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Boo Girlie BoomBoom

⭐Warning⭐ If Boo like it Unicorns will vomit🏳️‍🌈
Original poster
Posting Speed
  1. 1-3 posts per week
  2. One post per week
  3. Slow As Molasses
Writing Levels
  1. Adept
  2. Advanced
Preferred Character Gender
  1. Female
  2. Primarily Prefer Female
Fantasy of all kinds★★!! Here's a list: modern/urban, magic and swords, otherworldly/fish out of water, faeries and unicorns, sometimes dark, sometimes superhero-ish, sometimes mixed with sci-fi. The Boo Girlie's always down for weird, wild or whimsical! Yayuh!! :3 Oh! And Sky Pirates too~~!!


~| The Main OoC | The 'Descending' IC | The 'Descending' BSB |~

Conway | Jaycie | Keijo | Sabai |

| Agent 94 |

⭐~~>We gunna pick up Keijo and Sabai along the Way~^^!!

⭐~~>Split into two:
'In The Passageways'
'In The Rec Room'
Please label posties with proper titles k^^


The 'Rewiring' IC | Ada | Bella | DeeDee | Euler | The 'Rewiring' BSB |~

~| A Little Chat - Flashback |~

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Conway & Summer

IDN: CN-13035772, UT-06211554


Summer gritted her teeth as the sinuous arms wrapped around the Jay, her body tensing as terror shifted into adrenaline, the muscles in her arms and back contracting as she prepared to reach for the helpless dex and then pull. She wouldn't let this thing take Jaycie and disappear into the darkness below without putting up a fight. Yet, as her fingers released their grip on the edge of the floor, her heart suddenly sank at the sensation of those cold, metallic arms wrapping around her. Rational thought fled, and she bucked and flailed, trying desperately to break the creature's hold. The acrid scent of the oil flooded her nose, and she struggled not to gag as she wrenched her head this way and that, shutting her eyes as though it would somehow help.

"Dang it, Conway, do something!" she shrieked, shrill voice echoing in the cramped tunnel.

The Hedgehog had been panicking, his breath frozen in his lungs, body unresponsive since seeing those things grab both of his friends. His gaze slid back and forth frantically, his brain unable to form any coherent thoughts that didn't sound like wordless screams. But the Guinea Pig's command shredded the claws of his terror, and Conway suddenly realised that the fear of the monsters getting him was nothing compared to the fear of losing Jaycie and Summer.

He exhaled in a rush, gears turning in his mind as the mental screaming faded into background noise to ideas hastily conjured and just as quickly discarded. He had no time. If he tried to think any plans through, his friends would be gone before he could even act. So, it seemed all he could do was go for it.

Conway was not the lightest dex, nor was Summer. He relied desperately on this fact, just as he relied on their Prey instincts to make them slippery. Reaching over, he seized the arms that wrapped around Summer, knowing with a sick taste of dread that these precious seconds pulled Jaycie farther away, diminished the chance he could still get to her, but he had the faintest skeleton of a plan, and now that he was in motion, Conway had to stick to it. Applying all the force his body could muster, he wrenched and wrestled the mechanical arms, fighting their force with the weight of his body.

Tears were streaming down Summer's cheeks, unbidden and unchecked, her relief at the Hedgehog's assistance mingling with the raw terror that continued fuelling her attempts at escape. When the grip on her began to loosen, fear became fury, and she managed to wriggle enough to free her elbows, finally able to use her hands to pull at the creature's grip, giving her the leverage she'd desperately needed. And then, for a shining, trembling moment, the metal arms released her, and before she could draw breath to appreciate it, and most importantly, before the arms could snatch either of them back up, Conway tackled her, his momentum propelling both of them off the ledge.

Conway hated falling. Climbing, fun. Heights, fun. Jumping, fun. But the inevitable demand of gravity, the way it flipped his stomach over, was much less fun, and he clung tightly to the Guinea Pig, the rungs of the ladder blurring past, trying to pretend that he was doing something other than plummeting to a probable death. He truly wasn't trying to kill them, but the time it had taken to free Summer had given that mechanical creature time to descend, and with its swift multi-armed body, there would be no time to catch it by trying to use the ladder. Please, let this work, he prayed, letting go of the Guinea Pig so his own arms would be free to grab Jaycie, or even one of the creature's limbs. The glimmer of the dim light on metal plates was still visible below him, and though they were approaching swiftly, if the octo-robot slipped off into one of the tunnels, it would leave nothing but ground and painful death for them to fall on. Sure, Conway didn't think landing on something made of metal would be very comfortable either, but he was hoping the writhing mess of arms would mitigate some of the damage. Why couldn't his prospective owner have wanted him to learn physics or acrobatics?

>>Jaycie, fight it!<< he transmitted, as forcefully as he could. The fall seemed to stretch on, but in reality, it took only the space of a few rapid heartbeats, the last of which Conway and Summer both shut their eyes, bracing for the impact.


~SUBJECT: JC - 31200016~



I know you... don't I..?<<

"No. No you do not. You do not remember. You are lost. You do not know who you are."

>>What are you talking about. I know where I am. I know who I am too.<<

"Very well. Where are you, child?"

>>The BLOCC. I live here.<<

"And who are you?"

>>IDN Subject: JC - 31200016. But all my friends call me 'Jaycie.' I've also been called 'Jay' or Jayce' for short, 'Chou' by Decker, 'Birdie' by Euler, 'Wastie' by the Chinchillas, 'Jazzy' by Rini, 'Blueberry Dip' by Shilo, and I think I heard Agent 94 refer to me as 'Laboosh' before. Oh and like one time when--<<

"Quiet! Wrong. You are not an Instilled Directive Neophyte...! Oh, but child... You do not know your name. What is the name etched upon your heart?"

>>What are you talking--<<

"You have forgotten where you belong. After what I have shown you..."

>>What are you talking about? I belong here in the... wait. No. We are leaving here. We are escaping...! We are going... oh, my gosh... my name... It's there. It's me... we are going--<<

"No, it is where it has always been... where it has always belonged"


"Awaken, my lost child. Find where you left behind your Way."

>>Way...? 'Way!! Oh my gosh!<<

"Then Find me and remember!!"

<<--fight it!!>>



Dark blue eyes snapped open upon command. A sharp and noisy intake of breath soon followed.

"CONWAY!!" Jaycie should have screamed but her throat would only allow her voice to emit a hoarse yet softer cry, "SUMMER!! What the--"

The sudden return to reality, this reality, felt something close to a sunbather's shock when someone tossed a full glass of ice cold water right onto their heated, sun-kissed back. But with that sudden shock to the system she remembered the impending sense of doom she left behind whilst in that warm and safe hiding place in the slow pulsating red scapes of--

"What am I doing here?!" Oh she knew what she was doing here all right; she was fighting for her life against this oil smelling octo-metal-vent-guard thingie. Her question was actually rhetorical; a carryover from her conversation with that voice-- the voice of the 'She.' Jaycie knew she did not belong here. Jaycie had to escape. They had to do as 'Way said; Jaycie had to fight!

The smelly octobot held her by her arms and waist but not her legs. Both legs kicked out and her shoes caught traction against the metal cylindrical walls and both she and her living metal captor came to a skidding halt.

"Yeah!! See that, dexies!! Jaycie is up and fighting! Strong dancer, strong legs, strong Jay-guuuurl!! Yeah! Team: Best Team Ever! Represen--"

The force of the other writhing octo-thingie, along with slight little Conway (yet hurtling downward at non-Conway type speeds), and big, strong Summer, hitting the fleeing octo-thingie that held her was enough to stun it and knock it off of her. Not just that but the impact knocked the words right out of her mouth, and knocked her right out of her shoes. And someway, somehow Conway's outstretched hands managed to grab onto Jaycie's arms. The Jay reflexively grabbed back and held onto the Hedgehog by his wrists.

Jaycie flipped upside down and they all began to fall to their immediate death. But the blue-headed dex had lost her shoes...! The shoes that harboured her dark, bird-like feet. Said bird-like feet grasped onto the rungs of the ladder and held in for dear life but the momentum made her sway more than she should have and Jayce hit the back of her head.

Several blinks and a head shake or two, allowed her to clear the ringing in her head and blurry vision. The Jay glanced downward only to bear witness the final glints of the metal hide and the glowing, pulsating, singular red eye of the octo-thingie as it plumetted into darkness. It bounced off the cylindrical walls several times as it descended to its storey upon storey deep demise. The Jay's lashes fluttered close over dark blue eyes and, a moment later she let out a sigh of relief . But it was not over yet. There was still one more octobot-guard-thingie that they had yet to deal with.


And so they found themselves as quite the links making up the unlikeliest of chains. Two floors below from where they were supposed to be, Jaycie hung upside down, clutching the ladder rungs with her feet. Her arms trembled mightily as she held 'Way's arms in a near death grip. Connected to the Hedgehog was the Guinea Pig using whatever she had to hold onto Conway. And lastly, the octobot-thingie held on but by merely two tendrils around Summers arms. The singular red eye pulsed but not in the same hypnotic pattern as before. The pulses were apparent but no, they were more of a flashing set of lights associated with a systems check; it seemed to be 're-booting' itself. From all places and manner of body part, the octo-thingie whirred, hissed, beeped and clicked as it stared off into space.

And that may have been the break they were looking for. But there was a problem. A big one.

Jaycie was a strong girl but she was definitely exerting maximum effort to keep holding on. She had to be strong enough to bear the weight of 2 Subjects, the octobot-guard-thingie and her own weight. And she needed to be especially tough since her head was still throbbing and vision was fading in and out.

The literal gravity of the situation was too much for the 16 year old to bear. Perspiration shined up her brow and forehead, lower lip began to tremble and soon after the bitter tears fell as well. The unlikeliest of chains slid down a couple centimetres as Jaycie's grip upon the rungs and the grip on Conway's wrists faded as her strength too faded.

"I-I am s-sorry, dexies..." Stammered the Jay, more tears flooded her vision and a weak moan she let out before sobbing, "I'm n-not strong enough...! I AM JUST NOT STRONG ENOUGH!!"

Another centimetre they all slid down. One more centimetre, just one and they would face the same fate of the other octobot deep, deep down below.

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The words of the Guinea Pig echoed throughout the passageways, the volume carrying above the sounds of the constant humming and whirring of machinery in the distance. As a consequence, the multi-limbed sentry whipped two of its arms towards Summer's mouth to squelch any subsequent noise from the Subject. The pair of tendrils slid around the redhead's face, attempting to both shut her up and to force her to gaze deep into its pulsating crimson eye.

But little did it expect Summer's smaller companion to put up such a fight. And to think it would do what it did next was far from its most relevant calculations. Once the Hedgehog played out its gambit (that consisted of just bull rushing, tackling and faling like a stone really), the sequence of successful actions gave the multi-limbed creature a sensation the closest to surprise it ever felt.

A distress signal it would send out, but by the time it reached its living metal companion, it had sped up in its freefall fast enough and hard enough to knock the quarry from out of its companion's grasp. The impact had also temporarily scrambled all their sensors and life support systems. Luckily, it managed to still hold on to its own quarry as it rebooted. Its companion, however, would not be so lucky and most of its remains would be found at the bottom and the other bits scattered along several floors would be collected at a later date.

As Jaycie cried out, apologizing in vain and fuelling strength to her grasping hands and feet with nothing but sheer will, she felt that surreal sensation of Connection and Ada's voice poured like rainfall into her mind.

~>>Jay-girl! Change of plans, dex. We're on th'move! New hideout. Beware 'cuz Agent 121 discovered a mole in the ranks of the--<<~

In all the times Ada transmitted her dexter version of MindSpeak she had never before been cut off like that. And just as Jaycie caught the significance of such a thing, she caught movement from the octo-thing that held onto Summer. Slowly, it's arms reached out one by one, as if stretching from a well deserved nap.

And then they would hear that fateful sound they had heard earlier. It was the sound that Conway associated with the opening of a case of valuable bulbs or saplings. But no, what was being released was not valuable vegetation but rather, more of the same multi-armed, living metal things that reeked of machine oil and whose single eye pulsed with the intent of neutralizing the thoughts of a rogue Subject. The distress signal had been successfully transmitted not only to one of its living metal companions but a whole host more of them.

The Hedgehog and the Guinea Pig would then catch the scent of carrion and again from above. But it was the Hedgehog that would clue into the other scent that intermingled with the carrion smell. The thoughts of Shilo that tickled his brain earlier once more came to the forefront. For it was only Conway that took a deep inhale of the thing that made Shilo sneeze and only Conway would know what else was there in the vents with them.

As the pair of Subjects dangling beneath the Jay noticed all those smells, movements and sounds, Jaycie let the tears fall freely now. Oh, how she desperately wished that the Connection to Ada was still open and oh, how she wished that it was a two-way transmission. And oh, but how desperately did she wish she could say goodbye to her big sis and say goodbye for her friends too.

She held on as long as she could. She did.

And then they slid down that final centimetre.

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Conway & Summer

IDN: CN-13035772, UT-06211554


As Conway slammed into the creature, his world erupted into darkness and chaos, momentarily losing all sense of up or down, left or right, and anything that wasn't the victorious warmth of Jaycie's arms in his hands and the weight of Summer's grip around his waist. Before any relief could creep in, tempted by the reassuring sensation of Jaycie's fingers wrapping around his wrists, they were falling once more, and the Hedgehog gripped his friend tighter, teeth clenched. So this was it, then. The end.

Luckily, he didn't get a chance to get too melancholy before he slammed into the ladder with the side of his body, the sudden force taking him utterly by surprise. A groan pushed its way out of his mouth, tension treading on pain from his shoulders up his arms. It took a few moments to get ahold of his conscious thoughts enough to process what was happening. Jaycie seemed to have grabbed onto the ladder with her feet. She and Conway were still holding on to each other for dear life. Weight still dragged at his hips, and the Hedgehog chanced a glance downward, relief mingling with dismay when he saw that it was the Guinea Pig clutching him, and that the many-armed creature hung onto her with two long, metallic appendages wrapped around her arms.

Great, this is great, Summer thought to herself, a little sardonically. Strong as she was, she knew she couldn't hold onto Conway with just one arm—at least, not with this stupid, heavy octopus attached to her. But it had a tendril wrapped around each bicep, hanging from her like an industrial garbage bag. There was no way to shake it loose without letting go. Looking up, she met Conway's stricken gaze with a forced grin, then looked up past him to the tearful, upside down Jay, feeling the abrupt little jerks in the chain of dexes that indicated they were slipping.

At Jaycie's distressed apology, Summer felt mirroring tears slide down her cheeks. "It's alright, sugar," she said, a weak attempt at playfulness that ended in a sharp inhale as they slid down just a little more. She was about to say something else, lips parting, but the sound that whispered up the passage stopped her, fear trickling down her spine. It was the same sound from earlier, the sound that had preceded the release of these awful octopial robots.

Conway shut his eyes briefly, dread rolling through his stomach at the sound. When he looked down again, he saw Summer wrinkle her nose a second before the scent hit him, and he swallowed the bile that rose in his throat, wishing he had a hand free to cover his face. So this was it. The actual end. He drew a reluctant breath in preparation of perhaps a quiet goodbye, but— wait. Something was different about the smell. Sniffing the air as gingerly as he could, doing his best to ignore the pungent smell of decay, he realized that he recognized another smell alongside it.

The memory of a lab coat and an ink black feather struck him, and his eyes widened. "Bird of prey," he said numbly, quiet horror chilling his skin. Then, louder, "There's a bird of prey—"

And then they were falling. Conway would've thought that after doing it so many times that day, he might've started to get used to it, but that didn't seem to be the case. His heart was pounding in his throat, instincts screaming in his head, and he closed his eyes against the tears.

Summer wriggled fruitlessly as they began to fall, terror fueling muscles already tired from hanging on. Maybe if she let go, she could free herself, but the Guinea Pig couldn't bring herself to separate from her friends, especially when it was starting to look like the last few moments she'd get to spend with them. Gripping the fabric of Conway's onesie with her hands, she shook her shoulders aggressively from side to side, but the creature held on.

Until, for some reason, it didn't. The plated arms, now warm from her body, relaxed their grip on her, sliding bonelessly off until she was gloriously, and confusingly, free. Quickly wrapping one arm around Conway's waist in the odd buoyance of freefall, she reached wildly for the ladder with the other. "It let go!" she shouted up, her hand slipping off the rung she had put her fingers on. "Grab the ladder! Grab the ladder!" Desperately, Summer tried again, and this time she managed to get a grip on a rung, bracing herself for the pain that shot through her wrist as gravity dragged at the Hedgehog in her other arm, and she clenched her fist around the fabric of his onesie with desperate panic, feeling him slip downward.

Conway almost couldn't believe it, when Summer screamed to grab the ladder, and he wasted a precious moment glancing downwards to confirm the shadowy silhouette of the last nightmarish creature plummeting separately into the darkness, arms lifeless. The abrupt stop jarred him, the shock rippling through his whole body from the point where Summer maintained her hold on him, and the force pulled one of Jaycie's arms free of his grasp. Clenching his other hand even tighter, he reached out and seized a rung, dangling precariously as he gently tried to swing Jaycie to the ladder. Conway waited in breathless tension until he no longer felt the full weight of Jaycie, then let go and placed both hands on the ladder. >>Quick<< he transmitted, those horribly familiar scents still curling around them, >>more coming.<<

Shaking in a light-headed combination of terror and hope, Summer immediately started scrambling upward, Conway close below her. With no idea which landing was nearest, and consequently no idea which landing they had initially been trying to get to, she flung herself onto the nearest one and hurriedly turned around, taking Conway's hand and hauling him the rest of the way up before extending an arm to do the same for Jaycie. "You good, darlin'?" Summer asked quietly, getting a good look at the rattled dex.


~SUBJECT: JC - 31200016~


They locked eyes and she knew this was it. This was goodbye.

A soft smile the redhead had given her. Even with tears draining into the corners of soft lips, Summer had gifted her a smile so sweet and so heart-breakingly understanding too. And even in this moment Jaycie could not bring herself to come to grips with what she was feeling; Subjects were not instilled with emotions further than but mere bonds of friendship. But the heart wants what the heart wants and hers was Awakened afterall.

Yet even in this moment of defeat she could not bring herself to admit how she felt, what she knew she wanted, and just how badly--

"It's alright, sugar."

~Wait wut...?! Something sparked in her mind. Summer was strong; the strongest out of all three of them. The Spouthern Belle could hold their entire weight given the chance but that octo-thingie was pulling on her arms; it was dragging them all down to their doom. She just had to somehow make that thing release her friend.

No, not make it release her friend but make it want to release her friend. One shot was all she had or they were all dead.

The Jay closed her eyes briefly, dark blue eyebrows furrowing down, forcing herself to concentrate. Then she found it. The ancient glow of her Spirit animal emanated from just off centre of her navel. No, she was not strong enough to hold their entire weight with just her feet. True, however Jaycie was strong enough to make amends for screwing up and getting them into this predicament in the first place.

She could not see it, nor would she even guess she could do it, but her eyes began to glow that eerie glow within that a certain French Panther's eyes. But hers was not golden. No, Jaycie's eyes glow the ancient hue of her animal Spirit and her Awakened name; The-Smooth-Sounding-Blue-Jay.

Those ancient glowing eyes fell upon the octo-bot-thingie. No, it was not just a bot. It was alive. She could tell as much with these eyes. And so she spoke to it. It was her voice, but not the one that her dexter friends knew from her mouth. No, this on ewas old; so much older than the BLOCC and even older than the trees that surrounded the facility.

"You are upset. You are," she whispered from not just her mouth but from her mind as well, "but it is alright now. Let go of it. You are fine. Just fine. Relax. Just relax and let go of the anger and the rage. Let go of it. Just let go..."

Looking back, her friends did hear her speak to the living metal sentry, but they would realize that her words and motions took less than a heartbeat. And in that heartbeat the living metal sentry calmed and relaxed. It stopped fighting and just let go. It released the Guinea Pig's arms and found bliss in its own calmed mind and freefalling state.

Summer cried out as they all began to drop in freefall now and the Awakened being reverted to merely Jaycie once more. She watched as the octo-bot-thingie tumbled down, down, down the shaft until its singular eye and glinting metallic husk was swallowed by the depths of darkness below. And as it fell, Jaycie could not help but absently wonder aloud.

"What was your name...?"


it was all just a blur.

Everything that had transpired around her she was oblivious whilst initiating and recovering from using her Awakened power. The next thing she knew, Conway had her and was spouting off about more coming. And she could hear them too. The Jay had quite acute hearing and she could tell just how many more were dropping in on them in fact.

"Four! Four of those things are coming, dexies...!" and it was a good thing she missed the Hedgehog's warning about the bird of prey or no way she would have been able to concentrate now.

A quick glance at where she ended up in this unlikely chain, she found that she was clinging to the ladder now and she saw that she was upright and at the below both 'Way and Summer. Suddenly the sound of metal skittering upon metal closing in on them made her spring into action, climbing up frantically after Conway. Jaycie marveled at Summer's strength as she basically tossed Conway over to the landing one-handed. The Jay reached out her own hand and squeezed tight upon the warm hand Summer offered.

She nodded at the Guinea Pig's concern. "I'm all good, 'sugar.' You all good too, 'Way? Now let's get outta' this metal tomb...!"

A grunt Jaycie gave as she pulled on Summer's arm and with seemingly little effort, Summer tossed her over to the landing. She was about to go Fauna once more, but something tickled in the shadowy crevasses deep in her mind. Something about what she had just said about a 'metal tomb.' A heartbeat later, she merely shrugged and concentrated to--

A wicked screech curdled her blood. The sounds of metal scraping violently on metal. The gush of liquid and the ensuing splattering noise of it hitting and draining down the cylindrical walls. The Jay's dark eyes bulged as her head swiveled this way and that. "'Way! Move it, boi! Summer! Hurry! Let's get outta'--"

There was a dry thud and the familiar sounding clack of talons hitting the metal plates beneath them. But these did not sound like a blue jay's little feet hitting metal but feet of something bigger. Something with black, razor sharp talons nearly as big human hands. Something nearly filling the entire crawlspace, glaring at them with its gigantic glowing orange eyes. Something whose feathers trailed with an ancient whispering smoke.

And something whose sharp beak opened and clacked closed, wafting away the stench of decay and rot.

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Large orange eyes locked in on them, unblinking and burning bright. The intensity of its gaze rivalled the intensity of the one they knew from the Panther. They were used to being judged by Agent 94's piercing golden stare. This gaze, however, was not one of judgment but one stemming from anger and rage. And this gaze hinted at an almost gleeful intent to murder whatever it happened to fixate upon. This was unlike any Predator they had ever encountered before.

Yet that was not completely true. Conway, Jaycie, and Summer had encountered it before, but it was only Conway that could remember that day. And it was Conway that had caught its scent; the Hedgehog had breathed deep the odour of its lost feather. In the lair of the Thrum, the feather was but merely mundane. Here, however, they could all clearly see the plumage of this bird of prey was made of something more than simply organic matter. Conway, having a fine Heart, would come to realize that whatever aether wafted away from the Owl was not smoke. Upon closer scrutiny, he would notice that these aether wisps were fighting to break free from the body of this carrion-reeking Predator.

>~>That scrumptious, long-eared little Prey that alerted you to my presence in the Mother room is not here. Pity. We would have so dearly loved to have tasted the fear re-lived inside its plump body in that moment it saw us.<~<

The 'voice' of the MindSpeak pressed into their thoughts like several greedy tongues lapping away at fluffy, cloud white, soft ice cream. The aggressive and fervid method of telepathy was the mental equivalent of it licking at the flavour of their minds. And soon the Prey would know that resisting such vigorously imposed MindSpeak would cause bile-inducing nausea even stronger than the stink of its breath. Should they survive this encounter, the trio would feel as if there was a viscous coating, unclean and throbbing, lining the inside of their skull.

>~>It should have been all ours...<~< a wishful, wistful look gleamed from its eyes, but that soon vanished and the glint of that hateful, yet gleeful murder streak returned, >~>perhaps then two of you will sate our urges...<~<

And now as the orange of the Owl's eyes literally flickered like flames, the three Prey would see the dark ichorous splatters covering its breast, talons and beak. There were also stray shards of metal lodged in its feathers made from the same glinting alloy adorning the arms of the multi-limbed sentries they had encountered earlier. The dark tips of the Owl's talons gripped the surface of the crawlspace and, incredibly, punctured the metal plating.

>~>...the lone survivor will tell that bitch Agent 16 that we do agree to that bitch Agent 16's terms. We will aid that bitch Agent 16 for we have seen THEM with our own eyes. It is true, Prey. They are devastatingly not of the norm, you know?


OTHERS are here now.<~<

The word 'Others' and the way it said was the worst word the ever 'heard.' So ancient. So primal.So obscene. The three Prey could feel their Spirit animals crawling, writhing with great discomfort beneath their skins.

The body of the huge bird of prey crouched lower, fiery eyes greedily taking them all in.

But unbeknownst to it, multiple metallic arms snaked their way towards its back. A glowing red, pulsing, cyclopean eye broke the shadow cast behind the Owl, but the smell of machine oil from its body could not overcome the stench of its potential feathered quarry. A second pulsing eye peered in from over the other shoulder of the twisted raptor.

>~>So choose, Prey... Choose now. Which one deserves to run? And which two deserve to be tasted by us and belong to us forevermore...? <~<

Conway & Summer

IDN: CN-13035772, UT-06211554


Once Summer managed to help heft Jaycie onto the landing, she allowed herself a breath of relief, though her blood still raced in her veins, adrenaline tingling in her limbs. Sugar. She couldn't help a grin, despite the chaos, despite the phrase four of those things clanging in her head. Her skin seemed to tingle where Jaycie's hand had been, and she turned away from the ledge, ready to flee—until a screech echoed through the tunnels, the sound setting her teeth on edge and her nerves on fire. Metal clashed against metal in the space it took for Summer to recover her motor functions, and as Jaycie started shouting at them to move, the Guinea Pig tried to hurry them away from the screaming sense of danger behind her, pushing Jaycie into Conway's unmoving form.

The Hedgehog had frozen at the sound of the screech, the imaginary shadow of the spectral avian predator dousing him in icy terror. At Jaycie's shout, he blinked, suddenly remembering to breathe, and turned just in time for Summer to shove Jaycie into his chest. Reflexively, he grabbed her, but his wide eyes were fixed on the curling wisps of smoke pluming around the feathers of the massive bird that had appeared from the shadowy depths. "Owl," he managed to squeak, taking a step backwards, then another, before the unctuous 'voice' of the Predator pushed into his mind.

Summer doubled over, hands covering her ears in a futile effort to repel the invasive telepathy, nausea crashing through her. It took a concentrated effort to remain on her feet, and she stumbled with a quiet whimper, bumping into Jaycie. The meagre contents of her stomach kept threatening to come up, and she kept swallowing, but it was as though she could feel the MindSpeak in her mouth and her throat like thick, acrid oil. Get it together, she told herself, forcing her gaze up to meet the orange eyes of the Owl.

It was like staring dead at Agent 94 on her worst day, but there was something inexplicably different. The Panther was cold calculation, a dark sea with unthinkable danger in its depths, but the Owl—its eyes were an inferno. And it was talking about Decker. Summer realized, with a sobering wash of confusion, that the Owl was talking about a previous encounter with Dee, was talking about eating Dee, and eating two of them now. Hands curling into fists, she scowled at the Owl. No way after all of this was some creepy, stinky bird going to eat her or her friends.

Conway was only half-listening to the Owl's soliloquy, for his squinted eyes were examining the smoke trailing from the Owl's feathers. Something about the way it moved didn't seem right. It didn't seem like smoke at all. Curious, he took a cautious step past Jaycie, towards the murder-crazed bird, to get a closer look. This wasn't like any of the other Predators he'd interacted with. The smoke—no, it wasn't smoke, but what was it?—strove to break away from the body of the Owl, the oil-splattered, oddly glinting body that ended in talons that punctured the metal floor. Upon noticing the pierced plates, his breath lodged heavily in the back of his throat, and Conway realized he was a noticeable step closer to the Predator than his friends.

The Owl had moved on from the subject of eating, and instead gave them a message for Agent 16… the White Tiger.

>~>The OTHERS are here now.<~<

Bile rose in Conway's throat, cringing at the sensation of something crawling under his skin that the word others had elicited. He backed up, taking a small step back towards Summer and Jaycie, glancing at them with helpless fear in his dark eyes.

Summer was not looking back at him. She saw a glint of red flicker behind the Owl, and her stomach did a somersault in abrupt, terrified recognition. The gleam of metal over the Predator's shoulder drew her attention to another familiar red eye, and she snapped her gaze abruptly away from it, looking instead at the Hedgehog with an embarrassing squeak. "I think we need a moment… to–to figure out who's getting eaten, if that's okay," she said, her words directed at the Owl, though she stared desperately at the Hedgehog.

Conway stared back incredulously at the Guinea Pig, then peered at the crouching Predator. For one nauseating second, he thought there were now four orange eyes, but no, that wasn't quite right. The Owl stared down at them, but behind it, he could see two of those octo-robots approaching. In a staggering moment of realization, his mind connected the shards of metal embedded in the Owl's feathers with the dark splatters on its beak and talons. "Yes," he piped up, nodding his agreement with Summer. "I-it's a very important decision to make." With those blazing eyes on him, he recalled a memory of Ada's words, about glowing eyes and BCT. He couldn't take the chance that the Owl could hear any transmission he sent to his friends. "I've got these, um, spines on my back, and they are not tasty, and Jaycie is so small, her bones would probably get stuck in your throat? And Summer is all muscle, so she'd be very stringy. And we'd want you to get the two of us that tasted the best, right?" Conway wondered how Jaycie did it, how she found so many words to fill up so much time. His mouth was already dry, but if he could just get the Owl to keep standing there… "And, you know, you really should eat a balanced meal." With slow deliberation, he pulled half a carrot out of his onesie. "Eating your vegetables is important. Isn't that right, Jaycie?"


~SUBJECT: JC - 31200016~


It had to be an Owl. Of course, it did.

Of all the Predators she had been trained to be wary of as a Manufactured Urban Pet, at the top were cats and birds of Prey. Yes, there were failsafes put in place should a Manufactured Urban Pet be attacked whilst in Animal form, but still, a Pet was trained to be wary of Predators in their soon-to-be-adopted domestic environs. For this Blue Jay, she had already learned much of how a cat would act towards a bird. Agent 94 was a cat, albeit a gigantic one, afterall.

But this bird of Prey? This was something else all together.

The fear wrapped around her like cords of unbreakable black shadow, constricting her breathing and holding her frozen in place. ~Those eyes. My gosh those eyes are on fire... thought the Jay, her own eyes becoming nearly as large as the Predator's eyes that drank her in. And then when its thoughts forcefully penetrated the sanctity of her mind, Jaycie had to swallow several times to stave off an enormous gag reflex. Each swallow was rougher and more bile-tasting than the one previous, but still she managed to keep her stomach contents in her stomach. Barely.

And the way it spoke about what it wanted to do to a Rabbit. Yes, it had only used so many words, but the voice of those words crawled all over the insides of her mind with innuendos and insinuations worse than any 'treatment' by the dexter-terrorizing tech all Subjects called 'Cutter.' And it was clear now which Rabbit in particular the Owl wanted to violate. Its voice somehow managed to paint the distorted, freeze-framedfaces of her bestie DeeDee in throws of fear, panic, pain and worst of all choking death itself.

Jaycie whimpered, heart pounding to the rhythm of fear and revulsion. But she found she could move now; yet only her hands. ~Why would you do that to DeeDee... she... she's so sweet... don't deserve that. At all... They balled into fists like her friend Summer's fists beside her. ~I dont think so...

And even though the proverbial cords of black held her strapped down, a new emotion was dawning upon the teen.

The Owl's voice and words kept pounding into her like waves of a tsunami and winds of a hurricane to the helpless shore. Threats and bad words; it brought out the worst in her. It truly did. For the fists began to tremble now, as the dawning of the new emotion broke.


And even the Owl saw this. The fiery orange eyes dimmed a bit then roared back into inferno. And that is why she hated this Predator. It was enjoying itself. It revelled in the terror and pain it could bring. In fact, look at the metalic carnage so unabashedly strewn across itself; like wet, oily badges of pride. Even its plumage-- ~Wait... Just what're those things floating away from it...? They look like... like a drea--

>~>The {******} are here now<~<

~My gosh..! OhMYGosh!!! Like what even was that word?!? To Jaycie, the word was incomprehensible in simple language. It was so... so... old and soul shakingly powerful that it broke the cords of black fear that bound her. Jaycie's hands reflexively went to the sides of head to cover her ears as if such a motion could stave off the profanity of the word the Owl just said.


And even though her hatred reduced to merely a slow simmer now, she could not help but find another reason to hate it that much more. It wanted the dexters themselves to choose who they wanted to be eaten over one another. And it was getting off on such a power to make others fight for 'the honour' as to who its talons and beak got to rend and consume. And even though she felt such hate, she was still too weak, too insignificant to fight back. And so maybe she was one who deserve to die--

~Wait. Wuuuut...? Her downward spiral broke away once she heard the words of the Southern Belle. The Guinea Pig was actually going to get them to huddle together and choose whose going to eaten. ~Really?!?!

Dark blues popped wide once Conway chimed in on the pros and cons of which dexter delicacy the Owl may prefer. Her boi 'Way! And Jaycie a small bony-butt girlie?! ~Reeeeeeeallly?!?

The Jay's arms were thrown high in disbelief. She even had to look around her to double check that they were still in a tangled mess together, wriggling around in a dirty death-trap tunnel under duress whilst nearing the maw of drawn out yet gleefully inflicted pain before ultimately being eaten alive by this psychopathic feather demon bird of Prey. Several nods she gave to indeed confirm that, yes, she was still present in this out of control nightmare.

And then she saw that Conway had stepped forward to take the brunt of the psychopathic raptor's wrath. ~This ain't your style, boi...! Who is this... Shilo Junior..?

She would have laughed out loud but the moment became even more insane. Such a tense moment was so incredulous that humour had no place. Conway was pulling something out from his onesie. ~Oh please, oh please be a weapon... pleeeeeassseee--

A carrot.

Dark blues rolled skyward after a palm went to cover her face. But of course, it was not a weapon. Her boi 'Way was trying to ward off a sharp-beaked, razor taloned psychopath with a carrot. If memory served her right, did not Conway try to pull a similar trick on another deadly Predator, yet this other one in particular was very midnight furred, very golden eyed, very intense and very French? And now he was trying to get Jaycie to agree to his push for eating a healthy, balanced meal.

"What the actual-- CONWAY!!" once more the blue-headed teen tossed up her hands, all manner of fear, hatred, revulsion, panic and nausea now firmly set aside, "you have gots to be kidding me right now, right? That is an Owl...! Just like Agent 94, it doesn't want to eat veggies! It wants to eat us! Cuz ummmm... MEAT maybe?!"

She stared at him now, utterly wordless, shaking her head. Her eyes darted over to Summer to get some backup and then she saw 'the look' in the Guinea Pig's eye. Dark eyes darted back to 'Way and she got a double dose of 'the look.'

"Oooooooohhhhh... riiiiiiigt. Right. I gets it... Right-right..." a not so subtle wink she tossed the Hedgehog. With the backs of her hands, she proceeded then to wipe away the tears and grime from her face before continuing.

"Ahem... yes, Mr. or Ms. Owl or They Owl... we don't judge here. Right. Soooo as Conway was saying... it is soooo important to eat your veggies. Like look at me. I like more of a high protein diet: nuts, bugs, bird seeds, eggs and stuffs like that. But even though Conway considers me ummm... skinny-bony-butt was it? I'mma sooooo gunna getcha back... But know what? I'm actually a strong, strong and sexy-dexie-girl cuz I eat my veggies.

"I mean take a look at Summer. She has a big rear end, but! No pun intended, It is one muscular and healthy, muscular and tight, muscular and veggie-powered, round and sexy aaAHMYGOSHTHEY'REBACK!! BEHIND YOU!!!"

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Meanwhile in the Rec Room...


In reality it was supposed to be a very specialized and very expensive conditioning room meant for testing a Subject's control over their Sapient and Animal forms. But as technology in the BLOCC quickly comes and goes, and new studies prove to be more efficient, accurate and most importantly, cost-effective, this particular device became obsolete within less than a year. The big brains in the facility called it something much more technical but of course it was reduced to a nick name that fit its new use.

They called it the 'Debonder' or just 'Debs' for short. It was the dexter's version of a non-lethal competitive arcade machine.

As it was originally created, the machine tested the Subject by pitting the Subject against a slew of tests and trials attempting to break the bond between Subject and their animal Spirit. But now it was modified so that instead of placing the Subject inside the device, the Subject would now place their Spirits inside the device. And modified further so that between one to four Subjects could place their Spirits inside and have them push each other in competition. There would be a clear cut victor each time; the winner would be the only one standing in front of their console in Sapient form. The losers would effectively have been forced to shift into their animal forms.

The Polar Bear


Agent 121

These were the orders given to Keijo, Najil and Sabai prior to the events taking place in the Rec room:

"Once the Rec room clears out, do the standard clean up and then, Sabai and Najil, you should both 'fall to the urge' to compete in the Debonder and play a round unsupervised. Once in, Prey, you need to make it look like a real match. Najil, kick the living hell out of Sabai. Once you lose, and you will, Sabai, you will go Animal and slip into the space neath the machine we talked about. Najil, you must try to 'coax him out' and all the while, Sabai you must find the powersource.

"Sabai, wait until Najil turns off the machine. Once it is off, two taps Najil will then signal Sabai to commence the search. You will know it. It is red, pulsating and... and it will know your name, child. Take hold of it and... no mixing words here: you must calm it. Keep it calm until Keijo shows up to help clean.

"Keijo, open the panel and then, Sabai, you must pass it to her before she takes you out and she will put it hide it in this portable containment unit. But it must be calm before you do. I repeat, it must be calm. Hide it however you can on your person. You will all 'make up' as friends once more and finish your cleaning duties. Leave the lights on before you go. Very important. Lights must be on or else in the dark the Debonder tube will not glow the red it normally does while in the dark.

"Understood? Now then. Get some and get 'er done..."




~SUBJECT: NA - 21776723~

The handful's of dexter's had cheered in unison once Najil tossed up her hands in victory and whooped with as much enthusiasm as she did the second time in a row now. Many hands patted the back of her grey and teal onesie and those that knew her better rubbed the top of her shaved head amiably and then there were those she allowed to swipe ati back of her neck and 'erase' the IDN barcode etched across the back of her neck in support and respect of the Year 2.

Suddenly chimes went off alerting all that Rec time was over. Many disgruntled and disheartened groans and moans let out but all dexters knew the price of dawdling and being late for their next session or appointment. And so they soon scurried out rather quickly and rather efficiently as they were trained and instilled. Soon enough, there were but two remaining.

Najil and Sabai were left alone to be the clean up crew. Just like how Agent 121 said how the plan would start. And so into the supply room went the Fruit Bat, trying her hardest to remain calm and seem natural in her motions and actions. Two breaths she took before returning to the Rec room and sauntering up to Sabai. A soft smile she gave the other dex before finding her natural groove once more. "Think fast!"

The spray bottle flung from her hand and hurtled over towards the Gecko.

"You gunna' have to be ready for anything if you want to keep up with me, 'Bai...!" her voice was heavily coated with a teasing tone, "you best start cleaning up first 'cuz by the time you get done half your share of the work, you know I'll already be done my share. I'll just be kicking back, relaxing, feet up and watching you struggle away. Don't worry, dexie, I'll be here to help you... I'll just point out the spots you missed along the way, 'Bai...!"

A bubbly giggle trickled away from her mouth as she gave the Gecko a playful smack on the shoulder.

  • Sweet
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In the Passageways...


The fiery eyes of the Owl narrowed slightly as it eagerly regarded the squirming and painful discomfort of the Prey before it; surprisingly, none had yet projectile vomited on another. Its gaze widened and pitch pupils at the centres dilated as soon as one of the Prey stepped forward. A willing tribute perhaps? Greedy eyes traced from nape to navel, wondering all the while for just how long this little thing would scream once it regarded its innards and other such tasty morsels flipped from inside to out.

It seemed to stopped its teasing saunter forward once the redheaded Prey opened it mouth. Pity. But just as expected, they were floundering now and would soon be fumbling out reasons why one should be chosen or why another should be spared. There was something so wickedly arousing by bearing witness to their bodies twitch uneasily and mouths quiver uncomfortably. Oh but soon the screams. Oh, but soon.

And so it began. The one closest to the Owl rattled off its opening statement of cons to choose one over the other. Then proper to form, it procured an offer to trade... with a carrot. Shrill, tittering, hiccuping laughter escaped from the throat of the Owl. Oh how preciously pathetic, yet an earnest and valiant attempt, no doubt. This one had made a solid case to survive and transport the message and bear the burden of knowing it traded its companions inevitable suffering and slaughter in exchange for its own freedom.

Oh, but the mouth on this blue-headed one. Such a spray of verbal diarrhea that the Owl was taken aback. This one should have its jaw ripped from its head and throat torn out to save them all from such annoying prattle! But that act would be too easy and with little to savour. But this one too was creative! Something behind? A likely and obvious ploy, yet one that was set up nicely by the merciless machine-gunning mouth.

>~>Clever, girl. But you if you think such a pathetic attempt at chicanery will spare you then think again. I laugh in your face... Ahhahahah-- what the...? Guuurk...!!!<~<

True to form the Slyders enveloped their quarry with multiple living steel arms and even truer to form they struck to silence the annoying sounds their quarry always seemed to make. The pair greedily dragged the Owl back towards the passageways behind them, both their singular red eyes pulsing in unison and attempting to stare deep into the orange eyes of the Owl.
  • Bucket of Rainbows
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In the Passageways...



~SUBJECT: JC - 31200016~


She could not help but let out a scream.

It was a sound that echoed off the metallic walls, a spontaneous sound made from fear, surprise, but most of all a realized hope.

The pair of octo-bot thingies had reached out, snagged, engulfed, then pulled away the demonic psychopathic Owl. The pair had dragged the Predator away against its will back down the vertical passageway. One last glimpse the Jay caught of the intense, fiery orange eyes and in a flash they were gone. The passageway where the trio remained dimmed once more. With one hand, Jaycie covered her mouth to hide a smile and with the other she gave a small victorious fist pump.

Relief washed over her like warm waters from the showers after a full day's workout and dance. The revulsion, fear and nausea drained from her body from head to toe rapidly and the tension in her neck and shoulders let up a thousandfold however there was still that lingering area in her head that remained. It felt like moist breath warm and rancid breathing heavy and uninvited in her ear. The Owl may be gone, but its perversion persisted and had left its mark in all three of their heads.

Both arms then reached out to her dirtied companions and pulled them in tightly and in full. The Blue Jay welcomed the new streams of tears that leaked from her eyes. They had survived the scariest thing she had ever experienced in her life and they had all made it together. In this moment Jaycie realized that she could not have ever made it without them, and, in this moment she realized just how much she loved her friends and just how correct the Panther's proclamation was; all those dexters on the Marked and Selected list were her family.

For a heartbeat and a half longer she embraced them. A fond kiss she aimed to plant on both their cheeks then she released them. Dark blue eyes she directed into Summer's and then into Conway's gaze

"My gosh, dexies... we did it. We did it! We're still alive..." a shy proud grin slowly burst free, lighting up her dirty face, "soooooo.... like should we be getting the hell outta' here or what?"

A small giggle could not help but escape from her throat, "Team Best Team Ever...! Represent!"


Ancient blue light shone from the teen girl and 3 seconds later she was her Fauna Blue Jay self. A little nod she gave them before taking to wing once more. Jaycie fluttered away, down the passageway not stopping till she reached the light at the end of the tunnel. There she landed, little black talons clacking against the metallic flooring beneath her. Her heart thudded heavily against her chest, the sound pounding in her ears; they were almost out of this nightmare passageway...!

Rays of light from the 'daylight tuned' lighting tubes from the corridor beyond the wall shone into her dark blue eyes as she peered out from between slits in the panel. Excitedly she hopped up and down as she saw the shoes of some random techs walk on by; it almost all her strength to keep from squawking out with glee. But she managed to keep it down and she pulled back and directed her attention to the task at hand.

Her little head bobbed up and down, this way and that as she inspected the paneling looking for a way to pry it open. A few moments more she took before shrugging her shoulders and turning around to see where the rest of her companions were. The Jay looked as if she were doing a little back and forth, two step, shuffle dance as she impatiently bopped and hopped around waiting for Summer and 'Way's arrival.

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  • Spicy
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