There wasn't any reason talking to Arie would help him. He couldn't admit anything to him about his powers, and he couldn't reveal to him that that was the reason behind his suicide attempt, even though he knew doing so would relieve Arie of some of his guilt. Because nothing like that could be revealed, he did have a brief moment of panic that talking to his ex was a complete waste of his time and nothing at all was going to be solved during their talk.

It was only when he got to the backyard and was stood beside him that he decided he was overreacting. The moment was incredibly nostalgic and, despite how horrible the day had been thus far, he did find a grin widening on his face at how normal this all felt.

"...I was worried you were hurt. I got out and Arie drove us away, but I wanted to make sure. I don't care about anyone else there, but I'd... hate for you to have gotten hurt, I guess," he spoke, nodding firmly to hold himself together. "And I know I've been an ass recently -you haven't been an angel either- but I... miss you, I suppose?"
Taking a seat on the plastic lawn chair that faced a large willow tree, it being the only pretty thing on his property. Easing back, he motioned the other to follow while absently running a hand through his hair. He didn't really know how to respond without getting upset in some way or another.

"I got out fine. My... dad taught me fire safety. Spent, like, an hour in an ambulance with an oxygen pump to help with my asthma attack but in general I'm okay. Jason has second degree burns on his arm so he's in the hospital overnight. You're probably going to say I'm a shitty boyfriend for not being there now, huh?" He questioned, side-eyeing the other.
"...Am I supposed to feel sorry for him? It sounds horrible, I'm glad he got out okay, but he forced my boyfriend in a locker and gave him a panic attack. I don't think he deserves my sympathy, really-- but no, you're not bad for being here instead of with him. Why would I think that? He's in overnight, it's not a big deal. I wouldn't judge you for that. I judge you because you left me in a hospital without a visit for a whole year-- that's a worthy judgement," he pointed out for means of comparison. He didn't want to drag up the past and why he had an issue with Arie, but in no way was he going to be made to apologise and act like he was the only one who had done something wrong.

"I'm really trying to have a conversation without bickering, Arie. I don't like your boyfriend; you don't like mine. It doesn't mean I want to forget about... us. You were my best friend for years, I... want that back," he decided with a quiet smile, nodding again. If there was one thing he felt could help him, having Arie's friendship was bound to be it. It was surely better than wasting his life trying to get back at him. "...My parents have left, Arie. I don't know where they are, they just left home and... all I have is Scott. I kinda need you and I completely forgive you for not seeing me at the hospital, I can move past that. Letting go of the past is a huge step, that's what my therapist says."
"You shouldn't let go of the past. If you do that... means you're the better person," he whispered, his eyes beginning to water as he nervously fiddled with his hands. The air seemed to grow humid despite the fact that it had been considerably crisp that night, so much so that their breath could be seen with a hard enough exhale. He knew he had to calm down but since Ethan's return, it's been no surprise that he grew more emotional. It only reminded him of his guilt.

"You should hate me. I'm a shitty person, you know that. I'm... a bad person and you have no reason to forgive me," he urged with a nervous laugh. "I mean, if I was you I would beat the shit out of me. Fuck - and your parents are gone? That's just... I'm sorry."
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"Don't apologise, it's... fine. It's fine! They never coped brilliantly with my issues, they always said they were done with it. I just never... thought they meant it, that's all. But Scott's parents are really nice, they said I could stay as long as I need to, so... that's some stability," he began, finding the lie about his parents came easier than he expected it to. The more he repeated it, the more real it seemed. Hell, he was almost convincing himself that they had just upped and left, and it was a much more easier to think that than come to terms with the reality.

"...You did really hurt me, but I shouldn't have reacted badly to you when you apologised. I want to move on. I want to... I dunno, be friends again. I want to look out for you and hang out and be normal again. I kinda need that normality, Arie. And I know you're with Jason and he hates me, but I can handle that," he decided with a wider smile, quite happy to lean back and enjoy the cold breeze. After the fires he had started, and how hot that made him, enjoying the coolness outside was like heaven to him. "...We could hang out whenever you wanted, like we used to before the whole... incident and stuff."
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"Things are... weird for me right now," he admitted quietly as he closed his eyes and set his hands to the side. "I've got colleges offering scholarships and... things are just complicated emotionally with me. That's not to say what I'm feeling is more important than you! It's just... hard to explain. You'd think I was crazy or something," he slowly began, though exhaled.

"It would have ended badly. We would be in trouble and I'd probably be taken away and my mom needs me here so it just... god, I'm sorry. I'm babbling," he laughed, wiping his face of tears. "Yeah, I want to be friends too."
"...You can come and stay with me whenever you want. I can't stay with Scott forever, and I'd hate to stay in my house alone, so... that's an option if it gets too much for you here. I... I'd love to do that, it'd be like the old days when you'd sleepover my house and we'd play video games all night. I'm getting better, you know? You don't need to be embarrassed being near me, I... I'm working on myself, I think I'm getting better. Scott helps a lot with that," he admitted proudly, deciding that he ought to compliment his boyfriend for the effect he was having on him. To say he was good for him would be an understatement; Scott was a miracle and he didn't want to mess it up, even if he was sure Scott didn't approve of his desire to be friends with Arie again.

"...I'm sure the fires will stop around here. That guy's probably has his fun, I'm sure it'll stop, right?" He reassured quickly, reminding himself that Jason was in the hospital... even if he didn't remotely care too much about him. He did plan on stopping, if only to appease Scott. "...It's strange but... I dunno, it can't carry on forever. It's some some sick guy who... knows some tricks."
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"What if it's more than just some cheap tricks?" He suddenly questioned, rubbing his chin thoughtfully. He'd be lying if he were to say he hadn't spent late nights thinking about this mysterious 'fire guy', as he called him to Jason. He had spent his entire life assuming he was alone yet here this guy was, burning his high school and the local theatre. While it was nice, in that sense, he also knew people almost died because of this stranger.

"What if he's a super villain?" He questioned, his brows raised. "I know that sounds crazy but just hear me out. I mean... I don't know. I mean, the guy didn't seem to be hurt at all by the flames. Maybe I'm a narcissist but he also seems to always be around me... sorry, I'm babbling," he chuckled before exhaling and locking his eyes on his feet.