Streamclan || Disney x Happily

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Socially Awkward Penguin
Original poster
Invitation Status
Posting Speed
  1. Slow As Molasses
Online Availability
late. [well... most of my partners seem to think so anyways] ... it varys, best to just check with me ^_^
Writing Levels
  1. Intermediate
  2. Adept
  3. Advanced
  4. Prestige
  5. Douche
  6. Adaptable
Preferred Character Gender
  1. Male
  2. Female
  3. Primarily Prefer Female
Slice of Life is my favorites, but I also love fandom based* and country based rps. I'm open to trying most things, but there are a couple that I won't do.

*I'm not interested in fandoms I don't know and I am not interested in playing canon characters. I only play OCs.



Streamstar ~ 25 Moons ~ Lives; 9 ~ Disney


Stormpaw ~ Stormgaze ~ 6 Moons ~ Happily


Shadowclaw ~ 31 Moons ~ Happily

Lightningpaw ~ Lightningstrike ~ 11 Moons ~ Disney


Firestorm ~ 33 Moons ~ Happily


Sagepaw ~ Sagewing ~ 6 Moons ~ Disney


Gingerheart ~ 33 Moons ~ Apprentice; None ~ Happily
Shadowfall ~ 28 Moons ~ Apprentice; None ~ Disney

Swirlpelt ~ 24 Moons ~ Apprentice; None ~ Disney
Sagefoot ~ 24 Moons ~ Apprentice; Mousepaw ~ Disney

Streampelt ~ 23 Moons ~ Apprentice; None ~ Disney
Petalnose ~ 23 Moons ~ Apprentice; Harepaw ~ Disney
Tawnyscar ~ 23 Moons ~ Apprentice; None ~ Happily
Stripetail ~ 22 Moons ~ Apprentice; Lichenpaw ~ Disney

Blazestorm ~ 22 Moons ~ Apprentice; Fallpaw ~ Happily
Duskfall ~ 22 Moons ~ Apprentice; None ~ Happily
Brambleheart ~ 22 Moons ~ Apprentice; None ~ Disney
Dawngaze ~ 21 Moons ~ Apprentice; Briarpaw ~ Happily
Fireleaf ~ 21 Moons ~ Apprentice; None ~ Happily

Sandheart ~ 21 Moons ~ Apprentice; None ~ Happily


Harepaw ~ Harestrike ~ 11 Moons ~ Mentor; Petalnose ~ Happily
Briarpaw ~ Briarheart ~ 9 Moons ~ Mentor; Dawngaze ~ Disney
Lichenpaw ~ Lichenclaw ~ 8 Moons ~ Mentor; Stripetail ~ Happily

Fallpaw ~ Fallheart ~ 6 Moons ~ Mentor; Blazestorm ~ Disney
Mousepaw ~ Mousestep ~ 6 Moons ~ Mentor; Sagefoot ~ Happily


Bluepelt ~ 23 Moons ~ Disney
Unborn Kit 1 ~ Disney
Unborn Kit 2 ~ Happily

Snowheart ~ 22 Moons ~ Happily
Juniperkit ~ Junipertail ~ 0.75 Moons ~ Disney
Rosekit ~ Rosefall ~ 0.75 Moons ~ Disney
Bramblekit ~ Brambleclaw ~ 0.75 Moons ~ Disney
Sandkit ~ Sandswipe ~ 0.75 Moons ~ Disney
Moonflower ~ 21 Moons ~ Disney
Ivykit ~ Ivywing ~ 1.5 Moons ~ Happily
Dovekit ~ Dovesong ~ 1.5 Moons ~ Happily
Thornkit ~ Thornleg ~ 1.5 Moons ~ Happily
Fuzzkit ~ Fuzzpelt ~ 1.5 Moons ~ Happily


None Yet


Shadowclaw & Moonflower are Mates (kits; Thornkit, Fuzzkit, Ivykit, Dovekit)
Firestorm & Bluepelt are Forbidden Mates (expecting kits)
Sagefoot & Gingerheart are Mates

Streamstar & Snowheart are Mates (with forbidden kits; Juniperkit, Sandkit, Bramblekit, Rosekit)
Blazestorm & Petalnose are Mates
Duskfall & Brambleheart are Mates
Stripetail & Dawngaze are Crushing on each other
Fireleaf & Swirlpelt are Crushing on each other
Harepaw is Crushing on Briarpaw
Shadowfall & Sandheart are Mates (kits; Lichenpaw)
Streampelt & Tawnyscar will Eventually Like each other
Lightningpaw is Crushing on Mousepaw
Mousepaw will Eventually Like
Stormpaw is Crushing
on Lightningpaw[/bg]

Breezeclan - A clan known for their speed. They occupy the territory to the south and east borders of Streamclan. They are usually a docile group of cats, but can get greedy, especially when it comes to their rabbits and squirrels. Their territory is cut in half by a new thunderpath that seems to be the home of an uncomfortable amount of two-leg monsters.
Fernclan - These cats were once a part of Streamclan... and thus have many of the same traits, hunting and fighting techniques. It also makes them both Streamclan's closest Ally and worst enemy. Fernclan is the newest clan and mainly serves those who are overly ambitious. This clan shares a border with both Darkclan and Streamclan, sitting north of both of them.
Darkclan - Darkclan cats love their undergrowth. They lurk in the shadows rather easily and generally have darker colored pelts. While their territory is the hardest to navigate thanks to the thick amounts of bushes, bramble thickets, tall grass and trees it is also one of the prettiest in certain areas. The river that begins in Streamclan wanders through the entire Darkclan territory, including straying into their camp. As it enters the territory it becomes shallower and narrower, and ends about five fox-lengths past the Outer Darkclan Border, in what most cats consider Rogue and Loner territory.
Kittypets - Though it's rare to find kitty-pets around the clans, the occasional one does wander into clan life every so often. Normally though they stay within the confines of their two-leg's dens.
Loners - These cats are normally friendly and willing to help the clans, but often feel that clan life just isn't for them. They generally stay wherever they please, outside of clan territory of course.
Rogues - Rogues are the Loner's hostile and not so friendly or helpful counterparts. Most of the time Rogues that stray onto clan land are up to no good and need to be chased out and back past Darkclan territory where most of the Rogues seem to stay.


Water Voles
Water Shrews






Alder Bark - When chewed it relieves tooth pain.
Alfalfa - When chewed it helps prevent tooth decay.
Aloe Vera - The goo inside the leaves can be mixed into topical poultices or applied directly to the skin issue.
Ash Tree Roots/Branches - When chewed and applied to bite wounds of poisonous animals it helps to fight the poison.
Beech Leaves - The large broad leaves are good for carrying other herbs.
Bindweed Stems - Used to fasten sticks to broken limbs, helping keep the healing bones in place.
Blackberry Leaves - When chewed into a pulp and applied to bee stings it helps reduce the swelling.
Borage Leaves - When used green it can be eaten to help produce milk in nursing queens and reduce fever. It must not be used if dried.
Bramble Twigs - If chewed into a fine syrup then ingested it helps to sleep.
Rosemary Blossoms - Used as a pulp to help heal eye infections and cover eye wounds.
Burdock Root - When chewed into a pulp it can be applied to wounds to help prevent infection.
Catmint - When eaten it can help to relax a cat. It is also the best treatment for greencouch (and whitecough).
Celandine - When eaten it can help to strengthen weak eyes
Chamomile - The leaves and flowers can be eaten to help calm and soothe a cat.
Chervil - The leaves can be made into a poultice to help treat infected wounds while chewing on the roots helps with bellyache.
Chickweed - It can be eaten to help treat greencough. Though not as powerful as Catmint it is more common to find.
Cobwebs - Used to stop heavy bleeding. They aren't used for more minor injuries as they easily provide infections.
Coltsfoot - It can be eaten by kits to help cure and prevent kittencough. The leaves can be chewed to help with shortness of breath.
Comfrey - Used as a poultice with other herbs to help heal broken bones.
Daisy Leaves - When chewed into a paste and applied to affected it can provide some relief to aching joints.
Dandelion Leaves - When eaten they can calm a cat.
Deathberries - Also known as Yew, even consuming just one bite of these small berries can kill a cat.
Dock - It can be chewed up and applied to scratches and rat bites to help soothe them and prevent infection. It also makes the cat's coat extremely slippery.
Oak Leaf - When dried it can be consumed to help stop infections
Fennel Stalks - When the stalk is broken the juice can be squeezed into the recipient's mouth to help reduce hip pain.
Feverfew - The leaves can be eaten to reduce fever, help relieve stomach and head pain and help cure simple colds.
Foxglove - While eating the seeds can help the heart, ingesting even one of the seeds also usually results in paralysis and heart failure, resulting in death more so than healing and should really not be used at all unless in a last-resort scenario. The leaves can be used to help stop bleeding quickly on deep, large wounds.
Ginger - When eaten it can help relieve coughs and asthma.
Goldenrod - It can be made into a poultice and applied to wounds or eaten to help relieve pain and stiffness in joints.
Grass - eaten to help cure bellyache. Also used to make a cat throw up.
Gumweed - Used as a poultice to help close wounds and prevent infection, allowing the wound to heal quicker.
Holly Berries - A poison that, while it won't kill a healthy, grown cat will still make them sick. It can kill kits, sick cats and elders.
Honey - Can be eaten to help soothe sore throats and recover from smoke inhalation. It also is given to kits a lot after they are given other herbs as it has a pleasant taste.
Horsetail - The leaves can be chewed into a poultice and applied to infected wounds, and the sap can be used with cobwebs to help stop heavy bleeding.
Iris - The petals can be used to help with breathing during birth, and can be eaten by kits with sore throats. Except for the petals, all other parts of the plant are poisonous.
Ivy - Can be eaten to help calm a cat and applied to small cuts and scrapes to help heal. It can also be eaten to help reduce coughing but is usually a last resort.
Juniper Berries - The berries can be eaten to relieve bellyache. The leaves can be consumed help with coughs and breathing issues. The plant can also be used to help treat shock.
Lavender - Leaves and flowers can be eaten to help with pain in the head and throat as well as helping to cure fever. The fresh flowers have a sweet, calming scent and are used to help relieve cats and cover the scent of death.
Herb - Use
Marigold - Can be chewed into a pulp and applied to wounds to stop infection. It can soothe cracked pawpads, and if eaten it will induce vomiting, allowing a cat to expel some poisons from the body.
Milkweed - Can be applied to sores and burns. Not to be eaten or used around ears and eyes as it is poisonous.
Moss - Used to soak up liquid and for bedding.
Mouse Bile - Used to remove ticks. Don't ingest it or you'll have a terrible taste in your mouth.
Nettle - The leaves can be applied to areas to help reduce swelling. The seeds can be swallowed to counter poison.
Parsley - Can be eaten to stop bellyache and also to stop milk-flow in queens
Poppy Seeds - Can be eaten to numb pain, distress, shock and provide a good night's sleep. Do not give to kits. It's too powerful and they won't wake up.
Raspberry - When eaten during kitten it helps dull the pain and stop bleeding.
Rush - Used to bind broken bones
Sorrel - Used to soothe scratches
Tansy - The flower be eaten to treat coughs and the leaves chewed to relieve joint pain. Queens should never eat Tansy as it causes miscarriages.
Thyme - Can be eaten to help calm an anxious cat and to help bring about restful sleep.
Tormentil - When chewed into a paste and applied to a poisoned wound it helps to expel the poisons.
Water Mint - It is the best treatment for bellyache. When eaten it has a pleasant minty taste.
Wild Garlic - Though smelly, when rolled in it can help keep infection out.
Willow Tree - Water from beneath the bark of the flowering willow may be dripped into the eyes to help clear blurriness of vision. It may also be applied to dry patches of skin to sooth itches. Small amounts of Willow Bark may be consumed to ease pain, act against inflammation, and to ease diarrhea and fevers.
Yarrow- Used to make a cat vomit and expel poisons from the body. Entire plant should be consumed to induce vomiting. Entire plant should be chewed and applied to wounds to relieve pain and prevent infection. Only give it to cats that ate something poisonous. Sometimes when cats are really sick yarrow is used to make the patient vomit out the sickness. That only works sometimes. This herb can also be used as an ointment, used to soften paw pads


Back Kick - Explosive surprise move to catch opponent from behind. Judge opponent's distance from you carefully, then lash out with your back legs, taking weight on your front paws.
Belly Rake - A fight stopper. Slice with unsheathed claws across the soft flesh of opponent's belly. If you're pinned down, the belly rake quickly puts you back in control.
Front Paw Blow - Frontal attack. Bring your front paw down hard on your opponent's head. Claws sheathed.
Frontal Paw Strike - Frontal Attack. Slice downward with your front paw at the body or face of your opponent. Claws unsheathed.
Killing Bite - A death blow to the back of the neck. Quick and silent and sometimes considered dishonorable. Used only as a last resort.
Leap-And-Hold - Ideal for a small cat facing a large opponent. Spring onto the opponent's back and grip with unsheathed claws. Now you are beyond the range of your opponent's paws and in the position to inflict severe body wounds. A group of apprentices can defeat a large and dangerous warrior in this way. It was deployed to great effect against BloodClan's deputy, Bone. Watch for the drop-and-roll countermove, and try to jump free before you get squashed.
Partner Fighting - Warriors who have trained and fought together will often instinctively fall into a paired defensive position, each protecting the others back while fending and opponent on either side. Slashing, clawing, and leaping together, battle pairs can be a whirlwind of danger for attackers.
Play Dead - Effective in a tight situation, such as when you are pinned. Stop struggling and go limp. When your opponent relaxes his grip, thinking you are defeated, push yourself up explosively. This will throw off an unwary opponent and put you in an attacking position.
Scruff Shake - Secure a strong teeth grip in the scruff of your opponent's neck; then shake violently until she or he is too rattled to fight back. Most effective against rats, which are small enough to throw. A strong throw will stun or kill them.
Teeth Grip - Target your opponents extremities-the legs, tail, scruff, or ears-and sink in your teeth and hold. This move is similar to the leap-and-hold except your claws are free to fight.
Upright Lock - Final, crushing move on already weakened opponent. Rear up on back legs and bring full weight down on opponent. If opponent does the same, wrestle and flip him or her under you. This move makes you vulnerable to the belly rake, so this move requires great strength and speed.
Ambush Drop - If it is possible to get above your opponent in a tree or higher ground, this move may prove very useful for an ambush and an advantage at the beginning of a fight. The element of surprise is priceless, and this move allows for a quick, direct attack. Climbing into a tree branch or even on the side of a tree to twist and fall onto the back of an intruder with claws unsheathed can give you a good position to give a nasty bite.
Drop-And-Roll - Counter move for the leap-and-hold, this move is valuable when fighting a smaller or equal sized opponent who has a strong grip. Roll over and try to smother or squash them to loosen their grip. Be prepared for a quick recovery so as not to make yourself vulnerable.
Drop-And-Kick - Counter move to the upright lock, this move requires the knowledge that your opponent will be using the upright lock -- watch for signs that your opponent is confident in their size and strength. When the opponent moves into the upright lock position with both paws raised, quickly move under them and strike up with powerful back legs. Preformed without enough speed this move is disastrous, and should only be used with confident fighters.
Dodge/Defense Roll - A common but effective strategy for a quick cat to disarm an opponent and avoid attack. Watch an opponent's eyes carefully to anticipate the target, and leap out of the way when they strike. || Below the opponent's move can strike, duck your head and roll sideways and leap up. It's not an offensive move, but a quick move with a fluid recovery can catch your opponent off guard.
Unbalance - This move is a natural one aimed at disarming an opponent by knocking them down or making them stumble. It's a straightforward attack, and it's necessary not to betray your target with your eyes. Target legs and shoulders to unbalance with a paw strike, backlegs, a muzzle, or go in with a powerful head butt.
Back Leg Rake - The back legs are less mobile then the front, but have a lot of power, which makes them useful weapons of attack. This move requires pinning the opponent down by the shoulders and clawing their back with the hind legs.
Badger Defense - This advanced move is used for warding of badgers and fighting them, and is a combination of power and wits which takes advantage of the lumbering slowness of a badger. It requires balance and speed. Jump high to avoid a badger's claws and land behind, spinning and biting. An extra bit of attack can be added with the slash of unsheathed claws during the spin.
Reverse Reared Strike - This is another unusual advanced battle move using a combination of the front paw strike, upright lock, back kick and a powerful jump. Kicking behind with the back legs and leaping backward onto the front paws (which acts as an automatic dodge for the drop-and kick move) and raking down with a powerful front strike.
Environmental Strategies - A wise and quick-thinking warrior can use their surroundings to their own advantage, be it backing a warrior into a thick bramble bush, suffocating an opponent with a collar by pulling on it, or puncturing an enemy throat with a sharp stick[/bg]​

Shadowclaw ~ tom-cat ~ deputy ~ 31 moons ~ location; longboulder/camp center => breezeclan border ~ apprentice; lightningpaw ~ kin; moonflower (mate), thornkit (son), fuzzkit (son), ivykit (daughter), dovekit (daughter)

Sunrise rolled in over the horizon and Shadowclaw meandered up onto Longboulder, a large and mostly flat boulder that the clan called meetings and made announcements from. As the other clan members began to appear from their dens and the two cats on guard padded in Shadowclaw sat and wrapped his tail about his paws for a few moments, waiting before standing tall again and waving his tail back and forth in greeting to all his clanmates. As he let his green gaze sweep over everyone he cleared his throat and spoke up "Streampelt, you take Blazestorm, Fallpaw, Swirlpelt and Duskfall on patrol by the Fernclan and Darkclan borders to the north and west. I'll take Sagefoot, Petalnose, Lightningpaw, Mousepaw and Harepaw to patrol the border by Breezeclan on the south and east" the strong tom mewed, pausing for a minute as he went over who was still left. "Brambleheart take Fireleaf, Dawngaze and Briarpaw on a hunting patrol, Tawnyscar can guard for now, Shadowfall will take her spot at sunhigh" he finished, hopping down from the rock and gathering his patrol before heading out. He would head over to the nursery and see his mate and kits when he returned.

Thornkit ~ leg ~ tom-cat ~ kit ~ 1.5 moons ~ location; nursery ~ mentor; none ~ kin; moonflower (mother), shadowclaw (father), ivykit (sister), fuzzkit (brother), dovekit (sister)

Shooting his head up, Thornkit looked around, everything was so big and... interesting! Sure, he had opened his eyes over a half moon ago, but things were still so new. Wiggling his way up until his shoulder were free from the pile of fur made up from his siblings and mother, Thornkit began to wiggle around a bit, gently placing his paws on his mother and trying to climb up and out of the nest, over Moonflower... it seemed to be the easiest path.

Ivykit ~ wing ~ she-cat ~ kit ~ 1.5 moons ~ location; nursery ~ mentor; none ~ kin; moonflower (mother), shadowclaw (father), thornkit (brother), fuzzkit (brother), dovekit (sister)

Ivykit was curled in a tight ball, her back curled into her mother's side and her long, fluffy tail covering her delicate looking pink nose. Such a dainty kit, Ivykit was particularly concerned with her appearance and actually enjoyed grooming her flowing, ivory colored pelt that seemed to knot and attract dirt oh so easily.

Fuzzkit ~ pelt ~ tom-cat ~ kit ~ 1.5 moons ~ location; nursery ~ mentor; none ~ kin; moonflower (mother), shadowclaw (father), ivykit (sister), thornkit (brother), dovekit (sister)

Fuzzkit lay in the nest with the others, twitching occasionally in his sleep as he allowed his subconscious to be pulled into endless dreams until he was woken a few moments later after getting shoved. "Thornkit" he mewed sleepily, still groggy, annoyance pricking his voice as his brother's wiggling disturbed the fluffy kits slumber.

Dovekit ~ song ~ she-cat ~ kit ~ 1.5 moons ~ location; nursery ~ mentor; none ~ kin; moonflower (mother), shadowclaw (father), ivykit (sister), fuzzkit (brother), thornkit (brother)

Dovekit slept curled in a tight ball at her mother's side, a small heap of grey and white fluff raising and lowering with every breath the young cat took. Even though the three kits were still young, and quite small, the one nest might be just a little bit too squished she loved it. Dovekit always felt so at peace, safe and warm, when she was nestled in her mother's long and warm fur. It almost made her dreadful of becoming an apprentice... but at the same time she wanted to learn everything she could and make both Moonflower and Shadowclaw proud of her.

Firestorm ~ tom-cat ~ medicine cat ~ 33 moons ~ location; medicine den/camp ~ apprentice; sagepaw ~ kin; gingerheart (sister), bluepelt (mate)

-next time-

Gingerheart ~ she-cat ~ warrior ~ 33 moons ~ location; camp center ~ apprentice; none ~ kin; firestorm (brother), sagefoot (mate)

-next time-

Stormpaw ~ gaze ~ she-cat ~ leader's apprentice ~ 6 moons ~ location; apprentice den => camp center ~ mentor; streamstar ~ kin; mousepaw (sister)

Stormpaw felt fur brush past her, then the emptiness of the nest at her back and knew her sister had gotten up to go wait and see what she was to do for morning's duties. Stretching a bit reluctantly, Stormpaw rose to her paws a few moments after Mousepaw had left and padded out, sitting next to Fallpaw, listening to Shadowclaw go over sunrise duties. It was hard to believe the two had only just become apprentices less than a quarter moon ago... it already felt like ages and Stormpaw couldn't wait to become a warrior... after all, Streamstar was her mentor, and what better teacher than the clan leader, right?

Mousepaw ~ step ~ she-cat ~ apprentice ~ 6 moons ~ location; camp center ~ mentor; sagefoot ~ kin; stormpaw (sister)

-next time-

Snowheart ~ she-cat ~ queen ~ 22 moons ~ location; nursery ~ apprentice; none ~ kin; blazestorm (brother), duskfall (brother), juniperkit (daughter), sandkit (son), rosekit (daughter), bramblekit (son), streamstar (mate)

Snowheart laid in the nursery, curled protectively around her young kits. They were only a couple moons old, and she felt like they were already so big... then again, Snowheart was a decently small she-cat who just appeared larger thanks to her long, flowing pelt. Giving each of her four kits an affectionate lick on the head the queen noticed Thornkit climbing around his mother. She was preparing to open her mouth, but didn't want to overstep... she also figured that Moonflower would probably feel the larger kit climbing over her... though if she didn't say anything then the pure white queen would do so. After all, they couldn't have the kits getting into trouble now, could they.

Blazestorm ~ tom-cat ~ warrior ~ 22 moons ~ location; camp center => fernclan/darkclan border ~ apprentice; fallpaw ~ kin; snowheart (sister), duskfall (brother), juniperkit (niece), sandkit (nephew), rosekit (niece), bramblekit (nephew), petalnose (mate)

As Shadowclaw hopped down from Longboulder, Blazestorm rose to his paws and went to gather his apprentice, Fallpaw. Flicking his tail at the apprentices shoulder in a friendly, easygoing gesture the experienced tom motioned for him to follow, headed over to wait with Streampelt and the rest of the patrol before heading to the borders with two of the rival clans.

Duskfall ~ tom-cat ~ warrior ~ 22 moons ~ location; camp center ~ apprentice; none ~ kin; snowheart (sister), blazestorm (brother), juniperkit (niece), sandkit (nephew), rosekit (niece), bramblekit (nephew), brambleheart (mate)

-next time-

Dawngaze ~ she-cat ~ warrior ~ 21 moons ~ location; camp center ~ apprentice; briarpaw ~ kin; fireleaf (brother), stripedtail (eventual mate)

Giving a nod as the eventual leader ordered Dawngaze and her apprentice on a hunting patrol, the she-cat felt her muscles ripple with excitement. She loved hunting! Getting to her paws quickly, as the deputy leaped down she headed for her apprentice and nudged the young she-cat "I want to see what you've learned" Dawngaze meowed decidedly. For the last quarter moon her brother, Fireleaf, had been training Briarpaw since Dawngaze had had a nasty fall during a particularly challenging hunt... which led to a badly twist paw along with a nasty gash in the pawpad... something that Firestorm, their medicine cat, had instructed her to stay off of for the short while so it could heal. This was the first day she was able to be back on warrior duties and leave the camp. It was the day she was looking forward to, hating being couped up in camp... Dawngaze wasn't sure how queens and elders did it for so long.

Fireleaf ~ tom-cat ~ warrior ~ 21 moons ~ location; camp center ~ apprentice; none ~ kin; dawngaze (sister), swirlpelt (eventual mate)

-next time-

Harepaw ~ strike ~ tom-cat ~ apprentice ~ 11 moons ~ location; camp center => breezeclan border ~ mentor; petalnose ~ kin; none

Harepaw was itching for his twelfth moon to arrive already... that way he could actually become a warrior. The tom was more than confident in his skills and couldn't wait for his warrior assessment to come up... though he did kind of feel like he would miss some of his apprentice companions when he moved to the warrior den, Briarpaw in particular.

Sandheart ~ she-cat ~ warrior ~ 21 moons ~ location; camp center ~ apprentice; none ~ kin; lichenpaw (son), shadowfall (mate)

-next time-

Lichenpaw ~ claw ~ tom-cat ~ apprentice ~ 8 moons ~ location; camp center ~ mentor; stripedtail ~ kin; sandheart (mother), shadowfall (father)

-next time-

Tawnyscar ~ she-cat ~ warrior ~ 23 moons ~ location; camp center ~ apprentice; none ~ kin; streampelt (eventual mate)

Picking a paw up, licking it twice and drawing it over her ears and face a few times, Tawnyscar quickly cleaned herself up, giving her chest fur a few quick licks before standing and padding out of the camp entrance, taking a seat next to it to keep a lookout... something that was generally rather boring and laid-back since no cats really dared to enter Streamclan territory... and all of the kits were still so young that they didn't try to sneak out of camp much... and if they did they weren't very good at it yet, always getting caught before they even reached the entrance.
StreamStar ~ Tom ~ Leader ~ 25 moons ~ location; Heading to nursery ~ kin; Mate Snowheart, Kits Sandkit, Bramblekit, Rosekit, And Juniperkit.
Streamstar had let his Deputy do all the patrols.He slipped his way into the nursery and saw Thornkit being impossible." Listen to your mother don't make me get your father in here." He said. He had heard his kitchen sneeze and he turned his head to his mate and kits He licked her cheek and purred. He looked down at his children and at the kit who sneezed. Juniperkit seemed warm to him. He licked his small kit and she mewled out and crawled mewing pitifully till her mother picked her up and she squealed. Streamstar was worried about his kit. I will go get Firestorm." He said to his mate. Streamstar squeezed out of the nursery and ran for the medicine cats den. He skidded to a stop and saw sage paw going over the herbs." Where is Firestorm?" He asked, the young apprentice nods to the den." Firestorm." The young she cat said. When the medicine cat came out streamstar told him about his youngest kit. He ran back with the medicine cat and stayed outside and kneaded the ground as he waited to hear about his kit. He whipped around and paced as he waited he growled annoyed. He looked up when Firestorm came out." How's my kit?" He asked worried. The medicine cat said she be fine and he sighed and thanked him. He went in and slipped Behind his mate and kits. He wasn't going to leave till he knew his kit was better.

MoonFlower ~ She-cat ~ Queen ~ 21 moons ~ location; Nursery ~ kin Mate Shadowclaw, Kits Thornkit, Dovekit, Fuzzkit, and Ivykit.
MoonFlower had been asleep till she felt her adventurous kit start to move and move over her. She sighed and lifted her head with a yawn. She grabbed her kitts scruff and put him back in the nest." Where do you think your going mr." She growled gently at her kit and licked his head. She sighed and stretched trying to to disturb her other sleeping kits. she nuzzled each close to her stomach and kept a paw on Thronkit."You Mr. will not going anywhere till your 3 moons then we can go explore the camp. if it is a nice day we can go outside." She said and shook her head as she nuzzled her kit into her stomach. She didn't want him to go to far from her and he knew better then to do anything a second time.

Juniperkit ~ tail ~ she-cat ~ kit ~ 3 weeks not even a moon ~ location; nursery ~ kin, Snowheart mother, sister Rosekit, brothers Sandkit and Bramble kit, Father Streamstar
Juniperkit was curled up against her mother and mewled when she heard voices. She was the last kit born and the smallest. she nuzzled into her mother to knead her for milk. She stopped after a bit and turned to sneeze. Which caused her mother to worry lick her. she mewled out and whinned at her mother's licking.

when another cat came in and then another. She just made small noises and made small screams. Juniperkit kit ate the herbs and curled back into her motherstomach side. She smelled another scent, it was her dad.

Rosekit ~ Fall ~ she-cat ~ kit ~ 3 weeks ~ location; Nursery ~ kin Snowheart mother, sister Juniperkit, brothers Sandkit and Bramble kit, Father Streamstar
Rosekit yawned and opened her small eye's as she blinked at her mother. Her mouth opened as she yawned and hid into her mother's fur. Her eye's closed again as she nuzzled to find something to eat. Her paws kneaded her mother's Stomach. Rosekit was just so sweet natured.

Bramblekit~ Claw~ Tom ~ kit ~ 3 weeks ~ location; Nursery ~ kin Snowheart mother, sisters Juniperkit and Rosekit, brother Sandkit, Father Streamstar
Bramblekit moved about in the nest and found his paws as he started to wobble for the edge of the nest only to be picked up by the scruff and placed back in the nest. He buried his body back into his mother.

Sandkit~ swipe~ Tom ~ kit ~ 1 moon ~ location; Nursery ~ kin Snowheart mother, sisters Juniperkit and Rosekit, brother bramblekit, Father Streamstar
Sandkit popped his head up and flicked off some Moss from his ear. He mewled when she licked him. He growled and swiped and fell. Sandkit moved till he found a comfy spot and curled up again. He covered his ears as his sister wouldn't stop her mewing Tull Firestorm gave her some herbs. He just turned kneaded his mom to eat. He looked up when he smelled his father. He blinked and tried to get to him.

Streampelt~ Tom ~ warrior ~ 23 moons ~ location; going on patrol, patrol leader ~ kin none ~ Mate Tawnyscar eventually
Streampelt Was cleaning his fur when their deputy told them to go on patrol. He stood slowly and shook out his fur. He nods to the patrol and leaps out of the hollow. He made sure to check the scents new and old and rescent the places at the border. He sniffed around and made sure the patrol was safe he was patrol leader, He had Blazestorm, Fallpaw, Swirlpelt and Duskfall With him. Streampelt wanted to get back and eat he was hungry , but he would do this right as always. They had a long ways to trudge to check the other border.

ShadowFall ~ Tom ~ Warrior ~ 28 moons ~ location; Laying out in the sun ~ kin none ~ Mate Sandheart son Lichenpaw
Shadowfall had felt his mate leave the nest from the Warriors Den and he lifted his head. He got up and shook his fur of Moss and twigs. He went to listen to their deputy and huffed as he lay next to his mate. He let her lick his head methodically as he looked for their son Lichenpaw, He had just become a warrior and Shadowfall had just gotten his mate back in the den. He nosed her licked her as he purred enjoying her with him." I have missed you." He said and went to sit up. He purred as he put his head into his mate. He had time before sunhigh

SageFoot ~ Tom ~ Warrior ~ 24 moons ~ location; Patrol with deputy and apprentice ~ kin none ~ Mate Gingerheart, apprentice Mousepaw
SageFoot stood slowly and smiles at Mousepaw. He nods for her to follow." Come on patrol time." He said gently to his apprentice. He walked with Petalnose but made sure mousepaw paid attention. He liked his apprentice, she was attentive, but also a ball of energy at the same time.

Stripetail ~ Tom ~ Warrior ~ 22 moons ~ location; camp ~ kin Sister Bluepelt, ~ Mate Dawngaze, and apprentice Lichenpaw
Stripetail yawned as he lay on his back stretching soaking up the son. He had no patrol duties but he did have Mentor duties. When his sister came out he felt her lick his cheek in greeting and scold him."Shouldn't you be taking Lichenpaw out?" She asked hhim. " Yeah on it." He said and flipped over as he stood he stretched."How you doing he asked her." He purred rubbing his head on hers."Moving to the nursery today." She said, with a proud purr. He nods and bounds off." I will come visit you." He said and went to get Lichenpaw outside the apprentices den."Hey let's go train." He said and nods for the young male cat to follow him. His mate was already gone.

Petalnose ~ She-cat ~ Warrior ~ 23 moons ~ location; Patrol ~ kin ~ mate Blazestorm and apprentice Harepaw
Petalnose felt her mate leave her side in the morning and woke up with a yawn. She padded after him and listened to the deputy. She licked her Mates cheek goodbye and went to grab her apprentice almost warrior. "Come on time for Patrol." She said. She was always testing him, but her apprentice was ready to be a warrior. Petal nose new it in her heart and saw it in his training.

Brambleheart ~ she-cat ~ Warrior ~ 22 moons ~ location; Hunting Patrol ~ kin~ Mate Duskfall
Brambleheart stood and took her Patrol out "alright Split up meet back here at sun high catch as much as you can." She said and went bounding off. She didn't need anyone to hunt with her well. She disliked like to hunt with Duskfall, but that's because he knew how she hunted. She bound off and scented out some muskrat. She crept up and killed 3 quickly. She buried them and went to find some more fresh kill by sun high she had 4 mice, 3 muskrat, and 2 birds. She sat waiting on the others. Brambleheart was an amazing hunter.

Swirlpelt ~ she-cat ~ Warrior ~ 24 moons ~ location; Patrol ~ kin Mate Fireleaf eventually
Swirlpelt woke to a empty den and made her way out of it. She heard the deputy she sighed and got up on her feet to follow Streampelt on a borde.patrol. She would be glad to be back after that her paws were tired from the patrol the night beore. It was her second patrol in a row. She hoped the Deputy let her rest for the noon and night. She was dead tired on her feet, but went ay way. She did not complain she never did. She listened to Streampelt and her feet were feeling that hunting patrol with Fireleaf, stripetail, and lichenpaw last night.

Bluepelt ~ She-cat ~ Warrior ~ 23 moons ~ location; lounging around ~ kin ~ Mate Firestorm, and brother Stripetail~ Expecting kits
Bluepelt walked out and sighed she felt heavier withan her kits. She stepped to her brother as he was being lazy again. She told him to go do his duties and he asked how he was. She told him, she was going to the nursery today. She was swollen with kits. Firestorm's kits. She did not tell them who the father was nore would she ever. Bluepelt felt bad for not being able to tell them however sometimes you couldn't help who you fell in love wit here. She padded for the Medicine den and saw Sagepaw she purred and watched the young cat ask if she needed anything Bluepelt shook her head no."Just to talk with Firestorm a bit Go eat with the elders I am sure they will love to tell you a story " She said. she saw Sagepaw light up and scamper out with a nod from her mentor. Bluepelt watched her go and purred. She turned and nuzzled her mate."So moving to the nursery today thought I would let you check on the kits a bit." She said, Bluepelt licked his ear out of affection. Bluepelt was purring happily next to her mate.

Briarpaw ~ Heart~ she-cat ~ apprentice ~ 9 moons ~ location; Hunting patrol ~ kin ~Mentor Dawngaze
Briarpaw woke with a small yawn and shook the Moss from her fur and cleaned it as she got up and padded out. She hated that Harepaw be going to be a warrior soon, he was leaving the den, she still had 3 more moons. She trudged with her down at the thought of her den mate leaving. She jumped as her Mentor who had been absent from her training nudged her. She looked at her Mentor then around for her other Mentor Fireleaf. She did not see him and nods as she pads after her Mentor out of camp. She brightened when she scented Fireleaf and padded between Her Mentor and her mentors Sibling. Yet she still felt annoyed that her den mate be moving soon. She looked up when she heard muffled purrs at her claws kneading the ground out of annoyance. Her ears went flat and she put her stomach to the ground.

Brambleheart told her and Dawn gaze to go off on their own they all meet back here at sun high. She padded after her Mentor her head still down. She sighed and stopped to listen and smell. Briarpaw listened to Fireleaf in her head as she caught the scent of mouse and stalked it. She pounced and bit it,before it could make noise. She picked it up and layer it at her mentors feet it was a big mouse to. She sat waiting to hear from her mentor. Her tail moved back and forth.

Sagepaw ~ wing~ she-cat ~ medicince cat apprentice ~ 6 moons ~ location; ~ kin none ~ Mentor Firestorm medicine cat
Sagepaw was in the den going over the herbs and sniffing achieve one. She was up before her a mentor and ready to get learning. She looked up when she heard paw steps and saw their Leader. He asked in a panicked voice for Firestorm she nodsaid to his den and calls him. She scampered after him as he was her mentor. She had herbs and flew after him. She looked at each herb as he asked for it and gave it to him. Sagepaw had messed up a few times,but she was knew to this. She put her ears back at his sharp tongue, but knew it was part of her training. She apologized when they got out. She scampered back to the den to go over them more.

Lightningpaw ~ strike~ Tom ~ Deputy apprentice ~ 11 moons ~ location; ~ kin ~ Mentor Shadowclaw deputy
Lightingpaw listened to his mentor and leaped after him He was ready to go, He was ready to be a warrior yet still acted like and excited kit. He padded at his mentors heals and kept his ears up. He hoped something happens in patrol today he wanted to get some fighting in. He looked to see his Denmark and Mousepaw. He nods to her and kept walking. He knew what it was like to be a new apprentice. He also had become fond of her in the apprentice den being their.

Fallpaw ~ heart~ Tom~ apprentice ~ 6 moons ~ location; ~ kin ~Mentor Blazestorm
Fallpaw woke with a yawn and flicked the dirt and Moss off his fur. He walked out and listened to the deputy, He bounded after his mentor. They waited on Streampelt and he padded after them it had only been a week of apprentice training for him, he was the newest but he liked it and now he was on patrol with his mentor.​
Shadowclaw ~ tom-cat ~ deputy ~ 31 moons ~ location; longboulder/camp center => breezeclan border ~ apprentice; lightningpaw ~ kin; moonflower (mate), thornkit (son), fuzzkit (son), ivykit (daughter), dovekit (daughter)

"Relax Lightningpaw, there usually aren't too many issues with Breezeclan. They're pretty good neighbors" he meowed, smirking at the apprentices excitement. He was going to talk with Petalnose later about giving the two older apprentices a final assessment together in a half moon. They were roughly the same age, one of them was about a quarter moon older than the other, so making them warriors together seemed a good idea as they had been made apprentices within two sunrises of each other.

Thornkit ~ leg ~ tom-cat ~ kit ~ 1.5 moons ~ location; nursery ~ mentor; none ~ kin; moonflower (mother), shadowclaw (father), ivykit (sister), fuzzkit (brother), dovekit (sister)

"But mooom" Thornkit whined, kneading the nest with his small front paws "I'm bored... and I'm not sleepy. We won't be three moons for like... well... a really long time. Plllleeease can I at least walk around the nursery... or can I go with Shadowclaw when he comes to visit. I promise to stay next to him the whole time" the young kit begged, his tail lashing about in anticipation and boredom. Out of all the kits he was by far the largest and most rebellious. Dovekit just seemed... special. She was quiet and slept most of the time. Ivykit was a bit of a perfectionist and Fuzzkit was playful, but Thornkit was the most daring and adventurous of the bunch... with any luck one of Snowheart's kits would be like him and he would have a friend who understood him.

Ivykit ~ wing ~ she-cat ~ kit ~ 1.5 moons ~ location; nursery ~ mentor; none ~ kin; moonflower (mother), shadowclaw (father), thornkit (brother), fuzzkit (brother), dovekit (sister)


Fuzzkit ~ pelt ~ tom-cat ~ kit ~ 1.5 moons ~ location; nursery ~ mentor; none ~ kin; moonflower (mother), shadowclaw (father), ivykit (sister), thornkit (brother), dovekit (sister)


Dovekit ~ song ~ she-cat ~ kit ~ 1.5 moons ~ location; nursery ~ mentor; none ~ kin; moonflower (mother), shadowclaw (father), ivykit (sister), fuzzkit (brother), thornkit (brother)


Firestorm ~ tom-cat ~ medicine cat ~ 33 moons ~ location; medicine den/camp ~ apprentice; sagepaw ~ kin; gingerheart (sister), bluepelt (forbidden mate)

"Over here" Firestorm meowed, flicking his fuzzy ginger and white tail. He was more or less hidden between a large crack in a rather large boulder, sorting through his more dangerous herbs... the ones he didn't really allow Sagepaw to handle yet. She was still too young. Poking his head up and back out of the crack, Firestorm dipped his head quickly when he saw it was his leader. Normally the tom was rather keen of scent... but with so many herbs in such a close vicinity to him all other scents were muffled and indiscernible. Getting to his paws he pulled out a few herbs such as honey, feverfew and tansy. From the description it sounded only like a cold, but Firestorm could always go back to his den and fetch the catmint if he really needed to... but catmint was used sparingly. It was hard to find but such an important herb. Sigalling to Sagepaw to follow as he followed his leader to the den, Firestorm padded into the nursery and picked Juniperkit up gently by the scruff, placing her bac down just outside of the nest. Both of the queens had large litters and it was easier to work with the youngest patients when they weren't crowded. Placing his cold and slightly wet nose into the small kits fur, he noted that she definitely had a fever. Holding back a mrrowl of laughter when she sneezed, Firestorm fed her the two herbs for fever and coughing then a touch of honey to help the foul medicines go down with a touch of something sweet that would also make her throat soothed. The entire time he explained to Sagefoot what he was doing, and he had the young apprentice check Juniperkit over after he did as well. His apprentice was still too new to be treating the cats on her own, but within a moon or two she should be well on her way. Sagepaw did, after all, seem to be a bright young she-cat.

A small while after getting back to the den from the nursery, Firestorm was huddled between the cracked boulder again, continuing to sort his herbs when he heard the familiar, comforting rasp of Bluepelt's voice and the excited scamper of Sagepaw bounding out to go have some free time. Scooting out of the crack again, Firestorm nuzzled his mate affectionately and twined his tail with hers briefly before taking a step back. Unless they snuck out together at night they could never really spend a lot of quality time together. It was too risky... just as visiting his kits too much would be too risky. Just like the rest of the clan, his own kits would never be able to know that he was their father. Gently placing a paw to her belly he let a purr escape him. "I'd say there is somewhere between one and four kits in there" he meowed confidently. "You take care of yourself and I will be sure to give you the best treatment I can" he promised, talking quietly enough that no one outside the den would be able to hear them.

Gingerheart ~ she-cat ~ warrior ~ 33 moons ~ location; camp center ~ apprentice; none ~ kin; firestorm (brother), sagefoot (mate)

Gingerheart watched her mate leave with his patrol before getting to her paws and grabbing a minnow from the fresh-kill hole. Carrying it over to the sunning rocks the eldest warrior settled herself comfortable and began to eat, letting the sun soak into her pelt and allowing the easy sunrise to go by in a breeze.

Stormpaw ~ gaze ~ she-cat ~ leader's apprentice ~ 6 moons ~ location; apprentice den => camp center ~ mentor; streamstar ~ kin; mousepaw (sister)

As all of her friends departed on their patrols or for training with their mentors, Stormpaw kneaded the soft ground in fron of her slightly, looking around with a stormy gaze for Streamstar. Eventually she spotted him bolt out of the nursery and to the medicine den then back and she followed over hurriedly. What if something was wrong with one of the queens or kits! "Is everything okay Sagepaw?" she asked Firestorms apprentice after a moment. She was worried that one of the leader's or deputies kits had been hurt or worse... or maybe even one of the queens. That would have been terrible, especially since Snowheart had helped raise Stormpaw and Mousepaw when the clan took them in at two moons old. The she-cat had lost her first kit, the only one in her first litter, a quarter moon before and took the other two in almost immediately. Since then the two sisters had held a special bond with both Snowheart and Streamstar... but that certainly didn't mean special treatment.

Mousepaw ~ step ~ she-cat ~ apprentice ~ 6 moons ~ location; Breezeclan Border ~ mentor; sagefoot ~ kin; stormpaw (sister)

Mousepaw gave an excited bounce when Sagefoot led her out of camp. This was still so new to her and she loved every minute of exploring the territory! This she-cat was very inquisitive and asked a lot of questions. Some of them seemed simple and not really worth asking sometimes, but other's were actually rather complex questions. Following her mentor with large, bright blue eyes, the kitten felt the only thing that would make this better was if her sister, Stormpaw, had gone with them. When Mousepaw felt Lightningpaw's gaze on her briefly she jumped again. He was a cute tom... but not exactly her type. Lightningpaw, however, was her sister's type. Though Stormpaw hadn't said anything to anycat else she had confided in Mousepaw that she thought Lightningpaw was one of the coolest, bravest cats around..and that he was easy on the eyes. Her sister didn't quite have a full out crush on the male, but she did take a liking to him more so than some of the other apprentices... especially more than Harepaw. Those two were always bickering.

Snowheart ~ she-cat ~ queen ~ 22 moons ~ location; nursery ~ apprentice; none ~ kin; blazestorm (brother), duskfall (brother), juniperkit (daughter), sandkit (son), rosekit (daughter), bramblekit (son), streamstar (mate)

Sweeping her long white tail protectively around her kits, Snowheart let a purr rumble from her throat as her mate came in. Nuzzling him briefly she turned her attention back to her kits again quickly, one tiny kit in particular. "Poor Juniperkit. She's been sneezing and coughing all night" the queen said softly, as not to wake the others. Giving all the kits a quick lick on the head as they nuzzled into her, Snowheart rolled slightly to make it easier for them to feed, waiting patiently for her mate to come back with Firestorm.

Blazestorm ~ tom-cat ~ warrior ~ 22 moons ~ location; camp center => fernclan/darkclan border ~ apprentice; fallpaw ~ kin; snowheart (sister), duskfall (brother), juniperkit (niece), sandkit (nephew), rosekit (niece), bramblekit (nephew), petalnose (mate)

"I'll meet up with you later" Blazestorm promised, giving his mate a quick lick as he went off with his apprentice, padding after Streampelt. Luckily the borders seemed quiet, but they still needed to check and remark them by every sunhigh at the latest.

Duskfall ~ tom-cat ~ warrior ~ 22 moons ~ location; camp center ~ apprentice; none ~ kin; snowheart (sister), blazestorm (brother), juniperkit (niece), sandkit (nephew), rosekit (niece), bramblekit (nephew), brambleheart (mate)

Duskfall plodded along after his brother and Fallpaw, taking up the back of the patrol along the two more hostile borders. He liked to ensure that the entire group stayed together and that everyone was safe and had their backs watched, especially when a young apprentice was with them. Fallpaw, Sagepaw, Stormpaw and Mousepaw had all been made apprentices together, they all seemed to be at the same point in their training, and they were all so young and too inexperienced to put up much of a fight if another cat snuck up on them.

Dawngaze ~ she-cat ~ warrior ~ 21 moons ~ location; camp center ~ apprentice; briarpaw ~ kin; fireleaf (brother), stripedtail (eventual mate)

Dawngaze stopped in her tracks and kept a watchful eye on her apprentice as the young she-cat swiftly and expertly caught a plump mouse. Giving Briarpaw a happy purr the she-cat flicked her striped tabby tail, eyes light with amusement "my brother seems to have done a good job. You did excellent with that catch, the only thing I could say is to make sure you keep your tail out as straight back and still as you can off the ground to avoid brushing the grass or disturbing any leaves" she meowed lightly. It wasn't something that was completely necessary, but there wasn't really anything else to correct the apprentice on when it came to hunting mice.

Fireleaf ~ tom-cat ~ warrior ~ 21 moons ~ location; camp center ~ apprentice; none ~ kin; dawngaze (sister), swirlpelt (eventual mate)

Fireleaf fell in beside Swirlpelt as they padded out of camp, giving her a friendly nudge as they walked. His paws were sore too, but they needed to cover all of their patrols for the morning and again at dusk. Luckily the clan only sent out a sunhigh patrol when there seemed to be threats along the borders, and only one hunting patrol was sent out every morning. The rest of the day it was up to each cat if they went out again. "I don't think Shadowclaw will put us on again later" Fireleaf mused lightly once they were off on their own. "Besides, the gathering is tomorrow night, so whoever Streamstar decides to take will have to be well rested for the long journey" he pointed out lightly before going silent and crouching down, flicking his ears forward in the direction of a half-hidden vole who was nibbling on something, it's back to the two cats.

Harepaw ~ strike ~ tom-cat ~ apprentice ~ 11 moons ~ location; camp center => breezeclan border ~ mentor; petalnose ~ kin; none

Harepaw rose to his paws and followed his mentor, his tail swaying leisurley back and forth as he calmly padded out of camp with the rest of his patrol. On the way the older apprentice bit back a chuckle at how mesmirized Mousepaw was by everything. He remembered being in her paws not long ago.

Sandheart ~ she-cat ~ warrior ~ 21 moons ~ location; camp center ~ apprentice; none ~ kin; lichenpaw (son), shadowfall (mate)

Sandheart let a purr rumble out of her as she rubbed her head against Shadowfall's. "It's good to be back" she agreed. Two moons after Sandheart had become a warrior she had moved into the nursery, and at fifteen moons she had given birth to one kit. Now she had only just moved back into the warrior's den two moons ago and was quickly falling back into her normal warrior lifestyle.

Lichenpaw ~ claw ~ tom-cat ~ apprentice ~ 8 moons ~ location; camp center ~ mentor; stripedtail ~ kin; sandheart (mother), shadowfall (father)

Lichenpaw looked up from where he was sitting with the other apprentices when his mentor came over. Springing to his paws he nodded, excitement prickling his claws "Are we fighting?" he asked hopefully. Lichenpaw's two favorite things were squirrels and battle training.

Tawnyscar ~ she-cat ~ warrior ~ 23 moons ~ location; camp center ~ apprentice; none ~ kin; streampelt (eventual mate)

-next time, currently she's just sitting guard... nothing exciting-
StreamStar ~ Tom ~ Leader ~ 25 moons ~ location; Heading to nursery ~ kin; Mate Snowheart, Kits Sandkit, Bramblekit, Rosekit, And Juniperkit.
Streamstar nudged his mate and looked over at his kits. He smiled at his wonderful mate and got up to pad out of the nursery. He saw his apprentice and walked over to her."Stormpaw I am very sorry we will go out in a couple days I just want to make sure my kit is okay. if you want to go out I can have another mentor take you but I would like you to rest up. Tomorrow night is the meeting and your going." He said to her. He would tell them all Who was going. Though he was worried about leaving his kit. He was worried she pass and he would not be here for his mate." Just rest I promise will go out in a few days." He licked her ear and went back into the nursery to wrap around his mate. He licked her ear and waited for patrols to etc back so he could make the announcement of who was going. He closed his eyes as he thought about who he could take.

He take Shadowclaw obviously, both medicine cat and apprentice. His apprentice and the two older apprentices. He would make them warriors after the assessment tomorrow. He have it before the meeting then after the meeting they be made warriors. Now the Warriors he would bring would be PetalNose Fireleaf Swirlpelt Duskfall Brambleheart Sandheart and Shadowfall.

MoonFlower ~ She-cat ~ Queen ~ 21 moons ~ location; Nursery ~ kin Mate Shadowclaw, Kits Thornkit, Dovekit, Fuzzkit, and Ivykit.
MoonFlower looked at her kit with a soft growl."Fine only around the nursery do not leave it do you understand me?" She asked him and let him go. She tucked her other kits very close to her as they slept. She looked at the other Queen and her kits. She felt bad for the youngest kit and her being sick. The leader was worried she thought she comfortable the father before he laid back down." Streamstar kits get colds." She is a strong kit." She will be fine. She turned to look at her adventurous kit."Thornkit come back here enough exploring for one day." She said sternly to her kit.

MoonFlower got her kit back and watched as blue pelt stepped in. she smelled of milk and her belly was big with kits. It was a good season it seemed for kits. She nods to the new Queen and watched the new Queen make a nest the nursery was going to be crowded with kits when Bluepelt had hers.

Juniperkit ~ tail ~ she-cat ~ kit ~ 3 weeks not even a moon ~ location; nursery ~ kin, Snowheart mother, sister Rosekit, brothers Sandkit and Bramble kit, Father Streamstar
~ asleep After the medication kicked in ~
Rosekit ~ Fall ~ she-cat ~ kit ~ 3 weeks ~ location; Nursery ~ kin Snowheart mother, sister Juniperkit, brothers Sandkit and Bramble kit, Father Streamstar

Bramblekit~ Claw~ Tom ~ kit ~ 3 weeks ~ location; Nursery ~ kin Snowheart mother, sisters Juniperkit and Rosekit, brother Sandkit, Father Streamstar
~ eating~
Sandkit~ swipe~ Tom ~ kit ~ 1 moon ~ location; Nursery ~ kin Snowheart mother, sisters Juniperkit and Rosekit, brother bramblekit, Father Streamstar

Streampelt~ Tom ~ warrior ~ 23 moons ~ location; going on patrol, patrol leader ~ kin none ~ Mate Tawnyscar eventually
Streampelt just patrolling reply next time

ShadowFall ~ Tom ~ Warrior ~ 28 moons ~ location; Laying out in the sun ~ kin none ~ Mate Sandheart son Lichenpaw
Shadowfall nuzzled his mate and spent the morning with her when Sunhigh came about. He sighed," I have to go my beautiful, sunhigh watch duties." He licked her ear and nuzzled her. He padded off to release Tawnyscar." Hey your free to go relax." He told her and sat with a sigh.

SageFoot ~ Tom ~ Warrior ~ 24 moons ~ location; Patrol with deputy and apprentice ~ kin none ~ Mate Gingerheart, apprentice Mousepaw
SageFoot smiled down at his apprentice and licked her ear." Stay aware. " He told her. They kept walking and he asked her what she smelled and to pay attention to their surroundings. He saw Lightningpaw and smirked"Slow down their slick you will have plenty of fights to show off." He said and smirked the older apprentice me rowed in laughter as they walked.

Stripetail ~ Tom ~ Warrior ~ 22 moons ~ location; camp ~ kin Sister Bluepelt, ~ Mate Dawngaze, and apprentice Lichenpaw
Stripetail looked at his apprentice and smirked down at him." No were learning to hunt more today, you need to work on it." He said to his apprentice, "we could do some battle training to." He mewed to his apprentice and nudged the young cat.

Petalnose ~ She-cat ~ Warrior ~ 23 moons ~ location; Patrol ~ kin ~ mate Blazestorm and apprentice Harepaw
Petalnose Had let her mate go and went out with her apprentice. She spoke to him on certain points as they walked along. She showed him what to look for and what not. She promised they go out later for more training if he wanted me She knew patrols were kinda training but no fun and she knew it.

Brambleheart ~ she-cat ~ Warrior ~ 22 moons ~ location; Hunting Patrol ~ kin~ Mate Duskfall
Brambleheart sat with Swirlpelt and they talked as they waited in the othersun to return. Swirlpelt just spoke quietly as she was tired. Brambleheart understood and smiled at the she cat gently.

Swirlpelt ~ she-cat ~ Warrior ~ 24 moons ~ location; Patrol ~ kin Mate Fireleaf eventually
Swirlpelt hoped he was right.They went out to hunt and she came back and waited for the others at the spit she was at with Brambleheart and fireleaf. Her paws were killing her she was just laying down more tired then when she left that morning.

Bluepelt ~ She-cat ~ Warrior ~ 23 moons ~ location; lounging around ~ kin ~ Mate Firestorm, and brother Stripetail~ Expecting kits
Bluepelt purred and let her tail twine with his. He stepped back and she let out a small sigh. He muzzle went under his and she lay on her side as he checked her stomach and said any where from 1-4 kits. She let a small purr and stood slowly." I know you will take wonderful care of me." She said. Bluepelt let out a soft sigh as he gave her some herbs for her kits and she atethem.Bluepelt walked for the nursery and grabbed some Moss to make her bed.

She nods to the other Queens as she made her nest and lay down. Her stomach was round with her kits. She loved however many she had in their, they were hers and her Mates kits. She loved him and their unborn children.

Briarpaw ~ Heart~ she-cat ~ apprentice ~ 9 moons ~ location; Hunting patrol ~ kin ~Mentor Dawngaze
Briarpaw She nods and stood. Her eye's went to look for more prey. She had been good with hunting with Fireleaf. Her fighting lacked something to be desired. She was still struggling with it, but she still had 3 moons to get it down. She came back with quite a few fresh kills. She had mostly mice and Voles.

Sagepaw ~ wing~ she-cat ~ medicince cat apprentice ~ 6 moons ~ location; ~ kin none ~ Mentor Firestorm medicine cat
Sagepaw looked at her friend stormpaw as she asked about the kits and went on answer her. When the leader came out she went silent when she saw her leader and nods her head to him. she ran for the elders den with some fresh kill. She asked them for a story and sat to listen. She said her Mentor had sent her off to do this. So the Elders went about doing so.

Lightningpaw ~ strike~ Tom ~ Deputy apprentice ~ 11 moons ~ location; ~ kin ~ Mentor Shadowclaw deputy
Lightingpaw nods to his mentor and keeps padding along his ears perked, yet his head down. He knew their was no danger. He just kinda wanted to show his skill. He osso to the other warrior and sighed.

Fallpaw ~ heart~ Tom~ apprentice ~ 6 moons ~ location; ~ kin ~Mentor Blazestorm
~Fallpaw just on patrol post next time~​
Shadowclaw ~ tom-cat ~ deputy ~ 31 moons ~ location; longboulder/camp center => breezeclan border ~ apprentice; lightningpaw ~ kin; moonflower (mate), thornkit (son), fuzzkit (son), ivykit (daughter), dovekit (daughter)

Shadowclaw kept a careful eye on his apprentice as they padded the length of the border with Breezeclan. He knew Lightningpaw was more-or-less showing off as this wasn't something he always did, but the apprentice was being careful, and you never could be too careful on a border patrol... even if it was on the border with an ally clan.

By sunhigh the small troup was padding back to camp, having checked and remarked the Breezeclan border. The other patrol would be back shortly, though theirs usually took a fair bit longer considering they had to check and remark two borders.

Thornkit ~ leg ~ tom-cat ~ kit ~ 1.5 moons ~ location; nursery ~ mentor; none ~ kin; moonflower (mother), shadowclaw (father), ivykit (sister), fuzzkit (brother), dovekit (sister)

Thornkit felt like he had barely had time to wonder around and stretch his rather long, little kit legs. Scowling at his mother he gave an indignant huff and drooped his head, letting the tip of his somewhat-average, somewhat-shorter length tail drag on the floor of the den as he squeezed his way back into the den and plopped down, his back against Moonflower's stomach.

Ivykit ~ wing ~ she-cat ~ kit ~ 1.5 moons ~ location; nursery ~ mentor; none ~ kin; moonflower (mother), shadowclaw (father), thornkit (brother), fuzzkit (brother), dovekit (sister)

-sleeping & Eating-

Fuzzkit ~ pelt ~ tom-cat ~ kit ~ 1.5 moons ~ location; nursery ~ mentor; none ~ kin; moonflower (mother), shadowclaw (father), ivykit (sister), thornkit (brother), dovekit (sister)

-sleeping & Eating-

Dovekit ~ song ~ she-cat ~ kit ~ 1.5 moons ~ location; nursery ~ mentor; none ~ kin; moonflower (mother), shadowclaw (father), ivykit (sister), fuzzkit (brother), thornkit (brother)


Firestorm ~ tom-cat ~ medicine cat ~ 33 moons ~ location; medicine den/camp ~ apprentice; sagepaw ~ kin; gingerheart (sister), bluepelt (forbidden mate)

-med den, sorting herbs-

Gingerheart ~ she-cat ~ warrior ~ 33 moons ~ location; camp center ~ apprentice; none ~ kin; firestorm (brother), sagefoot (mate)

-sunning herself-

Stormpaw ~ gaze ~ she-cat ~ leader's apprentice ~ 6 moons ~ location; apprentice den => camp center ~ mentor; streamstar ~ kin; mousepaw (sister)

Stormpaw felt a slight bit of sadness that she wouldn't be going out for a few sunrises, and a small amount of jealousy towards the other apprentices, but when Streamstar said she would be attending the gathering it took practically all she had not to jump up and down like an excited kit. Her FIRST gathering!!! This was so exciting... but what if Mousepaw wasn't going too... that didn't seem very fair... Hopefully Streamstar would be able to take them both! she thought enthusiastically before dipping her head respectfully and padding off. The young apprentice did feel bad that Streamstar's kit was sickly... but it seemed like he didn't even really care about her or Mousepaw anymore. Sure, they weren't his and Snowheart's real kits... but they had raised them ... surely that counts for something... no?

Mousepaw ~ step ~ she-cat ~ apprentice ~ 6 moons ~ location; Breezeclan Border ~ mentor; sagefoot ~ kin; stormpaw (sister)

Mousepaw padded along, about a paw-step behind her mentor. Her tail out, ears pricked forward and nose twitching as she let the scents in the air wash over her. Pausing a moment to take it all in, the small she-cat gave her dark tail-tip a flick and thought. She still wasn't very familiar with the other clans scents and had trouble determining the other clans, rogues and other non-Streamclan cats apart from one another. "I smell something sort of... crisp... almost like the air when it rains" she said slightly buzzled "but it's faint, and fading... stale I guess... is that the Breezeclan scent?" she asked, looking up at Sagefoot with her blue eyes. Mousepaw was small, and could be a bit clumsy, but she was a pretty fast learner, and she did try pretty hard.

Snowheart ~ she-cat ~ queen ~ 22 moons ~ location; nursery ~ apprentice; none ~ kin; blazestorm (brother), duskfall (brother), juniperkit (daughter), sandkit (son), rosekit (daughter), bramblekit (son), streamstar (mate)

Snowheart looked up at the more experienced queen "yes, but the last time I had a kit he was born too sick to survive even one sunrise before Starclan took Icekit... It's understandable that we are worried for her" Snowheart defended her mate quietly. She was a very pretty she-cat, but also a rather soft-spoken and guarded one who really only showed a large amount of warmth to kits, kin and her closest friends.

Blazestorm ~ tom-cat ~ warrior ~ 22 moons ~ location; fernclan/darkclan border ~ apprentice; fallpaw ~ kin; snowheart (sister), duskfall (brother), juniperkit (niece), sandkit (nephew), rosekit (niece), bramblekit (nephew), petalnose (mate)

-on patrol-

Duskfall ~ tom-cat ~ warrior ~ 22 moons ~ location; fernclan/darkclan border ~ apprentice; none ~ kin; snowheart (sister), blazestorm (brother), juniperkit (niece), sandkit (nephew), rosekit (niece), bramblekit (nephew), brambleheart (mate)

-on patrol-

Dawngaze ~ she-cat ~ warrior ~ 21 moons ~ location; camp center ~ apprentice; briarpaw ~ kin; fireleaf (brother), stripedtail (eventual mate)

Dawngaze watched her apprentice work and was satisfied with her skill level. Her brother had done well, keeping atop the apprentices hunting training. Hopefully her fighting wouldn't be too rusty. Dawngaze was the better fighter between her and her littermate by far.

Fireleaf ~ tom-cat ~ warrior ~ 21 moons ~ location; Streamclan territory ~ apprentice; none ~ kin; dawngaze (sister), swirlpelt (eventual mate)

Fireleaf continued padding in silence, catching whatever prey they could. Eventually the two had a nice amount between them, and gathering their load padded back to the the agreed meeting spot to wait for the others before heading back to camp.

Harepaw ~ strike ~ tom-cat ~ apprentice ~ 11 moons ~ location; breezeclan border ~ mentor; petalnose ~ kin; none

-on patrol-

Sandheart ~ she-cat ~ warrior ~ 21 moons ~ location; camp center ~ apprentice; none ~ kin; lichenpaw (son), shadowfall (mate)

Giving her mate's shoulder a quick lick, Sandheart watched as he went before getting to her paws and stretching. She had promised to go hunting with Tawnyscar later on, but the other she-cat probably wanted to eat first since she was put on guard duty almost as soon as she exited the warrior den.

Lichenpaw ~ claw ~ tom-cat ~ apprentice ~ 8 moons ~ location; camp center ~ mentor; stripedtail ~ kin; sandheart (mother), shadowfall (father)

"Oh... okay! Do you think I can catch a squirrel!" the apprentice asked excitedly, his fur bristling with anticipation as he darted out of camp, scampering around his mentor's paws.

Tawnyscar ~ she-cat ~ warrior ~ 23 moons ~ location; camp center ~ apprentice; none ~ kin; streampelt (eventual mate)

Standing when she heard Shadowfall's mew the she-warrior dipped her head curtly "thanks... I though I was going to go mouse-crazy if I just kept staring at the falling leaves for much longer" she mewed lightly, her tone semi-playful. Tawnyscar could be a very playful and relaxed cat... but she was also extremely protective and one of the most skilled warriors in the clan. Padding into the camp she grabbed a small water vole and settled down with her best friend Sandheart to eat quickly before they went off hunting.
StreamStar ~ Tom ~ Leader ~ 25 moons ~ location; Heading to nursery ~ kin; Mate Snowheart, Kits Sandkit, Bramblekit, Rosekit, And Juniperkit.
~Streamstar Half asleep nuzzled into his mate~

MoonFlower ~ She-cat ~ Queen ~ 21 moons ~ location; Nursery ~ kin Mate Shadowclaw, Kits Thornkit, Dovekit, Fuzzkit, and Ivykit.
MoonFlower nods to the other Queen, She simply left it at that and curled her kits closer to her as she waited on her mate to return to her. She wanted to see him and wanted to be with him in the den again. Her fur was flat and sleek from laying in the nursery with her kits. She nuzzled each close to her and sniffed them to make they were okay.

Juniperkit ~ tail ~ she-cat ~ kit ~ 3 weeks not even a moon ~ location; nursery ~ kin, Snowheart mother, sister Rosekit, brothers Sandkit and Bramble kit, Father Streamstar
~ asleep~

Rosekit ~ Fall ~ she-cat ~ kit ~ 3 weeks ~ location; Nursery ~ kin Snowheart mother, sister Juniperkit, brothers Sandkit and Bramble kit, Father Streamstar

Bramblekit~ Claw~ Tom ~ kit ~ 3 weeks ~ location; Nursery ~ kin Snowheart mother, sisters Juniperkit and Rosekit, brother Sandkit, Father Streamstar
~ asleep~
Sandkit~ swipe~ Tom ~ kit ~ 1 moon ~ location; Nursery ~ kin Snowheart mother, sisters Juniperkit and Rosekit, brother bramblekit, Father Streamstar

Streampelt~ Tom ~ warrior ~ 23 moons ~ location; camp ~ kin none ~ Mate Tawnyscar eventually
Streampelt finally returns with his patrol everything seemed well enough. He let the patrol go and went to lay down for a bit and catch some sleep. He settled next to Tawnyscar and Sandheart and mewled his greeting to them as he dug in for some food as well he hadn't eaten since the night before

ShadowFall ~ Tom ~ Warrior ~ 28 moons ~ location; Laying out in the sun ~ kin none ~ Mate Sandheart son Lichenpaw
~Shadowfall watch duty~

SageFoot ~ Tom ~ Warrior ~ 24 moons ~ location; Patrol with deputy and apprentice ~ kin none ~ Mate Gingerheart, apprentice Mousepaw
~SageFoot patrol still~

Stripetail ~ Tom ~ Warrior ~ 22 moons ~ location; ~ kin Sister Bluepelt, ~ Mate Dawngaze, and apprentice Lichenpaw
Stripetail Laughed at his apprentice. " Don't know are you fast enough?" He asked his apprentice as the walked."Okay let's go. he starts to run to a good spot for them to find squirrels. He showed his apprentice how to stalk them and catch them. He let his apprentice try.

Petalnose ~ She-cat ~ Warrior ~ 23 moons ~ location; Patrol ~ kin ~ mate Blazestorm and apprentice Harepaw
~Petalnose on patrol~

Brambleheart ~ she-cat ~ Warrior ~ 22 moons ~ location; Hunting Patrol ~ kin~ Mate Duskfall
~Brambleheart Heading back to camp with fresh kill~

Swirlpelt ~ she-cat ~ Warrior ~ 24 moons ~ location; Patrol ~ kin Mate Fireleaf eventually
~Swirlpelt Heading back to camp with prey~

Bluepelt ~ She-cat ~ Warrior ~ 23 moons ~ location; lounging around ~ kin ~ Mate Firestorm, and brother Stripetail~ Expecting kits
~Bluepelt Sleeping in the nursery~

Briarpaw ~ Heart~ she-cat ~ apprentice ~ 9 moons ~ location; Hunting patrol ~ kin ~Mentor Dawngaze
~Briarpaw heading back with mentor ~

Sagepaw ~ wing~ she-cat ~ medicince cat apprentice ~ 6 moons ~ location; ~ kin none ~ Mentor Firestorm medicine cat
~Sagepaw Listening to elders tell a story~

Lightningpaw ~ strike~ Tom ~ Deputy apprentice ~ 11 moons ~ location; ~ kin ~ Mentor Shadowclaw deputy
~Lightingpaw on patrol~

Fallpaw ~ heart~ Tom~ apprentice ~ 6 moons ~ location; ~ kin ~Mentor Blazestorm
~Fallpaw just on patrol~

(want to time skip to the evening Streamstar announces who is going to the meeting?)​

Shadowclaw ~ tom-cat ~ deputy ~ 31 moons ~ location; longboulder/camp center => breezeclan border ~ apprentice; lightningpaw ~ kin; moonflower (mate), thornkit (son), fuzzkit (son), ivykit (daughter), dovekit (daughter)


Thornkit ~ leg ~ tom-cat ~ kit ~ 1.5 moons ~ location; nursery ~ mentor; none ~ kin; moonflower (mother), shadowclaw (father), ivykit (sister), fuzzkit (brother), dovekit (sister)


Ivykit ~ wing ~ she-cat ~ kit ~ 1.5 moons ~ location; nursery ~ mentor; none ~ kin; moonflower (mother), shadowclaw (father), thornkit (brother), fuzzkit (brother), dovekit (sister)


Fuzzkit ~ pelt ~ tom-cat ~ kit ~ 1.5 moons ~ location; nursery ~ mentor; none ~ kin; moonflower (mother), shadowclaw (father), ivykit (sister), thornkit (brother), dovekit (sister)


Dovekit ~ song ~ she-cat ~ kit ~ 1.5 moons ~ location; nursery ~ mentor; none ~ kin; moonflower (mother), shadowclaw (father), ivykit (sister), fuzzkit (brother), thornkit (brother)


Firestorm ~ tom-cat ~ medicine cat ~ 33 moons ~ location; medicine den/camp ~ apprentice; sagepaw ~ kin; gingerheart (sister), bluepelt (forbidden mate)


Gingerheart ~ she-cat ~ warrior ~ 33 moons ~ location; camp center ~ apprentice; none ~ kin; firestorm (brother), sagefoot (mate)


Stormpaw ~ gaze ~ she-cat ~ leader's apprentice ~ 6 moons ~ location; apprentice den => camp center ~ mentor; streamstar ~ kin; mousepaw (sister)


Mousepaw ~ step ~ she-cat ~ apprentice ~ 6 moons ~ location; Breezeclan Border ~ mentor; sagefoot ~ kin; stormpaw (sister)


Snowheart ~ she-cat ~ queen ~ 22 moons ~ location; nursery ~ apprentice; none ~ kin; blazestorm (brother), duskfall (brother), juniperkit (daughter), sandkit (son), rosekit (daughter), bramblekit (son), streamstar (mate)


Blazestorm ~ tom-cat ~ warrior ~ 22 moons ~ location; fernclan/darkclan border ~ apprentice; fallpaw ~ kin; snowheart (sister), duskfall (brother), juniperkit (niece), sandkit (nephew), rosekit (niece), bramblekit (nephew), petalnose (mate)


Duskfall ~ tom-cat ~ warrior ~ 22 moons ~ location; fernclan/darkclan border ~ apprentice; none ~ kin; snowheart (sister), blazestorm (brother), juniperkit (niece), sandkit (nephew), rosekit (niece), bramblekit (nephew), brambleheart (mate)


Dawngaze ~ she-cat ~ warrior ~ 21 moons ~ location; camp center ~ apprentice; briarpaw ~ kin; fireleaf (brother), stripedtail (eventual mate)


Fireleaf ~ tom-cat ~ warrior ~ 21 moons ~ location; Streamclan territory ~ apprentice; none ~ kin; dawngaze (sister), swirlpelt (eventual mate)


Harepaw ~ strike ~ tom-cat ~ apprentice ~ 11 moons ~ location; breezeclan border ~ mentor; petalnose ~ kin; none


Sandheart ~ she-cat ~ warrior ~ 21 moons ~ location; camp center ~ apprentice; none ~ kin; lichenpaw (son), shadowfall (mate)


Lichenpaw ~ claw ~ tom-cat ~ apprentice ~ 8 moons ~ location; camp center ~ mentor; stripedtail ~ kin; sandheart (mother), shadowfall (father)


Tawnyscar ~ she-cat ~ warrior ~ 23 moons ~ location; camp center ~ apprentice; none ~ kin; streampelt (eventual mate)

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