every goddamn situation thrown at him, usually getting the stuffing beaten out of him in various various and bouncing back good as new. Incredibly talented in the art of war, combat, and stealth, demonstrating unparalleled ability as the situation calls for it. This alone allows BJ to be a one man terror upon the forces of the Nazis, as he regularly cuts a swathe without lapse in momentum. This includes taking on scientifically enhanced entities like super-soldiers, guard robots, cyborg dogs, gigantic robot-canines, and more. He comes out on top without a doubt.

    Maybe this innate trait is why a certain descendant kicks ass in the far, far future in a similar fashion...


  • Appearance



    Brandish μ


    The daughter of a servant to the Heartphilia family, Brandish serves as bodyguard to the Emperor of Alvarez, Spriggan, alongside eleven others in an organization known as the Spriggan Twelve. Despite her phlegmatic nature, and her being aloof in both action and attitude, she is renowned for her capability in bringing nations to their knees befitting of her epithet of "Country Demolisher".

    Skills and Abilities

    Tremendous Magical Power: As a member of the Spriggan Twelve, Brandish wields an enormous amount of magical power at least on par with Ishgar's premier #1 mage, God Serena. This translates to having potency such that it elicits concern from the guild Fairy Tail's members, especially among their finer combatants. Indeed, in their first encounter Fairy Tail found themselves baffled before her display of power.

    Her magical power revolves around the direct manipulation of mass in, evidently, a multitude of ways. She can affect the mass of an object such that it increases in height, width, or depth, or decreases in the same way. There appears to be no limitations as to what she can apply this to, the effects having unimpeded effect on, well, anything. She can render an island to a tiny block of rock large enough for a person to stand upon, transform a man down to a height of several inches high, transform a cat into the size of a titan, and so on. What's more is that she can selectively affect an aspect of the object she chooses to interact with, having effectively removed a magical tumor in one individual and in a later instance enlarged his head to a comical effect.

    She has grappling prowess in lieu of her magical capability though it appears her forte is the utilization of her magical powers.



    Noble Phantasms

    Noble Phantasm - Scamper Like Vermin: The Country Demolisher renders an unfortunate target to the size of a tiny doll, several inches tall, severely limiting their capability, or perhaps, opens up options otherwise.

    Noble Phantasm - Among Giants: The designated target is rendered the size of a gargantuan titan, affording it immense mass and reach thereby heightening its destructive prowess, or perhaps, limiting it severely given the circumstances.

    Lesser Phantasm - Aspect Manipulation: Brandish influences the mass of an aspect of anything she chooses, rendering it larger or smaller.



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This is an incredibly mixed bag of nuts we have here.


Name: Courier Six(Bad Karma)


A courier in the Wasteland is the bravest of men. Alone, often on foot and by ways he himself must deem best, he travels from one end of the wasteland to the other on his appointed duty. Neither sandstorm, nor bandit nor deathclaw must stop him in his task. Bearing the trust of his employers, he must sleep with one eye open and his hand on his weapon that none may steal it. Even should he make it, there is always a chance that such places may think to withdraw his pay, his employers pay or even to kill him and take what they want. Only the insane may think to enter such a rank with such a thankless job. And only the strong, may deem what is truly sane.

Doc 'Marrow' Johnson.


Years had passed since the Card Tower incident, where the whole thing crumbled and New Vegas came under new management. How it all started however was one thing all authorities agreed upon, the day Benny(may-he-rest-in-peace) decided with his Great Khan hirelings to remove the last link in a chain to cover his tracks. Said chain link being one of many Couriers who made a living, delivering packages and messages to people all over the Wasteland. He looked him in the eye and shot him in the head.

Unfortunately for a great many people?

He got better.

Stories filtered as they often did, with the miraculous story of a man brought back from Deaths embrace by the hands of a skilled doctor in Goodsprings. Soon followed by stories of someone organizing a militia to repel a group known as the Powder Gangers from taking over. People who heard it applauded and maybe even admired such. But as time went by, stories began to take on an entirely new tone.

Surviving members of the now defunct gang spoke only in whispers, looking over their shoulders of a man who slaughtered them to the last in their own stronghold. Of body parts cleaved and with an expertise of a man who knew what he was doing. Still more stories came later, as an NCR soldier reported a hulking figure approaching from out of the darkness.


I was assigned to Primm you see. I was on-duty watching the road and wasn't expecting anyone, you know? But it was a hell of a lot better then watching in the day and as I kept an eye out, I noticed someone. I thought it was a Legion scout, but they come in groups usually- This guy was alone. He looked as though he could have taken down a Deathclaw barehanded, wore a Vault Jumpsuit and a stetson, all black and hiding his face. Only weapons I saw on him was the machete and a pistol. But I did my thing, called out. He asked me if this was Primm and I said yes. I can't recall what else he asked but as he passed me by, I smelled...Well, you never really forget it.

I smelled blood. Old, but it pervaded his aura like you wouldn't believe and I shuddered. Had I known then just who I was talking to and what he'd become, I'd have shot him on the spot. Instead, here I am....Unsure if everything that happened since might not be in part my fault. Makes a man wonder...


Villain or hero, he didn't leave his mark upon the Mavajo Wasteland so much as brand it. Wherever he went, life and death followed in abundance according to strange whims. One day, stories might come of a giant doctor, who with gentle hands eased pain and ensured the sufferers might live. Other times, stories of a Grim Reaper descending upon towns single-handedly would come from caravans, such as in the case of Novac: A ghost town now, with the only the dead and scavengers to inhabit it.

The NCR didn't care- They had bigger things to worry about and whats more, considering how many of their jobs the man was taking....Well, they could afford to look away.

Order of a sort returned to the Wasteland, bit by bit.

A mining operation plagued by Deathclaws would return to work, helped in part by a drifter who was passing through.

The Legion began to fear treading where they once marched freely, a new enemy emerging that came brutally out of nowhere, using a chainsaw to slaughter them and seemingly untouched by bullets. It got to the point that Caesar himself sent his best to bring to him this person who caused all this trouble, to determine some kind of cease fire and whether or not he could sway him to his point of view.

He was killed on the spot and every legionary died that day in their attempt to avenge their master. The only eyewitness, a merchant who saw a giant figure in a black coat and stetson, chainsaw in hand and soaked in blood as he dragged behind him by the hand a woman he knew to sell what crude medicines they had.

Only the scavengers and the slaves profited that day.

Bodies piled in heaps wherever he walked. Innocent and guilty alike it seemed. The Great Khans eventually hiding for fear of the one who had some kind of grudge against them. They even allied with the legion, seeking their assistance against a common foe.

It didn't work and save for a single boy, The Great Khans were all but hunted to extinction. The NCR was thrilled.

Aloud they may tsk and shake their heads, but it wasn't their hands getting dirty. Their enemies were dying and their territory was ripe for the taking. Everything was going to plan.

And then one day, the Courier found himself in New Vegas.

And Hell followed after.


Benny? Yeah, I knew him. He was a real slick talker, liked to look the part too. Always had some kind of code, about shooting a man while looking him in the eye? I'm telling you, it was bullshit. He was a gloater, plain and simple. Liked to brag about how he could out-talk anyone, no matter what. Everyone had a price he liked to say and maybe here in New Vegas, that was true. It was a status quo- No one wants to lose their piece of the pie, right? So was always better to talk. Well, that didn't work so well the day he walked in. Benny and his bodyguards were wandering the Casino- He had a place he liked to put his feet up in, rented out exclusively. Well anyway, at one of the tables this big man accompanied by one of them NCR rangers? You know, the helmet and all that? He walks right in his path and tells Benny 'Remember me?" Now Benny, he goes all white for a moment but then he starts talking...Claims that it was nothing personal and that he had an offer.

Seems to be working and they go up to the suite. The Ranger stays behind and just has a staring contest with the bodyguards. Maybe...I dunno, fifteen minutes later? Elevator dings and the big guy walks right out, heading to the bodyguards. He says something and slips them a little cash before tossing them the thing in hand. They almost puked and I don't blame em. Was Benny! Er...His head anyway. I dunno what they did with it, but they pretty much all but ran afterward. Cleaning staff later told me when they removed the body, that the head was twisted clean off. Now is that all? I'm just a dealer man. I do my job and I keep my head down. Benny's world? Huh.

He can keep it. See, thing about the status quo is that now and then, you get someone who doesn't give a shit. And when he does show up? Trouble follows.

Trouble always follows.


Things fell quickly into line after that and the Empire that was once Mr. Houses crumbled down into oblivion. Chaos had come and it had full control of the robots, as well as not afraid to get its hands dirty. Some of the major players such as the White Glove Society didn't survive the purge. After walking in for a while, the Courier returned with a flamethrower and everyone within burned. Gomorrah was intimidated easily enough, the NCR presence in the city removed...Violently. In the end, the only winner of the conflict strangely enough was Freeside; a section where no one deemed valuable save for the Courier. But the house of cards had fallen and in its place, was the new lord and master. New Vegas would be independent as always, neutral territory...Save under his control. Naturally, NCR decided it was time to put this son-of-a-bitch in his place and sent soldiers to take over.

Two hundred men, reduced to three. Two to adorn the spiked pole out by the door of his personal HQ and one to return as the shell-shocked survivor. Fear and death were his chief weapons and he used them like a man used to them all his life.

Now you can scarcely believe your eyes at New Vegas as it is.

Its wilder, more exhilarating. Drugs are sold freely on the streets and a fighting pit has been established where the White Glove Society building once stood. Freeside is the only place safe from any of the dealings of the main Strip, though you pull a weapon on a resident there at your own peril. All of them have been quietly armed and supplied and the Courier himself stalks the streets at random.

Legionaries are welcomed but under strict rules if they wish to deal. Slaves are automatically freed beyond the border and the fate of a malicious slave trader who detonated all his wares collars out of spite for the rule still adorns a cross by the gates. So now you know, as much as anyone does of the mysterious Courier.

Is he a villain? A saint? You'll find many divided on the subject. As for me?


Its a quiet, spartan quarters. And yet, far more luxurious then the Ranger ever imagined. A comfortable bed, a sink and a writing desk where the memoirs on the man known as the Courier were being penned. By the side the helmet would be at rest, its blank visor reflecting the face of its owner.

Once a slave in the Legionary Fort, now a free woman, the ex-slave known now as Lora pondered as she chewed her bottom lip in thought. And as she did, she marveled once more at what the Courier did for her. When he took her, removed her collar? He wasn't content to leave her as she was and he instilled that same desire in her. He taught her to read and write, along the journey. He taught her to shoot and to shoot to the death; Wounded foes were a waste of bullets. One shot, one kill. Combat came naturally, as she found herself yearning to please him in all she did and she came to know him a lot more readily then most.

A moment later, she set back to scribble the rest of her words.


I suppose I'll never really know. But to him, I owe everything I am today and if it takes me the rest of my life? I'll pay him back. One way or another.


There was a knock at the door, Lora turning in annoyance as she got up to open it, peering down at the one who did so. One of the cap-a-dozen thugs, who gulped upon seeing the expression on her face. He knew who she was....The Warlords personal retainer, currently looking as though she had scraped something off her boot as she said quietly.


"Umm...Its the boss. He wants to see you."

Lora nodded, her expression less annoyed now as she moved to grab her helmet, placing it under her arm as she set out without him. She knew where it was. All the way, at the top of the tower she headed for it. Where Mr. House once entertained visitors and now, where the new master of New Vegas dwelt. By the window he stood and she took him in.

He was massive- The stories were true about that. Looking more akin to a supermutant in build, over this he wore a tailored longcoat such as the one he wore in more desperate times. A rebreather hiss filled the air, placed over his features and combined with his wide-brimmed desperado hat, created the image of one all had come to fear.

Save her.

To her, he stared with eyes like a reptile. Cold and calculating, like a crocodiles patience as he said to her.

"We've work to do."


Skills and Abilities

Since his run-in with the Silver Shroud that saw his empire crumble around him, the Courier once more rises up after a shot in the head. One eye is gone now, replaced by a cybernetic replacement which has the ability to zoom in and scan for long distance shooting. His respirator he wears beneath the bandanna, which helps his weakened body to breath even in noxious and underwater environments. His reflexes hadn't died, his gunslinger skills with pistols akimbo and shotgun still notorious.

He's strong, exceptionally so from the drugs he once consumed to help cure his lung condition and its removed the usual inhibitors on his strength. He's capable of stunning a Deathclaw with a solid punch to its belly and he's killed a supermutant by ramming his first where his heart was in close combat.

Most unusual about the Courier is his medical skills and intelligence...Both not exactly something you'd see in a seeming thug. He's cultured in his own, wasteland way and was sneaky enough to take over New Vegas in a violent coup.

Perhaps the most disturbing thing about the Courier?

He refuses to die. Twice now he's been shot in the head and survived to tell the tale.

Revenge is a powerful motivator.

And its burned cold in him for years and years.

Canon (OC or Fandom): OC, Fallout New Vegas

Master or Servant: Master


Ghazghkull Mag Uruk Thraka



Name: Ghazghkull Mag Uruk Thraka


Ghazy started out as an Ork of very little standing or prestige in the Goff's Klan on the planet of Uruk, where he also got his name 'Uruk', Yeah, we thought it was a LoTR reference too (why can't it be both?). Anyway, this meant that he was at least slightly tougher than the regular git, but hey, who's counting?

Anyway, an unknown group of Spess Mehreens were forced to attack the Orks in Uruk. Oh, poor Ghazghkull fought, but a bolter round tore into his skull, destroying over 30% of his skull and pulping most of his brain. Rough, considering that like most Orks, he had little there to begin with. After the Spess Mehreens systematically left Uruk, Ghazghkull was found by a particularly... creative Painboy known as Mad Dok Grotsnik, who rebuilt the small Ork's head with adamantium for shits and giggles. (They don't call him Mad Dok for nothing.)

Apparently metal plates unleash psyker potential within Orks, because Ghazghkull had some visions from Gork and Mork, convincing him he was blessed. So yeah, Orks can be religious too. So, after this, he became delusional- sorry, I meant DESTINED FER GRAET FINGZZZ and rose to become Warboss of his tribe after a short period of 6 years. Guess he needed to check in with his Ork Minister. Anyway, here's where the lulzy shit starts going down. A year or two later,

Uruk's sun began to die, killing boyz with radiation from severe solar flares. However, conveniently enough, a massive Space Hulk appeared and provided Ol' Ghazzy a chance to be someone for a change. He decided to get all them boys on Uruk together and made for that Space Hulk. It failed to start up several times. In the warp of all places. Which also meant they got to whack some daemons while they waited.

The daemons may not have found these incidents as amusing as the Orks did.​
"Travellin' through space is boring. Well, boring unless da hulk yer on is full of dem gene-sneakers, or a base fer da chaos lads wiv da spikes, or already has Boyz on it. Or if humie lootas come callin', that's always good fer a bit a sport. Or unless yer have a mutiny or two to pass da time, or unless strange fings start happenin', which dey usually do when yer out in da warp. One time we had some bloody great ugly fing come straight out of Weird Lugwort's 'ed! It butchered half da lads, that was pretty entertainin'. Come ter fink of it, space is a pretty good larf. And that's before yer find yerself a nice world ta crush!"
~ Bigmaw, Orks on Space Flight
Anyway, they finally managed to reach Armageddon, kicking off those massive wars we all know and love. They were all great failures, especially considering how consistently Ghazghkull would get fucked over by Yarrick during the Second Armageddon War. Then the SPESSSH MEHREEENZ arrived and it all went about as well as you would expect things to go for the Orks when the Badass Catholic Space Nazi Warriors of the Imperium decide to get their act together. Then the Third War for Armageddon started and Ghazgkhull got his ass kicked by an old man with an oversized and silly looking looted Power Klaw. What the fuck? He ends up fucking up the entire planet, and withdraws simply because he got bored. Sometime between all of this, Yarrick swore to avenge the dead of Armageddon and kill Ghazgkhull. A rather strange thing to hear from a Commissar, but ol' Yarrick is hardly a conventional specimen.

Ghazgkhull developed an... equally unhealthy relationship with Yarrick, regarding him as 'the bestest 'umie evar'

And that's all there was to him for about twenty years, till 7th edition. It just seemed falling on his ass twice wasn't enough for da big boss no mores, so the Games Workshop team *gasp* advanced the storyline.

Well, just Ghazghkull's storyline.

See, Ghaz left Armageddon to go find something he wasn't quite sure of. Then, he had this revelation from Gork and Mork, telling him he was to create a galaxy-wide Waaagh! Ghaz had a space battle with Yarrick and Helbrecht, but got away after Gork and Mork themselves spoke through his Weirdboyz to announce to all the Orks present that Ghazgkhull was indeed the Prophet of the Waaagh, leaving his humie boyfriend in the dust. Ghazghkull, now determined to unite the orks under the Great Waaagh, went around the galaxy, thumping heads and getting orks in line. Then he went to Octarius and intervened, killing all the tyranids on Octarius and, essentially, driving over Hive Fleet Leviathan's testicles in a battlewagon. He let the empire of Octarius and its overfiend know he was the prophet of the ork gods and would bring an eternal Waaagh to the galaxy. Now endless orks flock to Octarius to join the fight against the remaining tyranids, turning the whole area into an endless war of attrition against the tyranids just as Armageddon is against the Imperials. Get that? With pretty much every major ork concentration between Armageddon and Octarius is united under Ghazghkull, he is on his way to uniting the ork race. Oh yeah, and he can psychically sense big concentrations of orks so he knows where to go.

Nowadays, unfortunately, he doesn't get ta have a proppa scrap like he used to. Oh, sure, it'd be nice, but organizing all the orks together into one titanic WAAAAGH! isn't going to happen on its own. There's authority to delegate, multiple fronts to manage, the occasional orky bit of improvisation... It's a good thing he's actually turning out to be a genuinely genius strategist and tactician or it'd all fall apart on him. But, when he does take to the field, he's still the most dangerous ork around.

Skills and Abilities:

Alignment: Mad

Stats(Under Mad Enhancement)

STR: A++

END: A+++




Canon (OC or Fandom): Warhammer 40k

Master or Servant: Servant

Noble Phantasm: WAAAAAGH

For every devastating blow that Berserker takes, the flesh and blood that falls off forms into Orks to form his Waaagh. Fatal blows that he manages to survive only bring about even greater number of Orks under his command. Much like Casters monster from Fate Zero, the only sure way to destroy Berserker is via an all-consuming attack. Otherwise, da Warboss just laughs, heals and proceeds to break yer mug with his power klaw.

Class (Servant's only): BERSERKER YA GIT!

"I'm da hand of Gork and Mork, dey sent me to rouse up da boyz to crush and kill 'cos da boyz forgot what dere 'ere for.

I woz one of da boyz till da godz smashed me in da 'ead an' I 'membered dat Orks is meant to conquer and make slaves of everyfing they don't kill.

I'm da profit of da Waaagh an' whole worlds burn in my boot prints. On Armour-Geddem, I led da boyz through da fire deserts and smashed da humies' metal cities to scrap. I fought Yarik, old one-eye at Tarturus, an' he fought good but we smashed iz city too.

I'm death to anyfing dat walks or crawls, where I go nothin' stands in my way. We crushed da stunties on Golgotha, an' we caught old one-eye when da speed freeks blew da humies' big tanks ta bits. I let 'im go 'cause good enemies iz 'ard to find, an Orks need enemies ta fight like they need meat ta eat an' grog ta drink.

I iz more cunnin' than a grot an' more killy than a dread, da boyz dat follow me can't be beat. On Pissenah we jumped da marine-boyz an' our bosspoles was covered in da helmets we took from da dead 'uns. We burned dere port an' killed dere bosses an' left nothin' but ruins behind. I'm Warlord Ghazghkull Mag Uruk Thraka an' I speak wiv da word of da gods. We iz gonna stomp da 'ooniverse flat an' kill anyfing that fights back. We iz gonna do this coz' we're Orks an' we was made ta fight an' win!"
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Why are you all thanking me for that Almond post?

Seisa Mikagura

Being the granddaughter of Mikagura Academy headmistress, Seisa had been told to be a physical embodiment of the Academy ideal goal ever since and her grandmother expected a lot of things from her. Hence, when she entered the Academy, she was assigned to be a standard-bearer for every student, ought to be trained and expected to do her best in battle. She was also accompanied by Bimii and Kyoma who were her guardian and patron, respectively, for the training. Although the training was unbearable, Seisa's ability improved in a very short time. Eventually she became fairly powerful, one of the strongest at the school. However, she was often distant and absent from classes after she was attacked by her upperclassman.

Skills and Abilities:
Seisa is superhuman in physicals, capable of going hand-to-hand with Eruna, whose speed is considered extraordinary. She can also fly.

Her ability is Killing Art. It isn't specified exactly how it works, but it seems to be a sort of manipulation of space.

Canon (OC or Fandom):
Mikagura School Suite


Yuna Yuki

A second-year in middle school and member of the Hero Club. She prides herself on being a hero, helping out others in needs and always remaining optimistic. She becomes a hero and fights against creatures called Vertexes. Eventually, the Hero Club realized that no matter how many they clear, more Vertex keep showing up. After using her Mankai, she loses her sense of taste. However, after using it multiple more times, losing the use of each of her limbs and even her eyesight, she manages to fend off the currently invading Vertex and restores her lost capabilities.

Skills and Abilities:
Using an app on her phone, she can transform into her hero form. She becomes superhumanly strong, fast, and durable to a generally greater extent than Seisa. Can sort of fly. In addition, she can create an explosion through focusing her energy into her foot and slamming into the ground. Rather straightforward overall.

Canon (OC or Fandom):
Yuki Yuna is a Hero

Class (Servant's only):
I honestly know nothing about Fate classes so anything works as long as it makes sense.

Noble Phantasm:

Yuna gains two large robotics arms and increases her physicals further to the point her punches create shockwaves larger than the sun.​
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