Star Wars/Mass Effect: Star Crossed

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"Die! Die! Die! DIE!" Quincy roared, fighting his arm cannon toward the Turian's direction.

By this point he didn't care about getting information from the prisoner. The merc just wanted to slaughter after all the trouble they brought to his operations. Novus' ploy worked as he grabbed the blue suns officer's undivided attention.

Seeing her chance Minerva drew herself up aiming down the sights and pulled the trigger. One burst of thermal rounds after another followed. The three bursts cracked the glass just as Quincy growled in outrage. The fourth shattered the glass just as he aimed toward her but Minerva rushed to the side and fired the last two bursts.

The former shredded Quincy's personal shields before the final rounds cut into his chest area. Eyes widened in absolute shock as he died the mercenary commander managed to fire a missile with his final breath.

Alarmed Minerva leaped out of the way as the projectile slammed and exploded where she once stood. Even so the force of the blast knocked her forward several more meters as she hit the hard ground on her left side.

Grunting she looked up just as the Altas collapsed face first with a massive thud, shaking the immediate area. Breathing heavily Minerva allowed herself to close both eyes in momentary relief.

Father I did it...

(Tag: @Raynar Saassin )
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Novus watched as Minerva dealt with the Atlas mech. It was quite a spectacle to witness, someone using his weapon to take down a mech that powerful. It was thrilling. As their Commander fell, any remaining Blue Suns in the area sounded a retreat and fled the area, leaving them alone.

"Good shots. That'd of taken me a few attempts before I eventually land the hits on a mech of that size, but you seem naturally gifted with precision. I'll uh, take that back now."

Walking forward to Minerva, he gently took his Vindicator back and reloaded it, planting it back onto his back.

"Turns out you didn't need saving after all. You scavenged a Shotgun from these Mercs and fended them off all on your own. They're usually the best of the best, but turned out we both outsmarted 'em. Name's Novus Calpso but I'm more commonly known as "Devil's Charm." Pleasure to meet ya, lass."

( Tag: @Nomad-22 )
Now that the fighting had paused for now Minerva could finally take measure of the being before her eyes. He is definitely capable. Doesn't lack confidence either judging by his title. The young woman thought while pulling out the avenger rifle again. Saying nothing at first with a neutral expression she then answered with a simple nod.

"You're not bad in a fight yourself. My name is Minerva Fhirdiad. I'm indebted to you for your aid however…"

Her eyes narrowed in suspicion toward the Turian before continuing.

"I suspect you didn't give it out of charity. What is it that you want?"

Her life's journey has already taught Minerva that there are not too many beings who don't do things unless there was benefit for themselves, especially the scoundrel types and Novus' eyes pretty much screamed scoundrel to her.

( Tag: @Raynar Saassin )
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"You'd be correct in that assumption. Wasn't long until an information broker got word of your arrival here and asked for me to come get'cha. The Blue Suns aren't really known for treating their prisoners with respect, much less a woman."

Novus stated, connecting a radio to his ship and ordering it to take off and fly to his position. It would take a while before his ship would arrive so he would try to make some small talk.

"You're obviously not from around here, or this Galaxy even. Unidentifiable Armor, Weapons, yet you look like any old human. Not a member of the Alliance or you would of not been alone. Where exactly are you from?"

( Tag: @Nomad-22 )
Minerva maintained her suspicious glare as he explained. At least this self-confessed pirate seems to admit that he is not here out of the kindness of his heart. While she herself believed in Mandalorian honor many others don't even share a shred of that concept. Well there were those that did but in her line of work that is difficult to find as drinkable water on Tatooine.

Just as Minerva opened her mouth to speak, Novus kept talking. At what he said the Mandalorian's fierce expression melted into utter puzzlement. Blinking her eyes as she tried to process what he just said.

Another…galaxy?! Alliance? What is he talking about?!

From Novus' view his new human acquaintance now looked like someone who was seeing a ghost. At first she was mostly still but started to hyperventilate, looking around and her hands shaking.

"It can't be…it can't be…No, no, no." Minerva muttered to herself, full of denial. Yet the more she thought about it the more unsettled she became. Wait I remember…that artifact when it shattered…oh no. Overwhelmed she twisted around, dropping the gun and vomited on the ground.

Knelt down, her mind wrestled with the revelation she muttered. "I…I…perhaps that freak accident threw me into a neighboring galaxy. Yes that has to be it nothing makes sense." Little did Minerva realize yet that she was in an entirely different reality.

( Tag: @Raynar Saassin )
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Novus just watched as the woman he just saved decided to just freeze out of the blue, freaking out almost. It was certainly strange and it threw him off a little. He had heard stories of how some humans full on lose it in a situation that's beyond their understanding but to see it in person was an understatement.

"R...Right... Right. Well, if you're done having an episode, we had better get out of here before more of them show up. My ship should arrive any..."

As if on cue, a modified fighter flew onto the scene, landing a few meters in front of Novus as the ramp dropped.

"Well, you coming or not?"

( Tag: @Nomad-22 )
Regaining control of her senses Minerva looked up to Novus in a shocked expression combined with a glare. Apparently there was no shortage of scoundrels here either. He was probably offered a great deal by this information broker to bring her in. She still didn't fully trust him not by a long shot but more of those Blue Suns will be their own.

Dust filled air blew in her face as the ship arrived at the ramp. She glanced upon with a discerning eye. Definitely not familiar with that type but it must have speed or a lot of armaments for a pirate to fly. Grabbing her new shotgun Minerva stood up and looked the Turian in the eyes with newfound determination.

"Fine I'll come with you but under one condition. You fly me to their base or at least near enough to it. Those sleemos stole from me and I intend to retrieve what is mine."

Her heated tone at the latter sentence made it clear that she intended to slaughter every merc that gets in her way even after the near-death experiences she been having lately.

( Tag: @Raynar Saassin )
"Feisty one, aren't you? Alright, fine. I'm owed a few bad contracts from these bastards anyway."

Waiting for Minerva to enter the fighter, Novus jumped into the cockpit and retracted the landing ramp, taking the ship up into the skies. As soon as they were orbital, he attempted contact with his information broker.

"Oracle, come in. I've got the girl but she wants blood. Can you give me any information about Blue Suns activity in this region? A base of operations would be nice."

Meanwhile with Minerva, a small drone flew up to her and scanned her skin.

"Subject, Human. Vital Signs positive, no abnormal cells."
"Oh, that's just the drone that came with this ship. Name's DD-12. Acts as a jack of all trades drone; mechanic, scanner, hacker, etc etc."
"DD-12 at your service. Name?"

( Tag: @Nomad-22 )
Oracle was back in his office at an undisclosed location. Upon receiving Novus' message from one of his computer screens he tilted his head in response. She wants blood huh? He makes her sound like a Krogan if I didn't know any better. Of course the Salarian refused to air those thoughts out loud but rather got to business.

Swifty clicked on the console a few times and got the information he then answered.

"Very well here you go Novus. But that intel will cost you a little extra. Just make you and your new acquaintance stay alive. Would be unfortunate for our investment."


As for the Mandalorian paused staring at the drone up and down. Seeing no harm in answering its inquiry she replied.

"Minerva Fhirdiad, mercenary and warrior of Mandalore."

Her tone was filled with pride at the last three words.

( Tag: @Raynar Saassin )
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"Mandalore, unrecognized term. Mercenary, recognized."
"Yeah yeah. Just be ready for when I come back, yeah?"

Hanging up with Oracle, Novus punched in the coordinates and put the ship on auto-pilot. Walking to the main area of the ship, he sat down and briefed her on the situation.

"We're heading to the Malgus System, it's in this region. My client has revealed the location of a Blue Sun's base, however there is a complication. The Blood Pack control the planet we're heading to, which means when we land, it's going to be hot."

( Tag: @Nomad-22 )
Similar yet different to droids. Minerva noted about DD-12. Such machines had essential to much of galactic civilization and it appeared to be a similar concept in this one as well. Subsequently she returned her focus to Novus who explained he just learned. Minerva crossed her arms over the chest in reaction.

First blue suns now there is a group called blood pack. The latter sounds like it is trying to be fearsome. Not one usually to back down from a challenge Minerva nevertheless did believe gaining intel about them would be best. Her late father while he still lived stressed the necessity of gathering as much information as possible about potential clients, partners and especially possible enemies

"So be it. I assume the Blood Pack is another gang? Are they rivals to the Blue Suns?"

(Tag: @Raynar Saassin )
"Every Gang rivals each other. At one point they all grouped up to take down one guy and a small team, but that was only because that one guy managed to piss them off so much they stopped caring and just wanted him gone."

DD-12 reached for a datapad to pass to Minerva. On it featured a race that visually looked intimidating.


"They're comprised of Vorcha which are effectively cannon fodder, but their most dangerous comes from what my Droid has passed to you; Krogan. They are incredibly dangerous, durable and know battle like none other. They favor Shotguns including Slugs, as well as physical intimidation. They can headbutt someone with as much force as the recoil of a Shotgun. If you see a Krogan charging you, you had best hope you can take them down before they collide into you."

( Tag: @Nomad-22 )
Minerva gave the datapad's contents a close examination and listened attentively to Novus. These Krogan sounded like a force to be reckoned with. Back where she is from people were wary of provoking Wookiees. It appears this galaxy has their equivalent though they're reptilian in nature. Her expression was outwardly stoic but she did feel a combination of wariness and…thrill.

I'll have to be more careful without my armor but these Krogan sound like a worthy challenge.

Choosing not to say that thought out loud Minerva opted to ask.

"What are the best ways to kill them?"

( Tag: @Raynar Saassin )
"It varies since there are some Krogan who have undergone medical enhancements. Some Krogan have very powerful regenerative properties. This one bastard that is luckily not with us can withstand numerous rocket launcher strikes and regenerate the damage like it was nothing. He refused to go down."

Novus exclaimed as they entered the system. As soon as they started to make a move, Novus quickly made the ship halt as he left it stationary for the time being. Moving to the seating area, he pulled up a camera terminal which revealed the presence of an Alliance Fleet.

"So we have a problem. Alliance ships are in the area, which must mean they're doing a routine clean up of anyone who ventured too far from the Terminus Systems. We may have to---"

"Unidentified Ship, come in. This is Alliance Fleet Sigma Nine."
"Ah, shit."

Novus pulled out a communicator and began to speak with the officer.

"What's up?"
"This is Alliance Fleet Sigma Nine, you are speaking to Captain Tucker. You are in the midst of a warzone between us, the Blue Suns and the Blood Pack. Explain your reasoning for being here, Turian."
"We're your backup, sir. Turian Military."

Novus flashed a ID card which Minerva would immediately recognized was forged, but convincing enough for standard military brass.

"Very well. Make your way planetside, we won't gun you down. Happy hunting."

Novus then turned to Minerva.

"Ready to rock?"

( Tag: @Nomad-22 )
Extremely hard to kill. Just wish he was a lot more specific on what tactics work. Guess I'll have to figure it out myself.

Pushing that thought down, Minerva focused back on the present. The Mandalorian raised an eyebrow in the presence of a fleet. The war ships were certainly different from what she knew and saw back in her galaxy. She quietly let Novus do the talking with the authorities.

They sound so much like the New Republic but with more firepower it seems.

Once Novus was done and asked if she was ready Minerva nodded. Then the Mandalorian remarked.

"For a pirate you sure talk your way out like a smuggler would. Guess our galaxies are not too different."

(Tag: @Raynar Saassin )