Spellmaster - science fantasy MxF

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Original poster
In the history of the man there has always been periods of magic and science. Since the caveman a thousand years ago these two periods have changed and shifted and shaped the fate of the humanity. Only magic could bring life to the desert of Egypt and only science could build the pyramids.

When these two periods change people cry over the fallen gods and celebrate the age of enlightenment. The act of this change is slow. It happens over a hundreds of years. Remember King Arthur? In this relatively short time mages and innovators coexist together until one of the two prevails.

As the world gets smaller and the population rises, the time of the prevailing age is getting shorter and shorter. More than 2000 years in egypt, less than 300 years after the last Inquisition.

Right now we're in the age of science. But the time of another change is coming soon.


Most of the scientists are "enlightened" but that doesn't mean there cannot be a Spellmaster among them. That's because each period empowers it's own kind.

When these periods change, people are experiencing strange things. Some find the magic powers, some become technically talented. Some people die... A lot of them to be honest.

The Plot

(There are two possible beginnings)
1) Detective x Wife /// Detective x Colleague

This story starts just a few weeks before the next change to the young detective solving a case of mysterious deaths. Trying to stay sane while his wife is experiencing an awakening of her magical powers which drives her insane...

2) Detective x Spellmaster student

The story starts some time in the future where magic is the new regime and scientists (technocrats) are being hunted or enslaved. The young detective mentioned above gets there when the powerful magical surge occurs in the middle of blood stained moment of the change. He's discovered by a Spellmaster student of the Magitech academy and she tries to help him as he clearly doesn't belong to this age...

# Either one start is fine. This is based on a book I was writing until my data got lost and there is much more information about that setting, plot, characters etc. However, you as the participant will have to learn it while playing.

Who I'm looking for?
1. Experienced female partner that can close an eye over some grammar mistakes.
2. Should be able to develop the story with me. Also be able to play more characters regardless of their gender.
3. 3-5 paragraphs daily or every other day would be great. No one liners.
4. Fairly descriptive about the action/character/surroundings
5. Not afraid to communicate OOC if needed.
6. Long term (as the initial story was pretty big and rich)

# I welcome your ideas and suggestions. But altering some facts of the world I have prepared is a big No No! ... be reasonable and ask first if you want to change something that would have an impact on the world of Spellmasters.

I will provide more info or answer any questions after I find the right person /or if I forgot to mention something important above and notice it.

If you are interested - please - do an introduction in a paragraph or two so that I know your playstyle. You can do it here or via PM.

Thanks :)
Damn. I was wondering why there's no reaction to this whatsoever. It's in a bad section. Can some nice soul please move it to the regular partners connection?
Or just tell me how to do that?
Thank you very much!!!