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Original poster
In-Character Thread

Humanity united in its purpose, and peace among all living things as the only foreseeable future.

This is our wish. This was also our world, 300 years ago—before we made a terrible mistake.

Now, each man and woman is cursed, and alone in their suffering. Our wish may never be granted.​

The Catalysts are a multicultural team of various nationalities and walks of life. They are a blended group of mercenaries, diplomats, and other skilled workers, contracted by an ostensibly peace-loving island nation to carry out missions in the interest of preserving peace (and acting as the nation's temporary army, when necessary). They are under the direct command of the Empress, a mysterious and whimsical ruler whose eye for politics has nonetheless captured the respect and imagination of her people, with many calling her a soothsayer. With her reputation as the world's richest and most formidable politician, many are eager to work for her, either to contribute to the peace effort, or simply for the lucrative wages.

A self-proclaimed "peace profiteer," she founded the Catalysts with the goal of nipping conflict in the bud and stopping wars before they start. The Empress has connections with almost every royal family in the world, and some of their members have even joined the Catalysts—after all, only the strong may rule, and their royal status could be revoked at any moment, if a stronger candidate seizes the throne. Newly joining the royal members of the Catalysts is the Empress's successor. No one is quite sure how exactly the Empress went about selecting her candidates, or what qualified this girl to be appointed as Crown Princess; she seems a bit useless, but the Empress insists on her accompanying the Catalysts on their missions, danger be damned. Regardless of what the Catalysts think of the Princess, their job is about to get a little more interesting. The Empress's enemies are about to make their move...​

Jehuti's Ten Commandments

I. All Iwaku forum rules apply. Who'd have guessed that one?
II. Signups have a basic approval process. Details can be found below with the character sheet.
III. No godmode abilities or uber characters. Game-breaking will be met with Divine Retribution.
IV. A basic combat system is in place for character duels and boss fights. You don't have to use it, if you and your partner's characters are sparring with a handicap for example, but it's there to resolve disputes.
V. As GM (Game Master) I govern the combat system. My word is law (except when it's joke).
VI. Ideal post length is not a thing; just make sure your post contributes something of substance.
VII. As DM (Douche Meister), if I can read and comprehend your English, it's good enough. Just do your best. If you receive criticism, take it as a suggestion to improve, not a demand to "do better or get kicked."
VIII. The vast majority of characters in this roleplay will be adults, living adult lives. Expect adult things to happen. If you're easily distressed by lurid descriptions of violent death, abandon hope all ye who enter.
IX. If you simply must have a sexually explicit scene, get a room. Keep this thread tasteful, please.
X. If you are absent for an extended period of time (multiple weeks), we will continue without you.
XI. Jehuti's Ten Commandments are subject to change, and as you've seen, additions in the excess of ten.
XII. Joining the Discord server is recommended. I wasn't sure where else to put this.

World Info

  • In generations past, humanity survived in the shadows of magnificent magical creatures. With our agriculture, our tools and our medicines, we forged an alliance with the most powerful race of all: dragons. They sheltered us from evil monsters and bore burdens too great for any man, and we tended to their wounds and ailments.

    This bond was as sacred as that between parent and child; and like children, we admired the dragons' wisdom and power. For some, this admiration turned to worship, and they dedicated their entire lives to the dragons. For others, admiration turned to envy, and envy to fear. Thus did these humans do what humans did best: they questioned. Did it not follow that those that accumulated wisdom should also accumulate power? Yet, as the wisdom of humanity grew, the dragons' power seemed to grow twice as fast. We could not comprehend this power the dragons called "magic." If the dragons continued to grow in power, would humanity still be needed?

    "It is the way of the world," came their reply. "The strong survive, while the weak are left behind and lost to us."

    What should have been taken as a challenge to grow and improve was taken as a declaration of war.

    We knew that only dragons could possibly defeat dragons, and so it began with subterfuge and sabotage—and the death of a child. We took in a dragon's child and allowed the treatment of her rare illness to fail, until she became weak. We overpowered her, using her old teeth as weapons. We butchered her, making armor of her scales and weapons of her bones. We knew even then that we had committed grave sin, but we grit our teeth. Having no understanding of magic, crafting weapons from magic-infused dragon fossils was our only recourse.

    With our stolen power, we continued the cycle of betrayal and death. Our path was not an easy one. In a single night, mankind had been divided. Many refused to fight. Others sided with the dragons. To this day, we remain divided over our histories, and peace is impossible. This is just one of the burdens we bear for our betrayal.

    As the war drew to a close, we received neither the wrath nor the disappointment of the dragon king, but only sincere congratulations. The strong will survive, and the weak will be lost to the world. He would carry that belief to his grave. His queen would not be so generous. With her dying breath, she cursed humanity. Once the last dragon fell, humans would receive the gift of magic they so desired—but each and every child would be cursed.

    Several generations have passed since then, and now, all of humanity bears this burden.

    Today, each child is born with a latent power or talent, but also an opposite curse curtailing that gift. Talented swordsmen who grow faint at the sight of blood, shape-shifters who gradually lose their humanity as they stay in animal form, healers who rapidly age as they tend to the wounded, geniuses who cannot communicate their ideas.

    Now more than ever, the dragon king's words ring true. Noble bloodlines have all but dissolved; the strong rule, and the weak are beholden to their strength. Yet the circumstances of one's birth—their gift, their curse, and the balance between the two—still harshly dictate their potential. Human society is in constant chaos, and individual agendas can run rampant. Yet, now more than ever, people depend on each other to survive.​
  • HykgWdY.jpg

    Yep, it's stolen borrowed from a Dragon Quest game. I don't apologize to any DQ fans for inaccuracies.

    Also, I know I need an annotated version with all the landmarks marked. I'll get around to it eventually.

    Take this section as a massive work-in-progress. When filling out your character sheets, feel free to name any unnamed locations and add to the lore. What follows are the basic details on the 6 major civilizations, their cultures, and any prominently visible landmarks that I feel should be addressed, at least briefly.

    The Kanegura Clan have made their home in the center of the world, on the island nation of Kame-Iwa. A naturally defensible island, but lacking in resources, its inhabitants have traditionally survived by serving as a middle man in nearly all trade within the Inner Sea's routes. Their public face is that of a peace-loving tribal folk who lead simple lives, but their Empress, who founded and currently commands the Catalysts, runs the richest country in the world, though few are aware of it. Historically, the Kanegura clan have made their place on the world stage known by keeping the Inner Sea's trade routes free of pirates and sea monsters, and keeping the routes open only to the fair and just peoples of the world, while keeping their direct involvement in conflict to a bare minimum—and their current Empress, Azuna, continues this tradition. A self-proclaimed "peace profiteer" who happily declares "world peace" as her country's most prized natural resource and its primary export, some criticize her love of peace as being tangential to her love of profit, but are hard-pressed to deny her efforts are effective; the Inner Sea's trade routes are safe, and there are few who would attempt to seize the Kanegura Clan's land for themselves. The Kanegura are not necessarily renowned for military prowess, preferring to hire warriors from around the world—but their navy, which patrols the trade routes and their country's natural "moat" is deceptively formidable. Though the Kanegura are rarely attacked, they have their enemies. After all, they are descended directly from those traitorous humans who slew the first dragon—and those that still follow the teachings of the dragons still haven't forgotten about that.

    I. The Summit of Summits, which sits atop the highest mountains of the Samenoha Peninsula, is completely inaccessible by land. Only pegasi and the Kinshi birds of the Touryou tribe can make the flight all the way to the top, with the extreme cold of such a high altitude proving too much for wyverns. Once used as the royal palace, the current Empress has repurposed it for political summits—hence the name.
    II. North of the old royal palace is an island. It's used as a rest stop for trade ships.
    III. Horikawa, literally "moat-river." The Kanegura navy's best are constantly patrolling it.
    IV. Capital City Tokoyo. Also nicknamed "Nightless City," its markets are always bustling with people eager to try foreign foods. Welcome visitors are flown via pegasus escort to a vibrant green prairie to the east of the city. The Empress's private estate lies somewhere in the ring of mountains to the north, near a lake.
    V. South of the capital city, in the underbelly of the nation is a forsaken stretch of corrupted land. Polluted by the corpses of the undead monsters raised by their southern neighbors, who use them as soldiers, even their would-be invaders cannot set foot upon it now, and the Kanegura have given up on ever purifying it.
    VI. Further south, an island prison holds every pirate the Kanegura have captured over the last generation. Needless to say, they don't have a very good view of their captors' country, in any sense of the phrase.

    The Inner Sea is under the watchful eye of the Kanegura. It is well known that sailing without their escort is a foolhardy proposition, as ships sailing without an escort are almost certainly pirates. However, the Inner Sea is relatively safe by comparison to any other waters, due to the Kanegura's efforts to slay its more terrifying monsters to total extinction. The waters that are still inhabited by such beasts are well-documented, and the Inner Sea's masters know all of the best routes to avoid them, and will share that information—for a price.

    The Touryou Tribe thrive in the northern half of the western continent. Descending from the same bloodline as the Kanegura, the two are like sister tribes. Renowned for having the most talented Blue Mages, and their Kinshi Riders, whose arrows rain from atop the legendary Kinshi birds—the most untameable mounts known to man—any who would try to conquer the Touryou or their sister tribe would be met with the swiftest justice imaginable. Reverently respectful of nature, the Touryou shy away from the idea of keeping livestock, but are formidable hunters who display their trophies prominently. Their technology is all powered by wind and water wheels rather than dragon fossils, which are reserved almost exclusively for weapons. The strongest weapon in the tribe's possession, the Zephyr Yumi, is passed down between the tribe's chiefs, but never used when it comes time to decide who becomes chief—the dragons shall have no say in man's affairs, even in death. The chief may be a man or a woman, though it is generally believed within the tribe that men are born strong and become weak, while women are born weak and become strong. A strong woman is respected and generally more well-liked and desirable, winning much affection—the same is true of their children. It is not uncommon for women who shy away from hunting to have difficulty finding a man, and "marry out" of the tribe. While this is not forbidden, it is seen as "giving up" on being a part of the Touryou. Their country's primary resources are edible crops and animal pelts, which they trade with their northern neighbors. Their abundance of fertile land is in no small part thanks to the efforts of their Blue Mages, who have slain most of the country's monsters.

    I. In the center of the continent is the tribe's main village. Their chief lives here, as does most of the tribe.
    II. To the north of the main village is the continent's tallest mountain. Would-be Kinshi Riders make a journey to its peak, and come down flying or not at all. At any given time, a few hermits live here, hunting local fauna.
    III. West of the mountain is a large lake with a natural waterfall. Fishing occurs here year-round, and water is routed from the waterfall to nearby farmlands. During winter times, it freezes over, and the tribe's Blue Mages have it out in a round-robin tournament atop the ice. Fire magic is used to partially melt the ice, causing the opponent to slip, while wind magic is used to push the opponent outside a painted ring. The tournament ends with the tribe's chief dunking a live fish down the shirt collar of the winner, and grilling fish for everyone.
    IV. The lake's river leads south into an enclosed body of water from the Outer Sea. The waters are not safe, and Touryou children are forbidden from boating there. The island in its center is the most frequently visited place by any newly acknowledged Kinshi Rider. Unfortunately, the endless and fascinating rumors that every Touryou child has heard surrounding the island are infinitely more interesting than the reality that it is just a pear-shaped piece of land with not a single noteworthy feature to its credit—except for the occasional pair of Kinshi Riders having a steamy night under the stars, but who would tell their younger siblings about that?
    V. To the east of the main village is a port town, which their northern neighbors sail to and fro for trade. Few live here besides the merchants and their immediate families. Touryou women, should they choose to marry foreigners, tend to live here as well, where they are judged more fairly, and their husbands accommodated.
    VI. South of the port town is a crude encampment that is frequently attacked by monsters. The Touryou's Blue Mages show their grit by coming here to slay monsters for the glory of the tribe. West of the encampment is a cave where only monsters live. Occasionally, someone will journey there to prove their worth. Fortunately, this rarely happens, as monsters are reduced to sludge when they are killed, leaving no souvenirs for their would-be conquerors. Unfortunately, it is even rarer for those who do venture into the cave to come out alive.

    The Western Isle is a land mostly unexplored by modern civilizations. Many scattered tribes live there, most isolated by mountains or rivers. The Kanegura and Touryou have attempted to explore the mainland, but their efforts have been mostly fruitless. Remains of human settlements can be found, but are overrun by monsters.

    The Siegers made their home on the southeastern continent, atop the ancient nesting grounds of dragons. Proud of their history, the Siegers are renowned for their Wyvern Knights, clad in scale mail armor and helms shaped to look like dragon skulls. When it comes to using dragon fossils in technology, the Siegers are by far the most prolific. The Kanegura Clan hear tales of their "Uber Markets," and are eager to learn of their secret. Their prosperous country and daunting military are led by their infamous King, the self-proclaimed "strongest man in the world." Anyone who can defeat one of his esteemed generals in the arena is welcome to test his might, though many have tried and failed to best his legendary zweihander—and the reward for failure is the choice between servitude and death. Unlike their northern detractors, who abhor violence, the Siegers revel in their ruler's unmatched strength, and won't settle for the leadership of anyone short of the strongest. While this may seem to reflect a shallow populace, their preferences are not unfounded. Just north is a continent entirely conquered by monsters, and attacks are frequent enough that a weak military is unacceptable. So long as the King puts his seemingly bottomless pool of aggression to work against the invaders, rather than the populace, his political leanings are of little concern to the civilian crowd, who wish only to continue living in all their luxury—and if the Siegers can bring another of humanity's greatest threats to heel, and conquer another continent in the process, why not? Steel and coal are plentiful, but land suitable for livestock is at a premium, and perhaps the land of the monsters offers a convenient solution.

    I. In the center of the continent is the capital city of Drachenburg. The King's castle changes names each time one narcissistic ruler is toppled by the next, leaving the surrounding city itself as the only constant. Though its stonework isn't as beautiful as the architecture of the northern Gebleicht, its people live in greater luxury.
    II. Northeast of Drachenburg is the Dragon's Den, which, contrary to the name, is only home to Wyverns.
    III. Just south of the capital is a mountain pass, recently renamed to Dead-End Pass, for the corrupted land on the other side that cannot be traversed without several White Mages present to ward off the evil. Like the southern strip of coastline in Kame-Iwa, it is the result of the southerners' Black and Red Mages attempting to invade and take back the dragons' old land. Now, however, it's not even worth the manpower to maintain.
    IV. South of the deadest end of Dead-End Pass is a house. Here, a friendly hermit has escaped the notice of the world at large. Not many try to use the Dead-End Pass, but those who do go far, far north, to the only part of the coastline that is safe to boat to. The Wyverngard are familiar with him, though, as they frequently patrol the southern skies to ensure that the fell dragon-worshipers aren't out conquering their land from under their nose. The hermit lives alone, but is known to serve tea to the soldiers. Not much else is known about him.
    V. Northwest of the capital is a church. God-fearing folk are rare in Drachenburg, and tend to be ostracized for sharing the same "hobbies" as their far-north detractors. However, citizens make secret trips to the church to receive cures for their ailments, particularly during times of financial distress—sympathy for the poor is low.
    VI. North of the church is a lighthouse, used to survey the Grey Waters for approaching monsters. The tower was not built by the Siegers, and is quite old. No one knows what the original purpose of the building was. Its top floor is covered in strange symbols, and the ceiling is made of glass. The soldiers posted there like to jest about how the building used to be a "dragon church," and tease newbies by telling them that it's haunted.
    VII. Far southeast of the capital in the middle of the Outer Sea is a small island with a church. Only those with close connections to the Siegers' military know of its existence. Here, people who are discovered to have a natural Gift for Black Magic are trained and indoctrinated. Though Black Magic is condemned by their society, its practitioners are tolerated in the military for their strength, and their talents are exploited to fight monsters.

    The Gebleicht separated from the Siegers long ago, and hit land on the northern continent. The Gebleicht refused to fight either for or against the dragons, and were ostracized for their choice, but today the nations are neutral toward each other. Though they would like to lay claim to the title of "The Land of No Monsters," their benevolent King is troubled by a never-ending supply of the beasts from the land to the east. Despite the danger, the populace takes heart from their confidence in the military cavalry and supporting White Mages from the church, and their booming economy, free of the influence of Kanegura trade routes. Their lands are rich with sugar and grains, and their country boasts the only safe fishing waters of the Outer Sea. The nation is famous for baked goods and exotic fish, that only the locals and the world's most prolific travelers can truly experience. Their King is beloved by the people and respected for his ability to act quickly and fairly in times of immediate crisis, though some criticize his ability to act quickly with regards to the more complex political affairs. The Siegers are quick to mock him for his dependence on the church's advice in such affairs. Both the church and the King live in brazen opulence, something that their western enemies also despite and distrust them for. The King is also aware of the Kanegura Clan's influence in the world market, and suspects of their Empress' intent to bring all other nations to heel in the name of peace, and that she presumably sees the self-sufficiency of his country's economy as a threat to that peace. Paranoia is pervasive in the country's politics.

    I. In the center of the land is the country's capital city. Both the King and the Pope live here.
    II. To the north are the nation's famous fishing waters. Connected to the Outer Sea, but also separated to an extent, too shallow for larger sea beasts, and far from the Eastern Isle's massive monster population, it's truly a unique spot, and valuable enough to be patrolled nearly constantly by the cavalry, who protect fishermen and merchants alike from bandits. Even the most chivalrous of recruits can be seen accepting free samples.
    III. Far to the east is a wooded area home to very strong monsters. Previously called the Monster Woods and more previously called the Forbidden Woods, it's recently been renamed to the Suicide Forest by the church, who condemn the act of taking one's own life, to make a point: no one goes there. Nobody who goes to the Suicide Forest comes out alive, and those that do are specters, or have become monsters themselves just to survive. Anyone who goes to the Suicide Forest is damned. They are treated as if they never existed at all.
    IV. To the north of the Suicide Forest is an iron mine that the Gebleicht have abandoned. Above, in the mountains, the enduring Norakin have seized it for themselves.
    V. To the south is a fort owned and operated by the Gebleicht, right across the river from a fort owned and operated by their western enemies, the Pelerin. The two are staring each other down in an eternal ceasefire.
    VI. Far, far to the west is another fort, this one perched above a cave inhabited by monsters. Holy Pegasus Knights keep watch over the cave, the nearby Pelerin, and observe the Outer Sea on the chance that there may be pirates, though those are rare. Any Pegasus Knights posted here quickly become uncharacteristically cynical, morbidly awaiting the precious chance to fly home to warn of an incoming invasion, just to get away from the unbearably cold climate. The fort is very out of the way, and only known for what it does to people. However, those that serve there are a tight-knit bunch, and those that return are known to always be reliable.

    The Grey Waters are a mass of water mostly separated from the Outer Sea, but still connected to it by a few channels. While not as dangerous as the Outer Sea, monster attacks are extremely common, from below the ship and across the shore, from the Eastern Isle, a land that is supposedly home only to monsters. The Grey Waters are "controlled" by the Siegers and the Gebleicht, but the waters are too dangerous for trade. The one distinguishing feature between the Grey Waters and the Outer Sea is that not every voyage through the Grey Waters is doomed to fail—it's just not worth the risk for merchants. Escaped prisoners will sometimes try to cross them out of desperation, and their tiny boats will occasionally escape the notice of sea beasts.

    The Pelerin broke off from the Gebleicht a mere generation after they set off to be rid of the Siegers. They'd plotted to take over the southwestern half of the continent before the Gebleicht had even seen most of it, and their eastern neighbors have scant idea just how large their land is. The land itself is ruled by a triumvirate of elected representatives from the military, the church, and the merchants, and they defend their nation with the military's "fire arms," which they use in lieu of magic. Because of their history, they have few dragon fossils, and the tribal folk to the southwest have few to share and almost none to sell, what with the Siegers proudly hoarding them. However, they are eager to trade their gold and livestock for steel, and coal, which they use in their "steam engines." The Touryou adore their silk and dyes, and occasionally show interest in their dragon fossil-free technology. When it comes to having natural resources to trade, the Pelerin had good luck, and trade is an important part of their culture. Bandits are not tolerated in their lands and their Rangers are always on the hunt, talking into their boxes they call "radios." Bounty hunters are common and even celebrated, as are foreigners. The Pelerin have been at war with their eastern neighbors for over 100 years, though they are currently in (yet another) mutual ceasefire. Hiring foreign mercenaries to fight the Gebleicht and hunt bandits is common, and most adventure-seekers and globe-trotters find themselves working for the Pelerin, or hired by them as a member of the Catalysts, whom they often work with.

    I. The northwestern capital is primarily home to the country's core military leaders. Its distance from the clergy is no accident. The Pelerin didn't appreciate their old country's King taking advice from the church. Now, they keep the church and the military separate, though both sides are still represented in governmental affairs.
    II. In the center of the continent is a large town. Its markets are always busy, and the business is cutthroat. At times, literally. Merchants and shoppers alike do not take kindly to foul play, and a con artist can quickly find himself on the unpleasant side of a blacksmith's axe or apothecary's rifle. Fair, honest trade is sacred here.
    III. Close to the fort near the river is another town. Most bounty hunters and mercenaries operate from here when working under contract, but they tend not to stay in one place very long otherwise. Familiar faces come and go, and frequent visitors tend to be side-eyed with suspicion. They frequently have some kind of agenda.
    IV. The clergy are based in the southeast. Some merchants live here as well, in homes across the channel. A clergyman with a Gift for White Magic is prized by the Pelerin clergy. Most of them are medical practitioners rather than healers. Unlike their eastern neighbors' church, the Pelerin clergy are not afraid to take up arms to defend their property. Crossbows and rifles are common choices for those who can afford a weapon.
    V. Further south, in the part of the peninsula separated by mountains, is a fort and a lighthouse. The land is technically owned by the Pelerin, but the Kanegura operate it, to make trade with the Siegers possible. Their White Magic is indispensable when dealing with the monsters of the Eastern Isle.

    The Remnants are the widely-despised southerners, who continue to exist in the desert. The last remaining dragon-worshipers and their descendants live here. No one knows what they refer to themselves as, or if they even speak a modern tongue, as they are rarely heard to mutter anything besides the curses they cast upon their enemies. They are widely infamous for their Sorcerers, who raise the corpses of the dead and command them as soldiers, and who occasionally command monsters. However, their rear guard is no less formidable, with deadly Assassins, and Fell Fliers who cast Black Magic from atop Wyverns taking the spotlight. Their Sorcerers' uniquely textured black garb is widely prized by bounty hunters, as a grim but extremely valuable trophy. However, few venture into the desert anymore. Though the Remnants attacked both the Siegers and the Kanegura quite often in the past, the sites of their long, drawn-out battles have become inhospitable for humans, making further efforts difficult for them. The Remnants have grown eerily quiet, but nobody wants to kick the hornet's nest, and so they have been left well alone for some time now. The desert is also known to be extremely dangerous on its own merits, perhaps even cursed; legends are told of burned corpses found nowhere near any evidence of a fire, and not showing the typical signs of Black Magic—as if the victims had just spontaneously combusted. Perhaps this too is a unique facet of the Dragon's Curse, continuing to protect their worshipers even in death, or perhaps the sun itself scorned them for daring to tempt fate.

    I. South of the Kanegura Clan's prison island is a small encampment. Assassins are known to train here.
    II. Southwest of the encampment, deep in the desert is where the Remnant's last bastion is rumored to hide. Presumably, their Sorcerers live here. They appear to be of a higher social rank than other fighters; at least, they lead the vanguard, with their armies of undead. Nobody knows what their social structure is truly like.
    III. On an island to the east is an abandoned castle built by the Siegers. Defending it proved to be too much effort for too little benefit. The Remnants have taken it over and their Assassins have made it their home.
    IV. Particularly adventurous Kanegura scouts have observed Fell Fliers making journeys to the west of their home, to an island comprised almost entirely of mountains. Nobody knows what they are doing there.

    The Outer Sea lies outside the furthest borders of nearly every country, and its waters are extremely deadly. If the largest and most frighteningly powerful sea monsters weren't enough, the infamous Outer Sea Pirates are equally elusive, dangerous, and inhuman. Legends are told of their steel vessels that can vanish beneath the waves and strike without warning. Nobody knows how they accomplish this, and all are terrified of them. Any voyage in the Outer Sea is doomed to end in tragedy, that much is clear. Anything else is just rumors. No one knows from who or where they are getting their resources, or where they are based. Fingers are pointed in every direction: at the Kanegura Clan and their Touryou neighbors for protecting their "Inner Sea Empire," at the Siegers and the Pelerin for their advanced technologies, and at the Remnants, for being the Remnants. Nobody can conclusively prove that anyone is involved—only suspect. For now, the Outer Sea is avoided.

Character Creation / Signup Info

  • Name: [In almost all cases, characters will have one name and a title rather than a surname, i.e. Jack the Ripper, Adol the Strong, etc. Your character may optionally add the name of their tribe, or if they have royal connections, their country of origin, but their Gift and how it defines their talents matters the most by far.]
    Age: [Range of 20-60 is ideal, for a fighter class. Technically anyone with an identified Gift is considered an adult, but the Catalysts want fighters with experience. Any teenagers would have been child soldiers. If you're making a support-class character or NPC, feel free to use any age you want without repercussions.]
    Gender: [I'm referring to what's beneath that armor, yeah?]
    Race: [Human, if you want to be a protagonist. The Venn diagram of acceptable demihumans is narrow. Even elves and mermaids are considered monsters. You can, however, be a "human" who is Gifted with an animal form, or Cursed with being a werewolf—as long as "human" is their default form, it counts.]
    Class: [Check the class tabs for info. If you're making up your own class, describe it here.]
    Class Tier: [Support, Standard or Advanced—check the class tabs for info.]
    Renown: [Scale of 1-5 stars. Check the Notoriety tab for info.]
    Weapon Proficiencies: [You may have 1-3 depending on Class and Tier. Check those tabs for info.]
    Equipment: [Fighter classes can bring 5 items into battle, including all weapons, a shield (if they have one to bring), medicines, and other items. Support classes may carry 7 or 8 items. Check those tabs for info.]
    Appearance: [Written description or an image. Anime and photorealistic are both fine.]
    Gift: [Your character's primary talent or ability. What defines them. Check the Gifts and Curses tab for info.]
    Curse: [Your character's bane. What thwarts their efforts and makes their life chaotic. See above.]
    Occupation: [What your character does with, or in spite of, the above 2 entries.]
    Personality: [Your character's non-magical defining traits. Be as brief or expansive as you desire.]
    Biography: [Your character's background, mostly based on their Occupation and Renown. Optionally, you can tell their entire life's story, or just leave it for later reveal. Feel free to make stuff up to fill in blanks, too.]
    Relationships: [If your character is related to other established characters, add those connections here.]
    Opinions on Dragons and Magic: [Not everyone approves of the use of dragon fossils, either for magical use in weapons as in war, or in luxury items. Not everyone is glad that the dragons are gone, either. Others simply don't have opinions on any of that stuff. This is the section for all of that.]
  • Combat progresses in Turns. Each Turn consists of various Phases. There is a Player Phase, when all player units move, and an Enemy Phase, when all enemy units move. If an allied force or NPCs are present, there is a Partner Phase and an Other Phase as well.

    The order goes like this: Player -> Partner -> Enemy -> Other

    Any unit can move in any order so long as their respective Phase is in effect. The unit with highest Speed does not necessarily go first. The best tactic is to coordinate with your fellow players to devise the most effective strategy during the Player Phase. The GMs handle the other Phases.

    When your character acts, they move first, then execute commands. Each unit has a set amount of movement points. Each individual unit of movement can only be used to move in cardinal directions, so each unit of diagonal distance costs 2 movement points to cover. Below is a visual aid showing a character with 7 points of movement and an Attack range of 1~3 with his rifle:


    Each column is assigned a letter, and each row is assigned a number.

    Aris is currently standing at M4. If he moves 7 spaces down, he will stand at M11.

    The blue tiles are tiles that Aris can move to, and the red tiles are tiles outside of his movement range but within his Attack range. Note that he cannot move through walls, but can Attack through them. All ranged weapons can Attack through walls. For the sake of immersion, assume that all fort walls have arrow slits for archers and gunners to shoot through.

    Some tiles require more than 1 movement point to cross over. The trees in the upper corners of this map are the only examples shown in this picture (though no units can actually get to them here). The tree tiles require 2 movement points to enter, but act as cover, giving a +10% bonus to Parry Rate. The indoor equivalent, a pillar tile, is not shown on this map.

    Other examples of movement-hindering terrain are sand, swamp, hills, and shallow water. Any unit can cross these, with a movement penalty. Cavalry struggle more with sand and swamp, requiring 3 movement points to cross them, but only 2 to cross hills and shallow water. Non-mounted infantry are the opposite: they require only 2 movement points for sand or swamp, but 3 for hills and water. Armor bearing units require 3 movement to cross any of these tiles, while flying units are unaffected.

    Additionally, mountain, ocean, lava, and abyss tiles can only be crossed by fliers. Tiles occupied by enemies cannot be crossed at all without a special Skill. You can pass through tiles occupied by allies and NPCs, but cannot end your turn on the same space, unless you're using the Pair command.

    Once you've chosen a valid tile to move to, you have a set of Commands at your disposal.

    Attack: Engage the enemy in combat. When Attacking during the Player Phase, your unit Attacks first. The enemy unit will then counterattack, if your unit is standing within their Attack range. If either unit's Attack Speed exceeds their opponent's by 4 or more, that unit will Attack twice. If a unit is dual wielding, they will also Attack with that weapon, giving them 2 Attacks if their Attack Speed does not exceed their opponent's by 4 or more, or 4 Attacks if they are both faster and dual wielding. Attacking ends your unit's turn completely, leaving no other Commands usable after Attacking.

    Capture: Similar to Attacking, but Attack Power is halved. If you defeat an enemy with the Capture command, however, you can Trade items with the unit you've captured. If you see an enemy soldier wielding a desirable weapon, you can attempt to Capture them to take their weapon. Capturing NPCs or enemies may also appear as mission objectives or bonus objectives, which reward your character with bonus pay at the end of a mission. You can only hold one captured unit at a time.

    Note: To Capture a unit, your unit's Build must equal or exceed theirs.

    Mount/Dismount: For mounted units only. Dismounting revokes Mount Bonuses, but also removes that unit's Mount Bane, rendering most weapons that are "super effective" against their mounts less dangerous. Armored units lose their Armor Bane when mounted, but regain it when dismounted. Your unit may Attack after using the Mount or Dismount commands, but may not move.

    Equip/Item: Change your character's equipped weapon, or use an item. Swapping weapons can be done freely and does not end your turn, but you can only swap weapons during the Player Phase, so the weapon you have equipped at the end of your turn is the one you will have for the entire Enemy Phase. Using an item will end your turn completely, leaving no other Commands usable.

    Open: Used on doors or chests. Using this command will end your turn completely.

    Pair/Rescue: The Rescue command takes an allied unit or NPC into the same tile as yours, leaving them unable to be attacked by enemies. However, your character's Skill and Speed are reduced by half. A Support Class unit can use the Pair command instead, and receive all the benefits of being Rescued without imposing a penalty on their paired fighter, or preventing them from taking another Traveler. Paired, Rescued, and Captured units are all considered Travelers, and will automatically move to the same space as the unit they are sharing a tile with. Rescuing an allied unit will end your turn completely, leaving no other Commands usable. However, mounted units can use their unused movement points afterwards, letting them Rescue an ally and immediately flee the scene.

    Note: To Rescue a unit, your unit's Build must equal or exceed theirs.

    Release: Drops your unit's Traveler onto an adjacent tile. Captured units have 0 Vitality, and can be placed as obstacles to impede the enemy's advance. Dropping a Traveler ends your turn completely, and an allied Traveler that has just been dropped cannot act until the next Player Phase begins.

    Shove: Force an adjacent ally, enemy or NPC to move one space. This ends your turn.

    Note: To Shove a unit, the target unit's Build must not exceed yours by more than 2.

    Talk: Speak with an adjacent ally, enemy, or NPC. Having specific characters Talk with others may result in them defecting from one faction to another. Unique topics of conversation may have special effects as well. Talking does not end your turn, and leaves other Commands usable afterwards.

    Trade: Trade weapons, items, or Travelers with an adjacent allied unit. You can also Trade items or weapons with you and your adjacent allies' Travelers. Trading does not end your turn. Mounted units can Trade items or weapons with an ally in passing, and continue with their unused movement points.

    Visit: Visit a village or house. Visiting ends your turn, but may cause special events to occur.

    Wait: Ends your turn without Attacking. Some Skills require you to use this command.
  • Battle calculations are being handled automagically by the GMs, using an Excel document devised by Lstorm. If you want to know how it works, though, that information is here.

    It's loosely based on Fire Emblem calculations, with some additional features, but mostly with a lot of clutter removed for simplicity's sake. Don't worry; you won't have to mess with any of it. All you have to do is choose a class (or make up your own), and weapon proficiencies. Based on those, I will give you your base stats. As the roleplay progresses, your character will go about their business, and will gain boosts to their base stats based on their performance in battle and what they decide to do with their free time. With full participation, you'll gain two "levels" per in-canon "day," with each level raising a set number of stats. The stats raised are not random; your berserker's strength training will raise his strength. There are no random growth rates.

    Your character's base stats, their equipment's stats, and various bonuses combine to make their effective stats. These are what actually get used in combat, when the dice (and heads) start to roll. Your weapon stats affect damage, accuracy and critical rate, attack speed, and avoidance rate, but unlike in Fire Emblem, your weapons won't break when using them to attack. Their durability only goes down if you use them in lieu of a shield, to save yourself from death. Yep, shields are a thing, and death-defying as well. We'll get to that.

    Here's all the character base stats that are used in battle calculations:
    Vitality (Hit Points)
    Strength (Physical Power)
    Sorcery (Mental Power)
    Skill (Weapon Handling)
    Speed (Reaction Times)
    Karma (Piety and/or Luck)
    Defense (Physical Fortitude)
    Resistance (Mental Fortitude)

    Here's all of the weapon stats that are used:
    Power (Adds to Damage)
    Hit Rate (Adds to Hit Chance)
    Critical Rate (Adds to Critical Chance)
    Weight (Lowers Attack Speed if your character's Strength is too low)
    Durability (Can be used to save yourself if HP = 0; is unused otherwise)

    Here's all of the attack bonuses:

    Weapon Class Bonus: +1 to Weapon Power and +10 to Weapon Hit Rate if your weapon's class precedes the enemy's weapon class. It's basically a broader weapon triangle. Check the weapon tab for info.
    Bane Bonus: Doubles weapon's power if it's especially effective against the enemy's character class.
    Morale Bonus: +10% to Hit Rate and Parry Rate if morale is high, -10% if morale is low.
    Shield Bearer Bonus: +30% to Parry Rate if adjacent to a Shield Bearer (Support Class).
    Spotter Bonus: +30% to Hit Rate for long-range attackers if adjacent to a Spotter (Support Class).
    Height Advantage Bonus: +50% to Hit Rate and Parry Rate for long-range attacks if above the enemy.
    Character Class Critical Bonus: Anywhere from +5% to +25% based on the character's Class.
    Critical Coefficient: Doubles damage dealt if the critical chance roll succeeds.

    Here's how effective stats are calculated:

    Attack Power = Character's Power1​ + [(Weapon's Power + Weapon Class Bonus) x Bane Bonus]
    Attack Speed = Character's Speed - (Weapon's Weight - Character's Strength)
    Hit Rate % = Weapon's Hit Rate + (Character's Skill x 2) + Character's Karma + Weapon Class Bonus + Morale Bonus (+ Spotter Bonus + Height Advantage Bonus)2​
    Critical Rate % = Weapon's Critical Rate + (Character's Skill/2) + Character Class's Critical Bonus
    Parry Rate % = (Attack Speed x 2) + Character's Karma + Morale Bonus + Shield Bearer Bonus + Height Advantage Bonus2​

    Battle calculations use effective stats thusly:
    Damage = (Attack Power - Enemy's Fortitude3​) x Critical Coefficient
    Hit Chance = Hit Rate % - Enemy's Parry Rate %
    Critical Chance = Critical Rate % - Enemy's Karma

    If Vitality = 0:

    Your character cannot move or attack using their equipped weapon anymore.
    Your character can use their equipped shield or weapon's durability as additional HP, to stall for time.
    If an ally is in an adjacent space to your character, their Parry Rate applies to you, like so:

    Death Chance = Enemy's Hit Rate % - Adjacent Ally's Parry Rate % - Character's Karma

    If neither of the above conditions can prevent your character from taking damage again, they DIE.


    1) Character's Power is Strength or Sorcery, depending on which one is relevant to the weapon used. If the weapon being used is a crossbow, rifle, or similarly "loaded" weapon, neither is used.

    2) Spotter Bonus and Height Advantage Bonus only applies to archers, gunners, and mages.

    3) Enemy's Fortitude is Defense or Resistance, depending on which one is relevant to the weapon used.
  • The story is divided into Chapters and Interludes.

    Chapters are the combat sequences. Each Chapter ends when a mission objective has been met.

    Here are some of the most common examples:

    Seize: A specified unit (usually Princess Amelia) must arrive at a specific tile.

    Rout: The Chapter ends when there is no longer an Enemy Phase.

    Defeat Boss: The Chapter ends when the enemy no longer has a commander.

    Survival: The Chapter ends after a specified number of turns. A specified NPC must be protected.

    Defend: Enemies must not stand on a specified tile, or cross a specified line.

    Escape: All players must Visit one of a set of specified tiles and leave the field of battle.

    Interludes occur between Chapters. During this time, players have a specified number of hours to do various things. Your character's "free time" can be used to give them an edge in the next Chapter.

    Training: Standard Tier fighters can gain a bonus level between Chapters. When Training, you pick Strength Training, Sparring, or Meditation. Strength Training increases Vitality, Strength and Defense by 1. Sparring increases Skill and Speed by 1. Meditation increases Sorcery, Karma and Resistance by 1. Additionally, you choose a "focus" for your training, giving you an extra +1 in your choice stat.

    Note: You can only gain 1 bonus level per Interlude.

    Shop: Buy weapons or items using your character's money. Prices will vary depending on your unit's Renown/Notoriety. When shopping with a friend, both characters' Renown are averaged. Each shop will have different things for sale. There are 3 types: Armory, Tavern, and Curiosities.

    Note: Visiting all 3 shop types will take all 3 units of your character's free time.

    Forge: Upgrade your character's weapon. The selected weapon will be unavailable during the next Chapter, but will come out stronger next Interlude. Forging is expensive, and requires two trips to the Blacksmith. Unique weapons (marked by a ★ Rank) cannot be reforged.

    Converse: Speak with one of your allies. Depending on the topic and flow of conversation, you and your partner's relationship may improve, and both characters' Morale in the next Chapter will change. If a character leaves the conversation in "high spirits," their Morale in the next Chapter will be High. If your character asks to borrow money and is rejected for the 50th time, your unit's Morale will be Low.

    Characters who Converse often will see their relationship improve. Two characters with a strong bond can gain access to the Pair command, which allows them to fight together, as if one were a Fighter class and the other were a Support class. The supporting unit cannot be attacked, and the supported unit gains a Morale Bonus, as well as a +10% to Critical Rate and +10% to Skill Activation Rate.

    Note: If you and your partner are Sparring or Shopping together, you can Converse with no time cost.
  • Physical and magical weapons are divided into three categories, each with their pros and cons. It's basically an expanded and tweaked version of Fire Emblem's weapon triangle, though some weapons are changed.

    Light-Class Weapons are lightweight and fast, and tend to have a center of mass close to the hand. They are quick and versatile, and have the advantage over Heavy-Class Weapons. Examples of Light-Class Weapons include Swords, Whips, Daggers and Throwing Knives. White Magic falls under this category, and common weapons include Wands and Talismans. White Magic is purportedly borrowed from the gods, and is therefore quick to cast, because it draws power from a pre-established source.

    Heavy-Class Weapons are slow but cruel, and tend to have a center of mass away from the hand, for a mightier swing. They are weighty but deadly, and have the advantage over Balanced Weapons. Examples of Heavy-Class Weapons include Axes, Clubs and Maces, Scythes, and Flails. Black Magic falls under this category, for its elaborate incantations and special rites, and uses magic Staves and Tomes.

    Balanced Weapons tend to be wielded with grace, and with both hands. With their wide range, they have the advantage over Light-Class Weapons, but are toppled by the might of the Heavy Class. Examples of typical Balanced Weapons include Lances, Naginata, Rifles with Bayonets, Bows, and Gauntlets. Blue Magic falls under this category for its intuitive nature, and uses Dragonhide Gloves and Mantra Scrolls.

    Dual Wielding and Shields:

    Characters with Strength far in excess of their weapon's weight can dual wield for even more aggressive attack rates or carry a shield for increased parry rate and additional HP. Larger shields can be used to reduce damage from arrows and bullets (but not magic). Dual wielding is easiest with Light-Class weapons, and impossible with most Balanced Weapons, though Lances and Gauntlets are obvious exceptions.

    Medicines are consumable items used in lieu of white magic. Some are basic healing items while others act as temporary buffs. The more extreme the effect, the more temporary it is. A weak buff may add +2 to a stat for an entire day, while the max +10 buff will only last for a single round of combat, with the latter end of the spectrum being of the rarer variety and prohibitively expensive to replace.

    Magical artifacts and heirlooms also exist, but are typically owned only by royalty. They give special perks just by being in the inventory. They can boost a variety of stats, to a maximum total of +10. Carrying an heirloom, or a unique weapon with similar perks, will make your character Notorious, as they are highly coveted items.
  • Each character's most prominent traits are based on the Corrupt-a-Wish forum game.

    Your character's Wish (Gift) is a source of strength and something that they feel gives them control in their lives.
    1) Something beyond the reach of a typical human. You can wish for something subtle, like prodigious skill in something normal, or something as obvious as a superpower.
    2) Self-contained. There cannot be any conditions attached that would change the way your character's Gift works mid-roleplay, like being "the best in the world" at something.
    3) Something that affects your character only. Anything so powerful that it starts to affect people around your character is probably straying too close to the line.
    4) Something thematically in the spirit of the roleplay. This is an admittedly vague rule that I'll blatantly abuse to hammersmash anything that circumvents the rules without explicitly breaking them.

    The Corruption (your character's Curse) is a source of weakness, and something that makes their life more chaotic.
    1) Something with life-altering consequences. Your character shouldn't be able to overcome their Curse on their own, through sheer force of will or an excessive training montage.
    2) Something directly related to your character's Gift, and an equally relevant obstacle to their goals. Don't make a bad-ass swordsman with "poor social skills" as his curse. That's not going to cut it.
    3) Something that makes your character more interesting, not less. 2-dimensional traits should be avoided.
    4) Again, something that affects your character only. No Midas curses. Being a social outcast also strays into "controlling someone else's character" territory and should be avoided.
  • For NPCs, and those who despise dice-based combat, there are support classes. Six of them!

    Support classes can carry more items, and inhabit the same space as a fighter, rendering the supporting unit unable to be attacked by enemies. Once your supporting character has paired up with a fighter, your combat related actions, including movement and attacks, are on autopilot. Think of the support class as easy mode, or an easier way to sign up with multiple characters. Support classes tend to have Gifts that aren't very useful in combat, and their Curses are less severe as a result. They have lower starting stats and caps, and can't rise in Tier or gain any special Skills. However, they all have unique traits, and have a place in the roleplay.

    The beefy Blacksmith can carry 5 spare weapons in addition to a small shield and a spear or hatchet.

    The shrewd Apothecary can carry 5 different medicines in addition to their crossbow or rifle.

    The colorful Tailor can boost Morale using their hidden talent. They wield shears and can carry 5 items.

    Shield Bearers increase their fighting partner's Parry Rate by 30% and can carry 4 other items.

    Spotters increase a ranged attacker's Hit Rate by 30% and can carry 4 items in addition to their spyglass.

    Maids wield throwing knives and can carry 4 weapons and 4 items. Where do they keep all of that stuff?

    Every supporting class with the exception of Shield Bearers can act as a "pursuer." If your fighter parries, the supporting unit can jump in for a cheeky counterattack. The Tailor uses their shears like a throwing knife, and the Spotter uses their spyglass like a Heavy club (though they can only counter from melee range).
  • Information on all of the status effects currently implemented into the game.

    Poisoned: At the start of the Player Phase, roll a D6. The Poisoned unit takes damage equal to the roll. Note that this seemingly benign affect is often stacked with other effects that make poison much more deadly. The Poisoned status ailment is simply the lasting damage over time. It lasts 5 turns.

    Petrified: A Petrified unit cannot act at all for 5 turns. They gain +10 Defense, but enemies attacking them will never miss, and have a 30% greater chance to score a critical hit. Allied units cannot Trade items with the Petrified unit. Only special monster types such as the Medusa can use this.

    Stunned: A Stunned unit is in shock and cannot move. However, they can Attack from their current position. Shock status can be removed by Shoving the afflicted unit. Shock status may be inflicted at range, and last only one turn. However, it can also be caused by proximity to specific enemy types.

    Paralyzed: A unit that is Paralyzed cannot act at all, and cannot parry or avoid enemy attacks. Unlike Petrified status, their items can still be Traded with allied units, though enemies can Steal their items as well. Paralysis usually lasts only one turn, and is typically inflicted by traps or special Skills.

    A unit that is asleep cannot act at all for 5 turns, and cannot parry or avoid enemy attacks. Its turn counter is reduced each time the Sleeping unit takes damage from an enemy or is Shoved by an allied unit. Sleep status is usually inflicted at range by White Mages, but certain monsters also use it.

    The trademark status effect of White Mages, a unit that is Silenced cannot use any type of magic for 5 turns, with the exception of Blue Magic. Magical weapons, which use Sorcery rather than Strength during damage calculation, will also still work, as they fall under the Blue Magic umbrella.

    Berserk: A unit that is Berserk will Attack anything in range, including allied units, for 5 turns. Allied units who are attacked by a unit afflicted by Berserk can choose to only parry and not counterattack. Berserk units have a tendency to Attack units they can kill. A viable strategy is to weaken an enemy for the Berserk unit to kill instead. Having a beefy unit unequip their weapon is also an effective lure.

    Rot: A unit affected by Rot receives half the usual benefit from healing magic and medicines. Not to be confused with Corpse, which is an enemy type that does not benefit from healing magic at all. Rot lasts 5 turns, but as with Poison, the turn counter can be refreshed by repeatedly attacking with it.

    Dragonscorch: When attacking with a weapon that uses Sorcery during damage calculation, roll a D6. Each magic is assigned a number: Black Magic is 1, Fire Magic is 2, Wind Magic is 3, Lightning Magic is 4, and Ice Magic is 5. If you roll your magic type, or a 6, your unit takes damage instead of the enemy. The afflicted unit's Resistance is taken into account. Unlike Silence, it also affects magical weapons. Dragonscorch lasts 5 turns, but the attack used to inflict it must deal at least 1 damage.

    Draconic Hex: A unit afflicted with this has their Max Vitality halved. It may last for the entire duration of the current chapter, or may be inflicted by proximity to special enemy types. Players cannot use it.

    Divine Retribution: All enemies who Attack this unit have 100% Critical Chance. Only GMs can dish this out. Divine Retribution is inflicted on characters caught cheating, for a variable number of turns.
  • Your character's renown, or notoriety, will fall somewhere within a range of 1-5 stars.

    Starting the game in an Advanced tier, or carrying a unique weapon or heirloom will raise your notoriety by a star. Starting as a Support class, training in stealth, and generally dressing drab or gloomy will lower it.

    ★☆☆☆☆ - Invisible. This person is a master of stealth, and unlikely to be noticed by anyone.
    ★★☆☆☆ - Reserved. This person is shy, and looks pedestrian. Next to a soldier, they may go unnoticed.
    ★★★☆☆ - Average. This person looks like a proper soldier, and will be identified as a threat on a battlefield.
    ★★★★☆ - Distinguished. A decorated soldier or noble, fame or riches may await whoever kills them.
    ★★★★★ - Notorious. A high-profile politician or legendary warrior. Anyone would seize a chance to kill them.

Here it is, FINALLY!! Over 9,000 words of fluffy world lore. If you have any questions, ideas or inconsistencies to ask/submit/heckle me over, feel free to use this thread to make sure you get a response. Also submit your character sheets here. There will be a channel on the Discord server for profile links, rather than a dedicated character index.

Now I'm going to cry in the corner, because even after all that, I still have 4 character sheets to make.
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I am very much interested in this concept, but unfortunately, I can not seem to find the actual fighting classes that you supposedly included in the lore, or their stats. Would it be possible to get this information?

I am very much interested in this concept, but unfortunately, I can not seem to find the actual fighting classes that you supposedly included in the lore, or their stats. Would it be possible to get this information?
Hey there, thanks for being here! Your eyes aren't deceiving you; the classes and their stats aren't explicitly listed.

I'm not limiting players to a single list of classes, or tying what weapons they can have to the class they chose. Instead, you give your class a name and a short description, and choose what weapon types your character uses, and I give you your base stats based on those. I'm giving players a lot of freedom to design their own fighters, so the possibilities are a bit too broad to list them all. For example, one player is making a "Dragoon" class that uses lances, and can leap high and strike from the air (but isn't actually a mounted unit). His base stats will probably be a hybrid between a Halberdier and a Wyvern Lord. It'll be easier for you to come up with a concept first and have me do the number-crunching.

If you still want numbers, this table is the one I will probably be drawing from the most.

If you want to play Corrupt-a-Wish to come up with your character concept, you can do that on our Discord server. I'm also quicker to get a hold of there if you have quick questions. Thanks again for being interested. :raven:
[fieldbox="Eron the Seeing, aqua, solid"]
  • lol_thresh_fanart_commission_by_orekigenya-db5nmss.jpg

    He can typically be seen wearing dirty tan pants and a white shirt with purple jacket. He likes the purple jacket a lot as it makes him feel royal. He tries to take care of it, but it's still sort of tattered and dirty. His weapon typically sits at his side with the chain wrapped with it and his lantern never leaves him either.
  • Age: 27

    Gender: Male

    Race: Human

    Gift - Death Sight
    Eron is able to see and speak with the dead

    Curse - Death Sight
    Eron is able to see and speak with the dead
    Spirits come and go and he can see and converse with them, but a lot of them don't like this fact or like it too much. They can help him in a variety of ways, but are hindrances just as often. He can't turn his power off, so he sees everything spiritual happening around him.

    Occupation: Guide

    Renown: ★★☆☆☆

    ~ Highly respects and keeps his relationship mostly professional despite her disposition.

    Princess ~ Highly respects but is willing to be more personal with her.

    Eunike ~ Would call her a friend, but some of her views are irking.

    Ragya ~ Definitely pities, but simply calls her a friend. Tries to treat her the same as everyone else and bears the burns that prove it.

  • Personality:
    Eron is a pretty outgoing and happy go lucky guy. Unfortunately, the stigma of being associated with spirits and black magic is not good for him. He'd be very willing to be friends with anyone willing to reciprocate those feelings. He is still pretty odd to say the least. His outlook on death is very different from most. He doesn't really fear much of anything since he doesn't fear death. Pain doesn't bother him that much either. Some say he is emotionless, but he is very quick to laugh and love. He just doesn't really cry, cower or get angry. He has seen ugly souls and beautiful souls, and he knows what makes the difference. He hopes his soul will be a beautiful one someday.

    Eron has been traveling for a very long time. His father was a traveling merchant and his mother died when he was young. He has a younger brother and sister, and they all traveled with their father on his business ventures. Unfortunately, as his
    curse began to develop, it became bad for business. He was an adult now, so he was sent away to make his own living. His brother ended up inheriting the business and his sister married a noble.

    He found himself offering to guide merchants between cities. It provided enough to keep him alive. He found he could make more money by teaming up with the bandits he tried to avoid. It wasn't long before he was a suspect of being in cahoots with the bandits and that meant he was as good as guilty. He really was guilty, but they couldn't prove it. He ended up traveling even more thanks to them. Venturing from city to city, he took jobs as a guide and occasionally sold his mappings too. Some treks would avoid bandits and others would fall prey. One trek, he was rewarded with his violet jacket. They steered very clear of the bandits. It was actually the Princess who gave him his jacket. This trek led to his only encounter with a red mage. He was actually guiding the Catalysts to the mage, and he was glad it was there mission to destroy him. He never felt as much distress and fear as when he saw what was being done to those souls. It was absolutely terrible. He never wanted to kill someone so much in all his life. He was very little help during the fight, but afterwards a special lantern was found. It appeared to be empty and useless, but it actually contained several spirits. He unlocked the lantern, but some of the souls chose to stay. Since no one else found use from it, he took the lantern and has vowed to harbor and protect spirits as much as he can.

    The Empress requested he join her, and after seeing what they did to help, he couldn't refuse her. Since then, he has been a very loyal guide for the Empress and the Catalysts. It was interesting breaking ties with the bandits, but they had little qualms with him joining the Catalysts. In fact, they just asked that they be able to make requests in the future. He didn't see what he could do, but he had no problems with that. He does wish he could settle down someday and start his own mortuary.

    Dragons & Magic Opinion: He doesn't have much opinion on using dragon remains or magic. He isn't too keen on black magic, but that's only because it's a step towards red magic. He deplores what red magic does to spirits. He's not normally one to take on crusades, but after his encounter with a red mage, he wants to abolish all red magic. As long as the magic has no effect on a soul, he doesn't care.
  • Class: Bandit
    Class Tier: Standard
    Weapon Proficiency: Kusarigama

    Vitality: 35
    Strength: 18
    Sorcery: 5
    Skill: 20
    Speed: 20
    Karma: 16
    Defense: 14
    Resistance: 9
    Build: 8
    Movement: 7
    Vision: 4+5​

    ~Prodigy Skill: Medium~
    Command Skill. Summons a spirit to act as support. Up to 3 can be summoned. Spirits attack with Blue Magic.

    ~Curse Skill: Unrest~
    Passive Skill. 1 in 6 chance a summoned spirit will side with the enemy instead.

    ~Personal Skill: Even-Tempered Oddball~
    Passive Skill. Enemies attacking this unit receive penalties: -2 to Attack Power and -5% to Critical Rate.

    ~Personal Skill: Charon's Fee~
    Passive Skill. When defeating a human enemy, Karma% chance to receive a Gold Coin.

    ~Rogue Skill: Free Spirit~
    Passive Skill. Traverse thickets, uneven terrain, and shallow water with no movement penalty.

    ~Rogue Skill: Trained Eye~
    Passive Skill. Disarm traps and receive hidden items when standing idle on certain spaces.

  • Equipment:
    Rank: B | Power: 5 | Hit Rate: 70 | Crit Rate: 10 | Weight: 6 | Range: 1~2 | Durability: 30
    A sickle attached to a weighted chain. (Skill/2)% chance to Disarm the enemy. Cannot dual wield with this.
    2) Spirit Lantern
    Illuminates the surroundings for the user only. +5 Vision in darkness and fog.
    3) Antitoxin | 3 / 3
    Cures Poison status when used.
    4) Marauder's Map
    Reveal your secrets...
    5) Rations | 8/8
    Recovers 20 Vitality when consumed.

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Eron the Seeing
Eron is accepted.

Here are your base stats, skills and inventory:

Vitality: 28
Strength: 14
Sorcery: 5
Skill: 17
Speed: 20
Karma: 16
Defense: 12
Resistance: 8
Constitution: 10
Movement: 7
Vision: 4+5​

~Prodigy Skill: Medium~
Command Skill. Summons a spirit to act as support. Up to 3 can be summoned. Spirits attack with Blue Magic.

~Curse Skill: Unrest~
Passive Skill. 1 in 6 chance a summoned spirit will side with the enemy instead.

~Personal Skill: Even-Tempered Oddball~
Passive Skill. Enemies attacking this unit receive penalties: -2 to Attack Power and -5% to Critical Rate.

~Personal Skill: Charon's Fee~
Passive Skill. When defeating a human enemy, Karma% chance to receive a Gold Coin.

~Rogue Skill: Free Spirit~
Passive Skill. Traverse thickets, uneven terrain, and shallow water with no movement penalty.

~Rogue Skill: Trained Eye~
Passive Skill. Disarm traps and receive hidden items when standing idle on certain spaces.

1) Kusari-gama
Rank: D | Power: 2 | Hit Rate: 65 | Crit Rate: 0 | Weight: 2 | Range: 1~2 | Durability: 25
A sickle attached to a weighted chain. Used to disrupt an enemy's guard. Cannot dual wield with this equipped.
2) Spirit Lantern
Illuminates the surroundings for the user only. +5 Vision in darkness and fog.
3) Antitoxin | 3 / 3
Cures Poison status when used.
4) Marauder's Map
Reveal your secrets...
5) Empty Slot

Here it is in a code block, if you want to copy/paste it into your character sheet:
[b]Vitality:[/b] 28
[b]Strength:[/b] 14
[b]Sorcery:[/b] 5
[b]Skill:[/b] 17
[b]Speed:[/b] 20
[b]Karma:[/b] 16
[b]Defense:[/b] 12
[b]Resistance:[/b] 8
[b]Constitution:[/b] 10
[b]Movement:[/b] 7
[b]Vision:[/b] 4[sup]+5[/sup]

[b]~Prodigy Skill: Medium~[/b]
[indent][i]Command Skill. Summons a spirit to act as support. Up to 3 can be summoned. Spirits attack with Blue Magic.[/i][/indent]

[b]~Curse Skill: Unrest~[/b]
[indent][i]Passive Skill. 1 in 6 chance a summoned spirit will side with the enemy instead.[/i][/indent]

[b]~Personal Skill: Even-Tempered Oddball~[/b]
[indent][i]Passive Skill. Enemies attacking this unit receive penalties: -2 to Attack Power and -5% to Critical Rate.[/i][/indent]

[b]~Personal Skill: Charon's Fee~[/b]
[indent][i]Passive Skill. When defeating a human enemy, Karma% chance to receive a Gold Coin.[/i][/indent]

[b]~Rogue Skill: Free Spirit~[/b]
[indent][i]Passive Skill. Traverse thickets, uneven terrain, and shallow water with no movement penalty.[/i][/indent]

[b]~Rogue Skill: Trained Eye~[/b]
[indent][i]Passive Skill. Disarm traps and receive hidden items when standing idle on certain spaces.[/i][/indent]

[b]1)[/b] Kusari-gama
[indent]Rank: D | Power: 2 | Hit Rate: 65 | Crit Rate: 0 | Weight: 2 | Range: 1~2 | Durability: 25
[i]A sickle attached to a weighted chain. Used to disrupt an enemy's guard. Cannot dual wield with this equipped.[/i][/indent]
[b]2)[/b] Spirit Lantern
[indent][i]Illuminates the surroundings for the user only. +5 Vision in darkness and fog.[/i][/indent]
[b]3)[/b] Antitoxin | 3 / 3
[indent][i]Cures Poison status when used.[/i][/indent]
[b]4)[/b] Marauder's Map
[indent][i]Reveal your secrets...[/i][/indent]
[b]5)[/b] Empty Slot
Name: Eunike, the Devourer

Normal Theme - Tranquility and Elegance
Combat Theme - Unleashed Beast
Extreme Combat Theme - Slaughter Them All (Death Metal Warning)

Age: 23

Gender: Female

Race: Human

Class: Rank Breaker: A class with above average mobility that focuses on killing their opponents as quickly as possible. As such, they excel in powerful attacks that break through armour and formations with equal ease. They are highly offensive units which can demoralise the enemy in a matter of seconds and can deal with most threats they face, provided that the Rank Breaker strikes first.

Class Tier: Standard

Renown: Four Stars

Weapon Proficiencies:
Intermediate proficiency with gauntlets.
Basic proficiency with battleaxe.

Hungry Maws: Eunike's custom-forged combat gauntlets, these weapons have served her well in her battles. They are made from high-quality steel and their construction is rather unique. Firstly, the forearms along with the backs of the hand have sloped armour plates along with extra padding, thus enabling Eunike to parry or deflect weapons with them. Secondly, the gloves' fingers were shaped so that they would form a solid striking area if Eunike closes her hands into a fist. Thirdly, the underside of the wrists have a tough, small spike attached to them, which can be used to penetrate armour or rend flesh.

Avalanche: A large, single-bladed poleaxe with a particularly cruel edge. It possesses some ornate decorations on its blade and its shaft is made out of sturdier wood to accommodate Eunike's strength. Otherwise, it behaves as a traditional battle axe.

Food and drink
Cooking supplies

Appearance: [spoili]

Though the picture does not show it, she is nearly seven feet tall and possesses a rather imposing figure that is very easy to recognise on the field of battle.

Gift: Mountain Mover: Simply put, Eunike possesses enough strength to tear people apart with her bare hands. The sheer, brute force she can wield is nothing short of overwhelming. She can toss aside any man with an almost contemptuous ease and if she is given some time, she can also render armour useless with her blows. Fortunately, her strength is still limited by her human physiology, so she has to have the proper equipment if she wishes to use her gift to its fullest extent.

Curse: Bottomless Pit: Not even large quantities of the most nutritious foods are enough to satisfy Eunike for more than a couple of hours. While she is able to sate her hunger, she must eat almost constantly or consume vast amounts of food at astonishing intervals if she wishes to remain functional. She can withstand hunger for some time, however, she inevitably starts losing sight of herself if she goes without a meal for too long. This first manifests as a willingness to do almost anything for food along with a slight loss of general abilities, but can become as severe as blind, cannibalistic hunger.

Occupation: Soldier

Personality: A friendly, polite person who often uses the mannerisms along with the language of nobility, Eunike projects a calm and collected air when she talks to people. In fact, her behaviour often borders on kindness, which raises many a suspicious eye. She rarely, if ever says a bad word about the people she knows, preferring to compliment them instead. In addition, she displays genuine interest in others, the reason behind which is unknown. Perhaps she merely wishes to have people as close to allies as she can possibly get them. Or maybe she intends to know others in order to utilise them.

Whatever the case, this Eunike disappears as she steps onto the battlefield.

Ruthless, cruel, murderous and possibly several wheels short of a horse-cart, Eunike often ends her fights with the innards of her enemies plastered all over her. She is nothing short of brutal as she takes on her enemies with efficient, if messy strikes. She gives no respect to those who oppose her while venerating her allies with what seems to be frank praise. As such, Eunike is a fairly good team player as long as she does not have to take the brunt of punishment or risk. She is also quite eager to engage in battle when the opportunity presents itself and her morale tends to be high. Fortunately, she is smart enough to know when she is outmatched, but her lust for conflict along with her behaviour on the battlefield raises an important question: Just which side of hers is genuine?

Though it might be presumptuous to call them a nation, the Norakin live their lives surrounded by beings much powerful than they are. To their North is the Outer Sea, dangerous and deadly. To their South is the Suicide Forest, looming above them as if it was a patient reaper. To their West are the Gebleicht, their knights and faith far in excess of any Norakin force. And to their East, the Outer Sea once again cuts their hopes short. Therefore, the only reason that this loose coalition of robber-barons has not fallen is that the Norakin land is just as hostile to its enemies as its inhabitants.

As they live so close to the sea, the Norakin are constantly besieged by cold up-drafts that bring plentiful snow with them. Cruel winds along with relentless tides lap away at their shores and they live in constant fear of avalanches or any natural disaster that may sweep their shoddily-built communities away. In all honesty, the nation can barely maintain itself. The only thing that is keeping it afloat are its dangerous, but prosperous iron mines. Needless to say, life is short, meaningless and cruel amongst the Norakin, but the few who live to see adulthood are hardened individuals who have managed to survive one of the harshest environments this world has to offer.

Such is the world that Eunike was born into.

She learned what it was like to fight for her life early on in her life. Amongst the Norakin, every single day felt like it was a struggle to survive and Eunike was amongst the lucky children who managed to adapt before the others. She left many others in in the snow while clutching a meagre price in her little hands in order to feed herself or to stay warm for just a little longer. She forged and broke alliances with other children, treating those by her side with respect while showing outright disdain for those who opposed her. However, not even that could save her from the harsh forces of nature.

On her eleventh winter, Eunike found her family's tiny home buried in snow. The harsh ocean had struck again, bringing disaster to her entire village as they were cut off from the world. The moment they had woken up and saw the snow piled up outside, everyone knew that they were as good as dead. However, the family refused to give up. After all, this was a world in which the strong survived while the weak perished. If they did not help themselves, then they would not be helped in return. With this ideal on their lips, Eunike and her parents fought against their inevitable fate.

Their tools were used to move snow aside, which was then melted into water by their house's hearth. Hour after hour, day after day, they withstood the pangs of hunger which ate away at their bellies. They did their best to survive in a world which regarded their existence as pointless and in other stories, they would have triumphed. However, the Dragon's curse is not so kind as to allow such miracles. Come the fourth morning, Eunike found her parents frozen solid as they tried to give each other warmth. She barely survived as she had been sandwiched between them so she would stay the warmest.

As much death as she had seen, Eunike could not help but grieve. She shed many tears for her parents and forgot about the snow outside, no matter how much her hungry stomach cried out to her. She tried to shake them awake or to warm them up to no avail; the only thing she was met with were her parents' lifeless eyes. Filled with ice crystals, the cold gazes did not give her any answer even as she wept and wept. She was all alone. Cold. Hungry. Miserable. Desperate.

And it was with this desperation that she made a wish from the bottom of her heart. It was a really simple wish of warmth and survival, but it was earnest and reflected in all of her being. Though she no longer remembers the words she used, Eunike was certain that she spent countless hours begging for her own survival as the cold started to seep into her bones, only to lose grip on her consciousness... then awaken in a different place. One that was so alien to her that she felt as if she had been transported to a different world.

Not only did this new place speak some language that she did not understand, but she also had to come to terms with the sudden change that occurred in her biology. She was feeling constantly hungry despite the meals that she managed to rob from other children her age, but her strength had also increased tremendously. The first time she intimidated a couple of street kids so they would give her food, she discovered that she could shatter ribs with her fists. That had been a very interesting lesson and despite the hunger that kept eating away at her, Eunike realised that she had discovered her Gift.

Even so, the strange world was paradise compared to the Norakin way of life. Not only was the weather less harsh, but there were also a more goods to go around, which meant more food that she could use to sate her hunger. In this gilded city, her increased hunger seemed almost meaningless as she could relieve people of more food than she could ever need. She felt herself almost a queen for the next several months as she practically turned this glorious city upside-down.

Then the army stepped in and her glory days were over. Eunike was systematically driven out of her established position, put off-balance at every turn by superior numbers and training. Day by day, her reach shrunk with her influence until she was finally backed into a corner. The girl fought fiercely, defeating several soldiers by her own, but she was bested. However, it seemed that the Gebleicht saw something special in her as instead of killing her, they made her an offer she could not refuse: either she joined the army or she would die where she was. Eunike accepted without hesitation, thinking that she could escape their grasp.

She could not have been more wrong.

In the army, she became as an ox with the access to food as her yoke. Her trainers quickly figured out her weaknesses, using it against her to great effect in an effort to mould her to their desired image. Whenever she attempted to rebel or escape, they would punish her harshly and Eunike quickly learned that she was better off obeying whatever orders she was given. Even then, her initial years were nothing but hardship as she encountered several cultural, lingual and other barriers that stood between her and success.

Nevertheless, with the progression of her training, it became increasingly clear that Eunike was an exceptional individual. Never mind her gift of extreme strength, but the years spent amongst the Norakin have hardened her quite a bit. Even in this cruel world, she was someone who showed exceptional integrity in dire situations and as the doubts around her slowly evaporated, it was decided that ordinary military service did not suit her. Her talents needed to be put to much better use. And if the army had misjudged her character? Well then, she would die like the dog she is.

With this decision, Eunike's range of education increased. Not only did she have to participate in the weapon drills and mock battles, but she was also given lessons on the finer points of war along with etiquette. Surprisingly, she took to the latter quite well and incorporated it into her everyday behaviour as if it was the natural thing to do. She also met every one of the expectations placed upon her and when her training was finished, she was put through several brutal battles that had to be won.

And once again, Eunike managed to prove herself. Against all odds, she managed to shake off the army's doubts and overcome their trials. She even managed to earn a title for herself: her comrades-in-arms called her '"the Devourer" for her fierce devotion to the art of battle and her seemingly endless hunger. The Gebleicht were patting themselves on the back with a smug smirk on their faces, congratulating themselves for the smart investment they made. Then the Empress happened.

During one of her visits to the Gebleicht, the Empress just so happened to see Eunike bringing down a formation of soldiers during one of Eunike's many practice drills. Inspired by the strength, not to mention the stature of this strange warrior, the Empress pondered if Eunike's services may be put to better use somewhere... while mentioning that she heard dreadful rumours about cheap imitations of Gebleicht goods slowly creeping their way into the world market. According to her analysis, if this was to continue, then the Gebleicht economy would find itself in quite a bit of trouble.

And all she wanted in exchange for helping to root out these goods was a single soldier. A fantastic deal it was, was it not? Probably not. But the Gebleicht had no choice in the matter and in the end, it was an easy decision between times of hardship for the nation and the fate of a single soldier.
[Spoili]Eron, the Seeing: One can probably call Eron and Eunike friends. Despite the slight disagreements they may hold over combat styles or the dead, they get along quite well. However, deep down, Eunike is not quite sure what to think of Eron. Based on her conversations with him, the man appears to be genuine, but he is also a being who is only a hair's width away from indulging in the abomination of red magic.

Ragya, the Untouchable: Despite her best efforst to treat her the same as others, Eunike can not help but feel revulsed by Ragya's appearance. Goodness knows, Eunike has tried her outmost to be polite to her and as welcoming as she can, yet the air between them is tense. Ragya can also probably tell that Eunike is forcing herself in her interactions with the ghoulish woman. Even worse, Eunike does not comprehend her fear herself; she has faced down much fiercer opponents. And yet the desire to keep her distance remains constantly with her.

Cyrille, the Conjuring: For starters, Eunike does not even know if Cyrille is male or female. For all she knows, they are something in-between, however, they have managed to win Eunike over with a combination of excellent tea and manners. Eunike feels at ease when talking with Cyrille and she would consider themselves friends. Maybe not a particularly close bunch, but definitely more than comrades-in-arms.

Amelia, the Heart of Kanegura: The Princess is a really odd one in Eunike's opinion. She can not put her finger on Amelia's behaviour and yet she has a feeling of there being something off about her. Their interactions seem ordinary enough with the Princess desiring sweets while the warrior gorges on a variety of meats along with other filling foods. And yet. There are some little moments that make Eunike's pause. The constant repetition of her name as a greeting. Forgetting a small detail about the previous day's conversation. A look in the eyes of Amelia as if she did not know where she was. These small things tell Eunike that there is something wrong and trigger her sense of paranoia.

Eerina, the Raven: Eunike has not had any interactions with her yet, but she honestly feels as if the woman does not appreciate company. Or maybe it is just the natural air of a recluse. Despite it all, Eunike believes that they could have a nice chat with each other over a drink or a meal. That is, if Eerina was not constantly burying her nose into one of those trashy romance books. Eunike does not want to be rude by interrupting the activity that Eerina seems to enjoy so much.

Atara, the Falling Shadow: Eunike had the pleasure of seeing Atara at work a couple of times and every single time, she found herself questioning her opinion of him. The man is from the south, wearing thick mystique along with his dark magics as if they were a veil. And yet. His combat style is brutal and efficient. He strikes fear into his enemies' hearts with any tool in his possession. He seems immensely pragmatic, a quality that Eunike appreciates and she can not help but feel a strange sense of connection towards him. Perhaps she should approach the man some time...

Cipher, the Shade: He is certainly an odd one in Eunike's eyes and she knows very little about him. She is aware of his position as one of the Princess' retainers as well as his tremendous talent when it comes to magic, but other than that? Nothing. He is incredibly elusive, so much that Eunike has not managed to exchange a single word with him so far. That is, if she can even find him. The man seems like a slippery eel and honestly, Eunike harbors some suspicion towards him.

Aristaeus, the Hawk: Trouble seems to follow this man wherever he goes and it is not difficult for Eunike to see why. While she is still polite and respectful towards him in her behaviour, she would rather that she be beside someone else on the battlefield. Her style and his simply does not match; she prefers a more relaxed atmosphere when off the battlefield. That seems to go against Aristaeus' desires nearly at all times.

Kanon, the Resolved: Eunike looks up to the leader of the Catalysts and admires her. The Commander is nothing short of legendary in her eyes, with or without her quirks. While Eunike may not always see eye-to-eye with Kanon, she is more than willing to put herself under the Commander's authority. She also wants to challenge Kanon to a friendly battle some time, but she is of the opinion that it would end in a really quick and stunning defeat for her.

Opinions on Dragons and Magic: When asked about this subject, Eunike often replies that she has no strong opinion one way or another. She then elaborates that she was born long after the dragons died out and in her home, there were no legends about the old beasts. However, deep down, she believes the death of dragons to be a shame. Not because they were benevolent masters of humanity or anything like that. Instead, she thinks that if dragons were alive, they would surely provide her and many others with the opportunity for fierce and exciting battles.

Vitality: 36
Strength: 25
Sorcery: 0
Skill: 22
Speed: 16
Karma: 14
Defense: 20
Resistance: 4
Build: 12+25​
Movement: 7
Vision: 2

~Prodigy Skill: Mountain Mover~
Passive Skill. +25 Build. +3 to Attack Power if this unit's Strength exceeds the enemy's.

~Curse Skill: Bottomless Pit~
Passive Skill. -1 Inventory Slot. Attacking with Hungry Maws inflicts stackable debuff: -2 to Strength and Skill.

~Personal Skill: Two-Faced Exemplar~
Passive Skill. Adjacent allies receive bonuses: +2 Attack Power and +2 Fortitude.

~Personal Skill: Bloodthirsty~
Passive Skill. If this unit Attacks a human enemy and kills them on their turn, they recover 20% Vitality.

~Rank Breaker Skill: Body Blow~
Command Skill. If this unit's Attack lands and Build exceeds the enemy's, the enemy is knocked back two spaces.

~Rank Breaker Skill: Advance~
Command Skill. If this unit's Attack lands, they swap spaces with the target enemy.

1) Hungry Maws
Rank: ★ | Power: 25 | Hit Rate: 75 | Crit Rate: 0 | Weight: 17 | Range: 1 | Durability: N/A
Bane Bonus against armored units. Cannot multi-attack or dual wield with this weapon.
2) Avalanche (Iron Pole-ax)
Rank: C | Power: 12 | Hit Rate: 65 | Crit Rate: 0 | Weight: 16 | Range: 1 | Durability: 40
Bane Bonus against cavalry. Cannot dual wield with this weapon.
3) Frying Pan
Rank: E | Power: 3 | Hit Rate: 90 | Crit Rate: 0 | Weight: 7 | Range: 1 | Durability: 50
Not exactly a battle-ready clubbing weapon, but when all you have is a hammer...
4) Rations | 8 / 8
Recovers 20 Vitality when used.
5) Leftovers
They were going to be thrown away, so it's fine to take them...
Last edited:
Eron the Seeing
I'm not happy with the kind of balance I'm getting, so I'll be swapping data tables and fudging numbers.

Fortunately for you, that means buffs across the board:

Vitality: 35
Strength: 18
Sorcery: 5
Skill: 20
Speed: 20
Karma: 16
Defense: 14
Resistance: 9
Build: 8
Movement: 7
Vision: 4+5​

Eunike, the Devourer

Eunike is accepted.

Your base stats, skills and inventory:

Vitality: 36
Strength: 25
Sorcery: 0
Skill: 22
Speed: 16
Karma: 14
Defense: 20
Resistance: 4
Build: 12+25​
Movement: 7
Vision: 2

~Prodigy Skill: Mountain Mover~
Passive Skill. +25 Build. +3 to Attack Power if this unit's Strength exceeds the enemy's.

~Curse Skill: Bottomless Pit~
Passive Skill. -1 Inventory Slot. Attacking with Hungry Maws inflicts stackable debuff: -2 to Strength and Skill.

~Personal Skill: Two-Faced Exemplar~
Passive Skill. Adjacent allies receive bonuses: +2 Attack Power and +2 Fortitude.

~Personal Skill: Bloodthirsty~
Passive Skill. If this unit Attacks a human enemy and kills them on their turn, they recover 20% Vitality.

~Rank Breaker Skill: Body Blow~
Command Skill. If this unit's Attack lands and Build exceeds the enemy's, the enemy is knocked back two spaces.

~Rank Breaker Skill: Advance~
Command Skill. If this unit's Attack lands, they swap spaces with the target enemy.

1) Hungry Maws
Rank: ★ | Power: 25 | Hit Rate: 75 | Crit Rate: 0 | Weight: 17 | Range: 1 | Durability: N/A
Bane Bonus against armored units. Cannot multi-attack or dual wield with this weapon.
2) Avalanche (Iron Pole-ax)
Rank: C | Power: 12 | Hit Rate: 65 | Crit Rate: 0 | Weight: 16 | Range: 1 | Durability: 40
Bane Bonus against cavalry. Cannot dual wield with this weapon.
3) Frying Pan
Rank: E | Power: 3 | Hit Rate: 90 | Crit Rate: 0 | Weight: 7 | Range: 1 | Durability: 50
Not exactly a battle-ready clubbing weapon, but when all you have is a hammer...
4) Rations | 8 / 8
Recovers 20 Vitality when used.
5) Leftovers
They were going to be thrown away, so it's fine to take them...

[b]Vitality:[/b] 36
[b]Strength:[/b] 25
[b]Sorcery:[/b] 0
[b]Skill:[/b] 22
[b]Speed:[/b] 16
[b]Karma:[/b] 14
[b]Defense:[/b] 20
[b]Resistance:[/b] 4
[b]Build:[/b] 12[sup]+25[/sup]
[b]Movement:[/b] 7
[b]Vision:[/b] 2

[b]~Prodigy Skill: Mountain Mover~[/b]
[indent][i]Passive Skill. +25 Build. +3 to Attack Power if this unit's Strength exceeds the enemy's.[/i][/indent]

[b]~Curse Skill: Bottomless Pit~[/b]
[indent][i]Passive Skill. -1 Inventory Slot. Attacking with Hungry Maws inflicts stackable debuff: -2 to Strength and Skill.[/i][/indent]

[b]~Personal Skill: Two-Faced Exemplar~[/b]
[indent][i]Passive Skill. Adjacent allies receive bonuses: +2 Attack Power and +2 Fortitude.[/i][/indent]

[b]~Personal Skill: Bloodthirsty~[/b]
[indent][i]Passive Skill. If this unit Attacks a human enemy and kills them on their turn, they recover 20% Vitality.[/i][/indent]

[b]~Rank Breaker Skill: Body Blow~[/b]
[indent][i]Command Skill. If this unit's Attack lands and Build exceeds the enemy's, the enemy is knocked back two spaces.[/i][/indent]

[b]~Rank Breaker Skill: Advance~[/b]
[indent][i]Command Skill. If this unit's Attack lands, they swap spaces with the target enemy.[/i][/indent]

[b]1)[/b] Hungry Maws
[indent]Rank: ★ | Power: 25 | Hit Rate: 75 | Crit Rate: 0 | Weight: 17 | Range: 1 | Durability: N/A
[i]Bane Bonus against armored units. Cannot multi-attack or dual wield with this weapon.[/i][/indent]
[b]2)[/b] Avalanche (Iron Pole-ax)
[indent]Rank: C | Power: 12 | Hit Rate: 65 | Crit Rate: 0 | Weight: 16 | Range: 1 | Durability: 40
[i]Bane Bonus against cavalry. Cannot dual wield with this weapon.[/i][/indent]
[b]3)[/b] Frying Pan
[indent]Rank: E | Power: 3 | Hit Rate: 90 | Crit Rate: 0 | Weight: 7 | Range: 1 | Durability: 50
[i]Not exactly a battle-ready clubbing weapon, but when all you have is a hammer...[/i][/indent]
[b]4)[/b] Rations | 8 / 8
[indent][i]Recovers 20 Vitality when used.[/i][/indent]
[b]5)[/b] Leftovers
[indent][i]They were going to be thrown away, so it's fine to take them...[/i][/indent]

Delias (Traeson) the Wyvern

Delias is accepted.

Your base stats, skills and inventory:

Vitality: 40
Strength: 22
Sorcery: 0
Skill: 24
Speed: 18
Karma: 4
Defense: 23
Resistance: 6
Build: 10
Movement: 9
Vision: 3+5​

~Prodigy Skill: Apex Hunter~
Passive Skill. +5 to Vision. +20% to Hit Rate, +20% Parry Rate, and -20% to enemy's Critical Rate.

~Curse Skill: Predator's Contempt~
Passive Skill. This unit receives half the normal effect from White Magic's buffs and healing.

~Personal Skill: Tunnel Vision~
Passive Skill. +15% to Critical Rate when Attacking the same enemy this unit Attacked last turn.

~Personal Skill: Daunting Descent~
Passive Skill. If this unit Attacks and kills an enemy in one hit, enemies within 3 spaces receive the Stun debuff.

~Dragoon Skill: Acrobat~
Passive Skill. This unit can cross flier-only tiles (but cannot end their turn on one).

~Dragoon Skill: Leap of Faith~
Passive Skill. When this unit Attacks on their turn, their first attack is given the Height Advantage Bonus.

1) Judge's Lance (Steel Great-lance)
Rank: B | Power: 14 | Hit Rate: 70 | Crit Rate: 0 | Weight: 18 | Range: 1 | Durability: 35
Built for swift speed and peerless piercing. Cannot dual-wield with this weapon.
2) Longsword
Rank: D | Power: 6 | Hit Rate: 85 | Crit Rate: 0 | Weight: 15 | Range: 1 | Durability: 18
Bane Bonus against cavalry. Cannot dual wield with this weapon.
3) Rations | 8 / 8
Recovers 20 Vitality when used.
4) Empty Slot
5) Empty Slot

[b]Vitality:[/b] 40
[b]Strength:[/b] 22
[b]Sorcery:[/b] 0
[b]Skill:[/b] 24
[b]Speed:[/b] 18
[b]Karma:[/b] 4
[b]Defense:[/b] 23
[b]Resistance:[/b] 6
[b]Build:[/b] 10
[b]Movement:[/b] 9
[b]Vision:[/b] 3[sup]+5[/sup]

[b]~Prodigy Skill: Apex Hunter~[/b]
[indent][i]Passive Skill. +5 to Vision. +20% to Hit Rate, +20% Parry Rate, and -20% to enemy's Critical Rate.[/i][/indent]

[b]~Curse Skill: Predator's Contempt~[/b]
[indent][i]Passive Skill. This unit receives half the normal effect from White Magic's buffs and healing.[/i][/indent]

[b]~Personal Skill: Tunnel Vision~[/b]
[indent][i]Passive Skill. +15% to Critical Rate when Attacking the same enemy this unit Attacked last turn.[/i][/indent]

[b]~Personal Skill: Daunting Descent~[/b]
[indent][i]Passive Skill. If this unit Attacks and kills an enemy in one hit, enemies within 3 spaces receive the Stun debuff.[/i][/indent]

[b]~Dragoon Skill: Acrobat~[/b]
[indent][i]Passive Skill. This unit can cross flier-only tiles (but cannot end their turn on one).[/i][/indent]

[b]~Dragoon Skill: Leap of Faith~[/b]
[indent][i]Passive Skill. When this unit Attacks on their turn, their first attack is given the Height Advantage Bonus.[/i][/indent]

[b]1)[/b] Judge's Lance (Steel Great-lance)
[indent]Rank: B | Power: 14 | Hit Rate: 70 | Crit Rate: 0 | Weight: 18 | Range: 1 | Durability: 35
[i]Built for swift speed and peerless piercing. Cannot dual-wield with this weapon.[/i][/indent]
[b]2)[/b] Longsword
[indent]Rank: D | Power: 6 | Hit Rate: 85 | Crit Rate: 0 | Weight: 15 | Range: 1 | Durability: 18
[i]Bane Bonus against cavalry. Cannot dual wield with this weapon.[/i][/indent]
[b]3)[/b] Rations | 8 / 8
[indent][i]Recovers 20 Vitality when used.[/i][/indent]
[b]4)[/b] Empty Slot
[b]5)[/b] Empty Slot
Name: Ragya the Untouchable
Age: 21
Gender: Female
Race: Human
Class: Rogue
Class Tier: Standard
Renown: ★★★☆☆

Vitality: 32
Strength: 15
Sorcery: 7
Skill: 21
Speed: 22
Karma: 16
Defense: 10
Resistance: 12
Build: 7
Movement: 7
Vision: 4

~Prodigy Skill: Bringer of Decay~
Passive Skill. When this unit is attacked in melee, regardless of success, the enemy takes 5 damage. Allows the use of Rotbringer.

~Curse Skill: Untouchable~
Passive Skill. This unit cannot be Rescued and cannot Pair with Support Classes.

~Personal Skill: Personal Space~
Passive Skill. +10% to Critical Rate if no allied units are within 3 spaces.

~Personal Skill: Woman Scorned~
Passive Skill. If this unit Attacks another female unit, +4 to Attack Power and +20 to Critical Rate.

~Rogue Skill: Locktouch~
Command Skill. This unit unlocks doors and chests just by touching them. Who needs keys?

~Rogue Skill: Venom Strike~
Passive Skill. When this unit inflicts damage on their turn, the target enemy loses 20% Vitality at end of turn (regardless of the number of successful attacks).

1) Rotbringer
Rank: ★ | Power: 8 | Hit Rate: 90 | Crit Rate: 0 | Weight: 1 | Range: 1~3 | Durability: N/A
An acid unmatched. Decays everything it touches. Inflicts Poison (1d6 damage per proc) and Rot (halves healing received) debuffs. This weapon cannot be dual-wielded.
2) Fang
Rank: B | Power: 4 | Hit Rate: 70 | Crit Rate: 10 | Weight: 6 | Range: 1 | Durability: 30
Designed for direct strikes rather than throwing. Easy to dual wield with.
3) Canine
Rank: A | Power: 8 | Hit Rate: 80 | Crit Rate: 20 | Weight: 8 | Range: 1 | Durability: 25
A weapon of choice for the high-profile Assassin. Potent for evisceration, concealing evidence not so much.
4) Dragonhide Robe
Conceals the wearer. -1 Notoriety when equipped.
5) Rations | 8 / 8
Recovers 20 Vitality when used.

Ragya Theme ~ Dripping Vileness

Versus Ragya ~ Rotting Agony

Weapon Proficiencies: Twin Dagger (Light Weapon)

Equipment: Fang and Canine, a pair of daggers that can be dual-wielded. The former is a wavy kris that excels for quick direct strikes, the latter is a curved and jagged monstrosity that can be used to disarm, garrote or even torture. Both daggers are made of dragonbone as most weapons decay quickly in Ragya's hands.

Hooded dragonhide robe - Ragya's most common choice of attire, provided by the Catalysts. Dragonhide is one of the rare materials with enough resistance to Ragya's poison to last more than a day or two on her, and the hood helps conceal her mangled appearance from sight.

Ragya is proficient in the use of certain common thieves' tools, though her Gift makes the use of some items, such as lockpicks, mostly unnecessary.


A cartoonish version of her appearance. For a more realistic version of how her skin looks like, just search "trypophobia hand" on Google (I dare you). Note that she does also have holes on her face even though this picture lacks them.


Ragya is a slender young woman with long, silky black hair and equally black eyes with a deep and distant gaze. She could have been considered beautiful if it weren't for the fact that her skin is riddled with gruesome-looking holes.

Gift: Bringer of Decay. Ragya's skin is riddled with holes that connect to modified sweat glands (or saliva glands in her mouth). Instead of normal sweat, they produce a corrosive substance that is far more aggressive and versatile than any existing acid or base. Sickly green in color, the substance is magical in origin and impossible to analyze or replicate scientifically. The substance attacks and corrodes almost any matter known to mankind, though at varying rates. Wounds made by this acid in living flesh tend to heal poorly and often start festering with infection.

Organic substances are the fastest to decay, especially living flesh (though thick hides can offer some protection). Wood is affected somewhat more slowly. Non-organic matter is also affected (rocks crumble to dust, metal loses its integrity and corrodes, even those metals that normally cannot be corroded) but at a slower rate and with more substance required to inflict damage. Dragon-based materials are among the most resistant, with dragonbone and dragonscale in particular being almost unaffected. Ragya herself is totally immune to her acid.

In addition to making melee contact with Ragya hazardous, the substance may also be spewed at medium range as a spray and at long range as a condensed, but inaccurate bolt. To do this, Ragya forcefully contracts her acid glands.

Corollary: Visage of Decay. Ragya's hole-riddled skin make her a horrifying spectacle to behold on a battlefield, potentially dropping enemies' morale.

Curse: Untouchable. Ragya does not have full control over the emission of her decaying substance, causing it to sometimes be spewed as an involuntary, instinctive self-defense mechanism. The stimuli for this reaction vary, but interpersonal contact is a frequent one. This makes it dangerous for Ragya to touch others or even stand in close vicinity with people, especially since she has trust issues that cause this involuntary mechanism to activate very often.

She also regularly ruins clothes, beds and other personal items not made of dragonbone due to acid triggers.

Corollary: Rotten Apple. Ragya's hideously deformed skin is the subject of pity, fear, disgust and mockery which does little to improve the aforementioned trust issues.

Occupation: Rogue/Assassin
Given her unique "Gift" and the unfortunate incident through which it was discovered, Ragya had little in the way of choice for occupations. Until she joined the Catalysts to turn her life around, she had primarily been working in the criminal underworld, corroding her way through locks, vaults and the occasional troublemaker.

Personality: Ragya typically comes across as dry, abrasive and rather unpleasant. Due to her Gift and her past, she has difficulties connecting with others and trusting anyone but herself. Though she tries to project an impression of having accepted her gruesome abilities, she hides a deep-seated resentment which is the main reason for her acerbic personality. Despite having accepted to work for the Empress, she holds jealousy and hatred for people in positions of power and prestige.

Ragya is in a constant emotional conflict with herself. On the one hand, there's the willingness to accept the fact that she is a monster and will only ever be seen as one. On the other hand, there's the drive to prove those who would judge her solely based on her appearance wrong, a desire to be respected despite her status. The former was what caused her to take up a criminal's life in the first place, the latter, however, is responsible for her eventually reaching out to the Catalysts.

Biography: Ragya was born to a notorious and noble family in the Gebleicht capital. Despite an opulent lifestyle, her childhood was not a particularly happy one, as her family held her to very high standards and punishing her whenever she was perceived as doing something that damaged the reputation of her house, while usually not caring much about her in any other circumstances.

Ragya was barely in her teens when she was forced into a political marriage with the widowed patriarch of another powerful family, despite having implored her parents to reconsider. Her new husband, a man of advanced age, unfortunately turned out to have devious sexual preferences and didn't exactly wish to wait a few years before consummating the marriage. When he made his move, Ragya's "Gift" spontaneously manifested, splashing the man with potent acid with the predictable consequence of a gruesome death.

Through the fog of trauma, Ragya acted on instinct. She could never come back to her family, and would likely be hunted down as a criminal if she tried. The only path left was escape and the life of a pariah. With some valuables stolen from her late would-be husband and her own natural talents, she managed to get started in the seedier side of Gebleicht, training in combat and the "arts" of stealth, burglary and assassination and leaving behind a path of scarred and molten victims, not all intentional. For both her repulsive appearance and her overly zealous acid glands, she acquired the nickname "the Untouchable".

Even as the victim became a butcher, though, her past self was not completely lost. Instead of leaving her even more jaded and cold, years of bloodshed helped her uncover the heart that had been lost on the day her Gift manifested. With every kill leaving her more and more remorseful, lonely and unsatisfied with her calling in life, Ragya resolved to move away from crime. The Empress of Kame-Iwa, she'd heard, had assembled a special unit of peace enforcers with powerful Gifts. With her criminal past, frightful appearance and high risk of friendly fire, Ragya could never join an army, but a small private unit of elite fighters, on a different continent altogether? Perhaps that could be the occasion to turn her life around.

Relationships: currently N/A

Opinions on Dragons and Magic: Their remains are very useful to wear and wield.
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Ragya the Untouchable
Ragyo Ragya is accepted.

Your base stats, skills and inventory:

Vitality: 32
Strength: 15
Sorcery: 7
Skill: 21
Speed: 22
Karma: 16
Defense: 10
Resistance: 12
Build: 7
Movement: 7
Vision: 4

~Prodigy Skill: Bringer of Decay~
Passive Skill. When this unit is attacked, the enemy takes 5 damage. Allows the use of Rotbringer.

~Curse Skill: Untouchable~
Passive Skill. This unit cannot be Rescued and cannot Pair with Support Classes.

~Personal Skill: Personal Space~
Passive Skill. +10% to Critical Rate if no allied units are within 3 spaces.

~Personal Skill: Woman Scorned~
Passive Skill. If this unit Attacks another female unit, +4 to Attack Power and +20 to Critical Rate.

~Rogue Skill: Locktouch~
Command Skill. This unit unlocks doors and chests just by touching them. Who needs keys?

~Rogue Skill: Venom Strike~
Passive Skill. When this unit Attacks on their turn, the target enemy loses 20% Vitality.

1) Rotbringer
Rank: ★ | Power: 8 | Hit Rate: 90 | Crit Rate: 0 | Weight: 1 | Range: 1~3 | Durability: N/A
An acid unmatched. Decays everything it touches. Inflicts Poison and Rot debuffs.
2) Fang
Rank: B | Power: 4 | Hit Rate: 70 | Crit Rate: 10 | Weight: 6 | Range: 1 | Durability: 30
Designed for direct strikes rather than throwing. Easy to dual wield with.
3) Canine
Rank: A | Power: 8 | Hit Rate: 80 | Crit Rate: 20 | Weight: 8 | Range: 1 | Durability: 25
A weapon of choice for the high-profile Assassin. Potent for evisceration, concealing evidence not so much.
4) Dragonhide Robe
Conceals the wearer. -1 Notoriety when equipped.
5) Empty Slot

[b]Vitality:[/b] 32
[b]Strength:[/b] 15
[b]Sorcery:[/b] 7
[b]Skill:[/b] 21
[b]Speed:[/b] 22
[b]Karma:[/b] 16
[b]Defense:[/b] 10
[b]Resistance:[/b] 12
[b]Build:[/b] 7
[b]Movement:[/b] 7
[b]Vision:[/b] 4

[b]~Prodigy Skill: Bringer of Decay~[/b]
[indent][i]Passive Skill. When this unit is attacked, the enemy takes 5 damage. Allows the use of Rotbringer.[/i][/indent]

[b]~Curse Skill: Untouchable~[/b]
[indent][i]Passive Skill. This unit cannot be Rescued and cannot Pair with Support Classes.[/i][/indent]

[b]~Personal Skill: Personal Space~[/b]
[indent][i]Passive Skill. +10% to Critical Rate if no allied units are within 3 spaces.[/i][/indent]

[b]~Personal Skill: Woman Scorned~[/b]
[indent][i]Passive Skill. If this unit Attacks another female unit, +4 to Attack Power and +20 to Critical Rate.[/i][/indent]

[b]~Rogue Skill: Locktouch~[/b]
[indent][i]Command Skill. This unit unlocks doors and chests just by touching them. Who needs keys?[/i][/indent]

[b]~Rogue Skill: Venom Strike~[/b]
[indent][i]Passive Skill. When this unit Attacks on their turn, the target enemy loses 20% Vitality.[/i][/indent]

[b]1)[/b] Rotbringer
[indent]Rank: ★ | Power: 8 | Hit Rate: 90 | Crit Rate: 0 | Weight: 1 | Range: 1~3 | Durability: N/A
[i]An acid unmatched. Decays everything it touches. Inflicts Poison and Rot debuffs.[/i][/indent]
[b]2)[/b] Fang
[indent]Rank: B | Power: 4 | Hit Rate: 70 | Crit Rate: 10 | Weight: 6 | Range: 1 | Durability: 30
[i]Designed for direct strikes rather than throwing. Easy to dual wield with.[/i][/indent]
[b]3)[/b] Canine
[indent]Rank: A | Power: 8 | Hit Rate: 80 | Crit Rate: 20 | Weight: 8 | Range: 1 | Durability: 25
[i]A weapon of choice for the high-profile Assassin. Potent for evisceration, concealing evidence not so much.[/i][/indent]
[b]4)[/b] Dragonhide Robe
[indent][i]Conceals the wearer. -1 Notoriety when equipped.[/i][/indent]
[b]5)[/b] Empty Slot

Cyrille the Conjuring, formerly Cyren








~Rogue Skill: Stillness~
Command Skill. When choosing to Wait instead of Attack, this unit is considered invisible to enemy units.

~Rogue Skill: Phantom Thief~
Command Skill. If this unit's Speed exceeds the enemy's, they can pilfer the enemy's medicine or item.

Class Tier:
Vitality: 30
Strength: 17
Sorcery: 6
Skill: 22
Speed: 23
Karma: 11
Defense: 13
Resistance: 12
Build: 8
Movement: 7
Vision: 3


Weapon Proficiencies:

Rapier (Intermediate)
Throwing Knives (
1) Rose's Thorn
Rank: B | Power: 7 | Hit Rate: 90 | Crit Rate: 20 | Weight: 7 | Range: 1 | Durability: 30
An elegant weapon of nobility. Light and easy to dual wield with.

2) Steel Knife
Rank: C | Power: 4 | Hit Rate: 60 | Crit Rate: 0 | Weight: 3 | Range: 1~2 | Durability: 20
Perfectly balanced for throwing. Good for attacking from a distance or right after a parry.

3) Lockpicks | 15 / 15
Opens doors and chests without a key.

4) Rations | 8 / 8
Recovers 20 Vitality when used.

5) Tea | 3 / 3
When used, gives non-stackable buff: +2 to Speed for the duration of the current battle.

Personal Skills:
~Personal Skill: Pragmatic Opportunist~
Passive Skill. When Attacking, +3 to Attack Power if the target enemy is injured or unable to counterattack.

~Personal Skill: Gamble of Life & Death~
Command Skill. When used to Attack, Critical Rate is doubled, while Hit Rate is halved.
Trompe L'oeil: Cyrille has the ability to create illusions out of thin air. These mirages, though incorporeal, are near life-like so long as she knows what it looks like.

~Prodigy Skill: Trompe L'oeil~

Command Skill. Creates a Replica of an adjacent ally. Replicas cannot attack and disappear the turn after they are attacked.
Delusions of the Past: Cyrille is prone to heightened paranoia and frequent auditory/visual hallucinations. The more she uses her ability, the worse these hallucinations become.

~Curse Skill: Delusions~
Passive Skill. When Attacking, 1 in 6 chance of Attacking another adjacent enemy, or nothing at all.
Cool and collected, Cyrille is a level-headed individual who prefers a more tactical approach to plans rather than charging head-on. She can be surprisingly stubborn, and sets upon tasks with undivided dedication. Her secretive, distant nature makes it difficult to determine what she's thinking, with any probing questions quickly deterred with a smile and passively forceful change of subject. Nevertheless, she's civil and polite. Or so it seems.

Beneath a facade of obedient smiles is a manipulative being willing to do whatever it takes to get what she wants. A rough life has trained Cyrille that trust is a flimsy device fit only to be broken. She's quick to change sides if she senses a greater reward, but is unopposed to making dicey gambles when it suits her fancy. Cyrille fears the feeling of powerlessness. Moments where she feels like she's lost control of her life genuinely paralyze her with fear, rendering her an emotional mess.

Years ago, in the annuls of the rich marketplace of Pelerin, two children were born. One a child named Cyrille with sharp eyes and clever wit, and the other a timid flower called Cyren who blushed at the slightest inclination of attention. The children of a wealthy merchant, they lived happy, blissful lives with not the slightest care in the world.

And then they all died.

Simply stating it that way, however, would be too much of an oversimplification.

The merchant father, though rich, was a shrewd man who made enemies as easily as coins. Though some only went as far as hurling insults to his name, others preferred to take a more...deadly approach. No one knew exactly who hired the assassins. No one saw them slip into the house and slit the merchant's throat with a poisoned dagger. No one but the children.

The twins hid in their closet, terrified that this would be how their short lives ended. They could nothing but wait as they listened to their father's last gurgling breaths, silent tears running down their faces. Then, knowing there was no other way, the Cyrille turned to the other and said with a shaky smile, "I have an idea."

Much to Cyren's horror, their other half sprang from the closet and raced down the halls, screaming like a beast. It was suicide. It was stupid. It was the perfect diversion. The timid twin raced out of the room and down the halls, desperate to reach the door. Cyren had almost made it when they came face to face with an awful sight--Cyrille on the ground, blood pooling around the body with the killer looming over.
The surviving twin escaped. When she returned in the morning, nothing but the charred remains of the manor was left. In a single night, everything was gone.

But it wasn't over. The killers were still out there, and with them the possibility of being discovered. Fearing the worst, Cyren took to desperate measures. She chopped her hair, bounded her chest, and pinched the clothing of a stableboy. Gone was the little girl Cyren. Now, in honor of her brother, she fled town under the new name Cyrille.

Life on the road was hard, but not impossible. There Cyrille learned how to lie, cheat, and steal just for a piece of bread. Daggers became her best friend, and the hunger of several days her worst enemy. Morality became a murky cesspool of gray. No one was purely innocent on her journeys. The world was just that cruel of a place. She learned that, no matter what, you could never trust those around. Most disturbingly, she learned that you could never really run from your past.

While staying at an inn on the road, Cyrille saw her brother. He was sitting at a table, blood pouring from his neck as he stared at her unphased. Yet, no matter how much Cyrille screamed and how many people gathered around her, no one else seemed to see his ghastly form or his tugging whispers at the back of her mind. She fled the inn, but no matter where she went, he followed. If not his apparition, then always his voice just in the back of her mind. The first few years of it was torture. But, as she learned to harness her own Gift, it became just another unsettling factor in life.

Eventually Cyrille made it to Tokoyo where she finally settled down. After saving a nobleman's daughter (albeit accidentally), Cyrille became acquainted with a high-class family that offered her a place to stay in exchange for her services. During the night, however, Cyrille had a different job. Driven by old habits, she took pleasure in breaking in the homes of wealthy people deemed problematic swiping valuables from right beneath their noses before disappearing into the night. But never once did she steal from the family employing her.

When her employers caught wind of the Emperess' army unit, they were quick to encourage Cyrille to join in hopes of furthering their own status.

Opinions on Dragons and Magic:

Cyrille has no issue with the domestic usage, but holds reservations in terms of battle function due to her lack of understanding. Nevertheless, she views the absence of dragons as a sad loss of potential.

Last edited by a moderator:
Cyrille the Conjuring, formerly Cyren

Cyrille is accepted.

Your base stats, skills and inventory:

Vitality: 30
Strength: 17
Sorcery: 6
Skill: 22
Speed: 23
Karma: 11
Defense: 13
Resistance: 12
Build: 8
Movement: 7
Vision: 3

~Prodigy Skill: Trompe L'oeil~

Command Skill. Creates a Replica of an adjacent ally. Replicas cannot attack and disappear the turn after they are attacked.

~Curse Skill: Delusions~

Passive Skill. When Attacking, 1 in 6 chance of Attacking another adjacent enemy, or nothing at all.

~Personal Skill: Pragmatic Opportunist~

Passive Skill. When Attacking, +3 to Attack Power if the target enemy is injured or unable to counterattack.

~Personal Skill: Gamble of Life & Death~

Command Skill. When used to Attack, Critical Rate is doubled, while Hit Rate is halved.

~Rogue Skill: Stillness~

Command Skill. When choosing to Wait instead of Attack, this unit is considered invisible to enemy units.

~Rogue Skill: Phantom Thief~

Command Skill. If this unit's Speed exceeds the enemy's, they can pilfer the enemy's medicine or item.

1) Rose's Thorn

Rank: B | Power: 7 | Hit Rate: 90 | Crit Rate: 20 | Weight: 7 | Range: 1 | Durability: 30
An elegant weapon of nobility. Light and easy to dual wield with.
2) Steel Knife
Rank: C | Power: 4 | Hit Rate: 60 | Crit Rate: 0 | Weight: 3 | Range: 1~2 | Durability: 20
Perfectly balanced for throwing. Good for attacking from a distance or right after a parry.
3) Lockpicks | 15 / 15
Opens doors and chests without a key.
4) Rations | 8 / 8
Recovers 20 Vitality when used.
5) Tea | 3 / 3
When used, gives non-stackable buff: +2 to Speed for the duration of the current battle.

[b]Vitality:[/b] 30
[b]Strength:[/b] 17
[b]Sorcery:[/b] 6
[b]Skill:[/b] 22
[b]Speed:[/b] 23
[b]Karma:[/b] 11
[b]Defense:[/b] 13
[b]Resistance:[/b] 12
[b]Build:[/b] 8
[b]Movement:[/b] 7
[b]Vision:[/b] 3

[b]~Prodigy Skill: Trompe L'oeil~[/b]
[indent][i]Command Skill. Creates a Replica of an adjacent ally. Replicas cannot attack and disappear the turn after they are attacked.[/i][/indent]

[b]~Curse Skill: Delusions~[/b]
[indent][i]Passive Skill. When Attacking, 1 in 6 chance of Attacking another adjacent enemy, or nothing at all.[/i][/indent]

[b]~Personal Skill: Pragmatic Opportunist~[/b]
[indent][i]Passive Skill. When Attacking, +3 to Attack Power if the target enemy is injured or unable to counterattack.[/i][/indent]

[b]~Personal Skill: Gamble of Life & Death~[/b]
[indent][i]Command Skill. When used to Attack, Critical Rate is doubled, while Hit Rate is halved.[/i][/indent]

[b]~Rogue Skill: Stillness~[/b]
[indent][i]Command Skill. When choosing to Wait instead of Attack, this unit is considered invisible to enemy units.[/i][/indent]

[b]~Rogue Skill: Phantom Thief~[/b]
[indent][i]Command Skill. If this unit's Speed exceeds the enemy's, they can pilfer the enemy's medicine or item.[/i][/indent]

[b]1)[/b] Rose's Thorn
[indent]Rank: B | Power: 7 | Hit Rate: 90 | Crit Rate: 20 | Weight: 7 | Range: 1 | Durability: 30
[i]An elegant weapon of nobility. Light and easy to dual wield with.[/i][/indent]
[b]2)[/b] Steel Knife
[indent]Rank: C | Power: 4 | Hit Rate: 60 | Crit Rate: 0 | Weight: 3 | Range: 1~2 | Durability: 20
[i]Perfectly balanced for throwing. Good for attacking from a distance or right after a parry.[/i][/indent]
[b]3)[/b] Lockpicks | 15 / 15
[indent][i]Opens doors and chests without a key.[/i][/indent]
[b]4)[/b] Rations | 8 / 8
[indent][i]Recovers 20 Vitality when used.[/i][/indent]
[b]5)[/b] Tea | 3 / 3
[indent][i]When used, gives non-stackable buff: +2 to Speed for the duration of the current battle.[/i][/indent]
[fieldbox="Crown Princess Amelia the Heart of Kanegura, red, solid"]
  • 4pqiE4A.png
  • Age: 22

    Gender: Female

    Race: Human

    Gift - Gut Feeling
    Capable of profound insight into the future outcomes of current situations. Sometimes, her foresight is vague, like a feeling of nostalgia or déjà vu, while at other times it is vivid, like a flashbulb memory. Amelia effectively has "memories" of the future, and is able to "recall" that information, except, rather than recalling details of what may have happened in the past, they are details of what may happen in the future.

    Curse - Airhead
    Extremely forgetful, Amelia has been unable to form new long-term memories since the day her Gift was discovered. She barely manages to remember the names of friends she's made since then by saying their name every time she sees them, to the point that it becomes a knee-jerk greeting. She is almost totally reliant on muscle memory to learn new skills, and on her royal retainers to recall past events. As she ages, her "memories" are slowly eaten away, until one day nothing will remain.

    Occupation: Shrine Maiden

    Renown: ★★★☆☆

    Relationships: Empress Azuna the Wise (Aunt), Commander Kanon the Resolved (Cousin), Cipher the Shade (Retainer), Eron the Seeing (Friend), Eunike the Devourer (Fellow Glutton)

  • Personality: The Princess's defining trait is her airheadedness. While her Gift protects her from those with nefarious ambition who would ensnare or betray her, she tends to be gullible when it comes to the more trivial affairs. Though it may be through no choice of her own, her lifestyle is to forgive and forget. Because of her Curse, she displays a pure benevolence that is rarely seen even among those with empathy to spare. Her purity inspires a fierce loyalty in her royal retainers, who vow to protect her precious nature to the death.

    Her subordinates' ardent loyalty harbors an occasionally selfish and insecure soul. The Princess is not above claiming to receive visions of the future to get what she wants, though she never fools anyone and her loyal underlings are happy to tolerate and even encourage her childish and sassy nature, because they alone can understand that the Princess' true intention is to take care of those she holds dear, even if it means lying to their face. Amelia sometimes bemoans her childishness, or wishes she could have more Princess-like traits, and she sometimes feels powerless, like the world is something that happens around her, rather than a place and time that she can take part in. However, the Empress and Commander Kanon are highly skilled enablers who enjoy the Princess's pure, go-with-the-flow attitude, ceaseless childlike wonder, and occasional sarcasm.

    The Princess' demeanor is a delight for many, but her manners shift when in the company of someone who is unfamiliar to her. Though she can't recall any specific examples, she intuitively knows from sheer repetition of the same scenario that speaking her mind in a frank and honest way is something her friends appreciate, but a stranger will make fun of her for. She is quite reserved in strange company, which only makes her retainers want to protect her more. Her sheltered and luxurious lifestyle is also a hindrance to making new friends.

    The Princess has the biggest sweet tooth in the Catalysts' company, and is a sucker for baked goods.

    Biography: Amelia was born to the sister of the Touryou Tribe's Chief. Before she was two years old, her mother was killed by a neighboring tribe, and she was taken to safety by her sworn aunt, the soon-to-be Empress of Kame-Iwa, to live away from the tribal war that would ensue. On the way, the two encountered another abandoned child on the side of the road: the girl who would be named Kanon and eventually become the Commander of the Catalysts herself. Amelia saw the girl's tears and also began to cry, and wouldn't stop. "What am I to do? It seems I have not one, but two kids now," the Empress declared to her loyal escort.

    Kanon turned out to have a strong spirit, and acted like an older sister to Amelia, though she was more like an adopted cousin. Amelia lived the sheltered life of a high-class girl, while Kanon mostly got her into trouble, sneaking her away to the Nightless City for a night of fun. Kanon would protect her, so it was fine—or so the two thought. One day, Kanon got into a fight with a drunkard one and a half times her height. The drunkard and his broken glass bottle would have left Kanon to bleed to death on the ground if it weren't for a bystander who happened to be a healer. Amelia cursed herself for not bringing her talismans and blamed herself for the accident. Shortly after, she began to demonstrate a Gift for foresight, something the Empress highly prized.

    Amelia's childhood memories would grow fuzzier and fuzzier after this, until they suddenly stopped.

    Dragons & Magic Opinion: Amelia finds the tales of the dragons terribly fascinating, and their end tragic. She finds the use of their fossils in luxury items to be a tasteless celebration of man's evil nature. She cannot deny, however, that they have legitimate uses. In particular, every time she sees Ragya, she is reminded that they can be used to improve the lives of those who suffer, and could not bear to condemn something so pure.
  • Class: Priestess
    Class Tier: Standard
    Weapon Proficiency: Talismans (White Magic), Yumi (Bows)

    Vitality: 28
    Strength: 8
    Sorcery: 13
    Skill: 13
    Speed: 15
    Karma: 16
    Defense: 7
    Resistance: 16
    Build: 5
    Movement: 7
    Vision: 3+5​

    ~Prodigy Skill - Foresight~
    Passive Skill. When attacked, nullifies the enemy's Critical Rate.

    ~Curse Skill - Forgetful~
    Passive Skill. At the start of battle, roll a D6. If 1-5, remove the item from that Inventory slot. If 6, no effect.

    ~Personal Skill - Educated Optimism~
    Passive Skill. This unit recovers 30% Vitality at the start of their turn.

    ~Personal Skill - Demoiselle~
    Passive Skill. For every adjacent allied unit who is male (or Cyrille), this unit receives +10 to Parry Rate.

    ~Priestess Skill - Prayer~
    Passive Skill. If Vitality would drop to 0 when attacked, Karma% chance to halve current Vitality instead.

    ~Priestess Skill - Heaven's Ward~
    Passive Skill. When this units Attacks on their turn, Resistance is doubled.
  • 1) Raijin Yumi
    Rank: ★ | Power: 8 | Hit Rate: 100 | Crit Rate: 5 | Weight: 2 | Range: 2 | Durability: N/A
    A personalized bow for Amelia, designed by Cipher. Extremely lightweight and requires little maintenance.
    2) Lantern Staff
    A simple paper lantern tied to a wooden staff. +5 Vision in darkness and fog.
    3) Ward Charm
    Increases the target ally's Resistance by 7. The buff's effect reduces by 1 each turn. Range is 1~2.
    4) Genki Charm
    Recovers this unit's Sorcery+10 Vitality to the target ally. Range is 1~2.
    5) Sleep Charm
    Inflicts Sleep status on the target enemy. Range is 1~10.

[fieldbox="Eerina "Erin" the Raven, black, solid"]
  • Uchiha.Itachi.full.2079748.jpg
  • Age: 26

    Gender: Female

    Race: Human

    Gift - Outer Tour
    Erin blends into any crowd. Vanishes in a group. Goes unnoticed. This makes her a brilliant spy and agent of espionage.

    Curse - Loneliness and Spotlight
    Incapable of maintaining any kind of relationship that isn't professional. Loneliness has plagued the woman since youth. When interacting as a group, it seems as though she never existed as you take your eyes off of her, until she moves to catch attention. However, this ends if she acts too brass (for example, if she kills a speaker on a platform, she loses Outer Tour and is instantly recognized).
    Occupation: Spy, agent, assassin.

    Renown: ★★★★☆ (in Spotlight.)

    Thanks to her gift, and curse, Erin is that co-worker you see and talk to every so often that you forget about when they aren't around. She treats those who demand respect with such.

  • Personality:
    Eerina, as you might guess, is quiet. She keeps to herself and is quite the astute listener. When she chooses to interact with those she considers her comrades, she is reluctantly supportive, but views herself a realist. When others remember her, she can be seen as pessimistic and cutting. Those intentions, though, are well meant.

    It is notable that she is also a bibliophile. Due to her inability to interact normally with others, her sanity is maintained within the pages of fantasy. She has a deep affection for fantasy novels -- books of simple worlds where the most dangerous thing one can encounter is another person.

    Eerina's 'gift' was no 'gift' as a child. She was orphaned in Kame-iwa early in life (fortunately, beyond infancy) due to her parents seeming to simply forget the girl. One day, she simply lost sight of them forever. It was this that gave Eerina her true gift -- her love of the written word. Growing up in an orphanage, forgotten by potential parents almost as fast as they witnessed her, she had plenty of time to read.

    As the girl grew, her time in fiction and social desolation made her quiet, depressed, and somewhat of a nihilist. Such an ironic twist of fate it was, that when she was finally adopted, it was due to her ability to disappear when she was just a face in the crowd. The man who adopted her, she assumed he was some sort of soldier, or politician, thanks to his clothes, but he chose her because he was frustrated her kept forgetting one of the girls. He'd count the 'candidates' he'd considered, and then find he was one short, even when doing his best to remember her. It was then he realized the girl had a strange gift -- a gift that was causing him to forget about her. For the first time, Eerina experienced the other blade of her curse. Spotlight. When the man who would become her adoptive father realized what was going on, she became clear as day to him (for the time being). The only people more surprised then she that she was chosen, were the mothers of the orphanage. The man turned out to be in direct association with the Empress of Kame-iwa, but he couldn't speak of how. It was then she began being groomed into the countries most forgettable weapon.

    Her dedication to books became a shared interest in her new trade. She was told that now she had purpose in life. That she could act as a shadow for the country and it's people, but she couldn't do it by just being forgettable. Her adoptive father made her his sole student, so that he wouldn't forget her, and the two never stopped. If she wasn't training her physicality, she was providing herself with nutrition, studying the past (what he would allow her to read of), or sleeping. The adoptive father was questioned on multiple occasions about his apparent slave, but, the topic would drop as soon as Erin was out of sight. The man was relentless, with good intentions, and turned the forgettable orphan into a raven.

    Eerina could sprint incredible speeds, for considerable distances. What she lacked in strength she made up for with stamina and dexterity. This lead her to favor small knives and her hands. The reaction time she was capable of was also something of legend. It was so notable, that even when her father had forgot about her, he'd remember 'that one girl in his unit who could kick a sparring partner, leave her feet to deliver as much impact as her weight would allow, and hurl a dagger into the same point of impact before the momentum from the kick stopped. She had to try twice as hard, be twice as good, because her gift gave her no physical advantage, besides allowing her the mental capacity to dedicate her body to her trade, in place of relationships, and emotion.

    When she came of age, she made her debut on a world scale. No one would ever know though. Her jobs were executed flawlessly, but word of them were never made public. That wasn't the kind of soldier she had been turned into. That she had been born to be. Whenever someone that was considered a potential threat of Kame-iwa spoke too loud, or got too riled, sometimes they'd just disappear. There was never any connection to Kame-iwa, the Empress, or who could've been responsible, but the event began to be connected to a specter. The Raven. Ironically, what her father called her.

    Dragons & Magic Opinion: A young Eerina would've stood against the use of remains of dragons for personal benefit, and as weapons, now though - Erin has no opinion. If she is told it is her job to believe it's right, or that that is just how it is, then that is what she believes.
  • Class: Spy, Assassin
    Class Tier: Advanced
    Weapon Proficiency: Light-class.

    Strength: 20
    Sorcery: 5
    Skill: 30
    Speed: 30
    Karma: 20
    Defense: 22
    Resistance: 15
    Build: 11
    Movement: 7+2​
    Vision: 5
    Critical Bonus - Assassin: +25%

    ~Prodigy Skill: Outer Tour~
    Passive Skill. This unit can walk through spaces occupied by enemy units.

    ~Curse Skill: Spotlight~
    Passive Skill. When this unit kills an enemy, their Notoriety becomes the same rank as the target's.
    Stillness does not counter this effect, and the effect persists until this unit goes a full turn without being attacked.

    ~Personal Skill: Introvert's Support~
    Passive Skill. Allied units within 2 spaces receive a +2 bonus to Fortitude.

    ~Personal Skill: Bibliophile~
    Passive Skill. When choosing to Wait instead of Attack, +10% to Crit Rate, if this unit has reading material.

    ~Rogue Skill: Stillness~
    Command Skill. When choosing to Wait instead of Attack, this unit is considered invisible to enemy units.

    ~Rogue Skill: Hit & Run~
    Command Skill. After Attacking, this unit can move an additional 2 spaces.

    ~Assassin Skill: Ambush~
    Passive Skill. When this unit Attacks on their turn, +10 to Attack Power.

    ~Occult Skill: Lethality~
    During a Critical, 50% chance to instantly reduce an enemy's Vitality to zero. A Boss's Vitality is halved instead.

  • Equipment:
    Rank: A | Power: 8 | Hit Rate: 80 | Crit Rate: 20 | Weight: 8 | Range: 1 | Durability: 25
    A sturdy knife built for piercing. Bane Bonus against armored units.
    2) Silver Knife
    Rank: A | Power: 7 | Hit Rate: 60 | Crit Rate: 0 | Weight: 4 | Range: 1~2 | Durability: 15
    Perfectly balanced for throwing. Good for attacking from a distance or right after a parry.
    3) Lockpicks | 15 / 15
    Opens doors and chests without a key.
    4) Rations | 8 / 8
    Recovers 20 Vitality when used.
    5) Romance Novel
    Everybody was talking about it, so you just had to see for yourself if it was really that bad. No other reason...

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Eerina "Erin" the Raven

Welcome to Rogue One the Catalyst crew, Rosé. You're welcome to join our Discord server. It's been pretty active so far!

Eerina is accepted.

Here are your base stats, skills and inventory:

Vitality: 50
Strength: 20
Sorcery: 5
Skill: 30
Speed: 30
Karma: 20
Defense: 22
Resistance: 15
Build: 11
Movement: 7+2​
Vision: 5
Critical Bonus - Assassin: +25%

~Prodigy Skill: Outer Tour~
Passive Skill. This unit can walk through spaces occupied by enemy units.

~Curse Skill: Spotlight~
Passive Skill. When this unit kills an enemy, their Notoriety becomes the same rank as the target's.
Stillness does not counter this effect, and the effect persists until this unit goes a full turn without being attacked.

~Personal Skill: Introvert's Support~
Passive Skill. Allied units within 2 spaces receive a +2 bonus to Fortitude.

~Personal Skill: Bibliophile~
Passive Skill. When choosing to Wait instead of Attack, +10% to Crit Rate, if this unit has reading material.

~Rogue Skill: Stillness~
Command Skill. When choosing to Wait instead of Attack, this unit is considered invisible to enemy units.

~Rogue Skill: Hit & Run~
Command Skill. After Attacking, this unit can move an additional 2 spaces.

~Assassin Skill: Ambush~
Passive Skill. When this unit Attacks on their turn, +10 to Attack Power.

~Occult Skill: Lethality~
During a Critical, 50% chance to instantly reduce an enemy's Vitality to zero. A Boss's Vitality is halved instead.

1) Stiletto
Rank: A | Power: 8 | Hit Rate: 80 | Crit Rate: 20 | Weight: 8 | Range: 1 | Durability: 25
A sturdy knife built for piercing. Bane Bonus against armored units.
2) Silver Knife
Rank: A | Power: 7 | Hit Rate: 60 | Crit Rate: 0 | Weight: 4 | Range: 1~2 | Durability: 15
Perfectly balanced for throwing. Good for attacking from a distance or right after a parry.
3) Lockpicks | 15 / 15
Opens doors and chests without a key.
4) Rations | 8 / 8
Recovers 20 Vitality when used.
5) Romance Novel
Everybody was talking about it, so you just had to see for yourself if it was really that bad. No other reason...

[b]Vitality:[/b] 50
[b]Strength:[/b] 20
[b]Sorcery:[/b] 5
[b]Skill:[/b] 30
[b]Speed:[/b] 30
[b]Karma:[/b] 20
[b]Defense:[/b] 22
[b]Resistance:[/b] 15
[b]Build:[/b] 11
[b]Movement:[/b] 7[sup]+2[/sup]
[b]Vision:[/b] 5
[b]Critical Bonus - Assassin: [/b]+25%

[b]~Prodigy Skill: Outer Tour~[/b]
[indent][i]Passive Skill. This unit can walk through spaces occupied by enemy units.[/i][/indent]

[b]~Curse Skill: Spotlight~[/b]
[indent][i]Passive Skill. When this unit kills an enemy, their Notoriety becomes the same rank as the target's.
Stillness does not counter this effect, and the effect persists until this unit goes a full turn without being attacked.[/i][/indent]

[b]~Personal Skill: Introvert's Support~[/b]
[indent][i]Passive Skill. Allied units within 2 spaces receive a +2 bonus to Fortitude.[/i][/indent]

[b]~Personal Skill: Bibliophile~[/b]
[indent][i]Passive Skill. When choosing to Wait instead of Attack, +10% to Crit Rate, if this unit has reading material.[/i][/indent]

[b]~Rogue Skill: Stillness~[/b]
[indent][i]Command Skill. When choosing to Wait instead of Attack, this unit is considered invisible to enemy units.[/i][/indent]

[b]~Rogue Skill: Hit & Run~[/b]
[indent][i]Command Skill. After Attacking, this unit can move an additional 2 spaces.[/i][/indent]

[b]~Assassin Skill: Ambush~[/b]
[indent][i]Passive Skill. When this unit Attacks on their turn, +10 to Attack Power.[/i][/indent]

[b]~Occult Skill: Lethality~[/b]
[indent][i]During a Critical, 50% chance to instantly reduce an enemy's Vitality to zero. A Boss's Vitality is halved instead.[/i][/indent]

[b]1)[/b] Stiletto
[indent]Rank: A | Power: 8 | Hit Rate: 80 | Crit Rate: 20 | Weight: 8 | Range: 1 | Durability: 25
[i]A sturdy knife built for piercing. Bane Bonus against armored units.[/i][/indent]
[b]2)[/b] Silver Knife
[indent]Rank: A | Power: 7 | Hit Rate: 60 | Crit Rate: 0 | Weight: 4 | Range: 1~2 | Durability: 15
[i]Perfectly balanced for throwing. Good for attacking from a distance or right after a parry.[/i][/indent]
[b]3)[/b] Lockpicks | 15 / 15
[indent][i]Opens doors and chests without a key.[/i][/indent]
[b]4)[/b] Rations | 8 / 8
[indent][i]Recovers 20 Vitality when used.[/i][/indent]
[b]5)[/b] Romance Novel
[indent][i]Everybody was talking about it, so you just had to see for yourself if it was really that bad. No other reason...[/i][/indent]
  • Thank You
Reactions: Rosé Moon
Name: Atara the Falling Shadow
Age: 45
Gender: Male
Race: Human
Class: Fell Flier
Class Tier: Standard
Renown: ★★★★☆

Vitality: 35
Strength: 12+3​
Sorcery: 20
Skill: 13+2​
Speed: 11+2​
Karma: 19
Defense: 12+5​
Resistance: 18
Build: 11+30​
Movement: 6+3​
Vision: 4
Mount Bonuses: +3 Strength, +2 Skill, +2 Speed, +5 Defense, +30 Build, +3 Movement, +30% Hit Rate, +30% Parry Rate
Mount Bane: Wyvern

~Prodigy Skill: One Mind~
Passive Skill. When mounted, this unit receives every Support bonus, including expanded Inventory.

~Curse Skill: Bestial Backlash~
Passive Skill. This unit receives no Vitality bonus when mounted, and retains their Bane when dismounted.

~Personal Skill: Cruel Discipline~
Passive Skill. This unit deals full damage when using the Capture command, instead of half damage.

~Personal Skill: Daunting~
Passive Skill. Enemy units within 3 spaces receive a -10% penalty to Hit Rate and Crit Rate.

~Fell Flier Skill: Maleficent~
Passive Skill. Enemy units within 3 spaces take +2 damage from magical weapons.

~Fell Flier Skill: Trample~
Passive Skill. +5 damage to non-mounted units.

1) Ancar's Seething Hatred
Rank: A | Power: 1 | Hit Rate: 100 | Crit Rate: 40 | Weight: 6 | Range: 1 | Durability: 15
Only used for counterattacks when Silenced. Lightweight, but hits surprisingly hard.
2) Consume Life
Rank: B | Power: 10 | Hit Rate: 70 | Crit Rate: 5 | Weight: 11 | Range: 1~2 | Durability: N/A
Damage done to the enemy recovers the caster's Vitality.
3) Glimpse the Abyss
Rank: C | Power: 8 | Hit Rate: 75 | Crit Rate: 0 | Weight: 9 | Range: 1~2 | Durability: N/A
Inflicts the Stun debuff.
4) Unearthly Power
+10 Attack Power to the target ally for one turn. -4 Strength, Skill and Speed afterward. Range is 1~10.
5) Dragonscorch
Rank: C | Power: 0 | Hit Rate: 50 | Crit Rate: 0 | Weight: 12 | Range: 3~10 | Durability: N/A
Inflicts the Dragonscorch debuff.
6) Rations | 8 / 8
Recovers 20 Vitality when used.
7) Empty Slot

Atara's Theme - Shadowdance

Atara Battle - Unholy Rituals

Weapon Proficiencies: Staves, Black Magic


Ancar's Seething Hatred
: A deceptively simple-looking jet black staff made from the wood of the Ancar tree, used as an emergency weapon and a magic conduit. The intensely poisonous Ancar tree only grows in deserts, the scorching sun turning its powerful toxins into a deadly mist that withers all life within a radius of several hundred meters around the tree. The Ancar is extremely prized in Southerner culture, as its poison is used by Assassins while the wood itself, even after all the poison is extracted, is said to have powerful magical properties. It is common for dozens of slaves to die trying to retrieve even one tree.

Consume Life: A powerful, forbidden incantation that empties the vital essence of the target to replenish the caster's forces. Victims of this spell are reduced to emaciated and pallid cadavers drained dry of all life.

Glimpse the Abyss: A cruel spell that wracks the foe with nightmarish visions of entities and locations not of this world. If successful, the target is left helpless with fear and open to attacks.

Unearthly Power: An incantation that infuses an ally with strength beyond this world, but causes a moment of weakness and withdrawal aches when it wears off.

Dragonscorch: A foul curse placed upon the arcane artifacts used by enemy spellcasters that causes their magic to go haywire. Every spell cast by the target has a chance to fail, creating a burst of uncontrolled magic that harms the target. A favorite of Southern mages, this spell is said by dragon cultists to be the retribution of dragons against mortals who dare use their fossils to their own selfish ends.

(LOCKED - Last Awakening: The infamous ritual of the Southerners, this vile spell has the power to submit the dead to the caster's bidding. Shrugging off such paltry injuries as disemboweling and loss of limbs, these minions are nothing but empty shells driven by one thing alone: the word of their master.)

Mount: Omnyama, a fierce onyx-black wyvern tattooed with arcane glyphs. Born and bred for bloodlust, this mighty monster would have been considered the pride of the breeding pit, yet it was far too aggressive for any rider to mount, until Atara came into the picture...




(Thanks to Majem for fixing the axe into a staff)



Gift: One Mind. Atara possesses the power to "bond" with a beast (currently his mount, Omnyama). Once made, this bond cannot be undone unless the beast in question dies. Through their bond, both rider and mount gain a portion of each other's power: the wyvern gains some human cunning and even magical power, while the rider gains a measure of the wyvern's strength and ferocity. In addition, as Atara and Omnyama share thoughts, he can typically control his mount with much more precision and ease, reducing the chance of Omnyama going out of control or faltering in combat.

Curse: Bestial Backlash. Because Atara shares a mind with Omnyama, he feels the pain of his steed as if it were his own, and vice-versa, so when one is harmed, both suffer. Additionally, part of Omnyama's insatiable thirst for battle and primal rage feeds into Atara's mind as well, so in the heat of battle he can sometimes lose himself in his wyvern's frenzy, potentially becoming unable to cast spells and use sound strategy until he can get himself back under control.

Occupation: Fell Flier
Atago was once part of the elite troops of mounted Southern sorcerers known as the Fell Fliers. Although he has since abandoned the Southerners' ways, he retains the art of black magic and wyvern handling.

Personality: Atara is an intimidating figure, both on the battlefield and outside of it. With his ever-present ritual mask, he comes off as a riddle wrapped in an enigma, an impression consolidated by his demeanor. Tempered in the cruel discipline of the South, Atara is a man of few words, who dislikes talking about his past and the secrets of his magic - which fuels the general feeling of distrust towards him. Ironically, despite this reputation, he is perhaps one of the most reliable Catalysts, and you can always count on him to get the job done, even when an unsavory act must be committed in the name of preserving peace.

On the battlefield, Atara is not above intentionally exploiting the fear he naturally generates as a Fell Flier, a sorcerer and a southerner. Chanting cryptic promises of impending doom from the back of his unholy steed, he can oftentimes break enemies' spirits without even resorting to his powerful spells.

Biography: Ever since a very young age, Atara had demonstrated a way with animals - even the hungry wild dogs prowling the streets of his lost desert village never seemed to chase him like they did to anything else they perceived as easy prey. With dreamy eyes, he had always loved to watch the Fell Fliers as they patrolled the skies on their winged beasts, picturing himself up there, watching the world from up high. It's no wonder that as soon as he came of age, he made the perilous journey to Shadowperch Isle, training grounds for Fell Fliers. Although animal handling was his forte, he proved himself a competent sorcerer as well.

And finally, his efforts were about to pay off. After years and years of grueling training in the arts of war, wyvern handling and black magic, it was finally time for him to choose his own mount. For any Fell Flier, this is the moment of truth: a great honor, but also an arduous trial. In the breeding pits, wyverns are trained for battle, but not tamed, so upon choosing a steed, the sorcerer must overcome its wrath and force it to submit to their will. Many Fell Fliers lose their lives at this stage, unable to handle the primal rage of a wyvern.

Atara had set his eyes on a magnificent jet-black specimen, but taming it would be all but impossible, or so everyone said. Immensely powerful, this ravenous predator had already ended the lives of no less than six would-be Fell Fliers, and the Pit Master had decreed that if another were to die, the beast would be decreed as impossible to subjugate and put to death to prevent further prospective candidates from being lost. Atara was awed by this proud creature that would not accept a master, and resolved to try to save its life, even if he could lose his own.

As they were both loosed into the arena, as many others, Atara was overwhelmed by the creature, trampled and helpless. The beast reared back for the kill... and suddenly, right before the eyes of the incredulous breeders, relented and bowed its head, as Atara stood up and replied in kind. No one had ever tamed a wyvern in such a way before, but Atara had earned his right to ride the formerly invincible beast, which he nicknamed Omnyama - "darkness." He had also earned his Gift.

The brutality of the arena and his near-death made a mark on the southern sorcerer, though. In the aftermath, he started pondering whether a world ruled by strength above all, with no place for compassion, is truly the only path for mankind. Perhaps it had worked for dragons, but he no longer wanted to settle for it. With Omnyama as his only companion, Atara crossed the sea and began a long quest for a different kind of world. Everywhere, he was met with scorn and hatred, until at last, his unique skills got him a begrudging acceptance into the ranks of the Catalysts.

Among the Catalysts, he is treated as somewhat of a wild card. No one trusts him completely, and regardless of how many missions he accomplishes, the thought that he could be a southern spy never seems to leave anyone's mind. However, Princess Amelia has declared that Atara shall not be the Empire's downfall, and may even lay a crucial role in preventing it.

Relationships: currently N/A

Opinions on Dragons and Magic: Even though he has left the Southerners' dragon cult, he still views the dragons with much deference, an opinion that even extends to their degenerate cousins, the wyverns. He sees Omnyama as a partner, not a mere mount or beast. In Atara's opinion, there is no such thing as inherently "good" magic or "evil" magic. He does not even see red magic as pure evil. He sees magic as any other weapon, "good" or "evil" depending on what its wielder makes of it.
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[fieldbox="Cipher the Shade, white, solid"]
  • zQoMFSp.png
  • Age: 36

    Gender: Male

    Race: Human

    Gift - Phantom Limb
    Cipher has turned the tables on his misfortune, and made mother nature itself into his new limb. He is able to wield Blue Magic in the form of the spirits of all the animals he ever hunted throughout his career as a marksman. The attack's element type depends on the type of animal spirit summoned.

    Curse - Phantom Pain
    Cipher's new "limb" is haunted by the spirits of every man he's killed with it. Whenever he uses it to attack, the hallucinations worsen, until even his medicine doesn't help, his focus slips, and even the animals' spirits turn on him. Cipher has great difficulty sleeping at night without the aid of the Princess's Sleep Charms.

    Occupation: Royal Retainer for Princess Amelia

    Renown: ★★☆☆☆

    Relationships: Empress Azuna the Wise (Employer), Princess Amelia the Heart (Mistress and Friend), Commander Kanon the Resolved (Superior), Eron the Seeing (Mutual Friend of the Princess)
  • Personality: These days, Cipher is relatively reserved, passive, cold, and even elusive. With his career as a master marksman taken from him, his boisterous and unflappable optimism followed. The only meaning left in his life, to him, is serving the Princess, leading many to dismiss him as a bit of a doormat. He makes no argument to the contrary, living in the shadow of the Princess's light. Wherever she is, Cipher is not far away.

    Though he holds no undue affections toward his mistress, her shining spirit keeps his depression at bay. He will put up with her childish nature and unreasonable requests, just to see the joy reflected in her eyes, and claim that joy his own. He also has a lot of respect for the Princess, as he is never far when she has her best moments, and he remembers every one of them. Even if she herself does not remember, she takes his every word as truth. While many would abuse a position of such powerful trust, Cipher has fun singing her praises.

    Commander Kanon insists that Cipher train the Catalysts in archery, rather than only instructing the Princess personally. This, too, is a time and place where Cipher's old personality shows. A harsh taskmaster, but a fair judge of talent and patient instructor, the marksmen of the Catalysts know and respect Cipher, where many would dismiss him as incapable. Occasionally, a rumor sprouts that someone witnessed Cipher hit a bullseye while holding a bow with his foot. Cipher agrees that the rumor is ridiculous, but strangely doesn't deny it.

    What lies beneath Cipher's mask—upon the face that surely he only shows to the Princess? Nobody knows...

    Biography: Cipher was a born servant. His life was dedicated to the protection of a noble's life before he had a choice what to do with his own. Among other things, he was a marksman of considerable skill. Even though he knew it was not his place, he also fell in love with the noble girl he was sworn to protect. When the time came to sacrifice his life for her own, he was up to the task—and indeed, the time did come for that.

    It was a silly prank on the part of the girl. On a boating trip, she pretended to lose her balance and fell into the water. Naturally, Cipher played along and swam out to save her. Suddenly, a shark attacked, and Cipher lost his right arm defending the girl. Unfortunately, his sacrifice brought him nothing but misery. The noble girl's fiance ended up being the one to carry her to safety, and took the credit for her rescue while Cipher was seen as an incompetent failure. The girl didn't thank him. Instead, she threw him under the carriage to save face.

    It was only natural that Cipher would regret ever saving the girl, though he knew that in sacrificing his arm, his neck had been spared the noose. Cipher would never nock an arrow again, nor be trusted with the safety of a life more valuable than his. It wasn't long before Cipher turned to drugs to dull his pain. His body deteriorated, as well as his mind. One day, he just snapped. He swore that if he had his strong arm, he'd punch that noble couple in the face. Until now, he'd thought that archery had been his Gift, or perhaps his profoundly accurate memory. However, he was wrong. In that moment, what looked like a bear's paw made of fire struck out at... whatever was pissing him off. That didn't just happen, right? Of course not, he thought, as he passed out.

    He doesn't remember how the Empress picked him up, but she offered him a job as a royal steward. With two new girls under her care, it was getting to be a bit much. The position came with sacrifices, but the pay was lucrative—more than enough to get out of debt. His choice was clear. He would never fall in love again, never mind risk his neck for a girl, but money? That was worth a sacrifice. He took the job, never looking back at his past. His past came back to haunt him, though, when he was promoted to the Princess's personal retainer.

    This is going to be terrible, he thought, unaware of the Princess's Curse. How wrong he was.

    Dragons & Magic Opinion: Mourning is for those who knew the dead in life. Tools are meant to be used.
  • Class: Grandmaster
    Class Tier: Advanced
    Weapon Proficiency: Phantom Limb, Yumi (Bows)

    Vitality: 40
    Strength: 16
    Sorcery: 28+10​
    Skill: 24
    Speed: 24
    Karma: 21
    Defense: 18
    Resistance: 24
    Build: 10
    Movement: 6
    Vision: 4
    Critical Bonus - Marksman: +10%

    ~Prodigy Skill - Phantom Limb~
    Passive Skill. +10 Sorcery. Allows the use of Phantom Limb.

    ~Curse Skill - Phantom Pain~
    Passive Skill. Attacking with Phantom Limb inflicts stackable debuff: -2 to Sorcery, Skill and Resistance.

    ~Personal Skill - Gentilhomme~
    Passive Skill. Adjacent allied units who are female receive a +10% bonus to Hit Rate and Parry Rate.

    ~Personal Skill - Unmask~
    Passive Skill. If this unit Attacks another male unit, +4 to Attack Power and +20% to Critical Rate.

    ~Marksman Skill - Surefire~
    Passive Skill. When this unit Attacks on their turn, +40% to Hit Rate.

    ~Marksman Skill - Eagle Eye~
    Passive Skill. If the enemy is equipped with a bow, +50% to Parry Rate.

    ~Grandmaster Skill - The Pack~
    Passive Skill. When the enemy attacks this unit with magic on their turn, they receive the same damage.

    ~Occult Skill - Stampede~
    (Skill/2)% chance to activate during any attack. Triples Sorcery and inflicts Stun status on the enemy.
  • 1) Phantom Limb
    Rank: ★ | Power: 20 | Hit Rate: 100 | Crit Rate: 0 | Weight: 0 | Range: 1~2 | Durability: N/A
    Summons Spirit Animals to attack. Always has the Weapon Class Bonus against other Blue Mages.
    2) Rations | 8 / 8
    Recovers 20 Vitality when used.
    3) Rations | 8 / 8
    Recovers 20 Vitality when used.
    4) Rations | 8 / 8
    Recovers 20 Vitality when used. Why does Cipher carry so many rations?
    5) Herbs | 3 / 3
    A recreational substance of dubious origin. Non-stackable +2 to Skill for the duration of the current battle.


Aristaeus the Hawk





Class Tier:




Weapon Proficiencies:

- Rifles
- Pistols

- The Ambassador: A slightly modified bayoneted rifle.
- Peacekeeper: A worn, but well cared for flintlock pistol.

- Hunter's Coat
- Radio
- Rations


Hawk Eye: Aristaeus' vision exceeds that of a normal human's. His vision is sharp enough to pinpoint a mouse a mile away, with a wider and more vivid visual field.
True Sight: Aris' sight is as clear as his morality. He cannot lie, cheat, or act dishonorably without his vision completely (albeit temporarily) faltering.
Bounty Hunter
Aris is an energetic, cheerful man with enough patience to fill a shallow puddle and the common sense of a drunkard preparing to fight a bull. His impulsiveness, paired with his love for adventure and blunt honesty, has resulted in him getting along famously with trouble. Aris is a complete romantic, and holds a flirtatious streak that, more often than not, ends up with him getting slapped. Though proud to the point cockiness, he's friendly and genuinely cares about those around him

Make no mistake. As immature as Aris can be, he's a force to be reckoned with when things turn serious. He's surprisingly thoughtful, and won't hesitate to do what it takes to protect the ones he cares about. Despite his confident aura, Aris is prone to self-doubt and esteem issues. He easily takes issue to remarks made about him, even if he doesn't outwardly show it.
Born in the more rural parts of Pelerin, Aris lived a simple life with simple pleasures. The only son of a couple quickly gaining in years, he was expected and trained to take over the family's small plot of farmland. He was taught how to wield his father's rifle, set traps for both small and large animals, and cook a hearty meal with only a handful of potatoes and a rabbit. Still, Aris felt a stirring in his soul that there was perhaps more he was destined for.

It's hard to tell what compelled Aris to become a bounty hunter in the first place. Perhaps it was the promise of wealth and fame, or the prospect of journeying around, or the thrill of taking down criminals. Maybe it even was the emergence of his strange Gift and hovering Curse. Whatever the reason, it was enough for the eager young Aris to set out into the world with only the clothes on his back and a small sack of supplies. With what little money he carried, he bought his first rifle--a reliable beauty which he dubbed 'The Ambassador'--before travelling around taking any small jobs he could.

Over the next several years, Aris' skilled shots (and horrible pick-up attempts) garnered him a reputation among certain communities. He improved, upgraded his equipment (though he refused to give up The Ambassador), and completed any and all jobs that crossed his path. It was only inevitable that, when offered to chance, he joined the Catalysts.


Opinions on Dragons and Magic:

While he was raised to around technology less reliant on dragon fossils, Aris maintains a strong wonder with the workings of magic and its uses. He still views the disappearance of the dragons to be a loss, but not as strongly as most others.

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[fieldbox="Commander Kanon the Resolved, red, solid"]
  • pPkXKQC.png
  • Age: 26

    Gender: Female

    Race: Human

    Gift - Dauntless
    Once Kanon has set her mind to something, she will not give up, even in the face of certain failure, as her company's morale finds new lows. This determination extends to her subordinates, as well, not giving up on their training even as they complain loudly that it's hopeless and they have no talent. Kanon is famous for her training regimen that has turned her and many of her allies into veritable vanguards in their own right. Though, whether this is Kanon's Gift, or simply her overbearing personality, is a subject of speculation.

    Curse - Hubris
    Oblivious, Kanon believes herself to be Ungifted, despite her accomplishments and position of authority. Because of that, she has pride in spades. If there is honor or glory to be gained, she will not back down from a challenge. Conversely, she is unable to bear the agony of shame or disgrace. Though she wishes more than anything to be a source of strength for Amelia, it is often Amelia who helps Kanon keep it together while she copes with her personal failures, rather than the other way around as she'd prefer.

    Occupation: Commander of the Catalysts

    Renown: ★★★★★

    Relationships: Empress Azuna the Wise (Superior and Adoptive Mother), Crown Princess Amelia the Heart (Mistress and Cousin), Cipher the Shade (Subordinate)
  • Personality: Kanon's reputation precedes her, and she has difficulty breaking through the image others have created of her, often before even meeting her. She has her pride and sense of duty, and hides behind these, aloof in the face of her enemies—but concealed behind the haughty meathead farce is a well-educated and clever leader who cares deeply for her comrades. Included in her personal library of books on war and tactics are records on the Catalysts, which she brings with her whenever she fights as part of a platoon. The records include everything she's learned about her comrades, from the important details down to the mundane, like a favorite food. She often presents her subordinates with personalized gifts as reward for exceptional service.

    Her personal library doesn't just include books with practical knowledge. Kanon is a woman of few words, but that is because she chooses her words well. She is fond of poetry, and has an extensive vocabulary. Private correspondence from Kanon often includes a haiku. She has choice words for her enemies, as well, and she is well known for her trash talk in the heat of battle. Those who fight alongside her often delight in it. Beneath it all, memorizing the names and faces of all of her comrades and taunting the enemy's morale into oblivion isn't just about duty or pride. Kanon also likes to have fun. During her childhood, she would often get Amelia and herself into trouble, and though her antics have scaled back since then, she still spends most of her free time spoiling the Princess. However, she has the most fun when sinking her teeth into a difficult challenge.

    Kanon has the greatest alcohol tolerance in the Catalysts' company, and loves spicy food.

    Biography: Kanon was born to the Touryou tribe during a time of famine and impending war. During this time it was crucial for children to discover their Gift as soon as possible. The survival of the tribe was paramount, and no time or manpower could be wasted. Unfortunately, Kanon was Ungifted, and couldn't handle magic or a bow to save her life. As a result, she found herself shunned and abandoned by the Tribe—a lost cause. Her mother had been forced into a political marriage just a couple years earlier, and neither Kanon's mother nor her foreign groom had wanted her. It was then that the Empress-to-be of Kame-Iwa discovered her on the side of the road. She was there to pick up the Chief's niece and take her to live away from the war to come.

    The Chief's niece was just under 2 years old, but Kanon could see the understanding in the child's eyes as the caravan passed. Somehow, she just knew that Kanon was in dire straights, and close to giving up on life altogether. She cried, and cried some more, and wouldn't stop crying, until the noble looked at Kanon, to see what she was fussing about. As soon as she laid eyes on her, she adopted her on the spot, to Kanon's utter shock. This foreign noblewoman couldn't possibly be older than 16, and had just adopted a child—she would adopt a second daughter on a complete whim, just like that? Did she see the same thing the child saw, or something else entirely? Whatever the case, she ordered Kanon to sit next to her on the caravan, like it was the most natural thing in the world, and she listened to her story, comforting her like she'd already been her mother since birth. The woman's escort didn't object to any of it, as if such events were commonplace. This woman was everything Kanon wished she was. Powerful, and in control of her life and everyone around her.

    Kanon quickly grew to respect the woman, and wasn't surprised to learn that she was Crown Princess Azuna of the Kanegura Clan. Somehow, that just seemed right, despite the fact that being adopted as her daughter felt unreal. Over the years, Kanon grew attached to the Chief's niece, Amelia, as well. Though she was only a cousin, and only in the most technical sense, something about Amelia made Kanon want to protect her, and she took on the responsibility of an older sister as if it were meant to be. She trained in the sword, and after achieving sufficient rank, intended to swear fealty to the new Empress. When that time came, she swore that, in gratitude for the Empress giving her a second lease on life, she would never give up in the face of hardship ever again. To her shock and dismay, however, the Empress refused her service.

    "Instead, why don't you swear fealty to the woman who ordered your adoption?" she replied with a smile.

    At first, Kanon didn't understand, but then she realized it: Azuna had adopted her at her two-year-old adopted daughter's kind "suggestion." Even though Amelia was not the Crown Princess at the time, Kanon didn't need convincing. She immediately ran to find Amelia, and swore her fealty on the spot. Amelia tearfully accepted, but pleaded with the Empress to give her the promotion and position she really wanted. The Empress agreed, and granted her the position of Lieutenant in a brand-new force: the Catalysts. Her new platoon were well aware of the Empress' favoritism towards Kanon and understandably skeptical of her, each of them telling each other that they'd never take orders from a 16 year old woman, let alone one who was Ungifted.

    Kanon didn't back down, however, and she quickly exceeded all expectations. Within four years, the Empress had her promoted again, this time to the position of Commander of the Catalysts. She served as their leader for six years before being offered another promotion, but Kanon objected, claiming that if she were in charge of any more people, she'd start to lose track of their names and faces. Normally, one does not turn down any promotion within the military, let alone one from the Empress, but the Empress made an exception, with the weak excuse that the Catalysts were technically not part of the Kanegura navy. And nobody complained.

    Kanon's name is synonymous with the title of the Catalysts' Commander, but things are about to change...

    Dragons & Magic Opinion: Kanon shares the Empress's official stance on the slaughter of the dragons as a mark of shame in humanity's dark history. With regards to dragon fossils, it depends what they are used for.
  • Class: Duelist
    Class Tier: Advanced
    Weapon Proficiency: Katana, Naginata

    Vitality: 50
    Strength: 27+5​
    Sorcery: 5
    Skill: 40
    Speed: 36
    Karma: 20
    Defense: 22+3​
    Resistance: 17+3​
    Build: 11
    Movement: 7
    Vision: 4
    Critical Bonus - Duelist: +20%

    ~Prodigy Skill - Resolve~
    Passive Skill. When this unit's Vitality is below 50%, Strength, Skill and Speed are multiplied by 1.5x.

    ~Curse Skill - Hauteur~
    Passive Skill. This unit cannot be Rescued. At 0 Vitality, this unit is considered Dead instead of Defeated.

    ~Personal Skill - Reprimand~
    Command Skill. When this unit chooses to Wait, allied units within 3 spaces receive +10% to Crit Rate.

    ~Personal Skill - Provocation~
    Command Skill. When this unit chooses to Wait, enemies of lower Renown levels will Attack this unit.

    ~Samurai Skill - Hasso Stance~
    Command Skill. When this unit chooses to Wait, they always attack first, even on the enemy's turn.

    ~Samurai Skill - Iaido Stance~
    Command Skill. When this unit chooses to Wait, +30% to Parry Rate against enemies in melee range.

    ~Duelist Skill - To the Death~
    Command Skill. When this unit chooses to Attack, +10 Attack Power to both this unit and the enemy.

    ~Occult Skill - Astra~
    (Skill/2)% chance to activate during any normal melee attack. When activated, this unit attacks 5 times in a row.
  • 1) Forseti
    Rank: ★ | Power: 15 | Hit Rate: 90 | Crit Rate: 0 | Weight: 10 | Range: 1 | Durability: N/A
    Kanon's legendary storm-blade. When Equipped, +5 Strength. Attacks twice even if not dual wielding.
    2) Amatsu
    Rank: SS | Power: 14 | Hit Rate: 95 | Crit Rate: 15 | Weight: 5 | Range: 1~2 | Durability: N/A
    Imperial short-sword and national treasure of Kame-Iwa. When Equipped, +3 Defense and +3 Resistance.
    3) Umbrella
    Rank: D | Power: 1 | Hit Rate: 85 | Crit Rate: 0 | Weight: 5 | Range: 1~2 | Durability: N/A
    A gift from the Princess. Not designed for battle, but that hasn't stopped Kanon from brandishing it...
    4) Concoction | 6 / 6
    A healer's medicine. Recovers 40 Vitality when used.
    5) Empress Azuna's Sake | 3 / 3
    -4 Skill, -4 Speed, +8 Strength. Effects gradually wear off over the course of 5 turns.
    A gift from the Empress. It has enough alcohol-by-volume to affect the Commander?! Sounds serious...

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Atara the Falling Shadow

Atara is accepted.

Your base stats, skills and inventory:

Vitality: 35
Strength: 12+3​
Sorcery: 20
Skill: 13+2​
Speed: 11+2​
Karma: 19
Defense: 12+5​
Resistance: 18
Build: 11+30​
Movement: 6+3​
Vision: 4
Mount Bonuses: +3 Strength, +2 Skill, +2 Speed, +5 Defense, +30 Build, +3 Movement, +30% Hit Rate, +30% Parry Rate
Mount Bane: Wyvern

~Prodigy Skill: One Mind~
Passive Skill. When mounted, this unit receives every Support bonus, including expanded Inventory.

~Curse Skill: Bestial Backlash~
Passive Skill. This unit receives no Vitality bonus when mounted, and retains their Bane when dismounted.

~Personal Skill: Cruel Discipline~
Passive Skill. This unit deals full damage when using the Capture command, instead of half damage.

~Personal Skill: Daunting~
Passive Skill. Enemy units within 3 spaces receive a -10% penalty to Hit Rate and Crit Rate.

~Fell Flier Skill: Maleficent~
Passive Skill. Enemy units within 3 spaces take +2 damage from magical weapons.

~Fell Flier Skill: Trample~
Passive Skill. +5 damage to non-mounted units.

1) Ancar's Seething Hatred
Rank: A | Power: 1 | Hit Rate: 100 | Crit Rate: 40 | Weight: 6 | Range: 1 | Durability: 15
Only used for counterattacks when Silenced. Lightweight, but hits surprisingly hard.
2) Consume Life
Rank: B | Power: 10 | Hit Rate: 70 | Crit Rate: 5 | Weight: 11 | Range: 1~2 | Durability: N/A
Damage done to the enemy recovers the caster's Vitality.
3) Glimpse the Abyss
Rank: C | Power: 8 | Hit Rate: 75 | Crit Rate: 0 | Weight: 9 | Range: 1~2 | Durability: N/A
Inflicts the Stun debuff.
4) Unearthly Power
+10 Attack Power to the target ally for one turn. -4 Strength, Skill and Speed afterward. Range is 1~10.
5) Dragonscorch
Rank: C | Power: 0 | Hit Rate: 50 | Crit Rate: 0 | Weight: 12 | Range: 3~10 | Durability: N/A
Inflicts the Dragonscorch debuff.
6) Rations | 8 / 8
Recovers 20 Vitality when used.
7) Empty Slot

[b]Vitality:[/b] 35
[b]Strength:[/b] 12[sup]+3[/sup]
[b]Sorcery:[/b] 20
[b]Skill:[/b] 13[sup]+2[/sup]
[b]Speed:[/b] 11[sup]+2[/sup]
[b]Karma:[/b] 19
[b]Defense:[/b] 12[sup]+5[/sup]
[b]Resistance:[/b] 18
[b]Build:[/b] 11[sup]+30[/sup]
[b]Movement:[/b] 6[sup]+3[/sup]
[b]Vision:[/b] 4
[b]Mount Bonuses: [/b]+3 Strength, +2 Skill, +2 Speed, +5 Defense, +30 Build, +3 Movement, +30% Hit Rate, +30% Parry Rate
[b]Mount Bane: [/b]Wyvern

[b]~Prodigy Skill: One Mind~[/b]
[indent][i]Passive Skill. When mounted, this unit receives every Support bonus, including expanded Inventory.[/i][/indent]

[b]~Curse Skill: Bestial Backlash~[/b]
[indent][i]Passive Skill. This unit receives no Vitality bonus when mounted, and retains their Bane when dismounted.[/i][/indent]

[b]~Personal Skill: Cruel Discipline~[/b]
[indent][i]Passive Skill. This unit deals full damage when using the Capture command, instead of half damage.[/i][/indent]

[b]~Personal Skill: Daunting~[/b]
[indent][i]Passive Skill. Enemy units within 3 spaces receive a -10% penalty to Hit Rate and Crit Rate.[/i][/indent]

[b]~Fell Flier Skill: Maleficent~[/b]
[indent][i]Passive Skill. Enemy units within 3 spaces take +2 damage from magical weapons.[/i][/indent]

[b]~Fell Flier Skill: Trample~[/b]
[indent][i]Passive Skill. +5 damage to non-mounted units.[/i][/indent]

[b]1)[/b] Ancar's Seething Hatred
[indent]Rank: A | Power: 1 | Hit Rate: 100 | Crit Rate: 40 | Weight: 6 | Range: 1 | Durability: 15
[i]Only used for counterattacks when Silenced. Lightweight, but hits surprisingly hard.[/i][/indent]
[b]2)[/b] Consume Life
[indent]Rank: B | Power: 10 | Hit Rate: 70 | Crit Rate: 5 | Weight: 11 | Range: 1~2 | Durability: N/A
[i]Damage done to the enemy recovers the caster's Vitality.[/i][/indent]
[b]3)[/b] Glimpse the Abyss
[indent]Rank: C | Power: 8 | Hit Rate: 75 | Crit Rate: 0 | Weight: 9 | Range: 1~2 | Durability: N/A
[i]Inflicts the Stun debuff.[/i][/indent]
[b]4)[/b] Unearthly Power
[indent][i]+10 Attack Power to the target ally for one turn. -4 Strength, Skill and Speed afterward. Range is 1~10.[/i][/indent]
[b]5)[/b] Dragonscorch
[indent]Rank: C | Power: 0 | Hit Rate: 50 | Crit Rate: 0 | Weight: 12 | Range: 3~10 | Durability: N/A
[i]Inflicts the Dragonscorch debuff.[/i][/indent]
[b]6)[/b] Rations | 8 / 8
[indent][i]Recovers 20 Vitality when used.[/i][/indent]
[b]7)[/b] Empty Slot
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Aristaeus the Hawk

Aristaeus is accepted.

Your base stats, skills and inventory:

Vitality: 33
Strength: 18
Sorcery: 4
Skill: 23
Speed: 16
Karma: 20
Defense: 15
Resistance: 10
Build: 11
Movement: 7
Vision: 3+5​
Critical Bonus - Marksman: +10%

~Prodigy Skill: Hawk Eye~
Passive Skill. This unit's Attack range with indirect weapons is increased by one. +5 to Vision. +20% to Hit Rate.

~Curse Skill: True Sight~
Passive Skill. This unit's Hit Rate cannot exceed 50% when Attacking an enemy that cannot attack back.

~Personal Skill: Go-Getter~
Passive Skill. When this unit's Vitality is not at maximum, Attack Power +4.

~Personal Skill: Romantic~
Passive Skill. Female allied units within 2 spaces receive +2 Fortitude.

~Gunner Skill: Surefire~
Passive Skill. When this unit Attacks on their turn, +40% to Hit Rate.

~Gunner Skill: Quick Draw~
Passive Skill. When this unit Attacks on their turn, +4 to Attack Speed.

1) L'Ambassador
Rank: – | Power: 30 | Hit Rate: 100 | Crit Rate: 10 | Weight: 16 | Range: 1~2+1​ | Durability: 30
The wielder's Strength is not factored in to Attack Power. Cannot dual wield with this.
2) Bayonet
Rank: – | Power: 4 | Hit Rate: 90 | Crit Rate: – | Weight: 8 | Range: 1 | Durability: N/A
Used only for counterattacks at melee range with L'Ambassador equipped. Cannot critical with this.
3) Peacekeeper
Rank: – | Power: 24 | Hit Rate: 100 | Crit Rate: 0 | Weight: 6 | Range: 1~2+1​ | Durability: 20
The wielder's Strength is not factored in to Attack Power.
4) Radio
Phone home...
5) Rations | 8 / 8
Recovers 20 Vitality when used.

[b]Vitality:[/b] 33
[b]Strength:[/b] 18
[b]Sorcery:[/b] 4
[b]Skill:[/b] 23
[b]Speed:[/b] 16
[b]Karma:[/b] 20
[b]Defense:[/b] 15
[b]Resistance:[/b] 10
[b]Build:[/b] 11
[b]Movement:[/b] 7
[b]Vision:[/b] 3[sup]+5[/sup]
[b]Critical Bonus - Marksman: [/b]+10%

[b]~Prodigy Skill: Hawk Eye~[/b]
[indent][i]Passive Skill. This unit's Attack range with indirect weapons is increased by one. +5 to Vision. +20% to Hit Rate.[/i][/indent]

[b]~Curse Skill: True Sight~[/b]
[indent][i]Passive Skill. This unit's Hit Rate cannot exceed 50% when Attacking an enemy that cannot attack back.[/i][/indent]

[b]~Personal Skill: Go-Getter~[/b]
[indent][i]Passive Skill. When this unit's Vitality is not at maximum, Attack Power +4.[/i][/indent]

[b]~Personal Skill: Romantic~[/b]
[indent][i]Passive Skill. Female allied units within 2 spaces receive +2 Fortitude.[/i][/indent]

[b]~Gunner Skill: Surefire~[/b]
[indent][i]Passive Skill. When this unit Attacks on their turn, +40% to Hit Rate.[/i][/indent]

[b]~Gunner Skill: Quick Draw~[/b]
[indent][i]Passive Skill. When this unit Attacks on their turn, +4 to Attack Speed.[/i][/indent]

[b]1)[/b] L'Ambassador
[indent]Rank: – | Power: 30 | Hit Rate: 100 | Crit Rate: 10 | Weight: 16 | Range: 1~2[sup]+1[/sup] | Durability: 30
[i]The wielder's Strength is not factored in to Attack Power. Cannot dual wield with this.[/i][/indent]
[b]2)[/b] Bayonet
[indent]Rank: – | Power: 4 | Hit Rate: 90 | Crit Rate: – | Weight: 8 | Range: 1 | Durability: N/A
[i]Used only for counterattacks at melee range with L'Ambassador equipped. Cannot critical with this.[/i][/indent]
[b]3)[/b] Peacekeeper
[indent]Rank: – | Power: 24 | Hit Rate: 100 | Crit Rate: 0 | Weight: 6 | Range: 1~2[sup]+1[/sup] | Durability: 20
[i]The wielder's Strength is not factored in to Attack Power.[/i][/indent]
[b]4)[/b] Radio
[indent][i]Phone home...[/i][/indent]
[b]5)[/b] Rations | 8 / 8
[indent][i]Recovers 20 Vitality when used.[/i][/indent]