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~I'm drinking coffee on a trampoline~
Original poster
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  1. Multiple posts per day
  2. 1-3 posts per day
  3. One post per day
Online Availability
3pm - 1am (GMT / BST)
Writing Levels
  1. Beginner
  2. Elementary
  3. Intermediate
  4. Adept
  5. Adaptable
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  1. Male
  2. Female
  3. Nonbinary
  4. Transgender
  5. No Preferences
Monsters, supernatural, fantasy, romance, criminality, slice-of-life (modern or set in past, usually with some twists)

The morning after the night before.

The phrase often referred to many different things. Often, it referred to some people who had drunk too much one night, and suffered the consequences the following day, no matter what they had gotten up to.

However, the phrase had an entirely different meaning to Thomas and Elijah Winter. Last night, they had killed their assistants - something Thomas hadn't entirely planned, meaning he was now furious with himself for committing murder without having planned it through first. He wasn't spontaneous, like his twin brother. He was meticulous, he liked to think things through-- and this had been a spur of the moment decision; a moment of indulging he was now coming to regret.

He didn't want to target anyone who worked for him and his brother. That was far too obvious; it was sloppy, really. If he went about killing his employees, he would be the police's number one target - he wanted to play games with them, but like hell did he want to make it obvious, which was why he had specifically told his twin never to harm anyone who worked for them, however irritating they were being.

That requirement came to an end last night. His assistant, a lovely young man paying off college debts, was someone he knew he could rely on to get work done. He wasn't sociable, which Tommy adored - it meant he didn't need to fake being nice to him. They had a professional relationship that had worked perfectly... until Thomas got pissed off with him and murdered him in his office. He didn't know why he snapped like that, because he hadn't killed anyone from the office before. Not even the irritating slut of a receptionist he disliked.

His brother's assistant had stayed late to file some papers, so had witnessed the whole thing. Thomas wouldn't have even been aware of her. He hadn't noticed her presence, and she could have easily ran into the street to tell everybody-- if Elijah hadn't arrived to save his brother's skin.

The whole night, the two hadn't gone home. They had stayed to clean the office up in silence, Thomas far too annoyed with himself to muster up words. He had enough time to change his suit and grab a coffee before finally collapsing at his office desk, groaning when noticing the time.

"...Everyone will be arriving for work. We have those new assistants coming in. Let's try not to kill these ones, Elijah," he drawled in his husky voice, more deep given he hadn't slept a wink, and was physically exhausted after cleaning everything up. He hadn't been too tired to hurriedly arrange new assistants, of course. He just wasn't aware that the police had provided two of their own detectives to play the part.

Smartening his tie up as best he could, he gratefully accepted the mug of coffee from his twin and downed half of it in one long sip, before trying to brush the sleep from his face with one of his charming smiles. "Do sit down, brother, you'll make a bad impression. Now, you know the rules, don't you? If the boy's cute, he'll be my assistant. If he's an annoying brat, you can deal with him and I'll take the girl. I have no patience with bratty humans. I need to keep my facade. Everyone knows you're a bastard, so you have nothing to lose, do you~?"​
"Haha, you're quite the comedian, aren't you Thomas." Replied Elijah as he finally lowered himself onto the white leather couch in the office with a roll of those mysterious eyes. Donning A rather nice pair dress pants that were tailored just for Elijah, fitting him perfectly. They were a deep black color, matching his perfectly styled black hair. For a shirt, he wore a black turtleneck, and over the turtle neck a gorgeous black suit jacket. Around that, a beautiful solid white scarf. For shoes he wore real leather men's dress shoes. His outfit had been picked out by his brother of course. All the black contrasted with his skin that was the color of freshly fallen snow. However, it made him look mysterious, and handsome. Thomas always knew what looked good on his twin.

In his pale white, chilled fingers held a mug that was filled with coffee. Leaning back into the couch, he took a long, and needed, sip of his coffee; that was spiked with blood. His tongue dipped out from his mouth, licking his lips free of any of the bitter coffee. "Did we have to meet with them today? We could have taken a day off. I didn't sleep last night, and I'm not particularly friendly when I'm sleep deprived." Stated Elijah, his deep voice wrapping each word carefully as his eyes studied the office, making sure no blood, or sight of struggle was visible.

His eyes were definitely a sight to cherish. It was as if two snow flakes fell from the sky and landed perfectly in his eyes and blessed him with that icy color. Bringing the mug back to his lips, he looked at his twin. "You may do all the talking. I swear if I get another floozy as an assistant, I'll go mad." Grumbled the vampire, his fangs poking from his upper lip as he grew annoyed.

The word 'floozy' showed just how...Old this man was. Stuck in the early twenties of slang. Elijah complained often that his last assistant was a whore. She would flirt with him, show more skin than needed. Always try to 'accidentally' touch him. She was annoying. He was glad when he was able to kill her. In fact he took his time in killing her. He had finally made use of her.
"Oh brother, you're not nice to anyone, sleep deprived or wide awake, so I'll gladly do all the talking. I'm rather good at that, however tired I am. I promise, once work has been completed for the day, we can head straight home and order that pizza you like so much. I won't eat it, of course, but you can tuck right in if you so wish," answered the older twin as he tried to stifle a yawn. He was professionalism personified. Everyone would comment on his sharp suits, his perfectly gelled hair, his constant smiles and straight posture, and however tired he was, he didn't want that image to be lost. He wanted to impress humans, to revel in the limelight and enjoy the attention for as long as he and his brother were famous. They would have to die down eventually from it all, he knew that, but until that happened, he planned to keep up his meticulous image.

"Do hide your fangs, Eli. Or keep your mouth closed. We have to be careful. Don't get used to... murdering our employees. It was a one off, I assure you I won't be that reckless again. He was simply... getting too demanding, and I snapped. I won't do that again. Our new assistants will remain alive, understand? I'm sure they're nice enough. Regardless of how the girl is, you'll not harm a hair on her head, however tempting. I'm sure she's just some quiet, mousy little thing trying to pay off college debts, hm?"

Of course, he was far from the truth. Brielle couldn't be quiet even if she was paid. She just... couldn't. She genuinely found it impossible, as anyone in the police department would admit. She was especially excitable that morning. This was her chance to really make an impact. She had already had a hand in her fair share of intriguing cases, but she had never been given a case of this magnitude before. She was investigating the Winter brothers from within! They were world famous, undeniably gorgeous and... apparently under investigation for murder. It was all incredible, and as excited as she was, she was a detective still - she knew not to get swept under the celebrities she would work with. She was there for a reason, and she wasn't going to take her eye off the ball. She had Orian at her side to help her, anyway.

"This is rad, y'know? Like, it could seriously propel our careers-- I know the guys like us a;ready, but this'll make our boss like us more, see that we ain't some young cops. Well, we are, but we can compete with the old guys too. Besides, going undercover lets me dye my hair and look cool. That police uniform sucks," she babbled to her best friend and detecting partner, linking her arm with his as she entered the grand buildings. It was her decision to go early, make a good impression. She was admittedly too curious to wait until nine o'clock.

Brielle had taken full advantage of being undercover, dressing in her usual clothing - her trusty denim dungarees, striped tee and striped tights, along with neon pink Dr. Marten boots. Quirky? Definitely-- but it at least screamed individuality and creativity.

"...It's kinda intimidating, Oreo," she mumbled, using her friend's affectionate nickname as always - she onyl used his full name when she was mad at him for something. "These guys are, y'know, famous and gorgeous and-- I look alright, don't I? They're in the fashion industry! I can't look a mess, really... You look superb, as usual. Mr-Fucking-Model, gosh~"
Orian, or as she called him, Oreo glanced down at his lifelong best friend, his olive green eyes swimming with amusement as he listened to her babble excitedly. "Piglet, you loom great. Besides this is the fashion industry. They'll love how unique you are." Telling Brie to be calm today was like telling a fire not to burn. She was like a child on Christmas eve, bubbling with excitement with what's to come. When she woke him up this morning she had a huge smile on her face, and she went on and on about how this was their big break. This was their chance to be real detectives. Something they had been waiting for their entire lives.

Orian would be lying if he said he wasn't the least bit of excited. Of course he was! He and Brie had been talking about being detectives since elementary school, and now? This was it! And their case was huge. The biggest one they've gotten. The Winter brothers were suspects of murder. How juicy was that?! Orian decided to wear something that would fit this first meeting. He wore a nice dress shirt and tie, however had on casual jeans but dressy shoes. He looked trendy. And Brie was right, he did look like a model. But she too looked like a model you'd find in a magazine.

Nervously chewing on his full bottom lip, his eyes darted around the grand building. This in itself was a chance of a life time. Everyone here looked so...Fashionable. Wearing cool outfits, crazy nails, pretty hair. They all looked so trendy, professional, and just...Amazing. This was so cool. Walking up to the front desk, arm still interlocked with Briella. "Excuse me, good morning, we-"

"Names." A high pitched voice said without looking at the two. The woman being the desk was tapping away at her keyboard, her face dull, and bored. She had bright pink hair, it contrasted with her dull attitude. Her hair was cut in a choppy bob hairstyle. Her face was done up with makeup that should have been worn at night at a club. It was far too much for this time of morning. her nails were so long that Orian wondered how she was typing. And her pale skin made him wonder if she ever got sun.

"Oh um, we're the new assistants, Orian Jones and Briella-"

"You two are the new assistants for the Winter brothers correct?" She asked in the drawling and annoying voice.

"...Yes ma'am." He answered.

"Report to their office. Ninth floor, can't miss it. Have a good day." She crawled, still never looking at the two.

Orian looked at Brie before making a face like he was going to throw up from her attitude before walking to the elevator with her, laughing a bit.

Soon the two finally reached the outside of the office. Orian paused, a bit nervous. Who wouldn't be nervous? They were stars, they lived in a completely different world then him and now they would be working for them. Undercover of course.

Meanwhile, Elijah in the office could sense the humans outside. "...I hate them both already. What are they possibly waiting for? An invitation?" Asked the irritated man after he finished his coffee.
If stereotypes of the fashion industry were anything to go by, then Brielle had already expected there to be a few snotty women around. She knew better than to accept stereotypes, of course. Everyone assumed that she was some rough punk from her tattoos and her piercings, when the truth was that there was really nobody as kind and as friendly as she was. She knew stereotyping was completely ridiculous-- but it didn't stop her fully expecting some to be true.

What she hadn't expected was the first person they met turning out to be just like all those stereotypes. Instead of being disappointed or discouraged, Brielle simply smiled through the exchange and rolled her eyes once they headed off, forcing back laughter at her best friend's facial expression. Well, if the receptionist was rude to them, they could at least have some fun about it and make the situation humorous; not upsetting, right?

However, all her excitement was overshadowed by nerves the moment they stood outside the office door. The office floor was so grand that it intimidated Brie, a girl who was rarely ever intimidated. On her first official day of policing, when they entered the detective department, she hadn't been scared or intimidated. She had just been herself, and that was the best thing she could have possibly done. Now, though, she was shuffling from foot to foot, trying to build courage up to head on inside. She was nervous simply because the severity of the situation. The two had so much pressure on their shoulders to pull the whole thing off like seasoned experts... and she wanted to succeed. That was what made her nervous; not the fact she was meeting famous men suspected of murder. Nah, that was easy peasy.

"Give them time before you decide to hate them, brother," answered Thomas, having lifted his head curiously when sensing the humans himself. Glancing at his watch, he did smile to himself at how early they were. It tended to show excitement and eagerness, and that flattered his ego-- they had pleased him already without even meeting him, which was a good start. But hey, that didn't mean he was going to go easy. He thought they could do with a spook, hence why he called for them to enter with a devious grin to his brother.

The moment they were called in that way, so unexpected, Brie jumped, startled by the voice. It achieved what Thomas wanted, because it definitely spooked the girl, whose hand visibly shook as she entered. She had seen the brothers in magazines, in newspapers and on TV. Hell, for the last week, she and Orian had watched every interview the two had done as homework, so he was fully aware both men were exquisitely handsome. In the flesh, though? It did catch her off guard for a moment, and she only really recovered from it when Thomas coughed into his fist to break the silence.

"You must be Brielle-- and Orian, correct? Lovely. Nice and early, that's what I like. Professionalism," he laughed, pushing himself from his desk and leaning over to shake both their hands. He was ice cold, of course, but it was winter. There was nothing too strange about being cold in this weather. "I'm glad you could come on such short notice. Our assistants recently died. Car crash, actually. Awful business. My brother and I require assistants, of course, so we had to rush you both in. Hopefully it wasn't too much trouble."​
Orian stared at the men in awe. It was hard not to. They were literally perfect, and there was two of them. It was a lot to take on. When Thomas shook his hand, he felt chills run through him. He easily confused it with pleasure rather than Thomas hand being deathly cold. "I-It wasn't trouble at all." Orian forced out of his now dry move. He had never been so nervous in his life, and it was a good reason to. "So um...Do we work for both of you, or..."

Elijah had been studying the two of them. Their flushed faces, their wide eyes, it was all normal how all humans reacted. The boy seemed like his brother's type, so he figured he would choose him. So Elijah was left with this vibrant haired, combat boot wearing female. Just great. "No you do not work for both of us. Imbecile." Grumbled Elijah. He was tired, and cranky. Of course he would snap at the smallest things. "I'll take the less idiotic one. With the silly hair."

Orian glanced at Elijah, having to hold back his tongue. He hated when anyone said anything about Briella. She was the sweetest girl and didn't deserve cruel words. However he gave him a lukewarm smile and nodded. "Of course sir. So that means I'll be working for you, Mr. Thomas?" Asked Orian, a little happy he seemed to have gotten the nicer of the bunch. However he felt bad for his best friend. She got this douche.

Elijah's icy eyes stared at the girl. She had many piercings. And this vibrant colored hair. It meant she lived life the way she wanted to without judgment. Elijah would be pleased with tormenting her. Crushing her spirit would be very enjoyable.
Tutting under his breath at his brother's words, the other vampire made more of an effort to be nice to make up for it. He was used to his brother being like this, and he wouldn't dare ask him to change. It just meant he had to work harder to keep the facade up, which he didn't mind. He liked the challenge of it all-- and he especially liked this challenge. He was quite... well, psychopathic, behind his charming acts. He was nonchalant to suffering and to most things, but he felt desire, like his brother did. He felt lust and he found people attractive. He just didn't feel love - there was a huge difference between that and lust. Orian was very much his type. Tall, athletic, handsome... he couldn't really ask for a better assistant. If anything happened between them, it would be purely sex and nothing more-- but even that was rare. He didn't like getting close to people, and you had to be extraordinary for him to consider even kissing you.

"Do excuse my brother. We've been up all night. The shock of the car crash hit us quite hard, so he's just a tad... irritable at the moment. He appreciates you both rushing in like this. But yes, you'll be working for me specifically, Orian. I hope that's alright? Just call me Thomas, by the way. This morning will be very relaxing. We'll get to know you, you can get to know us and the business before you get into any of the work. It's all easy. Organising meetings, taking calls, bringing news--"

"Did you say my hair was silly?" Brie blurted suddenly, having rightfully been silent until the personal insult came flying her way. She wanted to bite her lip, but when had she ever stayed silent? She had always tried to defend herself, even when she had been bullied. The operation was important, and she needed to stay on the man's good side, but she wasn't going to sit back and let her style be criticised. "...Didn't you dye your hair once, Thomas? Oreo and I are huge fans of yours, we've seen all your styles. Didn't you dye your hair before? Turquoise, wasn't it?"

"...Hints of turquoise, yes. I fancied a change, a radical little experiment-- Oh, I see. I see what you mean. Did you think my hair was silly, brother?" Thomas commented, unable to hide a faint smile at the human's clever tactics. Sure, he usually disliked it when humans played around with his brother, but... well, he also enjoyed seeing his brother squirm a little and get caught out. "She's a clever thing, Elijah, admit that. You two will get on just fine working together, I'm sure."​
"I told you everyday your hair was silly. Turquoise is a silly, and hideous color for hair. Besides, at least you pulled the hair off a little. You, Briana, don't look so great with it." Grumbled the man, getting her name wrong on accident. Not that he cared, she was irrelevant in his life. All she would do is manage his papers, take calls for him, and just do basically all the work he doesn't want to do. Which is usually all of his work. Standing from the leather couch, he walked over to her, towering over her as he stared down at her face with a set snarl.

"I hope you will be at least half as good as my last assistant. She got everything done quickly. You look like you'll have trouble." Chilled fingers took her chin as he turned her face side to side. He looked as if examining her for something. "...What are you twelve? So I'm supposed to have a child as an assistant. This is just great. Well, Brittney I have your first task for you. Order me something to eat. Get me something I would like. If I don't like it, all of your work will be doubled for two weeks. In my office, Which is next to this one, is a stack of papers. Organize them alphabetically. But I want it starting from Z and going backwards. Water my plants in their too. I can't have them dying. I'll be in my office, and I want you to bring me something to drink. Water will be fine, with ice. Not an odd number of ice cubes. I hate that." Elijah was only being difficult because he decided he hated her, leaving the office, he went to his own, waiting for the woman to do everything he said for her to do.

Orian had a firm grimace on his face. What the hell was that? Was he trying to be rude. "...Mist- I mean, Thomas, I was wondering if he's like that all the time, or is it because his assistant passed on? I'm very sorry for his lost, but...Brie doesn't need to be ridiculed like that."
"Would you like the honest answer or the nice answer? My brother is just a difficult person. Your friend said you were fans of ours. I'm sure you're aware of my brother's behaviour. Granted, he's not usually this... harsh. He's overtired, I'm sure it'll be easier when he wakes up a little. I'm not going to pretend he's an angel, but... well, I'll make sure that he isn't too hard on your friend. She seems capable, though. His old assistant burst into tears countless of times. At least Brielle is able to hold herself together," smiled Thomas, having deliberately stayed silent throughout the exchange. He wasn't going to interfere, because he really didn't care how his brother treated the girl. As long as he wasn't violent or too cruel, then there wasn't an issue. Besides, Thomas found entertainment in seeing his brother act like that. He was proud, really. He could hide it well, having placed on a disproving frown when the human glanced his way.

"I'd like to think I'm much nicer and easier than he is. I don't need you alphabetising anything or fetching me a specific amount of ice cubes in my water. I won't make you start work until after lunch, actually. I just want you to relax, shake off those nerves and come take a seat," he grinned, gesturing to the seat across the table. This was typical Thomas, all smiles and perfection itself. This was why he was called the celebrity gentleman. He was always kind, no matter who to. He treated everyone he met with respect, and could build up a bond with someone in seconds. None of it was genuine, but nobody saw through his act besides Elijah.

"You are awfully attractive. Do you model? We have models in the building all the time, trying out designs and whatnot. You must model in your spare time. I struggle to believe you let your looks waste away behind a desk," he murmured slowly, tapping the pen against his chin while his deep blue eyes eyed him slowly up. "Mm, no matter if you're not. Looks aren't important. It's personality that counts. How are you as a person? Calm, cool, collected~? That'll all help you here."​
Freckled cheeks deepened to a soft shade of pink, making those striking green eyes stand out more. "Model? You're just being kind. You're the one who looks like a model, really. And I like to believe I'm a calm cool and collected person." Answered Orian as he lowered himself to the couch. He felt like he shouldn't sit though like he would flaw the room.

It was perfect, something straight out of a magazine. He would be a pimple on the beauty this room held. However his head kept drifting to his best friend. He wondered how she was doing and hope she would be okay. "So, Thomas, I have a question. What inspired you to build this empire of fashion? I mean, this must have been hard work for you and your brother."
"Oh, questions for me? Are you an undercover journalist, determined to get a scoop? That's happened before, to my brother. He... didn't handle it very well, as you can imagine," he began, unable to stop a smile at the memory. His brother, when realising he was being tricked by a journalist, had, as Thomas said, reacted badly. In fact, the woman ended up dead after a good hour of torture, and Thomas failed to reprimand his brother for it. Why would he? Nobody got away with something like that, tricking his younger twin. He told Elijah he had done correctly and praised him for it, really.

"I'm joking, by the way. I know you're asking because you're interested, not because you have ulterior motives. I... I have always been interested in fashion. My brother? Not so much. He has great ideas, but he doesn't exactly take interest. I choose his outfits, you know that? So this is.... all mostly me and my passion. But he supports me a hundred percent. Quite like you and your friend, really-- don't worry about her. She'll be fine. You wouldn't have taken this job if you thought it would be easy, would you? You must have known what to expect."​
"Yeah I figured it would be a bit hard, but I didn't know she would have it harder than I. I've always been a fan if you by the way, Thomas. I..I've admired you, and maybe one day I'll be able to be just as successful as you." Smiled Orian effortlessly.

While, Thomas was being easy on his assistant, Elijah was in his own office lounging on the couch, watching as Briella sorted his papers. He finished his water by now, and was waiting for his food. "Briana what is taking my food so long? I hope you didn't give them the wrong address. And I hope you aren't messing up those papers. Its literally taking you hours to sort papers. My old assistant would have been done by now. Are you always this slow? Maybe those chemicals used to dye that silly hair seeped in you head."
Brielle wasn't exactly having the greatest start to undercover work as her best friend was. While Orian got to relax a little and get to question Thomas, disguising it was fan curiosity, she had to order pizza and file everything alphabetically, while under the unrelenting, unforgiving gaze of her employer. Of course, she was being a little slow because this was a perfect opportunity to glance over the papers, look out for any worthwhile clues in the files. Well, until she realised they were all boring business things. Then she hurried up the filing and let out a relieved sigh when finishing up.

"What else do you want me to do, exactly? Stand on my head for an hour? Learn to levitate? Breathe through my ears?" She sarcastically questioned, though managed to frame it with a grin, as though it was all jovial and fun. Truth was, this man really rested her patience. She wasn't someone who got irritated easily - she was usually the one people were irritated at. However, the treatment she was subjected to was demeaning, and she knew instantly she disliked him. Having to smile and be respectful to him was becoming more difficult by the second. She had arrested people who respected her more than this man did.

"The company said the pizza would take twenty minutes. It's been fifteen. You're not patient, are 'ya? Look, sir, I'm sure they'll arrive soon. Why you want pizza at nine in the morning is strange, but you're the boss, aren't you? See, I'm respectful. Pity you can't be," she sighed, whispering the last part to herself as she turned around to face him, smiling as brightly as she could manage. "I like your tattoos, by the way. I'm obviously a big fan of body art..."​
He didn't thank her just stared disapprovingly. "Questioning me on your first day? That's no respectful at all. I like pizza, is there something wrong with wanting pizza in the morning. Jeez you're an annoying little girl are you. You are just like a twelve year old girl." Using his long legs to push himself up off the couch and stride over to her, he glanced at the papers. Snaring a bit, he knocked them off the rest allowing them to to fall the floor graceful and dramatically.

"Do it again, since you like questioning me so damn much. You're turning into quite the annoying assistant." Plopping down at his desk, his glare watched her as she picked up the papers. "You're thinking this is demeaning work isn't it. That this is such a tedious task, that I'm just some jerk hmm? Well if you are such a big fan of my company you would know I happen to be like this, you should have shown up prepared. And actually look ready to work. Look at your sloppy outfit, and that hair is so annoyingly bright. Its giving me a headache."
"I joined thinking I would be assisting your brother, sir. I assume everyone who joins wants to assist Thomas. The man's a genius. He's stylish, he's kind to everyone, he's very handsome... But obviously, I'm working for you. I know what you're like, everyone does. If we were at a bar, I'd avoid you at all costs-- but that's personal. I'm an assistant, I have to grin and put up with whatever you want me to do, so don't worry, I got it, sir. I'll be on my best behaviour. Will I sit back and let you insult me? No, but I can be respectful in my responses," she murmured, standing to her feet after collecting the papers back up and, with a forced smile, turned away to begin alphabetising them all again. She wanted to yell and tell him she was a detective, one of the youngest in her department, but that would only achieve trouble and compromise the whole investigation, so she wisely stayed silent.

"I could have gone out and collected donuts for you. Everyone likes donuts, even this early. I certainly do-- but pizza's fine, too. I'd love to have pizza in the morning. I guess it's a perk of being so powerful, hm? You get to eat pizza for breakfast. You're living the dream," she drily grinned, rolling her eyes to herself while her back was turned to him. "What else is there for me to do? Orian gets to do fun stuff all morning. Can't we talk like they are? You can ask me whatever you want. Let me guess. 'Why do you dye your hair that absurd colour? Why are you such a child? How can you impersonate me so brilliantly?'" She drawled, putting on a deep voice to impersonate him, and growing more amused by the second with her comments. After all, she wasn't being insulting, or unprofessional. She was teasing him, but in a way that he couldn't entirely fire her for, unless he wanted to get into trouble for unfair dismissal, at least.​
"Oh aren't you such a jokester. It's befitting that you would be a fool. Oh, I mean that as a compliment." Stated the man with a sarcastic drawl in his voice. "I have no questions for you, because I don't need to know anything about you. All you need to know about me is that you work for me." Elijah rubbed his tired eyes with the insides of his palms, his eyes were dry from staring and studying the girl. Letting out long yawn, closing his eyes letting his long thick eyelashes rest on his pale cheeks. "Besides I already know plenty about you. You're a twelve year old girl, who has problems with keeping a steady relationship because you dye your hair ridiculous colors along with looking a little girl. You think wearing combats boots make you look like a tough woman, but in reality you still sleep with a night light. See Briana? I know everything about." He mumbled, the corner of his pale pink lips twitched up, forming a sinister smirk.

Opening those eyes of his, they weren't cold, but yet they had a slight glint of amusement. Like he liked poking fun at her. He like torturing her, and he like making her feel small. It's what he did anyway. "Look at you, you're like an adorable little rodent. Scurrying and hiding. What are you hiding?" Asked the man as he arched a thick eyebrow. Did he really know she was hiding something? Of course not. He hadn't suspected her of being a cop. Yet everyone his a secret. Like himself. He his that he was a bloodthirsty killer. Everyone had a secret, so he could just say something like this to scare her a bit, like he did know.
"You don't know anything about me, sir. If you did, you'd my name was Brielle. Not Brittany, not Briana. Brielle," she emphasised, though knew it was ultimately a lost cause. He didn't care to remember anything about her, and she realised that. He was worse than she expected. All the stories of his cruelty to his staff were well documented, but she had believed most to be sensationalised; exaggerated to make a better story, to then sell more newspapers and magazines. Turns out, he was worse than all of that... and it did make her slowly realise that this man could easily be a killer. He cared very little about her feelings, and serial murderers rarely cared about their victims. He definitely could be the killer, if his personality trait was considered. It wasn't enough evidence, but it was something at least.

"What am I hiding? Well, I... maybe I can admit it, to you? You surely won't tell anyone, I'm sure. I need to get it off my chest," she began solemnly, looking entirely serious, almost frightened, as her eyes grew wide and peered about nervously. Leaning a little inward, she breathed out before saying: "I once smoked a cigarette at school, in an unattended classroom. I know. Despicable of me. I'm going to Hell for it."

Grinning sarcastically up at him, she delighted herself in managing to make a joke out of the genuine fear she had initially felt. She thought, for a brief second, he knew about her real secret-- but then she realised that he couldn't possible-- and she wasn't going to mess up a chance of teasing him, however annoyed he got.​
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The laughter evaporated from his eyes. It was as it someone flipped a switch in him, making his playful sinister side, turn into his angry and irritated self. "Do not breathe my air. You are far too close, lean back." He grumbled as he used one finger to push her back. The way he touched her seemed as though she was an insect that he was trying to shoo away. "Get to work, rodent. Ugh, and please do take that horrid nose jewelry out. It makes you look like a bull." Grumbled the man as he wiped the hand he used to touch her off on his pants. Oh yes, this would be one long undercover job for Brie.

And it was. Two weeks into working for the famous Winter Brothers was...Different for the best friends. For Orian, it was far to quick, and was passing him like a summer's breeze. It was refreshing and warm. With Thomas everything was, new and fun. Thomas was...Well nothing short of amazing! He was handsome, smart, talented, and when they did happen to have their little conversations he felt himself falling for the man. It was hard not to get swept away by this man. He was definitely a charmer, and boy did he have Orian charmed. Orian was so wrapped up in his spell that he ignored his on and off ex Mathew. Mathew and him had been a thing since they were seniors in highschool. However Mathew is ashamed of being gay, so you can imagine the stress that puts on their relationship. So they tend to break up a lot. However these weeks Mathew has been trying to get back with Orian, but...Orian was far to busy with crushing over Thomas. He almost for gat that they were working undercover.

And while the two weeks were a breeze for Orian...It probably felt like two years for his little piglet. Elijah was...Difficult. He always picked with his little assistant, more than he ever picked on any assistant. At least with his old assistants he would ignore them most of the time before shouting insults at them. But with Brie? He just enjoyed insulting her all day long. She always had something witty to say back, and he liked that. Because then he could make her task even harder. He was like a child sometimes, and working for a spoiled child was no easy task.

One Wednesday afternoon, it was lunch break, and Orian and Brielle were having lunch together at a diner not far from their job. Orian wore a green knitted scarf his mother made him, along with a black bubble coat. Under the coat he wore a evergreen turtle neck, and he wore some thick black jeans. It had snowed the night before and Orian absolutely hated the cold. He had no tolerance for it at all. Sipping on his latte, Orian scrunched his nose up at the stories about Elijah. "Seriously he's an asshole!" Orian never cursed unless he was very angry. And right now? He was furious. He hated anyone picking on Brie.
While Orian had the easy run, Brielle really... hadn't. It had been tough, she would happily admit that. Whatever she did, it was wrong. However quick she was at the work, it was always a second too slow. She had to juggle all the work while also keeping notes at home on the twins, noting down their every movement and every call they received in order to determine where they were if another murder was committed.

And she was a little irritated with her best friend for not being that helpful with their actual job; the investigation. While she had been making notes during the day to bring home and pin up on their investigation board, he only really seemed to have information on how 'cute' Thomas was, or how 'amazing' his stories were. Sure, she was happy her best friend was getting along with Thomas, it made things easier, but it could compromise everything if he got too close. Thomas could be a murderer; a cannibalistic killer, and she wasn't all that pleased that her best friend was being swept in by his charms like this.

Stirring a straw in her milkshake, she offered a vague shrug at his outrage. "I don't mind it too much. He's a grade-A jerk, but I enjoy it. It's fun, really. He gets annoyed when I just smile and don't take offence. I don't let it bother me, really. What the real issue is is you and Thomas, Oreo. Don't fall for it. He could be lying, y'know? If he's the killer, look at all the crimes he's done, the brutality and the viciousness. He could be a real psycho who's acting, y'know? Try and step back, don't get in too deep. I don't wanna see you torn apart and eaten alive."​
"I get that, I get that, but...Thomas isn't like that piglet! He's far too kind to be tricking me. But I'll take it serious. And why on earth are you having a milkshake? Seriously? Its like negative five degrees out and your having a milkshake." Tutted the man as he shuddered from just looking at the cold drink. "I seriously hate snow and the cold. I can't wait until summer." Grumbled the man.

As he spoke to his friend Elijah sent her a text saying, 'When you get back from your lunch come to my office. I have important business you need to handle. And please do have a mint before you get here. I won't stand for smelling onions again.' Last week she had some that had onions in her food, and he kept going on and on about it even after she had gum.

Thomas glanced at her screen, being a bit nosey. Grimacing at the text, her rolled his spring green eyes. "Geez, I wouldn't be surprised if only Elijah was the killer. Thomas couldn't possibly have anything to do with the killings, but Elijah? Yeah he's the crazy one. He's so rude." Finishing oof his latte, he dabbed his mouth with his napkin before glancing at her. "Should we get back?"