Song of the Wild

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Badger Supreme
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  1. Adaptable
The Setting
The Great God Pan is Dead! A phrase that was finally accepted by everyone 2000 years since it was spoken for the first time in Ephesos.

Harry Potter is Dead! A phrase that rang only partially true some 40 years ago when it was declared by Lord Voldemort in Hogwarts.

But what could those two phrases have in common? Their eras are vastly different and Harry Potter is most definitely not a god. Right? Well what if I told you that while Europe has three internationally acclaimed wizarding schools, Hogwarts, Beauxbatons and Durmstrang; a fourth one exists.

Hidden in the mists of the tallest peak of Mt Olympus an ancient citadel lies, well protected against prying eyes with timeless spells and a dragon that never sleeps guards against those who would try to breach its walls. Olympian Academy of the Mystical Arts teaches magic to all youth that possesses the spark and focused primarily on families from the Greco-Italian and Asia Minor areas. While not as large as its more famous counterparts, Olympian Academy could boast that many of its students chose to follow an education within its walls even into their early adulthood, comparable to a non-magical University.

That is why the Academy is more of a citadel than a single castle, cutoff from the rest of the wizarding community it served. Greece on its own doesn't have a very large community of human wizards, but combine this with many magical species and families who would like their kids to receive a structured education closer to home from the surrounding countries and you suddenly have enough students.

Olympian Academy is a melting pot of different cultures as much - if not more considering the fact certain magical species teach and get taught alongside humans - as mundane Greece has always been. While Hogwarts and England are recovering from yet another civil war based on racism, bringing international interest on the outcome of it, Greece and Olympian Academy had stuck to themselves. Their focus was turned to helping kids grow into thought provoking, creative and capable witches and wizards.

With Lord Voldemort truly gone and peace finally returning in the International Confederation circles, the wizarding community could focus on healing the wounds of the past. Until a few years ago when something begun to stir. The Pandemic was felt across the world. Ordinary people struggled to find the origin of the disease even as they managed to identify the virus. It was the silver lining in an otherwise highly disturbing magical event. They did not have to try and conduct massive oblivation raids to the world's population. An arcane magical aura had spread just as the virus had and many theories divided the International Wizarding scene as to its origin and cause.

Once the Pandemic was put under control in the mundane world and the magical aura retreated, life regained a more normal pace once again. But Olympian Academy was not ready to relax its vigilance. While their primary focus was to keep their students safe and provide them with an education, many of its teaching stuff, alumni and high level students had a quest.

To find the origin of the magic that caused the Pandemic and the source of the disturbance they feel in the balance of magic as they know it. Ancient powers are stirring and they need to find who or what is responsible for this.
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Olympian Academy
The School Grounds
Build on the peak of Mount Olympus, the Academy is accessible either by means of flight, teleportation or by a rather perilous goat path hidden behind oak shrubs. The school is more like an ancient city than anything else. The overall architecture is a mixture of ancient Athens during the Golden Era and more modern conveniences in the interiors of the buildings.

Courtyard houses where students sleep based on their age group (primary, middle and highschool) enchantments placed to prevent them from snogging in the dorms. There are plenty of other spots suitable for that, the stables and the Stadium to name a few. The walls of the Primary kids are covered with paintings of the Minoan art style, animated to serve as an extra eye for security reasons, offer advise or pass along messages as well as provide a bit of fun and wonder in the kids' lives. For Middle schoolers those paintings are in the Black Figure pottery art style while for High Schoolers it is in the Red Figure pottery art style, with more historical themes and figures as opposed to nature scenes.
The main building is in the style of a large Temple and houses all the administration as well as the ceremonial hall. The Ceremonial Hall takes the center portion of the temple. The floor is a massive mosaic of crossed torches of green fire and at the entrance of the Hall, a large statue of Hecate in her triple bodied form looms in painted marble over an otherwise plain interior. On the exterior, animated statues of the Olympian gods riding on chariots, sitting on thrones or otherwise engaged in dynamic scenes, decorate the roof. Those statues sometimes chat with students and staff alike.

Lectures take place in either two storied buildings that hold classrooms or in open air amphitheaters that are protected with climate charms.

On top of that, there is a Stadium which can be used by kids to train in track sports, martial arts such as different styles of wrestling and more modern sports like soccer. As part of the Academy's income comes from the breeding of prime winged horses, stable facilities exist in the citadel and many students choose to learn how to care, ride and breed the creatures. The school team has won many winged horse races over the years and their prized pure white horses come at a very steep price. Various buildings meant to provide services such as mess hall, infirmary, theater, dot the cobble streets and tree parks.

The citadel is surrounded by a stone wall. On either side of the Propylaea, two large hearths connect to a controlled Flu network. As soon as someone enters through the Gate they are greeted by a magnificent oak tree upon which a serpent dragon of brilliant bronze scales lives. The dragon is said to be a direct descendant of the Colchis dragon of legend and as such has rarely been seen with both eyes closed. He has been guarding the school since its foundation.

A branch of the Academy, boasting a summer camp option and a place of refinement for the scholars the rest of the year, is established on the island of Aeaea, more famously know as the lair of the witch Circe. Just as with the Academy grounds in Olympus, the island grounds are in the form of an ancient city, this one with a Minoan style architecture and the more modern conveniences in the interior.

The Curriculum
Magic can manifest in many ways. Western wizards use wands to channel their gifts while that is not as much the case with African wizards for example. In Olympian Academy, a mixture of practises is being taught, as historically, Greek Witches and Wizards would use a range of incantations, talismans, potions and herbs without the need for a wand. That is not to say that wands were not used. Cercei's scepter is a famous example, which she used to transfigure men into a variety of animals.

Students are being trained in the arts of Potion making, Herbology, Enchantment, Transfiguration, Astronomy, Divination, Beast Studies as well as a variety of more mundane topics such as mathematics, philosophy and history. As the students age, the topics grow in complexity and difficulty and wands are incorporated or left out. Not all students end up using a wand after graduation and the form of that wand is not as highly regulated as it is within the Anglo-Saxon areas of the wizarding world. In fact, wand making is a taught course and students usually make their own wand under expert guidance tailored to their own magical aura and aptitude. In the hands of another, that wand is practically useless.

For graduates of the academy, the curriculum delves deeper into the essence of magic and further specializations can be obtained such as Curse Breakers, Healers, Aurors, Alchemists etc. On the Island of Aeaea, the courses taught are of a similar level to that of mundane university.

For a student who boards at the Academy (it is not obligatory to board, students can use the Floo network every morning and afternoon if their parents have connection to it, or they can be flown in or apparated in for that matter), breakfast is served between 6:30am and 8:00am at the courtyard of their dorms, allowing them to wakeup at their own pace.

Classes begin at 8:15am and finish at 1:15pm or 2pm depending on if the student comes from the Blue (primary) or Black & Red Dorms (Middle & Highschool). Lectures usually last for 45mins after which a smaller or larger break is to be had so students can get to their next class or have lunch.

Lunch can be had in the Mess Hall, which is a medium sized building with an indoors buffet area as well as an opening to the outdoors tables where kids can get snacks instead. The Mess Hall is situated between the dorms and the classroom buildings.

With the end of classes, students either get picked up by their parents or they get to continue their day with extra curricular activities, study hall, free time and dinner either in the Mess Hall or at their dorms. Students are not allowed to be outside their dorms after 8 o'clock and lights are out by 10pm.

The Uniform
The uniform of students is a blend of modern and ancient greek garments as seen in the photos. The emblem on the belt is made out of a single scale from the guardian dragon and is carved with the academy's symbol of the crossed flaming torches of Hecate. This is a way to signify to the dragon that people are supposed to roam freely in within the walls.

For visitors, a scale is send prior to their visit and is returned upon the end of the visit.


The main color of the details in the chiton and pant trims, determines the age group in which a student belongs. Blue for Primary, Black for Middle and Red for High School. Personalization of the school uniform in ways such as accessorizing are allowed. Students are not expected to wear the uniform in their free time.

The longer tails of the chiton shirt are part of the formal uniform and is usually more elaborate and can reflect a student's accomplishments and magical affinity in the form of an Olympian Diety and its associated symbols.
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Character Creation
As mentioned, Olympian academy is much more welcoming to diverse students and professors than its Anglo-Saxon counterpart. historically speaking, there are many examples of humans having children with nymphs, nature spirits and demigods were notorious, though their true nature is a heated debate amongst scholars.

It would not be unusual to have a centaur healer or professor of astronomy, as it would not be unusual to have a siren as a mother, though keep in mind that the relevant harry potter canon is there to be used and what will be is that any holes will be filled by player/GM canon.

in general players are free to make a student, professor or other member of staff of any race as long as they keep in mind Harry Potter Canon lore and how that could affect their character's life. We are here to play in Rowling's universe in a part of the world that she hasn't really touched upon. Creativity is encouraged but we will try to keep it as close to the general 'vibe' of her universe as possible.

First & Last Name

Year & Dorm​

Nicknames: If any, feel free to delete it if you want.
Age: How old are they? Birthday?
Year/Dorm: 1st-6th Blue Dorm / 1st-3rd Black Dorm / 1st-3rd Red Dorm
Blood Status: Pure / Half / Mundane born or a Hybrid
Wand: eg. Alder driftwood/ coral/ 9.5inc/ quite flexible
Personality: Can be bullet points or a little blurp as long as we can understand how your character ticks.
Appearance: Here you can describe your character's appearance and style. It can be short or it can be longer. You can use Faceclaims of famous people, original art, fictional character art etc.


Gimme the tea people! What is your character's backstory?! You can be as brief or as expansive as you want. As long as we get information on how your character ended up in Olympian Academy, what their family is like and what kind of chaos are they gonna provide or attempt to control. I will read through it, but spare me having to go over it like I would a book.


You can put fun facts about your character in this section but it is not obligatory.

APPEARANCE: Click here if you can't see the image

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