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Accidental Pyromaniac
Original poster
Invitation Status
  1. Looking for partners
Posting Speed
  1. Multiple posts per day
  2. 1-3 posts per day
  3. One post per day
  4. Multiple posts per week
  5. 1-3 posts per week
  6. One post per week
Online Availability
Depends on how crazy my life is at any given moment, but I'm usually online- at least for OOC purposes- at least once a day.
Writing Levels
  1. Adept
  2. Advanced
  3. Adaptable
Preferred Character Gender
  1. Primarily Prefer Female
Medieval Fantasy, SciFi, Modern/Superhero, Dystopian

The year was 3037. Humans had expanded their horizons far into the cosmos in their search for proof that they weren't alone in the universe. So far, they had been majorly unsuccessful- all they'd found were formerly-habitated planets reduced to nothing but ruins. Now desperate in their search for life, and with Earth swiftly descending into oblivion, the governments of the world had, for once, united in their goals. Four ships were sent out in four different directions, each ship carrying a cast of 200 diverse people at the peak of their lives.

Their goal?

Find a habitable planet, settle it, and build a warp gate to open up interstellar trading with Earth and the rest of the settlements.

Unfortunately, it would be even harder than anyone ever expected. And for one ship and its inhabitants, the adventure began rather suddenly.

The Moonbeam, or, professionally, 44588A, was a Nova-Class ship that was considered the best of its kind. Large but quick, strong yet supple, and with great mileage, it was by far the most celebrated of the four. And yet, it was the first to break. The unfortunate settlers' high hopes for a habitable and welcoming planet were dashed, when, on March 5th, 3040, three years into the voyage, the Moonbeam had some crippling malfunctions.

The Captain, a man by the name of Sir Ahab Kythe the Fifth, was woken from his cyro sleep as per company standard- but by then it was far too late. An oceanic planet loomed below, the surface of the dark waters growing closer with every passing second. He tried his best to overcome the mistake, but it was not to be. The gravitational pull was too strong, and, by then, the engine had already stopped. As the sickening blue of the planet below got closer and closer to the Moonbeam's front, Captain Kythe did all he could for the survivors- he directed the ship toward the only island in sight, set rendezvous coordinates, released the settlers from their three-year slumber, and activated the escape pods.

A resourceful man, but not one of the few that were lucky enough to survive.

The island they'd rendezvoused on was a terrifying place- full of creatures out for blood, and with little fresh water and edible plants. Even so, they were grateful for the relative safety offered by it- at least they weren't in the ocean. Radio transmissions from less fortunate escape pods proved the danger of straying into the murky waters, and even the terrors of the island were nothing compared to the reports of what lay beneath.

Now the remaining crew had to survive long enough for a rescue mission to be launched- or, more likely...to build the warp gate. And that would be the most difficult part of their lives to date- because the Moonbeam didn't hit the island, no...

It sunk into the deep.

Character & Participant Links

Abandoned --- Character: Symona Kryvonis
@Dipper (co-GM) --- Character: Emil Kohler
@Rosé Moon --- Character: Niomi "Nemo" La'Fierro
@Starlighter (self-appointed Code Gremlin) --- Character: Tobias Nelson Young
Abandoned --- Character: Julius Ermevisk Klarton
Abandoned --- Character: Milos Levore
Abandoned --- Character: Carlotta Nikoli Rizzo
Abandoned --- Character: Lucy "Sprite" Harvard
Abandoned --- Character: Maxim Sokolov
@Wrath --- Character: Eric Spectre
Abandoned --- Character: August Elenora Roon
@Applo --- Character: Sarah McLeod

Please note that this thread is for OOC only, and not characters.

FOR ANY NEWCOMERS: We now have some open spots! I am looking for semi-advanced players who can respond at least once every two weeks. You may take over one of the slots from one of the characters listed under "abandoned"- taking their profession, not the character. Please tell us your interest in the thread below, so myself and my co-GM (@Dipper) can get you integrated.

IC thread
Ocean Info


Technology Info
Last edited:
Alright, added a physical weakness that basically embodies Velma in every Scooby-Doo episode when she loses her glasses. LOL. Carlotta is basically useless in the water as well bc of her vision impairment.
Aaand he's finished. Took me forever to decide on his personality. Some things were also rewritten.

I also kept trying to write Sunbeam.
Alright, added a physical weakness that basically embodies Velma in every Scooby-Doo episode when she loses her glasses. LOL. Carlotta is basically useless in the water as well bc of her vision impairment.
Awesome! She's good ^.^

Aaand he's finished. Took me forever to decide on his personality. Some things were also rewritten.

I also kept trying to write Sunbeam.
Cool! He looks good.

LMAO yeah I get that.

And Julius is finished. Not quite sure if he fits the bill you're looking for, but just to give some diversity I figured I should go with this kind of guy.

Fun Fact about Julius - His middle name is a combination from his parents' names and he loves it, albeit not really telling such information to anyone.
@neobendium just going to alter the personality a little bit, more sarcasm, dry wit and have his dealing mechanism set to humour.
Cool cool :)


And Julius is finished. Not quite sure if he fits the bill you're looking for, but just to give some diversity I figured I should go with this kind of guy.

Fun Fact about Julius - His middle name is a combination from his parents' names and he loves it, albeit not really telling such information to anyone.
He's great! :) thank you :3
@Rosé Moon and @Maltien, there is room for one more male character and two more female characters with the current taken sexes. I'd like to remind you that as soon as you decide and are written into the list, you may make your character.

Also, to make it twelve, we need one more member XD the unevenness is killing me.
@Rosé Moon and @Maltien, there is room for one more male character and two more female characters with the current taken sexes. I'd like to remind you that as soon as you decide and are written into the list, you may make your character.

Also, to make it twelve, we need one more member XD the unevenness is killing me.

Not taking an NPC yourself? ^^
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Reactions: noodle
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Reactions: Rosé Moon
@Rosé Moon and @Maltien, there is room for one more male character and two more female characters with the current taken sexes. I'd like to remind you that as soon as you decide and are written into the list, you may make your character.

Also, to make it twelve, we need one more member XD the unevenness is killing me.

Then they shall be the female mechanic!
  • Love
Reactions: noodle
You know, I just kinda want to mention that this reminds me of Subnautica a lot. Which is good, it's a great game. That makes me all the more excited to do this kind of story.

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Reactions: noodle
You know, I just kinda want to mention that this reminds me of Subnautica a lot. Which is good, it's a great game. That makes me all the more excited to do this kind of story.


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Reactions: noodle
You know, I just kinda want to mention that this reminds me of Subnautica a lot. Which is good, it's a great game. That makes me all the more excited to do this kind of story.

That was the inspiration behind it :P
  • Bucket of Rainbows
Reactions: Dipper
@Tyche I'm a wee bit excited for your character; Myers-Briggs has been a casual hobby of mine for quite a while now :p
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Reactions: Tyche and noodle
@Tyche I'm a wee bit excited for your character; Myers-Briggs has been a casual hobby of mine for quite a while now :p
Same tho. It makes it funnier for me cause I'm an INTJ myself.
Yo, where're the rest of my fellow INTJs at?
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Reactions: noodle