Tabbi's Test Thread



Original poster
GIFs ACTIVATED!!! Font sizes are go also, Captain!

  • If this works...

  • HpFH.gif

  • tumblr_neqiciajC41qa07edo4_500.gif

    I can put IMAGES IN TABS! Oh this is so on! Oh my sweet tea and a/c...
Note: Will try videos in tabs at later juncture. At this time, I am unable to make it work. Must brainstorm further tests. Note: Video issues resolved. See below.

Do videos work?

EDIT: Yes, but not with the video tag as previously thought. "Insert character" and then pasting the video link is the best option. YAY FOR SOLUTIONS!!!


Your Anthem in Winter

Links activated! YAAAAAY! :D
Last edited by a moderator:
Profile for two characters in the same story, the short version

Courtney "Cookie" McClure and Andrea "Candy" Ingram can confidently say it's not easy when your bosses remind you of dangerous creatures. Scarlett reminds them of a giant spider; let your guard down with her friendly facade and it will land you in a web of "I forgot to mention" assignments and office drama. Harper reminds them of a giant viper; she's a glamorous woman with venomous words that eat away at self-esteem and strikes viciously when at the slightest mistake. Thankfully work only lasts from 9AM-5PM. Cookie and Candy bonded over their free time interests including superheroes, art, sweets, tea, and dressing in the cutest pastel clothes possible. One email at the end of an excruciating workday would mark the beginning of an epic adventure. "WonderCafe" was the sender, inviting them to try a secret menu of cakes and a special tea by using included password. How could they resist such an amazing coupon?


Cookie is a confident, strong willed young woman who wants to launch her own fashion label. She constantly sketches designs for the various lines she plans to launch one day. For now she works as a graphic designer for a startup fashion magazine. She's savvy when navigating socially and loves a good party. Cookie acts as a big sister for most of her friends, always there to offer advice (usually with no filter) and good-natured wisecracks. She's especially protective of Candy since she can be socially naive.


Candy is a brilliant, sweet young woman who plans on opening her own video game studio. A small sketchbook full of character designs, coding, and backgrounds lives in her purse. She works as a web developer for the same fashion magazine as Cookie. She's much more likely to want to hang out one on one or in small groups but when Cookie invites her to a party, she knows it'll be worth going. Candy tends to be the mom friend, always making sure everyone is nurtured and encouraged.
Character Sheet...Short version

Rose Bethany Greer

Rose was born into humble beginnings. Her father Jasper made a living as a fisherman while her mother Grace worked as a housekeeper. She was always small for her age but tenaciously kept up with the other neighborhood children. Unfortunately, they weren't always kind about it. Often she came home crying from being bullied or left out from play. Becoming a big, tough Pirate Hunter like her older brother Tomlin was Rose's dream. Then no one would pick on her and when she had lots of friends, she'd leave her bullies out of the fun!

Rose watched him train for the physical exams in the backyard religiously, fascinated by his footwork and swordsmanship. Soon she tried mimicking his movements with a broom (next to her it resembled more of a spear than a sword but still...), carried a bucket of stones for strength training, and played tag with the fastest kids around in hopes of building speed. One day Tomlin caught her watching from the window. He intentionally slowed his movements so she could follow along. After several weeks they started fencing with wooden swords he'd made. Little by little, young Rose was being groomed into a formidable yet honorable opponent.

Tomlin began his patrols in short order after initiation. Rose was granted permission to stay with him in the Hunter's lodgings since their parents could be away for long periods without anyone to watch her. She went from having one big sibling to several! Over the years she learned how helping people is much better than mere playground revenge. Still the desire to earn respect remained as did her short stature and doll-like features. The young girl studied voraciously both in academics and swordsmanship. Eventually when she turned twenty-one, she finally got initiated as a Pirate Hunter. Unfortunately she's been put with two idiotic glory hogs from her class: Isadora and Vesta. Rose does the work, they take over at the last moment and take the glory...Until a mission comes up she can't resist taking solo. Soon they'd learn to treat her with more respect after arresting the wily pirate captain of the Manta!

Stats and Misc. Notes
  • Hair Color: Copper
  • Eye Color: Green
  • Height: 5'1" (and a half, she insists...)
  • Weapon(s): Saber, her hands
  • Hobbies: Solving word puzzles, fencing, reading Hunter manuals, listening to Isadora and Vesta brag about their dramatic love lives.
  • Best Quality: Loyalty
  • Worst Quality: Way Too Serious
  • Favorite Color: Sky Blue
  • Favorite Food(s): Anything sweet, bread, cheese, roast pork
  • Favorite Scent: Her sister-in-law's chocolate chip cookies

Dreams and Fears:
+Become an expert Hunter and write detailed manuals about what she's learned.
+Have dinner with family more than once every few months.
+Learn to cook roast pork...and chocolate chip cookies.
+Have her first kiss with her true love.
+...Actually meet said man.
+Own a houseboat.

-Dying penniless and alone in a gutter. Specifically that one on Cantrell Blvd. It's creepy as hell.
-Losing a life she tried to save.

Quickest Ways to Anger Rose:
1. Tell her she can't do something.
2. Tell her she is too tiny for something.
3. Ask how old she is when it's NOT her birthday.
4. Pat her head.
5. Take credit for her work.

t e d d y . a l l e n
c h e f
2 6 ( M )
t a r g e t

Perhaps it was a sign from when he was born. Mrs. Allen took one look at the warm, chubby baby in her arms and with a tired smile said he reminded her of a teddy bear. The name stuck...Teddy Vincent Allen. He took after his father in having a large build with broad shoulders and large cobalt blue eyes. Wavy sandy blonde tresses and a gentle dimpled smile came from his mother. Teddy grew up to be a kindhearted kid with a good appetite and better taste in food. He enjoyed watching cooking shows with his father; they'd put their best effort into making different dishes. Some were a hit but others prompted Mrs. Allen to make a new meal for the family in its wake.

Teddy's creativity didn't end with food. He loved listening to jazz music and begged his parents for piano lessons. Despite his sweet personality, he got horribly bullied for his weight...Until the summer before junior year of high school. It was then he finally got his father's imposing height and sculpted jawline. Working at his grandfather's farm over the summer only helped his physique firm up. His best friend would tease that puberty hit him like a truck.

What truly hit Teddy was what he wanted to do after high school. He'd kept up his cooking show ritual with his father but had gotten so good over the years that Mr. Allen stepped back and let Teddy work his magic. His food made people happy, especially the desserts. That made him happier than anything. So after graduating, he decided to work towards a challenging but rewarding dream: to make pastries so good they'd earn him two or even three Michelin stars!

Currently he works under a chef of pure steel in a dessert restaurant downtown. Teddy knows it's almost impossible to become a soux chef for her but he will keep trying. Eventually he'll learn enough to open his own place...If he isn't killed by the assassin he just fell in love with. Good luck Teddy!