SS Peregrine- A SciFi survival concept

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OPEN SIGNUPS - CHARACTER INDEX - The SS Peregrine- a Sci Fi Survival RP

I've had a concept floating around in my head for awhile, and finally decided to open it up to an interest check. A bit of basic info before diving into setting, character types, and plot:

This would likely be a smaller group rp, though I will consider a 1x1- just know that 1x1s will not be prioritized. I'm thinking around five players to begin with, and players could have the option to create one or two characters. Any more than that and I personally think roleplays get a bit crowded.
Note: There may be an opportunity for new characters later in the roleplay. If that occurs, new characters will first be open to current players. If there is still room after the current players have made their decisions it will then be opened to new players.
I'm not going to lie, this will be my first time as a GM. I have experience with 1x1s and group rps, as well as working on solo projects.

I have a general plot outline and setting. I have always been very into collaborative roleplay, and may be open to discussing new ideas OOC via PM (within reason- as I said, there is still an existing plot and setting), and I always develop plots that flow well with what the characters within the story do. If you prefer that a roleplay be more rigid in structure, this may not be for you.

As far as proficiency and post length goes, I ask that posts average a few paragraphs in length or longer. In instances where dialogue or other interactions between characters occur players are of course welcome to have shorter posts; there's no benefit to drawing out a brief action just to reach a word count. I also ask that players be somewhat familiar with forum based RP and prepared to post at least once per week with thoughtful, revised posts. This doesn't mean your writing must be publication ready, just please make sense, use spell check, and follow grammar rules to the best of your ability.

And finally, a couple of guidelines/rules before I move on: all players are expected to play well with others. This doesn't necessarily mean that your characters be besties, but OOC I expect everyone to be respectful. Don't make posts that force another player to do something they may not want to do, and please clear big setting related info or actions with me before posting. I am more than happy to discuss ideas players may have. After all, a roleplay is nothing without creative and engaged players! Also, no romance between mature players and minors. No exceptions. Anything sexual, regardless of the age of the players, must faded to black. If y'all want to take it to the PMs be my guest, but keep it off of the official forum. If any of this get's hairy, I'll ban romance outright. I don't want to restrict sub-plots, because they can add wonderful depth to character and story development, so I'm trusting all players to respect these rules. This is a PG-13 roleplay. If there is explicit language you would like to use, please clear it with me. I'm willing to be flexible in those regards. You're welcome to create your own sci fi profanity as well, so long as it isn't too derogatory. Lastly, no sexual harassment or assault. I'll boot you. That's a line I don't cross in any of my roleplays. Within the backstory it might be fine within reason, but please clear the description with me before posting it to the roster (assuming this concept gets that far). I don't want anything descriptive about it. Like I said, PG-13. If you're unsure whether or not what you're writing will be ok, send me a PM and we can talk it out. As I've said, I want players to have freedom but still be respectful. The last thing I want is for a player to feel uncomfortable participating!

Now, some plot info!

Many years in the future, humanity has established inter-stellar travel for both public and private sectors. Artificial Intelligence has been perfected and is now part of everyday life, with robots living alongside humans. No other intelligent life currently exists within our galaxy; the few species we found were either long-dead or quickly wiped out. That being said, as our species expanded, sub-species emerged. New traits evolved, and while the basic structure of the human body and genetics remains there is far more variety than before.

The characters within this story are members of a prestigious crew working for a somewhat controversial private company that specializes in recreating biomes found on various planets and moons. The founder is said to be one of the biggest tycoons within the Milky Way galaxy. A man obsessed with exploration and collection, he has built a massive network of employees who build and maintain his biomes. His company has been responsible for discovering, cataloging, and collecting many species of flora and fauna alike, but he always hungers for more; to him, enough is never enough. He has reached nearly every corner of our galaxy, and has a well organized system of crews who explore, document, and collect species from the remaining systems that harbor life. Now, he has his eyes set on our closest neighbor, Andromeda. That's where our story begins.

Within the highest ranks of the organization there are crews composed of leading experts, combatants, and strategists. These crews man the first vessels sent to systems which harbor life. The crew of the SS Peregrine has been assembled as one of the first to make the jump from the Milky Way to Andromeda. But during the hyperspace jump, the system suffers a massive failure.

The SS Peregrine falls out of the jump in an unknown system. Long distance travel has become impossible, and life support is failing. Through pure luck, the system harbors life on an earth-like planet. The crew scrambled to gather data on this new planet, learning all they could to ensure that it could, in fact, keep them alive. Though the calculations are not certain enough to meet standard requirements, time is of the essence, and a nearly unanimous decision is made to head down to this new world, leaving only a few robots to take care of the SS Peregrine in the absence of the human crew members. Unfortunately, the fall out of their hyperspace jump was only the beginning of the crew's problems.

To get to the planet, the SS Peregrine had to navigate an asteroid belt, and while preparations were being made for the humans and some robots to depart in the landing and emergency vessels, the ship took a massive hit. Despite the crew's best efforts, they only had minutes to evacuate. The characters of this story are some of the lucky few who made it to a departing vessel in time. In the chaos, this new team could see no other escapees, and though they landed safely thanks to the piloting of the Lieutenant Commander himself, these characters were now stranded in a completely unknown world with minimal supplies. Though their radio system seemed to function, there was only silence when they reached out to the SS Peregrine.

The team must now band together and find a way to live within this new landscape and seek out other survivors- if there are any.

Existing characters, to be played by GM:

- Lieutenant Commander Rion Ward, right hand man of the captain of the SS Peregrine whose status is unknown.
- April Alcott, MD

Character types open to players:
Note that humans should make up at least 2/3 of the party. There can be more than one character of these types eg multiple security officers.

-security officer (1 player claimed)
-engineer (1 player claimed)
-biologist/chemist/ other researcher
- these characters are encouraged to be highly specialized.​
--any other profession that would be useful to the crew back on the SS Peregrine.

Thank you for reading! Feel free to comment or PM if you're interested or have any questions.
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  • Love
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This sounds bloody epic. I'm in.

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  • Thank You
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I've got an autistic engineer who would be perfect here.
  • Thank You
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