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Legens Legentis

Deus Ex Machina
Original poster
Invitation Status
  1. Looking for partners
Posting Speed
  1. One post per day
  2. Multiple posts per week
  3. 1-3 posts per week
  4. One post per week
Writing Levels
  1. Adept
  2. Advanced
  3. Prestige
  4. Adaptable
Preferred Character Gender
  1. Male
Sci-Fi, Modern, Horror, & Romance

New Salem, Illinois

There are countless people who will tell you that New Salem is the worst city on the entire planet.
Every day, people go missing.
Their bodies are found on sidewalks, alleyways, ditches, rivers, and so on.
This place is a criminal's paradise, and hell for everyone else.

But there is more going on here than meets the eye.
Rumors float around often, and some speak of shadows.
Some speak of monsters.

Some speak of vampires.

J. Edgar Hoover, head of the FBI, has decided to bring the hammer down on New Salem.
The Anomaly Foundation was created shortly thereafter.
Their mission?
To eliminate all supernatural threats plaguing the city.

The Foundation works in secrecy, and above the law.
Agents are highly-skilled detectives, and in some cases, assassins.
All threats to humanity are wiped out discreetly.
But with a high mortality rate, the Foundation is always ready for new recruits.


Vampire Factions:

Order of the Fallen Rose
Description: The Order is infamous for its partnership with the New Salem mafia. It is also a group containing some of the city's wealthiest politicians, businessmen, and artisans. They are a cultured sect of vampires, doing more to uphold their reputation than purge their enemies. Nevertheless, they should not be underestimated. They wield great power and influence over the city, and will not hesitate in using that power if they discover an interloper.


Society of Writhing Serpents
Description: This particular faction qualifies more as a cult than as a legitimate organization. They claim themselves to be children of Lilith, the first wife of Adam before the creation of Eve. Their worship of the serpentine woman brings them to practice witchcraft with extreme skill. Human sacrifice is their primary form of appeasing their 'goddess', and summoning her into the mortal realm happens to be their sole objective.


Crescent Moon Guild
Description: Home to some of the most psychologically unstable vampires ever known, this guild allegedly hails from the Egyptian lunar god Khonsu. Their minds have been warped from dark rituals taking place during a full moon. The exact details of these rituals are unknown as participants are regularly driven mad. What is known, however, is that guild members lurk in the sewers of New Salem. Unbeknownst to the Foundation, the guild seeks to cast an eternal night upon the Earth.


Sons of Cerberus
Description: When Lycaon fed Zeus human remains as part of a devious scheme, he was cursed to spend eternity as a ravenous wolf. Although it is not clear if Lycaon is still alive, the Sons of Cerberus link their heritage back to the cannibal king. Werewolves carry a long-running hatred of their vampire counterparts, and occasionally ally themselves with the Foundation to fight a mutual threat. They resort to petty crime and smuggling as a way of life.


The Red Scourge
Description: When the Soviet Union stood up from the ashes of the Russian Empire, it was only a matter of time when ideologically-driven vampires reached the United States. They have committed numerous terrorist attacks throughout New Salem, threatening to expose the existence of monsters to the whole world. Additionally, they have sworn themselves as enemies to the Order of the Fallen Rose. Frequent bank heists have provided them with enough funds and arms to wage war against the entire city.

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I'm really surprised this hasn't gotten more attention...
I'm really surprised this hasn't gotten more attention...
That actually happens quite often with things that I like to RP. Horror typically loses to fantasy 9/10 times.
Yep Communist Vampires. I'm in its summer gotta try a group RP someone. I'm good with this being a small group though if you guys want to unless Legens had something bigger planned.
@Uncle Legens Legentis @Chris_Reaper

I had an idea for a character, I discuss it with Legens so he is cool with it.

My character would have come to a cult's failed ritual to summon Lilith from the underworld. So, of course, you need a sacrifice to summon demons so they killed this kill and failed to use her to summon Lilith. While they thought it failed, it half worked. Lilith was trapped inside the body as a vampire (due to the cultists turning her after it failed).

They would have tossed the body and she would have woken up as a Vampire and memory blank. She wouldn't understand that she is Lilith so it would probably be a twist in the story. I would also imagine the cult would have to get their blessing to Lilith when they summon her by carnal knowledge and fornication with her. We would keep it PG, of course, probably having her avoid it. But would be lead to having the cult perhaps be a later enemy for her and the group.
I'm interested...
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Full Name : Vivian Olimar Whitney

Aliases/Nicknames : Viv, Whitney

Preferred Name : Vivian

Age/Date of Birth : 23, March 4th

Sex : Female

Race: Anglo-Saxon (Vampire)

Sexual Orientation : Pansexual (closed)

Voice: Gentle but serious, British accent

Languages Spoken : English

Facial Structure : Sharp jawline, but the just is small and soft

Body Structure : Thin, fast, a bit lanky

Eye Color : Violet Blue

Hair Color : Blonde

Height : 5'4

Weight : 112

Skin Tone : White

Scars : None

Tattoos : None

Piercings : None

Marks : Non

Five Good Traits : Cautious, honest, quite, good writer, well educated

Five Bad Traits : Paranoid, timid, lacks self confidence, brash, indirect

Physical weaknesses : Not very strong

Mental weaknesses : Her confidence

Fears : Hurting someone again, having people hate her, dying

The character if this would be a thing.
That actually happens quite often with things that I like to RP. Horror typically loses to fantasy 9/10 times.

Yea I noticed that, personally I think it's because most people are skittish little snowflakes who are afraid of their own goddamned shadows to enjoy a good scare...and it's not like this is full on slasher guts and gore horror. It's more action themed with horror elements, like Blade or Underworld. I will just never understand people.
Yea I noticed that, personally I think it's because most people are skittish little snowflakes who are afraid of their own goddamned shadows to enjoy a good scare...and it's not like this is full on slasher guts and gore horror. It's more action themed with horror elements, like Blade or Underworld. I will just never understand people.
I think it might also be a double combo that its a sort of a historic setting which most don't like.
I think it might also be a double combo that its a sort of a historic setting which most don't like.

Again, most people are just plain dumb...historic settings can be the most entertaining of any environments. Anyway, this is the character I plan on using for this RP...and if anybody's wondering, yes it's actually me, lol. This RP is remarkably similar to a film I did a couple of years back and this was my character, who was also a demon hunter of sorts.Jeri Sangrayal.jpg
Again, most people are just plain dumb...historic settings can be the most entertaining of any environments. Anyway, this is the character I plan on using for this RP...and if anybody's wondering, yes it's actually me, lol. This RP is remarkably similar to a film I did a couple of years back and this was my character, who was also a demon hunter of sorts.View attachment 139598
Oh I was about the say nice cosplay, but film? You an indie actor or something?
@Neko_Green...Well other than acting I have also written some screenplays and a few short stories, but yea, it does definitely help with the whole creative aspect. Being an actor does help you visualize stories in a unique perspective.
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@Neko_Green...Well other than acting I have also written some screenplays and a few short stories, but yea, it does definitely help with the whole creative aspect. Being an actor does help you visualize stories in a unique perspective.
Nice I have a friend in school who likes rightly plays and stuff. I call it Z Boi, cus I used to sound out the S in his name as a Z.
Yea I noticed that, personally I think it's because most people are skittish little snowflakes who are afraid of their own goddamned shadows to enjoy a good scare...and it's not like this is full on slasher guts and gore horror. It's more action themed with horror elements, like Blade or Underworld. I will just never understand people.

I mean, to each their own and whatnot, but I get your point.
I'm intrigued by this but not sure if I want to join or stalk...