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Fox of Spades


The Blood That Binds Us
A Medieval Fantasy, Dungeon Crawl-Esque RP
In Character Thread

It started with the goblet.

The old man sat unflinching as he narrowed his eyes at the soldier before him. It had been decades since he'd heard of the goblet and the very mention of it sent a shiver up his spine. If he could rid himself of the horrid memories, he would have done so ages ago.

That was not the case. "It was gold, with carvings of an ancient tongue and rubies ingrained into its rim."

The soldier nodded. "Do you know where we can find it?"

"No," he answered. He'd found the goblet nearly a lifetime ago, but the memory of it was burned into his brain, and even now, the thought of it still haunted him. He had been a foolish young lad—tall, broad of shoulders, and all too eager for gold and glory. With a blade in hand and his friends by his side, he felt they were invincible. They were unaware of the fate that awaited them, and when they stumbled across the goblet with their eager smiles and their dreams of greatness, they thought they'd found treasure. Instead, they'd found Pandora's box and it changed their lives forever.

"You know, If I could take it back, I would. Every day, I think about what could have happened instead."
The soldier noticed the stony look that had fallen over the man's features.

"Do you know," he rambled on. "Merely three days after we recovered the goblet, we were hunted down like animals. We didn't know who they were or what they wanted, but none of my friends lived to see the following day. I assumed it had something to do with the cursed thing. Come to think of it, ever since I found it, I hadn't had a moment of peace. Bad dreams, memories of my friends, it was all so terrible. Eventually I sold the thing and tried to piece my life back together. Who did I sell it to? Some wandering merchant. I'm sorry I can't help you."

A troubled look crossed the soldier's face, but she nodded her head and stood up. "Thank you for you help."

"If you find it, I suggest you burn the wretched thing, make a nice necklace instead."

"I'll keep that in mind, sir. Unfortunately, I'm on orders to find it."

"May the Gods keep you safe."
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♠ Character Sheets ♠

  • vkpo8mh.png

    "I thought being an adventurer would be more... exciting? I dunno, I can't be the only one who's been expecting dragons and princesses, right?"
    22 | Kazimir "Kaz" Marquez | 6'2", 75 kgs

    • A cheeky brat who boasts far too much for his own good. Most of these boasts are often made in jest, but it's no secret that the ex-thief has always dreamed of some form of greatness. Kaz is constantly searching for cheap thrills and things he doesn't quite have. He's not exactly happy with his lot in life, and this discontentment has caused the young man to adopt a fake-it-till-you-make-it, devil-may-care attitude.
    • Underneath the pretense, Kaz is a bundle of insecurities. The truth is, he cares far too much of what others think of him (the reason he tries so hard to be confident). He wants to be liked and he wants people to laugh at his stupid jokes, but he'd sooner get mauled than admit it to anyone's face.

    Brief Biography:

    "I was a great thief. It's a lot less complicated than being an adventurer. There's less rules."
    • Kaz was born on a farm a mile away from the "City of Thieves." It was a dreary, dog-eat-dog place run by corrupt politicians and the notorious Thieve's Guild. Being born to two farmers with nothing but a tiny plot of land to their name, his fate was sealed on the day he was born. He would live in poverty as his parents struggled to scrape by. Things became even harder for them when his little sister was born seven years later. Food was scarce and the quality of life was horrendously low.​

    • At 13, Kaz decided to take matters into his own hands and signed up for the thieve's guild. Being tall for his age and quick on his feet, he managed to outshine the other recruits and was immediately accepted. He spent his first two years working as a pickpocket and errand boy for the guild. His parents knew nothing of this.

    • At 18, Kaz became a full-fledged member of the Thieve's Guild. Life for his family improved, though his parents and sister grew wary of his "shady" connections. He became a local Robin Hood of sorts, stealing from the rich to help families like his. Eventually, his family found out about the shenanigans their son was getting into, and being the honest, hardworking people that they were, disowned him.

    • Kaz left his hometown to team up with guild members from another city. Unfortunately, they botched up a robbery and Kaz was beaten by the city guard and left for dead. He was found by the owner of a certain tavern and was given a place to stay. To show his gratitude Kaz spent three months working for the man before a bout of wanderlust struck him. After three months of hard work, Kaz convinced a certain ex-pirate (Yvette) to travel with him so they could see the world.

    Do they know magic: Nope, but Kaz thinks magic is quite beautiful.

    Weapons: Two trusty daggers he calls Righty and Lefty.


    • Picking locks / Knocking people out from behind / Sweet talking his way out of trouble: Despite his tall stature, the Thieve's Guild has taught Kaz more than a thing or two about robbing people and incapacitating them from the shadows. He's quite good at opening doors, ambushing people, and talking his way out of situations should he get caught.

    • Hitting People: Growing up on the streets and mingling with shady crowds means Kaz knows how to handle himself in a fight. However, he learned everything from fellow thieves, so his fighting style is more downright brawling than anything else. It helps that he's pretty good at swinging a knife around

  • Z6gOQwj.png

    "The fates truly have a way for mucking up one's day."
    34 | Yvette Trovensorre | 5' 9", 149 lbs. (67 kg)
    Personality: "Next time you get fresh with me, I'll introduce those magic orbs of yours to my friend; she's called a boot to head."
    • If one were to ask the local drunks and tavern goers what kind of woman Yvette is, they'd most likely say she's a stick-in-the-mud wench who really ought to learn her place and her mouth shut, these persons are most likely people she sent flat on their asses outside on the pavement of the tavern. She's a woman who takes her job seriously and won't take kindly to foolhardy men and/or women stirring up chaos and disorder at the inn she works at, if you want a bar fight, you better take your business outside before she sends your ass on the cold, hard ground. And you best keep your hands on your plate, and not on her skin unless you want a one-way trip to the Land of No Sunrise. Despite her fragile appearance, Yvette has been known to kick out men and women that are warriors and adventurers in their own right.​
    • Despite her hardworking and strict demeanor, Yvette yearns to be free from the shackles that bind her, she wishes nothing more than to feel the warm sunrise touching her skin and breathing in the fresh breeze instead of the belches of the people she has slowly grown to loathe over time. Off duty, Yvette becomes a tad more lax around people that have warmed up to her, showing a sisterly attitude to her colleagues. There are times when a forlorn mood hits the wench and when she has that thousand-yard stare off in the distance, you know something has been troubling her, you can offer to talk to her about it and even comfort her but she'll refuse to open up to you.​
    Brief Bio: "Nothing special about a wench down on her luck. You'd get better stories from the drunks that lurk around here."
    • The raven-haired woman stares forlornly at the port in the village she has dubbed as her temporary home, her eyes transfixed on the vast, glimmering ocean that stretches out in the distance, under her breath she murmurs "Please..." as she can already feel tears forming in the corner of her eyes. Holding back the tears, she clutches her necklace and her thoughts flash back to happier days...
    "Do...Do you like it?"
    • A brown-haired strapping man asked her, wearing the necklace around her and their eyes lock on each other as they feel themselves getting redder with each passing second. She chuckled and wrapped her arms around her lover, telling him gleefully that she loves the gift he had given her. The man beams a smile at her and returns her affection, giving the woman a light peck on the cheek, she giggles like a young girl as they share a tender and amorous moment in their cabin on the ship. He was a Gunner and she was being taught by him to defend herself in both a firearm and a sword, she sighed in relief, moments like these were bits and pieces of paradise they had shared when they weren't sailing for months from port to port to deal with business under the Captain's orders. It got monotonous at times, and there was always danger afoot out in sea. Creatures and other ships seeking glory and fame themselves were the most usual dangers, with the weather being their biggest enemies for the most part.
    • The sounds of roaring thunder and crashing ocean waves shook Yvette from her slumber, she rubbed her weary eyes and searched for her lover but he did not turn up. Slipping into more appropriate attire, the wench made her way to the main deck of the ship as heavy rain assaulted the crew, the Captain was shouting orders but he was barely audible with most of it being obscured by the strikes of thunder that kept on echoing. Not wasting any time however, Yvette tried her best to assist the men around the ship, trying their hardest to keep the ship from crashing and hoped it was sturdy enough to withstand the harsh weather conditions. But soon enough, bits and pieces of wood were being blown apart by the storm and hope looked bleak. Just as fate would have it, a bolt of lightning had struck the ship, and the crew had dispersed, the ship sinking slowly. Yvette cried out for her lover who was already miles away from her due to the harsh waves, she held her breath, clinging to a wooden crate for support as they drifted farther and farther apart. Not long thereafter, she had blacked out, the last thing in her vision was a faint glimpse of her lover as well as the few remains of what she had once called home and family.
    • The fates truly worked in mysterious ways for the woman, she had washed up ashore a small and quaint village who were, thankfully, kind enough to restore her back to health. The townsfolk even mistaking her for a mermaid or a siren, she was lost, she was afraid, she was alone...Thinking the worst for her lover, all she has to remember him by was the necklace she continues to treasure. To make ends meet, she began to work as a tavern wench and her luck has not been getting any better. One day, she hopes to meet her lover again, holding on to faint hope that maybe...Just maybe he's alive and they could just share a tender moment together like they used to, under his warmth. Currently, she's thinking of dropping the trays and broom in exchange for her pistol and rapier again...A certain silver-tongued coworker of hers had managed to sweet talk her into getting back into the action, the thought of it excites her as a devilish grin forms on her lips.
    Do they know magic: No

    Skills/Powers: "A sharp sword is no substitute for a sharper tongue."
    • Far from being a master in both of the weapons she wields, Yvette is nonetheless trained in the ways of a sword and a gun. Her lover would often spend time training with her, teaching her the ways of sword. She tends to employ a more defensive and graceful fighting style with her rapier, using deft counterattacks and waiting for the right moment to thrust and slash at her enemies. Her pistol meanwhile is mostly incorporated in combination attacks where she combines both her swordplay with her gun prowess. Her stamina however, leaves much to be desired, and her defense tends to be quite fragile. She relies on speed and footwork to outmatch her enemies rather than brute force.
    • Her greatest asset can be attributed to her skills in persuasion and seduction. Whether it's flattering them with peppered words or giving them a come-hither stare and a seductive wink, Yvette tends to know what makes a man tick and spill the beans. Of course when that doesn't work, showing a few skin might help. Not a single touch though, lest he wants his dragon to get slayed on the spot.

  • spCR303.png

    Name: Ivara of the Derlacka (the name of her old tribe, which literally translates as 'Relentless Chargers')

    Age: 21

    Height and Weight: 6'5" 189 lbs


    Ivara is, despite her intimidating size and linage, a surprisingly lax individual. That isn't to say she is without drive or focus, but she lacks a great deal of the ferociousness and stoicism that her Amazonian family tree would normally have suggested. Where there would be an unquenchable thirst for blood and conquest, instead sits a drive to live a more quiet life, and the passion for leaning the art of war has been replaced with the passion to master the art of cooking the perfect meal.

    She is upfront with her thoughts and feelings, and is happy to idle away hours if it means spending time with her comrades. She can become boisterous and excitable if a subject captures her attention, and she is always eager to learn. These points can become problematic; her lack of tact and social graces means that she is likely to say the wrong thing at the wrong time, and her eagerness is not always an easy thing to deal with.

    Despite her continued habit of honing her body through rigorous training, Ivara much prefers to avoid conflict at any possible turn. In truth, Ivara holds a great fear for her life every time she has to enter combat, despite her relative proficiency for it. It needs to be reinstated, however, that she is NOT a pacifist. One can almost see a little bit of the berserker blood in her reawaken when she's locked in battle, though it is not something she is proud of.

    While a mostly an individual that is enthusiastic about life and moving forward, a very small part of Ivara is somewhat conflicted about her choices. She regrets having to leave her tribe behind, and the cautious reception she has been on the receiving end of makes her question if this strange land of both women andmen will ever be truly a home to her. When one doesn't feel welcome in either the land they left behind or the one they find themselves in, where can they truly turn?

    Brief Biography:

    Ivara was born from a matron of the fierce Derlacka, a tribe of Amazons of minor renown, known mostly for their unstoppable berserkers. Right from the moment she was born, Ivara was a point of concern for the tribe: she was a twin, and her counterpart was a male babe. Twin females were considered a good omen in the tribe, and the girls would be encouraged to become a strong duo of fighters as they grew, but a girl born with a male brother was considered an ill omen to be watched with a great deal of care.*

    Ivara did nothing to discourage this scepticism as she grew, as she was small and sickly as a child. Due to her weak constitution, she was often left behind when the other girls of the tribe left to train, much to the girl's shame. While initially discouraged, the young Ivara would find a friend in an aging elder of the tribe, and the old woman would help the girl fill her time with more mundane activities around the tribe's camp. In particular, Ivara gained quite the taste for cooking, and became quite the little chef as she grew up.

    Eventually her body would strengthen, and she could commit to becoming as strong as her tribe-sisters, quickly catching up to them in sheer strength and skill in battle. Ivara's mother, a matron and one of the tribe's leading figures, thought that just maybe the girl's troubles were finally behind her.

    Unfortunately, it was discovered that Ivara lacked her sisters' taste for battle. The girl was a formidable fighter, certainly, but she did not take to it as the other girls did. She showed signs of hesitation and, even at her fiercest, her rage and battle lust paled compared to the others in the tribe.

    The Derlacka would suffer no weakness in their ranks: one of the key points to their survival was that, despite their small number, every single Amazon would pull twice her weight, and the group as a whole would benefit from her presence. Ivara was quickly becoming known as a burden, and rumours began to circulate that her male twin had weakened her spirit from the moment of her birth. Ivara's mother had given her an ultimatum; either the girl would awaken her berserker blood and be welcomed into the tribe proper, or the girl would be sent away.

    Ivara had tried. She had tried every single thing she could, and pushed herself to brink of expiring, but nothing had worked. She couldn't even fake being as battle thirsty as the other members of her tribe, and had ultimately failed her mother's test.

    Shortly after, Ivara found herself standing at the edge of the Derlacka's camp, her meagre possessions on her back. Her mother, without any hint of emotion, had pointed off in the direction to the nearest non-Amazon town, telling Ivara that her "weakness might be more welcome there." Ivara had taken one last look at the simple tents that had made her entire world, and the scowling faces of the women who had been the only family she had ever known – and walked away. She had marched without looking back, and missed the way that her mother's face, for the first time in years, had soured with sorrow and regret.

    For the last half of a year, Ivara has wandered from place to place, making the best of her exile by trying to learn all she could about this strange world she had been banished to. While she is A LOT better than she was when she had first been starting out (it turns out that lords and land owners don't exactly appreciate having their livestock being skewered by javelins), she is still very much learning the ways of this somewhat more civilised world. Despite everything, Ivara thinks that living in a place that might appreciate her non-combat skills could be a nice prospect, even if it is taking a while seeing so many slight and slender females around.

    *Note: usually, the Derklacka simply dump off male babies in the nearest non-Amazon settlement. They aren't particularly careful about the process, often just leaving the child near the town or village entrance dressed in only a few rags. This mainly stems from the fact that, despite not wanting to taint the tribe with the presence of any males, the Derklacka maintain a creed that lives (even male ones) hold some kind of basic value that can't be ignored. Therefore, the child is given a chance at survival, even if they're not overly concerned if they succeed.

    Males born with female twins, however, are slightly different. Due to the fear that the child will bring ill-tidings, males of such a birth are sent away with exiles of the tribe, in the hopes that a fair amount of distance shall be placed between the tribe and child. Exiles themselves often leave these burdens to perish in the wilderness, though occasionally they will decide to raise the male children, feeling a kinship with the rejected child. Ivara does not know of the fate of her brother, and doubts that she will ever find out what happened to him.

    Do they know magic: Only the magic of punching things really, really hard. That being said, she does know of several traditional Amazonian rituals that are said to bring good fortunate in battle, but it's most just superstitious habits.


    • Her primary 'weapons,' for a lack of a better word, are the set of reinforced iron gauntlets, which notably have a design to assist in punching and striking. While not as straight up deadly as conventional weapons, Ivara's sheer strength means that punching the living daylights out of something is often all see needs to do. In addition, she's been trained in various grabs, holds and tackles, meaning that she has a few options in close quarters.
    • She also has a set of javelins, which she brings with her on any potentially dangerous excursion. While fairly deadly and accurate, they do have the draw of back of needing to be retrieved after thrown, and can potentially break.

    • Close quarters combat: While she was forced to leave the tribe, her old family had done a great job of teaching Ivara how to defend herself in melee combat. Ivara knows how to use (and how to disarm her opponents of) a variety weapons, though the use of her fists alone is where she excels the most.
    • Great strength: Ivara's body has been honed to the nth degree, and thusly she can achieve some impressive feats of strength, and especially if the dormant berserker blood in her body begins to awaken from extended combat. Likewise, her general stamina and toughness is fairly considerable.
    • Scavenging/emergency meal: In addition to being a fine cook overall, Ivara's hunting and scavenging skill means that it's rare for her to be wanting for rations. She makes a surprisingly tasty rat skewer.

  • zGZIUaC.png

    Name: Silas "Sil" Corby
    Age: 20
    Height and Weight: 159 cm (about 5'2"), 52 kg (about 115 pounds)


    In a sentence: Silas is so clever he is stupid.

    He may seem simple due to his love of laughter and penchant for reckless behavior, but he has a sharp mind and an intuitive knowledge of how things work. Many brush him off because of his childish, curious nature, and they regret it. This silly little man has more than a few nasty tricks up his sleeve, including, but not restricted to: Trip-wire traps that cover you in paint, Oils to make you slip on perfectly stable ground, powders to make you smell like a skunk ( or roses, for the gruff gentlemen) and liquids to make you pass gas for hours, should it be slipped into your mead- and those are the nice ones he uses on friends.

    For all of his craftiness, Silas is not always the most observant. He frequently gets caught up in the moment, or wrapped up in the discovery of some shiny new object. This does not mean, however, that he cannot wrest his attention span under control long enough to have a serious discussion or battle.

    Brief Biography:

    About twenty years ago, a handsome, rugged blacksmith was wandering through the marketplace when the sweet sounds of a lute reached his ears. Following the melodic plucking, he found himself staring at the most perfect woman he had ever seen- a Romani dressed in bright patterns, perched on the edge of the communal well. Intricate tattoos graced her hands, trailing geometric patterns up her forearms. It was love at first sight. Gentle words were exchanged in low voices, all but drowned out by the dulcet tones of the lute. That night, the blacksmith laid the gypsy woman on his bed... Oh, but you wanted Silas's story.

    From this probably far less romantic meeting, Silas was conceived. His mother stuck around for a few years, but a town is no place for a transient Romani. Thus, Sil was left with his father, who raised him to be a blacksmith as well. This was all fine and dandy until Silas was about eleven, when he started to make some friends who were not so upstanding. Being the naive boy he was, Sil was easily duped into committing petty crimes with the young band of ruffians. Being small and light on his feet, he was perfect for slipping through windows. His nimble fingers were quick to train as well, and he soon was adept at lock-picking. He thought is was all great fun, despite knowing he was breaking he law.

    One evening, Silas's "friends" were targeting the workshop of a local alchemist, one who concocted tinctures and oils for the ails of the little folk. After deftly popping the hinge on the window, he slipped inside. The goal was to get in, get out and split the goods (oil of slipperiness, good for pranks)- simple. Except, when he righted himself, he found two aged brown eyes staring at him.

    That is how he met is good friend Herbert. Herbert was patient, kind, and had a good sense of humor. Knowing full well the intended uses for the oil, The old alchemist gave Sil a bottle of it, as well as a jar of technicolor powder. That was enough to pique the teen's interest in the art of manipulating magic substances. While this interest did not stop Silas from continuing to steal for a year or two, it did make the process a lot more fun.

    Now an adult, Silas has four years of alchemical training under his belt, plenty of practice with contraptions and locks, as well as some weapons training and smithing skills. Nearly a year ago, he set out from home, much to his father's chagrin, to become an adventurer. Surely someone has use of his varied skills.

    Do they know magic:

    Not technically. He is quite fond of playing with magical substances, but cannot cast any magic missiles (not that he doesn't want to, of course. Pew pew).


    He typically dual-wields a short sword and dagger, but is very adept at using a sling, which is one of his preferred methods of doling out potions and powders. Speaking of, he keeps everything from liquid fog, to poisons, to garlic powder in various vials, packets and (his patented) clay baubles. His talent with a blade is limited, and as such, he would much prefer to pelt his opponents with a concoction or toss down a smokescreen and make a hasty exit. It should be noted, however, that his dagger is a custom weapon. While it looks fairly plain, it actually has a hollow in the hilt, and a small channel that allows liquids to flow down the blade. This makes it overall a weaker weapon, but with the right tincture, one swift strike is all you need.


    Thieving skills- Silas is adept at finding ways into places. He can pick most locks, fiddle with hinges and is small enough to slip through narrow gaps. He also has a good eye for traps, and can disarm most any common style. Along with this, he has a fondness of creating his own traps. It should be noted, however, that while he has these skills, he rarely uses them now, as he has not needed to rely on them for some time.

    Alchemy- Silas has a travel chest filled with bottles, jars and parcels full of varied mundane and magical powders and liquids, as well as the tools needed to mix them. He keeps a few of his favoured concoctions on his belt, and can easily mix both healing and harming tinctures, provided he has a stable working surface and access to a flame.

    Starting concoctions: Night, night!, Bless you, Neurotoxin poison, Oil of slipperiness, Liquid Smoke, Just a flesh wound, If you can't stand the heat..., Oops, Alchemic Acid and Glow Powder.

    Combat- Silas prefers to use his trusty leather sling to deliver annoying and harmful blows to foes (ha. rhyming). For liquids, he crafts wooden shells lined with wax. When they strike a solid object, they burst along a center split, splattering the contents on anything near. For powders, he makes casings out of fine clay and ash, which shatter upon impact. These can be particularly devastating, as many of the powders agitate the lungs and eyes, effectively disabling an opponent. Of course, he also has his dagger, which uses liquid-filled wax cartridges to deliver poisons with the push of a button.

    Physical capabilities- Though he lacks physical strength, Sil is quite agile and acrobatic. He is good at tumbling, jumping and climbing, and has a strong sense of balance for when a task requires steady footing. Much of these skills are due to the man's inability to simply sit still.

  • 4fEvULZ.png

    "My Crusade is very powerful, we are the best warriors ever seen to this la-....where is my shield comrade, and where is my helmet?"
    Crusader Nikolai / 34 years of age / 6'8 in height and 255lbs of mostly muscle

    Personality: "I treat my friends, as a I treat my taste for alcohol. I choose wisely, but once chosen, I hold onto them until the end. I also tend to say things I don't intend to around them."

    • A very proud Crusader, belonging to an ancient, but dying order of Paladins. He is generally very aloof at times, losing small thing ranging from a few coins to something as large as his armor. Granted he's very creative, so his gear is only assistance to him. He loves his best friends, his adventuring party is his family, and he takes care of each of them. He'd sooner get stabbed in the chest to save his friend's life, than watch them be cut down (granted he can treat his own wounds with divine magic, so he doesn't seem to mind getting cut).

    • His other personality that he displays in public more silent, and reserved. He doesn't known how to react in social situations, and is actually afraid of taverns, and large gatherings with more than his adventuring group. He is highly introverted in these situations, usually finding quiet corners to read in, or avoid people. Though he can show bravery, ending bar fights in one heavy swing to protect someone, or barging in to kill a demon in disguise.

    Brief Biography: "I believe I have been a crusader all my life...what do you mean you don't spend your whole life training? You are an odd bunch, those were my best years!"

    • At birth, Nikolai was handed over to the Crusade. His family couldn't support him, and at the time the Crusade was a very powerful organization. They stood at over five thousand strong, with agents all across the world fighting against evil, tyranny, oppression, and anything else distasteful and against the idea of good. The boy never met his parents, and likely never would as they died during a raid a few months later, from a large group of undead under the command of a necromancer.

    • At the age of five years, Nikolai was taken into training. His 'best' years began with weapons, and shields. physical training, beatings, and learning how to be tough as nails. Granted the tough as nails stuck, the beatings to be more disciplined and organized never did. Perhaps his skull was just too hard for those to register?

    • Ten years had past, Nikolai just a year away from becoming a boy of sixteen, old enough to be sent out as an assistant to a higher ranking Crusader. The boy had shown great promise with holy magic, and in combat skills, so he was assigned to a paladin instead of a cleric. Taught to hone his combat skills, to mingle with skill with holy magic.

    • By 23, Nikolai was now alone, a Crusader that didn't have to accompany someone by force, unless it was a group mission. He traveled from town to town, spreading the word of his cause, fighting off evil that threatened towns, and further honing his own skills

    • At the age of 25 Nikolai began to watch as Crusade began to wane in power. They weren't needed in the world as much anymore. Many of the old had left to take care of their families, many of the young left in fear of losing a shot at glory, or at dying for a cause that was failing. The Crusade itself wasn't in great shape by the end of the year, their height of 5000 members, now brought down to 1000. They weren't even receiving new recruits, young or old.

    • Now at the age of 34, Nikolai still serves his order, they are small, and more spread out than ever. They still following a firm hierarchy, and they still occasionally call large meetings to discuss changes. Though most news travels by courier, or bird. It's a sad tale really, but Nikolai still attempts to bring in new recruits, proudly promoting his crusade without fail. Often reciting Holy Texts to his comrades, to bring inspiration in some of the great stories, give warnings, and further show the power of his group.

    Do they know magic:

    • Yes, the Paladin knows Divine magic quite well. He can use a limited reserve of it to cast spells throughout the day. His spells mentally wear down on him, until he can no longer use his strong mind to cast.

    • Spells he was taught by his order include Light, Blessing of Protection, Aura of the Crusader, Seal of Power, and Judgement.

    • A short breakdown of each spell. Light is a spell that usually casts bright light like a lantern within 30ft, however he uses his shield as a casting point usually, the spell reacts in response by creating a bright cone of light, capable of blinding foes briefly. The spell can last up to an hour or until dismissed, it is usually dismissed to avoid blinding friendly fighters.

    • Blessing of Protection, this is a blessing that may be applied to himself or another. For nearly a minute, the skin, and gear the person wears becomes more resistant to damage, not immune of course, but it helps to keep some fighting in desperate moments.

    • Aura of the Crusader, this is a small aura, that provides benefits to people with a few feet of himself, and of course Nikolai! This spell drains all of the spell power the Crusader has for the day currently, however for 8 hours those who stand within 10ft of the Crusader, gain increased speed, able to run a hint faster, react a bit quicker, dodge swings more often, etc. It's very much a last ditch effort ability, as it also can bring on quicker fatigue from combat.

    • Seal of Power, this spell grants the wielder with a brief boost in the ability of his chosen weapon to damage foes. It allows the weapon to strike with an essence of holy might, denting armor a bit easier, breaking bones a hit faster, etc. This lasts for 15 seconds.

    • Judgement, this must be cast along with a seal, so within 15 seconds of the seal being activated, the paladin must use a judgement. A judgement varies from to seal to seal. But for Seal of Power, it causes a burst of light, shaped like a hammer to hit the enemy, striking with the force of the average weapon swing.

    • The Paladin isn't a fan of Arcane magic, he doesn't trust it. Since he believes most Necromancers use it to create their undead monsters.

    • A large one-handed mace
    • A plain shield, that bears the Crest of his Crusade, though he does like to make it glow bright in combat for brief flashes (Think Medieval Flashbang Tactics).
    • A pair of daggers strapped to his shoulder pads for throwing, or for more desperate fights when disarmed.
    • His bare hands, Nikolai is very skilled in them, but they are a last resort. Though he won't back down from a brawl ever.

    • Defensive Fighting is Nikolai's best skill. He loves to wear his foes down, rendering their strikes pointless to him. He wears plate armor, and uses a shield. He tries to taunt his foes, and get them to the point of making mistakes. Once they slip up, he goes in for the kill, swing too wide, and leave yourself open? Expect a rib crushing strike to your ribs. Trying to raise your sword overhead, expect him to side step, and bury his mace into your spine. His entire style is to hold back, and rarely strike back, until presented the chance.

    • Mixing his holy magic, while not especially powerful into his combat is also his favorite thing. Bright lights to blind his foes, powerful seals to make his few strikes more deadly are his favorite, and if the time calls for it, the Aura of the Crusader to try and win against impossible odds.

    • Drinking insanely well. His massive size, tends to attribute him as quite a drinker. Along with being far from the north, it seems that his blood could be more liquor, than red essence, and he would still stand happily. Though his drinking in public, tends to get him into trouble, whether through saying some things to offend, or getting him into bar brawls.

    • Nikolai is also very skilled in losing things, holding back his party, as he rummages around to find his cloak, or his mace. It's a bad habit, and one that won't be broken anytime soon most likely.

  • YXKutS7.png

    "Wildling? Savage? Ribibi is Ribibi."
    22 Years Old ❄ 5'4 ❄ 134 lbs

    Ribibi is simple and naïve, someone lacking the social aptitude necessary to become a well-adjusted member in any sort of society, and that, combined with her inability to care about what others view as shameful or dishonorable or perverse or 'wrong', has led to various mishaps during her early years amongst 'civilized' beings. When she's hungry, she eats, and it turns out that people are averse to a human snatching pigeons from the side of a fountain in order to eat. When she's bored, she'll leave, sometimes in the middle of some important person's speech. And, of course, when something grabs her attention, the onslaught of questions she has for any 'smart' person nearby would be bordering excessive and repetitive.

    Her heart is worn on an open sleeve, an open-minded, air-headed young woman who perhaps suffers from the problem of being too 'free'. If there's something that needs to be done, Ribibi will be the first to make an attempt, always willing to pick up the slack even if there wasn't any slack to begin with. She doesn't mind being used by her companions, nor does she turn her nose up at unsavory tasks. To her, it's simply natural that everyone helps everyone do everything. Whether it be hunting down a rampaging man-eater, cleaning out an ancient tomb, or escorting a fat man's food, Ribibi's always willing to pull her own weight and then some.

    After all, it's lonely, not being able to share experiences with others.


    Ribibi wasn't given a name until she was five years old, after she caught a cute little frog between her chubby fingers and ate it. It tasted slimy, and it squirmed a bit in her throat and she almost gagged and her parents scolded her for not giving it a quick death before eating it, but they hugged her regardless. She earned her name, her right to be seen as something more than a parasite, and to them, that was really all that mattered.

    The Pack of the Mountain, a tribal community 500 strong, rested on a mountain, unsurprisingly. Though food was often scarce, tradition kept the savages on that lonely mountain, for they would loath to abandon the generations behind them. The suffering made them strong, tested and strengthened their bonds, and within that environment, Ribibi quickly became accustomed to taking on tasks too difficult for her to do. Not in order to challenge herself, but to prove that she was willing to do everything for the Pack, provided that the Pack would do everything for her. At ten, she trailed behind the adults as they stalked the rocky landscape for mountain goats. At fifteen, she wrapped herself in thick furs, joining others as they searched for hibernating bears to kill. At seventeen, she sought the ancestor-keeper, desiring the magical branding that would allow someone like herself to help see the Pack through another winter season.

    And, at nineteen, when she finally mastered the usage of her brands, Ribibi realized that she wanted more. Not more powers, not more food, but simply…more. She didn't care for the generations of previous packmates that she was going to leave behind, nor did she really care for her parents, who have given birth to three siblings that she had no close relationships to. Within nineteen years, she became accustomed to the mountain, and now, she sought more.

    Something that could simulate her, that could exhilarate her as much as her first true hunt, her first bearskin cloak, her first experience with ice.

    Ribibi wanted more firsts, and she wanted companions to share those firsts with.

    Following the smell of mischief and misadventure, she left her mountain for the world, leaving no regrets or memories behind.

    Arcane Brands:

    Tattoos lace her arms and her forehead, a runic magic that allows even the uneducated to cast magic as long as they are able to run mana through these tattoos. With these brands, Ribibi can modify parts of her body to be that of a beast. Her nails can become claws, easily rending flesh and wood. Her teeth can become fangs, grasping and locking onto things with a vice-like grip. Her senses can sharpen, her perception and reaction speed increasing dramatically. With all three brands activated, Ribibi can become wholly beast-like, an existence harkening back to the days where men were animals.

    But with only three brands and the inability to truly improve upon any of them, that's as far as Ribibi can go.

    Weapons and Skills:

    Ribibi's body is her weapon. There is no way to truly disarm her, but there's also no way for her to gnaw through steel plates. Good thing steel doesn't taste good.

    Who needs bows and arrows when you can just stealthily approach a deer, pounce, tear out its hamstrings, and then retreat to a safe distance until it bleeds out? Whether it be actual hunting or 'hunting', Ribibi's highly opportunistic, preferring to avoid encounters until she can land a game-changing blow. In combat with humans, that would mean spending all her time dodging their attacks until they got sloppy and exposed a weakness or something...which really makes certain people angry for some strange reason she can't understand. Of course, if they don't attack and she won't attack, a fight really just becomes a staring contest.

    Acrobatic Athletism
    Climbing, running, tumbling, as a person who has exclusively spent her life outdoors, Ribibi has a fine sense of balance and a build optimized towards both horizontal and vertical movement, whether it be scaling trees, running down a rocky slope, or striding on top of a thin wall. For her, there's nothing to be afraid of. After all, falling? Tripping? Losing her balance? That's what toddler-Ribibi did, not semi-old-Ribibi.

    Vocal Mimicry
    Caw caw. Woof woof. Ribbit ribbit. Ribibi has a particularly interesting talent. She can mimic most animal noises fairly well, and can even throw her voice around. Can't do the same for human voices, but bird song sounds better than mouth farts anyways.

    Oh, a grimoire written in an ancient tongue that corrupted the minds of those that read it? Good thing Ribibi can't read! Oh, the evil royal guards are looking for written evidence of the adventurer's plans to overthrow the tyrant king? Good thing Ribibi can't read, so she didn't write it down! Oh, the Emperor decided to purge all scholars and teachers and literate individuals so he can brainwash the unwashed masses who don't know any better? Good thing Ribibi can't read, so she won't get purged!​

  • fCclKZF.png

    Ophelia Kinnon | | Ryleigh Kinnon
    28 years | | 36 years
    5'7", 152 lbs. [69 kg] | | 6'1", 179 [81 kg]​


    The Kinnons are commonly described as a pair of assholes, but somewhere deep down they're not such bad people. Deep, deep down. The two routinely pick fights, spew vulgarities and tease and insult even the people they're closest to. It is often difficult to tell if those insults are in jest, but let's give them the benefit of the doubt. Giving your pals a hard time is a pretty normal thing to do, after all. This sibling duo can be hard to deal with at times, but by the end of the day they are decent people who'll help out their companions with whatever they can and tend not to turn a blind eye to injustice when they have nothing better to do.

    While neither of the siblings can be considered polite, Ophelia at least understands the meaning of volume control while her brother yells and laughs as loudly as he'd like. On the other hand, Ryleigh is quick to pay for damages he causes, whereas his little sister will just scamper off and pretend she's not responsible for or even aware of those broken stools and mugs. Though the pair swear they're nothing alike, their personalities don't actually differ too much. In the odd moment of weakness, their attitudes change vastly and insecurities are revealed. It's refreshing to see, but terribly rare.

    Brief Biography:

    Ryleigh and Ophelia come from a family of moderate means who made their home in a very normal, uninteresting village. While they weren't particularly mean spirited, they were always rowdy children who played a bit roughly. The Kinnons, along with a small group of friends between their own ages, would often imagine themselves to be heroes undertaking quests to slay beasts and bandits. By the age of sixteen, Ryleigh thought himself adequately prepared for the real thing and was eager to get out into the world, but delayed his departure for a few years in order to take his sister along with him after some pleading on her part. It felt like an eternity, but he used the few years of waiting to practice with a bow and teach himself to cook simple meals.

    Some brief time later, one of Ophelia's friends caught her manifesting flame. The fearful boy brought this to her parents' attention and she soon found herself ostracized by her former friends. Mere days later, the decision to send Ophelia away was made. She was hurt and Ryleigh was angry, but leaving home had been their plan for a while anyway, so it worked out quite nicely even if it was a little early. Throughout their travels the Kinnon siblings have developed their skills in the field and their unfortunate personalities in various taverns.

    Do they know magic: Ophelia does. Ryleigh does not, unless you count the rare shot that finds its target despite stupidly long distances or unfavorable weather conditions.
    • Ophelia is able to generate magical flames to some extent, with which she coats the weapons of her allies as well as her own arms from time to time. Her self immolation is entirely intentional, and she's totally just pranking you when she panics. The enchanting process is completely safe. Trust me.
    • Ryleigh expects that Ophelia may be capable of other similar magicks, but she has no idea of how to manifest them if that is the case.

    Weapons: Ophelia carries with her a shortsword of standard make, seldom employed in combat but rather meant to serve as a prop to solidify her guise of a warrior and divert unwanted attention from herself when confronted by strangers who've heard of her magery. Ryleigh makes use of a sturdy longbow and a dagger, both of simple design and padded with reddish-brown leather grips.

    • Both of the Kinnon siblings have been scrapping for near as long as they've been walking. They fight primarily amongst themselves, but also with.. Well, pretty much anyone who'd give them a reason. Or happened to be around when they're drunk. Or in a bad mood. Or bored. In any case, neither of them can boast any serious talent in the pugilistic arts, but they can certainly hold their own in a bar-fight. Their brawling styles, while similar in their poor form, differ in that Ophelia tends to employ swift strikes to the most vital areas she knows of while Ryleigh favors simply throwing the hardest punches he can muster.

    • The Kinnon siblings learned early on as adventurers that the high ground is unarguably beneficial to an archer and his spotter. In pursuit of that advantage, they've fallen from a multitude of tree branches and walls. By now they've become proficient and relatively quick climbers. All the broken bones and concussions were completely worth it.

    • Though not quite a master of the bow, Ryleigh isn't half bad at nailing guys from a distance. He's likely not much better than the next guy to call himself an archer, but he knows what he's doing with his weapon of choice. Oddly enough, Ryleigh seems able to pull off more difficult shots while inebriated, but is generally more interested in punching people and bullshitting with his pals when in such a state.

    • Ophelia is often able to deceive people with ease. She's not clever or sly, not cute or charming. She's the most obvious liar you'll ever meet, and yet somehow not everyone sees through her poor facades. This phenomenon has baffled Ryleigh for ages, but he can't deny the usefulness of such a talent.

  • SlI4bhF.png

    "I've yet to meet the person who can withstand the elements. They were here before us, and they will be here after us. Luckily for me they are an ally. Unfortunate for you."

    Didara Miskan
    32 | 6' 1" | 210 lbs.

    "I don't mean to be a thorn in your side. I'm just here to make sure you aren't the stick in the mud."
    • The resident jokester at his magic circle he practices at and loves to make his fellow mages very agitated since it brings him so much joy. Loving the attention he gets from it, he is constantly trying to make other people laugh and enjoy the same kind of fun loving lifestyle he does. Alternately he is a little bit of a loudmouth and likes to see how the room reacts when he is the center of attention. His actions more often than not make him as such anyway, but when his giddy laughter and childish noises fill the room it just makes it that much harder to ignore the little blighter.

    • Magic entrances his mind and he is absolutely addicted to learning about whatever versions there are to learn in the world. While his expertise is not vast in the styles of magic he still tends to give his hand at attempting them, making him quite the experimenter. Open to trying anything at least once, he is not one to turn down an invite or an adventure if it means something new could be on the horizon. Especially if that something new would be magic or even treasure which he could use to buy more magic tomes and scrolls.

    Brief Biography:

    "If you were surrounded by a bunch of books telling you how awesome magic can be, you'd be excited for it too I'd like to think."
    • Didara was raised among mages in a small magic circle outside of a mining town that used the mages as helpers in moving rocks and providing fires for the lamps during the excavation of coal and metals. Didara himself never participated much as a young man due to his seemingly endless amounts of screw ups as he used his magic more so as a way to just have fun rather than assist in the overall process of assisting the miners. While he was chastised for this in his circle, he saw it as harmless fun as a young man and simply went on about his training to try and learn more about how to conjure up the elements around him as not only a fun past time but a way to help in his pranking ways.

    • By the time he was a young teenager he was still up to his mischievous ways. His favorite little prank was shaping a collection of rocks to the shape of a golem to scare off miners going to their tunnel. While most people would have kicked Didara out, he made up for his pranks by helping around the village more often than he harmed it always making up for making someone the butt of his jokes. He never seemed to be too deep in the red when it came to the village's bad graces as he always moved heavy rocks when he was called upon.

    • At the age of 28 he decided it was time to move on from his village and the circle that raised him in order to broaden his horizons in the world of magic. Already mastering many of the elemental magics that his circle could teach, he knew that his knowledge of further magics would have to be satiated by venturing out into the world. As a traveling mage he became quite a character in the outskirts of the world as the "Prankster in the Crown", the crown being a common headpiece worn by members of his circle back home. His reputation would sometimes hurt his chances of scoring a room in the local tavern, but he was fine with making a home out in the wilds with a few well placed stones and grass. When he was accepted, he made sure to leave an impression for better or for worse. In some spots, he has been given a free cot and meal. Other places, there is a small reward of gold on his head for at least a day's worth of jail time. Naturally he keeps a list of which places do which.

    Do they know magic: Yes.
    • As stated prior, Didara is an elemental mage by trade. His focus is of earth magic, which he can use to throw and shape the earth around him into whatever he needs to solve his problems. Typically this includes shaping stone into a wall or a makeshift shield, as well as smoothing it out to make it easier to scale. If he needs to reach a higher or lower part of the land, he can raise and lower small sections of earth to do just that. In combat, he can send rocks flying at his enemy from the sizes of small pebbles just to create a diversion or chest sized boulders to knock someone back. He doesn't do well moving rocks bigger than he is so he is limited in that regard. In desperate times, he can run away and lead his enemies into pit falls he creates with the help of his magic.

    • A golden staff. The staff is mostly used to help focus his magics but it can also be used as a blunt object and the golden mass at the top can pack quite a punch if swung with enough force. Didara however, is not quite physically strong enough to kill a man or creature doing this, so it is typically just used to allow him to create space before using his magic to defeat those who are coming at him.

    • Dead Language Reader: While reading many a different text during his journey, Didara learned how to read many old and dated languages that are around the world. While most would consider this information to be unnecessary he has found it to be quite useful in avoiding old and often unexplored areas of the world that would pose a problem to him by himself. This has sometimes even helped solve mysteries to those he has met on his journeys including the meaning behind a necklace and old tombs. Some of these even led to more magics, which he has documented in his collection he keeps in a satchel on his right hip.

    • Cheater's wit: Being a traveling mage, Didara has had a difficult amount of time being able to earn enough money to eat and sleep in towns and villages. Because of this he has learned to be quite a devilish gambler and even, though he would deny it through and through, a cheater. In games of dice he has a loaded pair he always keeps on hand as well as a non-loaded so that he doesn't get caught immediately by those he is playing with. His sleight of hand has also been greatly practiced as he can always reach into his sleeve for a helpful king or queen when his hand needs a pick-me-up.
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  • Love
Reactions: Aero Blue
♠ Relationship Sheets ♠

  • Kaz: "That's cute and all, but why don't you show the world you're more than a pretty face?"
    - Yvette sees Kaz as a younger brother. An extremely annoying and bratty younger brother she would've been glad to get rid of. The little shit can't even wait tables properly thanks to some farmhouse girl getting googly eyes on him, which usually results in a smack to the head. But for all the trouble he's caused, she still regards him as a very important person and will gladly protect him and fight by his side. He just needs to use his common sense a lot more often is all.

    Ivara: "Just how long are you going to act scared?"
    - Yvette likes Ivara lax and laid-back personality, less of a hassle to deal with and it puts her mind at ease. There's also the subject of her cooking that the wench absolutely adores and wouldn't mind sharing a moment or two to learn Ivara's techniques, they could even trade recipes. The wench however dislikes her fear in the heat of battle. Yvette's time at sea has taught her that danger lurks in every corner and you have to (wo)man up and have to make a stand sooner or later, hence why the wench always gets surprised when Ivara gets carried away in some battles. If she manages to let go of that fear, a great deal of respect will go towards Ivara.

    Silas: "You can only smile for so long until your happy mask cracks"
    - She wholeheartedly appreciates his attempts at making her smile and believes he's very sweet. She finds him to be endearing in an odd way, there's just something about him that makes her feel all warm and fuzzy inside. If she had to nitpick it would be that he needs to accept the fact that sometimes smiling won't solve your problems or make them any easier. He could also learn to be a little less reckless and be more careful, especially with those concoctions he's mixing up.

    Didara: "I didn't sign up for this expedition to babysit manchildren. Start acting your age."
    - Similar to Silas, Yvette does appreciate his jokes and pranks from time to time, and there are moments where you can see her crack a smile and snicker for a few moments whenever he pulls one that she finds very amusing. But there are moments when it happens all too often and it becomes grating to her, especially when the party refuses to take things seriously. She does like the magic he conjures up and finds him to be a great asset regardless. They're Soy Sauce and Ketchup, not as bad as you think when you mix them together, but there's still glaring contrasts.

    Ophelia and Ryleigh: "These guys remind me of the Crew...I like them already."
    - Yvette feels a tinge of nostalgia whenever she see the two siblings, together or otherwise. They remind her of a similar duo in the ship she had sailed in once and feels as though they can become good friends, especially Ophelia, maybe teach her a thing or two about lying better. Of the two, she likes Ophelia better. Mostly because she's not as loud or as boisterous as her brother, though that's not to say he has his own charms.

    Nikolai: "If he's afraid of taverns, is he afraid of me?"
    - Yvette can't quite understand what made Nikolai so scared of taverns, granted they came from very different backgrounds so what may seem like home for the wench might seem like an entirely different thing for Nikolai. She wonders just what he sees that was so terrifying. She does applaud his selflessness however, saying that there are very few people who would do the same as him

    Ribibi: "DON'T EAT THAT!"
    - Yvette sure likes a cute and pretty face, and Ribibi is adorable no doubt. On the subject of guns, Yvette will probably make it a personal mission of hers to prove to her that guns CAN be cool and you can do lots of trick shots with style and flair, but it'll probably fail thanks to her inexperience. She does however wish she wasn't so naive and could carry herself with more dignity and respect, she gets that she comes from a place where things like that aren't commonplace, but if she's gonna travel with the party and she better learn what's okay what's not okay to stuff in your mouth. Also, she takes offense to the last statement, saying that the group is for adventuring, not for pulling childish pranks.

  • 1. Yvette
    "Aw, don't be that way. You know you love me."

    A cool aunt and big sister all rolled into one. Kaz thinks Yvette is pretty great. She's a drinking buddy, someone he can play flirt with, and if he's being honest, a safety net of sorts. She keeps him in line and he likes ruffling her feathers. It's a cat-dog, love-hate friendship, but mostly with Kaz being an annoying ass. Despite his tendency to annoy her, Yvette is important to him, someone he'd admittedly risk life and limb for.

    2. Ivara
    "Have I told you that you're my favorite companion? Can I please have more of that stew?"

    Kaz thanks the Gods everyday for Ivara's presence. Had she not shown up, he and Yvette would still be eating sub-par meals. He's a bit of suck-up when it comes to the resident cook, but tasty meals aside, he thinks Ivara is a strong ally and genuinely enjoys the woman's company. They have silly chats about life, and though she doesn't say much regarding her past, he finds himself genuinely interested in her tales of home and the Amazons. He'd love to learn more about her.

    3. Silas
    "Healing potion... right. Are you sure I won't keel over and die?"

    They're both dorks who like to have fun. The moment they rescued Silas, Kaz knew he'd found a brother. Their friendship happened almost instantaneously, and the camaraderie between them reminds Kaz of the friendships he had back in the thieve's guild. Still, despite his fondness for Silas, he can't bring himself to trust the alchemist's potions. Kaz was never into books or alchemy and that's not about to change anytime soon.

    4. Nikolai
    "You'll slay the undead but you won't go to a party? C'mon, Nik, live a little."

    He respects Nikolai. The man is selfless and loyal, and you just don't find many people like that nowadays. Kaz was expecting the crusader to be more intimidating, but after getting to know Nikolai, has come to the conclusion that the man is more teddy bear than scary grizzly. Kaz has also made it his goal to get the crusader to lighten up a little, maybe get over his fear of taverns and meeting new people.

    5. Ribibi
    "You know, you kind of remind me of my little sister."

    Probably the only person in the party who believes his boasts. Ribibi thinks he's sort of a legend, and Kaz likes it that way. He's made it his goal to help her learn about things and answer whatever questions she throws his way. At first, he thought Ribibi was weird, if not somewhat amusing. However, over the course of their travels, Kaz has become somewhat protective of her. They're the same age, but Ribibi is naive, sincere, and he can't help but think of his little sister when she believes just about whatever he says. He wishes he could be more like her and not care so much about what everyone thinks of him.

    6. The Kinnons
    "Wait... was that supposed to be a compliment?"

    While he's not too fond of their insults, Kaz thinks the siblings are pretty fantastic. Fire powers and an archer? Their party just got even more powerful. It helps that they're both fun people too, they liven things up which makes traveling a lot less boring. He wishes they'd stop getting the group thrown out of taverns though. The point is to earn gold after all, not spend it paying off debts.

    7. Didara
    "A man after my own heart. We're going to get along swimmingly, Didara."

    What can Kaz say? Didara rocks. Bad puns aside, Kaz thinks the mage is pretty great. Magic and a sense of humor, just what their party needs. Often, Kaz finds himself getting roped into Didara's schemes. Alongside Silas, the three of them pretty much form #TeamPranksters (#TeamManchild)

  • Nikolai: Ophelia and Ryleigh respect the caring and protective aspect of the crusader, but don't much like the shyness he displays in public and will sometimes try to push him to mingle with strangers. Ryleigh has made several attempts to coax Nikolai into hitting taverns with him, to no avail. He does make it a point to have the man at least drink with him outside of the public eye from time to time, but has quickly learned that he's not going to drink him under the table. Ophelia insists on pairing him with Ivara, assumedly because they're both huge.

    Kazimir: The Kinnons love Kaz's attitude and the way he carries himself. To them, he's the ideal travelling companion and drinking buddy. The siblings like to use his boasts against him, often teasingly suggesting that he ought to take care of the more difficult challenges that come their way if he's as impressive as he claims and expressing how terribly let down they are when he fails to meet all their expectations. The siblings ultimately want to see all of their companions succeed in life, but something about Kaz makes them want to root for him most of all.

    Silas: Because Silas doesn't have as much tolerance for their teasing and insults, the Kinnons tend to back off of him a little sooner than others who take them less seriously. Unfortunately, the siblings' natures compel them too strongly to lay off entirely however. Silas' pranks might get only a few little snickers out of Ophelia, but Ryleigh thoroughly enjoys them even if he finds himself on the receiving end. The siblings believe Silas is capable of brewing a superior ale and that he only denies it because he doesn't like them much. Their comprehension of alchemy is not the greatest.

    Yvette: Of all their companions, the Kinnon siblings somehow feel the most comfortable with Yvette. They're not entirely sure why that is, but tend to attribute it to the woman knowing their type all too well and liking them in spite of it. There isn't a doubt in their mind that they'd have gotten on her bad side if they'd met her at her workplace before she took to the adventuring life. Yvette is usually the first person Ophelia will go to in a moment of weakness, while her brother tends to try keeping a little space for fear of making a fool of himself.

    Ribibi: The Kinnons adore Ribibi, no way around it. Her wild and inquisitive nature endear her to the siblings and for them, they consider her joining in their brawls to be a form of bonding. Ryleigh particularly enjoys spoiling her when he can and has expressed a desire to "adopt the smelly little savage" on more than one occasion. Despite their adoration, the siblings do still tease Ribibi and enjoy taking advantage of her naivety for their amusement, particularly in convincing her to do things that will irritate their fellow adventurers.

    Didara: The Kinnons enjoy Didara's frequent joking and absolutely love that he'll tease them back when they get started, feeling more at home when it's not completely one sided. Ophelia particularly enjoys his eagerness to learn about fire magic from her, an obvious novice, and makes it a game to try and have him believe more and more bizarre things about it. Overall they find he's a pretty chill guy with a pleasantly upbeat vibe about him.

    Ivara: The Kinnon siblings find Ivara's personality pleasant and her dedication to keeping her body in top shape to be impressive. They really enjoy the energy she puts out when she's particularly interested in something. Of all their companions, the siblings are most keen on goading Ivara into fighting them, even though they know full well that she could easily wipe the floor with them if she was so inclined. Ophelia has a strong appreciation for Ivara's cooking after having mostly eaten very bland [at best] meals cooked by her brother for more than ten years. He feels the same way, but jealousy often stops him from praising her cooking honestly.

  • Didara: Silas would get along swimmingly with Didara! He would love coming up with bad puns and pranks with the mage. He would also be fascinated with his magic, as Silas is incapable of casting, but loves the idea of doing so. Overall, they will have far, far too much fun antagonizing the rest of the crew.

    Ophelia and Ryleigh: Silas might not get along with the siblings. While he enjoys making jokes and pestering others, he does not insult them (at least, not intentionally). He would not appreciate them picking fights with the rest of the group, and would defend them if needed. While he is not exactly soft when it comes to this kind of thing, he gets huffy if his craft is questioned and down if truly offended. Unless they change how they treat their allies, he will have little to do with them.

    Ribibi: Sil would have great fun with Ribibi, bouncing around the environment and goofing off in general. He finds her outlook to be endearing and something to learn from. He would also strive teach her about the world, and do his best to answer her questions. As for his potions, he would probably give her a sip of his poison cure as a deterrent (It is very bitter and pungent, tasting of vinegar and anise), as well as do his best to keep her away while he works. And, yes, he would be competitive.

    Yvette: Sil would find good fun in prodding Yvette, though not with the intention to anger her. He simply wants to see her smile more., as he thinks life is far too short for someone to be serious 1000% of the time. Aside from that, he must admit that she has a level head, which is a good thing. If he could ever crack that stone mask of hers, I am sure he would become quite fond of her.

    Ivana: I think he would enjoy her honesty and lack of tact, as it would be a refreshing break from sly city folk. He would also love her food, despite the fact that he gets the scraps, because anyone that can cook better than him is amazing. (He can skewer a fish and roast it over a fire, and put a potato in the coals- that's about it.). However, they might never see eye to eye on battle tactics. He is quite proud of his craft and thinks he is plenty brave enough.

    Kaz: I see them being great friends, and Sil would be happy to explain and show off all the cool stuff his potions do, to put him at ease, of course. *coughs* He would hate to waste glow powder on leaving a hand print on someone's back, or using a bamsmack to wake everyone up.

    Nikolai: Sil sees the crusader as the big brother he never had. While Silas is independent and can care for himself, he enjoys Nikolai's protectiveness. To show gratitude, Sil will happily help the man find his missing objects. However, the fact that Nikolai is so forgetful is just too much for this prankster to resist- he may occasionally be the reason said object is missing.

  • ---Ribibi – ERode
    Ribibi was the first of the group that Ivara met, though it was an odd first meeting. Ivara had just been setting camp for the night, her attention focused on the meat she was cooking, when she heard a shuffling in her foodstuff bag. She was more than slightly surprised when, instead of some wild animal, a human girl was the culprit. Even more surprising was the fact that the girl was just eating raw ingredients wholesale, including entire slabs of meat. While annoyed that her ingredients were being wasted, Ivara was pretty curious about this strange figure that had appeared out of the night, and decided to probe the girl with some questions.

    It took some coaxing with food, but Ivara managed to get Ribibi talking long enough to get the gist of her situation. Ribibi's past and abilities were intriguing prospects, not the least because they made it clear how much of a proficient hunter the smaller girl was. Ivara, reasoning that such skills could be useful, offered to travel with the wildling for as long as they were heading in the same direction (though didn't mention that she mostly just wanted the company for the otherwise lonely road). The two would travel together for a short time, before Yvette and Kazimir would stumble across them and recruit them into their expedition.

    Ivara finds a something of a kindred spirit in Ribibi: both hail from traditionally savage backgrounds, and both are looked with a certain amount of suspicion from the general populous due to their misunderstanding of society's norms. Likewise, Ivara admires the older girl's hunting ability, and that Ribibi's curiosity at least partly mirrors her own. Ribibi's charmingly uncomplicated world view is also something Ivara takes comfort in, when the mood is right. More importantly than anything else however, Ivara appreciates the fact that Ribibi will wolf down anything Ivara cooks with the same level of enthusiasm.

    The one point of contention, however, is Ribibi's willingness to leave her tribe behind. Ivara finds the idea of simply walking away from one's family confusing and kind of disturbing, almost as disturbing as Ribibi's lax attitude to it. While she tries to not let it get in the way, Ivara can't help but feel like Ribibi will simply the leave the group whenever she pleases, much to Ivara's distaste.

    ---Silas – KageKaioh
    There's no two ways about it, Ivara just straight up distrusts Silas. Admittedly, a part of that comes from her upbringing, since Silas is exactly the kind of guy that the matrons of the tribe would warn the girls about: lacking discipline, 'weak' (for a pretty narrow definition of the word) and little too smart for his own good. A pretty large part of her distrust, however, stems from the fact that she thinks his use of potions and alchemy are a coward's way to fight. Ivara might not be too fond of combat, but she was still raised to fight in the 'right' way, and the use of "potions and tricks" definitely doesn't fall into that category. To that end, Silas tends to get the dregs of any meal she cooks.

    ---Didara – MixedUpGuy
    Ivara is both curious and cautious of Didara, and more importantly the magic he uses. Ivara's old tribe had no magic users period, and on a whole was kind of lukewarm to the idea of using magic in battle. Didara represents a fascinating concept, and while Ivara is eager to learn all she can about it, she can't help but feel like she is fast approaching something she has no way of truly comprehending. As for Didara himself, Ivara thinks the mage's energy and enthusiasm for adventure are admirable traits, though cautionary tales of "tricky mages" have stopped her from really opening up to the guy. That being said, his politeness and willingness to help with the group's meals have made Ivara more ready to believe that mages can't be as bad as rumours have made out.

    ---The Kinnon siblings - LVL1337N00B
    Having never really been in a relationship where teases were meant in jest, Ivara really struggles to 'get' the sibling's banter with the rest of the group, and likewise doesn't appreciate their habit of jumping into fights. She admires the two's readiness to fight with their bare hands, however, saying they are (at the very least) jumping into unnecessary fights in the right manner, but that's a small saving grace.
    More prominently, the two also represent something of an enigma to Ivara. She was raised in a place where having a brother meant nothing but trouble, so seeing Ophelia and Ryleigh get on so well boggles her mind. A small part of her is almost curious enough to probe Ophelia about the matter, but Ivara has yet to work up the courage.

    ---Nikolai – Bismarck
    While he is supported by holy magic, Ivara greatly admires the pure warrior that Nikolai represents. His great strength, his protective instincts towards the group, and dedication to his cause are all points that Ivara admires about the warrior, and she seeks out his advice whenever she can. While their two combat styles greatly differ (his more defensive style compared to her more offensively based charging attacks), she never the less hopes that the older fighter can teach her more about defending herself, even if she hopes she never has need to use said training.

    There is a pretty noticeable professional distance she keeps from Nikolai, however. It mainly started after somebody offhandedly mentioned that her admiration could almost be confused with her looking up to him as a father figure, and the thought alone freaked Ivara out beyond belief. To that end, she tries to keep anything that could be considered as being too friendly out of their relationship.

    ---Kazimir – Fox Of Spades
    Kazimir was, ultimately, the one to formally invite Ivara to join the group, even if none of the parties involved had actually planned their encounter. Kazimir and Yvette had been making their way down one of the many country lanes when they had almost literally stumbled across Ivara and Ribibi literally camping in the middle of the road.Intrigued by the twosome that clearly had little to no idea how their actions would inconvenience other travellers, Kazimir got to talking to the ex-Amazon. Ivara had, accidently, let slip that she and Ribibi didn't really have a destination in mind, and indeed didn't have any prospects going for them. Kazimir, presumably seeing how useful two such 'colourful' individuals might be on he and Yvette's expedition, offered to let them join in their group.

    Ivara didn't very much like the sound of how much danger she would be putting herself when Kazimir and Yvette offered to let her join the group. As far as she was concerned, she should be avoiding trouble, not running headlong into it. However, she had grown weary of wandering aimlessly across the land, and more pressingly wandering across it alone. Ivara knew she couldn't sustain herself forever with scavenging dregs, and that her heart was growing heavier every day she spent isolated from anything comparable to a companion. To that end, she agreed to join the merry band of misfits, even if she would have to reawaken the berserker lineage in her blood.

    Ivara was pretty suspicious of Kazimir when the two had first met, but she has quickly found herself warming up to the rouge. While she doesn't necessarily approve of his sometimes sneaky methods, she does appreciate his many compliments to her cooking ability, and his wanderlust and enthusiasm for the adventuring lifestyle are both fairly infectious traits she is glad for.
    It's worth noting that she also appreciates the curiosity he has showed about her past, though is somewhat conflicted about revealing too much about that chapter in her life, and has been slow to give details.

    ---Yvette – Haru Nyan
    In many ways, Ivara views Yvette like an older sister she never had. Ivara finds a certain level of comfort in Yvette's more serious and no-nonsense attitude, glad that there's someone she can rely on to take care of things and to watch her back in the group. That appreciation might stem from Ivara's desire to find a small piece of her original home where there is none, and Ivara feels slightly guilty that she might just be latching onto the older woman because she reminds her so much of original family. Never the less, she greatly admires Yvette, and hopes she can be half as strong in character someday.
    The only thing she can really complain about is Yvette's build: a woman of Yvette's calibre deserves to be as strong on the outside as she is on the inside, surely!? Ivara even drew up a five point workout scheme to help bulk up the older woman, but the reception to said plan hasn't been too hopeful.

  • Ivara
    Ribibi thinks that Ivara's great. She can make food even tastier than it already is, is strong like a bull, and shares in the Amazonian's interest of the world. Being present-minded rather than future-minded, however, she doesn't understand why Ivara broods so much. If there's something that needs to be done, just get it done? Complicated stuff like leaving one's family behind and being afraid of death are things that Ribibi never even considered, so no matter what Ivara has to say about such subjects, the beast girl can only shrug and go 'ok'.

    In spite of a rocky first meeting, Ribibi more or less got along with old man Nikolai, in part because of his willingness to chat about his Crusading days. Such large scale warfare was completely alien for Ribibi, after all, and seeing how Nikolai rarely seems to be busy at all, she feels that he must always have free time to chat with her.

    Silas is fast…but he's not THAT fast. Always willing to have a salty runback with him, Ribibi and the alchemist have a blast with making Nikolai suffer, bouncing up and around town with no real consideration for the actual residents. Silas is a smart fellow as well, and his willingness to answer her questions is reciprocated in kind with offerings of recently killed meat. Despite a bad first encounter with his own cooking, however, Ribibi's still fairly interested in trying out all the liquid-y food that he carries with him.

    Why learn dead languages when you can learn live ones? Didara's fun in his own way, but compared to Silas, there's simply something lacking about him. Perhaps it's because he's too smart? Perhaps it's because he thinks too much? Perhaps it's because manipulating earth isn't quite as interesting as those fancy hand tricks that the mage does. Her eyes can follow it if she used her brands, but something about the performer's flair just makes her not want to.

    Ophelia and Ryleigh
    The Kinnon siblings are hilarious. Though they both look old, seeing how one already has white hair while the other's sporting a thick beard, Ribibi doesn't mind because they're really just two pups in the end, playfighting even as they knock teeth out. Their insults usually fly over her head as well, and if it wasn't for the fact that Silas is the one that's actually fast enough to give Ribibi a fun competition, the beast girl would place the Kinnon Siblings as number two, right below Ivara the berserking cook.

    Boosted into legendary status by all the boasts that he makes and that Ribibi believes, Kaz is some sort of invincible mega-genius phantom thief in Ribibi's eyes, and she always expects him to pull off crazy superhuman stunts…before being summarily disappointed by the reality of the situation. Ultimately, though, most of his skills are just a novelty for her. Why pick locks when old man Nikolai can just bash it down? Why punch someone when Ryleigh punches harder?

    Guns are loud. They're smelly. And they're boring. Seeing them as magical sticks without the magical flair, Ribibi really doesn't think much of Yvette. The older woman certainly looks good, but those good looks are wasted on a medium of combat that doesn't really lend itself to looking good. Then again, seeing how the raven-haired is super strict and super serious and super boring, perhaps, shockingly, Yvette isn't actually cool, unlike the others in the group.
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♠ Rules and Regulations ♠
  • Play nice. Drama on the IC is welcome, Drama on the OOC is not.​
  • No Godmodding. You will not win every fight.​
  • Minimum of two paragraphs. I don't need walls of text. Quality > Quantity​
  • One post every four days. If you're going to miss a cycle please say so on the OOC. Missing multiple cycles for no reason will lead to being booted out of the RP​
  • Haru Nyan is the co-gm and will be in charge when I am away.​
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Reserved for Announcements and Other Important Things

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And we're officially live!
What a way to start the morning.
Anyway, how are all of you guys? I dunno about you but I'm excited!!
  • Bucket of Rainbows
Reactions: Fox of Spades

Ribibi thinks that Ivara's great. She can make food even tastier than it already is, is strong like a bull, and shares in the Amazonian's interest of the world. Being present-minded rather than future-minded, however, she doesn't understand why Ivara broods so much. If there's something that needs to be done, just get it done? Complicated stuff like leaving one's family behind and being afraid of death are things that Ribibi never even considered, so no matter what Ivara has to say about such subjects, the beast girl can only shrug and go 'ok'.

In spite of a rocky first meeting, Ribibi more or less got along with old man Nikolai, in part because of his willingness to chat about his Crusading days. Such large scale warfare was completely alien for Ribibi, after all, and seeing how Nikolai rarely seems to be busy at all, she feels that he must always have free time to chat with her.

Silas is fast…but he's not THAT fast. Always willing to have a salty runback with him, Ribibi and the alchemist have a blast with making Nikolai suffer, bouncing up and around town with no real consideration for the actual residents. Silas is a smart fellow as well, and his willingness to answer her questions is reciprocated in kind with offerings of recently killed meat. Despite a bad first encounter with his own cooking, however, Ribibi's still fairly interested in trying out all the liquid-y food that he carries with him.

Why learn dead languages when you can learn live ones? Didara's fun in his own way, but compared to Silas, there's simply something lacking about him. Perhaps it's because he's too smart? Perhaps it's because he thinks too much? Perhaps it's because manipulating earth isn't quite as interesting as those fancy hand tricks that the mage does. Her eyes can follow it if she used her brands, but something about the performer's flair just makes her not want to.

Ophelia and Ryleigh
The Kinnon siblings are hilarious. Though they both look old, seeing how one already has white hair while the other's sporting a thick beard, Ribibi doesn't mind because they're really just two pups in the end, playfighting even as they knock teeth out. Their insults usually fly over her head as well, and if it wasn't for the fact that Silas is the one that's actually fast enough to give Ribibi a fun competition, the beast girl would place the Kinnon Siblings as number two, right below Ivara the berserking cook.

Boosted into legendary status by all the boasts that he makes and that Ribibi believes, Kaz is some sort of invincible mega-genius phantom thief in Ribibi's eyes, and she always expects him to pull off crazy superhuman stunts…before being summarily disappointed by the reality of the situation. Ultimately, though, most of his skills are just a novelty for her. Why pick locks when old man Nikolai can just bash it down? Why punch someone when Ryleigh punches harder?

Guns are loud. They're smelly. And they're boring. Seeing them as magical sticks without the magical flair, Ribibi really doesn't think much of Yvette. The older woman certainly looks good, but those good looks are wasted on a medium of combat that doesn't really lend itself to looking good. Then again, seeing how the raven-haired is super strict and super serious and super boring, perhaps, shockingly, Yvette isn't actually cool, unlike the others in the group.
Relationship Sheet. Sorry for the delay guys! WiFi's been a real meanbag today @_@! Also I think we just lack two more sheets then we're all done (we can start soon 8D)

Good job, everyone!

1. Yvette (@Haru Nyan)

"Aw, don't be that way. You know you love me."

  • A cool aunt and big sister all rolled into one. Kaz thinks Yvette is pretty great. She's a drinking buddy, someone he can play flirt with, and if he's being honest, a safety net of sorts. She keeps him in line and he likes ruffling her feathers. It's a cat-dog, love-hate friendship, but mostly with Kaz being an annoying ass. Despite his tendency to annoy her, Yvette is important to him, someone he'd admittedly risk life and limb for.

2. Ivara (@Baddamobs)

"Have I told you that you're my favorite companion? Can I please have more of that stew?"

  • Kaz thanks the Gods everyday for Ivara's presence. Had she not shown up, he and Yvette would still be eating sub-par meals. He's a bit of suck-up when it comes to the resident cook, but tasty meals aside, he thinks Ivara is a strong ally and genuinely enjoys the woman's company. They have silly chats about life, and though she doesn't say much regarding her past, he finds himself genuinely interested in her tales of home and the Amazons. He'd love to learn more about her.

3. Silas (@KageKaioh)

"Healing potion... right. Are you sure I won't keel over and die?"
  • They're both dorks who like to have fun. The moment they rescued Silas, Kaz knew he'd found a brother. Their friendship happened almost instantaneously, and the camaraderie between them reminds Kaz of the friendships he had back in the thieve's guild. Still, despite his fondness for Silas, he can't bring himself to trust the alchemist's potions. Kaz was never into books or alchemy and that's not about to change anytime soon.

4. Nikolai (@Bismarck)

"You'll slay the undead but you won't go to a party? C'mon, Nik, live a little."
  • He respects Nikolai. The man is selfless and loyal, and you just don't find many people like that nowadays. Kaz was expecting the crusader to be more intimidating, but after getting to know Nikolai, has come to the conclusion that the man is more teddy bear than scary grizzly. Kaz has also made it his goal to get the crusader to lighten up a little, maybe get over his fear of taverns and meeting new people.
5. Ribibi (@ERode)

"You know, you kind of remind me of my little sister."

  • Probably the only person in the party who believes his boasts. Ribibi thinks he's sort of a legend, and Kaz likes it that way. He's made it his goal to help her learn about things and answer whatever questions she throws his way. At first, he thought Ribibi was weird, if not somewhat amusing. However, over the course of their travels, Kaz has become somewhat protective of her. They're the same age, but Ribibi is naive, sincere, and he can't help but think of his little sister when she believes just about whatever he says. He wishes he could be more like her and not care so much about what everyone thinks of him.

6. The Kinnons (@LVL1337N00B)

"Wait... was that supposed to be a compliment?"

  • While he's not too fond of their insults, Kaz thinks the siblings are pretty fantastic. Fire powers and an archer? Their party just got even more powerful. It helps that they're both fun people too, they liven things up which makes traveling a lot less boring. He wishes they'd stop getting the group thrown out of taverns though. The point is to earn gold after all, not spend it paying off debts.

7. Didara (@MixedUpGuy)

"A man after my own heart. We're going to get along swimmingly, Didara."
  • What can Kaz say? Didara rocks. Bad puns aside, Kaz thinks the mage is pretty great. Magic and a sense of humor, just what their party needs. Often, Kaz finds himself getting roped into Didara's schemes. Alongside Silas, the three of them pretty much form #TeamPranksters (#TeamManchild)
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  • Love
Reactions: KageKaioh
#TeamManchild xD
1.Kazimir:"My Comrade, you were once a thief, but I believe you can be redeemed in my presence, your particular skillset put to use for good, instead of harm."
  • Nikolai Believes quite firmly all people deserve to be redeemed, and he always offers insight into the world for Kazimir, trying to turn an ex-thief, into a highly skilled adventurer. He takes great care to offer rules that while not strict, might appeal more to an ex-thief. Ranging from only steal when it will prevent violence, and only fight when your honor is challenged. And only ever kill, if you know well in your heart the person you are slaying is not good of heart, or will certainly kill you if you choose to hold back. Ultimately, Nikolai treats the young man more like a son, focusing on what he's good at, and trying to trim away what he finds to be negative or wrong.
2.Yvette:"This woman scares me...how can someone be so calm, and at home in taverns, with the shadiest of people. Those places make my hair stand on end."
  • Nikolai only ever seems to fear Yvette in Tavern settings, not fond of her comfort in the area, his usually high moral values, making him question her at every turn, never sure what is deemed acceptable, and what isn't. He tries to seek her advice in those situations, however in return he offers his own teachings, trying to give her a higher education in fighting in melee. He also takes interest in her firearms, asking to be taught how to use them, so he could add a few to his arsenal.
3.Ivara:"Gauntlets are an odd choice in weaponry, but I find her so much easier to teach. She's not fragile, or small, she's a perfect size, to spar with...besides clashing both heavy offense and heavy defense trains both partners perfectly."
  • Of all people in the group, Nikolai holds the highest of respect for Ivara, both in her size, and her overall combat skill. He constantly offers to spar, and train with her. Doing his best to see what he can show her to do defensively, he also likes to have her lay into him, so he can practice his blocking, and parrying. Due to recovering her, and Ribbi to join the party, after hunting them down, as monsters, he treats her much like he'd treat his own daughter if he had one. With kindness, but never fully relaxed when they spar, since he knows teaching weakness, will end in death.
4.Silas:"Potions, oils, powders. This is a travelling merchant of a man, but he's actually more useful than pawning his petty wears on me!"
  • Nikolai holds a high appreciation for alchemy, especially when it holds a chance for him to mix his own magic into to create holy concoctions. At times, he'll ask the Alchemist if he can mix some of his magic into some form of liquid. Such as creating vials of healing, or even the equivalent of a handheld flash grenade, for other party members to use. All around, he likes Silas, save for his pranks, but even these make the older Crusader chuckle.
5.Ribbi:"So aloof in the world, and so naive. I do adore her for that. Granted I do hate how hard it makes it to try and get her to sit down and read."
  • Being a part of the two that Nikolai had to hunt down, he watches her just as much as he watches over Ivara. However with more naive nature, he tries to teach her simple things for the time being, like how to read, or write. That is, if he can get her to sit still long enough, he also attempts to give her some idea of proper manors, mostly so they don't get in trouble with the wrong people.
6.The Kinnons:"Rowdy pair, almost as rowdy as I am in a bar fight. Much like watching two badgers, they growl a lot, and take a few good beatings, but end up running off whether they win or lose."
  • For the most part Nikolai just considers these two like a rowdy pair of children. They talk big talk, they cause lots of fights, and they swear like sailors. So for the most part, he stands by them, ready to back them up should things go south...mostly because it's his own personal secret he loves to beat the shit out of other ruffians...especially since he cheats and wears plate armor underneath robes and clothing, so some people break bones just trying to punch him.
7.Diadra:"Filthy mage, arcane magic is the most vile invention ever, I hope to never let this man touch a tome of necromancy. But at least he's decently funny, a touch annoying, but I like having him around."
  • Nikolai hates magic, though he doesn't hate the person. To him he wishes he could entice the man to drop all arcane magic, and instead learn the more controlled, and refined forms of Divine magic. However he doesn't worry much, trying to stay kind, and as hard as it is, open minded. The jokes, and loudmouth of the boy bring a grin to his face, at least under the bulky helmet of his. Though sometimes annoying, the bear of a man enjoys some of it.
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@Fox of Spades - Yo, noticed something you might have missed in your collab post.

"Hey, Yvette? You used to be a pirate, right? Can't you look at a compass and tell us if we're going the right way?" "Of course I do!"

Gonna get to work on my first post soon btw.
  • Love
Reactions: Fox of Spades

Oooh thanks for noticing xD! Kaz was supposed to ask if she knows how to use a compass, I changed his dialogue so now it doesn't work. //shot

Looking forward to the post!


Nice post xD! Poor Nikolai is their human meat shield. Also :0 can you please center your banner? It's not a big deal, but #aesthetics

Just so everything looks the same ^^!

Hope you guys are having a great Saturday/Sunday.
I figured something like that happened. I'm constantly correcting little things when I reread anything I write.

Q: "y'can't" or "ya can't"? Input pls.
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