Something-or-Anothers: Tales of the Confused Adventure's Shenanigans

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Rhea looked at Sanz, "Oh.. on a budget?" There was a very long silence. Sage was rummaging through some of the clothing. She had found a sales portion with clothing that had a hole in it here or there.

"Hey Sanz, don't worry. I have a good clothing shopping trick." Sage said waving her hand a bit, "Just find something relatively cheap and I can take care of the rest." Sage told him.

Rhea smiled, "Well.. leather, skins and furs are usually the cheapest..." Rhea looked at one. "But it's summer, so maybe Spider Web Cloth?" Rhea asked.

"Ew.." Sage said.

"It's not very durable, but its cheap and easy to make." Rhea said.
"Spider web?"
Sanz didn't doubt the possibility to spin cloth from the material, but trying to get enough from spiders to make any amount of clothing would be would be...

Of course.
There were giant spiders in this world weren't there.

That being said--Sanz did find a couple of clothes made from said material. They were not terribly expensive-somewhere in the ballpark of a few silver for a full outfit. And the material didn't feel abrasive. It could probably serve at least until the two of them had more cash to spend on clothing.
"Sage, come take a look at this?"
Sanz turned around, and nodded thankfully at Rhea for her insight, before turning back to Sage
"You said you had some kind of trick."
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Sage meandered over to Sanz and took the material from his hand. She gently rubbed it a bit and looked it over. She then half nodded to herself and looked at Sanz. "Oh, yeah." Sage said, "Do.. you have something pointy, like a knife?" Sage asked Sanz.
Sanz simply watched on as Sage felt over the material, almost like a craftsman would. But when he asked for a sharp implement, it gave Sanz pause.
"I do, some punk I beat the living daylights out of before this whole thing had a switchblade on him. But why would you need that?"
The man frowned and looked from Sage's face, down to the article of clothing, and back to Sage
"If you're thinking about doing something underhanded to get us a better price, just don't. Being desperate isn't a reason to hurt people trying to make an honest living."

Sanz would not consider himself that nice of a person. But he was at least a fair one. His fights had always been with other thugs and criminals--people who fought back or started the fight in the first place.
"I know we're strapped for cash, but only you should need weapons and armor immediately, not me."
"What? You simply just rip it a bit and ask for a little bit off and it isn't so bad! I'm not asking a whole bunch off, just a small discount. Geez, please don't tell me you're a knight in shining armor?" Sage asked with a small glare. Geez, this is just going to make her life harder. Sage actually never done anything like this before, but she wasn't above saving them some money by damaging their clothing. Sage rolled her eyes, "Fine. Lets just buy cheap things then." Sage said him. "here, we both can get the same thing. Basicly, we're going to be twinsys." Sage said with a grin.

"H-honestly... I can help make up the difference.." Rhea said.
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Sanz scoffed at Sage's comment. Knight in shining armor, as if.
"Did I strike you as that type of person back in high school? Nevermind, forget I asked. We'll just go with these and a shoulder bag to hold our spare items in. I don't think we'll need to worry about changing shoes, at least mine, they should serve fine for a little while."
Sanz had grabbed the cheapest-looking shoulder bag off one of the shelves that was sizeable and didn't look like it would fall apart after a little wear and tear. He also made a mental note to set aside some of his own cash for clothing in future. He wasn't particularly picky... but the idea of wearing the exact same thing as Sage did grate on him. The man chose to ignore Sage's glare before turning to Rhea
"I know you can Rhea, but neither of us want that. I've already explained my reason for it."
Rhea seemed to pout a bit more as Sanz turned her down yet again.

"If anything she's presistaint." Sage mentioned softly to Sanz as she grabbed her own clothing. Sage hummed as she picked some tan britches, a red shirt and a dark blue shoulder cloak. She guessed it helped with sun burn. Sanz was right about shoes. Sage was wearing work shoes, sneakers. Sage grabbed a black sholder bag. She stopped and grabbed some cooking equipment that was cheep, and a utility knife for herself.

They walked up with all their things and Sage looked at the twins, "ok then, hit us with the total." Sage said.

Ine did the math before looking at them, "8 silver and 7 copper. Please!"

Sage grumbled a second, did some math in her head and then handed over 1 of the gold coins. They handed their change back and Sage stuffed it back in the pouch.

"Thanks for your bussiness!" They cheered.

"Lets skip the smith today. I dont even know what type of weapon im going to get. I need time to look at the card and choose. Maybe go.. take a nap and come back this afternoon for a weapon?" Sage half asked.
Sanz had at least managed to find a blue shirt and gray cloak to contrast with Sage's colors. But otherwise their starting wear was the same.
"If you don't know what you want from the smith, then it's probably best to look through the card first. It might also be a good idea to see what kind of jobs are available to us and what they pay."
Sanz slung his chosen bag over his shoulder before walking out. Both he and Sage would have to change back at the guild.
"You probably don't have to worry about the two of us for a little while Rhea. We... have a lot to think and talk about."

The thought of going over their situation reminded Sanz of one last piece from the god. Defeat the demon king. Who/what was he and where did he reside? More importantly, just how difficult was their assigned task going to be? The man pondered these questions as they made their way back.
Sage's mind was more about what was around them and who was around them than the future. She carried her new spider made clothing and wondered just how she was even going to survive. Sage needed to take note of their money and portion out their next few days of food and depending on the jobs they look at later, their rent for the next week. She still needed to buy a weapon because she was not going to go out of her way to punch things.

Rhea followed behind them a good way back to the guild before she spoke up, "I guess I'll see you guys later." She told them, "I live in the upper part of town." She told them. "But I'm in the guild hall every day almost."

Sage chuckled, "Ok, thanks for your help." Sage told Rhea, "We'll see you around!"

Rhea gave an awkward smile and waved at Sage and Sanz before leaving down the town.

"Ugh, lets go... relax a little in our new room. At least for an hour" Sage told Sanz, "Look at the card, meditate, fucking think for a moment without some kind of new information coming at us." Sage sighed loudly. "I'm fucking losing my mind," Sage whispered mostly to herself.
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Sanz made sure to catch Rhea before she left completely.
"Sincerely, thanks for your help. And I was serious about the party up for later."
Once she had left, Sanz walked with Sage back to the guild. For once, he agreed completely with Sage.
"I one-hundred percent second that notion."
The two of them needed time to process everything that had happened. And try to come to terms with what their future would possibly hold. He didn't speak at all on their way back, only opening up when they finally walked back into the room. There was a simple desk, a plant in the corner, and a pair of single beds. Nothing was particularly outstanding, but it would be fine for the time being.

Sanz set his bag down on the desk and pulled out the new clothes. Before even bothering with those, he pulled out the guild card and set it down on the table--then just stared at it. As if he could find answers from the piece of... paper? He actually had no idea what the thing was made of.
"I guess this is home for the foreseeable future..."
Sanz turned to look at Sage
"Assuming of course that we aren't in some kind of massive drug trip--but I seriously doubt that at this point."
He could have come up with the broad strokes of this world, but Sanz could never have come up with half of the stuff that had been revealed since. Which meant this was probably a very real, very weird... and very scary world.
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"I've never been on a drug trip, so I couldn't tell you." Sage said looking around the room. She picked one of the beds, threw the stuff they got on it a sighed. Sage pulled out the bag of money and started to separate it out and get a count of their last remaining money. They had no choice. They had to take a job tomorrow.

"We have 1 gold, 6 silver, 8 copper left. The 1 gold counting the one you still have." Sage mentioned to Sanz, almost in a gimme motion. Sage had took on managing their finances. "I thought gold between the two of us would have gotten us both a full set of equipment, but we were very wrong. What and asshole, giving us this little to do anything with." Sage said. Sage then put the money down on the desk and then went back to flop on the bed. With that, she pulled out the guilde card to start reading through it. There were a lot of weapons she didn't even know what they were. There were also a lot of skills she didn't understand, especially the magic. She didn't want to ask Sanz anything.

"Ok, video gamer. We were going to talk about balancing our team... then, how do we go about doing that. Since you are going to go punch stuff, should I just get a bow an arrow and be ranged? I don't understand the magic very well." Sage mentioned to Sanz.
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So in essence, the two of them had one and a half gold to their name. Assuming that Sage bought even just a weapon tomorrow, that wouldn't even last them the week. Apparently this cult had picked the right god--that is to say a stingy asshat.
"We'll have to look at what the jobs pay on average. If we're lucky one or two will pay for a week's expenses. If we're unlucky... let's cross that bridge if and when we get there."

Sanz emptied his pockets out onto the desk, and took off his shirt before laying down. It hit him that the clothes on his back and those items on the desk were the only things that were from his home. The only things that could definitively prove where he was from. It was a rather sobering thought.

"You really haven't played games have you?"
Sanz looked at the young man somewhat in disbelief. He was not what most would consider an avid gamer, but he had played fairly regularly. Most of the class in high school had. Well, this was definitely important--so Sanz cracked his knuckles before putting his hands behind his head.
"Well, this world seems to be structured like many fantasy RPG's. So, assuming we can follow the logic of those games, most of the time you would have a party of at least one tank, one healer, and one major DPS. In fact most games have a party of 4 or even 5 characters..."
The man sat up and looked at his own guild card, cycling through the different skills available.
"That automatically puts us in a weird spot... since there is just two of us. We'll need to balance the different needs of a party between just the two of us. And then there's this set of skills..."
Sanz pointed at the green skills on the card
"Most games I played focused solely on combat abilities for their characters. Everything else was kept extremely basic, or just glossed over. We could theoretically do the same thing... but I'm worried about what the ramifications of that would be. So as far as balance goes... well I'm going to be on the front line all the time. That's just how I'm used to fighting. I'm also used to being outnumbered slightly. So we could call me a Tank in this scenario. My job is to fight the enemy in close-quarters, and try to keep them on me. So I'll need to focus on skills that help me not die and that help me in melee."

Sanz took another look at his card. So far he had spent three experience on combat skills. He had two left--and the question was what to do with them. Maybe some utility skills that would help? He wouldn't mind taking some in the cooking skill. If it was combined with a skill that would gather ingredients, they could cut food out of their budget entirely...
"So then the question then becomes, what would you like to focus on?"
A couple of green flashes came from Sanz's card as he used the last of his experience.

You have unlocked the cooking skill. Your knowledge of how to turn ingredients into tasty meals has increased.

You have unlocked the herbology skill. Your ability to gather useful materials from plants has increased.
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Sage sighed and looked over the card with greater detail. She didn't really grace Sanz with any kind of response because it was just an explanation and she didn't really have any questions. A solid 20 minutes went by of silence while Sage read through the card and thought about how she wanted to fight. If Sanz was a tank.... Then she was the support.

Her mother loved spys. She was really into James Bond, often, when she was sicker and couldn't move, they would go on James Bond marathons. The memory was fond and Sage thought, what is she became a spy? Combat wise, that didn't seem helpful. But... assassins were? She was already managing money. She was good at lying and talking to people. As an assassin, maybe she could learn how to disappear and reappear, picking off people while they focused on Sanz? It was a little more up and personal then ranged attacks, but perhaps later she could learn that? With cards like these, that seemed highly possible.

"Alright then," Sage said, a soft verbal cue to Sanz that she was on to something.

Weapon. What did assassins use? Daggers seemed weak and short swords seemed unwieldy. Oooh, Scythe. Eh, but polearms were huge. But, sickles. Small. Seemed stronger then daggers. It was curved so she could use it more than just to cut or poke people. Oh, what was this? Dual wielding? Two sickles!! Sage grinned and immediately spend one point on each of those skills.

You have unlocked the "Sickle" skill. Your skill with sickle attacks is increased.

You have learned the "Slash" ability.

You have unlocked the "Dual Wielding" skill. Your skill with using two weapon attacks is increased.

You have learned the "Twin Slash" ability.

Sage nodded her head as her card has lit up a bit of red as she spent the skill points. Two points gone. Three more to go. Next, armor. Sage was too chicken to go without some armor skill. But maybe she should get dodge. But, Sanz was leaving her to get the actual equipment first, so why not take advantage of that? Assasins didn't wear really heavy armor, so she guessed the light armor is what she wanted to go for.

You have unlocked the "Light Armor" skill. Your resistance when wearing Light Armor has increased.

The orange color resonated from her card as she finished marking them away. Two more points. She peaked through the magic and she didn't understand it. So she guessed she should just leave it for now. Waisting her points on things she didn't know could endanger her. Moving on to the green section, Sage immediately went to the charisma skills. There were so many and she really wanted them all. Thought.... one did catch her eye the most. Bluff. To lie. So this card as telling her, if she put skills in bluff, she could lie better? Yes, please. Sage lined it up the skill and put a point in that one. Last but... wait. Cooking?! Hell yes! She had to learn this skill! Cooking was her passion, her love, her need. It was her stress relief. What was life if she couldn't cook?

You have unlocked the "Bluff" skill. Your knowledge of how to turn lie and deceive people has increased.

You have unlocked the "Cooking" skill. Your knowledge of how to turn ingredients into tasty meals has increased.

Sage put her card down on her chest and let out a low sigh, "Alright, I basically got a light armor skill and to use sickles." Sage told Sanz, "So... lets hope we have enough money to get those. I'll get the weapon first if we don't." Sage said.
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Sanz raised an eyebrow when Sage finally spoke. The young man hadn't said anything for almost 20 minutes after Sanz's gave his thoughts on the matter. But it seemed he had been using that time to think.
"Light armor and weapons... Are you going for a rogue build?"
That... actually wouldn't be a bad idea. It didn't leave the two of them with any healing options really--but Sanz also didn't know how health and injuries worked in this world. He suspected it would be a painful process to find out. If Sage could sneak up on targets and back-stab them while he was the primary target... that could work.
"So we'll need to find some leather armor and a sickle for you then. I only hope we have the budget... I'll ask the guildmarm about finding jobs, and see what kind of pay they have."

Sanz looked down at the photo in his hand. While Sage had been silently thinking, he had been thumbing through his belongings. The picture was worn, kept in his wallet for at least a few years now, simply with him and an older woman who shared his fiery red hair. I'm coming back Sis. Don't worry about me.
The man stood up and donned the new apparel that had been acquired. He didn't really worry about covering himself in front of Sage, they were both guys after all and it was a single room. The clothes comfortable enough to move around in, and he could definitely fight in this. Though he was slightly concerned about the cloak in a pitched battle.
"Do you want to head out now or rest a bit longer?"
Sage watched Sanz get dressed, admidily peaking at him hoping to get a glimpse of his naughty bits. She was a bit disappointed, but she guessed that would happen later, if not when they went to bath. Sadly, Sad would eventually have to give up the fact she was not a he. She chuckled, "Want to split for a bit? Might be faster. I'll go get the sickle and armor, and then you can a quest for us? We're losing daylight and we can meet back for some food and maybe... maybe go out and quest today instead of tomorrow." Sage suggested.
Splitting up would be faster certainly, but would Sage avoid getting into trouble? Sanz looked the man over once before letting out a sigh. If he couldn't trust him that much then he would be better off trying to do this whole thing alone.
"Makes sense. Just please try to keep out of trouble."

The man tossed all of his earthly belongings into the shoulder bag he had grabbed before heading out of the room, hoping Sage would take his suggestion. At the very least, there were no more odd looks coming his way due to his appearance. The Guildmarm was all-too-happy to inform Sanz of where he could find work. The guild employed a job board, which consisted of requests from all over the nearby area, ranging from peasants to princes. After thanking the young lady, Sanz walked back across the guild hall to this wall of jobs... and almost immediately found his hopes dashed.

Every quest had a reward listed on it--as well as a minimum level requirement before you could take on the job. According to his guild card, Sanz was level 5, and presumably Sage was the same. There were a number of quests that offered a reward up to 20 gold... if you were over level 100 and could actually take them. As far as what he and Sage could actually take on... nothing paid more than 2 or 3 silver for completion. And those were the most dangerous quests by their descriptions. Sanz let out a sigh and picked up one of the few that paid 3 silver.

[fieldbox="Save 'ma Chicks, goldenrod, dashed"]
Wolves keep comin' after 'ma prized fur-chicks! They come outta' the woods at dusk evry' day. I sure would 'preciate if one a you aventurin' folks could get rid of 'em.

From Guild: Protect the poster's fur-chicks, and ensure the wolves do not return.
Minimum Level: 5
Reward: 2 fur-chick eggs and 3 silver

Three silver for fighting off a pack of wolves... Sanz did not like the sound of that, but if they wanted to be able to afford more equipment... he sighed and pulled the quest from the wall. It needed to be signed on by all who were participating. He would wait in the room until Sage returned, hopefully he had managed to have better luck. On his way back, Sanz looked at the mess hall, where he and Sage had seen Rhea earlier. She had said she was willing to party with them... and she also said she knew healing magic... Sanz tossed around the idea in his head while he waited.
Sage waved as Sanz left to go get stuff. With that, Sage threw on her new clothing and folded up her old clothing neatly on the desk. She repacked everything that was in her pockets to her new bag and slung that over her shoulder. Sage was glad because she used shoulder bags back home as well instead of backpacks or a purse. She could appreciate the simple fashion of the clothing as well. Though she had seen all the other adventures wore very different things. As they earn money, they were sure their styles would differ.

Sage glanced at Sanz only a moment as she left the guild hall. She found her way quickly walking down the street, only stopping a moment to ask someone if the blacksmith was down the road. When she saw it, she saw it. It was a large building that looked like it was just one giant hunk of metal and stone. Outside of it was a man and a woman. The woman was older while the young man looked just about Sage's age.

Sage smiled and started a pleasant conversation with them and let them know what she needed. They helped her out a bit, but Sage was slightly devastated with the prices, so despite the point that went into the dual wielding skill, she could only afford one sickle and one light armor chest piece. The worst part was it was called patchwork leather armor. It was basically armor that used leftover leather from different animals and was patched together. She was so fucked.

The total came to 1 gold and 4 silver. 8 silver for the shitty armor and 6 Silver for a single sickle that was not in the best condition. Leaving them with two whole silver left and a few coppers. They were so fucked. This would get them a bit of dinner to share maybe. In the end, Sage handed over the money and slipped on the armor over her head. She realized she just had to carry her weapon because she didn't have a holster. Something else she never thought she would have to buy.

Rhea didn't show up in the guild hall again while Sanz waited, however, he was greeted by a Sage who walked up looking rather almost defeated. She sighed and sat down with him, "Fucking god..." She muttered to him, "I went dual wielding, but there was barely enough to get only one. Both of these are just barely good enough to be called a weapon and armor." Sage mentioned to him. "We have 2 silver and 8 copper left... which will get us dinner tonight. So.. what are the jobs looking like?"
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Sanz had a double-take when Sage arrived. Sage was always flirty and upbeat socially. Even if he had ever been down, the young man always kept up some kind of Facade. Right now Sage just looked... defeated. There was no other way to describe it. When the young man collapsed down and gave the news, Sanz clenched one of his fists in response. If he ever saw that god again, he was going to punch the deity right in his smug face--consequences be damned.

Sanz let out a deep breath before sliding over the job posting that he had grabbed.
"For us currently? Pretty shit. The quests all have a level requirement... and we're only level 5. That's the best paying job I was able to find that we could actually take. So in other words we're going to be hunting for jobs on a daily basis. It looks like we should be able to do this tonight at least."
The man leaned back in his chair before continuing
"There were some other jobs that were less dangerous, with a recommended level of 2 or 3, but they offered one silver at best. So yeah... fucking god."
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Sage stared hard at the sheet, "O-only 3 silver... and if it's farm, then those two eggs won't be worth anything. Maybe a meal. Wonder if they are fertile and we can hatch them and make our own eggs? Doubt it...." Sage then looked at what they were actually doing instead of the money and slammed the paper down on the counter, "Was.. there really nothing else?" Sage asked a bit startled. Wolves. They were to fight wolves? WOLVES! As in deadly back animals that have the intelligence of 7-year-olds!
"I figure we can at least turn them into a meal if nothing else, which will save us a little bit of cash. Though I have no idea what a fur-chick is."
The Guild trainer hadn't been human, and that seemed to be perfectly normal in this world. Sanz had no reason to assume that the creatures would be the same either. But the fact that they were being raised on a farm gave him the hope that whatever these things were their eggs were safe to eat.

Sage slamming the quest down on the table caught Sanz off-guard. Was he afraid of physical conflict? Then again, that was probably the normal response to this kind of thing.
"No there wasn't something else. Unless you want to make even less cash tonight, this is our best choice."
The man gave a sigh and leaned forward
"If you're afraid of combat, just stay back and strike when the opportunity presents itself. I'm used to this sort of thing."
That... wasn't entirely true. Sanz was used to fighting thugs in back alleys, punks in front of the supermarket, or anyone else fitting that general description. Sometimes they had been armed, but it was always humans. Given the fact that Sage was turning even paler than usual though, Sanz chose to keep that information to himself.
"If we're going to be fighting some kind of demon lord to eventually leave this place, you'll have to get used to this. Just keep that in mind."
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