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We're werewolves not swearwolves
Original poster
Invitation Status
Posting Speed
  1. Multiple posts per day
  2. 1-3 posts per day
  3. One post per day
  4. 1-3 posts per week
  5. One post per week
Online Availability
All the time
Writing Levels
  1. Adept
  2. Advanced
Preferred Character Gender
  1. Male
  2. Female


Welcome to Tenebris Academy. Hidden in the Californian hills, it is an exclusive school, regarded as one of the best in the world. Not much is known about it's students or teachers. Nobody's quite sure where they come from, or where they go once they graduate. Not much is known about the school in general, other than it has an employment rate of one hundred percent. If it's students become prominent while in education, they fade into the darkness from which they came when they graduate. Someone who wishes to teach at Tenebris first has to find contact details for the school- none of which are available to the public. If, perhaps, they chance upon the school while on a hike, they would be sorely disappointed. The school is unusually well protected. If, by some miracle, they found the school and got into the grounds, they would still not be hired, no matter what qualifications they had. If Tenebris wants to hire you as a teacher, they will find you.

While all these security measures seem drastic, the nature of the school requires it. You see, Tenebris is not an ordinary school. It's students come from the shadows and disappear back into the shadows. It is a training ground for special agents- whether it's MI6, the CIA, FBI or any other agency. The young people trained at this academy range from fifteen to nineteen. They are trained in the arts they will need for their job. But most do not go on to become part of the main agency. Many of these agencies have small teams dedicated to the missions which appear... Out of the ordinary. Regular human agents cannot solve them- but Tenebris's past pupils can.

Tenebris Academy does not take in everyday students. It's students have unique abilities. It's not known exactly how the headmistress tracks them down, as they often come from the shadows. The teachers also have these abilities- some, past pupils of the Academy, others, students that turned down their place or that the school could not find.

As a new term begins, students, both old and new, bring secrets with them that they must keep. It will be part of their future career- it is time they got used to it.

All students take the basic subjects- math, decoding, self defense, weapon proficiency, ability training, linguistic studies and physical education. Students can choose to specialize in up to two areas of the four offered. These are: computer analysis, covert operations, behaviour analysis and situation and negotiation tactics. Students in their first year take a starter course in all of the options then choose to specialize.

Sports and fitness are strongly encouraged, and all students must participate in physical education. There are a wide variety of extra-curricular sports available. To those who aren't as interested in sports, extra-curricular activities range from debating to chemistry.

School trips are rare, due to the secretive nature of the school. When there are trips, they tend to be to the headquarters of future employers. Sometimes these agencies take the older students along on missions to give them experience in the field.

Discipline is strict in the school. All wrongdoing is punished as they would be in the field. Punishments may be lessened if the intentions were good, but for minor infringements with bigger and worse intentions, punishments will be made stricter. A list of school rules can be found below.
  • Use of abilities to physically harm other students outside of ability training is forbidden. This is punishable by loss of free periods and detention.
  • Any students in possession of firearms outside of Weapons Proficiency will be immediately placed on in-school suspension.
  • Alcohol is only to be consumed at official school events.
  • All students are to be in their rooms by 11 on school nights.
  • All male students are to be gone from the female wing by 10 and vice versa.
  • Any fighting in the corridors will be punished.
  • Harassment of teachers can be punished at the teacher's discretion.

1: Iwaku rules apply (I.E. No godmodding, metagaming)
2: I would like for your characters to be finished by at least next week. That being said, I understand life can get in the way so if you need more time, please PM me.
3:I don't expect you to write a novel. I do expect some coherency and substance. I'd say a 2 paragraph minimum for posting but I can be flexible depending on the content.
4:It is okay to swear, but any additional explicit content such as sex will not be allowed. If you want to play it out, move it to PM please.
5: Please try to stay active as well. If you are unable to post in a timely manner, PM me or post in the OOC to let me and others know.
6: I won't be changing the power of the teachers or students without a very good case for it. For your convenience I have included a link describing individual's powers/abilities.
7: I see so many RP's without a good balance between male/female characters. To counter this, there will be 4 male and 4 female teachers. There will also be 4 male and 4 female students. On your reservation, please include the power and gender of your character to ensure fair distribution.
8: I will only accept REAL Face Claims. No anime/digital pictures please.

1: Headmaster/Headmistress: Persuasion :
2: Abilities and Math: Empathic Mimicry :
3: Self Defense and Physical Education: Adoptive Muscle Memory :
4:Situation and Negotiation Tactics: Precognition :
5: Decoding and Computer Analysis: Technopathy : Taken by Kuu (Male)
6: Covert Ops and Weapons Proficiency: Malleable Anatomy :
7: Linguistics and Behavioral Analysis: Omnilingualism :
8: History: Immortality :

1:Accelerated Probability:
2: Intangibility:
3:Intuitive Aptitude:
4:Memory Manipulation:
5:Emotion Manipulation:
8:Rapid Cellular Regeneration:

Disclaimer: This plot is the original content of iCat on RoleplayGateway. It died before it even had a chance to start. This is a reboot.

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[IMG or GIF here]

Power: Describe what exactly your character can do with it. The link provided is purely for guidance. Every power needs a weakness be it a physical or mental one.

Secrets: Everybody has secrets. You can include your character's weakness here.


Personality: 1-2 paragraphs minimum.
History: Should be longer than personality.

Oh my. I love this already. I had a sorta kinda rp up like this a while ago (like half year) though it sadly died... Anyway I would like to participate with a male student Memory manipulation ^^ If that is alright
Definitely interested in making a female student with the power over illusions :3 maybe even a teacher if doubling is allowed though i'm not sure which one :3
I definitely don't mind doubling up!
Then I shall snag the situation and negtiation tactics teacher :3 (male)
I'm gonna go ahead and do a sign-up and ooc post! I'll put you both down for your characters!
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May I have History Female teacher
You got it!
oooh. This sounds interesting. Gonna go for a male student with Rapid Cellular Regeneration if that's alright c:
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Oh this looks really cool, I'll reserve a male student with emotion manipulation if that's fine :P
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Sorry I already reserved him ;)
Whoops my brain clucked out for a minute I meant emotion manipulation.
Funny because I was looking at your post when I was typing and somehow typed out the same thing you did.
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Oh, I commented on the thread labeled OOC and Signups but I guess this is the actual OOC?