Superpowers RP, anyone?

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Consider this the hint of the century
Original poster
Invitation Status
Posting Speed
  1. Slow As Molasses
Writing Levels
  1. Intermediate
  2. Adept
  3. Advanced
  4. Adaptable
Preferred Character Gender
  1. Male
  2. Female
Fantasy, Sci-Fi
Greetings, all fellow seekers of partners! :D

I'm looking for a partner to join me in a Superpower/Hero based RP via PM! I don't have all the fine details worked out (as I would like to solidify the finer points with my partner's input) but my idea is a sort of origin story for a Super Hero group. The characters will all have/acquire powers, team up, and go on to create a Superteam. Setting would be contemporary - a fictitious city and the surrounding area. I would prefer a partner who leans towards an aggressive playing style, but as long as we aren't polar opposites it should be all good. I'm pretty flexible all around, so don't hesitate to try me. :D Drop a post here if I've piqued your interest!

  • Well fleshed out characters
  • Somewhat believable powers
  • 2+ paragraphs IC
  • Minimum one message per two days
  • Elementary+ writing level*
  • Aggressive playing style
  • Romance*
  • LGBTQ+ characters and/or content
  • Fluff posts
  • Meta knowledge
  • Powerplaying
  • Godmodding (it's fine if characters have slightly OP powers though)
* Elementary- is fine as long as everyone is okay with that, though I would prefer Beginner writers who are willing to learn and are looking to grow their skills as writers.

** I wouldn't like to have romance as a primary element of the RP or for it to be planned ahead, but some light G-rated romance would be great if it developed naturally IC.

I'm thinking each player will have two characters - one original hero, and a second character who will later join/be recruited into the established group and be mentored by the other characters. Age range would probably be about 15-30ish, and powers would be anything you can come up with an even half believable explanation for (as long as it has nothing to do with the dead and/or the spiritual realm).

Cursory Character Sheet:
Original Hero/Recruit:
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I am interested!
  • Bucket of Rainbows
Reactions: Starlighter
Awesome, glad to hear it! Any ideas/plot candies that you might want to see about working in? Also I'm curious - generally speaking when do you like to step away from passive for a more aggressive approach?
It depends on the story and opportunities. But the character I am thinking of is going to be quite aggressive soo.. it will make me more aggressive.
Intriguing, most intriguing. Feel free to go ahead and post a CS when you're ready - and don't hesitate to add or ignore fields as it suits your fancy.
I'll try to remember to do one tomorrow.
Sounds good. I should have one done either today or tomorrow afternoon, hopefully.
So here's my first two...

Name: Caitlin Jarvis
Age: 24
Gender: Female
Appearance: Long black hair with faint silver highlights, and her bangs swept past one of her grey-blue eyes. Her skin is light and pale, with the extent of her makeup usually starting with eyeliner and ending with mascara. She's short with a delicate feminine build, typically wearing a short, close fitting black leather jacket with buckles galore; she won't usually wear it closed, and likes to wear t-shirts with a colour from her favourite 'stormy ocean' theme. Her pants are normally dark grey or black cargo pants, and she doesn't usually deviate from her preferred runners.
Personality: Caitlin is very outgoing and likes to think that she is friendly, but many people find her to be quite harsh. She loves to argue and is far from easily hurt or insulted, making it sometimes difficult for her to understand the sensitivities of others. She has a very logical way of thinking, and doesn't allow her emotions to influence her decisions unless she deems them 'relevant' in some way. Despite her love of debate, she despises true contention and if necessary will work to keep her circle of friends in harmony rather than driving them away.
Background: Caitlin was born an only child to a mother more interested in money and what it could buy her than her family, while her father would rather rearrange his work schedule to spend time with his daughter for no reason. At the age of ten her mother left to pursue another romantic relationship, and despite the initial pain and confusion that followed, Caitlin has come to believe that she is the better for it. For the past several years her father was ill, and due to financial restraints her time was completely absorbed looking after him and trying to make ends meet. Less than a year ago he passed, and since then she has been working hard at her job as a receptionist at a large oil company, hoping to eventually afford either starting her own business, or a college education.
Power: Teleportation
Original Hero/Recruit: Hero

Name: Shiloh Shawe
Age: 19
Gender: Male
Appearance: Shiloh is tall and a bit wiry, with short dirty blonde hair that is usually slightly messy, smoky green eyes behind his glasses, and a pale complexion. He will usually be seen wearing jeans, sneakers, and a hoodie, walking with his head down.
Personality: A typical shy nerd, he doesn't enjoy most social interaction as he finds it difficult to approach people, and even harder to find people who share the interests that will get him talking. Books are his best and nearly only friend, particularly Fantasy and Sci-Fi. One of his many lacking social skills is tact; when asked a question with what others might deem an expected proper answer, he will reply bluntly and honestly, and not understand why people are offended - or why they would ask in the first place if they didn't want an honest answer.
Background: Shiloh was the only child of his mother's second marriage, with two older half siblings. Both parents worked full time jobs, leaving the three kids home alone fairly often. While his older brother and sister were usually off getting into trouble on their own or together, Shiloh was left to his own devices and at an early age began to find his retreat in books. Ever since finishing high school he has been applying to colleges and looking for a part time job.
Power: Shape-shifting
Original Hero/Recruit: Recruit
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