The Deep (Survival/Adventure RP) Dedicated Players Needed!

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Accidental Pyromaniac
Original poster
Invitation Status
  1. Looking for partners
Posting Speed
  1. Multiple posts per day
  2. 1-3 posts per day
  3. One post per day
  4. Multiple posts per week
  5. 1-3 posts per week
  6. One post per week
Online Availability
Depends on how crazy my life is at any given moment, but I'm usually online- at least for OOC purposes- at least once a day.
Writing Levels
  1. Adept
  2. Advanced
  3. Adaptable
Preferred Character Gender
  1. Primarily Prefer Female
Medieval Fantasy, SciFi, Modern/Superhero, Dystopian
The wonderful graphic above was made by the lovely @winnie [/bg][bg=black]

A multiplayer game of survival

Hey guys! So... recently, during the IwakuMUSE challenge, I posted an entry to one of @Diana's Plot Challenge threads, and it got me thinking. Now, usually I don't do group RPs- every one I have tried to set up in the past has gone down the drain rapidly. For that reason, I was reluctant to do this but I just couldn't hold back from seeing if anyone was interested. If enough people (say...6-10?) show genuine interest, then I'll plan it out and do it.


I'd like a cast of diverse characters of varying occupations. That means I would prefer to have an equal or almost equal amount of males and females, and have everyone have a different occupation and varying skills (some exceptions may apply). My players would be expected to be intermediate-adept writers able to write multiple paragraphs per post. I am planning on having a deadline of seven days to post (though depending on who is interested, I may extend it to two weeks).

Also, a co-GM with experience with survival roleplays would be great! :3 please?


I will not have a character- instead, I will be the world itself. My job as GM will be narrating the surroundings and happenings, posting maps and the like, and steering the plot occasionally so the players' characters can react to the world. It will NOT be dice-roll based, and characters will not have stats. They will explore, create, survive, and eventually escape.


The roleplay would be set on an almost uninhabited alien planet. There would be one huge island with diverse biomes (probably about the size of Texas) and around it....ocean in all directions. Our characters (each player with a single character) would most likely be humans (possibly alien species if we want to take it that way) that were on a voyaging settlement spaceship that crashed (therefore, they would have good equipment they could possibly salvage and survivors with expertise on technology, survival, and the like). They would be the only survivors, and they must find each other and survive long enough to find a way off the planet.

But that would be harder than they'd all suspect.

Food is scarce, fresh, clean water is even scarcer, and huge, powerful animals roam the island. The water isn't any safer- in fact, it's even more dangerous. And to get to most of the useful salvage, they'll have to brave the depths.

If you've ever seen/played Subnautica before, that's the kind of vibe I'm going for- know. Multiplayer and with different lore and species.


Don't worry! The actual
OOC thread, Info Dump threads, and IC thread will be much prettier and WAY more fleshed out than this (I have coding ideas and tons of lore built up already). I will even be providing a fancy character sheet template for you to fill in ^.^

Unfortunately, none of this can happen if I don't have patient, dedicated partners, and a good co-GM (maybe). So please, post your interest and any ideas/suggestions you have down below and let's make the magic happen!
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Still looking, guys! Please let me know if anyone is interested. I'm really very excited for this and I hope it can kick off~
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I'm quite interested. I'm big into the whole "just survive" thing, and I'm glad to see there'll be no dice rolls or stuff. I don't like praying to RNJesus that I get a decent outcome, I like the skill of it.

But uh, yeah. Count me in!
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Reactions: noodle
I'm quite interested. I'm big into the whole "just survive" thing, and I'm glad to see there'll be no dice rolls or stuff. I don't like praying to RNJesus that I get a decent outcome, I like the skill of it.

But uh, yeah. Count me in!
Thank you so much! You're awesome for being the first person to show interest in this ^.^ if you have any suggestions or ideas for the roleplay please don't hesitate to let me know!
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I'm curious.

If I commit I'll stay committed though :3

I like what you've done with the concept and I like the idea of "we don't need bad guys, it's dangerous out here"!

Other than that, I'd like to hear more about how you want to do this.

How map-driven is this likely to be?
Does it matter if we've never played your game?
How much character interaction are you aiming for (once we find one another), vs people going off and doing different things?

I don't mind a few posts of lonely person doing lonely things, though I think it would get a little boring unless we're playing against active GM posts.

Which could work?
I'm curious.

If I commit I'll stay committed though :3

I like what you've done with the concept and I like the idea of "we don't need bad guys, it's dangerous out here"!

Other than that, I'd like to hear more about how you want to do this.

How map-driven is this likely to be?
Does it matter if we've never played your game?
How much character interaction are you aiming for (once we find one another), vs people going off and doing different things?

I don't mind a few posts of lonely person doing lonely things, though I think it would get a little boring unless we're playing against active GM posts.

Which could work?
Thnak you!

It's not likely to be very map-driven. I'll likely have one for the island and maybe one or two for caves or other specific areas, but other than that, not much.

It does not matter, as this is a separate thing and it is only based off of its idea.

I think there will be a lot of character interaction. Once everyone finds each other and sets up a camp, there will be exploration...but it'll be in groups of two+ characters.
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This certainly catches my attention.
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I'm always on the lookout for survival rps, so absolutely 100% count me in. If you'd like any GM help, I'm also willing.
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I'm always on the lookout for survival rps, so absolutely 100% count me in. If you'd like any GM help, I'm also willing.

I certainly will need some so I'm glad you're willing. Thank you XD
Thnak you!

It's not likely to be very map-driven. I'll likely have one for the island and maybe one or two for caves or other specific areas, but other than that, not much.

It does not matter, as this is a separate thing and it is only based off of its idea.

I think there will be a lot of character interaction. Once everyone finds each other and sets up a camp, there will be exploration...but it'll be in groups of two+ characters.

Ok, count me in and interested then!

I'll watch the thread as it develops, please let me know if this is something I can help with.
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Reactions: noodle
Ok, count me in and interested then!

I'll watch the thread as it develops, please let me know if this is something I can help with.

Of course ^.^ and if you have any suggestions or questions don't hesitate to tell me.

And if you guys are willing to help with a bunch of complex bbcoding for this (or know anyone who would be), please let me know :)
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Of course ^.^ and if you have any suggestions or questions don't hesitate to tell me.

And if you guys are willing to help with a bunch of complex bbcoding for this (or know anyone who would be), please let me know :)

Let me ask now then (for me at least), what are you looking for at this stage?

Do you have a minimum number of players you'd like to have before you move this to the next stage?

My bbcode is weak, but I know there are a few experts who have code shops around if that's a thing you'd like to pursue.

Thanks for volunteering to help on the GM side, @Dipper!
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Should an OOC be made, would you tag us, or should we simply be attentive?

I will tag you all when an OOC is made! :)

Let me ask now then (for me at least), what are you looking for at this stage?

Do you have a minimum number of players you'd like to have before you move this to the next stage?

My bbcode is weak, but I know there are a few experts who have code shops around if that's a thing you'd like to pursue.

Thanks for volunteering to help on the GM side, @Dipper!
Just enough interest for me to know if this is worth pursuing. I think it probably is with this level of interest shown.

I would like six players minimum- which it looks like we have at this point! So I suppose I should start planning for everything then XD

Yeah, mine too. I'll probably be asking around then.

Yes, thank you very much friend ^.^ @Dipper
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Reactions: Rosé Moon
I'm very interested :D I was in a players vs environment RP once that was an absolute blast, so really looking forward to this!

I tend to be more on the molasses side when it comes to post frequency, so I personally would appreciate two weeks over one. However, if the majority prefers to stick with a faster pace, I can buckle down and work with that.

I coded a complete CS/OC for someone else once before, and I'd love to give it a go again. I'm not quite a coding wizard myself, but I know a bunch of awesome people who are, so if you need something beyond my own skills, I can probably reach out to them for some help to get it done.
I'm very interested :D I was in a players vs environment RP once that was an absolute blast, so really looking forward to this!

I tend to be more on the molasses side when it comes to post frequency, so I personally would appreciate two weeks over one. However, if the majority prefers to stick with a faster pace, I can buckle down and work with that.

I coded a complete CS/OC for someone else once before, and I'd love to give it a go again. I'm not quite a coding wizard myself, but I know a bunch of awesome people who are, so if you need something beyond my own skills, I can probably reach out to them for some help to get it done.
Awesome! I look forward to your participation ^.^ and I hope I can provide the same amount of fun :)

We'll just have to see what ends up working, I suppose.

Oh, cool! Would you be able to send me a link or two so I can see your work?