The Adventures of Arya and The Doctor! [Non-Canon]

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"CuStoDY." GLaDOS responded. "YoU ARE a fUNny Little InSect. stUpId AND funnY. i'vE NoTiced it'S a VEry COmMOn CoMBINATioN In HUMaNS." As she spoke, two panels on the floor beside the Doctor's feet opened up, making room for two mechanical claws to pass through. They quickly and firmly grabbed hold on his ankles, keeping him in place as GLaDOS approached slowly but surely, until her orange eye was right in front the Doctor's face.

"yoU musT thiNk yoURSelf QuItE CleVER, DoCTOR. ReWIRINg twO of oUR mOST bASiC apeRtuRe sCiENCE tEsT SuBjeCT CorES. ClEVeR, clevER lIttlE MAN..." She said, the claws around the Doctor's ankles tightening their grip a little.

"DiD yoU rEALLy tHInK I wOuLDn'T nOTicE youR hUmaN friend taMPeRINg WITh my ShIELd? SENding A chIlD tO DO worK you'rE too AFRAId to do YouRself. ALtHOugh I MusT ADMIT SHe neARLy dEfEAteD mE. heR ScrEaMIng Nearly BlEw sOME Of MY CiRCuiTs." She paused for a moment while a green gas started to enter the room through vents, slowly filling up the room. "nEuROtoxin TendS to Be EXcRucIatingLy mORE pAINFul To chIldren, bUt... At LEAST IT WIlL KIlL you TOo."
The Doctor's hearts skipped a beat when he felt the mechanical claws grab onto his ankles to hold him in place. However, he kept his expression normal as if nothing had happened. Despite the distraction of GLaDOS buzzing in his ear, he tried to continue working on the cure. "First you say I'm stupid and then you say I'm clever. I do wish you would make up your mind," he replied, keeping his eyes fixed on a vial of fluid as he added a small segment of an herbal leaf to the concoction.

He stopped working, however, when he realized the room began filling up with a green gas. "You've said so yourself, I'm going to die from what I've injected into myself. Why are you trying to kill me?" he asked, attempting to pull the collar of his shirt up over his nose and mouth. "I think we should talk about this. I have nothing against you. Everything I've done, I've done it to try and develop a cure for the people of this world." The time lord held his breath for a moment, trying to conserve his air for a moment longer. He would last a little longer than a human would after breathing in the gas, but not much longer. He would quickly have to figure out a way to escape GLaDOS' grip on his own, or talk his way out of the situation as usual.
The Doctor's hearts skipped a beat when he felt the mechanical claws grab onto his ankles to hold him in place. However, he kept his expression normal as if nothing had happened. Despite the distraction of GLaDOS buzzing in his ear, he tried to continue working on the cure. "First you say I'm stupid and then you say I'm clever. I do wish you would make up your mind," he replied, keeping his eyes fixed on a vial of fluid as he added a small segment of an herbal leaf to the concoction.

He stopped working, however, when he realized the room began filling up with a green gas. "You've said so yourself, I'm going to die from what I've injected into myself. Why are you trying to kill me?" he asked, attempting to pull the collar of his shirt up over his nose and mouth. "I think we should talk about this. I have nothing against you. Everything I've done, I've done it to try and develop a cure for the people of this world." The time lord held his breath for a moment, trying to conserve his air for a moment longer. He would last a little longer than a human would after breathing in the gas, but not much longer. He would quickly have to figure out a way to escape GLaDOS' grip on his own, or talk his way out of the situation as usual.
"yOU are COrreCt. YoU ARe gOIng TO diE. and EvEN if You do MaNAge tO CREAte a cURE, IT WIll BE lOCkeD inSiDe tHIS LaBOrAtoRy for THe RESt OF Time. YoU wilL spEND tHe LaSt MomenTS Of yoUR lIFe WorkiNg tO sAvE mAnkIND, THouGH IN the END, yOu NeVeR Will. NOw ISn'T THat A sHAME? alTHouGh, FOR TEstiNG pURposeS, i hAVE DEcIDed to fReE YoU."

The mechanical hands around the Doctor's ankles loosened their grip and disappeared back into the ground.

"ScIEnCe Has prOvEN ThAT 27% oF HuManS worK mORE effEctively whEn put uNDER ExtrEmE THE PreSsURe Of tHEir POTEntIAL, SloW, PAINFul DEmIsE. i wOUld LIKE To WATCh YOU trY tO DeVELop A CUre. If YOU FaiL, YOu WiLL DIE a sLow dEATH. iF yoU sUCceed, you wILl DiE A SlOW DeatH. gOOD Luck."

And with that, GLaDOS moved backwards, away from the Doctor into a corner of the room, giving him space to let him work. A few seconds later though, a terrible scream was heard throughout the room. It clearly resembled Arya's voice, and it was played again and again, sometimes at a faster speed, sometimes slower, sometimes in a higher pitch, but it was the same scream every time.
"yOU are COrreCt. YoU ARe gOIng TO diE. and EvEN if You do MaNAge tO CREAte a cURE, IT WIll BE lOCkeD inSiDe tHIS LaBOrAtoRy for THe RESt OF Time. YoU wilL spEND tHe LaSt MomenTS Of yoUR lIFe WorkiNg tO sAvE mAnkIND, THouGH IN the END, yOu NeVeR Will. NOw ISn'T THat A sHAME? alTHouGh, FOR TEstiNG pURposeS, i hAVE DEcIDed to fReE YoU."

The mechanical hands around the Doctor's ankles loosened their grip and disappeared back into the ground.

"ScIEnCe Has prOvEN ThAT 27% oF HuManS worK mORE effEctively whEn put uNDER ExtrEmE THE PreSsURe Of tHEir POTEntIAL, SloW, PAINFul DEmIsE. i wOUld LIKE To WATCh YOU trY tO DeVELop A CUre. If YOU FaiL, YOu WiLL DIE a sLow dEATH. iF yoU sUCceed, you wILl DiE A SlOW DeatH. gOOD Luck."

And with that, GLaDOS moved backwards, away from the Doctor into a corner of the room, giving him space to let him work. A few seconds later though, a terrible scream was heard throughout the room. It clearly resembled Arya's voice, and it was played again and again, sometimes at a faster speed, sometimes slower, sometimes in a higher pitch, but it was the same scream every time.
The Doctor tried to work, hold his breath, and listen to GLaDOS all at the same time. He was a talented man full of many skills, but even a man such as himself found this chore taxing. He released his breath after a moment, unable to hold it for long. However, just as he released his breath--to his surprise--GLaDOS released him as well. He could move his ankles and leave the room now if he wanted to. Although, if he did, he wouldn't get a chance to finish the cure. If he left his work unprotected, GLaDOS could take it. "That sounds like a challenge to me. Well, challenge accepted. At least if I succeed, many others will live even if I die. It sounds like a worthwhile sacrifice to me."

Shortly after GLaDOS released him, however, The Doctor was surprised to hear the sound of Arya's scream echo down the halls. "Arya!" he cried, looking away from his work for a second. He glanced between his work and the door several times for a moment, finally deciding to take his coat off, pack up his work in it, and rush over to the door to look for Arya. "Robot, what have you done with her? Release her!" he cried, listening to the scream again for a moment. It sounded off, but he hadn't figured out why just yet.
As soon as the Doctor left the laboratory room, Arya's scream would sound again, somewhere entirely different from before. And again a few seconds later, in two locations at the same time. Whether the time lord kept chasing his companion's voice or not, it would eventually become clear that Arya wasn't actually in the facility. Her scream was just a pre-recorded sound played over and over again.

"Robot? ROBOT?!" GLaDOS' voice sounded, louder and more fierce than before. "I am not a robot, I am a Genetic Lifeform and Disc Operating System! I thought you were a smart man, you miserable little..." The voice suddenly stopped for a few moments. After a short silence, she would continue to speak to the Doctor, her voice once again calm and collected, but still cold. "I'm sorry. My anger emotion core seems to have overheated. Anyway Doctor, I must say I'm not satisfied with the results you have given me so far. Your test is still in progress, and you are currently wasting time. Precious, precious time. And don't worry about your friends. Both the girl and the man you so recklessly sent off on their own are in a... [BEGIN LYING PROTOCOL] ... great condition."

Arya was heard screaming again, this time all around the Doctor. From every possible direction, he heard the same scream, horribly loud and lasting at least ten seconds. During this time, Siegfried came running back to him. "Doctor!" he called out, quickly sprinting up to the man, a look of panic in his eyes. "The shields are back on, Doctor, but what in the devil's name is going on?!"

"Let me explain it to you" GLaDOS spoke again. "The two of you have only a few options: "Accept the fact that you are about to die, lie down on the ground and take a deep breath to make it less painful... Or work on that cure for mankind you love so much... and then still die." These weren't the only options of course, any living being would do their absolute best to try and find a way out of this situation. And being a genius time lord had its advantages... The Doctor could of course try using his sonic screwdriver to manipulate GLaDOS, or maybe try to find some kind of way to trick or deceive her. One final option was the possibility of there being some kind of a main control room where GLaDOS' main core could be found.

Geez, if only there was a video game or two where this vicious artificial intelligence is defeated in. :)
As soon as the Doctor left the laboratory room, Arya's scream would sound again, somewhere entirely different from before. And again a few seconds later, in two locations at the same time. Whether the time lord kept chasing his companion's voice or not, it would eventually become clear that Arya wasn't actually in the facility. Her scream was just a pre-recorded sound played over and over again.

"Robot? ROBOT?!" GLaDOS' voice sounded, louder and more fierce than before. "I am not a robot, I am a Genetic Lifeform and Disc Operating System! I thought you were a smart man, you miserable little..." The voice suddenly stopped for a few moments. After a short silence, she would continue to speak to the Doctor, her voice once again calm and collected, but still cold. "I'm sorry. My anger emotion core seems to have overheated. Anyway Doctor, I must say I'm not satisfied with the results you have given me so far. Your test is still in progress, and you are currently wasting time. Precious, precious time. And don't worry about your friends. Both the girl and the man you so recklessly sent off on their own are in a... [BEGIN LYING PROTOCOL] ... great condition."

Arya was heard screaming again, this time all around the Doctor. From every possible direction, he heard the same scream, horribly loud and lasting at least ten seconds. During this time, Siegfried came running back to him. "Doctor!" he called out, quickly sprinting up to the man, a look of panic in his eyes. "The shields are back on, Doctor, but what in the devil's name is going on?!"

"Let me explain it to you" GLaDOS spoke again. "The two of you have only a few options: "Accept the fact that you are about to die, lie down on the ground and take a deep breath to make it less painful... Or work on that cure for mankind you love so much... and then still die." These weren't the only options of course, any living being would do their absolute best to try and find a way out of this situation. And being a genius time lord had its advantages... The Doctor could of course try using his sonic screwdriver to manipulate GLaDOS, or maybe try to find some kind of way to trick or deceive her. One final option was the possibility of there being some kind of a main control room where GLaDOS' main core could be found.

Geez, if only there was a video game or two where this vicious artificial intelligence is defeated in. :)
The Doctor tuned out the voice of GLaDOS for a moment, allowing his sole focus to be the sound of Arya's scream being played over and over from several different locations. He turned his head, trying to process the sound waving a hand as GLaDOS complained to him about being called a robot. "Oh, technicalities, technicalities," the time lord mumbled, "now quiet down, I'm busy," he added, a slight whine in his voice as he continued to attempt his focus.

After a moment of listening to the scream, the old time lord finally returned his focus to GLaDOS voice, frowning. "Wasting time? Well maybe I wouldn't be wasting time if I wasn't being distracted by loud voices and screams ringing in my ears, now would I?" he asked, covering his ears for a brief moment as he heard the sound of Arya's false scream ring throughout the facility once again.

"All right, all right, will you cut it out with the screaming?! I'm not a bloody idiot. I just realized it's only a recording," The Doctor finally said, walking back to the table where he had been working before placing his coat on the table and unwrapping the contents of his research. He laid each object back on the table and attempted to continue working. "I choose to work and not die, thank you very much. I believe dictating my own life would be in my best interest," he said, glancing up toward the door as he heard Siegfried rush toward the door. Abandoning his work for a moment to check on Siegfried, The Doctor made his way toward the young man.

"I-It's nothing. Just tricks from an artificial life form," The Doctor said, just about stumbling into Siegfried. Suddenly, the man felt his body start to weaken. The Doctor's eyes looked darker in shade, and the veins in his forehead popped out. He was started to become more ill from the virus he had injected into himself. He grasped Siegfried's shoulders to help himself stay standing. "I-I need to keep working. I should walk toward the table," he said to Siegfried, his eyes asking for help.
End Of The Road:
Epilogue of The Adventures of Arya and The Doctor

Panic flashed in Siegfried's eyes as The Doctor stumbled into him. The old time lord didn't look well at all. His face was quickly turning black and he looked weaker by the moment. He rapidly put one of The Doctor's arms over his shoulder and slowly began to walk the man back toward the table.

"Sir, you don't look well at all. Are you sure you should even be working in this condition?" he asked, shooting the man a look of worry.

The Doctor panted for a moment before replying, "Oh, I'll be fine. Just... get me a chair. I'll work sitting down if I have to. This cure must be made, even if it takes my death to make it happen!"

"oH aNd iT wILl mOSt CerTainLy EnD iN yOur dEatH. ThAt I cAn guArantEE yOu," GLaDOS rung in.

Siegfried sighed heavily and wandered over to the table, finding a chair to help The Doctor sit in before helping the man carefully sit down. His eyes teared up slightly, and he looked as if he might cry.

"You already died once because of me, I won't let it happen again," he promised, pushing The Doctor's work toward him. "Now what can I do to help you out?"

The Doctor began to work again, carefully trying to make a few different vials of cures to try out. Siegfried stood at his side, hoping there was something he could do for the man.

"G-Go watch the security cameras. Look for Arya. If you spot her, find her and send her to me. I need to make sure she's all right," he instructed.

With a nod, Siegfried took off out of the room to see if he could spot Arya...


Although the 12th Doctor had shown Arya how to fly the TARDIS well enough to return it to the 11th Doctor, the concept of flying it and arriving without messing up made her quite anxious. She bit her lower lip and pulled the lever just as the cranky Doctor had ordered her to do, feeling the machine rumble and wheeze as it made it's way toward the laboratory where her friend was waiting. The machine materialized in the halls of the laboratory, and from where Siegfried was watching the security cameras he could see it appear. He then rushed out of the room to find and greet the young girl.

"By the gods, I think I've made it," Arya murmured, cautiously moving toward the exit of the TARDIS to poke her head out just in time to see Siegfried skid to a stop in front of the time machine.

"Arya!?" he exclaimed, rushing up to meet the girl. "Oh thank goodness I've found you. The Doctor has been worried sick about you. He's been working on the cure for the shadow virus. We need go back to him and help him out as much as we can. He's-- not doing well?"

"Not doing well?" Arya questioned with a frown. "Alright, well, let's go see," she said, quickly leaving to head back into the room where The Doctor was at with Siegfried.

When they opened the door, the two were met with the sight of The Doctor lying on the ground. He had fallen off the chair he had been working on and was now unconscious.

"WhEn HE dIEs bE sURe to LeT mE kNow. I'd LIKe tO gO tO hIS fUNerAL, bUt I'D liKeLy haVE to WOrk THaT daY. I bELieVE iN bUSinEsS beFOrE pLeAsUrE," GLaDOS said to the others upon their arrival.

"Doctor!?" Arya explained, bolting toward the man and falling to her knees in front of him to shake his shoulders. "Doctor? Doctor! Answer me!" she questioned, panicking for a moment. "You already died once, I don't want to see you die again so soon!"

Siegfried walked over, racking his brain to figure out what they should do. "Maybe he won't die. The Doctor was working on a few cures. If we can use one of them on him and it works, it'll save his life and we'll have a cure that works," he suggested.

"cLevEr pLaN," GLaDOS told them. "OnLY YoU sEEm tO HaVe FOrGOtteN tHe pArT wHeRe I KiLL aLL oF YoU eVeN iF oNe Of yOuR cUrEs dO wOrK."

"Shut up!" Arya snapped at the sarcastic disk operating system, "Just leave us alone!" She then turned to Siegfried and nodded. "That sounds like a good idea. Only, I don't know how we can test the cures."

Siegfried placed a hand on Arya's shoulder. "Leave it to me. I think we'll need to give him injections. I'm not used to that sort of thing, but I can try my best. Just keep him comfortable while I do it."

Siegfried then searched the room in order to find a few syringes while Arya looked for a cloth to wipe The Doctor's face off with. Once they had what they needed. One by one, Siegfried began injecting The Doctor with the cures, waiting a few minutes between each injection to give them a little time to work before he tried a new one.

After a about five injections, The Doctor finally began to stir. Siegfried's eyes widened. "H-He's waking up! We must've found a cure that worked!" he exclaimed.

Arya squeezed her eyes shut for a moment. "Either that or he's waking up as a shadow, about ready to kill us..."

Siegfried frowned. "I guess we're about to find out."

The Doctor lifted up, his face quite black from the infection having spread inside him. Before saying anything, he immediately grabbed Arya's arm, causing the young girl to gasp.

"Let me go!" she cried, alarmed as she smacked his arm.

The Doctor tilted his head. "Arya, it's me. You're... okay..."

Arya relaxed, realizing The Doctor actually hadn't turned into a shadow and smiled slightly. "Doctor!" she cried, hugging him. "You're okay! Err... or are you okay?" she questioned.

The Doctor looked down at his hands, noticing they slowly were turning back to their natural shade of color. "I believe so... I think the infection is... going away. How did you do that?"

"We tried out one of your cures," Siegfried chimed in, holding up the vial they had used in particular. "There's still some left too. If it really does work, we've found the cure."

The Doctor smiled and took the vial. "Siegfried!" he cried, grabbing the side of his face. "Thank you, thank you!" he exclaimed, kissing the man on his forehead--freaking him out in the process--before hopping to his feet. "I do believe we've found it. Now if I could just get back to the TARDIS I can--"

He cut himself off, frowning. "I can't get back to the TARDIS from here. It would take too long. I left it back where I first crashed when I landed on this world."

"Actually," Arya began, a smile spreading on her lips before she explained to The Doctor about everything that happened, how she had met the 12th Doctor, he had saved her, replied 11's TARDIS, and sent her back in time to find him.

"So future me, huh? Is he handsome? Tell me he's ginger!" The Doctor chirped excitedly.

"Weeeell," Arya said, glancing away. "He told me not to tell you about that, but I will say I don't think you should get your hopes up," she told him with a smile.

After The Doctor's usual grumble about not being ginger, Siegfried and Arya steered him back toward the more important issue at hand.

"Right then," The Doctor began. "The next thing we need to do is go back to the TARDIS. From there I can use my technology to create more of the cure and spread it across this world. The cure will help those who are afflicted, and stop the affliction from spreading any further," he explained, grabbing Arya's hand and rushing toward the door with her. Before they could exit, however, the door slammed shut.

"GOiNG soMeWhErE?" GLaDOS questioned.

"I tHiNk nOt. ThIs iS tHe PaRt WhErE I KiLL yOu."

Siegfried shook his head. "Not if I hold you off.


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