StarLeague - Science Fiction - Action

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|| Perpetual GM ||
Original poster
Writing Levels
  1. Adept
  2. Advanced
Preferred Character Gender
  1. No Preferences

Greetings, Starfighter...

You have been recruited by the StarLeague to defend the frontier against Xur and the Ko-Dan armada.


Are we alone in the universe? Are we really the only inhabited planet in the galaxy? Thousands of lightyears and thousands of planets and yet the notion that we are not alone remains a silly conspiracy often brushed to the side. Society is so consumed in themselves we fail to see we are not alone. Not in the slightest.

Technology has seen a significant advancement in the span of less than 100 years. Humanity's achievements are significantly displayed both in medical and entertainment advancements as the space program has fallen to the wayside being astronomically high in budget requiring funding no one seems to have.

And so as the glamor of space travel waned, humanity enjoyed their time more with video games. The industry advanced to bring experiences to the average person as a means of escapism, eventually leading to the accessibility of Virtual Reality. As VR became commonplace in the modern home across the world, so too did a game known as Starfighter Simulator.

Starfighter Simulator was hailed to be boring, convoluted, and repetitive in nature with seemingly no end and annoyingly without save points. It became a cult classic among let's-play streamers and gamers drawn to the obscure. Ultimately, the game never garnered much attention from the masses despite it being free-to-download. Those who played it would find themselves thrown into a complex space flight simulator where one could choose to play either as a pilot or a gunner taking down advanced AI. The game always opened with the same introduction:

Greetings Starfighter. You have been recruited by the StarLeague to defend the frontier against Xur and the Ko-Dan armada.

It had been nearly a year since the game's hidden release and no one had been able to beat it. For the most part it was a forgotten thrill, and most gamers had moved onto better VR compatible games. Unbeknownst to humanity, a very small handful of gamers managed to play through the grueling hours of gameplay to beat the game people had deemed unbeatable. While it could be considered a personal achievement, no one at this point would believe their claims of victory, and likely wouldn't care all too much.

Within the following days these gamers would find themselves greeted by mysterious men at their doors while they're alone offering them a job to work as a gaming specialist due to their achievement in beating the game known as Starfighter Simulator. They're given a card with a contact known as Centauri for a second interview. If called, these individuals would be met with a kindly voice detailing the opportunity and promises of fully funded relocation. It was a deal too difficult to pass up, and when offered a final face-to-face interview at the company's expense, it was at least worth the final trip to negotiate pay and see just how opportune this venture could be.


Of course, the story only begins at this point. This is a science fiction roleplay loosely based off of the 1984 science fiction action film called The Last Starfighter. Due to the plot of the film being underdeveloped, most of the references to the inspiration will only be in names or nods to original content. Otherwise, I'm looking to create a character driven story centered around a team of humans thrown into a galactic war and an entire expansion of their sheltered earthly lives. Due to the nature of the content, all PCs must be 18 years or older.

I'll be looking to pair people off as each Gunstar will need a gunner and a pilot. I would like to make a PC as well, but should I like an even number of submissions I may just take on the roles of NPCs and act more as a storyteller. While your characters in the introduction won't be aware of the vastness of the galaxy and what they're about to embark upon, most of the roleplay will take place in space and involve space style dog fights for most of the action.

Lore will be updated as the story progresses, but since your characters will begin as unknowing humans of earth you have no requirements to know of anything alien beforehand! This is designed for anyone to be able to jump in after approval and roleplay with ease.

This is a detailed oriented roleplay, meaning 3+ paragraphs per post and a long term investment. If you feel you can't commit to a plot that could take well over a year to develop, this might not be the roleplay for you!

Let me know if you're interested in this thread, and if I get enough interest I may make this thing happen!
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You have peaked my interest entirely! ^^
  • Bucket of Rainbows
Reactions: Effervescent
Hecks yeah
  • Bucket of Rainbows
Reactions: Effervescent


hello effie?

wat r u doin

pls respond (this is, uh, a vote of interest....)
  • Useful
Reactions: Effervescent
-pokes head in- Psst, I can't read it on dark theme D:
-pokes head in- Psst, I can't read it on dark theme D:
Apologies! I don't normally work in dark themes so I forgot those themes don't keep fonts nice and black against a white background! It should be fixed now.
  • Thank You
Reactions: Joan
(`・ω・´)ゞ ready for mah mission capn
  • Bucket of Rainbows
Reactions: Effervescent
Right, I am interested in this, but I have a CS or two to finish up first >__> we'll see where I am after that, heh.
Right, I am interested in this, but I have a CS or two to finish up first >__> we'll see where I am after that, heh.
No worries, right now I'm just checking to see if I can generate enough interest to even make this a thing. Eventually I will make some ads and have that cycling.

So it might be a few weeks or it might never happen! Tell your friends if you think they would be into it!
  • Useful
Reactions: Joan
Girl plz. It's happening if I have to make 85 characters lol
This sounds very interesting; I'd love to join if it becomes a thing!
  • Bucket of Rainbows
Reactions: Effervescent
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