The Child Empress: A Woman in Red - Thursday September 8th @ 2pm to 5pm Central

  • So many newbies lately! Here is a very important PSA about one of our most vital content policies! Read it even if you are an ancient member!

    A site made for roleplay is way cooler we promise <3


Original poster
Invitation Status
  1. Not accepting invites at this time
Posting Speed
  1. 1-3 posts per week
  2. Slow As Molasses
Online Availability
10AM - 10PM Daily
Writing Levels
  1. Adaptable
Preferred Character Gender
  1. Female
Romance, Supernatural, Fantasy, Thriller, Space Exploration, Slice of Life


In the beautiful country of Vundergren they host a parade once a year to celebrate the many years of peace between the participating countries of the United Peace Treaty! However, this year's masquerade turned into a bloodbath as a band of raiders disguised as Jesters tried to assassinate Child Empress Cherivundaluna Unalin Amalthea, the third of her name, Lady of the Wintergreen Forest, Scourge of the Mountain Goblins... Well, her title is a long mouthful, but she is the only living heir to quite a valuable kingdom and now she has been kidnapped by a group of Death Cultists.

A reward has been announced across all Kingdoms for the safe return of the Child Empress and more than one band of heroes are now on the hunt.

Our party caught up with the cultists in The White Forest but instead of a child they've found a grown woman in red. this the child empress? What has happened to her?

We begin at an Inn where the party and their new ward have been resting.


WHO: Everyone is invited! Character Bios/Pics are not required, but totally encouraged! Post 'em if you got 'em.

WHAT: This is a SEQUEL! You do NOT need to be someone from the past charps to join! Returning characters now have the child(??). New characters should be solo (or part of a group) that have caught up, OR are simply someone the search party stumbles into during their hunt.

WHERE: Join us in the THE CHILD EMPRESS chat room. You'll find the link to our chats in the CHAT tab when it's time to play.

HOW: This is a ACTION SETTING WITH IMPROVISATIONAL GAME MASTERING. That means the object of this roleplay is to interact with other characters, and from those interactions I will create a plot and story around you. There will be action moments, where strange events will happen and your characters will have to work together to resolve it. With this ChaRP "lol random" behaviors are discouraged -- what your character says and does will have in game consequences, so choose wisely!

My roleplays are always NEWBIE FRIENDLY so even if you are terrible at roleplay or have never participated in a ChaRP before, this will be easy for you to get involved in. :D Ask questions, let me know when you need help. I often give tips and direction out of character in the main chat room when people need a little direction.


Try to show up a good 10 to 15 minutes before the ChaRP is to begin. That way you can read up on any important info, and it makes it easier for your GM to know how to start off the ChaRP when there's a head count.

Don't worry if another player is doing something similar to your idea. DO IT ANYWAY! Similarities and things in common happen in real life too. Everyone also plays differently, so two characters who are both "sweet and shy" will still end up being totally unique people. Two assassins could create a fun and interesting conflict!

Talking to other players about their character before the roleplay is a GREAT way to create connections and background for your own!

Post SHORT AND FAST. Charps are very quick pace and contain a LOT of players. Players can't wait 20 minutes for you to write a wall of text, and if there's too much text they won't be able to read it fast enough and will MISS details. If it takes you longer than two minutes to type your post, you are taking too long and might get lost in the action. This is an exercise in quick and concise writing!

Make sure your character name is mentioned in every post, close to the start of it if possible. This is especially helpful when there's many players, so we know who is playing what character.

Like in Real Life, a character may not be able to acknowledge or notice your character immediately because they are engaged in doing something else. (For example a new character walking in to the room, but the other characters arguing about muffins and do not see them.) Don't get discouraged if you go can't get someone to interact with you right away. Just keep posting and doing actions with your character, or even approach others who also seem to be idle and it WILL happen.

Do not take events in the roleplay personally or assume that bad reactions are because they think you/your character sucks. Everyone is playing a character and reacting to things as their character would!
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reserved for a list of recurring characters
reserved for potential bonus content?

The Child Empress herself

Beere Bitterale the Ogre/Orc Adventurer
Can I join?
1645195909436.pngName: Mei-ling Yin

Age: 18

Gender: Female


Mei-ling is lovely and delicate. Her beauty is unusual and exotic in Vundergren. She has long black hair, dark brown eyes, and a porcelain complexion. She wears her hair in elaborate styles, and wears shimmering embroidered silk gowns. When acting in her official capacity, she wears a jade pendant intricately carved to bear the Airship-and-Sun of the Jade Temple, a temple arcology to the south of Vundergren.
Magic: Life (healing and phantasm conjuration/illusion)


Curious and adventurous, with a childlike sense of wonder. She is a bit too innocent--perhaps even naive--for the situation she has been thrust into. As a practitioner of the healing arts, Mei-ling is ethically forbidden to kill or maim. She can use her magic and martial-arts skills to stun, paralyze, knock unconscious, hypnotize, or generate convincing illusions (including the illusion of pain and injury) in self-defense. Despite her bright, upbeat attitude, she is beginning to feel hopelessly out of her depth as Vundergren's troubles worsen.


Mei-ling is the Jade Temple's ambassador to the royal court of Vundergren. The Jade Temple has had a close, friendly relationship with Vundergren and the signatory nations of the United Peace Treaty for generations. Because of this, Vundergren became an "easy" assignment for new members of the Temple's diplomatic corps. Mei-ling was sent to Vundergren to develop experience as a diplomat and take advantage of Vundergren's great royal library. On her way to Vundergren for the great Royal Parade, her ship was delayed, and she arrived late. This would have been a terrible faux pas, save for the fact that the city was in chaos, and she found herself among a small party of heroes fighting to protect the Child Empress from assassins.

The Jade Temple:

The Jade Temple is a great temple complex located on an island in the Maethys Sea (an ocean to the south), just offshore. A monumental causeway connects the island to the mainland. Every citizen of the Temple is also a priest or priestess, trained in one of the many "Paths" available (Healer, Defender, Scholar, Wind Dancer/Pilot, Biomancer, etc.).

Little is known (to outsiders) about the spirituality of the Jade Temple. Though it does send young priests and priestesses out on "quests" to develop their magical talents and grow spiritually while helping others, establishes hospitals, orphanages, and shelters for the poor and dispossessed, the Temple does not actively try to convert others to its world-view. Instead, one must pass through a difficult period of training as an Initiate before one can become an Adept, a full member of the Temple able to participate in its governance.