GROUP RP PLOTTING Skyrim RP?(also interest check)

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Yeah, realistically, they could blame it on whoever they think is the most evil, in their own opinions.
And (though I mistook it as Molag Bal at first, woops), Mehrunes has a very long history of trying to cause war and stripe, or succeeding at least partway(Morrowwind Invasion and the destruction of Mournhold in the First Era, destruction of House Sotha, conspiring with Jagar Tharn to secretly usurp Uriel Septim VII's rule and attacking the Imperial Battle College, and then the Oblivion Crisis) most actively, so he would probably be the first Deadric Prince anyone suspects.
yah I like that. Given that mehrunes already tried to get into tamriel once before its a highly logical conclusion for the characters to come to for him to be tryign again.
Ok, so what is the actual motivation of Clavicus Vile and Sanguine? Why are they causing a war?
Well technically the war would have already started because of Ulfric Stormcloak, but perhaps one of the two Princes were the ones to get him to try it in the first place, manipulating him?

Sanguine is the Deadric Prince of Debauchery the Darker Natures of Man(sin, lust, sloth, gluttony, greed), loves to play pranks, and loves to tempt mortals into sinful acts even more. I'm open to suggestions for a larger purpose behind starting/fueling the war, but it doesn't seem outlandish that he might do it simply for the shit and giggles and, well...doing what he loves most, to tempt mortals into committing sin.

And Clavicus is known to grant mortal desires in a false way, or even to simply allow some to try granting their own wishes in a way that ends in disaster for his own amusement, so he might be in on it for similar reasons and simply to cure boredom by playing the mortals like pawns in a game.

So I could probably see Sanguine working on Ulfric's side of the war while Clavicus fuels the Legion's side? Each playing one side or the other like a chess game, with each side being their pieces/pawns?(and I'm sure it would severely piss off those of the third side that become involuntarily dragged into the war because of it, which would give characters a nice, motivating personal grudge to put a stop to it XD)

Again, if you guys have ideas for a darker purpose behind their motives, I'm open to suggestions.
Will the princes be controlled characters or NPCs? Just curious if they should be central or not
Probably mainly NPC, unless someone wants to play them, but they'll only be making infrequent appearances for points they're needed in the plot.
mmk. Cuz I would be interested. I always like crazy characters
I'm pretty interested in this plot and can play as :
And also can be:
A Housecarl
A Jarl
A King's Adviser
One of the Main Characters
Part of the Rebel/Imperial Army
Yeah I could kinda imagine daedric princes getting really bored. Eventually something like this is bound to happen.
Yeah I could kinda imagine daedric princes getting really bored. Eventually something like this is bound to happen.
Yeah, thousands of years of existence and eventually I could see them pulling something like this for no greater purpose other than "I'm bored, let's stir up some trouble!" lol

Anyway, working on getting the OOC up
Hooray! Oh, before I forget, can I be a snow elf or not? Its just ill be planning my character while I do stuff today, so I need to know what race im building it around. I'd be a vampire, so its possible I could have been turned when snow elves were still alive.
I wouldn't have a problem with that. I have a few unusual things for my character as well, so it's only fair others be allowed a bit of freedom with that as well XD
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