Star Wars The Old Republic: The Way of the Sith

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Peace is a lie, there is only passion.
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Fantasy, Modern, Horror, Combat, War
Star Wars The Old Republic: The Way of the Sith


CHARACTER INDEX - Star Wars The Old Republic: The Way of the Sith (Characters)
CLOSED SIGNUPS - SWTOR: The Way of the Sith

Peace is a lie, there is only passion.
Through passion, I gain strength.
Through strength, I gain power.
Through power I gain victory.
Through victory, my chains are broken.
The force shall free me.

A low raggedy voice speaks to you...

"It has been five years since the Jedi Temple was decimated during the Great Galactic War within the infamous battle known as the Sacking of Coruscant. Five bountiful years since that blasted treaty was signed though it sealed the victory we Sith have relished in ever since. Some would even call this period of time the Sith's mightiest era as we continue to exert our rule over the worlds we've gained after the war as well as more to come in the near future...and that's exactly what I mean by some would call this the Sith's greatest era. But I know there is more greatness to be claimed by those with the ambition to reach out and grasp it with the undeniable strength of the dark side. I sense promising Sith will come about in this golden age of ours. The other lords and masters can feel it too as much as I do. More than ever...they will be seeking apprentices with great potential. However...those with talent can still parish at the feet of others if the tools of the Sith are not heeded. Deception...and cunning...remember these words for they are your greatest weapons in addition to the power of the dark side."

You have been found and taken in by the Sith for your force sensitivity and or affiliation to the dark side; either willingly or not. Were you born a slave, from another world or perhaps taken from the feeble Jedi? In time that past life will no longer mean anything to you.

Here on Korriban the major learning center Sith Empire not too long ago freshly retaken from the grasp of the Republic; your life begins anew.
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@MelodicInferno @Red Thunder @Cush Almighty @Dipper

The OOC is up though I will be adding more info to this page as well as creating a character index because yes. In the character index is where I'll spell out the character creation and probably where stats and things will.
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I doubt it. It's not an OS issue either, I have an android and I tried the browser version.
Huh. Yeah, I have android and it's not really cooperating for me