TESTING Sunflowers

  • So many newbies lately! Here is a very important PSA about one of our most vital content policies! Read it even if you are an ancient member!
Andrew Lind
The planning for Thomas Lind's campaign was set into motion the moment the family stepped into their home, and following Andrew was spending all his time that wasn't tied up in school helping out. One of the many perks of vampirism, that the family had always used to their advantage, was that you could a lot of work done, when you didn't sleep and the only emotional exhaustion you would face was boredom. There was talk about calling in his brothers, and his parents were pulling contacts left and right, an pulling things from their plans for Andrew to start to take power in the town once he was 'older' early. And in record time they had put together something that, to anyone else would seem like they had been planning from the get go.

It was with some genuine amusements Andrew saw Tiara-Jean start to up her efforts to promote her father on school grounds. Andrew didn't let her posters stay up by themselves for long though, and marched into the principal's office one day with Bonnie and Ethan in stow and a stack of papers with his father's face printed on them under his arm. He reminded them ever so kindly that it was completely out of line to only promote one candidate in a space that was supposed to allow freedom of speech, and that they should remember who it was had seen to it that the bigger high school had been built in the first place, because they cared deeply about the locals having space, even when some people seemed more focus on expanding their business.

Still he had not let Tiara-Jean's antics get to him in the way things seemed to stress her out, and when they stood there all dressed up in their PE uniforms, for one of the few outdoor classes that were left before fall rolled around for real, he had no qualms raising his hand right after her when the Coach asked who else would like the harder map, after giving Tiara-Jean a quick look, of coarse.

The Coach handed him the map, with a quick word of concern about him not knowing the area due to being new. Since Andrew had joined the track team with next to no effort and the coach seemed to have taken a liking to him. He loudly reassured him that he could always ask Tiara-Jean for help before turning to her with a big smile, "Shall we go? I wanna have time to get the map done before class is over."

Andrew Lind
The planning for Thomas Lind's campaign was set into motion the moment the family stepped into their home, and following Andrew was spending all his time that wasn't tied up in school helping out. One of the many perks of vampirism, that the family had always used to their advantage, was that you could a lot of work done, when you didn't sleep and the only emotional exhaustion you would face was boredom. There was talk about calling in his brothers, and his parents were pulling contacts left and right, an pulling things from their plans for Andrew to start to take power in the town once he was 'older' early. And in record time they had put together something that, to anyone else would seem like they had been planning from the get go.

It was with some genuine amusements Andrew saw Tiara-Jean start to up her efforts to promote her father on school grounds. Andrew didn't let her posters stay up by themselves for long though, and marched into the principal's office one day with Bonnie and Ethan in stow and a stack of papers with his father's face printed on them under his arm. He reminded them ever so kindly that it was completely out of line to only promote one candidate in a space that was supposed to allow freedom of speech, and that they should remember who it was had seen to it that the bigger high school had been built in the first place, because they cared deeply about the locals having space, even when some people seemed more focus on expanding their business.

Still he had not let Tiara-Jean's antics get to him in the way things seemed to stress her out, and when they stood there all dressed up in their PE uniforms, for one of the few outdoor classes that were left before fall rolled around for real, he had no qualms raising his hand right after her when the Coach asked who else would like the harder map, after giving Tiara-Jean a quick look, of coarse.

The Coach handed him the map, with a quick word of concern about him not knowing the area due to being new. Since Andrew had joined the track team with next to no effort and the coach seemed to have taken a liking to him. He loudly reassured him that he could always ask Tiara-Jean for help before turning to her with a big smile, "Shall we go? I wanna have time to get the map done before class is over."


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse vitae efficitur orci. Proin ut egestas dolor. Donec fringilla faucibus elit. Aliquam erat volutpat. Nunc a lobortis nibh. Sed feugiat massa est, eget efficitur dolor malesuada sed. Aenean ornare urna nibh, consequat vehicula lacus hendrerit vel. Ut sagittis mauris risus, ut placerat felis varius ut. Morbi est ex, pellentesque id elit et, bibendum vestibulum neque. Donec eget nisi eget sem aliquam porta volutpat vel nulla. Nullam tempor id enim sit amet dapibus. Nullam ac iaculis ligula. Aenean eget neque tristique, vulputate sem ut, suscipit tellus. Curabitur at ligula ipsum.

Sed in varius sem. Fusce bibendum risus cursus eros vulputate, in maximus quam mollis. Nulla hendrerit nibh in hendrerit fringilla. Vestibulum ut consectetur nisl, nec tempus sem. Etiam sit amet eleifend nibh. Praesent accumsan diam eget nunc ultricies ultricies. Vestibulum fringilla turpis ac diam pretium, a egestas ante dapibus.

Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae; Duis ut tempor arcu. Proin in lorem id justo suscipit tempor. Suspendisse ac eros augue. Nulla vitae ultricies lorem. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Nunc malesuada convallis tellus vel varius. Nunc porta nunc odio, eget auctor nunc lobortis vel. Cras facilisis placerat volutpat.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse vitae efficitur orci. Proin ut egestas dolor. Donec fringilla faucibus elit. Aliquam erat volutpat. Nunc a lobortis nibh. Sed feugiat massa est, eget efficitur dolor malesuada sed. Aenean ornare urna nibh, consequat vehicula lacus hendrerit vel. Ut sagittis mauris risus, ut placerat felis varius ut. Morbi est ex, pellentesque id elit et, bibendum vestibulum neque. Donec eget nisi eget sem aliquam porta volutpat vel nulla. Nullam tempor id enim sit amet dapibus. Nullam ac iaculis ligula. Aenean eget neque tristique, vulputate sem ut, suscipit tellus. Curabitur at ligula ipsum.​

Sed in varius sem. Fusce bibendum risus cursus eros vulputate, in maximus quam mollis. Nulla hendrerit nibh in hendrerit fringilla. Vestibulum ut consectetur nisl, nec tempus sem. Etiam sit amet eleifend nibh. Praesent accumsan diam eget nunc ultricies ultricies. Vestibulum fringilla turpis ac diam pretium, a egestas ante dapibus.​

Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae; Duis ut tempor arcu. Proin in lorem id justo suscipit tempor. Suspendisse ac eros augue. Nulla vitae ultricies lorem. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Nunc malesuada convallis tellus vel varius. Nunc porta nunc odio, eget auctor nunc lobortis vel. Cras facilisis placerat volutpat.​


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse vitae efficitur orci. Proin ut egestas dolor. Donec fringilla faucibus elit. Aliquam erat volutpat. Nunc a lobortis nibh. Sed feugiat massa est, eget efficitur dolor malesuada sed. Aenean ornare urna nibh, consequat vehicula lacus hendrerit vel. Ut sagittis mauris risus, ut placerat felis varius ut. Morbi est ex, pellentesque id elit et, bibendum vestibulum neque. Donec eget nisi eget sem aliquam porta volutpat vel nulla. Nullam tempor id enim sit amet dapibus. Nullam ac iaculis ligula. Aenean eget neque tristique, vulputate sem ut, suscipit tellus. Curabitur at ligula ipsum.​

Sed in varius sem. Fusce bibendum risus cursus eros vulputate, in maximus quam mollis. Nulla hendrerit nibh in hendrerit fringilla. Vestibulum ut consectetur nisl, nec tempus sem. Etiam sit amet eleifend nibh. Praesent accumsan diam eget nunc ultricies ultricies. Vestibulum fringilla turpis ac diam pretium, a egestas ante dapibus.​

Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae; Duis ut tempor arcu. Proin in lorem id justo suscipit tempor. Suspendisse ac eros augue. Nulla vitae ultricies lorem. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Nunc malesuada convallis tellus vel varius. Nunc porta nunc odio, eget auctor nunc lobortis vel. Cras facilisis placerat volutpat.​

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer varius condimentum mattis. Duis egestas rutrum felis aliquam faucibus. Aliquam pulvinar at est in vehicula. Sed cursus semper neque, vitae posuere tortor ultrices lobortis. Fusce convallis a risus sed finibus. Pellentesque lorem nibh, dapibus vitae orci vitae, dictum scelerisque orci. Quisque ut dapibus velit, et interdum metus. Vivamus varius volutpat fermentum. Fusce at tempus risus. Maecenas ultricies suscipit consectetur. Suspendisse potenti.

Vivamus pellentesque, arcu mollis gravida bibendum, enim libero porttitor mauris, a pretium orci purus sit amet magna. Fusce placerat viverra arcu in vulputate. Suspendisse cursus aliquam mollis. Maecenas sapien leo, pharetra a magna vel, scelerisque commodo tellus. Suspendisse id maximus dolor. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Morbi in urna pulvinar, porta nibh vitae, vestibulum justo. Etiam mauris tellus, consectetur eget erat elementum, efficitur pretium dolor. Nulla eu iaculis eros. Ut sed nisi augue. Nulla eu pellentesque enim. Aenean blandit, ligula non vulputate pulvinar, ex felis porta tortor, nec bibendum justo sapien venenatis erat.

Praesent id bibendum arcu. Aenean in urna non mauris pretium aliquam. Mauris imperdiet sem eget diam convallis rutrum. Donec eget erat condimentum, tincidunt sapien eget, imperdiet eros. Morbi ut aliquet est. In sit amet augue quis nisi dictum molestie. Suspendisse varius, ex quis faucibus lobortis, leo neque ornare justo, a auctor ex elit quis tellus. Aenean accumsan quam at sapien facilisis laoreet. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas vitae commodo libero

Div 1 - The container:
- Used to set width and height. Important that the overflow is set to hidden.

Div 2 - The scroll:
- Placed within Div 1.
- This is where the scroll is located. Should be the same size as the container. Set to percentage here but set values can be used.

Div 3 - The content:
- Placed within div 2.
- This div is used to make the code mobile friendly even if you decide to use a dark/high opacity scroll colour.
- The background colour set here is going to be the be the background colour for the content of the scroll. Background in example is #ede3d8
- The Z-index is set to 2, it has the highest value and will be placed on top of anything that overlaps, meaning the scroll colour will be placed underneath on mobile and not be visible.
- Height is not set to a specific value to expand for the content.
- I have also decided to put in text color and some padding here, but that kind of information can just as well be placed within other divs nested within Div 3.

Div 4 - Custom color for the scroll bar
- This Div is placed after Div 2 and Div 3, within Div 1.
- Z-index is set to 1. Value needs to be greater than Div 2 (The scroll), and lower than Div 3 (the content).
- Value of "top" needs to - the height of the container (Example container is 400px, so top should be "top: -400px;")
- Float set to right.
- Technically the scroll bar is about 17 px wide i think (on my browser/computer), by making it wider though, you assure that anyone who has the browser zoomed out (like i do lol) will still have the entire scrollbar in the new colour. I have set it to 30px in the example but could technically be as wide as the container.
- The colour is set by setting a background colour (#ba9a79 in example)for this div, and playing around with opacity and blend modes. I recommend "overlay" for lighter colour schemes, "multiply" for darker, "color" can be useful as well.
- Finally, Pointer-events needs to be set to "none" so that you can still click the scroll!

- The easiest way i have found to make the background color match one of the colours of the scroll is to set the scroll colour first, then screenshot and colour pick the colour you want as the background.

[div=margin: auto; width:400px; height:400px; overflow:hidden;] [div= width:100%; height:100%; overflow-y:scroll;] [div=width:100%; z-index: 3; background-color:#ede3d8; color:#38332e; padding:5px;]Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer varius condimentum mattis. Duis egestas rutrum felis aliquam faucibus. Aliquam pulvinar at est in vehicula. Sed cursus semper neque, vitae posuere tortor ultrices lobortis. Fusce convallis a risus sed finibus. Pellentesque lorem nibh, dapibus vitae orci vitae, dictum scelerisque orci. Quisque ut dapibus velit, et interdum metus. Vivamus varius volutpat fermentum. Fusce at tempus risus. Maecenas ultricies suscipit consectetur. Suspendisse potenti.

Vivamus pellentesque, arcu mollis gravida bibendum, enim libero porttitor mauris, a pretium orci purus sit amet magna. Fusce placerat viverra arcu in vulputate. Suspendisse cursus aliquam mollis. Maecenas sapien leo, pharetra a magna vel, scelerisque commodo tellus. Suspendisse id maximus dolor. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Morbi in urna pulvinar, porta nibh vitae, vestibulum justo. Etiam mauris tellus, consectetur eget erat elementum, efficitur pretium dolor. Nulla eu iaculis eros. Ut sed nisi augue. Nulla eu pellentesque enim. Aenean blandit, ligula non vulputate pulvinar, ex felis porta tortor, nec bibendum justo sapien venenatis erat.

Praesent id bibendum arcu. Aenean in urna non mauris pretium aliquam. Mauris imperdiet sem eget diam convallis rutrum. Donec eget erat condimentum, tincidunt sapien eget, imperdiet eros. Morbi ut aliquet est. In sit amet augue quis nisi dictum molestie. Suspendisse varius, ex quis faucibus lobortis, leo neque ornare justo, a auctor ex elit quis tellus. Aenean accumsan quam at sapien facilisis laoreet. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas vitae commodo libero[/div][/div][div=width:30px; height:400px; top: -400px; float:right; z-index:1; background-color:#ba9a79; pointer-events:none; opacity:0.8; mix-blend-mode: overlay; ][/div][/div]
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No Glory in the West - Orville Peck

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse vitae efficitur orci. Proin ut egestas dolor. Donec fringilla faucibus elit. Aliquam erat volutpat. Nunc a lobortis nibh. Sed feugiat massa est, eget efficitur dolor malesuada sed. Aenean ornare urna nibh, consequat vehicula lacus hendrerit vel. Ut sagittis mauris risus, ut placerat felis varius ut. Morbi est ex, pellentesque id elit et, bibendum vestibulum neque. Donec eget nisi eget sem aliquam porta volutpat vel nulla. Nullam tempor id enim sit amet dapibus. Nullam ac iaculis ligula. Aenean eget neque tristique, vulputate sem ut, suscipit tellus. Curabitur at ligula ipsum.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse vitae efficitur orci. Proin ut egestas dolor. Donec fringilla faucibus elit. Aliquam erat volutpat. Nunc a lobortis nibh. Sed feugiat massa est, eget efficitur dolor malesuada sed. Aenean ornare urna nibh, consequat vehicula lacus hendrerit vel. Ut sagittis mauris risus, ut placerat felis varius ut. Morbi est ex, pellentesque id elit et, bibendum vestibulum neque. Donec eget nisi eget sem aliquam porta volutpat vel nulla. Nullam tempor id enim sit amet dapibus. Nullam ac iaculis ligula. Aenean eget neque tristique, vulputate sem ut, suscipit tellus. Curabitur at ligula ipsum.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse vitae efficitur orci. Proin ut egestas dolor. Donec fringilla faucibus elit. Aliquam erat volutpat. Nunc a lobortis nibh. Sed feugiat massa est, eget efficitur dolor malesuada sed. Aenean ornare urna nibh, consequat vehicula lacus hendrerit vel. Ut sagittis mauris risus, ut placerat felis varius ut. Morbi est ex, pellentesque id elit et, bibendum vestibulum neque. Donec eget nisi eget sem aliquam porta volutpat vel nulla. Nullam tempor id enim sit amet dapibus. Nullam ac iaculis ligula. Aenean eget neque tristique, vulputate sem ut, suscipit tellus. Curabitur at ligula ipsum.



Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse vitae efficitur orci. Proin ut egestas dolor. Donec fringilla faucibus elit. Aliquam erat volutpat. Nunc a lobortis nibh. Sed feugiat massa est, eget efficitur dolor malesuada sed. Aenean ornare urna nibh, consequat vehicula lacus hendrerit vel. Ut sagittis mauris risus, ut placerat felis varius ut. Morbi est ex, pellentesque id elit et, bibendum vestibulum neque. Donec eget nisi eget sem aliquam porta volutpat vel nulla. Nullam tempor id enim sit amet dapibus. Nullam ac iaculis ligula. Aenean eget neque tristique, vulputate sem ut, suscipit tellus. Curabitur at ligula ipsum.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse vitae efficitur orci. Proin ut egestas dolor. Donec fringilla faucibus elit. Aliquam erat volutpat. Nunc a lobortis nibh. Sed feugiat massa est, eget efficitur dolor malesuada sed. Aenean ornare urna nibh, consequat vehicula lacus hendrerit vel. Ut sagittis mauris risus, ut placerat felis varius ut. Morbi est ex, pellentesque id elit et, bibendum vestibulum neque. Donec eget nisi eget sem aliquam porta volutpat vel nulla. Nullam tempor id enim sit amet dapibus. Nullam ac iaculis ligula. Aenean eget neque tristique, vulputate sem ut, suscipit tellus. Curabitur at ligula ipsum.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse vitae efficitur orci. Proin ut egestas dolor. Donec fringilla faucibus elit. Aliquam erat volutpat. Nunc a lobortis nibh. Sed feugiat massa est, eget efficitur dolor malesuada sed. Aenean ornare urna nibh, consequat vehicula lacus hendrerit vel. Ut sagittis mauris risus, ut placerat felis varius ut. Morbi est ex, pellentesque id elit et, bibendum vestibulum neque. Donec eget nisi eget sem aliquam porta volutpat vel nulla. Nullam tempor id enim sit amet dapibus. Nullam ac iaculis ligula. Aenean eget neque tristique, vulputate sem ut, suscipit tellus. Curabitur at ligula ipsum.

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec gravida, lacus at rhoncus rhoncus, risus neque sollicitudin eros, at congue erat ex sollicitudin magna. Duis elementum diam id massa elementum auctor. Ut sed auctor urna. Nulla nunc sem, euismod at quam ut, vulputate auctor sem. Vestibulum metus erat, tincidunt non purus eu, tempor sodales orci. Ut nec leo sit amet orci efficitur vulputate vitae sit amet arcu. Curabitur vestibulum lorem in velit sagittis consequat. Mauris molestie ipsum mollis erat elementum, sed imperdiet lacus egestas. Nullam molestie efficitur elementum. Aenean eu suscipit dui. Praesent tristique justo mauris, eu euismod sapien hendrerit a. Suspendisse facilisis, nisi nec pulvinar euismod, leo mi ullamcorper velit, non rhoncus nulla enim sit amet nunc. Aliquam accumsan interdum lorem quis sagittis. Phasellus vitae tortor vel risus convallis commodo id vel leo. Donec et tellus ante.


In ex augue, rhoncus id purus mollis, feugiat tristique neque. Nulla vel egestas ante. Morbi dignissim, arcu eget viverra tincidunt, dui lectus eleifend dolor, et sollicitudin quam tellus ut massa. Pellentesque viverra orci vel nunc facilisis pulvinar. Suspendisse finibus consequat lectus, vitae tempus urna condimentum vel. In bibendum augue quis auctor tempor. Nulla venenatis metus et mauris pellentesque porttitor. Cras sodales posuere vulputate. Donec luctus dolor tellus, eget sagittis turpis facilisis id. In iaculis, quam sit amet luctus volutpat, lectus elit pharetra mauris, sit amet convallis tellus felis sit amet urna. Sed finibus fermentum risus non lacinia.


Aliquam et velit et dui aliquet auctor. Phasellus malesuada luctus mi. Nulla odio ante, accumsan sed mauris non, sollicitudin condimentum eros. Integer eget tempus tellus. Quisque ultricies felis ac posuere vestibulum. Duis ligula libero, vulputate quis magna at, blandit posuere lacus. Curabitur vitae erat tellus. Cras blandit nunc vel cursus tincidunt. Curabitur sodales leo a ex placerat, quis porttitor urna pretium. Pellentesque posuere rhoncus dolor, vitae finibus orci faucibus a. Ut ac sagittis odio, a consequat mauris. Morbi a leo sodales, cursus ex ac, fringilla tortor. Etiam elit leo, consequat ut neque eget, iaculis porttitor massa.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec gravida, lacus at rhoncus rhoncus, risus neque sollicitudin eros, at congue erat ex sollicitudin magna. Duis elementum diam id massa elementum auctor. Ut sed auctor urna. Nulla nunc sem, euismod at quam ut, vulputate auctor sem. Vestibulum metus erat, tincidunt non purus eu, tempor sodales orci. Ut nec leo sit amet orci efficitur vulputate vitae sit amet arcu. Curabitur vestibulum lorem in velit sagittis consequat. Mauris molestie ipsum mollis erat elementum, sed imperdiet lacus egestas. Nullam molestie efficitur elementum. Aenean eu suscipit dui. Praesent tristique justo mauris, eu euismod sapien hendrerit a. Suspendisse facilisis, nisi nec pulvinar euismod, leo mi ullamcorper velit, non rhoncus nulla enim sit amet nunc. Aliquam accumsan interdum lorem quis sagittis. Phasellus vitae tortor vel risus convallis commodo id vel leo. Donec et tellus ante.


In ex augue, rhoncus id purus mollis, feugiat tristique neque. Nulla vel egestas ante. Morbi dignissim, arcu eget viverra tincidunt, dui lectus eleifend dolor, et sollicitudin quam tellus ut massa. Pellentesque viverra orci vel nunc facilisis pulvinar. Suspendisse finibus consequat lectus, vitae tempus urna condimentum vel. In bibendum augue quis auctor tempor. Nulla venenatis metus et mauris pellentesque porttitor. Cras sodales posuere vulputate. Donec luctus dolor tellus, eget sagittis turpis facilisis id. In iaculis, quam sit amet luctus volutpat, lectus elit pharetra mauris, sit amet convallis tellus felis sit amet urna. Sed finibus fermentum risus non lacinia.


Aliquam et velit et dui aliquet auctor. Phasellus malesuada luctus mi. Nulla odio ante, accumsan sed mauris non, sollicitudin condimentum eros. Integer eget tempus tellus. Quisque ultricies felis ac posuere vestibulum. Duis ligula libero, vulputate quis magna at, blandit posuere lacus. Curabitur vitae erat tellus. Cras blandit nunc vel cursus tincidunt. Curabitur sodales leo a ex placerat, quis porttitor urna pretium. Pellentesque posuere rhoncus dolor, vitae finibus orci faucibus a. Ut ac sagittis odio, a consequat mauris. Morbi a leo sodales, cursus ex ac, fringilla tortor. Etiam elit leo, consequat ut neque eget, iaculis porttitor massa.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec gravida, lacus at rhoncus rhoncus, risus neque sollicitudin eros, at congue erat ex sollicitudin magna. Duis elementum diam id massa elementum auctor. Ut sed auctor urna. Nulla nunc sem, euismod at quam ut, vulputate auctor sem. Vestibulum metus erat, tincidunt non purus eu, tempor sodales orci. Ut nec leo sit amet orci efficitur vulputate vitae sit amet arcu. Curabitur vestibulum lorem in velit sagittis consequat. Mauris molestie ipsum mollis erat elementum, sed imperdiet lacus egestas. Nullam molestie efficitur elementum. Aenean eu suscipit dui. Praesent tristique justo mauris, eu euismod sapien hendrerit a. Suspendisse facilisis, nisi nec pulvinar euismod, leo mi ullamcorper velit, non rhoncus nulla enim sit amet nunc. Aliquam accumsan interdum lorem quis sagittis. Phasellus vitae tortor vel risus convallis commodo id vel leo. Donec et tellus ante.


In ex augue, rhoncus id purus mollis, feugiat tristique neque. Nulla vel egestas ante. Morbi dignissim, arcu eget viverra tincidunt, dui lectus eleifend dolor, et sollicitudin quam tellus ut massa. Pellentesque viverra orci vel nunc facilisis pulvinar. Suspendisse finibus consequat lectus, vitae tempus urna condimentum vel. In bibendum augue quis auctor tempor. Nulla venenatis metus et mauris pellentesque porttitor. Cras sodales posuere vulputate. Donec luctus dolor tellus, eget sagittis turpis facilisis id. In iaculis, quam sit amet luctus volutpat, lectus elit pharetra mauris, sit amet convallis tellus felis sit amet urna. Sed finibus fermentum risus non lacinia.


Aliquam et velit et dui aliquet auctor. Phasellus malesuada luctus mi. Nulla odio ante, accumsan sed mauris non, sollicitudin condimentum eros. Integer eget tempus tellus. Quisque ultricies felis ac posuere vestibulum. Duis ligula libero, vulputate quis magna at, blandit posuere lacus. Curabitur vitae erat tellus. Cras blandit nunc vel cursus tincidunt. Curabitur sodales leo a ex placerat, quis porttitor urna pretium. Pellentesque posuere rhoncus dolor, vitae finibus orci faucibus a. Ut ac sagittis odio, a consequat mauris. Morbi a leo sodales, cursus ex ac, fringilla tortor. Etiam elit leo, consequat ut neque eget, iaculis porttitor massa.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec gravida, lacus at rhoncus rhoncus, risus neque sollicitudin eros, at congue erat ex sollicitudin magna. Duis elementum diam id massa elementum auctor. Ut sed auctor urna. Nulla nunc sem, euismod at quam ut, vulputate auctor sem. Vestibulum metus erat, tincidunt non purus eu, tempor sodales orci. Ut nec leo sit amet orci efficitur vulputate vitae sit amet arcu. Curabitur vestibulum lorem in velit sagittis consequat. Mauris molestie ipsum mollis erat elementum, sed imperdiet lacus egestas. Nullam molestie efficitur elementum. Aenean eu suscipit dui. Praesent tristique justo mauris, eu euismod sapien hendrerit a. Suspendisse facilisis, nisi nec pulvinar euismod, leo mi ullamcorper velit, non rhoncus nulla enim sit amet nunc. Aliquam accumsan interdum lorem quis sagittis. Phasellus vitae tortor vel risus convallis commodo id vel leo. Donec et tellus ante.


In ex augue, rhoncus id purus mollis, feugiat tristique neque. Nulla vel egestas ante. Morbi dignissim, arcu eget viverra tincidunt, dui lectus eleifend dolor, et sollicitudin quam tellus ut massa. Pellentesque viverra orci vel nunc facilisis pulvinar. Suspendisse finibus consequat lectus, vitae tempus urna condimentum vel. In bibendum augue quis auctor tempor. Nulla venenatis metus et mauris pellentesque porttitor. Cras sodales posuere vulputate. Donec luctus dolor tellus, eget sagittis turpis facilisis id. In iaculis, quam sit amet luctus volutpat, lectus elit pharetra mauris, sit amet convallis tellus felis sit amet urna. Sed finibus fermentum risus non lacinia.


Aliquam et velit et dui aliquet auctor. Phasellus malesuada luctus mi. Nulla odio ante, accumsan sed mauris non, sollicitudin condimentum eros. Integer eget tempus tellus. Quisque ultricies felis ac posuere vestibulum. Duis ligula libero, vulputate quis magna at, blandit posuere lacus. Curabitur vitae erat tellus. Cras blandit nunc vel cursus tincidunt. Curabitur sodales leo a ex placerat, quis porttitor urna pretium. Pellentesque posuere rhoncus dolor, vitae finibus orci faucibus a. Ut ac sagittis odio, a consequat mauris. Morbi a leo sodales, cursus ex ac, fringilla tortor. Etiam elit leo, consequat ut neque eget, iaculis porttitor massa.
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  • Love
Reactions: Leucothea
.·͙ ⋆。*˚ ♡ ˚*。⋆‧͙ .​

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec gravida, lacus at rhoncus rhoncus, risus neque sollicitudin eros, at congue erat ex sollicitudin magna. Duis elementum diam id massa elementum auctor. Ut sed auctor urna. Nulla nunc sem, euismod at quam ut, vulputate auctor sem. Vestibulum metus erat, tincidunt non purus eu, tempor sodales orci. Ut nec leo sit amet orci efficitur vulputate vitae sit amet arcu. Curabitur vestibulum lorem in velit sagittis consequat. Mauris molestie ipsum mollis erat elementum, sed imperdiet lacus egestas. Nullam molestie efficitur elementum. Aenean eu suscipit dui. Praesent tristique justo mauris, eu euismod sapien hendrerit a. Suspendisse facilisis, nisi nec pulvinar euismod, leo mi ullamcorper velit, non rhoncus nulla enim sit amet nunc. Aliquam accumsan interdum lorem quis sagittis. Phasellus vitae tortor vel risus convallis commodo id vel leo. Donec et tellus ante.



In ex augue, rhoncus id purus mollis, feugiat tristique neque. Nulla vel egestas ante. Morbi dignissim, arcu eget viverra tincidunt, dui lectus eleifend dolor, et sollicitudin quam tellus ut massa. Pellentesque viverra orci vel nunc facilisis pulvinar. Suspendisse finibus consequat lectus, vitae tempus urna condimentum vel. In bibendum augue quis auctor tempor. Nulla venenatis metus et mauris pellentesque porttitor. Cras sodales posuere vulputate. Donec luctus dolor tellus, eget sagittis turpis facilisis id. In iaculis, quam sit amet luctus volutpat, lectus elit pharetra mauris, sit amet convallis tellus felis sit amet urna. Sed finibus fermentum risus non lacinia.



Aliquam et velit et dui aliquet auctor. Phasellus malesuada luctus mi. Nulla odio ante, accumsan sed mauris non, sollicitudin condimentum eros. Integer eget tempus tellus. Quisque ultricies felis ac posuere vestibulum. Duis ligula libero, vulputate quis magna at, blandit posuere lacus. Curabitur vitae erat tellus. Cras blandit nunc vel cursus tincidunt. Curabitur sodales leo a ex placerat, quis porttitor urna pretium. Pellentesque posuere rhoncus dolor, vitae finibus orci faucibus a. Ut ac sagittis odio, a consequat mauris. Morbi a leo sodales, cursus ex ac, fringilla tortor. Etiam elit leo, consequat ut neque eget, iaculis porttitor massa.



Aliquam et velit et dui aliquet auctor. Phasellus malesuada luctus mi. Nulla odio ante, accumsan sed mauris non, sollicitudin condimentum eros. Integer eget tempus tellus. Quisque ultricies felis ac posuere vestibulum. Duis ligula libero, vulputate quis magna at, blandit posuere lacus. Curabitur vitae erat tellus. Cras blandit nunc vel cursus tincidunt. Curabitur sodales leo a ex placerat, quis porttitor urna pretium. Pellentesque posuere rhoncus dolor, vitae finibus orci faucibus a. Ut ac sagittis odio, a consequat mauris. Morbi a leo sodales, cursus ex ac, fringilla tortor. Etiam elit leo, consequat ut neque eget, iaculis porttitor massa.



Aliquam et velit et dui aliquet auctor. Phasellus malesuada luctus mi. Nulla odio ante, accumsan sed mauris non, sollicitudin condimentum eros. Integer eget tempus tellus. Quisque ultricies felis ac posuere vestibulum. Duis ligula libero, vulputate quis magna at, blandit posuere lacus. Curabitur vitae erat tellus. Cras blandit nunc vel cursus tincidunt. Curabitur sodales leo a ex placerat, quis porttitor urna pretium. Pellentesque posuere rhoncus dolor, vitae finibus orci faucibus a. Ut ac sagittis odio, a consequat mauris. Morbi a leo sodales, cursus ex ac, fringilla tortor. Etiam elit leo, consequat ut neque eget, iaculis porttitor massa.


.·͙*̩̩͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩̥͙ ♡ *̩̩̥͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩͙‧͙ .​
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。・ .✧*。 𐐪𐑂 。*.✧. ・。​

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec gravida, lacus at rhoncus rhoncus, risus neque sollicitudin eros, at congue erat ex sollicitudin magna. Duis elementum diam id massa elementum auctor. Ut sed auctor urna. Nulla nunc sem, euismod at quam ut, vulputate auctor sem. Vestibulum metus erat, tincidunt non purus eu, tempor sodales orci. Ut nec leo sit amet orci efficitur vulputate vitae sit amet arcu. Curabitur vestibulum lorem in velit sagittis consequat. Mauris molestie ipsum mollis erat elementum, sed imperdiet lacus egestas. Nullam molestie efficitur elementum. Aenean eu suscipit dui. Praesent tristique justo mauris, eu euismod sapien hendrerit a. Suspendisse facilisis, nisi nec pulvinar euismod, leo mi ullamcorper velit, non rhoncus nulla enim sit amet nunc. Aliquam accumsan interdum lorem quis sagittis. Phasellus vitae tortor vel risus convallis commodo id vel leo. Donec et tellus ante.



In ex augue, rhoncus id purus mollis, feugiat tristique neque. Nulla vel egestas ante. Morbi dignissim, arcu eget viverra tincidunt, dui lectus eleifend dolor, et sollicitudin quam tellus ut massa. Pellentesque viverra orci vel nunc facilisis pulvinar. Suspendisse finibus consequat lectus, vitae tempus urna condimentum vel. In bibendum augue quis auctor tempor. Nulla venenatis metus et mauris pellentesque porttitor. Cras sodales posuere vulputate. Donec luctus dolor tellus, eget sagittis turpis facilisis id. In iaculis, quam sit amet luctus volutpat, lectus elit pharetra mauris, sit amet convallis tellus felis sit amet urna. Sed finibus fermentum risus non lacinia.



Aliquam et velit et dui aliquet auctor. Phasellus malesuada luctus mi. Nulla odio ante, accumsan sed mauris non, sollicitudin condimentum eros. Integer eget tempus tellus. Quisque ultricies felis ac posuere vestibulum. Duis ligula libero, vulputate quis magna at, blandit posuere lacus. Curabitur vitae erat tellus. Cras blandit nunc vel cursus tincidunt. Curabitur sodales leo a ex placerat, quis porttitor urna pretium. Pellentesque posuere rhoncus dolor, vitae finibus orci faucibus a. Ut ac sagittis odio, a consequat mauris. Morbi a leo sodales, cursus ex ac, fringilla tortor. Etiam elit leo, consequat ut neque eget, iaculis porttitor massa.



Aliquam et velit et dui aliquet auctor. Phasellus malesuada luctus mi. Nulla odio ante, accumsan sed mauris non, sollicitudin condimentum eros. Integer eget tempus tellus. Quisque ultricies felis ac posuere vestibulum. Duis ligula libero, vulputate quis magna at, blandit posuere lacus. Curabitur vitae erat tellus. Cras blandit nunc vel cursus tincidunt. Curabitur sodales leo a ex placerat, quis porttitor urna pretium. Pellentesque posuere rhoncus dolor, vitae finibus orci faucibus a. Ut ac sagittis odio, a consequat mauris. Morbi a leo sodales, cursus ex ac, fringilla tortor. Etiam elit leo, consequat ut neque eget, iaculis porttitor massa.



Aliquam et velit et dui aliquet auctor. Phasellus malesuada luctus mi. Nulla odio ante, accumsan sed mauris non, sollicitudin condimentum eros. Integer eget tempus tellus. Quisque ultricies felis ac posuere vestibulum. Duis ligula libero, vulputate quis magna at, blandit posuere lacus. Curabitur vitae erat tellus. Cras blandit nunc vel cursus tincidunt. Curabitur sodales leo a ex placerat, quis porttitor urna pretium. Pellentesque posuere rhoncus dolor, vitae finibus orci faucibus a. Ut ac sagittis odio, a consequat mauris. Morbi a leo sodales, cursus ex ac, fringilla tortor. Etiam elit leo, consequat ut neque eget, iaculis porttitor massa.


·̩̩̥͙✧•̩̩͙*˚ 𐐪𐑂 ˚*•̩̩͙✧·̩̩̥͙​
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam id tellus erat. Quisque vel magna at odio feugiat pellentesque. Mauris faucibus sit amet nibh nec imperdiet. Ut gravida eget magna quis iaculis. Morbi sed tellus nec turpis iaculis eleifend. Vivamus dictum ipsum in dui aliquet, ut ultricies nibh bibendum. Donec tristique vel nibh mattis tempus. Vivamus sed mi bibendum, ultricies nibh eu, ornare ipsum. Sed convallis risus at arcu pulvinar elementum.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam id tellus erat. Quisque vel magna at odio feugiat pellentesque. Mauris faucibus sit amet nibh nec imperdiet. Ut gravida eget magna quis iaculis. Morbi sed tellus nec turpis iaculis eleifend. Vivamus dictum ipsum in dui aliquet, ut ultricies nibh bibendum. Donec tristique vel nibh mattis tempus. Vivamus sed mi bibendum, ultricies nibh eu, ornare ipsum. Sed convallis risus at arcu pulvinar elementum.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam id tellus erat. Quisque vel magna at odio feugiat pellentesque. Mauris faucibus sit amet nibh nec imperdiet. Ut gravida eget magna quis iaculis. Morbi sed tellus nec turpis iaculis eleifend. Vivamus dictum ipsum in dui aliquet, ut ultricies nibh bibendum. Donec tristique vel nibh mattis tempus. Vivamus sed mi bibendum, ultricies nibh eu, ornare ipsum. Sed convallis risus at arcu pulvinar elementum.

Characters who are generally fit for a modern and realistic setting, though they may be altered to fit other plots.

> Item 1
> Item 2
> Item 3
> Item 4
> Item 5
Human and non-human character who fit in modern fantasy plot

> Item 1
> Item 2
> Item 3
> Item 4
> Item 5

Human and non-human characters who fit plots set in another universe than our own. High fantasy, sci-fi, etc.

> Item 1
> Item 2
> Item 3
> Item 4
> Item 5

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  • Love
Reactions: Dvyniai
Original code by Jenamos! Edited by me to attempt giving it some tabs/buttons!

What i did
- placed it all in a container that determines overall size kinda. Overflow:hidden is important
- Place original code in a slide.
- Gave original first/outer div Z-index value 2
- Added font style info to each /*tab*/
- Added a font awesome icon in every div intended to be a clickable tab
- Added {tab=x}[*color=x][/color]{/tab} around each font awesome icon. The {tab=x} is what makes it a link to slide corresponding by number. I think this somehow should be possible to do around the entire div rather than to add text/an icon, but it's kind of random when it works and it doesn't work more often than it does. I've had this problem in the past, and i don't know a workaround so there's gotta be some kind of text for the tab link. The color is just there to avoid the iwaku teal link color lol.
- Changed the colors of the current slides button to be "highlighted."
- Copy and pasted the slide to all the other slides. Basically the code is repeated on all slides to make it appear like there are buttons, but it's really just code with links in the exact same locations.
- Changed the button colors to be highlighted on the right slide + changed name to slide names just for clarity.
- Added a final div BENEATH the slides but within /*outer container*/. Z- index value set to 1. Moved it to lay on top of the rest of the code with top:- x px;. Solid color to cover up the original slide buttons. If you wanna see how it looks beneath, change opacity value to 0.5 or smth. ALSO! You could make the background an image??? fun!
-Adjusted some dive sizes to make it as small as possible it's not entirely centered i don't think, but close enough... idk values can probably be adjusted here, but the original code have to fit within the slide.
- Not a change but hypothetically you could change the face claim image with each slide? which is kinda fun???

NOTE: This wont be mobile friendly (unless you make padding around text tighter maybe, at least on the right side) The buttons do work on mobile tho, so there's some potential, it's just that the text clips.

  • NAME
    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Phasellus ipsum magna, bibendum in pretium ac, placerat eu ligula. Nam efficitur sit amet massa nec vestibulum. Suspendisse semper dictum velit eu egestas. Morbi non metus ullamcorper, vestibulum mi in, sagittis metus. In felis nulla, cursus sit amet nisl vitae, tempor faucibus turpis. In auctor, felis non condimentum vulputate, dui nunc aliquet metus, in dapibus nisl risus et erat. Phasellus eleifend leo sit amet quam pulvinar vestibulum. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer venenatis ornare justo facilisis feugiat. Etiam imperdiet consectetur ipsum, quis consequat tortor facilisis sit amet. Donec quis massa lorem. Ut pharetra nulla nisl, sed ornare quam sagittis sed. Etiam tincidunt ultricies orci, lacinia dictum nisl pellentesque id. Praesent varius volutpat varius.

    Maecenas viverra diam vitae nisi tempus, in consectetur risus dictum. In nec neque urna. Praesent ac mauris placerat, commodo lectus at, aliquam turpis. Mauris id quam sit amet tortor vehicula tempor. Maecenas tristique mauris quis eros facilisis commodo. Ut ac laoreet libero. Nam arcu nisi, laoreet eget pretium in, dictum porttitor dolor. Integer et odio ac nunc dictum semper ac at leo. Ut quis hendrerit urna. Vivamus quis quam sed orci vehicula molestie. Nunc dignissim lacinia nibh, in accumsan nunc. Nullam egestas urna id mauris accumsan, nec eleifend est aliquet. Sed sit amet diam vel nibh facilisis lacinia. Phasellus eget pretium libero. Fusce in dolor pretium, suscipit dolor non, lacinia risus.

    In at feugiat arcu, et imperdiet eros. Donec ultrices sapien at maximus elementum. Aliquam egestas congue rutrum. Vestibulum lacinia elit sit amet aliquam scelerisque. Donec hendrerit tempus molestie. Suspendisse id vestibulum tortor, ac posuere enim. Donec ultrices velit ut ornare gravida. Fusce scelerisque ac mauris ac venenatis. Cras finibus accumsan ante, a volutpat lorem convallis non. Nam ac sem ac nisl sagittis pretium eu a metus. Nullam pretium diam vel ante egestas ultricies.

    Etiam dolor purus, condimentum ac augue at, vestibulum venenatis quam. Morbi euismod in velit a pulvinar. Vestibulum laoreet neque quam. Nullam vel laoreet orci. Donec pretium consequat aliquet. Curabitur ornare, justo sed vehicula dapibus, tellus sapien rhoncus odio, ut porta lacus tortor quis dui. Etiam sodales et metus eu tincidunt. Maecenas eu iaculis tortor.

    Vivamus sollicitudin sapien vitae sagittis finibus. Quisque volutpat posuere sollicitudin. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aenean vel tincidunt neque. Integer orci nulla, auctor et venenatis a, maximus et neque. Phasellus sed mattis tortor. Aenean auctor, nunc sodales euismod suscipit, metus orci molestie mauris, at lacinia nisl libero a metus. Maecenas vitae magna hendrerit, fringilla odio at, porta libero. Integer finibus lacus ac elit placerat dignissim. Pellentesque id elit interdum mauris mollis dignissim sed ultrices leo. Pellentesque volutpat interdum lectus, sit amet congue elit aliquet nec.

    Code by Jenamos
  • SLIDE 2
    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Phasellus ipsum magna, bibendum in pretium ac, placerat eu ligula. Nam efficitur sit amet massa nec vestibulum. Suspendisse semper dictum velit eu egestas. Morbi non metus ullamcorper, vestibulum mi in, sagittis metus. In felis nulla, cursus sit amet nisl vitae, tempor faucibus turpis. In auctor, felis non condimentum vulputate, dui nunc aliquet metus, in dapibus nisl risus et erat. Phasellus eleifend leo sit amet quam pulvinar vestibulum. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer venenatis ornare justo facilisis feugiat. Etiam imperdiet consectetur ipsum, quis consequat tortor facilisis sit amet. Donec quis massa lorem. Ut pharetra nulla nisl, sed ornare quam sagittis sed. Etiam tincidunt ultricies orci, lacinia dictum nisl pellentesque id. Praesent varius volutpat varius.

    Maecenas viverra diam vitae nisi tempus, in consectetur risus dictum. In nec neque urna. Praesent ac mauris placerat, commodo lectus at, aliquam turpis. Mauris id quam sit amet tortor vehicula tempor. Maecenas tristique mauris quis eros facilisis commodo. Ut ac laoreet libero. Nam arcu nisi, laoreet eget pretium in, dictum porttitor dolor. Integer et odio ac nunc dictum semper ac at leo. Ut quis hendrerit urna. Vivamus quis quam sed orci vehicula molestie. Nunc dignissim lacinia nibh, in accumsan nunc. Nullam egestas urna id mauris accumsan, nec eleifend est aliquet. Sed sit amet diam vel nibh facilisis lacinia. Phasellus eget pretium libero. Fusce in dolor pretium, suscipit dolor non, lacinia risus.

    In at feugiat arcu, et imperdiet eros. Donec ultrices sapien at maximus elementum. Aliquam egestas congue rutrum. Vestibulum lacinia elit sit amet aliquam scelerisque. Donec hendrerit tempus molestie. Suspendisse id vestibulum tortor, ac posuere enim. Donec ultrices velit ut ornare gravida. Fusce scelerisque ac mauris ac venenatis. Cras finibus accumsan ante, a volutpat lorem convallis non. Nam ac sem ac nisl sagittis pretium eu a metus. Nullam pretium diam vel ante egestas ultricies.

    Etiam dolor purus, condimentum ac augue at, vestibulum venenatis quam. Morbi euismod in velit a pulvinar. Vestibulum laoreet neque quam. Nullam vel laoreet orci. Donec pretium consequat aliquet. Curabitur ornare, justo sed vehicula dapibus, tellus sapien rhoncus odio, ut porta lacus tortor quis dui. Etiam sodales et metus eu tincidunt. Maecenas eu iaculis tortor.

    Vivamus sollicitudin sapien vitae sagittis finibus. Quisque volutpat posuere sollicitudin. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aenean vel tincidunt neque. Integer orci nulla, auctor et venenatis a, maximus et neque. Phasellus sed mattis tortor. Aenean auctor, nunc sodales euismod suscipit, metus orci molestie mauris, at lacinia nisl libero a metus. Maecenas vitae magna hendrerit, fringilla odio at, porta libero. Integer finibus lacus ac elit placerat dignissim. Pellentesque id elit interdum mauris mollis dignissim sed ultrices leo. Pellentesque volutpat interdum lectus, sit amet congue elit aliquet nec.

    Code by Jenamos
  • SLIDE 3
    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Phasellus ipsum magna, bibendum in pretium ac, placerat eu ligula. Nam efficitur sit amet massa nec vestibulum. Suspendisse semper dictum velit eu egestas. Morbi non metus ullamcorper, vestibulum mi in, sagittis metus. In felis nulla, cursus sit amet nisl vitae, tempor faucibus turpis. In auctor, felis non condimentum vulputate, dui nunc aliquet metus, in dapibus nisl risus et erat. Phasellus eleifend leo sit amet quam pulvinar vestibulum. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer venenatis ornare justo facilisis feugiat. Etiam imperdiet consectetur ipsum, quis consequat tortor facilisis sit amet. Donec quis massa lorem. Ut pharetra nulla nisl, sed ornare quam sagittis sed. Etiam tincidunt ultricies orci, lacinia dictum nisl pellentesque id. Praesent varius volutpat varius.

    Maecenas viverra diam vitae nisi tempus, in consectetur risus dictum. In nec neque urna. Praesent ac mauris placerat, commodo lectus at, aliquam turpis. Mauris id quam sit amet tortor vehicula tempor. Maecenas tristique mauris quis eros facilisis commodo. Ut ac laoreet libero. Nam arcu nisi, laoreet eget pretium in, dictum porttitor dolor. Integer et odio ac nunc dictum semper ac at leo. Ut quis hendrerit urna. Vivamus quis quam sed orci vehicula molestie. Nunc dignissim lacinia nibh, in accumsan nunc. Nullam egestas urna id mauris accumsan, nec eleifend est aliquet. Sed sit amet diam vel nibh facilisis lacinia. Phasellus eget pretium libero. Fusce in dolor pretium, suscipit dolor non, lacinia risus.

    In at feugiat arcu, et imperdiet eros. Donec ultrices sapien at maximus elementum. Aliquam egestas congue rutrum. Vestibulum lacinia elit sit amet aliquam scelerisque. Donec hendrerit tempus molestie. Suspendisse id vestibulum tortor, ac posuere enim. Donec ultrices velit ut ornare gravida. Fusce scelerisque ac mauris ac venenatis. Cras finibus accumsan ante, a volutpat lorem convallis non. Nam ac sem ac nisl sagittis pretium eu a metus. Nullam pretium diam vel ante egestas ultricies.

    Etiam dolor purus, condimentum ac augue at, vestibulum venenatis quam. Morbi euismod in velit a pulvinar. Vestibulum laoreet neque quam. Nullam vel laoreet orci. Donec pretium consequat aliquet. Curabitur ornare, justo sed vehicula dapibus, tellus sapien rhoncus odio, ut porta lacus tortor quis dui. Etiam sodales et metus eu tincidunt. Maecenas eu iaculis tortor.

    Vivamus sollicitudin sapien vitae sagittis finibus. Quisque volutpat posuere sollicitudin. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aenean vel tincidunt neque. Integer orci nulla, auctor et venenatis a, maximus et neque. Phasellus sed mattis tortor. Aenean auctor, nunc sodales euismod suscipit, metus orci molestie mauris, at lacinia nisl libero a metus. Maecenas vitae magna hendrerit, fringilla odio at, porta libero. Integer finibus lacus ac elit placerat dignissim. Pellentesque id elit interdum mauris mollis dignissim sed ultrices leo. Pellentesque volutpat interdum lectus, sit amet congue elit aliquet nec.

    Code by Jenamos
  • SLIDE 4
    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Phasellus ipsum magna, bibendum in pretium ac, placerat eu ligula. Nam efficitur sit amet massa nec vestibulum. Suspendisse semper dictum velit eu egestas. Morbi non metus ullamcorper, vestibulum mi in, sagittis metus. In felis nulla, cursus sit amet nisl vitae, tempor faucibus turpis. In auctor, felis non condimentum vulputate, dui nunc aliquet metus, in dapibus nisl risus et erat. Phasellus eleifend leo sit amet quam pulvinar vestibulum. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer venenatis ornare justo facilisis feugiat. Etiam imperdiet consectetur ipsum, quis consequat tortor facilisis sit amet. Donec quis massa lorem. Ut pharetra nulla nisl, sed ornare quam sagittis sed. Etiam tincidunt ultricies orci, lacinia dictum nisl pellentesque id. Praesent varius volutpat varius.

    Maecenas viverra diam vitae nisi tempus, in consectetur risus dictum. In nec neque urna. Praesent ac mauris placerat, commodo lectus at, aliquam turpis. Mauris id quam sit amet tortor vehicula tempor. Maecenas tristique mauris quis eros facilisis commodo. Ut ac laoreet libero. Nam arcu nisi, laoreet eget pretium in, dictum porttitor dolor. Integer et odio ac nunc dictum semper ac at leo. Ut quis hendrerit urna. Vivamus quis quam sed orci vehicula molestie. Nunc dignissim lacinia nibh, in accumsan nunc. Nullam egestas urna id mauris accumsan, nec eleifend est aliquet. Sed sit amet diam vel nibh facilisis lacinia. Phasellus eget pretium libero. Fusce in dolor pretium, suscipit dolor non, lacinia risus.

    In at feugiat arcu, et imperdiet eros. Donec ultrices sapien at maximus elementum. Aliquam egestas congue rutrum. Vestibulum lacinia elit sit amet aliquam scelerisque. Donec hendrerit tempus molestie. Suspendisse id vestibulum tortor, ac posuere enim. Donec ultrices velit ut ornare gravida. Fusce scelerisque ac mauris ac venenatis. Cras finibus accumsan ante, a volutpat lorem convallis non. Nam ac sem ac nisl sagittis pretium eu a metus. Nullam pretium diam vel ante egestas ultricies.

    Etiam dolor purus, condimentum ac augue at, vestibulum venenatis quam. Morbi euismod in velit a pulvinar. Vestibulum laoreet neque quam. Nullam vel laoreet orci. Donec pretium consequat aliquet. Curabitur ornare, justo sed vehicula dapibus, tellus sapien rhoncus odio, ut porta lacus tortor quis dui. Etiam sodales et metus eu tincidunt. Maecenas eu iaculis tortor.

    Vivamus sollicitudin sapien vitae sagittis finibus. Quisque volutpat posuere sollicitudin. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aenean vel tincidunt neque. Integer orci nulla, auctor et venenatis a, maximus et neque. Phasellus sed mattis tortor. Aenean auctor, nunc sodales euismod suscipit, metus orci molestie mauris, at lacinia nisl libero a metus. Maecenas vitae magna hendrerit, fringilla odio at, porta libero. Integer finibus lacus ac elit placerat dignissim. Pellentesque id elit interdum mauris mollis dignissim sed ultrices leo. Pellentesque volutpat interdum lectus, sit amet congue elit aliquet nec.

    Code by Jenamos

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color: white;]Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Phasellus ipsum magna, bibendum in pretium ac, placerat eu ligula. Nam efficitur sit amet massa nec vestibulum. Suspendisse semper dictum velit eu egestas. Morbi non metus ullamcorper, vestibulum mi in, sagittis metus. In felis nulla, cursus sit amet nisl vitae, tempor faucibus turpis. In auctor, felis non condimentum vulputate, dui nunc aliquet metus, in dapibus nisl risus et erat. Phasellus eleifend leo sit amet quam pulvinar vestibulum. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer venenatis ornare justo facilisis feugiat. Etiam imperdiet consectetur ipsum, quis consequat tortor facilisis sit amet. Donec quis massa lorem. Ut pharetra nulla nisl, sed ornare quam sagittis sed. Etiam tincidunt ultricies orci, lacinia dictum nisl pellentesque id. Praesent varius volutpat varius.

Maecenas viverra diam vitae nisi tempus, in consectetur risus dictum. In nec neque urna. Praesent ac mauris placerat, commodo lectus at, aliquam turpis. Mauris id quam sit amet tortor vehicula tempor. Maecenas tristique mauris quis eros facilisis commodo. Ut ac laoreet libero. Nam arcu nisi, laoreet eget pretium in, dictum porttitor dolor. Integer et odio ac nunc dictum semper ac at leo. Ut quis hendrerit urna. Vivamus quis quam sed orci vehicula molestie. Nunc dignissim lacinia nibh, in accumsan nunc. Nullam egestas urna id mauris accumsan, nec eleifend est aliquet. Sed sit amet diam vel nibh facilisis lacinia. Phasellus eget pretium libero. Fusce in dolor pretium, suscipit dolor non, lacinia risus.

In at feugiat arcu, et imperdiet eros. Donec ultrices sapien at maximus elementum. Aliquam egestas congue rutrum. Vestibulum lacinia elit sit amet aliquam scelerisque. Donec hendrerit tempus molestie. Suspendisse id vestibulum tortor, ac posuere enim. Donec ultrices velit ut ornare gravida. Fusce scelerisque ac mauris ac venenatis. Cras finibus accumsan ante, a volutpat lorem convallis non. Nam ac sem ac nisl sagittis pretium eu a metus. Nullam pretium diam vel ante egestas ultricies.

Etiam dolor purus, condimentum ac augue at, vestibulum venenatis quam. Morbi euismod in velit a pulvinar. Vestibulum laoreet neque quam. Nullam vel laoreet orci. Donec pretium consequat aliquet. Curabitur ornare, justo sed vehicula dapibus, tellus sapien rhoncus odio, ut porta lacus tortor quis dui. Etiam sodales et metus eu tincidunt. Maecenas eu iaculis tortor.

Vivamus sollicitudin sapien vitae sagittis finibus. Quisque volutpat posuere sollicitudin. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aenean vel tincidunt neque. Integer orci nulla, auctor et venenatis a, maximus et neque. Phasellus sed mattis tortor. Aenean auctor, nunc sodales euismod suscipit, metus orci molestie mauris, at lacinia nisl libero a metus. Maecenas vitae magna hendrerit, fringilla odio at, porta libero. Integer finibus lacus ac elit placerat dignissim. Pellentesque id elit interdum mauris mollis dignissim sed ultrices leo. Pellentesque volutpat interdum lectus, sit amet congue elit aliquet nec.[/div][div=width: 300px; height: 2px; background-color: white; margin: auto; top: 10px;][/div]
[div=color: black; font-size: 9px; margin:auto; bottom: 3px;]Code by Jenamos[/div][/div][/div][/div]
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opacity: 0.5; padding:10px; font-size:20px; text-align:center;]{tab=4}[color=#000000][FA]fa-moon[/FA][/color]{/tab}[/div][/div][div=display: flex; flex-direction: column;][div=width: 300px; height: 2px; background-color: white; margin: auto;][/div][div=
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color: white;]Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Phasellus ipsum magna, bibendum in pretium ac, placerat eu ligula. Nam efficitur sit amet massa nec vestibulum. Suspendisse semper dictum velit eu egestas. Morbi non metus ullamcorper, vestibulum mi in, sagittis metus. In felis nulla, cursus sit amet nisl vitae, tempor faucibus turpis. In auctor, felis non condimentum vulputate, dui nunc aliquet metus, in dapibus nisl risus et erat. Phasellus eleifend leo sit amet quam pulvinar vestibulum. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer venenatis ornare justo facilisis feugiat. Etiam imperdiet consectetur ipsum, quis consequat tortor facilisis sit amet. Donec quis massa lorem. Ut pharetra nulla nisl, sed ornare quam sagittis sed. Etiam tincidunt ultricies orci, lacinia dictum nisl pellentesque id. Praesent varius volutpat varius.

Maecenas viverra diam vitae nisi tempus, in consectetur risus dictum. In nec neque urna. Praesent ac mauris placerat, commodo lectus at, aliquam turpis. Mauris id quam sit amet tortor vehicula tempor. Maecenas tristique mauris quis eros facilisis commodo. Ut ac laoreet libero. Nam arcu nisi, laoreet eget pretium in, dictum porttitor dolor. Integer et odio ac nunc dictum semper ac at leo. Ut quis hendrerit urna. Vivamus quis quam sed orci vehicula molestie. Nunc dignissim lacinia nibh, in accumsan nunc. Nullam egestas urna id mauris accumsan, nec eleifend est aliquet. Sed sit amet diam vel nibh facilisis lacinia. Phasellus eget pretium libero. Fusce in dolor pretium, suscipit dolor non, lacinia risus.

In at feugiat arcu, et imperdiet eros. Donec ultrices sapien at maximus elementum. Aliquam egestas congue rutrum. Vestibulum lacinia elit sit amet aliquam scelerisque. Donec hendrerit tempus molestie. Suspendisse id vestibulum tortor, ac posuere enim. Donec ultrices velit ut ornare gravida. Fusce scelerisque ac mauris ac venenatis. Cras finibus accumsan ante, a volutpat lorem convallis non. Nam ac sem ac nisl sagittis pretium eu a metus. Nullam pretium diam vel ante egestas ultricies.

Etiam dolor purus, condimentum ac augue at, vestibulum venenatis quam. Morbi euismod in velit a pulvinar. Vestibulum laoreet neque quam. Nullam vel laoreet orci. Donec pretium consequat aliquet. Curabitur ornare, justo sed vehicula dapibus, tellus sapien rhoncus odio, ut porta lacus tortor quis dui. Etiam sodales et metus eu tincidunt. Maecenas eu iaculis tortor.

Vivamus sollicitudin sapien vitae sagittis finibus. Quisque volutpat posuere sollicitudin. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aenean vel tincidunt neque. Integer orci nulla, auctor et venenatis a, maximus et neque. Phasellus sed mattis tortor. Aenean auctor, nunc sodales euismod suscipit, metus orci molestie mauris, at lacinia nisl libero a metus. Maecenas vitae magna hendrerit, fringilla odio at, porta libero. Integer finibus lacus ac elit placerat dignissim. Pellentesque id elit interdum mauris mollis dignissim sed ultrices leo. Pellentesque volutpat interdum lectus, sit amet congue elit aliquet nec.[/div][div=width: 300px; height: 2px; background-color: white; margin: auto; top: 10px;][/div]
[div=color: black; font-size: 9px; margin:auto; bottom: 3px;]Code by Jenamos[/div][/div][/div][/div]
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opacity: 0.5; padding:10px; font-size:20px; text-align:center;]{tab=4}[color=#000000][FA]fa-moon[/FA][/color]{/tab}[/div][/div][div=display: flex; flex-direction: column;][div=width: 300px; height: 2px; background-color: white; margin: auto;][/div][div=
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color: white;]Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Phasellus ipsum magna, bibendum in pretium ac, placerat eu ligula. Nam efficitur sit amet massa nec vestibulum. Suspendisse semper dictum velit eu egestas. Morbi non metus ullamcorper, vestibulum mi in, sagittis metus. In felis nulla, cursus sit amet nisl vitae, tempor faucibus turpis. In auctor, felis non condimentum vulputate, dui nunc aliquet metus, in dapibus nisl risus et erat. Phasellus eleifend leo sit amet quam pulvinar vestibulum. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer venenatis ornare justo facilisis feugiat. Etiam imperdiet consectetur ipsum, quis consequat tortor facilisis sit amet. Donec quis massa lorem. Ut pharetra nulla nisl, sed ornare quam sagittis sed. Etiam tincidunt ultricies orci, lacinia dictum nisl pellentesque id. Praesent varius volutpat varius.

Maecenas viverra diam vitae nisi tempus, in consectetur risus dictum. In nec neque urna. Praesent ac mauris placerat, commodo lectus at, aliquam turpis. Mauris id quam sit amet tortor vehicula tempor. Maecenas tristique mauris quis eros facilisis commodo. Ut ac laoreet libero. Nam arcu nisi, laoreet eget pretium in, dictum porttitor dolor. Integer et odio ac nunc dictum semper ac at leo. Ut quis hendrerit urna. Vivamus quis quam sed orci vehicula molestie. Nunc dignissim lacinia nibh, in accumsan nunc. Nullam egestas urna id mauris accumsan, nec eleifend est aliquet. Sed sit amet diam vel nibh facilisis lacinia. Phasellus eget pretium libero. Fusce in dolor pretium, suscipit dolor non, lacinia risus.

In at feugiat arcu, et imperdiet eros. Donec ultrices sapien at maximus elementum. Aliquam egestas congue rutrum. Vestibulum lacinia elit sit amet aliquam scelerisque. Donec hendrerit tempus molestie. Suspendisse id vestibulum tortor, ac posuere enim. Donec ultrices velit ut ornare gravida. Fusce scelerisque ac mauris ac venenatis. Cras finibus accumsan ante, a volutpat lorem convallis non. Nam ac sem ac nisl sagittis pretium eu a metus. Nullam pretium diam vel ante egestas ultricies.

Etiam dolor purus, condimentum ac augue at, vestibulum venenatis quam. Morbi euismod in velit a pulvinar. Vestibulum laoreet neque quam. Nullam vel laoreet orci. Donec pretium consequat aliquet. Curabitur ornare, justo sed vehicula dapibus, tellus sapien rhoncus odio, ut porta lacus tortor quis dui. Etiam sodales et metus eu tincidunt. Maecenas eu iaculis tortor.

Vivamus sollicitudin sapien vitae sagittis finibus. Quisque volutpat posuere sollicitudin. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aenean vel tincidunt neque. Integer orci nulla, auctor et venenatis a, maximus et neque. Phasellus sed mattis tortor. Aenean auctor, nunc sodales euismod suscipit, metus orci molestie mauris, at lacinia nisl libero a metus. Maecenas vitae magna hendrerit, fringilla odio at, porta libero. Integer finibus lacus ac elit placerat dignissim. Pellentesque id elit interdum mauris mollis dignissim sed ultrices leo. Pellentesque volutpat interdum lectus, sit amet congue elit aliquet nec.[/div][div=width: 300px; height: 2px; background-color: white; margin: auto; top: 10px;][/div]
[div=color: black; font-size: 9px; margin:auto; bottom: 3px;]Code by Jenamos[/div][/div][/div][/div]
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color: white;]Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Phasellus ipsum magna, bibendum in pretium ac, placerat eu ligula. Nam efficitur sit amet massa nec vestibulum. Suspendisse semper dictum velit eu egestas. Morbi non metus ullamcorper, vestibulum mi in, sagittis metus. In felis nulla, cursus sit amet nisl vitae, tempor faucibus turpis. In auctor, felis non condimentum vulputate, dui nunc aliquet metus, in dapibus nisl risus et erat. Phasellus eleifend leo sit amet quam pulvinar vestibulum. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer venenatis ornare justo facilisis feugiat. Etiam imperdiet consectetur ipsum, quis consequat tortor facilisis sit amet. Donec quis massa lorem. Ut pharetra nulla nisl, sed ornare quam sagittis sed. Etiam tincidunt ultricies orci, lacinia dictum nisl pellentesque id. Praesent varius volutpat varius.

Maecenas viverra diam vitae nisi tempus, in consectetur risus dictum. In nec neque urna. Praesent ac mauris placerat, commodo lectus at, aliquam turpis. Mauris id quam sit amet tortor vehicula tempor. Maecenas tristique mauris quis eros facilisis commodo. Ut ac laoreet libero. Nam arcu nisi, laoreet eget pretium in, dictum porttitor dolor. Integer et odio ac nunc dictum semper ac at leo. Ut quis hendrerit urna. Vivamus quis quam sed orci vehicula molestie. Nunc dignissim lacinia nibh, in accumsan nunc. Nullam egestas urna id mauris accumsan, nec eleifend est aliquet. Sed sit amet diam vel nibh facilisis lacinia. Phasellus eget pretium libero. Fusce in dolor pretium, suscipit dolor non, lacinia risus.

In at feugiat arcu, et imperdiet eros. Donec ultrices sapien at maximus elementum. Aliquam egestas congue rutrum. Vestibulum lacinia elit sit amet aliquam scelerisque. Donec hendrerit tempus molestie. Suspendisse id vestibulum tortor, ac posuere enim. Donec ultrices velit ut ornare gravida. Fusce scelerisque ac mauris ac venenatis. Cras finibus accumsan ante, a volutpat lorem convallis non. Nam ac sem ac nisl sagittis pretium eu a metus. Nullam pretium diam vel ante egestas ultricies.

Etiam dolor purus, condimentum ac augue at, vestibulum venenatis quam. Morbi euismod in velit a pulvinar. Vestibulum laoreet neque quam. Nullam vel laoreet orci. Donec pretium consequat aliquet. Curabitur ornare, justo sed vehicula dapibus, tellus sapien rhoncus odio, ut porta lacus tortor quis dui. Etiam sodales et metus eu tincidunt. Maecenas eu iaculis tortor.

Vivamus sollicitudin sapien vitae sagittis finibus. Quisque volutpat posuere sollicitudin. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aenean vel tincidunt neque. Integer orci nulla, auctor et venenatis a, maximus et neque. Phasellus sed mattis tortor. Aenean auctor, nunc sodales euismod suscipit, metus orci molestie mauris, at lacinia nisl libero a metus. Maecenas vitae magna hendrerit, fringilla odio at, porta libero. Integer finibus lacus ac elit placerat dignissim. Pellentesque id elit interdum mauris mollis dignissim sed ultrices leo. Pellentesque volutpat interdum lectus, sit amet congue elit aliquet nec.[/div][div=width: 300px; height: 2px; background-color: white; margin: auto; top: 10px;][/div]
[div=color: black; font-size: 9px; margin:auto; bottom: 3px;]Code by Jenamos[/div][/div][/div][/div]
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  • Love
Reactions: wren.


⋗ Victor Alexander Holbrooke

⋗ 20

⋗ Sophomore

⋗ Major — Finance
⋗ Minor — Music production

⋗ Male
⋗ Cis
⋗ He/Him

⋗ Unemployed

⋗ Homosexual
⋗ Homoromantic

⋗ General American

⋗ Depression w/ suicidal ideation


⋗ Much to his parents dismay he often lets his hair grow a little too long between hair cuts.
⋗ Often sports curtains in his lightly wavy hair, as he can't be bothered to style it much more than running his hands through it.
⋗ Light skin. Burns in the sun and gets some dry patches on his face sometimes because he does not take care of it. (skin care routine? What's that?)
⋗ About average height, 5"11, or 180 cm.
⋗ Chubby, but it's not always super apparent since he doesn't wear a lot of tight fitting clothes if he doesn't have to.
⋗ Pudgier cheeks than face claim, thanks -- Link to picture when the guy was younger (but had bad hair), that's a bit more accurate i suppose uh...

⋗ Lives in luxury brand athleisurewear.
⋗ Big fan of Armani EA7
⋗ Also wears a lot of Adidas and Nike etc to complete outfits.
⋗ Supreme? Supreme. (Mainly the plain block logo stuff).
⋗ Generally sticks to the plainer stuff, would pay a lot for a basic hoodie if the right logo is plastered across the chest.
⋗ An every day outfit consist of sneakers + joggers + hoodie. Might throw on a denim jacket to look a bit more put together.
⋗ An expensive watch and/or a beanie are his accessories of choice.
⋗ Hates formalwear with a burning passion.

⋗ Charles Vandervaart
⋗ Note: I could not find any actual chubby face claims with similar vibes as i wanted so im sticking with Charles still.... but just... he is not skinny ok >:(


⋗ Quite dry and sarcastic. He doesn't show all that many extreme emotions and at most you'll
⋗ V cynical.
⋗ A whole lot of a bit of an holier than thou mentality. He is better than you (yes you personally). And he's above all the stupid drama people creates because he is too smart to care.
⋗ Very low energy.
⋗ Kind of none-committal, cancels if he doesn't feel like doing something.
⋗ Not the most social guy, but can dial the charm up a bit if needed and can be quite fun to chat with as long as it's more of a discussion than small talk.
⋗ Can get annoyed at people for being overly emotion about things.
⋗ If you get angry at him he will tell you you're over reacting (And then he'll go home and cry about it).
⋗ Very much fears that people will get tired of him.
⋗ He wants people to perceive him as serious, but not pretentious.
⋗ Tries to play off being an 'average guy' a whole lot for someone who is too rich for his own good.
⋗ INTP ?? #cringe

⋗ Likes to have casual fun with friends. Video games + smoking over getting fucked up at parties.
⋗ His favourite pass-time is laying in bed with a tub of ice cream watching youtube videos.
Does really well at school, despite sometimes sleeping in or missing class professors love him because he gets top grades, is good at participating during seminars and doesn't bring drama into the classroom.
⋗ Finds most social event such as parties to be boring, stupid, and really exhausting.
⋗ Is very musically talented, plays the guitar, sings well, and has some minor experience with other instruments.
⋗ When he has the energy he makes his own music (mainly digitally on the computer).
⋗ Loves alt-rock and specifically math rock.
⋗ Chillstep, chill hop, and lo fi hip hop beats to study to are his jam and what he likes to create.
⋗ Also likes old school hip hop and rap a lot.
⋗ Sleepy drunk.


⋗ Mother - Helen - Things are tense
⋗ Father - Jeffrey - On bad terms
⋗ Older Brother - Nathaniel - 25 - On bad terms



⋗ Family is old money, but still heavily involved with modern business and thus very concerned with both family reputation and sons being successful.
⋗ Because of the circumstances around Victor being conceived things have been tense in the family for as long as Victor can remember.
⋗ Despite his parents being able to practically buy him into whatever college they wanted they have always pressured him to still achieve well academically and socially. Especially his father has always been a firm believer that you should work for what you want (especially when it comes to).
⋗ Couldn't pin-point exactly when he started to feel bad, but around age fifteen/sixteen most people who knew him/considers him a friend would have seen a shift of him becoming much less social and available.
⋗ Despite this he made sure to put the effort his parents wanted in, and graduated high school with top grades, and got into his top choice of college with ease.



。⋆。˚ Elle Violetta Van Der Heide

。⋆。˚ 19

。⋆。˚ July 14th

。⋆。˚ Sophomore

。⋆。˚ Major — Fine Arts
。⋆。˚ Minor — (n/a)

。⋆。˚ Female
。⋆。˚ Trans
。⋆。˚ She/her

。⋆。˚ Bisexual
。⋆。˚ Biromantic

。⋆。˚ Talks in a mostly general American accent, but sometimes it has a bit of a Dutch twinge, especially when talking to her parents.

。⋆。˚ Gender dysphoria


。⋆。˚Hair is naturally a light to middle blonde but she dyes it platinum, ocasionally incorporates some faded pastels. It's wavy and reaches down slightly below her chest.
。⋆。˚ Grey eyes.
。⋆。˚ On the tall side at 177 cm, or 5"10.
。⋆。˚ Very slim, not a lot of curves to speak of.
。⋆。˚ Fair skin with a very light dust of freckles on her cheeks, though they often end up a bit hidden behind makeup.
。⋆。˚ Faint birthmark/spot on her right cheek bone.
。⋆。˚ Pierced ears, three in one lobe, two on the other.
。⋆。˚ Has various minimalist tattoos scattered around her body. Ex, Wrist one, wrist two/underarm, ankle, underboob.

。⋆。˚ Edgy but cutesy.
。⋆。˚ Pastels and bright colors.
。⋆。˚ Fish nets, platform shoes, high wasted bottoms.
。⋆。˚ loves layering with mesh tops
。⋆。˚ Loves make up and not afraid to go a bit outside the box with it.
。⋆。˚ e-girl blush
。⋆。˚ Always has her nails painted/manicured with cute nailart.
。⋆。˚ Is not opposed to wearing clothing that isn't strictly her style as long as they are cool and she looks good in them. Especially for events and photoshoots.

。⋆。˚ Hunter Schafer


。⋆。˚ Tries to always put on the soft girl uwu persona -- especially online where she can filter herself.
。⋆。˚ In real life she doesn't stray too far away from that but is often perceived as more shallow and more willing to put others down if it will benefit her.
。⋆。˚ If you have her loyalty she is very sweet.
。⋆。˚ If not. Watch out. She might still act sweet but will spread rumours about anyone who has hurt her or her friends. If you really hurt her though, she might give you the cold shoulder instead (generally reserved for friends).
。⋆。˚ Very physically affectionate. Loves pda with friends and romantic partners alike.
。⋆。˚ Is on a constant search for validation by others, she loves being in the centre of attention and praised.
。⋆。˚ Is very concerned with being people viewing her as unique and special.
。⋆。˚ When it comes to the way she presents herself she is a very confident person, and she's not afraid to stand out, she is however very deeply insecure when it comes to things she's not ready to put out there.
。⋆。˚ She is a creative person, even when trying something new she enjoys it as long is she gets to express herself.
。⋆。˚ ENFP

。⋆。˚ Loves magical girl anime, especially sailor moon.
。⋆。˚ Social media is her life-- and she's good at it and has taken advantage of her status and gained a large following on especially instagram.
。⋆。˚ Aspires to become a model.
。⋆。˚ Likes to draw and and paint! She's talented but not a prodigy or anything.
。⋆。˚ Indie / alternative pop!
。⋆。˚ Hates people who 'copies' her.
。⋆。˚ Very open and proud about her sexuality,.
。⋆。˚ Fashion and makeup is her life!
。⋆。˚ Skin care fanatic.
。⋆。˚ Difficult relationship with food-- afraid to put on wheight in the wrong places.


。⋆。˚ Mother - Phoebe - On good terms
。⋆。˚ Father - Lars - On good terms
。⋆。˚ Cat - Luna - On the BESTEST of terms!



。⋆。˚ Was born and raised in the Neatherlands, her mother was originally from England but moved in her twenties to marry her dad as their families were business contacts. They own a big marketing/media company that main dies business in Europe.
。⋆。˚ Her parents decided early on to keep her out of the prying eyes of anyone during her childhood, little information exists about her online until she was 13 and allowed to use the internet.
。⋆。˚ She was also home schooled by a private tutor and was thus
。⋆。˚ Was a very sad and drawn back kid and thanks to having very supportive parents and seeing therapists and whatnot she realized she was trans fairly early on-- and could go on hormone blockers etc early, which helped her come out of her shell more.
。⋆。˚ Was still very shy until she started to gain a social media following in high school and is now moderately big. She has a lot of contacts in the British youtuber sphere but not so much in America. (Think like slightly smaller fashion-focused Dodie Clark).

Last edited:
  • NAME
    Elle Violetta Van Der Heide

    - 19

    - July 14th

    - Amsterdam, the Netherlands

    - Sophomore

    - Major — Fine Arts
    - Minor — [N/A]

    - Female
    - Trans

    - She/her

    - Bisexual
    - Biromantic

    - Relationship status — Single
    - Romantic status — [tbd]

    - ENFP

    - Influencer

    - Gender dysphoria

    It's the smallest words we cannot say

    -Tries to always put on the soft girl uwu persona -- especially online where she can filter herself.
    -In real life she doesn't stray too far away from that but is often perceived as more shallow and more willing to put others down if it will benefit her.
    -If you have her loyalty she is very sweet.
    -If not. Watch out. She might still act sweet but will spread rumours about anyone who has hurt her or her friends. If you really hurt her though, she might give you the cold shoulder instead (generally reserved for friends).
    -Very physically affectionate. Loves pda with friends and romantic partners alike.
    -Is on a constant search for validation by others, she loves being in the centre of attention and praised.
    -Is very concerned with being people viewing her as unique and special.
    -When it comes to the way she presents herself she is a very confident person, and she's not afraid to stand out, she is however very deeply insecure when it comes to things she's not ready to put out there.
    -She is a creative person, even when trying something new she enjoys it as long is she gets to express herself.

    - Loves magical girl anime, especially sailor moon.
    - Social media is her life-- and she's good at it and has taken advantage of her status and gained a large following on especially instagram.
    - Aspires to become a model.
    - Likes to draw and and paint! She's talented but not a prodigy or anything.
    - Indie / alternative pop!
    - Camera obscura, Soccer mommy, Gregory and the Hawk, Phoebe Bridgers, Mitski
    - Also vocaloid. She's totally not a weeb, go away.
    - Hates people who 'copies' her.
    - Very open and proud about her sexuality, so she's still very munch an active part of the lgbt community even if she's still in the closet about other aspects of her identity.
    -Fashion and makeup is her life!
    -Skin care fanatic.

    Pen and Notebook

    It's the smallest words we cannot say
    - Hair is naturally a light to middle blonde but she dyes it platinum, occasionally incorporates some faded pastels. It's wavy and reaches down slightly below her chest.
    - Grey eyes.
    - On the tall side at 177 cm, or 5"10.
    - Very slim, not a lot of curves to speak of.
    - Fair skin with a very light dust of freckles on her cheeks, though they often end up a bit hidden behind makeup.
    - Faint birthmark/spot on her right cheek bone.
    - Pierced ears, three in one lobe, two on the other.
    - Has various minimalist tattoos scattered around her body. Ex,
    Wrist one, wrist two/underarm, ankle, underboob.

    - Edgy but cutesy.
    - Pastels and bright colors.
    - Fish nets, platform shoes, high wasted bottoms.
    - Loves layering with mesh tops
    - Loves make up and not afraid to go a bit outside the box with it.
    - E-girl blush
    - Always has her nails painted/manicured with cute nailart.
    - Is not opposed to wearing clothing that isn't strictly her style as long as they are cool and she looks good in them. Especially for events and photoshoots.

    It's the smallest words we cannot say
    - Mother - Phoebe - On good terms
    - Father - Lars - On good terms
    - Cat - Luna - On the BESTEST of terms!

    - Was born and raised in the Netherlands, her mother was originally from England but moved in her twenties to marry her dad as their families were business contacts. They own a big marketing/media company that mainly does business in Europe.
    - Her parents decided early on to keep her out of the prying eyes of anyone during her childhood, little information exists about her online until she was 13 and allowed to use the internet.
    - She was also home schooled by a private tutor and was thus very sheltered as a kid. She didn't have many friends as a result, and the times she did get to hang out with other kids she was teased more often than not.
    - Was a very sad and drawn back kid and thanks to having very supportive parents and seeing therapists and whatnot she realized she was trans fairly early on-- and could go on hormone blockers etc early, which helped her come out of her shell more.
    - Was still very shy until she started to gain a social media following in high school and is now moderately big. She has a lot of contacts in the British youtuber sphere but not so much in America. (Think like slightly smaller fashion-focused Dodie Clark).
    - Did one year of university in the Netherlands before begging her parents to let her go to New York to continue her degree, on the basis of networking opportunities.

    It's the smallest words we cannot say
Created by Jenamos



Elle Violetta Van Der Heide

。⋆。˚ 19

。⋆。˚ July 14th

。⋆。˚ Amsterdam, the Netherlands

。⋆。˚ Sophomore

。⋆。˚ Major — Fine Arts
。⋆。˚ Minor — [N/A]

。⋆。˚ Female
。⋆。˚ Trans

。⋆。˚ She/her

。⋆。˚ Bisexual
。⋆。˚ Biromantic

。⋆。˚ Relationship status — Single
。⋆。˚ Romantic status — [tbd]

。⋆。˚ ENFP

。⋆。˚ Influencer

。⋆。˚ Gender dysphoria


。⋆。˚Hair is naturally a light to middle blonde but she dyes it platinum, ocasionally incorporates some faded pastels. It's wavy and reaches down slightly below her chest.
。⋆。˚ Grey eyes.
。⋆。˚ On the tall side at 177 cm, or 5"10.
。⋆。˚ Very slim, not a lot of curves to speak of.
。⋆。˚ Fair skin with a very light dust of freckles on her cheeks, though they often end up a bit hidden behind makeup.
。⋆。˚ Faint birthmark/spot on her right cheek bone.
。⋆。˚ Pierced ears, three in one lobe, two on the other.
。⋆。˚ Has various minimalist tattoos scattered around her body. Ex, Wrist one, wrist two/underarm, ankle, underboob.

。⋆。˚ Edgy but cutesy.
。⋆。˚ Pastels and bright colors.
。⋆。˚ Fish nets, platform shoes, high wasted bottoms.
。⋆。˚ loves layering with mesh tops
。⋆。˚ Loves make up and not afraid to go a bit outside the box with it.
。⋆。˚ e-girl blush
。⋆。˚ Always has her nails painted/manicured with cute nailart.
。⋆。˚ Is not opposed to wearing clothing that isn't strictly her style as long as they are cool and she looks good in them. Especially for events and photoshoots.

。⋆。˚ Hunter Schafer


。⋆。˚ Tries to always put on the soft girl uwu persona -- especially online where she can filter herself.
。⋆。˚ In real life she doesn't stray too far away from that but is often perceived as more shallow and more willing to put others down if it will benefit her.
。⋆。˚ If you have her loyalty she is very sweet.
。⋆。˚ If not. Watch out. She might still act sweet but will spread rumours about anyone who has hurt her or her friends. If you really hurt her though, she might give you the cold shoulder instead (generally reserved for friends).
。⋆。˚ Very physically affectionate. Loves pda with friends and romantic partners alike.
。⋆。˚ Is on a constant search for validation by others, she loves being in the centre of attention and praised.
。⋆。˚ Is very concerned with being people viewing her as unique and special.
。⋆。˚ When it comes to the way she presents herself she is a very confident person, and she's not afraid to stand out, she is however very deeply insecure when it comes to things she's not ready to put out there.
。⋆。˚ She is a creative person, even when trying something new she enjoys it as long is she gets to express herself.
。⋆。˚ ENFP

。⋆。˚ Loves magical girl anime, especially sailor moon.
。⋆。˚ Social media is her life-- and she's good at it and has taken advantage of her status and gained a large following on especially instagram.
。⋆。˚ Aspires to become a model.
。⋆。˚ Likes to draw and and paint! She's talented but not a prodigy or anything.
。⋆。˚ Indie / alternative pop!
。⋆。˚ Also vocaloid. She's totally not a weeb, go away.
。⋆。˚ Hates people who 'copies' her.
。⋆。˚ Very open and proud about her sexuality, so she's still very munch an active part of the lgbt community even if she's still in the closet about other aspects of her identity.
。⋆。˚ Fashion and makeup is her life!
。⋆。˚ Skin care fanatic.

Camera Obscura - Pen and Notebook


。⋆。˚ Mother - Phoebe - On good terms
。⋆。˚ Father - Lars - On good terms
。⋆。˚ Cat - Luna - On the BESTEST of terms!

。⋆。˚ Was born and raised in the Netherlands, her mother was originally from England but moved in her twenties to marry her dad as their families were business contacts. They own a big marketing/media company that mainly does business in Europe.
。⋆。˚ Her parents decided early on to keep her out of the prying eyes of anyone during her childhood, little information exists about her online until she was 13 and allowed to use the internet.
。⋆。˚ She was also home schooled by a private tutor and was thus very sheltered as a kid. She didn't have many friends as a result, and the times she did get to hang out with other kids she was teased more often than not.
。⋆。˚ Was a very sad and drawn back kid and thanks to having very supportive parents and seeing therapists and whatnot she realized she was trans fairly early on-- and could go on hormone blockers etc early, which helped her come out of her shell more.
。⋆。˚ Was still very shy until she started to gain a social media following in high school and is now moderately big. She has a lot of contacts in the British youtuber sphere but not so much in America. (Think like slightly smaller fashion-focused Dodie Clark).
。⋆。˚ Did one year of university in the Netherlands before begging her parents to let her go to New York to continue her degree, on the basis of networking opportunities.

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  • NAME
    - Victor Alexander Holbrooke

    - 20

    - May 5th

    - NYC, USA

    - Sophomore

    - Major — Finance
    - Minor — music production

    - Male
    - Cis

    - He/him

    - Homosexual
    - homoromantic

    - Relationship status — Single
    - Romantic status — [tbd]

    - INTP

    - Unemployed

    - Depression w/ suicidal ideation

    Please remind me why I should wake up tomorrow
    - Quite dry and sarcastic. He doesn't show all that many extreme emotions and at most you'll
    - V cynical.
    - A whole lot of a bit of an holier than thou mentality. He is better than you (yes you personally). Considers himself above all the stupid drama people creates because he is too smart to care.
    - Very low energy.
    - Kind of none-committal, cancels if he doesn't feel like doing something.
    - Not the most social guy, but can dial the charm up a bit if needed and can be quite fun to chat with as long as it's more of a discussion than small talk.
    - Gets annoyed at people for being overly emotional.
    - If you get angry at him he will tell you you're over reacting (And then he'll go home and cry about it).
    - Very much fears that people will get tired of him.
    - He wants people to perceive him as serious, but not pretentious. Doesn't always succeed.
    - Tries to play off being an 'average guy' a bit too much for someone who has access to too much money for his own good.

    - Likes to have casual fun with friends. Video games + smoking over getting fucked up at parties.
    - His favourite pass-time is laying in bed with a tub of ice cream watching youtube videos.
    - Does really well at school, despite sometimes sleeping in or missing class professors love him because he gets top grades, is good at participating during seminars and doesn't bring drama into the classroom.
    - Finds most social event such as parties to be boring, stupid, and really exhausting.
    - Is very musically talented, plays the guitar, sings well, and has some minor experience with other instruments.
    - When he has the energy he makes his own music (mainly digitally on the computer).
    - Loves alt-rock and specifically math rock.
    - Chillstep, chill hop, and lo fi hip hop beats to study to are his jam as well.
    - Also likes old school hip hop and rap a lot.
    - Sleepy drunk

    I've Been So Lost For So Long

    Please remind me why I should wake up tomorrow
    - Much to his parents dismay he often lets his hair grow a little too long between hair cuts.
    - Often sports curtains in his lightly wavy hair, as he can't be bothered to style it much more than running his hands through it.
    - Light skin. Burns in the sun and gets some dry patches on his face sometimes because he does not take care of it. (skin care routine? What's that?)
    - About average height, 5"11, or 180 cm.
    - Chubby, but it's not always super apparent since he doesn't wear a lot of tight fitting clothes if he doesn't have to.
    - Pudgier cheeks than face claim, thanks.

    - Lives in luxury brand athleisurewear.
    - Big fan of Armani EA7, hugo boss leisure lines etc.
    - Also wears a lot of Adidas and Nike etc to complete outfits.
    - Supreme? Supreme. (Mainly the plain block logo stuff).
    - Generally sticks to the plainer stuff, would pay a lot for a basic hoodie if the right logo is plastered across the chest.
    - An every day outfit consist of sneakers + joggers + hoodie. Might throw on a denim jacket to look a bit more put together.
    - An expensive watch and/or a beanie are his accessories of choice.
    - Hates formalwear with a burning passion.

    - Charles Vandervaart
    - Note: I could not find any actual chubby face claims with similar vibes as i wanted so im sticking with Charles still.... but just... he is not skinny ok >:(((((

    Please remind me why I should wake up tomorrow
    - Mother - Helen - Things are tense
    - Father - Jeffrey - On bad terms
    - Older Brother - Nathaniel - 25 - On bad terms

    - Family is old money, but still heavily involved with modern business and thus very concerned with both family reputation and sons being successful.
    - Because of the circumstances around Victor being conceived things have been tense in the family for as long as Victor can remember, with his brother often being favoured by his parents.
    - Despite his parents being able to practically buy him into whatever college they wanted they have always pressured him to still achieve well academically and socially. Especially his father has always been a firm believer that you should work for what you want (especially when it comes to Victor).
    - Couldn't pin-point exactly when he started to feel bad, but around age fifteen/sixteen most people who knew him/considers him a friend would have seen a shift of him becoming much less social and available. It was also around this time he started to fully realize the difference in how he was treated compared to his brother and just in general.
    - Despite this he made sure to put in the effort his parents wanted, and graduated high school with top grades, and got into his top choice of college with ease.

    Please remind me why I should wake up tomorrow
Created by Jenamos



⋗ Victor Alexander Holbrooke

⋗ 20

⋗ May 5th


⋗ Sophomore

⋗ Major — Finance
⋗ Minor — music production

⋗ Male
⋗ Cis

⋗ He/him

⋗ Homosexual
⋗ homoromantic

⋗ Relationship status — Single
⋗ Romantic status — [tbd]


⋗ Unemployed

⋗ Depression w/ suicidal ideatio


⋗ Much to his parents dismay he often lets his hair grow a little too long between hair cuts.
⋗ Often sports curtains in his lightly wavy hair, as he can't be bothered to style it much more than running his hands through it.
⋗ Light skin. Burns in the sun and gets some dry patches on his face sometimes because he does not take care of it. (skin care routine? What's that?)
⋗ About average height, 5"11, or 180 cm.
⋗ Chubby, but it's not always super apparent since he doesn't wear a lot of tight fitting clothes if he doesn't have to.
⋗ Pudgier cheeks than face claim, thanks.

⋗ Lives in luxury brand athleisurewear.
⋗ Big fan of Armani EA7, hugo boss leisure lines etc.
⋗ Also wears a lot of Adidas and Nike etc to complete outfits.
⋗ Supreme? Supreme. (Mainly the plain block logo stuff).
⋗ Generally sticks to the plainer stuff, would pay a lot for a basic hoodie if the right logo is plastered across the chest.
⋗ An every day outfit consist of sneakers + joggers + hoodie. Might throw on a denim jacket to look a bit more put together.
⋗ An expensive watch and/or a beanie are his accessories of choice.
⋗ Hates formalwear with a burning passion.

⋗ Charles Vandervaart
⋗ Note: I could not find any actual chubby face claims with similar vibes as i wanted so im sticking with Charles still.... but just... he is not skinny ok >:(((((

⋗ Charles Vandervaart
⋗ Note: I could not find any actual chubby face claims with similar vibes as i wanted so im sticking with Charles still.... but just... he is not skinny ok >:(


⋗ Quite dry and sarcastic. He doesn't show all that many extreme emotions and at most you'll
⋗ V cynical.
⋗ A whole lot of a bit of an holier than thou mentality. He is better than you (yes you personally). Considers himself above all the stupid drama people creates because he is too smart to care.
⋗ Very low energy.
⋗ Kind of none-committal, cancels if he doesn't feel like doing something.
⋗ Not the most social guy, but can dial the charm up a bit if needed and can be quite fun to chat with as long as it's more of a discussion than small talk.
⋗ Gets annoyed at people for being overly emotional.
⋗ If you get angry at him he will tell you you're over reacting (And then he'll go home and cry about it).
⋗ Very much fears that people will get tired of him.
⋗ He wants people to perceive him as serious, but not pretentious. Doesn't always succeed.
⋗ Tries to play off being an 'average guy' a bit too much for someone who has access to too much money for his own good.

⋗ Likes to have casual fun with friends. Video games + smoking over getting fucked up at parties.
⋗ His favourite pass-time is laying in bed with a tub of ice cream watching youtube videos.
⋗ Does really well at school, despite sometimes sleeping in or missing class professors love him because he gets top grades, is good at participating during seminars and doesn't bring drama into the classroom.
⋗ Finds most social event such as parties to be boring, stupid, and really exhausting.
⋗ Is very musically talented, plays the guitar, sings well, and has some minor experience with other instruments.
⋗ When he has the energy he makes his own music (mainly digitally on the computer).
⋗ Loves alt-rock and specifically math rock.
⋗ Chillstep, chill hop, and lo fi hip hop beats to study to are his jam as well.
⋗ Also likes old school hip hop and rap a lot.
⋗ Sleepy drunk.

American Football - I've Been So Lost For So Long


⋗ Mother - Helen - Things are tense
⋗ Father - Jeffrey - On bad terms
⋗ Older Brother - Nathaniel - 25 - On bad terms

⋗ Family is old money, but still heavily involved with modern business and thus very concerned with both family reputation and sons being successful.
⋗ Because of the circumstances around Victor being conceived things have been tense in the family for as long as Victor can remember, with his brother often being favoured by his parents.
⋗ Despite his parents being able to practically buy him into whatever college they wanted they have always pressured him to still achieve well academically and socially. Especially his father has always been a firm believer that you should work for what you want (especially when it comes to Victor).
⋗ Couldn't pin-point exactly when he started to feel bad, but around age fifteen/sixteen most people who knew him/considers him a friend would have seen a shift of him becoming much less social and available. It was also around this time he started to fully realize the difference in how he was treated compared to his brother and just in general.
⋗ Despite this he made sure to put in the effort his parents wanted, and graduated high school with top grades, and got into his top choice of college with ease.

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This is kinda messy and kinda fragile ngl... but it works so eyooo

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code by rabbit

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im a genius, clearly