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Starlight Keeper
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I really like modern roleplays, especially hings involving romance and family. I also love fantasy, especially anything involving magic, mythical creatures, or gods and goddesses. Fandoms are nice, if I can play an OC. Since history is one of my passions, I like doing historical roleplays, mostly renaissance, 1800's, early 1900's, ancient civilizations, and anything wild west-like or based on pioneers. I do like Sci-Fi, mostly dystopian with some sort of rebellion or strict customs, something like that. I also like roleplays that take place in space if they have a good explanation of the universe that it takes place in. I'm not a big fan of horror or mystery, unless the horror is a sub-element to something else.
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    A disease is spreading, one that has the potential to wipe out every non-human on this planet. A disease known as love.

    The supernatural walk among us. Vampires. Werewolves. Witches. Fallen Angels. They all exist beside us. They work with us. They attend school with us. They raise their families under our noses. They have their feuds on our front doors. They hide among us and they all share one rule: don't fall in love with someone from another race.

    But rules are made to be broken.

    Character Index
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        One of the more dangerous races, the immortal beings known as vampires are incredibly dangerous. Unlike the myths, they only have a severe sensitivity to light that causes problems with vision and they tend to burn easy. Only some vampires can turn into bats as well; it is a rare skill reserved for the oldest vampires. However, all vampires rely heavily on blood, but most are attracted to certain types of blood rather than all types.

        Vampires usually have three unique powers that reflect their personalities. Here {not including Omnipotence/Omniscience, Permanent Power Absorption and Shapeshifting}. Some older vampires may have four or five. No one has more than that. All vampires also have the ability to turn someone into one of them, but this is a long and tedious process that involves exchanging blood {of course, it will save a person in a life or death situation}.

        There are three main vampire families in San Francisco, each with their leaders {their originals, so to say}. Their mortal enemies involve the werewolves, the magic folk, the hunters, and the reverse vampires.
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        Despite popular belief, most werewolves are pretty mellow when they're in their human form. They can be overprotective at times, but they are usually pretty good people. Werewolf blood is genetic, but can be passed on through a bite on a full moon. Werewolves can shift to varying degrees into a bipedal wolf-like creature with increased body hair, fangs, and glowing eyes. They have heightened senses, accelerated healing, and enhanced strength and agility. In rare cases, they can also heal other beings and people. They have to usually eat large amounts of food to compensate for their fast metabolism.

        Each full moon, a werewolf will unwilling turn into a wolf. Sometimes, they don't turn back, but this is usually because they have grown too old and senile; it is a rare occurrence among the younger generations. Unlike in their human forms, werewolves are very aggressive in their wolf forms and considered dangerous.

        There is one werewolf pack in San Francisco, complete with an Alpha, a Beta, and Omegas. They are a very close knit family. Their mortal enemies are the vampires and the hunters. They often consult magic folk for potions to push off the permanent transformations.
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        Do not confuse fallen angels with demons. Fallen angels are those that have defied Heaven's principles and laws and are cast down because of it. They are more or less immortal, but can die from natural causes {aside from aging}. Aside from being supernatural strong, having accelerated healing, and having enhanced senses, they also have supernatural abilities such as corruption manipulation, darkness manipulation, and vice inducement. Fallen angels gain more power from being around people who are committing sins and being horrible.

        They are lone creatures that avoid interaction with most unless they need something. Fallen angels are prone to falling in love with humans with good morals. The reason for this is not known.
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        Succubi {or the rarer male Incubi} are a race dependent on the worship of humans. They are beautiful, seductive beings with a knack for capturing the attentions of humans. They draw the energy of humans through worship and attention. Of course, this more than often results in the succubus falling in love with a human, believing that their feelings are real when often, they are not. There are humans that are immune to the advances of this race, usually people in happy relationships or those on the ace spectrum. They are also unable to attract a person not attracted to whatever sex they might be {a gay man will not fall for a Succubus because she is female}. Most succubi and incubi are drawn to specific humans with specific personality traits and often seek happy, meaningful relationships.
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        Sirens are supernaturally beautiful and also possess the ability to manipulate people with the sound of their voices {this is not limited to any species}. Sirens fall into two categories: Merpeople and harpies. Merpeople have tails when in water as well as possessing gills. Harpies have large un-retractable wings that can be tucked away underneath shirts; these wings do not give them the ability fly.

        Merpeople are unable to more than a few miles away from a large water source such as the ocean or the lake and are known to drink obnoxious amounts of water in their human forms. They are also differences between fresh and saltwater merpeople {fresh have duller colored scales and saltwater have much brighter ones} though they can survive in either water. Merpeople also travel in pods {families} and share a deep connection with their pod members that borders of psychic.

        Harpies often favor highrises and mountains. They also have the unique ability to communicate with birds of all kinds. Some harpies have beautiful wings while other have sharp bat-like ones. Harpies are independent creatures that do not usually have large families.

        Sirens, for the most part, keep to themselves. They do enjoy tricking humans from time to time though. There is currently one Merpeople pod in San Francisco that comes from the Pacific ocean.
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        Reverse vampires are much more rare than regular vampires. They have the same basic mechanisms of super strength, speed, agility, above average intelligence, psychic abilities, and enhanced senses as nocturnal vampires do. However they instead feed off of the blood of plants, aka chlorophyll, instead of human or animal blood. Both chlorophyll and hemoglobin, the main component of human blood, share a similar atomic structure. The only difference between the two is that human blood consists of iron, while chlorophyll is magnesium based.

        Sunlight increases their powers which are far stronger than the average vampire by day {depending on intensity of the sun}. This is a two way road though as they are just as weak at night as normal vampires are during the day. Reverse vampires can consume any plant on Earth including poisonous flora.

        They retain the same abilities {and limitations} as their darker counterparts. Reverse vampires also don't live in families like their counterparts though they can be changed through a bite. They are in a bitter rivalry with the regular vampires.
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        Banshees hear voices in their heads. Often this leads them, subconsciously, to murder scenes. They sometimes write or draw messages from the voices subconsciously. While they get early indications that someone is going to die, their ability lacks precision and don't seem to be in complete control of their abilities. Banshee blood in genetic and passed on from woman to woman {there is no record a of a male banshee}. The genes can often skip generations. Some of these women are mistaken for people with delusions and schizophrenia.

        Banshee women have a piercing scream that drowns out all other noise. This can be use offensively and is capable of throwing people and objects short distances and could have the potential to shatter a human skull as well. Their abilities also border on mediumship, being able to communicate with the deceased, though they don't have as much control as psychics with this ability do.

        Banshees are not hunted by hunters and often live normal lives. Their abilities often come in at the age of sixteen and many never know what they are.
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        Sylphs are very humanlike except for their bright hair and pale skin as well as the almost weightless bodies. They must wear weights to keep them close to the ground and can control air. They also often have the ability to control the wind and sometimes, with practice, the weather.

        Do not confuse a s Sylph with a Nymph as they will take great offense to the comparison {even though they are technically related}.
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        Nymphs are physical representation of nature. They age slowly, but are not immortal, usually passing on in about 250 human years. There are three different kinds of nymphs that each control a different aspect of nature.

        Oriads come from mountainous regions and have the ability to control the element of earth. They are often born with grey eyes. Each oriad has a rock which they can not be separated from and cannot be destroyed. If the rock is more than a few feet away from them, they will grown sick. If the rock is destroyed, they will die.

        Naiads come from lakes. They hate merpeople and often see them as freeloaders. Like with Oriads, Naiads have lakes that they must be near. However, their range is usually closer to fifty miles. They also drink a lot of water and have the ability to control that element.

        Dryads are the manifestations of trees. Every dryad has a tree that must be protected and a new one is born whenever a tree is planted. Unlike with Oriads and Naiads, Dryads have no limitation on distance from their tree as long a they have a branch or leaf from that tree. However, if the tree is killed, the Dryad will die. Dryads have the ability to control plants.
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        Faes come in two forms: wingless and winged. Wingless fae retain the pointed ears of their cousins, but don't possess the beautiful wings of them. They are often much less powerful than winged fae as well, often only having one power {no Supernatural Condition, Immortality/Semi-Immortality, Omni-Shifting, Quintessence Force and Shapeshifting} and are looked down on by the winged. Wingless fae also possess oddly colored hair that is often mistaken for dyed.

        Winged fae have... well, wings. They also tend to have more magic, usually resulting in three abilities {same rules apply}. Winged fae can hide their wings, but usually only for a few hours at a time. They also have pointed ears, but lack the colored hair of their cousins.

        Faes are not hunted, but are not liked either.
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        Humans who possess magic, and if trained, the ability to fly using a broom. All Wizards and Witches are initially trained with a wand, but it is not uncommon for them to do magic 'by hand' as well. They are also the only race proficient enough in different magic forms to make potions. They can also form deep psychic connections with their animals.

        Almost all spells made by a magical person are made by the spellcaster. There is no defined rule book on how to conduct your magic though certain spells are passed down through generations.

        Most witches and warlocks join covens to ensure potection for themselves and their families as well as exchange spells and make friends. There are two covens in San Francisco at this point in time, one led by a warlock and another led by a witch. They do not get along with one another. The covens have a small peace with the werewolves, but absolutely abhor the vampires.
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        These Psychics are much different than your ordinary over the phone psychics. Usually, psychics only have one of the four major abilities: telekinesis, mediumship, telepathy, or precognition. Out of the other races, they are without a doubt the ones that blend in with humans the easiest. They are also one of the few supernatural races that involve themselves with the human world though it is recommended by the PAS {Psychic Alliance System} to only involve themselves with another psychic if seeking a romantic relationship.

        It can be noted that psychics are also almost never hunted by Hunters and are often invited to join the group if they are discovered due to their usefulness in the field and sensitivity to the supernatural.
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        Unlike werewolves, shapeshifters can change their appearance at will. This shifting is exclusive to animals though and if a shapeshifter stays in the same form for too long, they will often become animalistic and uncontrollable. Shapeshifters often have enhanced senses and physical condition. Rare shapeshifters known as kitsune can turn exclusively into a fox, but they also have the ability to manipulate fire. Most shapeshifters only have three forms that are usually exclusive to the fauna of where they were born.

        Shapeshifters are fiercely loyal to their friends and families. Some shapeshifters, known as plain Shifters, often abandon their families to live their lives as humans, never shifting again.
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        Selkies are very similar to sirens except for the fact that they change into seals rather than half-fishes. Selkies live as seals in the sea but shed their skin to become human on land. They mostly keep to themselves and to their pods {families}. Recently, selkie pods have been migrating to land to live among humans due to pollution and the increase of seal hunting.

        Male selkies and female selkies live very different lives. The males are very handsome in their human forms and have great seductive powers over humans. They typically seek those who are dissatisfied with their lives such as unhappy housewives and bored husbands. However, for females, if someone steals a female selkie's skin she is forced to become his wife. Female selkies are said to make excellent wives, but because their true home is the sea, they will often be seen gazing longingly at the ocean. If she finds her skin she will immediately return to her true home, and sometimes to her selkie husband, in the sea.
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        On earth, oblivious humans are the majority. Humans that are completely unaware of the hidden world around them. They live in blissful ignorance. These people have no abilities and often no skills. They often fall victim to the Dark Races being the easiest to encapture and target. They are also often the ones that supernatural races fall for, making them more dangerous than Hunters due to the fact that they have the potential to expose the hidden races.
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        Hunters do exactly what their names says. They hunt. Supernaturals specifically. The current leader of the Hunters, Xavier Farvel, is cracking down hard on the races, which is sending a ripple of panic through the hidden community. They usually only target the dark races though there are exceptions. Normally, Hunting is a family business, but any human with the correct skills is welcome to join.
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        These are humans that are aware of the supernatural side of the world, but they do not side with the Hunters. These can range anywhere from the son of a Banshee to the husband of a psychic or the trusted friend of a werewolf. They often have romantic relationships and friendships with the supernatural people. Hunters do not like them, but do not harm them unless they're in the way.
  • ~ No, and I cannot stress this enough, no godmodding or powerplaying. It is frustrating and I will only warn you once. After the second offense, you are gone. I'm sorry, but I can't have that in an RP like this. Every character should have their weaknesses as well as their strengths.
    ~ If you have an issue with drug and alcohol usage, social issues, different orientations, or anything of that sort, feel free to leave now. On that note, steamy stuff has to fade to black and go to PM. I don't want none of that. I don't care if it's mentioned, just don't go beyond that. Please respect other people's boundaries as well.
    ~ This is a romance RP above all else. Please refrain from gore aside from mentions and dark, gritty things. This is supposed to be romantic and dramatic, more soap opera-y than horror movie.
    ~ Only use provided races and powers.
    ~ Every character has an important role, so don't worry about your character not being important.
    ~ Please be literate.
    ~ Romance is very much encouraged. However, make sure to have friendships as well.
    ~ Originality is very much appreciated. Tell me your character's favorite color in your CS.
    ~ Do not physically maim another person's character without their permission.
    ~ You cannot be your own love interest, spouse, or anything of that sort. That kind of ruins the point of roleplaying.
    ~You can have as many characters as you want. Just make sure you can keep up with them.
    ~ Please note that I reserve the right to reject any character I feel is not up to standard.
Oooh me! I don't know what chars race yet but yeah lol.
@Violet Make sure to put it in the Character Index... And... Not sure... >.<
OK going to play a Spiritual Faerie and an Oblivious Human XD. Female and Male.
I'm full up on roleplays at the moment...but I'll keep an eye on this one. ^^ Good luck with it, guys.
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I would like to make Effie an aware human if anyone has a suggestion of a relationship (friendship. family, or significant other) that would make her aware please let me know!
@Violet She could be Corinne's {Banshee} little sister if you want? Maybe the gene skipped her?
Oh, and @Violet Is Winnie gonna be the leader of one of the vampire families?
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I might join this. Thanks for the tag @MadKingJai™ .

@Violet I have a question. Is it possible to play as named Angels? If so, I may go with Azrael with a twist? Twist as in Azrael being a fallen angel?
I'll join. Have a good idea for an old character I had. I'll take a fallen angel
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@Akashi I'm actually the GM. >.< And you can, I'm using Uriel.
@Akashi I'm actually the GM. >.< And you can, I'm using Uriel.
Oh, okay. sorry about that.

Thank you. Possible to have Azrael be.. a fallen angel? Is that what you intend on doing with Uriel?
@Akashi Yeah, Uriel is a fallen angel.
  • Thank You
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Okay! And yes Winnie is the leader, I planned on her taking over for her parents who were killed by hunters and or werewolves @Felilla
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@Felilla May I take the last Vampire Leader? and The Werewolf Coven leader
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