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Original poster
Invitation Status
  1. Looking for partners
Posting Speed
  1. Speed of Light
  2. Multiple posts per day
  3. 1-3 posts per day
  4. One post per day
  5. Multiple posts per week
  6. 1-3 posts per week
  7. One post per week
  8. Slow As Molasses
Writing Levels
  1. Intermediate
  2. Adept
  3. Advanced
  4. Adaptable
Preferred Character Gender
  1. Male
  2. Nonbinary
  3. Agender
  4. Primarily Prefer Male
  5. Primarily Nonbinary
genre(s): general, fantasy (high or low, modern, urban, or whatever), slice of life, modern, supernatural, paranormal, comedy, romance, mystery, drama, adventure ; dark themes (to add more)

themes: angst/fluff ; slow/fast burn; romance ; platonic ; arrange marriage ; fake dating ; enemies to friends ; enemies to lovers ; college, family, friendship, hurt/comfort, bayside/beach/island, city/urdan, forest, mythology, mythological creatures, friends to lovers, found family ; (to add more)


[spoili](Art by TILLITH (you should go totally check out her art, it's really amazing and beautiful!))[/spoili]
ζSpirits Of The Abyss ζ
[fieldbox="Plot, #6E7DAB, dashed, 10, Tahoma"]Zoska. It was the name of the mountain that the souls were wandering around. A mountain that no one could enter. Until one day there was a group of teenagers wandering around the mountain, looking for ley lines and an ancient tomb of a dead Romanian king, that is thought to be buried somewhere on the mountain. These kids have met other people that will soon help them in their journey to find the king's amulet, which could be somewhere around the world. They were just living their daily lives until one teen found a journal that contains secrets and mysterious of Zoska, a dead king that could be regenerate if his amulet was found. This journal was hidden in the attic of his house, right beside a box full of ancient books. The teen called their friends over, explaining them the journal and what he had discovered. This group of teenagers left their daily lives to explore more about Zoska.[/fieldbox]
[fieldbox="Form, #404F6E, dashed, 10"]Name:
Theme Song:




Names of the Guardians of Zoska


Dante Basileus Callum * Cancer * Male * 17 * Homosexual * Italian-English
Jaey Eun Park * Virgo * Female * 15 * Pansexual * Korean
Valentine Ann Cupid * Gemini * Female * 17 * Straight * Caucasian
Anna Marie Rayne * Aries * Female * 17 * Straight * American (Mix Races though)

OKAY! So, I know the plot seems a little, well a lot, mess up, but at the time I couldn't think any plot and that one was just popping out of my mind. I might end up changing the plot, or, as I preferred, discuss the plot with you guys. I mean, to me, the plot doesn't make any sense and I'm very sorry if I confused any of you. ; - ;
Anyways, I still might edit this thread... don't really like the way it came out. But, aside from all that, please enjoy yourself in the RP and all Iwaku Rules applied here. SO, have fun everyone~! ^^ I think I might need help TuT

Also, right now, the thread might be misleading and mess up, but here is the thread for Sign Ups only, I'll be making the OCC thread in a bit. The Form is to make the teenagers.

Oh, and if you have any questions, please don't be afraid to ask. ^^​
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This sounds amazing!!! Though I do have one question. Are the teenagers all friends?
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This sounds amazing!!! Though I do have one question. Are the teenagers all friends?
Thanks, and yes, they are all friends. ^^ They all get reconnected by the journal that my character will soon find in the attic of his house.
Name: Jaey Eun Park
Zodiac: Virgo
Nickname: Jaey, JayJay
Personality: Introverted, shy, hardworking
Gender: Female
Age: 15
Sexuality: Pansexual
Nationality: Korean
Theme Song:
Mmmmmmm... Not really
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Dante Basileus Callum
Dan, Basil, Bassy, Cal
Dante is a very focused, studious, young man. He can be clumsy at times and forgettable, but has a hot temper when making of him, either about his height (5'4) or his hobbies, anything. He is also smart and kindhearted, always looking for ways to help others. He always think before he act and try to handle things on his own. He is not intimidated that easily and can sometimes take an aggressive stand in order to protect himself emotionally from transgresses of others. He can sometimes be emotinal and moody when he's tired. He's highly imaginative and has a tendency to withdraw inwardly. Also, Dante can be an awkard kid, not actually able to community without feeling like he'll humiliate himself in front of others.

When Dante was little, his parents were barely there for him. They always going on business trips and always leaving him with his grandparents, to the point where the grandparents made the boy lived with them. Dante loves his grandparents more than his parents. In his childhood, the boy will always get bullied by the big kids, until one day, another kid his age helped him stand up against the bullies, that kid became his first friend in a long while. Til this day, Dante will always be grateful for those who helped him before. The short teen worked at his grandparents' family restaurant and at a flower shops, spent his time studying more about Zoska and such, as well as going to school and chatting with his friends.
Theme Song:
Luke Korns
Losing his friends
Agriozoophobia - wild animals
Brontophobia - thunder and lightning

Lives with his grandparents
Knows how to play piano
Have learned how to speak Romanian, Latin, and Greek
Spent his free time learning about Zoska and its mysterious.
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Name: Jaey Eun Park
Zodiac: Virgo
Nickname: Jaey, JayJay
Personality: Introverted, shy, hardworking
Gender: Female
Age: 15
Sexuality: Pansexual
Nationality: Korean
Theme Song:
Mmmmmmm... Not really
Your form is looking nice, though, are you still looking for a pic for your character? You can describe them if you want when you can't find a pic. ^^
Hope you don't mind but, I added a few things. ^^

  • Name: Valentine Ann Cupid
    Nickname: Val
    Age: 17
    Birthday: June 9th
    Zodiac: Gemini
    Gender: Female
    Nationality: Caucasian
    Sexuality: Straight as a board
  • Personality: Valentine is seen as a sweet charming girl. Most of the time she can be seen helping someone in need or giving to the poor. There are some flaws to her just like everybody else. She tends to be very sensitive and can have quite a temper at times. Though don't let that get in the way of being her friend. Valentine's a all around jolly girl. Her hype active talkative self does sometimes make people stay away but, she's very friendly and loves to be with those she loves and views as friends.

    The color yellow
    Country Music
    Being with friends and family

    × Small enclosed spaces
    × Spicy food
    × Racism
    × Mean people
    × Cucumbers
    × The color black
    × Spiders
    × Heights

    Physically fast
    Well coordinated

    × Too nice
    × Too trusting
    × Not very strong
    × Sensitive
    × Too forgiving

    Horseback ridding

    × Spiders
    × Heights
    × Small enclosed spaces
    × Loosing her loved ones
  • Eye's: Valentines eye's are a warm honey brown with light hazelnut flecks around the pupil. Her eye's always hold a friendly warmth to them.

    Hair: Valentines hair is a deep brown with dark brown highlights. Her hairs is naturally curly and usually worn down or in a high bun.

    Body: Valentine is 5' 1" and weighs 115 lbs. Her body is slightly muscular but, not enough to lift more than 15 pounds. She has a curvy body with a modest breast size.

    Complexion: Valentine's skin has a slight tan to it and had light freckles dusted across her cheeks. Her face usually has little to no blemishes thanks to her active use of face cleansers.

    Dress: Valentine loves to wear dresses with boots so that's what she wears most of the time. Though you can find her in a tank top, shorts, and boots from time to time. She wear's a locket with her family photo in it at all times. Only taking it off if necessary.
  • Valentine lived a simple life, born in Alabama to a family of three. Her mother, Jennifer, her father, Hank, and her. They all were full of so much love. She was an only child till she was 5 when her younger brother, Colby, was born. Valentine loved her little brother and made sure he was never sad. Around her 7th birthday there was a house fire while everyone was asleep. Only Valentine and her father made it out. 2 weeks after the fire they held a funeral.

    Valentines father fell into depression choosing to drink and ignore his daughter. None the less she kept her spirits up for the sake of her father. School was fun for Valentine she met great people. She even made a few friends.
  • Voice: Megan Nicole
    Theme Song:

    Lives with father in run down apartment
    Speaks fluent French
    Wears locket with family photo
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Hope you don't mind but, I added a few things. ^^

  • Name: Valentine Ann Cupid
    Nickname: Val
    Age: 17
    Birthday: June 9th
    Zodiac: Gemini
    Gender: Female
    Nationality: Caucasian
    Sexuality: Straight as a board
  • Personality: Valentine is seen as a sweet charming girl. Most of the time she can be seen helping someone in need or giving to the poor. There are some flaws to her just like everybody else. She tends to be very sensitive and can have quite a temper at times. Though don't let that get in the way of being her friend. Valentine's a all around jolly girl. Her hype active talkative self does sometimes make people stay away but, she's very friendly and loves to be with those she loves and views as friends.

    The color yellow
    Country Music
    Being with friends and family

    × Small enclosed spaces
    × Spicy food
    × Racism
    × Mean people
    × Cucumbers
    × The color black
    × Spiders
    × Heights

    Physically fast
    Well coordinated

    × Too nice
    × Too trusting
    × Not very strong
    × Sensitive
    × Too forgiving

    Horseback ridding

    × Spiders
    × Heights
    × Small enclosed spaces
    × Loosing her loved ones
  • Eye's: Valentines eye's are a warm honey brown with light hazelnut flecks around the pupil. Her eye's always hold a friendly warmth to them.

    Hair: Valentines hair is a deep brown with dark brown highlights. Her hairs is naturally curly and usually worn down or in a high bun.

    Body: Valentine is 5' 1" and weighs 115 lbs. Her body is slightly muscular but, not enough to lift more than 15 pounds. She has a curvy body with a modest breast size.

    Complexion: Valentine's skin has a slight tan to it and had light freckles dusted across her cheeks. Her face usually has little to no blemishes thanks to her active use of face cleansers.

    Dress: Valentine loves to wear dresses with boots so that's what she wears most of the time. Though you can find her in a tank top, shorts, and boots from time to time. She wear's a locket with her family photo in it at all times. Only taking it off if necessary.
  • Valentine lived a simple life, born in Alabama to a family of three. Her mother, Jennifer, her father, Hank, and her. They all were full of so much love. She was an only child till she was 5 when her younger brother, Colby, was born. Valentine loved her little brother and made sure he was never sad. Around her 7th birthday there was a house fire while everyone was asleep. Only Valentine and her father made it out. 2 weeks after the fire they held a funeral.

    Valentines father fell into depression choosing to drink and ignore his daughter. None the less she kept her spirits up for the sake of her father. School was fun for Valentine she met great people. She even made a few friends.
  • Voice: Megan Nicole
    Theme Song:

    Lives with father in run down apartment
    Speaks fluent French
    Wears locket with family photo

Oh, don't worry, it's alright. ^^ Nice character, tho! Can't wait to roleplay with her. :)
Btw, guys, the OCC thread is already been set up, you can discuss there about what to keep plot going and how to connect your characters. Also, would you guys like for the Rp to start early or wait for a few others to join?
Name: Anna Marie Rayne
Zodiac: Aries
Nickname: Ann
Personality: Introverted, shy, cautious with moments of bold recklessness.
Appearance: [spoili]
Gender: female
Age: 17
Bio: She grew up a country girl that would go camping and on trips with her family though she was shy when with others. She never was one to make frieds fast but those she did make usually stayed friends for years. She is the youngeest of four children, the only one left at home since the others have all married and moved out to start their own families. It wasn't until she turned 16 that tragedy struck her family, taking her parents and eldest brother in a house fire the night they got home from a camping trip and had decided to sleep all in the house instead of driving home. her sister took her in to live with her until Ann would graduate and be 18 years old at least. her older brother was only a year older, and newly married, living in a one bedroom place, so he didn't have the money, room or interest in taking her in. The three siblings still go camping together when they can, to honor their parents and eldest brother's lives.
Sexuality: straight
Nationality: american (Mix of native american, irish, english and who knws what else.)
Theme Song:

Any man of mine ~ Shaniah Twain
Fear/Phobias: arachnophobia, death
Other: Loves animals, rides horses, goes camping with family when they can get off to go together.
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Name: Anna Marie Rayne
Zodiac: Aries
Nickname: Ann
Personality: Introverted, shy, cautious with moments of bold recklessness.
Appearance: [spoili]
Gender: female
Age: 17
Bio: She grew up a country girl that would go camping and on trips with her family though she was shy when with others. She never was one to make frieds fast but those she did make usually stayed friends for years. She is the youngeest of four children, the only one left at home since the others have all married and moved out to start their own families. It wasn't until she turned 16 that tragedy struck her family, taking her parents and eldest brother in a house fire the night they got home from a camping trip and had decided to sleep all in the house instead of driving home. her sister took her in to live with her until Ann would graduate and be 18 years old at least. her older brother was only a year older, and newly married, living in a one bedroom place, so he didn't have the money, room or interest in taking her in. The three siblings still go camping together when they can, to honor their parents and eldest brother's lives.
Sexuality: straight
Nationality: american (Mix of native american, irish, english and who knws what else.)
Theme Song:

Fear/Phobias: arachnophobia, death
Other: Loves animals, rides horses, goes camping with family when they can get off to go together.
It's all great, though the Theme Song doesn't appear, but that doesn't matter right now. I'll add your character to the list. Thank you for joining. ^^
Still looking for more players~! Anyone is welcome to join! The Rp is still open! 。^‿^。
Has the IC started? I don't want to join if things are already moving.
Has the IC started? I don't want to join if things are already moving.
No, it hasn't started it yet. I'm still accepting new players! ^^
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