The Evrensel Conflict -- Prologue: Chapter 2A -- Brave New World

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One can try to shake off a youthful mind who is rightfully and with full metaphorical accuracy convinced that the floor is lava. They will find the activity very ferret-like and full of urgent grips. Doubly one with small fingers and an iron grip. As she landed, Reegan grabbed onto his side with a vice of both stubs and fingertips on the edge of Alec's armor. Metal on wood clattered as Alec tried to buck off his new rider with the occasional loss a grip as she kept her position.

"Ah! No! I don't wanna! The cycle is diseased. I can't stand here!" implored in stressed tones as Reegan stares with small pairs of yellow eyes under peaked brows.

As Alec was pulled backward instead, the bucking stopped long enough for Reegan to shift around to Alec's back. Hands under his armpits and around the front to hold the shoulder as with Dusk. A position also challenging to remove. Though her weight was less than one might think given her woody frame. Leg nubbins shifted onto the top of Alec's hips as she leaned to one side to evade poking the arm back there with her the crown of black points on her head.

Then everything got very painful. Clung to the back of Alec's armor as he dove to push Rory out of harm's way, Reegan hadn't much time to choose terrified and focused downward and the onrushing ground. Then the green flame licked at the top of her hair as a long wick racing toward her body. Aberrant sparks shower their way across spasms of back bark in flashing pools.

One grated scream forces open even the tightest grip at the searing of her body. Crackling bark crashes against the ground just outside the door as her flesh pops underneath. A voice with no breath needed to scream writhes as ichorous olive and purple fire races in from the flowers atop her head. In quieting flames on elbow and knee bawls while rolling about the ground leaving small ashen sheets behind.

Zhen flashed into reality near to her though barely recovered after his back erupted into flame. The armor all along his back destroyed to reveal scorched bones inside. One knee smashes to stone as the flame around his head sputters when Reegan starts to lose her grip. He does his best to put out the remaining fires across her body as the omnitool humms to distribute silica.

Beset from all sides, her otherwise resilient mind struggles to cope, "It's all dried up! They're all screaming. They're all screaming. AAAAAGH! They're all screaming. They know. It hurts!"

The tainted influence that she feared beneath the earth was now above it. The priest that ended Xog's dream. Any relief that she did not rot seared away by baleful fire. Countless souls trapped below are brought relief instead as they pull at the only signal fire of escape they can now touch. Dozens of mad clones of Reegan hurl themselves from railings into the abyss as she bridges the gap between countless lost souls and vessels to omnicide. Hollow replicating ships for the damned soon to bolt their way out of shattered volumes.
The 11th Doctor

It really was tempting fate. No sooner had the Doctor opened his mouth than an explosion of green fire rocked the whole landing, followed by a building colliding with their stairwell. A building! And the Timelord had just the misfortune to stumble and stagger before promptly tumbling off the side of the stairs.


Instead, the 11th Doctor hung on to the side of the stairs by his finger tips. Dangling over the edge, he had the most remarkable view of catastrophe below as well as disaster above. All around, this planet wasn't particularly hospitable and that was going by the Doctor's experience, which really said something. With a bit of a groan, he swung his legs and slowly began working his way back up onto the stairs.

Just as green fire dripped from above, from possibly blazing buildings or just conjured forth by a particularly irate formerly sleeping God. Huffing, the Doctor struggled mightily to get back onto solid ground, even as the consumptive flames poured through the air, threatening to set everyone and everything a blaze.
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Dusk was covered in alien blood at this point from the amount of cultic aliens he was killing. Strangely, it was almost boring in terms of how the battle was going down. This was a new feeling he hadn't felt before, as for most of his life had been filled with a sort of stress that he kept within himself. It didn't matter, as the group was slowly retreating backwards and up a set of stairs. Callintus was somewhere in the mix, also defending the group from these creatures. It was good to know someone else was suffering through these things. Before the group could retreat any more though, a loud boom blew out from behind Dusk. He turned to see a building had smashed in the group's way, and now green fire was raining down from above. Dusk got hit in the shoulder with blazing heat as it burned through his clothes and down to his paper white skin. His cloak also was engulfed in a green flame, engulfing dusk in heat. No damage came of it though, as Dusk immediately threw it to the side. For some reason his shoulder still hurt though. On most occasions, his wounds would heal in the span of a few seconds or minutes in some cases, but this pain wasn't subsiding. His skin was bubbling, as if it itself had grown a mind of its own and was now trying to escape the pain. It hurt extremely. Dusk gripped the area, letting out an inhuman scream as he backed into the doorway of a nearby building. It was most certainly noticeable among the other alien screeches of death.


Trigger was all for running away since the moment the group had arrived on the planet. He didn't trust the locals, or even the architecture. He happily blind fired behind him, relishing the fact that he was right about all of this. The more he thought about it though, the more his hands ached with a burning sensation. When the building finally fell on the stairs, he could barely hold up his gun from the pain. He looked around, and pulled the nearest person inside of a building. If he was going to get separated from the group and attacked by cultists, he was at least going to bring backup. The person nearest to him was apparently Alista. Trigger quickly tugged her shoulder shouting "Get inside before your head gets burned off!" this was followed up by the sound of Dusk's pain. "Like that," Trigger finished.
The 13th Doctor - Character Sheet

Thirteens actions in reaction to the DNA extraction mirror Eleven's. Would make for a good vaudeville act even with the horrific beings that surround them.

"Keep it clenched, that ought to be fine until we get back to the TARDIS." Thirteen says in response to Eleven asking if anyone had a towel or bandage. Sure her coat could be ripped and used for that purpose, but it was her coat at the same time.

She does not share his optimism as he asks if this was it, that they would be free to go, because she had felt the shaking and seen Nux and the servants chanting. The pain in their hands were the very least of their concerns. When the screaming began, Thirteen clenches both hands to her ears and is running before Eleven even needs to yell at her.

The two run, dodge danger like they have countless times before. Thirteen only smiles at his questions about if she does this or that.

"Of course! There are some things that don't change between regenerations!" She replies. They reunite with the others.

"Excellent it worked! Sort of! Couldn't have anticipated the rest." Thirteen rattles off her conclusion as their plan had worked indeed. At least to them. The lot keeps running, with Tsunade electing herself as the bodyguard for both Doctors. Thirteen does not like to see the admittedly monstrous beings that get in their way being slashed, or pummeled for their trouble. But what could be done? Pause their escape to reprimand the mighty Tsunade and tell her to be non-lethal or else? This was no time or place to make some heartfelt speech about pacifism. So Thirteen keeps quiet.

"Home free! I think I see the-" Thirteen yells and then screams just as the group is nearly hit by a collapsing building and bombarded with green fire. She utters a 'oof' when Tsunade grabs hold of her tight then screams as they nearly fly through the air. Some flames get much too close for comfort, why she screams in fear and surprise, and the thrill of the jumps make her scream in surprised joy until they come to rest, at least temporarily, to rescue Eleven.

"Oh there you are!" Thirteen waves down at Eleven.

Awakening John Wick was successful. Very successful as evident by the man shooting and killing a few of the creatures around them in quick succession. Behind John was a large and nasty-looking one that reached to bring him in for an equally quick dismemberment. John feels Tsunade pass him as a quick gust of wind; hears a wet 'squelch' and a pained roar as Tsunade punches the thing in it's chest hard enough to not only collapse it's torso but send it flying back. The crowd of its fellows trample its remains as they advance on them.

Her shoulder is grabbed and Tsunade almost slugs Alisita right in the face.

"I have might to spare, and a medic!" She tells Alistia and nods. "Now let's get back to the ships."

Tsunade from then on acts as a swift battering ram through the horde as the group came together and made their way to the twin TARDIS, following personal recollection of the path for the most part as they ascended the stairs. It was hard to keep your footing at times; She is sure-footed and navigates them well. Tsunade does not punch, kick, or slice with her lightsaber without getting harmed herself, but none are more serious than a deep slash that was deflected by her armored midsection.

"Behind me, Doctor." She says to the Time Lady and Lord when they are reunited. She had been made aware of The Doctor holding true to not committing any kind of violence, but this situation would not permit a nonviolent approach for long. This was good; they were all together and surely, the stairs were going to end soon and they would be at the ships and on their way.

An explosion of green fire and the impact of a building scatters them suddenly. Tsunade grabs onto Thirteen with an arm around her hip and keeps her clutched tight. She is not as successful in grasping Eleven before he is separated from the rest by the building; but she manages to leap high and fast enough to avoid the rain of green fire, get around the building and to where Eleven dangles from a ledge. All the while Thirteen screams in either terror or joy, Tsunade can't make sense of these Doctors at times.

"Doctor!" Tsunade reaches down to grab Eleven by the wrist and pull him up with her immense strength.
Green fire. Green fire mixed with Lavaetain's own red near the limits of the explosion she had caused. That meant that, somehow, she had gotten Borax mixed in with her flames or, much more likely, there was something arcane at work here. She wasn't a bloody fool. She was a trained fire mages. Anti-fire spells existed in theory, of course, spells designed to nullify a fire mages immunities and let them roast in their own flame. She had learned about the spells more of a general exercise into fire magic than anything practical for two very simple reasons. The first being that there was nothing about such spells that mundane items couldn't do faster, better, and without using precious magic so long as you knew you were fighting a fire mage which, if you knew those spells at all, you knew you were going to. Secondly, for all the hype and talk about barriers and warded clothes and everything it was still far easier and more likely to succeed to just run up to a mage in a suicidal headlong charge and try to rip their clothes off to remove their immunity than deal with any form of dedicated anti-fire magic spell. However that didn't mean she was, somehow, an idiot who would willingly walk right into strange fire on an alien world in a different dimension simply because such a spell was impractical in her own world. So long as she stood in the red, it was hard to breath, yes, but she was otherwise unphased by the flame. She wagered that would not continue to be the case if that changed and she stood in the green.

That didn't solve the problem of the fact that she now had to rush to try and get through to the others now. So she did the only thing she could think of and took off running, trying to find a way around or through the fire and debris. Her barriers couldn't deflect BFT so if the debris hit her she'd feel it for certain, but that didn't mean there weren't other ways around and, if all else failed...

The image of her flying through the air with fire shooting from the palms of her hands and soles of her feet flashed to mind. It was stupid, yes, and she'd never even consider it normally... but it had to be better than getting left behind!


Red magic was different than white or black magic. Alistia had no clue why it was called that but she knew the reasons why. It dealt with using magic in a multitude of ways including enhancing the body magically for swordplay. It didn't forsake either school though which is why, as Tsunade took the cut, a healing spell was instantly upon her and then, feeling the aether inside of her and hearing Dusk's cries of pain, she did the only thing she could think of doing on reflex and shot a Vercure his form. However, before she could get to helping Tsunade with the ducktor she felt Trigger's pull on her shoulder. Tsunade was strong. She'd be putting herself in harms way for no reason. Quickly she nodded and went with Trigger's tug to get back to the Tardis.


Whelp. Nothing for it it seemed. Not with all the flame and debris in the air. Closing her eyes Lavaetain dismissed her sword, pointed her hands down at the ground and kicked off her shoes, and conjured up all the fire she could manage to try and launch herself up and over the debris and buildings in a move normally reserved for the terminally insane.
Ryan Zokkendov

Ryan ran as fast as he could to get back to the Ship. But since he was larger as it was, he still had issues moving around. Being most likely the last place on their race to safety. As he started to give some rhythm to his pace, Ryan wasn't sure what, but something caused a bunch of green flames ahead of him. Being the farthest from this strange threat, Ryan decided to take advantage of his distance. Stopping a few safe meters from the flames, their heat was unusual, so Ryan decided to play it safe and not try to cross it. Instead, he looked around for a possible source.
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One can try to shake off a youthful mind who is rightfully and with full metaphorical accuracy convinced that the floor is lava. They will find the activity very ferret-like and full of urgent grips. Doubly one with small fingers and an iron grip. As she landed, Reegan grabbed onto his side with a vice of both stubs and fingertips on the edge of Alec's armor. Metal on wood clattered as Alec tried to buck off his new rider with the occasional loss a grip as she kept her position.

"Ah! No! I don't wanna! The cycle is diseased. I can't stand here!" implored in stressed tones as Reegan stares with small pairs of yellow eyes under peaked brows.

As Alec was pulled backward instead, the bucking stopped long enough for Reegan to shift around to Alec's back. Hands under his armpits and around the front to hold the shoulder as with Dusk. A position also challenging to remove. Though her weight was less than one might think given her woody frame. Leg nubbins shifted onto the top of Alec's hips as she leaned to one side to evade poking the arm back there with her the crown of black points on her head.

Then everything got very painful. Clung to the back of Alec's armor as he dove to push Rory out of harm's way, Reegan hadn't much time to choose terrified and focused downward and the onrushing ground. Then the green flame licked at the top of her hair as a long wick racing toward her body. Aberrant sparks shower their way across spasms of back bark in flashing pools.

One grated scream forces open even the tightest grip at the searing of her body. Crackling bark crashes against the ground just outside the door as her flesh pops underneath. A voice with no breath needed to scream writhes as ichorous olive and purple fire races in from the flowers atop her head. In quieting flames on elbow and knee bawls while rolling about the ground leaving small ashen sheets behind.

Zhen flashed into reality near to her though barely recovered after his back erupted into flame. The armor all along his back destroyed to reveal scorched bones inside. One knee smashes to stone as the flame around his head sputters when Reegan starts to lose her grip. He does his best to put out the remaining fires across her body as the omnitool humms to distribute silica.

Beset from all sides, her otherwise resilient mind struggles to cope, "It's all dried up! They're all screaming. They're all screaming. AAAAAGH! They're all screaming. They know. It hurts!"

The tainted influence that she feared beneath the earth was now above it. The priest that ended Xog's dream. Any relief that she did not rot seared away by baleful fire. Countless souls trapped below are brought relief instead as they pull at the only signal fire of escape they can now touch. Dozens of mad clones of Reegan hurl themselves from railings into the abyss as she bridges the gap between countless lost souls and vessels to omnicide. Hollow replicating ships for the damned soon to bolt their way out of shattered volumes.

Rory was in panic as Reegan screamed out in pain from the fire. "What-what's happening?!" Rory shouted out to the ghostly Zhen. The screaming and shouting line from Reegan didn't exactly clear things up, but considering he knew Reegan didn't cope well to touching the ground in this city, he did the only thing he could do. Pick her up... Once the fire was put out of course. Once her body was smoldering, he dove his hands under her and picked her up from the ground. "AHHHH-AHHH!" He shouted, as he burned his hands lightly. Thankfully, he was wearing a long sleeved shirt, so he fumbled with her in his arms to pull them up over his hands.

"Everyone!" Alec shouted out over the flames, as while they stopped coming in, the street was engulfed still. "Just keep moving up, we'll meet you on the cliff side!" Once he finished, the fire then started to crawl along the outside of the house, and whatever they flames were, they were hot enough to start make the house begin to crumble. "Out out, outoutout!" Alec shouted to everyone, pushing Rory to the back where there was another door. Thankfully, they'd all be outside as the house crumbled into pieces; ash and dust spitting up into the air as the green fire danced around the ruins.

"Amy!" Rory shouted out, wanting to know if his wife was safe. He could just hear an echoy, "Rory!"

"Oh thank god." He sighed in relief.

"C'mon, we gotta go!" Alec told him, pulling out his rifle again to aim above them. If something flew by to create that fire, like a demon dragon, or Ayana, they needed to be prepared. "Stay near the houses in case we gotta duck inside again." He said while moving forward. Nothing approached them as they moved, the street baron with life, but that only made the situation more tense, since now they could be ambushed.

"What the hell is going on!" Rory asked Alec.

"FemDoc said something worked, we'll ask when we meet up--" He cut himself off when they turned the corner, as they came face to face with n out of nowhere Ramna.


How about a short flashback? Did you forget a certain red haired martial artist? One must wonder what the saotome heir was doing during this chaotic event. Well do not fret. Because wherever Chaos appears a certain martial artist is never far from it. Well if a certain doctor was here they would say that it's relative. See Ranma was inside the tardis. After everyone was carried out of the Crazy lab in a way that would induce nausea to a spinning top, the martial artist prodigy decided to keep a bit of dignity and ventured in the depths of the magical phone booth to look for a place to lay down a while. Just until the room would stop spinning.

Stumbling upon a bed, she, thanks to a cold dip in the crazy lab, laid on it and closed her eyes. That is when she felt all the stress and the fatigue of the last hours fall on her. And out was the redhead. There might have been a moment when the whole room was upside down but if one was to enter the room after the gravity pull of the planet they would still hear a light snoring. Only the end of the world could wake the teen.

That is why when she opened her eyes a while later she felt... oppressed. Something powerful and not friendly was lurking. And by powerful it was something that made the phoenix god a light workout in comparaison.

"What da hell? It's like gosunkugi and the old fart level of creepyness but a ton worse!"

She then looked at the room she was in. It looked like the Nerima Wrecking Crew did a bit of decorating in here. The content of the drawers were thrown on the floor. The bed was upside down and glass shard were everywhere.

"What happened here!"

Must have been quite the fight. And quite the fighters if they could fight without waking her. She started walking among the piles of... things. On the floor walking straight toward the exit of the magic phone booth. Should have been a dead ringer of magic messing with her head. This place was a real labyrinth and with the mess around it was even worse. But somehow it was kinda hard to think.

"Uh guys! What happened here."

There was no answer. Not even a snarky "I'll tell you for ten thousand yen." But she couldn't say she was left alone. Deep inside this terrifying dark aura she could sense with absolute clarity the Kis of the weirdoes she met. Anyone would have understood it was a trap. But not Ranma. For her it was evidence that she was becoming more proficient in the Art.

She was looking at the pyramid thingie that kinda reminded her of the maian aztecan sacrificial thingies. The malevolent aura creeping around her. As if to dare her to come.

"R-Ranma Saotome never loses!"

"It's not a reason to rub it in everyone face. Baka!"

A girl voice answered back with slight irritation. One he knew all too well.


"Come on Ranma we are going to be late"

As if coming from nowhere the back of a girl with short hair appeared in front of him and started running toward the pyramid. He had no other choice than to run after her.

As he was progressing the light was coming from multiple sources. It was still night but japanese lantern were lighting the way on the stairs. If he was to raise his head he would see that the trees branch were providing a natural arch. But instead hips eyes couldn't move from the back of the schoolgirl which clothes slowly turned into a yukata.

When he reached her hand, she turned and smiled at him her cheeks red for this long run. He turned his head trying to fight the heat coming in his cheeks.

"What's the matter?"

"Nu..nuthing.... Anyway what are we here for?"

"Very funny Ranma."

She deadpanned.

"Still I am a bit jealous. You got to meet the great Xog. I heard he was going to give you something really special. "

"You mean?"

"He is a god after all. One of the elders. A curse is nothing to him."

How could he forget it Xog sama invited him for his awakening and allowed hhim to bring his family and friends to watch him rise.

"I'll say Saotome. This little first row seat is quite enough to clean your and your father debt."

A girl with bob cut hair answered. She had opted for something more westernized. A cocktail dress.

'"That's right Ranma kun. It was very nice of you to invite us."
The third one was the eldest she had longvhaired attached by a ribbon and even meeting a god was not enough to change her look for something less homely that her usual dress.

"Nah it's nuthin'"

-Damn right son! A martial artist path is fraught with abnegation!"

A fat man wearing a dirty gi, round glasses and a white kerchief on his head put his arm around the youngster shoulder. He then whispered.

"If you could leave a word about your old man to Xog sama..."

"What happened to the abnegation old man?"

"You ungrateful son!"

Another man with long hair, a brown kimono and a mustache took the saotome elder to the side.

"Now Saotome, our schools will finally be united let's celebrate!"

"I don't think this is a good idea, won't you agree dear.

A small woman looking like a mature version of ranma as a girl was looking sternly at the fat saotome. She then looked warmly at the young one.

-It is however quite manly for you to meet Xog sama. Why you will bring a lot of honour to the Saotome family name. I am proud of you!

He could feel his eyes getting watery. Damn it men don't cry. It was too good to be true!

In reality, Ramna was kinda stumbling around the street, like he just finished up at the pub on a late Friday night, and the Alabama Song by The Doors was playing in his head. "Ramna?" Alec was completely confused on where the hell he came from. He thought he was in the other TARDIS. "How did-- what!" Alec's rifle leaned down as he watched in confusion at how Ramna was acting. It would unfortunately be too good for the young man, as before Ramna knew it, he was slapped across the face as hard as possible by Alec to snap him out of it. "Ramna!" Alec shouted, holding him by the shoulder so he wouldn't fall down.

Ramna would feel a massive headache as his mind came back to reality, along with how his eyes felt strained, like he had been heavily crying for hours. "Where the hell have you been?!" Alec asked. When Ramna looked back, he'd see that Alec's eyes were a bit.... funky looking.


Alec would also notice the same for Ramna. His hands would move from his shoulders to his cheeks as he stared at the iris'. "How long have you been down here?" He also asked, worried about their conditions. The others were sure to also have this same problem.
The 11th Doctor

It really was tempting fate. No sooner had the Doctor opened his mouth than an explosion of green fire rocked the whole landing, followed by a building colliding with their stairwell. A building! And the Timelord had just the misfortune to stumble and stagger before promptly tumbling off the side of the stairs.


Instead, the 11th Doctor hung on to the side of the stairs by his finger tips. Dangling over the edge, he had the most remarkable view of catastrophe below as well as disaster above. All around, this planet wasn't particularly hospitable and that was going by the Doctor's experience, which really said something. With a bit of a groan, he swung his legs and slowly began working his way back up onto the stairs.

Just as green fire dripped from above, from possibly blazing buildings or just conjured forth by a particularly irate formerly sleeping God. Huffing, the Doctor struggled mightily to get back onto solid ground, even as the consumptive flames poured through the air, threatening to set everyone and everything a blaze.
The 13th Doctor - Character Sheet

Thirteens actions in reaction to the DNA extraction mirror Eleven's. Would make for a good vaudeville act even with the horrific beings that surround them.

"Keep it clenched, that ought to be fine until we get back to the TARDIS." Thirteen says in response to Eleven asking if anyone had a towel or bandage. Sure her coat could be ripped and used for that purpose, but it was her coat at the same time.

She does not share his optimism as he asks if this was it, that they would be free to go, because she had felt the shaking and seen Nux and the servants chanting. The pain in their hands were the very least of their concerns. When the screaming began, Thirteen clenches both hands to her ears and is running before Eleven even needs to yell at her.

The two run, dodge danger like they have countless times before. Thirteen only smiles at his questions about if she does this or that.

"Of course! There are some things that don't change between regenerations!" She replies. They reunite with the others.

"Excellent it worked! Sort of! Couldn't have anticipated the rest." Thirteen rattles off her conclusion as their plan had worked indeed. At least to them. The lot keeps running, with Tsunade electing herself as the bodyguard for both Doctors. Thirteen does not like to see the admittedly monstrous beings that get in their way being slashed, or pummeled for their trouble. But what could be done? Pause their escape to reprimand the mighty Tsunade and tell her to be non-lethal or else? This was no time or place to make some heartfelt speech about pacifism. So Thirteen keeps quiet.

"Home free! I think I see the-" Thirteen yells and then screams just as the group is nearly hit by a collapsing building and bombarded with green fire. She utters a 'oof' when Tsunade grabs hold of her tight then screams as they nearly fly through the air. Some flames get much too close for comfort, why she screams in fear and surprise, and the thrill of the jumps make her scream in surprised joy until they come to rest, at least temporarily, to rescue Eleven.

"Oh there you are!" Thirteen waves down at Eleven.

Awakening John Wick was successful. Very successful as evident by the man shooting and killing a few of the creatures around them in quick succession. Behind John was a large and nasty-looking one that reached to bring him in for an equally quick dismemberment. John feels Tsunade pass him as a quick gust of wind; hears a wet 'squelch' and a pained roar as Tsunade punches the thing in it's chest hard enough to not only collapse it's torso but send it flying back. The crowd of its fellows trample its remains as they advance on them.

Her shoulder is grabbed and Tsunade almost slugs Alisita right in the face.

"I have might to spare, and a medic!" She tells Alistia and nods. "Now let's get back to the ships."

Tsunade from then on acts as a swift battering ram through the horde as the group came together and made their way to the twin TARDIS, following personal recollection of the path for the most part as they ascended the stairs. It was hard to keep your footing at times; She is sure-footed and navigates them well. Tsunade does not punch, kick, or slice with her lightsaber without getting harmed herself, but none are more serious than a deep slash that was deflected by her armored midsection.

"Behind me, Doctor." She says to the Time Lady and Lord when they are reunited. She had been made aware of The Doctor holding true to not committing any kind of violence, but this situation would not permit a nonviolent approach for long. This was good; they were all together and surely, the stairs were going to end soon and they would be at the ships and on their way.

An explosion of green fire and the impact of a building scatters them suddenly. Tsunade grabs onto Thirteen with an arm around her hip and keeps her clutched tight. She is not as successful in grasping Eleven before he is separated from the rest by the building; but she manages to leap high and fast enough to avoid the rain of green fire, get around the building and to where Eleven dangles from a ledge. All the while Thirteen screams in either terror or joy, Tsunade can't make sense of these Doctors at times.

"Doctor!" Tsunade reaches down to grab Eleven by the wrist and pull him up with her immense strength.

Smoke filled the air around the three as the fire behind them continued; completely blinding them of their surroundings like a heavy fog. They would hear something begin to approach them, not footsteps, but wet slithering. It encircled the trio, before suddenly a screaming noise deafened them. Three glowing green lights appeared around them in a triangular form, emitting sonic waves of intense screams, as some sort of prayer chanted softly. It was more of those strange looking priests, holding what looked like lanterns, or glowing incense dispensers.


The sound was aimed right at Tsunade, causing her headache to become unbearably painful, and her eyes to feel like they were being stabbed with knives. Another creature approached, this one much more different from the other three.


It stood 8-9 feet tall, and looked like it was going to bite off her head.

Dusk was covered in alien blood at this point from the amount of cultic aliens he was killing. Strangely, it was almost boring in terms of how the battle was going down. This was a new feeling he hadn't felt before, as for most of his life had been filled with a sort of stress that he kept within himself. It didn't matter, as the group was slowly retreating backwards and up a set of stairs. Callintus was somewhere in the mix, also defending the group from these creatures. It was good to know someone else was suffering through these things. Before the group could retreat any more though, a loud boom blew out from behind Dusk. He turned to see a building had smashed in the group's way, and now green fire was raining down from above. Dusk got hit in the shoulder with blazing heat as it burned through his clothes and down to his paper white skin. His cloak also was engulfed in a green flame, engulfing dusk in heat. No damage came of it though, as Dusk immediately threw it to the side. For some reason his shoulder still hurt though. On most occasions, his wounds would heal in the span of a few seconds or minutes in some cases, but this pain wasn't subsiding. His skin was bubbling, as if it itself had grown a mind of its own and was now trying to escape the pain. It hurt extremely. Dusk gripped the area, letting out an inhuman scream as he backed into the doorway of a nearby building. It was most certainly noticeable among the other alien screeches of death.


Trigger was all for running away since the moment the group had arrived on the planet. He didn't trust the locals, or even the architecture. He happily blind fired behind him, relishing the fact that he was right about all of this. The more he thought about it though, the more his hands ached with a burning sensation. When the building finally fell on the stairs, he could barely hold up his gun from the pain. He looked around, and pulled the nearest person inside of a building. If he was going to get separated from the group and attacked by cultists, he was at least going to bring backup. The person nearest to him was apparently Alista. Trigger quickly tugged her shoulder shouting "Get inside before your head gets burned off!" this was followed up by the sound of Dusk's pain. "Like that," Trigger finished.
Green fire. Green fire mixed with Lavaetain's own red near the limits of the explosion she had caused. That meant that, somehow, she had gotten Borax mixed in with her flames or, much more likely, there was something arcane at work here. She wasn't a bloody fool. She was a trained fire mages. Anti-fire spells existed in theory, of course, spells designed to nullify a fire mages immunities and let them roast in their own flame. She had learned about the spells more of a general exercise into fire magic than anything practical for two very simple reasons. The first being that there was nothing about such spells that mundane items couldn't do faster, better, and without using precious magic so long as you knew you were fighting a fire mage which, if you knew those spells at all, you knew you were going to. Secondly, for all the hype and talk about barriers and warded clothes and everything it was still far easier and more likely to succeed to just run up to a mage in a suicidal headlong charge and try to rip their clothes off to remove their immunity than deal with any form of dedicated anti-fire magic spell. However that didn't mean she was, somehow, an idiot who would willingly walk right into strange fire on an alien world in a different dimension simply because such a spell was impractical in her own world. So long as she stood in the red, it was hard to breath, yes, but she was otherwise unphased by the flame. She wagered that would not continue to be the case if that changed and she stood in the green.

That didn't solve the problem of the fact that she now had to rush to try and get through to the others now. So she did the only thing she could think of and took off running, trying to find a way around or through the fire and debris. Her barriers couldn't deflect BFT so if the debris hit her she'd feel it for certain, but that didn't mean there weren't other ways around and, if all else failed...

The image of her flying through the air with fire shooting from the palms of her hands and soles of her feet flashed to mind. It was stupid, yes, and she'd never even consider it normally... but it had to be better than getting left behind!


Red magic was different than white or black magic. Alistia had no clue why it was called that but she knew the reasons why. It dealt with using magic in a multitude of ways including enhancing the body magically for swordplay. It didn't forsake either school though which is why, as Tsunade took the cut, a healing spell was instantly upon her and then, feeling the aether inside of her and hearing Dusk's cries of pain, she did the only thing she could think of doing on reflex and shot a Vercure his form. However, before she could get to helping Tsunade with the ducktor she felt Trigger's pull on her shoulder. Tsunade was strong. She'd be putting herself in harms way for no reason. Quickly she nodded and went with Trigger's tug to get back to the Tardis.


Whelp. Nothing for it it seemed. Not with all the flame and debris in the air. Closing her eyes Lavaetain dismissed her sword, pointed her hands down at the ground and kicked off her shoes, and conjured up all the fire she could manage to try and launch herself up and over the debris and buildings in a move normally reserved for the terminally insane.

The house Trigger and Alistia were in would also collapse, with a back door out of it nearby to escape. However, when outside, they were once again alone in a street made of stairs that led up. The city seemed never ending. Yet, their troubles were beneath them, as the ground started to shake violently once more, with cracks forming around their feet. The ground was about to give-way, and plung them down god knows how far into the planet where Xog was.


Dusk found himself in the same house with Wick and Amy; John pushing Mrs. Pond into the building like Alec did with her husband. Like the others, their house also started to collapse, but there wasn't a back door, only one leading to another building to their left. "Amy!" Rory's faint shout could be heard. "Rory!" Amy shouted back, hoping her husband could hear. Without much choice, John quickly said, "C'mon!" And rushed to kick the door open. Amy followed suit, following Wick into the darkened house. As the house collapsed besides them, the door closed shut by itself, and the three were standing in darkness for a few seconds. Light returned, but the scenery had changed.


John was confused by the change, but Amy wasn't. She knew what this place was. A place where she gave birth to her child. The worst day of her life. Where she was held hostage by those wanting to bring 'silence.' "Oh no...." Amy muttered, frozen in place.

"Amy?" John asked.

"I know this place..... I know this place...." Her hands began to shake from fear. Demon's Run. When a good man goes to war. "No.... No no nonononononono!!!" The lights began to flicker, and all around them they could hear footsteps and a strange inhuman creaking noise. Amy fell backwards into a metal box, and John quickly rushed over to her.

"Amy, Amy!" He said, holding her hands by the wrists lightly so she could see him. "This isn't real! This place is messing with our heads, we need to keep moving!" He implored her, to which Amy noticed John's eyes.

"John, your eyes." She told him.


Lava's jump was met with resistance. As she flew up into the air to dodge the flames, what created them flew by.

Looking up, the ceiling had several of this horrific creatures flying down as the world shook from Xog's awakening. The one that passed her quickly turned around to face the young woman, and tried blasting her in the face with more green fire, with two more diving down with their mouths open to take a bite. Ryan was the only one who was close enough to see everything happening, and probably be the only one to help assist her against these creatures.
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Well things just kept getting worse as time went on. Trigger successfully got Alista into a nearby building thinking that it was safe shelter. It was definitely not safe shelter, as soon after the two began hiding from the flames the walls began to crumble. Stone cracked and fell, and Trigger knew that it was time to leave. "Well fuck," Trigger said, turning to the nearest door and kicking it down. What lied beyond the opening was more of the stone city. Trigger looked to his right, seeing that the entire ground was beginning to collapse into something deep below. Trigger want to neither know what was under the ground nor why it was happening, he only knew that it was an indication that he and Alista should be running. "You wouldn't happen to know any ways to make us run faster w- Ah shit!" Trigger went to ask Alista if she had any useful spells, but panic overtook him as the cracks approached and he turned and ran up the stairs.


Dusk's experience was somewhat more confusing than Trigger's, as it involved entering a new plane that was unlike the rest of the city. It seemed to be some sort of factory room that would be inside a large complex. Large fluorescent lights lit up the environment, but it still felt dim due to the size of the room absorbing most of the light like a black hole. Dusk had entered the room with Wick and Amy, both companions he had barely interacted with since joining the group. With that, it was probably impossible to guess who Dusk was in his new form. Dusk didn't take this into account however. Once Amy entered the room she seemed to have a visceral reaction to it. Some instinctual fear brought up from past trauma. While Wick handled Amy in her panic, Dusk went about investigating the room. He looked at one of the main boiler-looking containers in the center of the room. The material it was made of reflected a great amount of the light in the room, and mirrored Dusk's own face. Something seemed off about it, other than it being different than his previous one, the eyes looked to be elongated in some way. The pupils resembled that of a frog, stretched out horizontally. Every once in a while they pulsated, trying to morph back into their original shape but failing in the attempt.
His thoughts were soon interrupted by Amy falling over a box, followed by a strange creaking sound, like a snake hissing and rattling its tail. Dusk, who had sheath his sword at this point on his hip, gripped the handle and prepared for another monster. "An exit would be most useful once you two are done," Dusk commented as he put his back to the two in a defensive stance. He sounded very particular about his words, like they were foreign to him and he had not learned the slang part of the language.
  • Thank You
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The 13th Doctor - Character Sheet

"Brilliant!" Thirteen exclaims and smiles at Eleventh's rescue. "Now let's jump on over-Owwww!" She tenses up as they are suddenly assaulted by a sonic attack. From those priests that had been in the chamber? Was hard to tell as her eyes were even vibrating. She presses her face into Tsunade's body to try and stifle the debilitating effects; it doesn't, but the softness is a little comforting enough to get her mind a little more clear enough to formulate a plan.

Her hand juts upward holding her sonic screwdriver. The gem lights up and it emits two signals; the first is a counter-frequency to try and nullify the priests; the second is a signal to Eleventh's screwdriver to do the same as it was unlikely one was sufficient for the first task.

The Eleventh Doctor is saved from the fall easily, but the trio's escape is blocked on all sides. Her first reflex is to drop both Doctors to cover her ears against the ear-numbing sound; Tsunade bypasses it to uphold her personal mandate to protect them. She holds them close to her body to try and shield them from the soundwaves while she tries to formulate what to do before their attackers resort to more physical violence. As-is she is frozen in place by the sonic force feeling her body vibrate and experiencing a pain like what she had endured at the prison.

@Epiphany. @Wade Von Doom
  • Bucket of Rainbows
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How many times did Ranma ever feel like that? Right now he was drawing a blank. Not that he was thinking exactly or even remotely along these lines. Faithful to the Saotome creed he was going to milk this situation for all its worth.

And suddenly everything disappeared leaving the Saotome heir lost with a burning feeling on the cheek. Then came the headache, it wasn't as skull splitting as a meeting with mallet sama but there was a rythmic throbbing that made the shape in front of his eyes harder to focus. It didn't help that he felt a strain in his eyes. Like he had cried for hours.

Then the picture became clearer. There was this guy who was too much cured looking at him with a bit of panic in his eyes. What was his name again... Something not too generic but not too exotic either. Tarou or something like that. Also now that he couod see him up close this guy had like wonky double eyes.

-I dunno. I was in the big thingy ahem training then there was this massive evil ki, like the old fart time I dunno. Then I found myself here. Also where the hell are we!.

Now that he could see, there was nothing he could identify as even remotely familiar. Underground city with big structures it was like inserting Tokyo in Jusendo but a darker gloomier cave. Also the evil ki was permeating everything making it damn near impossible to feel any other ki.

There was also the matter of the green burning flame. Magic, definitely magic. And you never trust magic. He could also see plant girl and another guy. Wait did plant girl get younger?

"You didn't eat any mushroom didja?"
  • Haha
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Zhen stood up his body raked in ashen and red smoldering lines after finally putting Reegan out. There was a faint gibbering surrounding his mind but not from the creatures. He stopped to listen and focus the flakes of armor sprouting from edges of the hole in his back as he did so. Rory's question was a pertinent one. Simple. Thus so a simple answer came to him to answer it as the moment of calm shut out the world but not the endless banter. The noise was coming from Reegan.

In confirmation of the thought when Rory picked Reegan from the floor, something Zhen could not himself do, noises ceased their echo. Broadcast up from the new depths of his formless mind. A passage through the earth by his new source entity now closed.

The skull floating in inky black says in a placid tone from moving bone even as he evacuates with the rest of them, "You are the soul your impermanent flesh can hear. What is flesh that hungers but has no soul to speak noble truths?"

Reegan's head lolled as she regained her composure in Rory's arms the yellow of her eyes flickering then remaining steady, "Gghh eeeh hah.. oh.. it hurts. I... who're you? You... I don't know your name? Maybe. Eyes of sovengarde. centurion of the end? No... no... wrong. close. It's so hard to hear the dreamsleeve. they're so loud. so loud. The Blessed are all tired. I can't feel my arm."

Simple thoughts lead to complex ones as Zhen added while Alec woke Ranma, "The creatures Reegan's legs became are corrupt I think. I expect the hundreds of noises I can hear coming from her mind are those creatures aching for the reaper's spark they were cleaved from. They are a disease of reapers without a conscience spreading with every new cleave. Whatever the other Doctor did, Xog is not the only problem."

The deafening noise from the priest interrupted and trained reflexes slid one foot backward as Zhen took a defensive stance. A biotic barrier shot up from the ground with the sway of one hand. Though it did have holes in it much like Zhen still did. With his patron spirit damaged, he could not heal himself with strength she did not have. A laser pistol flared into his other hand. Though he disliked pistols for much the same reason the doctor did his inner spirit told him the present had changed. The weapon flared with something other than warp energy boiling up from within Reegan.
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  • Nice Execution!
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A Monster

The dragonkin-monster mindlessly followed the scent of life energy carried by the Doctors and their friends through the warped landscape. However, the twisted nature of the spaces within and the eldritch being's followers kept getting in its way. So it simply smashed and tore and bit and clawed its way through anything that got in the way of the prize its base instincts so very keenly yearned for.

Any wounds made on the monster's body healed as it continued its bloodshed and consumed those vile followers that got in its way. Such was the nature of Ayana's "Blessing", to consume foreign energies and magics and use them to grow in power- to try and create an unstoppable monster out of a lowly mortal frame.

It roared as it stumbled and clawed its way up the stairs that the others had fled up...

- - - - - - - - -


Following the stairs in this weird place, Ayana came across another platform with an image in stained glass.

This time the image was of her second "family", the band of thieves and lowlives that she was lucky enough to somehow fall in with. The ones within the eventually rose within the ranks by the simple virtue of sticking around long enough (not getting thrown in jail or dying) and having more common sense than the average slum-dweller.

Once again the hooded figure appeared, standing there for a moment before vanishing again- just as an angrily thrown dagger passed through where it was.

"Face me damnit!" she screeched.

As if in response, she heard that whispering voice again, "To the one... who would follow the path of kings... you must be brave and your heart strong and true..."

As the voice died down, there was a bright flash of light-

- - - - -

-and Ayana found herself standing among the burning wreckage of her home city, undead corpses and soldiers shambling about mindlessly.

"...I deliver unto you... this trial..." the voice whispered as the undead milling about one by one began to take notice of Ayana and screeched their ghastly wails as they charged at her.

What's worse, as the undead drew closer she could somewhat recognize their faces- or rather, what their faces used to be. As well, all their eyes glowed with a baleful yellow light...

Anger boiled up in her heart, driving to meet the undead's charge with one of her own. She drove her sword clean through the undead bodies again and again, cleaving them from limb to limb in her rage.

Minutes later, she stood upon a pile of fallen undead- panting heavily from the exertion.

In the distance, she heard clanking armored footsteps.

She knew, deep down- that here and now in the middle of this spell that had brought her back to this hated part of her memories... it could only be one thing- the Dread Knight. And the other undead she had fought, its eyes too glowed with a baleful yellow light.

The bastard, the monster that had killed her before. That had killed most of her new family. The bastard that she had finally gotten revenge on nearly a year later and she had no qualms about putting that thing back in the dirt once more- even if it probably wasn't the real thing.

With a heave and without a second thought, she raised her blade and clashed against the phantasmal copy of it that the Dread Knight's. After all, that is where she had originally looted it from.

But there was a problem...

...This time... This time she was alone in this fight.

Nevertheless, she stood her ground and fought. It didn't matter that she was alone this time, that the thing was much more skilled with its blade than she was. She gave it her all, defending against blow after blow that hammered against her sword and pushed her back. When her body started giving out under the brute force behind the blows, when she could barely stand- she got up aways.

With the rage filling her body, she didn't think to run away and hide- to find a better way of beating this foe. (Last time, she had only beaten the thing thanks to cooperation from some friends and some underhanded trickery.)

When she was pushed to her limits, to her last few undying breaths- she got up once more and on some sort of impulse swung her blade to meet the blade of her foe.

Unexpectedly, there was an explosion of force at the point where their blades met and her foe was sent flying backward from the blow. Rising properly to her feet, Ayana looked down at the sword in her hand to find that instead of what she was expecting- she was holding that damn Keyblade from earlier.

Is that... is that what all this had been about? This damned Keyblade thing?

Nevertheless, she felt her strength return to her limbs and stood strong once more- ready to put this ghost from her past back to rest.
  • Sweet
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The 11th Doctor

@Amber Franklin
Tsunade's rescue is timely indeed! The 11th Doctor gives 13 a cheery wave while clinging precariously to the broken stairway with his other hand. And then the charming young woman with his future self happens to pick him up as if he were a child's toy left lying on the ground somewhere. The Time Lord gives a surprised whoop as he's hauled right up onto the landing.

"Right! Well done. I-"

@Wade Von Doom
The 11th Doctor pauses as he's torn between commenting on his other self's remarks (the very words he might have said next)...and then being just as stunned as she is by the sudden sonic attack from the censer-bearing priests. Or perhaps he's just struck with admiration at the notion of a species that's appropriated an antique piece of technology intended to deliver an olfactory payload and repurpose it instead to deliver an audible payload instead.

Admiration's much easier once Thirteen's attempt at counter-frequency modulation. With his head clearing, Eleven raises his own sonic screwdriver...before grinning with a certain fey delight. "Oh, you lot. Marvelous idea, amplifying and weaponizing prayer. Very nearly the exact opposite of what prayer's allegedly for. Funny thing about sound, though."

His screwdriver pulses as its signal joins with Thirteens, muffling the sonic screams...or perhaps setting up a sonic barrier that absorbs them. "Yes, you can send out a counter-signal, a wave that undercuts another wave and diminishes it to nothing. But waves can also be-" And suddenly his sonic screwdriver changes modulation, creating a unique interaction with Thirteen's sonic effect. A nigh-visible sonic field thrums into existence and-

"Reflected, ha ha!" Like a magician who has unveiled his latest trick, the Time Lord takes another step forward and waves his sonic like a teacher's laser pointer as if illustrating the point he's making on a nonexistent whiteboard. "It's physics. Create a flat or plane surface and you can reflect sound waves in such a way that the angle at which the wave approaches the surface equals the angle at which the wave leaves the surface. Flat's boring, though. Let's see what happens when you make the reflecting walls...parabolic."

And just as that nine foot tall monstrosity steps up to join the priests in their nefarious plot, a final modulation of the screwdriver reshapes the sonic reflectors put out by both screwdrivers...and all of the incoming sonic screams are channeled, funneled and focused onto a single point; the newest creature come to make trouble.
Shirou and Samuel ran for their lives with the rest of the group as the Doctors rejoined them from wherever they had disappeared to, quickly leading them back to the landing site for the TARDIS. They ended up having to take another route due to hostile creatures cutting off their original path.

Before they could proceed any further however, an explosion of searing, bright green fire erupted between the Doctors and the rest of their group, cutting them off as it rapidly began to spread all over the area. The group was forced to split up and take cover in the stone buildings hewn into the rock columns and cliff faces of this subterranean city.

Shirou found himself in the same building as John Wick, Amy, and Dusk. The all-consuming green flames began to consume the very bedrock that made up the supporting structure of the building, a crumbling tremor shaking the walls and ceiling as it began to collapse. John kicked down a door leading into another section of the stone complex, quickly ushering them through as they narrowly avoided being crushed.

For a moment they were stuck in pitch black darkness, but then the lights came on...revealing some sort of modern-looking industrial facility. It looked like it could have been from anywhere on Earth, but Amy seemed to recognize it, to her horror. As John tried to calm her down, a sudden, deep headache overcame Shirou, causing him to double over in pain, crying out as he gripped his head. It felt like his skull might explode.

The pain then began to recede, but when the young man opened his eyes again...everything was distorted, out of focus, split up into warped, overlapping fields of view. If anyone looked at his eyes, they would see that his pupils appeared to have distorted into a 'figure 8' shape, even moreso than the others.

"I...I can't see clearly anymore. Everything looks wrong," Shirou spoke up, trying to keep a level voice as he heard movement and creaking nearby, instinctively summoning his twin blades into his hands, his heart hammering in his chest. "I won't be able to fire my swords like this, too much risk of hitting one of you. I'll have to fight at melee range."

He tried his best to control his breathing and draw on more of his magic senses, trying to perceive any disturbances that could give away an approaching foe. He was nowhere near as good at it as mages with formal training and talent for it, but it had saved his life before. He desperately hoped it would work here too.

* * * * *

Meanwhile, Samuel ended up with Trigger and Alistia, stumbling as the very earth shook violently, with fissures beginning to rip open thunderously all around them. Trigger cursed as the they began to flee up the giant stairwell, and Samuel quickly followed suit, swearing violently as he leapt up the stairs in bounding strides, desperately tried to avoid getting swallowed up by the collapsing ground.

As if that wasn't bad enough, some sort of flying, winged horrors had begun to swoop down from the earth roof of the massive cavern, spewing more of that terrifying green fire at their companions. And they could do nothing about it, as they were fully occupied trying to avoid falling to their deaths.

Samuel had never felt more weak and mortal without his mech as he did in this moment. He would have given anything to be back in the cockpit right now.
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As Nomad climbed the steps with the others, The Last Word clutched in his hand, firing at any creature that dared to get close. But soon a building came crashing down, forcing everyone to jump off the stairs onto intact buildings' roofs or to slip into adjacent buildings in hopes of not only dodging the debris from the fallen building, but to avoid the green flames that threatened to take them any moment.

Not wanting to be alone, he took after John, Amy, Shirou and someone that looked awfully similar to Dusk if he was human but with horns, their surroundings changing to that of a facility that looked to be in use even now without a single living soul beyond the three of them.

But something was off about their new surroundings, though neither Nomad nor his Ghost could see it. He certainly felt it. His eyes began to feel as if though someone had taken a needle and was stirring his eyes like a paint jar. Wasn't painful much, but just really weird feeling. John and Amy's eyes looked as if though they had gained two irises for each eyeball.

Eye Dee Kay voiced through Nomad's speakers. "Nomad's Ghost here, I'm detecting a rapid change to physiological status in most of you. I cannot possibly know to what extent this can reach, but I'd advice for everyone to get back to that TARDIS. Or these changes will only get worse, or more permanent."

@Wade Von Doom @Wiggin

The man known as Jacket continued his rampage while following the group. Bashing skulls and unleashing hot lead into the creatures around the group and himself. His anger still burning hot inside of him. He didn't care how many he killed, nothing would quell the rage for the blight the denizens had done unto him.

It'd be one thing to lie to him, but to so blatantly pretend to be his dead best friend to get him to let his guard down. He'd drown the whole damned city in blood. The odd stirring in his eyes was thought little of, for he assumed that his rage caused his body to spasm and shake with the bubbling anger in his very being.

But as he followed the group, they were separated by a falling building and green flames, and while the others split off. Jacket ran after Trigger, Alista and Samuel through a building that soon collapsed after Jacket dived through the door, barely avoiding being crushed. Their path found them another way up. Far below them, the hellish city was falling apart. And looking at it caused Jacket's head to swim and hurt that only his rage caused him to look away as it dissipated into cold fear.

They needed to get to that blue police box now.

@Snowtwo @Wiggin
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  • Spicy
Reactions: Epiphany
How many times did Ranma ever feel like that? Right now he was drawing a blank. Not that he was thinking exactly or even remotely along these lines. Faithful to the Saotome creed he was going to milk this situation for all its worth.

And suddenly everything disappeared leaving the Saotome heir lost with a burning feeling on the cheek. Then came the headache, it wasn't as skull splitting as a meeting with mallet sama but there was a rythmic throbbing that made the shape in front of his eyes harder to focus. It didn't help that he felt a strain in his eyes. Like he had cried for hours.

Then the picture became clearer. There was this guy who was too much cured looking at him with a bit of panic in his eyes. What was his name again... Something not too generic but not too exotic either. Tarou or something like that. Also now that he couod see him up close this guy had like wonky double eyes.

-I dunno. I was in the big thingy ahem training then there was this massive evil ki, like the old fart time I dunno. Then I found myself here. Also where the hell are we!.

Now that he could see, there was nothing he could identify as even remotely familiar. Underground city with big structures it was like inserting Tokyo in Jusendo but a darker gloomier cave. Also the evil ki was permeating everything making it damn near impossible to feel any other ki.

There was also the matter of the green burning flame. Magic, definitely magic. And you never trust magic. He could also see plant girl and another guy. Wait did plant girl get younger?

"You didn't eat any mushroom didja?"

"..... What?!" Like Alec understood a word he said. "Mushrooms, why the hell-- Never mind, we gotta get back to the TARDIS and fast, there's shit down here you do not wanna run intAH!" Alec shouted out, nearly falling over onto Ramna as his right eye felt like it just popped like a balloon. Using his hands, he lightly touched his eyelid to make sure it was there, and thankfully it was, just sensitive to even the smallest poke from his index finger. Although, alarmingly, he feel something dribble down his chin from his eye. Blood. he wiped it up with his hand to see. "Ooooh, that's not good." He muttered aloud.

Zhen stood up his body raked in ashen and red smoldering lines after finally putting Reegan out. There was a faint gibbering surrounding his mind but not from the creatures. He stopped to listen and focus the flakes of armor sprouting from edges of the hole in his back as he did so. Rory's question was a pertinent one. Simple. Thus so a simple answer came to him to answer it as the moment of calm shut out the world but not the endless banter. The noise was coming from Reegan.

In confirmation of the thought when Rory picked Reegan from the floor, something Zhen could not himself do, noises ceased their echo. Broadcast up from the new depths of his formless mind. A passage through the earth by his new source entity now closed.

The skull floating in inky black says in a placid tone from moving bone even as he evacuates with the rest of them, "You are the soul your impermanent flesh can hear. What is flesh that hungers but has no soul to speak noble truths?"

Reegan's head lolled as she regained her composure in Rory's arms the yellow of her eyes flickering then remaining steady, "Gghh eeeh hah.. oh.. it hurts. I... who're you? You... I don't know your name? Maybe. Eyes of sovengarde. centurion of the end? No... no... wrong. close. It's so hard to hear the dreamsleeve. they're so loud. so loud. The Blessed are all tired. I can't feel my arm."

Simple thoughts lead to complex ones as Zhen added while Alec woke Ranma, "The creatures Reegan's legs became are corrupt I think. I expect the hundreds of noises I can hear coming from her mind are those creatures aching for the reaper's spark they were cleaved from. They are a disease of reapers without a conscience spreading with every new cleave. Whatever the other Doctor did, Xog is not the only problem."

The deafening noise from the priest interrupted and trained reflexes slid one foot backward as Zhen took a defensive stance. A biotic barrier shot up from the ground with the sway of one hand. Though it did have holes in it much like Zhen still did. With his patron spirit damaged, he could not heal himself with strength she did not have. A laser pistol flared into his other hand. Though he disliked pistols for much the same reason the doctor did his inner spirit told him the present had changed. The weapon flared with something other than warp energy boiling up from within Reegan.

"Centurion of the end?" Rory asked aloud. Was that something else, or did she actually know something about his past as a Centurion? The question would have to be answered later, right now, she seemed dazed and confused, and needed some help. "Rory, my name's Rory, and we will get you help once we're back in the TARDIS. What I want you to do right now is focus on me, and do your best to, because whatever is going through your thoughts, it's only trying to hurt you more. Okay?" He told Reegan. He hadn't a clue how to help her in reality, but no matter what species, he was still a nurse, and would do his best to help her under any circumstances. "S-Sorry, not the only problem?" Rory quickly asked Zhen. He had completely forgotten about Reegan's unfortunate offspring. Where were they, actually, they kinda just wondered off once they entered the city.

"I think we.... should probably just keep moving." Alec tried saying, but the headache had become unbearable, like spikes were trying to stab their way through his skull from his brain.

"Oh my god!" Rory quickly ran over to see to Alec as well. "What happened?!"

"This." Alec pointed to the double irises. "You have it too. So does he." He pointed back to Ramna. "I think the city's doing this..... and it's gettin' worse." The Scotsman started getting wobbly on his feet, and Rory quickly grabbed his arm to keep him steady.

"Alec, can you see out of that eye?" Rory asked carefully.

"Um.... No..... Bit blurry in the other one too." Alec answered.

"Okay, focus on this." Rory put up his first finger a foot away from Alec's face and slowly moved it side to side. Alec was just about able to make it out as he watched it. "Alright, you still have enough vision left to see clearly, just stay close to me, and whatever.... happens..." Rory stopped speaking once he realized the alleys started glowing green with flames. Not from above like before. Torches. There was a mob approaching them from behind Alec. Turning around, more were coming, chanting like when the city began to shake. Every alleyway was glowing green and covered with disfigured shadows, except for one, leading down. They didn't have much choice. "C'mon!" Rory shouted to everyone, make a run for the empty alley.


The 13th Doctor - Character Sheet

"Brilliant!" Thirteen exclaims and smiles at Eleventh's rescue. "Now let's jump on over-Owwww!" She tenses up as they are suddenly assaulted by a sonic attack. From those priests that had been in the chamber? Was hard to tell as her eyes were even vibrating. She presses her face into Tsunade's body to try and stifle the debilitating effects; it doesn't, but the softness is a little comforting enough to get her mind a little more clear enough to formulate a plan.

Her hand juts upward holding her sonic screwdriver. The gem lights up and it emits two signals; the first is a counter-frequency to try and nullify the priests; the second is a signal to Eleventh's screwdriver to do the same as it was unlikely one was sufficient for the first task.

The Eleventh Doctor is saved from the fall easily, but the trio's escape is blocked on all sides. Her first reflex is to drop both Doctors to cover her ears against the ear-numbing sound; Tsunade bypasses it to uphold her personal mandate to protect them. She holds them close to her body to try and shield them from the soundwaves while she tries to formulate what to do before their attackers resort to more physical violence. As-is she is frozen in place by the sonic force feeling her body vibrate and experiencing a pain like what she had endured at the prison.

@Epiphany. @Wade Von Doom
The 11th Doctor

@Amber Franklin
Tsunade's rescue is timely indeed! The 11th Doctor gives 13 a cheery wave while clinging precariously to the broken stairway with his other hand. And then the charming young woman with his future self happens to pick him up as if he were a child's toy left lying on the ground somewhere. The Time Lord gives a surprised whoop as he's hauled right up onto the landing.

"Right! Well done. I-"

@Wade Von Doom
The 11th Doctor pauses as he's torn between commenting on his other self's remarks (the very words he might have said next)...and then being just as stunned as she is by the sudden sonic attack from the censer-bearing priests. Or perhaps he's just struck with admiration at the notion of a species that's appropriated an antique piece of technology intended to deliver an olfactory payload and repurpose it instead to deliver an audible payload instead.

Admiration's much easier once Thirteen's attempt at counter-frequency modulation. With his head clearing, Eleven raises his own sonic screwdriver...before grinning with a certain fey delight. "Oh, you lot. Marvelous idea, amplifying and weaponizing prayer. Very nearly the exact opposite of what prayer's allegedly for. Funny thing about sound, though."

His screwdriver pulses as its signal joins with Thirteens, muffling the sonic screams...or perhaps setting up a sonic barrier that absorbs them. "Yes, you can send out a counter-signal, a wave that undercuts another wave and diminishes it to nothing. But waves can also be-" And suddenly his sonic screwdriver changes modulation, creating a unique interaction with Thirteen's sonic effect. A nigh-visible sonic field thrums into existence and-

"Reflected, ha ha!" Like a magician who has unveiled his latest trick, the Time Lord takes another step forward and waves his sonic like a teacher's laser pointer as if illustrating the point he's making on a nonexistent whiteboard. "It's physics. Create a flat or plane surface and you can reflect sound waves in such a way that the angle at which the wave approaches the surface equals the angle at which the wave leaves the surface. Flat's boring, though. Let's see what happens when you make the reflecting walls...parabolic."

And just as that nine foot tall monstrosity steps up to join the priests in their nefarious plot, a final modulation of the screwdriver reshapes the sonic reflectors put out by both screwdrivers...and all of the incoming sonic screams are channeled, funneled and focused onto a single point; the newest creature come to make trouble.

The doctor's managed to focus the sonic sounds just in time, as the creature was just about to chomp off Tsunade's head with its large mouth. Due to the sonic screwdrivers, the sounds would become violent to the creature and deafen it, as it shouted out in pain from its senses being shouted at from all sides, both blinding it, and making it stumble backwards slightly. Tsunade now had a chance to counter-attack. But, small problem. Like the others, her irises had changed. Not doubled, but tripled like a triangle. Her hands, now oozing with some sort of slime lightly, had morphed. They were fins now between each finger, and they felt flexible. Like there were no longer any bones, or rather, they turned to jelly, as she could naturally move each one backwards further than any human could. Her tongue as well, she couldn't feel it, like it was numb. If she stuck it out, she'd noticed it grown a few inches, and looked like a tentacle.

The priests chant was to increase her mutations. The priests did not take kindly to the doctor's interference, as two charged at them with knives drawn, while the third tried to continue with Tsunade; the sonic sound now so much weaker.


Dusk's experience was somewhat more confusing than Trigger's, as it involved entering a new plane that was unlike the rest of the city. It seemed to be some sort of factory room that would be inside a large complex. Large fluorescent lights lit up the environment, but it still felt dim due to the size of the room absorbing most of the light like a black hole. Dusk had entered the room with Wick and Amy, both companions he had barely interacted with since joining the group. With that, it was probably impossible to guess who Dusk was in his new form. Dusk didn't take this into account however. Once Amy entered the room she seemed to have a visceral reaction to it. Some instinctual fear brought up from past trauma. While Wick handled Amy in her panic, Dusk went about investigating the room. He looked at one of the main boiler-looking containers in the center of the room. The material it was made of reflected a great amount of the light in the room, and mirrored Dusk's own face. Something seemed off about it, other than it being different than his previous one, the eyes looked to be elongated in some way. The pupils resembled that of a frog, stretched out horizontally. Every once in a while they pulsated, trying to morph back into their original shape but failing in the attempt.
His thoughts were soon interrupted by Amy falling over a box, followed by a strange creaking sound, like a snake hissing and rattling its tail. Dusk, who had sheath his sword at this point on his hip, gripped the handle and prepared for another monster. "An exit would be most useful once you two are done," Dusk commented as he put his back to the two in a defensive stance. He sounded very particular about his words, like they were foreign to him and he had not learned the slang part of the language.
Shirou and Samuel ran for their lives with the rest of the group as the Doctors rejoined them from wherever they had disappeared to, quickly leading them back to the landing site for the TARDIS. They ended up having to take another route due to hostile creatures cutting off their original path.

Before they could proceed any further however, an explosion of searing, bright green fire erupted between the Doctors and the rest of their group, cutting them off as it rapidly began to spread all over the area. The group was forced to split up and take cover in the stone buildings hewn into the rock columns and cliff faces of this subterranean city.

Shirou found himself in the same building as John Wick, Amy, and Dusk. The all-consuming green flames began to consume the very bedrock that made up the supporting structure of the building, a crumbling tremor shaking the walls and ceiling as it began to collapse. John kicked down a door leading into another section of the stone complex, quickly ushering them through as they narrowly avoided being crushed.

For a moment they were stuck in pitch black darkness, but then the lights came on...revealing some sort of modern-looking industrial facility. It looked like it could have been from anywhere on Earth, but Amy seemed to recognize it, to her horror. As John tried to calm her down, a sudden, deep headache overcame Shirou, causing him to double over in pain, crying out as he gripped his head. It felt like his skull might explode.

The pain then began to recede, but when the young man opened his eyes again...everything was distorted, out of focus, split up into warped, overlapping fields of view. If anyone looked at his eyes, they would see that his pupils appeared to have distorted into a 'figure 8' shape, even moreso than the others.

"I...I can't see clearly anymore. Everything looks wrong," Shirou spoke up, trying to keep a level voice as he heard movement and creaking nearby, instinctively summoning his twin blades into his hands, his heart hammering in his chest. "I won't be able to fire my swords like this, too much risk of hitting one of you. I'll have to fight at melee range."

He tried his best to control his breathing and draw on more of his magic senses, trying to perceive any disturbances that could give away an approaching foe. He was nowhere near as good at it as mages with formal training and talent for it, but it had saved his life before. He desperately hoped it would work here too.

As Nomad climbed the steps with the others, The Last Word clutched in his hand, firing at any creature that dared to get close. But soon a building came crashing down, forcing everyone to jump off the stairs onto intact buildings' roofs or to slip into adjacent buildings in hopes of not only dodging the debris from the fallen building, but to avoid the green flames that threatened to take them any moment.

Not wanting to be alone, he took after John, Amy, Shirou and someone that looked awfully similar to Dusk if he was human but with horns, their surroundings changing to that of a facility that looked to be in use even now without a single living soul beyond the three of them.

But something was off about their new surroundings, though neither Nomad nor his Ghost could see it. He certainly felt it. His eyes began to feel as if though someone had taken a needle and was stirring his eyes like a paint jar. Wasn't painful much, but just really weird feeling. John and Amy's eyes looked as if though they had gained two irises for each eyeball.

Eye Dee Kay voiced through Nomad's speakers. "Nomad's Ghost here, I'm detecting a rapid change to physiological status in most of you. I cannot possibly know to what extent this can reach, but I'd advice for everyone to get back to that TARDIS. Or these changes will only get worse, or more permanent."

@Wade Von Doom @Wiggin

John and Amy both listened to what Nomad's ghost would say about their changing biology. Add to it, Shirou was now blinded, and they just had their best player against these creatures crippled. "Amy," John said, looking back to her. "Whatever this place means to you, it's not real. You're not here, we're still in the city, and we can't stay still. We need to leave." He told her as calmly as he could, yet still had some urgency to it.

°°°°°° °°°°°°° °°°°°°OOOOO

The noises around them had changed. It was like singing all of a sudden, but the voices were synthesized. From around the corner, hooded figures appeared. They all had swords held in both hands; held to their chests with the blade resting against their heads. Red electricity formed around the blades as well, as the strange chant continued. "Oh no...." Amy said, quickly standing up to see an old foe she wished was forgotten easily.

"Amy..." John quickly moved around in front of her, pistol drawn. "What are they?" He could see she knew them.

"Headless monks. They worked for The Silence here." Amy answered. "This is Devil's Run... This is where my child was taken from me."

The monks marched in single file in two straight lines, one from the left, the other to the right, and once they connected into a larger line, they turned to face the group. "Anyone see an exit behind us?" John asked, but there was nothing. Not even the doorway they led them here, it disappeared.

With little choice, John did what he always did. Hunt. He fired three shots, taking out two of the monks, before they suddenly shot bolts of red lightning at them all. John managed to duck as a bolt nearly struck him across the face.


Well things just kept getting worse as time went on. Trigger successfully got Alista into a nearby building thinking that it was safe shelter. It was definitely not safe shelter, as soon after the two began hiding from the flames the walls began to crumble. Stone cracked and fell, and Trigger knew that it was time to leave. "Well fuck," Trigger said, turning to the nearest door and kicking it down. What lied beyond the opening was more of the stone city. Trigger looked to his right, seeing that the entire ground was beginning to collapse into something deep below. Trigger want to neither know what was under the ground nor why it was happening, he only knew that it was an indication that he and Alista should be running. "You wouldn't happen to know any ways to make us run faster w- Ah shit!" Trigger went to ask Alista if she had any useful spells, but panic overtook him as the cracks approached and he turned and ran up the stairs.
Meanwhile, Samuel ended up with Trigger and Alistia, stumbling as the very earth shook violently, with fissures beginning to rip open thunderously all around them. Trigger cursed as the they began to flee up the giant stairwell, and Samuel quickly followed suit, swearing violently as he leapt up the stairs in bounding strides, desperately tried to avoid getting swallowed up by the collapsing ground.

As if that wasn't bad enough, some sort of flying, winged horrors had begun to swoop down from the earth roof of the massive cavern, spewing more of that terrifying green fire at their companions. And they could do nothing about it, as they were fully occupied trying to avoid falling to their deaths.

Samuel had never felt more weak and mortal without his mech as he did in this moment. He would have given anything to be back in the cockpit right now.

The man known as Jacket continued his rampage while following the group. Bashing skulls and unleashing hot lead into the creatures around the group and himself. His anger still burning hot inside of him. He didn't care how many he killed, nothing would quell the rage for the blight the denizens had done unto him.

It'd be one thing to lie to him, but to so blatantly pretend to be his dead best friend to get him to let his guard down. He'd drown the whole damned city in blood. The odd stirring in his eyes was thought little of, for he assumed that his rage caused his body to spasm and shake with the bubbling anger in his very being.

But as he followed the group, they were separated by a falling building and green flames, and while the others split off. Jacket ran after Trigger, Alista and Samuel through a building that soon collapsed after Jacket dived through the door, barely avoiding being crushed. Their path found them another way up. Far below them, the hellish city was falling apart. And looking at it caused Jacket's head to swim and hurt that only his rage caused him to look away as it dissipated into cold fear.

They needed to get to that blue police box now.

@Snowtwo @Wiggin

As the ground collapsed, a very large tentacle suddenly popped out one of the larger holes and slammed itself down towards Trigger, Sam and Jacket. If they ducked, they would still be in danger, as the ground would crack away into pieces. The only thing below them was the abyss itself, and the rather large creature that tentacle was attached to.


It was, needless to say, very large. It's lower tentacles clung onto the sides of the casum to not fall into the darkness below. The heroes best hope was to try and land on one of its body parts. Its hands already would try to swipe at Alistia and Trigger, while more of the dragon creatures that breathed the green fire flew around Sam and Jacket. One tried charging at Sam head on, while two flew around Jacket to try and fry him alive with green flames.

A Monster

The dragonkin-monster mindlessly followed the scent of life energy carried by the Doctors and their friends through the warped landscape. However, the twisted nature of the spaces within and the eldritch being's followers kept getting in its way. So it simply smashed and tore and bit and clawed its way through anything that got in the way of the prize its base instincts so very keenly yearned for.

Any wounds made on the monster's body healed as it continued its bloodshed and consumed those vile followers that got in its way. Such was the nature of Ayana's "Blessing", to consume foreign energies and magics and use them to grow in power- to try and create an unstoppable monster out of a lowly mortal frame.

It roared as it stumbled and clawed its way up the stairs that the others had fled up...

- - - - - - - - -


Following the stairs in this weird place, Ayana came across another platform with an image in stained glass.

This time the image was of her second "family", the band of thieves and lowlives that she was lucky enough to somehow fall in with. The ones within the eventually rose within the ranks by the simple virtue of sticking around long enough (not getting thrown in jail or dying) and having more common sense than the average slum-dweller.

Once again the hooded figure appeared, standing there for a moment before vanishing again- just as an angrily thrown dagger passed through where it was.

"Face me damnit!" she screeched.

As if in response, she heard that whispering voice again, "To the one... who would follow the path of kings... you must be brave and your heart strong and true..."

As the voice died down, there was a bright flash of light-

- - - - -

-and Ayana found herself standing among the burning wreckage of her home city, undead corpses and soldiers shambling about mindlessly.

"...I deliver unto you... this trial..." the voice whispered as the undead milling about one by one began to take notice of Ayana and screeched their ghastly wails as they charged at her.

What's worse, as the undead drew closer she could somewhat recognize their faces- or rather, what their faces used to be. As well, all their eyes glowed with a baleful yellow light...

Anger boiled up in her heart, driving to meet the undead's charge with one of her own. She drove her sword clean through the undead bodies again and again, cleaving them from limb to limb in her rage.

Minutes later, she stood upon a pile of fallen undead- panting heavily from the exertion.

In the distance, she heard clanking armored footsteps.

She knew, deep down- that here and now in the middle of this spell that had brought her back to this hated part of her memories... it could only be one thing- the Dread Knight. And the other undead she had fought, its eyes too glowed with a baleful yellow light.

The bastard, the monster that had killed her before. That had killed most of her new family. The bastard that she had finally gotten revenge on nearly a year later and she had no qualms about putting that thing back in the dirt once more- even if it probably wasn't the real thing.

With a heave and without a second thought, she raised her blade and clashed against the phantasmal copy of it that the Dread Knight's. After all, that is where she had originally looted it from.

But there was a problem...

...This time... This time she was alone in this fight.

Nevertheless, she stood her ground and fought. It didn't matter that she was alone this time, that the thing was much more skilled with its blade than she was. She gave it her all, defending against blow after blow that hammered against her sword and pushed her back. When her body started giving out under the brute force behind the blows, when she could barely stand- she got up aways.

With the rage filling her body, she didn't think to run away and hide- to find a better way of beating this foe. (Last time, she had only beaten the thing thanks to cooperation from some friends and some underhanded trickery.)

When she was pushed to her limits, to her last few undying breaths- she got up once more and on some sort of impulse swung her blade to meet the blade of her foe.

Unexpectedly, there was an explosion of force at the point where their blades met and her foe was sent flying backward from the blow. Rising properly to her feet, Ayana looked down at the sword in her hand to find that instead of what she was expecting- she was holding that damn Keyblade from earlier.

Is that... is that what all this had been about? This damned Keyblade thing?

Nevertheless, she felt her strength return to her limbs and stood strong once more- ready to put this ghost from her past back to rest.

When Ayana would return to he regular body... or however regular it would be from this intense mutation of her body, she would find herself along some stairs that were quite precarious.

Dark Souls 2 Scholar of the First Sin - Walkthrough Part 54_ Dragon Sanctum - YouTube - Google...png

Half of it was gone, and what remained didn't exactly look stable to stand on. And down below was nothing but darkness in his cavern of insanity. The city again shook, and a wall of the chasm nearby had a small section break off; debris falling to the depths below. The stairs connected to a little pathway along a building that looked to enter back into the city if she went up, while below, the pathway going off to the side connected to another building that only went deeper down. The building up the stairs also had fighting going on, as she would hear the clanking of metal. A figure appeared along the edge, being stabbed through the chest, then kicked off to fall into the abyss. It was another one of the those priests that worshipped the god here, and it's killer was a friendly face... or, more appropriately, a friendly Templar knight's helmet.

"Ayana!" Callintus waved from above, shouting to her, as the distance between them was great. "It is good to see you again! I worried you would become trapped in the city as that dragon!"​
The 13th Doctor - Character Sheet

"It's working!" Thirteen announces triumphantly as even the large creature is repelled by the ingenious use of two sonic screwdrivers to literally turn the tide. The smile falters as it becomes clear this would not be quite adequate.

"Triple strength!" Thirteen says to Eleven forgoing any other avenue of communication as she stares into the monstrous face of a priest intent on slicing her to pieces. As the priests come nearer they run into a counter-frequency at a higher intensity than the one which had partially dispelled their own.

The quick thinking of the Doctors spares Tsunade from a beheading, and for a few moments it looks like she would be able to snatch them both back up to make a quick escape without need to fight these strange beings. That was not to be as they all prove more resilient. Tsunade releases Thirteen to raise both fists and engage the largest obstacle first.

She is surprised, aghast really, to find her hands are not her hands as she has always known them. They are not as mighty with their jelly-like consistency. Moving them to test how real they are she sees they bend farther out than they should and back more than possible. Asking aloud "What is going on?" Yields another horror as she finds her tongue far longer and more flexible.

How was this possible? Was this an effect from everything else going on around her?

These questions do not occur to her to cause a pause. She was a veteran of two wars that had assaulted her mind with genjutsu too many times to count, and the dead of those wars were those who had hesitated.

The flexibility of her hands allow them to move faster and smoother than before to form three Shadow Clones. One for each of the priests to allow the original to charge the large beast. Her fists may or may not be softer than usual, but with chakra augmentation they have proven to shatter energy constructs in top form; physical beings should not prove much an obstacle when aimed at their heads at a speed that exceeds human perception. And if that was not sufficient? A spinning kick from legs that had not mutated should prove a killing blow for the priests.

Dusk's shoulder was still stinging, despite Alista's previous attempt to heal him. The heat from the fire crawled under his skin like a tick and slowly ate at him, it would take a considerable bit more effort than the equivalent of a band-aid to help him. At least Dusk was able to calm down as John tried to calm down Amy. Shirou wasn't in much better shape, as his vision seemed to be affected in the same manner as everyone else's. The guy looked to have it worse off though, as his pupils were nearly split compared to the others.

There was suddenly a change in the noises that came from the walls, previously it had been eerily silent, now there was a quiet chanting that gradually gained volume. A new enemy had appeared with these new sounds, people clad in burgundy robes and armed with electrified swords. The lightning that bounced around them was red in color, and let out a loud shriek as it jolted in different directions. John mentioned trying to go back out the way they had come, but that option was no longer viable as the door had disappeared. Dusk had to look for a way out, to try and keep everyone safe. An idea suddenly popped into his head as the lightning began to zip across the room. Dusk was able to get out of the way of the ones aimed at him, but that didn't mean that it would be easier for everyone else. Anger slowly filled Dusk like a hot oil. What good was he if he couldn't defend those around him. That was when he turned back towards the wall behind the group and stuck his blade into it. Chunks of concrete fell down from it, some large pieces Dusk decided to throw at the group of robed figures. The rocks fell, causing several splashes of blood as the figures were crushed by the weight. 'I have to get them out' Dusk thought to himself, kicking and slashing at the wall. Occasionally he let out a shout of frustration, and continued hitting the solid surface.


Trigger wasn't having much success either with his escape plan. He and the rest of the group had so far successfully run from the hole, but soon had their path blocked. A large tentacle emerged from the ground and slammed down, becoming a barricade. Another then came out, swinging its way towards the group. While it might have been easy to duck for the more prepared in the group, Trigger was not ready for it himself. It slammed into his head, flinging him backwards and onto the ground. The ground was hard for a moment until it suddenly gave way to nothing. Trigger, having not been prepared for the original issue, was not prepared for this either. He fell and felt weightless for several seconds before slamming into another hard surface. It was one of the large spikes protruding from the creature that had attacked them. It was ginormous, making a normal skyscraper small in comparison to it. Trigger reached out and grabbed onto the fleshy surface of the creature's leg and pulled himself to his feet.

From where Trigger was, he couldn't see where the rest of the people with him were. He was alone and nearly defenseless against this creature due to its size, but he wasn't going to let that stop him. These odds seemed to be a normal occurrence to him. The thing he was standing on didn't take too kindly to him crawling on it, and swiped a large hand at him. Trigger was ready this time and dodged it by suddenly appearing over the void. He had the two shot rifling in his hands and tried to fire his two shots at the creature's neck, before appearing again on another appendage. "What kinda shit did I get dragged into?!" He shouted, reloading his gun and preparing for another swipe.
Upon seeing red lightning fill his vision from the direction of the hooded monks, Shirou immediately raised an arm, palm open and fingers spread. Blue arcs of energy sparked and danced around his arm as his magic circuits opened up.

"RHO AIAS!" he shouted, and an instant later, a large, circular barrier made of overlapping 'petals' of shimmering pink energy sprang forth, attempting to block the incoming barrage of destructive energy. He had no idea how long it would last, but he hoped it would be enough for the others to initiate some sort of counterattack. Projecting a shield-type Noble Phantasm like this required much more focus than his instictive projection of bladed weapons, so he wouldn't be able to maintain the barrier and attack at the same time.

He noted with relief that Dusk had begun chucking hunks of concrete at the hostile figures, and it seemed like they were effective, at first glance. So for now, he focused on intercepting their ranged attacks.

* * * * *

Meanwhile, Samuel quickly scrambled out of the way of the giant tentacle that tried to crush them, avoiding the earth-rending crash. But as he tried to rush for stable ground, the ground literally fell away beneath his feat, and he found himself instinctively screaming as he began to fall.

Then his training kicked in, despite the sheer terror he was experiencing. He remembered there were certain actions that could be taken during a freefall that could maximize the chances of survival. So the first thing he did was to try and reorient himself and get eyes on where he was falling toward. The sight of the massive, alien abomination below was enough to make him want to void his bowels, but he quickly focused on just trying to survive the fall.

He oriented his body to try and catch the air, giving him greater directional control over his fall. By some insane stroke of luck, he found that he was heading toward a particularly downward-sloped section of the monster's body. He might just be able to survive that.

But as if things weren't bad enough, another one of the winged fire-breathers was now trying to roast him alive. A flash of terror-fueled rage took over, and Samuel quickly brought up his bullpup assault rifle, switched to full-auto, and began firing right at the creature's face and throat.
Chaos everywhere. And not the kind he was used to in Nerima. Here something terrible was happening he was sure of it. The headache didn't help either. Well before anything he ran a quick check on hisv senses, sight was getting blurry, touch still as sharp, same from hearing, smell was ok, and taste, well it really didn't matter. As for his ki sensing, it was useless. Everything was covered by the evil aura. Well it seemed that he was more or less ok. The other guy not so much

Tarou, Smith, Alex or something almost fell on him, forcing him to try and catch him on reflexe. But he kept his balance and covered his face. Not before Ranma saw blood leaking from his eyes.

"Are you ok?"

Then came another man one he didn't ask the name, the one carrying the plant girl. He seemed worried. Also must have quite the body strength because plant girl must have been as heavy as a tree stump.

What did he mean that he got it too. Wait a sec... he also had the double pupil eye thingy right?

-Wait I have it too?

Then green light started to dance on the wall. This one he knew, those were torches. And as he was told by the stupid panda, if a mob is after you and you don't know why. Run first ask later.

-Way ahead of ya!

The other were really slow! Guess he was forced to jog to a crawl to make sure they wouldn't get into too much trouble.