The Evrensel Conflict: Act 1 -- Chapter 2, Mission: Essence of Shade

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Loyal Space Guardian
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Fantasy, Science Fiction, Science Fantasy, Urban Fantasy, Action, Adventure, Horror, Superheroes
RY 768
15th of Resplendent Air


At the center of the world stands the Elemental Pole of Earth, Mount Meru, the highest peak in the entirety of Creation. If one moves slightly east from that, he'd end up in the Imperial City, the shining omphalos of the Realm, the capital city of the world, at the heart of which is the Imperial Manse. The Scarlet Dynasty has its center here, members jockeying for positions of authority and, now, the Scarlet Throne which the Scarlet Empress appears to have abandoned during the Calibration in Realm Year 763.

The Imperial City is the ostentatious crown jewel set in the finely wrought diadem that is the Realm. Eight centuries of the greatest and most innovative of Creation's architects have spent lifetimes stretching their dreams across the framework of possibility, striving to surpass their masters and mentors in glorious structural homage to the glory of the Scarlet Dynasty and the Elemental Dragons.

Unfortunately, eight centuries of imaginative craftsmen, each dedicated to outdoing those before them, have been granted an almost limitless amount of resources but a very finite space in which to work. Hemmed in by the limits of the city's resolute granite walls, architects have been forced in recent centuries to turn their eyes skyward as the limited space neared its capacity. As a result, the city's earliest buildings are often evidenced by their expansive footprint and diminutive stature, while recent structures tower above their elder siblings to sometimes ridiculous heights. There are over two million souls in this city and countless Chosen of the Dragons.

It's right here, in the main shopping district of the Imperial City - the Empyrean Bazaar - in a twisted alleyway at the far, murky corner of the city, that our heroes step out into the world and behold it. And their goal is rather simple: to find and stop those who attacked Whiterun, and keep them from completing their design.

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The honeybee, so focused she was on sobbing her heart out, that she barely even noticed the light swirling around her as she was whisked off from one unknown to a very different one. In a matter of moments the toppled tree she'd been sitting one was replaced with a small trashcan, the shade of the tree, now the shade of buildings, and the quite murmur of the forest now a cacophony of horses, carts, and bartering.

Bem cried on for a solid few minutes before she noticed a strange blue box appearing before her, which in-turn brought to light her new surroundings, and her wailing took back her body with force as not only was she exiled, but she wasn't even in a familiar forest anymore with flowers to comfort her with their delectable aroma and delicious taste.

Shuffling up, once again allowing her curiosity to guide her footsteps as her sense of mind failed her, she padded sadly over to the strange thing's door, and tapped pathetically upon it. Not exactly expecting anything, but unrealistically wishing it would take her home and undo her mistakes.

It wasn't even her fault really, those chefs had basically put her up to it. Maybe if she found her way back she'd be allowed to talk it over with the queen. She'd never met them, but surely someone so great and powerful would be equally as humble and forgiving, and that was all the brief glimmer of hope she needed to soothe her broken heart.

She took a deep, brave breathe of this strange, unpleasant air, and pat herself on the back for being so strong, before screaming as the box did indeed open, flinging herself to the ground in shock.
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Chalcedony - Liminal Ghost - Character Sheet

It took a good deal of effort to maintain temporal phase alignment of Aelenneond's projection in light of some force making the metaphysical substrate all wiggly. So she couldn't maintain it and Aelenneond wanted to be able to see what was going on around him anyway. So she inspected the Tardis instead with a million questions and so few answered. Though the Tardis didn't seem to appreciate her attempting to interface with it and after a few zots left well enough alone. There were plenty of other people to scan while she couldn't get to Aelenneond. The strange four armed one seemed most familiar but he had to go elsewhere it seemed. She immediately forgot about him the instant the door opened into the city.

The wooden frame whirled and flexed in outer angles at the edge of the Tardis as the eye inside whirled to look at things, "What was that noise! Oooo, I recognize exactly none of this! The metaphysical framework doesn't look right all. are the words changing? That's not right... let's see what we have on the scanner."

Smoothly floating forward into the city only for the wooden frame to be drowned out by a momentary windstorm of symbols on sensory layers to rocket down in fracture of a tile as the interior filled with liquid white and black noise. A moment later the interior sphere reappeared, if obscured, and a sharp distorted tone to the cheerful voice, "Well, that didn't mix well at all. Paracausal ecosystem beginning metaphysical substrate segregation."

ian-j-free-ghost-2nd-render.jpgThe noise faded like silt washed away with shell flexing to morphed its former structure of space to replace it with one of more clearly glassy make bounded by silvery frame supports moving along its surface. Slow forks and bolts ignite between frame spars on the dusty inside gas as Chalcedony ponders the environment again.

There was something skittering around the shell in her proximity trying to get in and connect to system threads but already found crossing the two definitely wasn't going to work. She spoke out loud figuring they would notice, "Now then, who's that trying to tether to my causal surface? I run on [Feykro Shulkun Qahnaarin] so use the causal interface in extra-orthagonal space. I've already found neither of us will be very happy otherwise if we tie directly."

Lucent shells of characters appear again but in languages of alien and varied natures as she rotates the sphere layers, "Ah, yes, that's better. Oh. There's dozens of interfaces? No wonder the scanner manifold tore."

A cavalcade of confusing casting compilers vanished as the eye Ghost pivoted toward Bem on the ground, having just noticed her existance, "Oh! Hello! Are you from here?"
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Chief Petty Officer Moire B-220

While the others milled about in the Tardis console room, Moire watched the Timelord operating the vehicle with one eye. The other watched the various screens and display systems, despite most putting up technobabble she didn't speak.

Once they'd landed, the weird little wooden Monitor started spitting up its own form of technobabble. The Spartan patiently bore it while waiting for a briefing or an opportunity. The latter happened when the doors to the Tardis opened wide, revealing...well, a rather dirty looking alley. And a bee girl. A bee girl? Really?

@Noble Scion
Moire stepped across the flight deck of the timeship, conscious that six and a half feet of MJOLNIR armor made her an imposing presence. Which is why she swung her BR85 Heavy Barrel Service Rifle back on its sling, freeing up both hands. Her pistol was within easy reach still and it's not like the bee girl's spear was going to get through her titanium alloy shell.

Instead, her suit speaker system projected an only slightly tinny voice that was warm and friendly, decidedly at odds with her martial appearance. "Don't be alarmed," she said soothingly. "We're not here for trouble."

Slowly, Moire stepped out of the Tardis and to the side of the prone bee girl. Then she squatted down and held out an upturned palm. "I'm Chief Petty Officer Moire. Can I give you a hand up?" Her helmet tilted slightly as she glanced up and down the street. "And maybe you can give us a hand with directions?"
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Location: The Imperial city

Before arriving in the world of creation, Dusk spent most of his time sitting and self reflecting. The previous mission's events still rattled him and he was unsure how to feel about himself. He sat in one of the chairs inside of the tardis as they landed, leaning on his hands and bouncing one of his legs.

The slow creaking of the Tardis' door opening was met with a quiet shriek. Someone had apparently been standing outside as the Tardis landed. The tiny floating orb… thing, took a keen interest in the outside area first. It spattered various questions and comments, none of which dusk understood or could answer. Behind it followed the hulking armored soldier, Moire. The soldier then immediately squatted down to talk to… a bee?

Dusk had to take a moment to walk around the soldier to get a better look. She was a small creature, about 2 feet smaller than dusk. She definitely resembled a bee, but yet she wore clothes, and had hair on her head tied back into a ponytail. Had she eaten some strange flowers and gotten mutated like some of the ones where dusk was from? She seemed to be more put together than those bees. Magic? Could be magic. Dusk would need to ask how she came to look so human-like later after the group got their directions.

For now, dusk took a moment to look outside of the alley and into the city. The area seemed to be almost asian in terms of architecture due to many of the roofs having that signature texture to them, along with red bricks. Various people walked the streets in long, flowy attire and a horse-drawn carriage slowly moved by. "This place is very nice looking," Dusk mumbled to himself.
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Nero Sparda
Leaving the Tardis and seeing weird stuff

Nero wasn't the most patient person around, during the entire trip inside the Tardis, the demon hunter was pacing around in circles. His music player blaring a certain song.

So when they finally landed, he grabbed Red Queen and Blue Rose, and followed the tall armored lady that was Moire after the front. And almost outright walking right in her back when he barely caught himself. Peeking around, he saw a crying....Bee Woman. Watching as Moire walked on over and reached out to said Bee Lady, saying comforting words. He did his best to not appear as a threat as he walked over. Eyes looking around the area they were gathered, oddly reminding him of a city he visited awhile ago while doing a job in another country.

He did note the differing styles of buildings and how they seemed layered on. But back to the matter at hand, helping the crying Bee Person out. Walking up next to Moire, but maintaining a comfortable distance so she didn't feel cornered by two people and a floating orb that was their escort.

"We're not assholes, alright? You okay?" He said as gently as he could, mustering the same tone he used when dealing with kids or those of a certain intelligence.

@Noble Scion @Epiphany. @littlekreen @Birdsie @LenxKaitoYaoi @Valkan @Wiggin @Hero @Wade Von Doom
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Imperial City
Empyrean Bazaar

As our heroes entered the strange world of Creation and spoke to the strange humaniform bee cultivator - a few streets down from their location, a pair of strange yet unassuming fellows in dark cloaks walked down the street while bickering.

One of them was a relatively youthful and stoic, pale-faced man with dark hair. Every time he opened his mouth to speak, his lips would part to reveal sharp, pristinely-white fangs. There was a discoloration of dark color around his throat, irregular and scabrous as if someone had slit his throat and he'd managed to not only survive, but even recover from the deadly wound against all odds, leaving behind a nasty scar. Under his cloak, one would be able to hear the soft clinking of chainmail and lamellar.

And the other was an older man, perhaps in his late thirties or early forties, but with the joviality and smile of a man two decades younger, with skin of dark obsidian, sporting a salt-and-pepper beard. His eyes were unnatural; marble beads of pure darkness. He seemed to flinch every time a ray of sunlight caught one of them, pulling on his hood or turning away his face to better shield himself from its blasted radiance. Under his cloak, he wore no real armor, but rather, a martial artist's uniform with a loincloth.


"Discount akuma."

"Leprous rat."

"Yozi pawn."



"Hey!" At once, Masterful Staff interrupted their argument, raising a chiding finger at his partner. "Don't say that about Erembour, alright? We have a special bond of intimacy between us, something more than mere sex. I can feel it deep in my heart."

"You don't have a heart, Staff. Just a dark and numbing void where it should be," his partner, Artisan of Blood in Seven Shades, replied.

"Not so different from yourself, then."


And so concluding their argument, the Day Caste Abyssal and Fiend Caste Infernal stumbled into a reclusive alleyway of the Empyrean Bazaar. Their intent was to locate a secure but luxurious hotel in which to stay over until their next task arrived via Infallible Messenger... Only to find themselves in the middle of quite an interesting and confusing situation, something neither of them had quite seen before.

Standing right in the middle of the passage, there was some kind of dark, unnatural booth, and streaming out of it were far more people than any such object should have been able to fit. And more curiously, those people then started to very condescendingly address a goddess or spirit of some stripe, for neither the Abyssal nor the Infernal ever heard of a ghost or demon with such an odd external appearance.

Both of the Exalts shared a look. And in that look, they both shared an unspoken understanding, activating a plethora of Stealth Charms in order to observe as the situation developed.


And in the meantime, on the opposite side of the Bazaar, hidden among the unknowing populace, an isolated pair of siblings walked down the street in search of a ship that'd take them to their mission's destination.

The first of them was a girl in the flower of her youth, not possibly any older than sixteen or seventeen Calibrations, with a holster for a dagger tucked in her boot and wearing ordinary if exquisitely durable peasant clothes and thick work boots. Her blonde hair was cut short, right under the ear, and she was currently wielding a map of the Imperial City in both hands, staring at it with malicious intent as if the scrap of paper had personally offended her family.

And next to her, always lagging behind a few steps and looking around in wide-eyed awe and wonder, was a little boy, so similar to her in facial appearance and overall stature it was hard to picture him as anything but her little brother. His clothing was much larger than her own, a somewhat poor fit; a simple verdant robe with sleeves so large and long they seemed to trail down past his index fingers.

"Are you sure we've got the right map?" He hopped up to get a better look. "Are you holding it right? Sasha? Sasha?! Sashaaaaaaa--!"

"Yes, Svante, I'm sure," Sasha replied, wrenching the piece of paper away from her brother's hands for the seventh time during that stretch of the walk alone. "I'm sure the docks are somewhere in this direction... generally..."

For a Chosen of Journeys, she sure was terrible at knowing where to go.

"Elder Kejak will be cross with us if we're late," he reminded her, like an Eastern cloudburst of toxic spores dancing around her nose and not letting her breathe for even a moment.

"Elder Kejak can kiss my-" She breathed in sharply, then smiled at Svante pleasantly. "Do you remember what General Sesus Cyramol said? When you assumed the Resplendent Destiny of one of his close relatives?"

"Never trust a Tepet to do the job of a Sesus?"

"Err, yes. I suppose he said that, too. I was referring to the other thing."

"Oh! Patience is the virtue of Pasiap? But I know the Immaculate faith isn't true."

"All myths are true, Svante. At least in part," she chided.

"Anyway, why can't we just use Efficient Secretary Method and-"


"Sorry not-sorry..." the boy muttered.

She didn't, in fact, know how to read a Maiden-damned map. The fact that Sasha Orese failed to account for was that she was fated to walk and lead herself and her younger brother right into the alleyway in which our heroes were converging upon and accosting who appeared - or at least would appear to a pair of young Sidereal Exalts - to be a faithful worker of the Celestial Bureaucracy.

It did, in fact, seem that Mars, the Maiden of Battles, had some amusing ideas for this day's afternoon...


And so we return to the alleyway.

A relatively wide and long alleyway, sufficient to fit an entire crowd of people in between the surrounding buildings. In its center was the Tardis and the heroes walking outside to peruse the noisy world around them.

At its southern entrance, hidden together under a blanket of supernaturally-cloying dark shadows, invisible to the mortal eye and barely noticeable as more than a flicker of odd presence to the enlightened senses, there waited individual representatives of the Abyssal and Infernal Exalted - people who, by most of Creation's faithful citizens, would be aptly described as, 'malevolent' and 'destructive.'

And on the opposite side, slowly approaching its northern entrance while staring at a map, there was a clueless pair of young and inexperienced Sidereal Exalts, the secret agents of Yu-Shan - also known as Heaven - both of whom knew of and extensively practiced reality-bending martial arts and, as a part of their kind's formal mission statement, often greeted intruders to reality with their fists and blades.

Solve that one real quick.

@Noble Scion @Epiphany. @littlekreen @LenxKaitoYaoi @Valkan @Wiggin @Hero @Wade Von Doom @The Wanderer
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She quivered on the ground, eyes tightly shut, expecting her end. What a terrible day! The box held someone inside, and from the brief glance she had seen, they were a knight!

Her people had many horror stories about knights. Humans twice a bee's size, clad in strange metals, each capable of taking down several of their number with their seemingly infinite stamina and impenetrable defense. The only ones even capable of taking one down being the queen herself, or one of her royal guard, and while Bem was technically among the royal guard, albeit of the lower echelons, she had been taken by surprise! How dishonorable, to ambush one such as her, she didn't stand a chance!

Yet as she lay there quietly sniveling, what instead came was not a blade, but a friendly voice,

The bee's shaking lessened as she wobbled up, peering at the strangely-armoured one offering her a hand. They fit the description of a knight alright, but she'd heard them to be beacons of violence. If one were to appear near the hive, it was certain to signal death.

"T-this simple honeybee begs for mercy." she warbled, defeated, taking Moire's hand and standing up.

She'd heard nightmarish stories about bees being taken captive and farmed for their honey until they met their end. Was that to be her fate instead? She couldn't stop her legs from trembling at the prospect, taking all of her courage to stop her pining for what was to be her fate.

Then, she saw that there were more.

She noticed that either she was bigger than she thought she was, or the humans were smaller than she heard, before the realization settled in.

They didn't seem to be knights, given that they were lacking the armour, though some of them still held weaponry, and they had a strange floating artifact that could even talk! They were either merchants or.. Cultivators?! They weren't attacking her and seemed to have unerring confidence, so they must be cultivators!

Where knights meant death was coming eventually, cultivators destroyed everything they came across on a whim! Entire hives destroyed for the sake of making those terrifying 'pills'. Their strength varied largely from cultivator to cultivator, but to meet one and survive was a blessing for only the most fortunate.

This time, she couldn't stop herself from letting out a wail. She didn't think the gods were smiling on her this day.

"PLEASE DON'T GRIND ME TO DUST! I hold too little qi to even make for a snack for ones such as you! I'm but a humble bee! I don't even know where I am either!" Yet her garrulous chattering was cut off by the surprisingly vulgar cultivator. They weren't 'assholes'? Did that mean she would get to enjoy flowers for another day?

She let the hope bud through her before breaking once more into her panicked chittering, this time her voice emanating relief "Oh gracious ones, I will bestow upon you all bountiful harvests of my honey in return for your kindness in not ending this one's life. T-though I do not want to try your patience, I am an exile now, so I will have to create my own reserves. The kind ones will wait, yes?"

She felt her qi roll unpleasantly at a strange presence, yet it disappeared as soon as it came. As she noticed more of the kind ones approaching, this time not coming from that strange mystic box, but from the end of the alley.

Bem did as she thought correct, and bowed to the new duo, her expression changed to one of endless joy at still being alive.
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With everything going on, a little pink ball of fluff with eyes, stubby arms and feet wasn't the strangest thing walking out of the TARDIS. With a man draped in red, white and blue colors following behind him. The little pink Kirby was first to split up from Cap, walking over to Bem to look at her. He could tell she was nervous, and that once she realized they wouldn't harm her, she was utterly ecstatic to serve them for not destroying her. Putting out his little hand to shake her's, he also came up with a little idea. He moved over to Moire, pulled out something from her belt, a small MRE he gave her before they arrived here, wen back to Bem, then in one gulp, ate it; not even removing its packaging.

Somehow, once the pink being swallowed it, a small star popped out of his body, floating in the air over his head, then floating in his little hands. He offered it to Bem, and if she touched it, the star would pop, forming into smaller stars, rotating around her arm for a brief moment, then absorbed into her body. She would feel greatly rejuvenated, like she recieved a small health pack. Kirby would smile after.

Steve, however, was more focused on trying to figure out where to start. They knew they had to find out what Ael's kidnappers were doing here, but finding them would be quite the task. And they needed to figure out where they were first. Seeing the two bickering siblings nearby with a map they couldn't read, he figured that would be a start. As they fought amongst each other, he shouted to them, "excuse me!" Before stopping right in front of them. "Maybe I could help?" He pointed to their map.
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Ryan Morganyag

Ryan spent most of the time after his talk with Morgan silently thinking over her words. Sadly, they had no time to reach Emma before moving along to continue their task. He owed the people of Whiterun at least rescuing one of their people as an apology for the property destruction and the crater he left there. However, this also left another concern in his mind. Morgan. She left before he could properly explain what her forfeiting of her right to execute Ryan, and his subsequent gift entailed. She was able to fend for herself, but he was Morgan's knight regardless. With all that in mind, he sat in a corner with his head down until they arrived at their destination.

Ryan stood up quickly once he noticed the door of the TARDIS opening up. Not knowing what to expect, a stream of flames gave place to his sheathed sword to materialize on his left hand. Taking a deep breath, he made his way out. The first few things he noticed were the fact that they seemed to be in an oriental city, at least by his second world's standards. After inspecting the intricate architecture for a few moments, Ryan put his attention back into the alleyway. A few of his teammates were already speaking with locals. A couple of youngsters, and a bee hybrid of sorts, if she were from his first world, Ryan would be impressed with her mastery over her dual nature and how well she melded both. He doubted that was the case though.

He walked a few steps away from the entrance, when he noticed something strange. Like an extremely blurry mirage, but if he blinked, it would fade away for a while. He stared in that general direction with his head tilted slightly, confused. He chalked it out to being a strange effect this world had on his sight for now, and headed back to the entrance of the TARDIS. Poking his head in, he asked, "Hey, Luer, how are you holding up? Do you need help?"
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Seeing the two bickering siblings nearby with a map they couldn't read, he figured that would be a start. As they fought amongst each other, he shouted to them, "excuse me!" Before stopping right in front of them. "Maybe I could help?" He pointed to their map.
At first, upon sighting the oddly dressed man, Sasha's reaction was to stare at him in bafflement, wondering if he was a street performer or some eccentric city official.

"Sasha, Sasha, he looks pretty awesome. Are you a God-Blooded, sir?"

"Svante, don't be rude," his sister chided the boy.

Almost like a deft whirlwind in child form, the boy zipped up to the Captain, running a finger over the side of the man's stomach with clear awe of the man's superhero costume and its texture. "Hey, sir, are you one of the Terrestrial Dragons?"


"Why do you have a star on your shield? It doesn't shimmer like Starmetal so it can't be Starmetal."

It was roughly in the moment that he started to move his face closer to the shield to peer at his reflection in the metal that Sasha decided to abandon any notion of propriety in front of the stranger. Almost like a dashing serpent, her hand reached out, caught Svante's collar, and pulled him back to a respectable distance from the odd man, his feet dragging on the pavement. "A hundred apologies for his behavior, sire. My brother is insouciant, poorly-groomed, and a bit of an unapologetic buffoon whose manners are in dire need of rectification."

"Hey! I'm pretty sure those were mean words!"

"As for us, well, we're just trying to find the docks. You know how the Imperial architects are these days - all dreams of glory, no brain - and the cartographers are no better," she said. "I'm... Sasha Orese and this is my little brother, Svante."

There was no choice but to reveal their real names. Any true Sidereal operator would have cringed at her performing such an action, but Svante had already revealed their names to the stranger. And then, of course, came the part of coming up with a valid backstory. After their departure from Yu-Shan, Sasha and Svante had donned a pair of Resplendent Destinies, aspected to the Gull Constellation. A Resplendent Destiny was, much like the name suggested, "a destiny." It was something that a Sidereal would don in order to more convincingly appear or act in the capacity of a certain role - and donning the Destiny of the Gull, the children would instinctively appear like travelers or tourists to an onlooker. When a Sidereal didn't wear a Resplendent Destiny, they couldn't even be remembered past the interaction itself - but like this, they could hold numerous identities with various specializations.

And so, if Sasha didn't contradict herself and kept to her destiny of being itinerant, any doubts about her actual identity or true nature in the Captain's mind would be swiftly paved over, and his trust unfailingly reinforced. And the same applied to her brother.

And so, Sasha explained her backstory - making it up mostly on the spot. "We're planning to take a civilian ship to the East, to Lookshy. Our parents are patrician merchants by trade, and they were in Thorns when the Mask of Winters attacked. We're trying to find them."

"That's right," Svante supported his sister's story with a bright-eyed nod.
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Chalcedony backed off as Moire and others arrived, rising above their heads just out of the way.

There was something delinking itself somewhere and the nulls did not please her deterministic system. Toleration worked just fine, her magical half supported the paradox, but both screamed malefactor when something went out of its way to remove itself from existence more than once. Unfortunately not knowing the least way around the possibly dozens of magical back-ends had no idea where to start tracking it down. The liminal ghost pruned and grafted as internal speciation tried to create creatures of thought that could cross the gap to something that looked like what magical or physical action she was observing to something she already knew.

The untethered potential attached to the interior causal surface unsure how to create the message in the rigid structure even assuming something was listening. Her own system didn't seem to know she existed either. A resort to tortured dovah messages in a bottle rather than pointed contact with reality like a spell would be in regard to the strange object removing themselves twice. It didn't seem like that should be. They didn't have to like each other but she could at least coexist.

What isn't, can no longer be.
Now, not is, can not itself change.
That it changes importance, it is unable to continue as not is.
Resolve shadow paradox to is in light of its own change?

As her awareness resumed decided some reverse engineering, for what values of such applied to the magic subsystems, was clearly in order.

She looked between Moire and Bem, "I'm fairly sure Qi isn't at the top of the list. Essence is, I think? Something about dust but I don't think it's Glimmer. Classical elemental potentials are strong. Constellations seem compatible with some sets of other words. If you get ground into Dust I don't think it's used here. You'll be fine."

She rose having satisfied herself she had a name for the new person and turned to listen to them talk to Captain America. Names of the two though as Dovah in her view seemed an ill fit.

The modulated companion voice pipes up cheerfully from above at the notion of Dragons, "This one's chiseled out of something heavenly of that I am most certain. I can take a message for the dragonborn or are you looking for docks on an [Okaaz], or a smaller [Golokazz]? I'll need to be more specific on my scanner or you might get a painting or a particularly large fountain I suppose."
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Luer had been more than content to sit by Ryan in his corner and keep his head down too during their travel, but he did so for a much different reason than his companion. He was sick. Oh how he hated this traveling. Were it not so complicated that they could merely walk to their destination he would have preferred to do so. But no, the multiverse could not be so simple. Instead they had to but travel via this cursed box and fly.

As such, it would probably have been obvious to the closest person to him his displeasure as he could not suppress a groan to their landing and a quick reach for Ryan's shoulder to have some sense of stability. Oh, that made it so much worse. Once they had and Ryan had gotten up he shifted just the slightest to make on standing.

He could hear the commotion outside, particularly a scream, and need to get himself up to go see what was happening. He whined again when Ryan returned to ask how he was doing and offer help. "I may throw up…" He answered, wobbly and slowly making his way over to the dragon. "How does it look out there…?"
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Chief Petty Officer Moire B-220

@The Wanderer
Moire nodded briefly in Nero's direction when he made the remark about the group 'not being assholes'. Not how she would have put it but hopefully it would do something to relax the bee-like alien.

@Noble Scion
Speaking with the alien bee was a surreal experience, to be sure. Nothing in Moire's training had prepared her for the utter subjection and overwhelmed emotions spilling out of the alien. Except...come to think of it, it had. Civilians acted like this, or could. People in situations vastly outside of their experience could fall apart, driven by fear and panic by the things that were everyday to a Spartan like Moire.

As her Sergeant might have said, this was a situation that called for empathy. Thankfully, there'd been classes on empathy so Moire wasn't starting from scratch.

The Spartan helped Bem to her feet and let go of her hand when the alien signaled she was ready to be released by drawing back. "You don't need to beg for mercy," she said, her voice still a little tinny from projection. Too bad this environment was too unknown for her to risk removing her helmet. Instead, Moire said, "We're not going-"

But while the Spartan had been thinking through how to handle this, clearly the bee's mind had been racing too. And it went somewhere dark. The wail would have surprised her, if Moire hadn't encountered wailing civilians in training (and in practice). "Hey, no one's going to grind you to dust!" she said, speaking up a little, trying not to shout and risk scaring the alien further, but needing to be heard over the racket.

When Bem next shifted to relieved chattering, Moire smiled inside of her helmet. "Hey. You're not a hostage. You aren't in danger from us. We're not here for you, okay? Now, why don't you tell me your name?"

"I'm Moire," she offered, in hopes that a little give on her part might help the alien bee calm down. People planning to do horrible things rarely introduced themselves, after all.

@Wade Von Doom
Due to the commotion caused by the alien bee, Moire was oblivious to Kirby taking and eating an MRE from her utility belt kit. When the little pink alien offered the bee alien a star, though, she smiled again. Gifts were good. Maybe that would help?

Captain Rogers, meanwhile, split off from the party to handle a couple of people at the head of the alley. Good. He was a soldier and someone she could trust to secure that point of entry, letting her focus on calming down this alien native.

The floating drone offered an assessment plainly intended to make more sense than it did. When it went off to bother Rogers, Moire went back to focusing on her panicked civilian.

@Noble Scion
As the TARDIS crew spread out, Moire concentrated on the frightened alien. "We're new here. Maybe you are too? Do you have friends, family around that we can help you get back to?"
Nero Sparda
Talking to a Bee Girl with a Spartan

As the Bee girl calmed down more and more, though still sounding panicked and offering stuff for her sparing. Nero waved his artificial hand. "No need to offer us anything, we're not gonna do anything to warrant your....Honey." Nero said the last word with visible confusion but shrugged it off, he began to search his pockets for any leftover candy or whatever he had for kids when he bumped into them on Demon Hunting jobs.

As trying to calm down a kid while dealing with a Snake Demon with a gun tends to make said kid really cranky. Eventually he found some candy in the form of a sucker called "Stup Stup" root beer flavored. Holding it out to Bem, he'd say to her. "They got candy where you're from?" As hopefully this with Moire's kind words, they can calm the Bee Lady down from this mindset.

@Noble Scion @Epiphany. @Birdsie @Wade Von Doom @LenxKaitoYaoi @Valkan @littlekreen @Hero
Ryan Morganyag

Ryan felt a little bad for the archer, these travels did him no good at all. Even with his own struggles, he could feel the man's discomfort. He was quick to get out, but maybe he should've stayed by his side and help Luer up. Peeking inside the TARDIS, he saw there was no change to that. "If you really want to, let's go outside quickly. We landed on an alleyway." he said, as he rushed over for Luer to lean on him if needed. "The worst part is over, though. I'm sure you'll be alright" he offered with a beaming smile, while rubbing his back. When Luer asked how was it outside, Ryan was already guiding him there "Strange, but not that much. There's a bee lady, though I suspect she may be one of us rather than one of them" He said, based on what he overheard, and how she looked.
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A gift! Not once in her life had she received a gift, yet here she was, having a strange energy-filled star bestowed upon her by what she could only assume was a spirit beast like her.

"T-thank you, k-kind one." the bee quivered with a heartfelt wobble in her voice, already focusing on channeling the boon into herself. She felt cleansed, and much better for it. Maybe she was deemed to serve as their bodyguard? Perhaps that was why they were giving her such a gift of strength, which pleased her greatly. She was much better at protecting things than making honey, excluding the royal jelly incident, but really that hadn't been her fault, really.

The strange flying thing said something she didn't quite understand, but she nodded at its gift of wisdom anyway. Maybe it was a blessing to be awakened once she became enlightened? She swelled with gratification at the thought

Turning back to the armour-clad one, soon naming itself "Moire", who Bem viewed as much kinder now that she didn't seem to be in danger, the bee listened intently. They didn't seem like the horrifying evils she'd heard about. If anything, they seemed nicer than her own superiors.

Her mood, flicked like a switch from the world's saddest bee to something closer to elation at the thoughtful words.

Turning to the sword-wielding cultivator, she took the gift of "candy", and swallowed it whole. It didn't have as much energy as the gift from the pink beast, but it was taken with an appreciative flick of her antennae nonetheless.

"Candy? They do not exist within the hive. As a form of enhancement, it seems a little weak.. Though your gift is accepted with much appreciation!" she answered, quickly correcting herself for fear of indirectly insulting and angering the swordsman. She expected their patience to be thin, even if their immediate reaction was of kindness.

"Knight-cultivator Moire, this one is known as 'Bee-M', though her ex-companions named her 'Bem'! I've never been to this place before, though I most graciously accept my role as your bodyguard during your travels through this unknown land in return for the gracious gifts given to me of power and knowledge." the honeybee beamed, now seeming much more poised at the assured safety of being a partner to such a strong group.

"I believe I have been exiled for my heinous crimes against her queenly self, having stolen some of the royal jelly by accident as a result of the lies spun to me by my coworkers, but that is of little importance now that I have new beings to serve." Bem chirped, only appearing to be slightly saddened by her own circumstances.

She had a purpose! To think she would find one so soon after leaving. Maybe she should have stolen the royal jelly sooner, given how much fortune appeared to be smiling upon her.
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Seeing the two bickering siblings nearby with a map they couldn't read, he figured that would be a start. As they fought amongst each other, he shouted to them, "excuse me!" Before stopping right in front of them. "Maybe I could help?" He pointed to their map.
At first, upon sighting the oddly dressed man, Sasha's reaction was to stare at him in bafflement, wondering if he was a street performer or some eccentric city official.

"Sasha, Sasha, he looks pretty awesome. Are you a God-Blooded, sir?"

"Svante, don't be rude," his sister chided the boy.

Almost like a deft whirlwind in child form, the boy zipped up to the Captain, running a finger over the side of the man's stomach with clear awe of the man's superhero costume and its texture. "Hey, sir, are you one of the Terrestrial Dragons?"


"Why do you have a star on your shield? It doesn't shimmer like Starmetal so it can't be Starmetal."

It was roughly in the moment that he started to move his face closer to the shield to peer at his reflection in the metal that Sasha decided to abandon any notion of propriety in front of the stranger. Almost like a dashing serpent, her hand reached out, caught Svante's collar, and pulled him back to a respectable distance from the odd man, his feet dragging on the pavement. "A hundred apologies for his behavior, sire. My brother is insouciant, poorly-groomed, and a bit of an unapologetic buffoon whose manners are in dire need of rectification."

"Hey! I'm pretty sure those were mean words!"

"As for us, well, we're just trying to find the docks. You know how the Imperial architects are these days - all dreams of glory, no brain - and the cartographers are no better," she said. "I'm... Sasha Orese and this is my little brother, Svante."

There was no choice but to reveal their real names. Any true Sidereal operator would have cringed at her performing such an action, but Svante had already revealed their names to the stranger. And then, of course, came the part of coming up with a valid backstory. After their departure from Yu-Shan, Sasha and Svante had donned a pair of Resplendent Destinies, aspected to the Gull Constellation. A Resplendent Destiny was, much like the name suggested, "a destiny." It was something that a Sidereal would don in order to more convincingly appear or act in the capacity of a certain role - and donning the Destiny of the Gull, the children would instinctively appear like travelers or tourists to an onlooker. When a Sidereal didn't wear a Resplendent Destiny, they couldn't even be remembered past the interaction itself - but like this, they could hold numerous identities with various specializations.

And so, if Sasha didn't contradict herself and kept to her destiny of being itinerant, any doubts about her actual identity or true nature in the Captain's mind would be swiftly paved over, and his trust unfailingly reinforced. And the same applied to her brother.

And so, Sasha explained her backstory - making it up mostly on the spot. "We're planning to take a civilian ship to the East, to Lookshy. Our parents are patrician merchants by trade, and they were in Thorns when the Mask of Winters attacked. We're trying to find them."

"That's right," Svante supported his sister's story with a bright-eyed nod.

The kid was asking more questions than Steve could answer. "Are you a God-Blooded, sir?"

"Hehe, no, I'm just a red-blooded Ameri--"

"Hey, sir, are you one of the Terrestrial Dragons?"

"Oh, uh, I'm afraid I don't--"

"Why do you have a star on your shield? It doesn't shimmer like Starmetal so it can't be Starmetal."

"Uhh, it's a different type of metal than you're thinking of--"

His sister cut him off from asking any more questions and pushing him away as he felt around Steve's uniform and shield. He didn't mind it, but her brother certainly didn't lack for enthusiasm. "It's okay, it's all good." Steve told Sasha as she apologized for his behavior. "I'm Steve Rogers, it's a pleasure to meet you both." He offered to shake Sasha's hand, and as a gesture of good faith, removed his hand from the straps of his shield, and held it to Svante to hold. "Here," he told him, a smirk on Steve's face, "It's made from Vibranium, a metal from where I come from. It's very strong, but light, so don't try throwing it, or else it might bounce into the head of one of these people, or guard." And they didn't want that, did they.

"Me and my group are here to investigate some unusual activity here in the region, and we thought we would start in the city first. Though, we're also a bit lost, so if you would be willing to help us, we'd very much appreciate it." He had bent down on his knee to be at eye level with Sasha to make her feel more comfortable.

Meanwhile, as Bem talked to the group about her exile from her hive, Kirby noticed something in the background, hidden away in the cloaked charm of whatever spell they were using. But, in his usual way, Kirby could just about sense something off. Looking down the alley, it was like he could see something, but yet could, like his eyesight ever so slightly pushed to the side to avoid what was hiding away. He tried tugging on Moire's leg to see if she could notice the strange figures watching them too.
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After playing around with the Captain's shield for a moment, Svante recoiled at something invisible and stared down the length of the alleyway. It was sufficient to draw the Captain's gaze down there as well, but he found it difficult to see anything.

"Sasha, incoming!"

It seemed like her brother's warning had been completely unnecessary. As a swarm of thrown knives came for her from the alleyway's end, Sasha proceeded to dodge half of them, reached into her boot mid-step and drew a short blade made of iridescent steel in a concealed sheath, and then batted a handful more out of the air, before Svante raised the Captain's shield and tossed it across the alleyway. It ricocheted off a wall and then seemed to hit their opponent, before bouncing right back, fortuitously close so the boy caught it once more.

"This is yours, sorry," he said, handing it back to Steve.

As if to excuse herself for the amazing feats of dodging and combat, in order to remain in-character with her Resplendent Destiny, Sasha looked at Captain Rogers and said, "I, uh, practice ballet."

"I played with a frisbee once," Svante also said. It'd be naturally apparent to anyone with more than a few brain cells that it takes more than playing with a frisbee once to expertly throw a Vibranium shield with so much strength and calculated prowess.

"Svante," Sasha growled in a whisper.

"Your excuse wasn't that good either," he whispered back, balefully.

"Ouch," a voice said comically, sounding relatively unhurt.

"Reveal yourself," Sasha commanded, returning her attention to the matter at hand and raising her knife into a defensive stance.

"I suppose we ought to."

A pair of men stepped out of the unnaturally thick shadows, both of them wearing dark cloaks.

The person standing on the left dropped his cloak to reveal himself as an old man with obsidian-dark skin and eyes of pure darkness, clad in a loose-fitting dark uniform. Around his chest, there were various straps filled across with throwing knives, a few daggers, and misshapen lumps of yellow crystal that radiated unholy power. As he smiled, a Caste Mark flared into existence around his forehead - a disk of pure black, so dark it hurt to look at, as if the darkness was more than a mere absence of light, but its existential antipode - anti-sunlight.

The person on the right did the same, revealing himself to be a youthful and stoic, pale-faced man with short dark hair. In contrast to his partner, he wore a suit of tight-fitting articulated plate armor, as black as his companion's skin and yet shimmering oddly in the light. Anyone with mystical senses would be able to discern the truth - its surface writhed with the stolen power of dead souls, poor tormented ghosts who'd been forcefully hammered into the shape of Soulsteel. Much the same applied to the cold, dark chains wrapped around his forearms, each link imprisoning a tortured spirit of a dead human. His Caste Mark was an empty wheel of matte black encircled by red; like blood circling rot.

"I suppose we might as well introduce ourselves. I am Masterful Staff," said the grinning man on the left. "I am an Infernal Exalt, Prince of the Green Sun, of the Fiend Caste - and proud servant and favored Chosen of the Ebon Dragon."

His partner decided to join the introduction, "I am Artisan of Blood in Seven Shades, Abyssal Exalt, Day Caste, and I can't believe you shit-talked the Mask of Winters in front of me."

"To be fair," Sasha replied, wincing, "I didn't know you were there. Svante, drop your Resplendent Destiny."

"Already done," Svante said, setting down into a martial arts form. "We'll apologize to the Pattern Spiders if we survive, I guess."

"I'm Sasha, Chosen of Journeys, but you probably knew that much already."

"I'm Svante. Yo."

"I suggest you stay out of this battle. It's a conflict between Yu-Shan and Malfeas, and none of your business," Masterful Staff said to the assembled group, as he reached to his belt and tossed down the misshapen yellow crystals - Yasal Crystals - onto the floor. All of them glowed with a pale light. "I unbind you from your crystals, Blood Apes." Above each crystal, a demon appeared, each one resembling a hulking ape with dull red fur and horny bone protrusions along their back and on the crests of their head.


Masterful Staff instructed his follower, "Artisan, you handle the Chosen of Journeys. The boy is trained in the Violet Bier of Sorrows Style, so I'll kill him. And the rest of you, help us, and if it appears like the otherworlders, or Raksha, or whatever they are, plan to interfere, kill them. You can feast on anyone you defeat, but leave some flesh and blood for the Defilers to analyze."

As Svante commanded his Essence to rise, an imperceptible halo of violet energy floated around him, the Sign of Saturn unfolding on his forehead in a burst of shining radiance. As he moved his fists, they each left behind a crimson trail in their wake, as if holding the promises of blood yet unspilled. He was no longer a cheerful youth and traveler, but a Sidereal Exalt, and the Chosen of Endings.

"Blade of the Battle Maiden!"

In a burst of motion, Svante moved forward - Staff attempted to repel him, tossing out a flurry of knives, but Svante used his naked hands to parry them with flyswatter indolence, the roiling crimson nimbus covering his fists protecting them from developing even a scratch.

As the first Blood Ape came into range, Svante ducked low to avoid its ferocious hammer blow, then struck at the side of its chest with a thrusting motion, fist piercing yielding flesh to cause an eruption of blood and bone from the Blood Ape's back. The demon slumped over in death, as the rest of the Blood Apes reassessed their opponent and growled, attempting to surround him to the best of their ability.

At the same time, Sasha moved forward in a similar burst of speed as Svante, the air shimmering around her with the pale yellow radiance of the Maiden of Journeys, as she dodged and weaved between the Blood Apes, effortlessly evaded the Soulsteel Chains of Artisan, and sought a path to her target. It seemed, however, like the Blood Apes were closing in on her as well, reducing the distance that she could dodge to with each swipe of their hands.

@Noble Scion @littlekreen @Epiphany. @Wiggin @The Wanderer @Wade Von Doom @Valkan @LenxKaitoYaoi

Author's Note: Ordinarily, Exalted who conduct battle don't have to yell out the names of their Charms like Naruto characters. This is done largely for your own benefit because this universe (partially) runs on the Rule of Cool as one of its core laws of physics. If it barely makes sense, but it's badass, it can happen - feel free to apply this yourself by doing absolutely ridiculous bullshit, like picking up a rusted pipe lying nearby and using it to briefly ward off rapid attacks with a sword, before thrusting into the open, screaming mouth of the assailant to shut him up.
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"I do not want to." Luer muttered with a grumble of complaint. That was the last thing he wanted to do. He was grateful for the help though, relying entirely on Ryan's assistance in not walking like he was drunk. He gave a small nod of agreement to the dragon at his words with a "mm" of acknowledgement. He would be fine, after getting outside and staying stable for a little. He followed the help thankfully though at Ryan's words he rose a brow. "A… bee…?" He questioned.

That was the least of their concerns, though, as once they got outside something seems to have started happening. All he could really make out were two kids and two black clad men fighting. "The hell…?"
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