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Epic Magitek Fantasy Roleplay - Lore Thread

Table of Contents

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"Knowledge is power, sometimes it can define the difference between life and death."


The Creator, The Supreme Being, The One and True God. It has many titles but It is widely believed to be the higher being who first created the Universe, including Bumi. The Divine One is the central figure of Bumi's 'official' religion. It is said after creating Bumi, Its masterpiece among other celestial objects, It is now resting, having delegated Its role to Sol and Luna, Its Right and Left Eyes.

In the holy scriptures, it is said that The Divine Being created the Flow and the Flow is where all souls came to be and return once they passed away. As such, those who try to manipulate souls are deemed heathens by the Divine Church.


The Right and Left Eyes of The Divine One respectively. Sol and Luna are two halves of the same coin representing Order and Chaos, one can't exist without the other. They maintain the balance and integrity of Bumi itself, preventing it from collapsing. Faithfuls of The Divine One can choose to focus their worship on either Sol, Luna, or both.

Sol is represented by the Sun. Luna is symbolized by the Moon.


First developed by the alchemists of Armerium experimenting with Erchius centuries ago, Magitek enables everyone to access the arcane world previously monopolized by wizards and mages. Magitek spread through the entire world in a matter of decades, revolutionizing every aspect of life in Bumi. While the old, conservative wizards might have disapproved of such developments, their attempts at sabotaging the research were futile. Progress can not be halted. Those who master Magitek, master the world.


Purple Gold, the most valuable resource in a world ruled by Magitek. Taking the form of either purplish to bluish crystals or liquid, they are the main driving force of expeditions and excavations. Erchius fuels Magitek Engines, weapons, devices, and any other Magitek-based machines. Without it, even the dreaded Brenian Titan Gunship is no more than a hunk of metal.
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World of Bumi
"The Divine One's masterpiece, The Blue Pearl, our home. Bumi is where we were born, where we live, and where we will die."


Major Landmasses
  • Autrea
    The largest and most populous continent, home to some of the biggest empires in Bumi. Autrea is said to be the location where civilization first progressed beyond simple tribes. Though rich in history and culture, it still has its own problems. The nations which claim the continent as their home always desire more land and power, which serves as fuel for conflicts that range from light skirmishes to full blown wars. However, it can't be denied that Autrea is the shining beacon of civilization in Bumi.
  • Azura
    Autrea's sister landmass separated by an ocean, previously undiscovered until the advancement of sailing technology. In the past, it is populated by native tribes and small kingdoms. They don't take kindly to the arrival of Autreans whom they perceive as invaders. Most of the continent is still undiscovered and it is abundant in resources so ambitious nations treat it as a gold mine.
  • Nusantara
    A collection of large islands nestling between Autrea and Azura. Previously unpopulated, it was first settled by explorers from Autrea, then gradually became a bustling trading hub, connecting the two continents. Its importance to the world's economy enabled it to gain independence from the world powers.
  • Harukayama
    Bumi's largest non-continental landmass nestling just North-West of Azura. Harukayama is home to the mysterious Youkai people. Protected by a powerful arcane barrier, it has been largely untouched by foreign hands since time immemorial.
  • The Borealis & Mitternaia Pole
    Bumi's North and South Pole respectively. Covered in permanent sheets of ice, life struggles here except for the few hardy animals suited for the extremely cold environment.
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"We are all part of The Divine One, each playing a role on the world's stage."

NOTE: The brackets represent the 'Common Tongue' version of the race's name


The most diverse and numerous sentient race which makes up more than half of Bumi's whole population. Humans are naturally curious, ambitious, and determined. They make up for their relatively brief lifespan with adaptability and tenacity. It is these traits that enabled them to dominate the world. While they aren't the ones who invented Magitek, they are its most pervasive users.

Humans are adaptable and quick learners, they are able to master skills faster than other races, resulting in a diverse array of abilities.


Arcanely-gifted and long-lived, Eruvians are a people of beauty, grace, and elegance... or at least that's what they'd like to believe about themselves. They are naturally blessed with the ability to wield the arcane even before the invention of Magitek. As a whole, their most defining physical features are their elongated pointy ears and slender frame.

The Eruvians are divided into three sub-races:
  • Erumer (Moon Elf): The 'Elders' of the Eruvian, Erumers or Moon Elves are believed to be the first of the Elves, existing many years before the first Armer or Rothmer walked Bumi. Most of them live in isolation within the thick forests of Lunara. It is rare to see an Erumer outside of their homes, but a few curious individuals exist among them. Generally, they shun Magitek, preferring to use their natural arcane talents. Aside from the usual Eruvian features, they have purplish hair and eyes.

    Erumers can harness the Moon's power to an extent, predicting seasons and weather accurately. They are also natural clairvoyants and can sense danger better than other races.
  • Armer (High Elf): The 'Scholars' of the Eruvian. The High Elves were the people who invented Magitek. Few - if any - can surpass their intellect and analytical skills. Diligent and resourceful, they are always at the front of developing new technologies. Aside from the usual Eruvian features, their complexion is almost always on the paler shade.

    Armers are able to harness the Sun's power, they are able to store limited Solar energy in their body for various purposes such as self-healing, sustenance, and even bio-luminescence.
  • Rothmer (Drow / Dark Elf): The 'Renegades' of the Eruvian, they are considered the black sheep of the Elves. The Erumer view them with apathy, while the Armer utterly loathes them for 'tainting' the Eruvian name. The word 'Drow' is a derogatory term first used by the Armer to refer and insult their hated cousins, but over time, the Rothmer grew to embrace it, surpassing the more neutral Common term 'Dark Elf'. They are shunned and discriminated for good reasons: Drows are infamous smugglers, slave traders, and rogues. Their services include theft, sabotage, and assassination, necessary evils that competing nations need, but would never admit to. Aside from the usual Eruvian features, their skin is of the dark brown to grayish shade.

    Rothmers can harness the darkness to an extent, blending into the shadows even where none exist.


Residents of Celestia, created by the essence of Sol. Angels are its physical agents. Even though Sol is a Primordial Force of Order, they are a sentient race and like all sentient races, they have their own quirks and flaws. While they are allowed to interfere in mortal matters, they are torn between two factions. The Justicars believe in direct intervention with outright miracles as opposed to The Messengers who prefer subtle workings. They are not at war with each other, but there is definitely tension between the two schools of thought.

They are blessed with Sol's Aegis, granting them limited immortality which means they are immune to death by aging, natural diseases, and poison. However, they can still succumb to wounds and hostile magick.

Celestials rarely interbreed with other races, but Nephilims or 'Half-Angels' are not unheard of. However, their impure divinity means they lose Sol's Aegis.


Residents of the Netherworld, created by the essence of Luna. Demons exert Luna's will upon Bumi. Befitting their Chaotic creator, Infernals aren't quiet people. They are always on the move. Impulsive, whimsical, and mischievous, they are infamous in Bumi for controversial acts, both malicious and benevolent. One will have to put more effort in predicting an Infernal's train of thoughts.

They are blessed with Luna's Shroud, granting them immunity to mind-affecting spells such as hypnotism, charm, and fury.

It is important to understand that Celestial and Infernals are not the agents of 'Good and Evil', but of Order and Chaos respectively. There are records of Angels through history who ran divine dictatorships and Demons who overturned them.

Due to the shenanigans of two particular powerful Infernals, two new sub-races came to be

The daughters of Elder Succubus Lilith after she mated with various human men over the course of her travels in Bumi, these witches had their own husbands and over time, created a whole new sub-race. They are an exclusively female race. The unique blend between Infernal and Human physiology enable them to wield magic easier than their parent races. Even novice witches are capable of casting intermediate spells. In return, they are physically frailer than the average human.

The daughters of a Lilim are always Lilims while the sons are of their father's race.

Due to their mixed-breed nature, Lilims lose Luna's Shroud blessing. However, a witch retains some of her succubi heritage. Their allure is not as strong as a real succubus', but it can certainly be put to use


The spawns of Blood Devil Elizabeth following in Lilith's footsteps - though she won't admit it - of having a human's child. History repeated itself but this time, the Nosferatus were born instead. They are masters of illusion, manipulation, and schemes. Their thirst for blood is only matched by their obsessive need for power and domination. Their numbers are few, but their influences are far-reaching.

Even among the vampires, there exist two social classes composing of the 'Common' Vampires and the 'Elite' Nosferatu. There is only a handful of the latter, but they wield most of the power. These 'purebred' vampires are stronger, faster, and only weakened by sunlight instead of burning to ashes.

Vampires are able to 'Sire' non-vampires by injecting their blood into the individual. However, not all races can be sired, Witches for example due to their shared demonic heritage.

Due to their mixed-breed nature, Vampires lose Luna's Shroud blessing. However, they inherit the Blood Devils' unique Sanguine Arts ability, the power to shape and harden their own blood into various objects, usually weapons and armor.


Native residents of the 'mythical' Harukayama Island. Surrounded by myths and stories, one will be pressed to discern which piece of information is true or false. As a general rule, the Youkais exhibit 'animal-like' characteristics on their otherwise 'human' appearance hence the 'Beastkin' term. Some have fox ears and a tail, others have cat-like features and some are reminiscent of a rabbit. While not much is known about their home, the few that venture out of their isolated island proves to be capable adventurers and craftsman.

The Youkais are able to summon a Spirit Guardian for help and companionship. The type of spirit depends on what animal a particular Youkai is based on. For example, a Neko will have a cat familiar.


With the myriad of sentient races inhabiting Bumi, inter-species marriages are inevitable. These are children possessing the combination of their parents' heritage. Usually, they will be chastised by proud 'purebred' races such as the Erumers and Celestials or treated as objects of fascination especially by curious and open-minded individuals. Fellow Mixed-Breeds in a settlement usually have their own gatherings if they are ostracized by the local populace, but not always as the view on half-breeds varies from place to place.

A Mixed-Breed may inherit the unique racial perks of their parents or they may receive nothing at all. It's a case-by-case basis.
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Major Factions
"Empires, Kingdoms, Tribes, they come and go. Only the Divine One is eternal."


"The Imperial Crimson Knights, Sword of The Flame Empress."
Bumi's strongest superpower in terms of military prowess and territory size. Brendorn's ambition for glory, power, and land are insatiable. Commonly referred to as 'The Empire', Brendorn fields the world's most disciplined and hardy soldiers. The iron-fisted rule of Warrior-Empress Kyrie makes sure those who dare to oppose The Empire are utterly crushed. In recent days, Its aggressive expansion was halted by its rivals banding together in a defensive pact, the difficulty of maintaining a massive hegemony, and an embargo threat from Venesia. Nevertheless, it is only a matter of time before they strike once more.


"The Azure Crusaders, Shield of The Divine Queen."
A theocratic monarchy and arguably the only faction that can stall The Empire's advances with its shrewd diplomacy and Divine magic to match the Empire's technological prowess. Headed by Divine-Queen Ivanova, both Fraulia's Monarch and Head of The Divine Seat, she is regarded as The Divine One's vicar on Bumi. Fraulia's influence on the people is deeply rooted. It was The Divine Kingdom who succeeded in forming a pact with minor nations surrounding The Empire, halting its efforts to conquer the world. As it stands, it maintains a tense truce. Whether one believes Queen Ivanova is truly divinely ordained or not, one can't refute the fact that her powers matches Tindharia, the Messianic figure written in the Sacred Texts.


"Everyone has their price."
Venesia is Bumi's first Merchant Republic which encompasses the islands of Nusantara. A Merchant Oligarchy in practice, its 'Doge', head of state, is chosen from a group of Patricians through voting by the elite merchant class. Despite its lack of military prowess, its sheer economic and political influence make sure no nation can just conquer it. After all, soldiers march on their stomachs and war machines need fuel, meaning an embargo can cripple a nation's military without Venesia even firing a single bullet. However, in the end, business is business. It is a public secret that Venesia keeps minor wars going here and there to profit from them.
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Minor Factions
"No matter how small, all living things are precious to The Divine One."


"The Divine One's Vicar watches over you."
The official body of Bumi's major faith. It is located in the capital of Fraulia, headed by the same sovereign as the Divine Kingdom. As an organization, it strives to maintain religious harmony and root out heresy. It has a small army of elite battle-mages referred as 'Inquisitors'. Not much is known about them other than their ruthless efficiency in cleansing dissidents in the name of The Divine One. While Ivanova is its de jure head of religion, the Queen is usually busy maintaining Fraulian affairs so day-to-day activities are supervised by a pair of Eidolons, Elysion the Infernal and Diana the Celestial, also known as the Left and Right Hand of the Divine.


"Where others fall, we shine."
A member of the defensive pact against The Empire, Masyaf is a desert kingdom founded after groups of nomads were united under a single powerful chief, forming the Sultanate. A jewel of the desert, Masyans thrive in a harsh desert where others fall. Their most significant contribution to Bumi is that they possess the largest known reservoir of Erchius in Autrea.


"A beacon of knowledge illuminating the darkness of ignorance."
Home of the Armer people. A democracy ruled by ministers known as the 'Arcane Directorate' with each member chosen through popular voting. Armerium serves as Bumi's most advanced center of learning and Magitek research. Scholars and students from all over Bumi try their best to be enrolled in the Matahari ('Solar' in Common) Academy. Countless advancements of Magi-technology were first developed in Armerium. While it is a member of the defensive pact against Brendorn, The Empire maintains a close connection due to its interest in being the first to adapt the newest military magi-technology, a peculiar political circumstance indeed.


"Protect our home, our purity, and we shall persevere."
Hidden beneath the thick foliages of the Lunara region is the sacred home of the Erumer, oldest of the Eruvian people. The Communion generally keeps out of the world's affairs, content to live peacefully within their homes. However, their relaxed nature hides a terrifying ferocity should they find themselves invaded, like a denmother protecting her cubs.


"Abandon all hope all ye who enter here."
Lair of the Rothmer people. A massive subterranean settlement, hiding right under the noses of the surfacers. Somnus is infamously known as the center of illegal goods, slave trade, and forbidden pleasures of the flesh. Though no self-respecting nation will admit having businesses with Somnus, the fact still stands that these are the people one can count on for tasks no one else would do.


"It's all according to plan."
A collective term referring to the children of Elizabeth the Blood Devil. The Nosferatus or commonly known as 'Vampires' are expert schemers, preferring to hide behind the scenes, manipulating the strings to benefit them. The Kindred are nowhere near famous or even well-known and that's precisely how they like it.

Interestingly, Sol is a popular deity they worship even though the Sun burns them. Why? Because Order means that they can easily puppet things from the shadows, befitting their reputation as manipulators. This means their relationship with the Celestials is rather... interesting to say the least.


"Magic flows to our fingertips as easily as turning one's hand."
Just like their bloodsucking cousins, the daughters of Lilith have their own secret society. Unlike the vampires, witches are more adventurous and less malicious. The Coven works like a fraternity where every Lilim could find a home to return to. They have safehouses in almost every major settlement on Bumi.

The Coven's most well-known 'public' establishment is a postal service, famous for its ability to deliver messages, documents, and objects faster than any ordinary postmen can. It is a trade secret on how exactly the Witches do it, but portals seem to be the most plausible theory.


"The land is alive, one just needs to communicate with them."
A mysterious isolationist nation located on a large island off the West coast of Azura. Said island is surrounded by a powerful barrier, blocking sight and scans. What little is known about the enigmatic faction is the fact that most beastkins come from here, creating various assumptions, rumors, and theories about them.

Harukayama is a popular setting for fictional works taking place in 'exotic' lands. What few wares obtained from them are valued immensely. Many nobles show off their wealth through how many Harakuyaman artifacts they own.
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"We are separated, yet united."

"Order nurtures, Order protects."
A realm of Order created by Sol of the Primordial Forces. Celestia works closely with the Netherworld to maintain elemental balance in Bumi. It is home to beings known as Celestials or 'Angels' as some may refer them. Normally only accessible by the angels except on special events, Celestia remains a center of pilgrimage for Sol's faithful.


"Chaos fosters, Chaos advances."
A realm of Chaos created by Luna of the Primordial Forces. It and Celestia are both crucial in maintaining harmony of the elements on Bumi least the planet will crumble. The Infernals a.k.a 'Demons' make their home here. Of course, pilgrims wishing to express their devotion to Luna are welcome here.
Custom Races
"The ever ebbing Flow continually births new children of the One."


Most accounts seem to point out that the first Harbingers appeared at around the Seraphic Age, back when the Angels ruled divine dictatorships on Bumi. They believed that Sol's Order should not be rivaled by Luna's chaos and sought to forcibly convert all other sentient races towards absolute obedience and worship towards

The Angels had a massive, seemingly unstoppable army at her disposal and even though the Infernals had successfully brought down numerous divine dictatorships in the past, it would seem that nobody could stand in their way.

But when all hope seemed lost, a loud crack was heard from the heavens followed by a brief period of impermeable darkness. After that darkness cleared, several humanoid figures had appeared as if clothed by the same darkness that had briefly swallowed the world. Their appearances stroke fear and despair to all who gazed upon them. Their faces were vaguely human, a perpetual grin affixed to them signifying that they were creatures of chaos and madness by nature.

With their arrival signalling the end of the tyranny Lucifina imposed not only on Celestia but on Bumi as well, the Infernals aptly named this new race as "Harbingers".

However as much as this new demonic race was revered as heroes, they were also feared for their abilities. If their presence alone could determine such a grand battle between the Celestials and Infernals, then who's to say that they would not try to rule the world themselves? As a result, attempts were made to hide their existence from the world.

The suppression of information about the Harbingers followed, and soon their existence was turned into nothing more than the stuff of legends, but the Harbingers never truly disappeared and while the days of the Seraphic Era are long gone, the Harbingers remain, awaiting the time when they would be needed again.

Potentionally the harbinger are a bastarized variant of another species to allow for a better word, or they do better as dopplegangers to have a base template, lets say with there own they copy the apperance dependant on age of the same sex parent, but if they mix with another infernal race it always results in twins, one of whatever race and of the harbinger, with the child picking up the appearance of the other twin to add to the fold. It could be how they breed in general but that might leave them too dependant on other races. Either way it would make them popular choices for those in high politics who needed look alikes or for those who wanted a large family

Credits to Accelerator


The Orcs are known to be one of the few 'greenskin' races that inhabited Bumi, not having a know patron among either Luna or Sol, the Orcs were "civilized" in recent times like most of their racial cousins. In history immemorial the Orcs were wandering raiders and mercenaries, laying waste to any civilization they came across, or died trying. It could be said early Orc warbands are what caused humanity to become rather adaptive and educated.

Their scourge came to an end when the Humans adapted, using ingenunity against the rather simple-minded tribes. In the end, they were reduced to pockets of small bands here and there, a shadow of their former glory. In recent eras, they adapted to live a more 'honest' life as sellswords and mercenaries, doing what they do best, combat.

Known to respect strength above all else, Orcs are for the most part only as loyal as a contract demands of them. While an Orc will fight to the death so long as he or she is contracted, once the details of that agreement have been broken or expired, the Orcs will demand more in compensation to continue the deal, or may even turn to offer an agreement to the enemy side. Largely a pragmatic people their culture is that of Nomads valuing nature and the moment. Generally Orcish tribes and Mercenary Companies travel with their families in tow meeting up twice a year with others to trade information, material goods and mates. Orcs seem capable of breeding with other races but keep to their own, typically Orcs despise submission and weakness.

Credits to RedArmyShogun
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Custom Factions
"The Divine One's children are numerous, yet unique."

"Guardians who live by the Way of the Sword."

A metalworking kingdom located in the mountains. It has a capable military and a population to match its size. Its founders were those who feared invasion and used their skills to create a masterpiece to encompass their small population. However, over the years Left Ridge and Right Ridge were created as people expanded its population. Society favors strong and agile men but appreciates the work of the brains. They have very little Magitek knowledge and items but have acquired many Erchius crystals to learn about it themselves. They are a closed door society and consist of mainly humans, however, there are some "Drows" among them.

Credits to ShiroKiyoshi


"We serve the Divine One without question."

A remarkably odd organization of knights and auxiliaries, the Truthful Voices do not have a traditional headquarters. Instead, they operate as a series of smaller groups spread through the entire world. They are connected by their mutual beliefs as well as their leadership, but most of the time, the local groups operate completely independent of each other. This spirit of freedom extends even to their knights, who are allowed to join other organizations as long as they hold true to the Order's principles and obey their summons. However, the Order of Truthful voices is well known for its ability to mobilize as one in times of great peril, sometimes tackling foes far greater than itself.

Their code of conduct consists of four points:
  • All are equal before the Divine One.
  • To act and to speak is to mirror the Creator.
  • Enact what thou wilt to keep the balance of Bumi.
  • Behold only the One, the Voices and Yourself.
Credits to Lstorm


"Every Era has its heroes. It's too bad... that isn't you."

A fragmented organization regarded as myth more than reality. It's very name is a collective term given to it by the general populous and certain circles for it's symbolic spirit guardian, The Raven. Watching from afar and an opportunist at heart while displaying exceptional intellect for an animal. The organization reflects these traits in their numerous ties to every realm, use of force rarely outside petty assassinations, and advanced magitek that borders on walking miracles.

Naturally, their objective and leader(s) are a total mystery. Far from bold in their presence and cloaked in a policy of secrecy, most ties are revealed by death of their members at the hands of another. Usually to fulfill contracts and keep unnecessary information from surfacing, but at times to elect new figures of authority. Apart from those various instances, every few years a large scale event will reveal their vast involvement and moments of full mobilization.

Generally regarded as fairy tale or an ill omen, the organization poses little intentional threat to most other factions and is no more than a nuisance. Their myths being the only means of influence and information regarding them. It is said they will sell information or fulfill an assassination on anyone, for the right price. But circumstances of such deals are strictly dictated by them and never the client. If any hint of a bad contract on the part of a client is discovered, they are forever banned from future dealings if not simply killed for what they already know.


The name given to a perceived elite force of trained assassins and legendary warriors. Their presence is a matter of lacking one. Leaving no signs behind of their deeds, and handling their assignments well enough to make them seem like a ghost. Their title is well earned, and it's said they able to appear at any moment and location, to strike and then fade from being. Many exaggerations of their deeds and capabilities follow their name. They are silent, and cannot be heard upon arrival even if leaping from great height. Shrouded in darkness they can appear from the very shadows of your room in the dead of night. Shifting their figure to that of a giant or voluptuous woman, they can take many forms all too indiscernible from the other.

When not aided by darkness or dealing with an easy assignment. They reveal their true form as that of one made purely from muscle, bone and steel. Sacrificing humanity and skin alike, they are terrifying Infernal fighters of unimaginable ability and strength. Fearless to the end in battle, with imminent death not an slightest influence in their movement. They are far removed from man's mortal coil and rest upon a spectral plane that not even the finest knights can match. Their symbolic gauntlet, a glowing hellish deep red is said to reach the dark crevices of the mind which can be manipulated to make others do their biding. Alongside this, the dark regions of the soul are not invulnerable to their reach and corruption which strips away all moral obligation.

Raven's Call

A name given to a phenomenon involving the odd sounding caw of a Raven or the event of it speaking the common tongue. Regarded as an omen and indication The Raven are nearby. Many believe the organization to employ droves of automaton that look and act just like their warm blooded cousins in order to judge and monitor individuals. When a strange caw or phrase is spoken, it is believed to be a sign of relayed information. In its wake, usually death or misfortune are observed.

Credits to Astros
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