The Fight for Valeroma

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400 years ago there was a terrible war on Valeroma. A war that ravaged the lands. This was not just a world war, it was a global war. It was a war between races, species. Dragons and humans, Elves and Dwarves. It destroyed everything we know. It destroyed the economy of every nation on the planet, it destroyed each government, each countries hospitals, everything. This war sent everyone back to third world technology, swords, shields, but no guns or anything. But it was finally over, and for 400 years there is peace among all the inhabitants on Valeroma. Peace among the races and the species.
There is, however, a catch. See, there is always a catch when it comes to world peace. World peace can only last so long. There is an ancient prophecy, a prophecy that speaks of destruction, of chaos. It goes like this:

When the night is dark and the moon is red
Hatched will be a dragon of dread
Eyes like amber and scales like the earth
More than the world his head will be worth
The dragon of dread will be a shifter and more
The kind of monster you read of only in lore
He will seek to rule the last of his race
And make the whole world know of his face

This prophecy speaks of tomorrow night. There is going to be a blood red moon tomorrow night, speaking of the blood shed in that war so many years ago. This prophecy speaks of a terrible creature, a Dragon shifter. He has a dragon form, and a human form. He is extremely powerful. His name? Vaeros.
There was an evil in the world before the war, an evil that seeks to ruin this world, to make life miserable. And for a while, he succeeded. But it was only temporary. So in a last ditch effort, he prophesied about a dragon that would rule over everyone, just when they get comfortable in the new world they've built.

Dragons are the ones we set in charge to make sure the world is safe from war, seeing as they are the kindest, and the wisest, species on the planet. But one dragon will change this...and almost eliminate them.

But with every cursed prophecy, there is a light of redemption. This one? One guide, and a group of Six young men and women, of various races, chosen at the end of the unspeakable war. They are the only ones who will be able to stop Vaeros, together. Together, they will bring peace to the world. Together, they will end Vaeros' crusade.
Are you ready, chosen ones?

  • Name
    Appearance (Picture please, no anima/manga)
    Brief Bio

  • The Chosen Ones
    The Chosen ones are the ones who will be uniting to go defeat Vaeros. Later on, there will be a second part of the prophecy that reveals more about them. I would prefer if we could keep the genders even. These Chosen One's (or CO's as I call them) would come from very different backgrounds, different people. They probably won't all get along at first, but with time, they should learn to act more like a team.
    The Guide
    The Guide would be more of a minor character in this roleplay. The guide would be what draws the 6 CO's together. He would also guide them along the way, if they need strong advice. Or to get them back on track if they lose sight of their purpose. He would appear to each of the CO's in turn, how he would do that, would be by the player and the GM's choice, but is open for discussion in the OOC. He wouldn't be necessarily traveling with them, but would come in and out the group. A spirit would probably be the best way for this to happen, but if you want to make this happen some other way, feel free. :)

  • 1. No Godmodding or anything of the like
    2. I am the GM of this RP what I say goes, and @Lady Alainn is the CO-GM. So she will be in charge in my absence.
    3. You can play anything you like, dragons, humans, elves, dwarves, and shifters, any others must get approval from me. ^^
    4. Vaeros is to be played by me (@Bitterblue) and the Co-Gm (@Lady Alainn)
    5. Please have at least 2 paragraphs (5 sentences each, at least) per post for each character, and please use correct grammar.
    6. Please wait for at least 2 people to post before you post again (2 posts per char at least if that makes sense?)
    7. There are limited amounts of spots available. 6 chosen ones, and 1 Guide. (If you wish to be the Guide, you must pm me before filling out the CS.)
    8. If you read the rules put something about coffee and chocolate somewhere in your CS
    10. Please post your characters name above each IC post
    11. Please post at least once a week
    12. HAVE FUN!

Played by @Lady Alainn
Name: Nym the Spirit Guide[/tab]
Age: 24
Gender: Female
Race: Human/Fox Shifter/Ghostie

Personality: Nym is the perfect rogue. She is small, quick, intelligent, and cunning. At least, that's what she thinks of herself and would have you think, too. Needless to say, Nym is a bit full of herself when it comes to her abilities and often bites off more than she can chew. Her natural instinct in such instances is to run but that isn't always an option, hence her entrapment in the spirit world. Nym is prone to mischief-making and loves a good practical joke, although she isn't always able to decipher a good one from a bad one. She is empathetic, obstinate, has a child-like innocence, and will fight for what she believes is right until her last breath.

Strengths: Nym's specialty in the physical world is detecting and disarming traps, thus giving her the special ability to see a limited distance into the future in the spirit world. Her quick mind and premonitions work together to make her an awfully good guesser as to what step should be taken next. She can also sweet-talk greater, more knowledgeable spirits into giving her information she just shouldn't know. She's also quite the handy pick-pocket, lock-picker, and has a high sense of smell, but these have become meaningless since her ascension to part-goddess. [See? So full of herself]

Weaknesses: Lacking in strength, Nym is no warrior. She faints at the sight/smell of blood and has absolutely no magic resistance. When in fox form she cannot communicate except with other foxes or someone who can already communicate with animals. Because of strange, magical circumstances she can enter the physical world for short periods of time. If she shows up as a fox, well, that is one heck of a disadvantage for the whole party.

Brief Bio: It had been just a simple job, one that would have her wealthy, full-tummied, and snuggled in bed by nightfall. But when one is trying to steal an ancient scroll, things don't always go the way one planned. As she clambered over the window sill to her waiting quick-exit rope, the thundering footsteps of the priest echoed in the stairwell. She frantically swung one leg over and checked her bag to make sure the scroll was still hidden securely before scaling down the wall. It had vanished.

Nym tugged herself back inside and whirled around. What happened to it? How had it fallen out? The priest's steps grew louder. He was coming. Nym turned to flee up the stairs, but her foot made contact with a crunch instead of the sound of stone. She looked down. The parchment. Had she hurt it? Nym bent down to retrieve it and slowly unrolled it. Letters were printed on it, strange letters she had never seen before. Nym couldn't read to begin with, but she at least could recognize common letters like I N N and T A V E R N or J O B. There wasn't an N or a T on the page. She unrolled it further, intrigued by the flowing script. Then the priest appeared.

What happened next is still a blur to Nym. Some kind of magic thing happened, and Nym was especially susceptible to magic. Somehow, her desire to flee sucked her into the scroll instead of commanding her legs to stand up. Before she could cry out, she had transported into the spirit world never to pick another pocket again. Now only true love's kiss could undo the spell-- but that was only wishful thinking on Nym's part. This time, the joke really was on her.


Nym shook her head, her tone insistent. "But the Ancient One, he says there's hope that the dragon can be conquered. He says if we get the right people together, it'll be easy--"

"Easy, Young One?" the great tree spirit boomed. "Altering Fate is never easy. He should never have told you about the prophecy. It is foolish."

Nym bit her tongue and furrowed her brow. "But if there's a chance to save Valeroma, we should take it, shouldn't we?"

"It doesn't concern us at all," another spirit said sadly as she drifted by. "We're no longer a part of that world."

"Yes, you are!" Nym argued. "Your fates are just as tied into this whole mess as those of us with real bodies! At least, I think I still have my body. It's been a while since I've used it. Where did I leave it, anyway?"

The Tree Spirit covered her ramblings with a deep chuckle. "You will understand all in time, Young One. It is best not to get involved."

Nym waved her arms in agitation. "But the prophecy! That has to be fulfilled, right? One of you guys has to lead the heroes---"

"Have you ever considered, Young Nym, that the prophecy might be about you?" The Ancient One appeared in the middle of the small gathering. "Have you considered you were chosen for such a time as this?"

Nym gulped. "But, but I don't know anything about this. How would I know who to choose? How to do all that ghostie mumbo-jumbo stuff? No, I'd only mess things up."

"If you are chosen, Young Nym, you will know."

"Gosh, that's a lot of help," Nym muttered. She crossed her arms over her chest and glared at the spirits. "Fine! Fine! If no one is going to do anything about this, I guess that means it's up to me. Now, can someone tell me how to hijack people's dreams?"[/tab]
[tab=Vivian Alae]
Played by @Bitterblue
Vivian Alae
Unknown-She refuses to reveal it, although she will reveal it to the one she falls in love with. It's the sign that she's truely fallen for you.
Elf/Dragon shifter
Vivian (Viv to her good friends) is a kind elf; although she is a bit arrogant since she is pretty old by human standards. She isn't as close-minded as other elves, and embraces new ideas. She is naturally curious, and will investigate into anything she doesn't know. She trusts pretty easily, but not too easy that you can manipulate her. It isn't easy to get her to fight; but if she deems it necessary, watch out, for she is one mighty warrior.
-She is decent with her sword, but her real weapon as an elf is her Bow.
-She is rather small as a dragon, making her fast and agile in the ari. Able to turn really sharp, and do things large dragons aren't normally able to do.
-She breathe's both water and ice, which means she breaths cold water that freezes on impact with anything, or just water.
-In dragon form, she can mind-speak. This is just how she communicates.
-The rest will be RP'D
-Her small dragon size means she's not as strong, she lacks the bulk that the bigger dragons have, causing her to lack the strength needed in close combat (as a dragon)
-She is a clutz, both as an Elf and as a Dragon. This makes it a bit difficult for her to get around.
- Elf: She is a strong right side user when she is in combat, so if her right side becomes hurt, she's at a serious disadvantage. While she can fight with her left side, it's not nearly as good as her right.
-Being half shifter, Vivian doesn't have a strong ability for magic. The only thing she can do at the moment is control plant life. And that normally only happens when she sings.
-While she is nice, she can be a bit judgemental. (This will disappear over time.)
Brief Bio
Vivian was born to an elf, and a shifter. Her mother, a full elf, was named Elora. And her Father, the shifter, was called Raul. As a little girl, Viv didn't know she was a shifter like her father. She would ride on her fathers back, in between the spikes. They would soar together, with his voice humming in her mind. She loved it.
Vivian's first shift to dragon was when she was 50 years old. The family had taken her younger sister to the park, and Viv was pushing her on the swing. Laughing at Emma's antics, Vivan suddenly changed. Unfortunately, her little sister was close to her, and got hurt. Fortunately, it was just a scar running from her ear to the tip of her jaw. Viv was devastated, it made her very reluctant to shift. But soon enough, Emma was asking for dragon rides. So Viv fashioned a strap in saddle for Emma so she wouldn't fall off. When it was done, they went outside, and when Emma stood far enough away, Viv willed it, and poof! She was a dragon. She roared with pure glee. First, her father would teach her how to fly. She didn't want to do anything that would hurt Emma....again.
Only when her father was sure she knew everything there is to know about flying, he allowed her to carry Emma on her back. Raul strapped Emma in, and they took off. Roaring as they ripped through the blue sky, she rolled. Emma laughed in joy. They had fun, with barral rolls, dives, and the sort. Little did they know, the straps holding Emma down were slowly fraying. They finally snapped, and Emma went hurtling towards the earth. Diving after Emma, Vivian grabbed her with her clawed paws. Her claws weren't as graceful as her wings, and they did do some damage. But she headed towards the ground, and set her down as gently as she could (which really wasn't very gentle) and changed before she landed on top of her.
Gathering her little sister in her arms, she called out for her mother. Blood was pooling on the ground, and soaking Viv's clothes. Elora came out, screamed quickly, and then ran to Emma's side. Singing softly in the ancient language, Emma was healed. That was another close call for Emma....all because of Vivian.
Vivian couldn't take it. She had almost killed her little sister, twice! She stayed home for a few more weeks, gathering her stuff, and preparing to do the unthinkable: leave. She talked to her parents, and Emma, and they all said that it wasn't her fault, that it was an accident; but that wasn't true. SHE had made the saddle, she had hurt Emma with her claws. She just wasn't safe to be around. She told them she had made up her mind, and they nodded. Hugging her parents hard, she promised to visit from time to time. Emma came up to her, teary eyed. "Pwease don't go, Vivvie." She said in her little kid voice. Viv knelt and gathered her sister to her. She loved no one like she loved her baby sister, which is why she had to go.
So, she set out. Her belongings strapped to her back, she flew off. She found a nice little town, full of shifters. She lived with them, and was happy. She kept her promise, and visited home about once a month to keep her family updated.
There is talk around town that there is going to be a blood moon in honor of the unspeakable war that happened 400 years ago...something was going to happen, something bad. She felt it to her very bones....
Vivian will do whatever it takes to get her task done, she will fight for her friends, she will kill for her family. [/tab][tab=Valaina Inglorion][/tab]
[tabs][tab=Valaina Inglorion]
Name Valaina (Vala) Inglorion
Age 155
Gender Female
Race Elf
She is shy around new people and when put into a position where she is being introduced to someone new she would feel much more comfortable hiding behind someone else. However when around friends she is outgoing and cheerful. She likes talking to people and will most certainly listen to any problems another has. In the end she is just a kind, shy, girl.

-She can create a barrier that blocks small projectiles (such as arrows and throwing knifes)
-She can use her magic to make a single target lighter or heavier (Heaviest is double the weight and lightest is the weight of a feather.)
-She has minor healing spells that can remove scrapes and cuts
-She can use major healing spells to save lives
-She is resistant to poison
-She can slow all enemies in a 10x20ft area.

-Major healing spells have a long cast time, while she is using it she cant be interrupted or break concentration otherwise she would have to start over again
-All her spells require concentration as soon as she stops concentrating on a spell it slowly wears off
-She is not good under pressure
-She will hold a grudge for an unreasonable amount of time
-She isn't good in the cold
-The smell of coffee makes her nauseous

Brief Bio
Vala was left outside an orphanage when she was nine months old and never knew her parents. For unknown reasons she was an elf in a human settlement which didn't make her life any easier. For a long time she was picked on by the other orphans. They would call her names such as long ears and tease her constantly for anything and everything they could think of. Sometimes she would get her lunch, normally a bowl of porridge, pored over her head, other times she would get out of a bath only to find her dress and towels missing. She was ridiculed for a long time, though the adults never seemed to care.

Free time was especially hard for Vala. All the kids were forced outside and of course most of them had nothing better to do than chase her around the entire time making fun of her and throwing the occasional stick. She was lucky if she walked back into the orphanage with only a few bruises. Of course this got old fast. It was then that her magical prowess began to show. She first started to realize her abilities when a kid decided to throw a rock instead of a stick, she raised up her hand and deflected the rock with some kind of invisible force.

As time went on she started to learn new things and come up with new ways to use her gifts. From slowing down her antagonists to making herself as light as air so she could simply jump away, her life started to get better and better. During the last year of her life living under the orphanages care the worst the other children could do was verbal. Though words still hurt...

She was fourteen when someone finally adopted her. Though she soon found out they didn't adopt her because they liked her, they adopted her because of her magical abilities. She soon found herself helping her 'father' with his delivery job by making everything he had to lift as light as a feather. She was happy for the most part. Helping out wasn't exactly the worst thing ever and at least she wasn't called names wherever she went. In fact most of the adults treated her like a normal girl, though the occasional glares did come her way.

After a few years her 'father' became a drunk and as his addiction progressed he started to run low on money and become more violent. She soon found herself being 'punished' by his belt. Though it didn't happen often the marks took a while to heal up which was a big problem for her. A lady from the orphanage would come by every once and a while to check up on her and make sure she was still happy with her family. If she were to see the bruises shaped like a belt buckle it would be a clear indicator that she was beaten. Though she wasn't a fan of the beatings it was still better than going back to the orphanage. With this in mind she started to teach herself how to heal. Luckily Vala had a natural talent for healing and it didn't take long for her to figure it out.

It took a while but her father started to realize the marks were vanishing over night which made him curious. After a little digging he found out about her healing abilities and decided he could use that to get out of the financial crisis he put himself into. The next thing she knew he was asking her to heal the sick and the wounded. Once again she found herself using her abilities to make her father money.

When she turned eighteen she left the house and began to wonder. She tended up avoid people, afraid they would be like those from the orphanage or perhaps more like her parents. She did not want to be bullied or used, she just wanted to live out her life with a few people she trusted... unfortunately she hadn't found any yet.[/tab][tab=Colleen]
Name: Colleen
Age: 22
Gender: Female
Race: Human
View attachment 39729

Personality: Colleen is a quiet woman. She thinks more than she speaks, and generally keeps to herself. When she's in doubt, she keeps her wordsnto herself.
Amongst friends and family, however, she's much more open and engaging.
Strengths: Colleen is a good strategist, always two steps ahead of her enemies.
Weaknesses: Colleen never truly trusts anyone.
Bio: Colleen is the eldest daughter of a knight. Her father retired from activemservice when she was young and took on the training of younger soldiers and knights. As she grew up, Colleen decided to take up archery and trained with her fathers apprentices. She can now hit her target from over 60 ft.

Colleen has never fought in open battle, but she has taken part in minor skirmishes over the years. She is usually in charge of looking after her little sisters, who are 13 and 10 years old. Her mother disapproves of her interest in fighting and has attempted to betrothe Colleen to young noblemen. These engagements never last long and often end badly.

The last betrothal drove a wedge between Colleen and her mother. Her poor father was dragged into the ensuing arguments and sent Colleen away to her aunt until he could calm her mother down. None of them expected for the traveling party to be attacked on the road or for Colleen to take refuge, temporaily, with the dwarves.​
Played by @Kelairn
Name: Tysin Iron-stance
Age: 144
Gender: Male
Race: Elf
Appearance: Tysin is big. Well over six feet in height and over 200 pounds, he is huge for an elf. His body is bulky and muscled compared to his kin (though he is still rather scrawny compared to a human and down-right pitiful next to a dwarf or orc). Should one see him without a shirt, they'd note that he's actually a bit fat. His muscles are not well defined due to his unfortunate penchant for eating too much, something that frustrates the monk to no end. His hair is cut quite short, leaving only a thin layer of gray hair on his skull, and the skin on his face, arms, body, and shins, and feet is a dark brown from being exposed to sun every day of his life. The flesh covered by the cotton pants that he wears, pants that come down to just below his knees, is actually quite pale.

Speaking of his clothes, he wears very little. His traveling supplies are attached to a worn back-pack (a gift from one of his adventuring friends, it is actually an extra-dimensional space that holds far more than a back-pack of that size should), and he wears a simple cloth tunic and pants. He wears well-made and comfortable sandals that he can kick off if he needs to. His pointed ears are adorned with no jewelry, but he does wear an amulet made from three crocodile scales around his neck (it is a magical item given to him by another friend, that allows his skin to turn blows it normally wouldn't). Bracers on his forearms are lined with metal, allowing him to block and deflect attacks from edged weapons with his arms (they also double as another magical barrier against harm, protecting him with a thin layer of force to ward off attacks).

His body has scars on it from his training and combat experiences, but a tattoo on the side of his neck reveals to anyone knowledgeable in such things about his order. It is a small storm cloud with four white rings surrounding it, and an open fist in its center.

Personality: As an elf, he loves life and living, and loves sharing these experiences with others. While not necessarily a flirt or philanderer, he is definitely a chatterbox. This is in part due to an Elven condition connected to his natural aptitude with magic, known as Magical Mania. It doesn't help that he was born with an innate ability for a few simple spells, making the mania much harder to channel and adjust to. Part of the reason he joined the Order of the Pounding Wind was to try and still the magical accelerated thoughts racing through his head.

His breadth of experience, his confidence in his abilities, and the knowledge that he will outlive most everyone around him, has given him an arrogant side that is rarely controlled due to the mania mentioned above. He simply has no time to reign in his prideful impulses and comments, and has stated more than a few fights with his comments.

Strengths: Tysin's training focused quite a lot on evasion and agility over punches and kicks. The particular monastic order that he belongs to pride themselves on avoiding all manner of attacks without really moving. It is not unheard of to see a Pounding Wind Monk avoid sword slashes from two or three opponents without ever moving their feet. And when they do move their feet it is usually to kick someone in the groin or knees, or to sweep their legs out from under them.

Tysin excels at this. He will often use his acrobatic skills and speed to get in the middle of a group of foes, and taunt them into sloppiness while focusing on avoiding their blows. Eventually someone gets frustrated and ends up hitting their allies, and at that point Tysin will escape and leave the group fighting itself for several moments before they realize he is gone.

Tysin can also cast a few simple spells. He can detect magical energies, poisons, and diseases. Not much else is he capable of magically, save his ability to focus his energy in order to perform nearly supernatural feats of agility and speed. His training has rendered his limbs able to deliver blows that would snap wood or dent metal without damaging himself, and can even duplicate the effects of certain metals. For example, his focused energy cancels out the defense werewolves have against all blows not inflicted by silver. He has fought a few lycanthropes in his day, and they are always surprised to find the chop to their throat has actually hurt them, when normally their magical skin turns even the finest of blades.

Weaknesses: Tysin's fighting style makes it difficult to incapacitate armored foes. You cannot hit a nerve point through steel, after all. Shielded warriors also pose a problem, since they are often more careful and calculating than other fighters. Ranged attackers are, for obvious reasons, impervious to his attacks, unless he can get in close, and his attacks themselves are a bit of a problem.

Tysin acknowledges that his fighting style lacks impact. While his blows are painful and incapacitating, they rely heavily on pinpoint accuracy, and thus are difficult to use in combat. He is much better and grabbing and throwing an assailant than he is at actually hitting them, if that makes sense. In fact, he often does more damage to his enemies by throwing them into their allies than he does actually punching them.

His focus on subduing tactics also make fighting undead creatures a problem. While he can strike and do some serious damage to these creatures by channeling his inner energy into his attacks, most of his disabling tactics will not work on those without a heartbeat, and you can't tire out the dead.

Brief Bio: Tysin grew up in one of the most populated of elf cities, but at an early age showed the wanderlust that some elves experience as they get older. He relished experiences, but his mind was a touch too scattered to ever get anything done. His family had learned that he had the Magical Mania, and the best they could do was try and keep him focused long enough to learn a skill that would make him useful to society. Nothing seemed to work, however, and he reached almost half a century in age before he finally found something that stilled his mind.

He saw a traveling Pounding Wind Monk putting on a demonstration, and he was caught. He watched the monk, standing in the middle of four of his students, evade strike after strike, turning the dodge of one strike into the dodge of a second. It seemed to go on for eternity, but when Tysin looked around he realized that, for the first time, his mind had slowed down. He knew that the monk was moving quickly, rapidly, so fast that he seemed to barely move, but for Tysin, the monk made the whole world stand still.

Tysin begged to be taken on as a student, and finally Tysin had something that focused his mind, and he spent several decades training under this master. When the man died, however (he was a human well into his eight decade of life), Tysin finished his training and ventured out into the world, exploring and making friends and making a few enemies too.

Now, he was being drawn to this place, this Forsaken Grove, to stop an apocalypse. How interesting!

Other: I made a pathfinder character sheet, if anyone is interested XP it helps me organize my characters abilities and stuff. He's also a fan of chocolate and coffee[/tab]
[tab=Niklaus] Played by @Kelairn
Name: Niklaus (Nik) Allard
Age: 23
Gender: Male
Race: Human/ dragon shifter
Human shape:
Nik as Human
Niklaus is pretty much as in the image, but he has his hair a little longer and of the same colour of the dragon picture. He is 5'10'' tall and weighs 162 lb. As a dragon, he is 5 meters long.
Dragon Shape:
Nik as Dragon

Even though Niklaus had a tough past, he is a really optimistic person and he will always show himself in a good mood. He believes that being able to shift into a dragon is a great gift and considers himself really lucky. He likes it so much that, unless he wants to comunicate, you will mainly see him in his dragon form. He is friendly and honest most of the time, but you shouldn't make him angry, specially if he's in his dragon shape.

-He is good at dragon combat, he is slightly stronger than the average dragon and has a very powerful jaw, which allows him to rip off limbs (from humans or creatures of similar strenght) without much effort. His claws allow him to strongly grab his enemy but can't really hurt it.
-Fire doesn't burn him, not even in his human shape.

-He is pretty clumsy in his human shape. He may even fall walking in a straight path, because he is use to see the world with better senses. So he's an easy pray if you catch him distracted.
-He's slower than most dragons and not really agile.
-He's more trusting than he should.
-Abusing of firebreathing makes him more tired than usual.
-He can't control himself while he's angry.

Brief Bio
His mother was a prostitute, so he never knew his father, who was probably who gave him the dragon gene. She was a good mother, who did her best to take care of his son, but sometimes the best isn't enough. They went through hunger and cold, and she couldn't afford to give him any kind of education. Anyways, he was a happy boy that made a little look like a lot, and that allowed him to have a lot of friends. Well, that wasn't exactly why; Nik made sure that every kid on town knew about his "amazing" ability: fire couldn't burn him! And, of course, every little kid wanted to be his friend. He found out about his real ability in a not very pleasant way. Her mom always encouraged him to spend his days in some friend house and he loved that idea. Of course, he didn't know his mom was a prostitute that used to work at her house, he just thought she wanted him to eat in someone elses house. He was coming back home a saturday afternoon when he lived his worst nightmare: her mom was lying dead in a blood pool in her own bedroom. She was beaten and stabbed to dead. Someone had killed her.
Suddenly, he could smell the metal in the blood. And with it, the smell of that someone. He felt his body changing while he followed his instincts. The smell trail lead him to a drunk man who wasn't even conscious. He tried to scream at him, but a roar came from his body. And, when he got his consciense back, he ripped his head off. It wasn't after he was surely dead that the boy started crying.
Niklaus was adopted by the family of one of his friends, who paid him a proper education and took care of him until he was 15 and he decided to leave. Since then, he's a nomad, alterning in making some human job or just dragon hunting his food. Even if he loves being a dragon and living in the woods, he mainly lives in towns, because he really enjoys the company. Also, when he gets the opportunity, he saves people from monsters like the one who killed his mother. He's not a hero or anything like that, but he just doesn't want anyone to go through his pain.

[/tab] [tab=Kolmar]
Played by @Lady Alainn
Name: Kolmar of the Longlegs
Age: 142
Gender: Male
Race: Dwarf

Personality: As the saying goes, All Brawn No Brain or All Brain No Brawn. This is generally typical among dwarves simply because they use it as an excuse to hone one without exercising the other. Kolmar, however, is not a typical dwarf and prefers to amend the saying with Very Buff With Brain. He is quite prideful, being the first dwarf to ever measure above five feet, but is wise enough to bow to his betters. He is disciplined, but gives way to spontaneity upon occasion, dominating, but gentle, a leader of companies, but a lover of the fairer sex. His calloused hands are quick to draw a weapon in defense and quick to caress a stricken sparrow on the ground.

Strengths: Kolmar wields an extremely heavy two-handed hammer that, when swung at its optimum angle, can crush the skull of a troll or smash in the snout of a dragon. Ikspar [Mighty Fist] is the tallest dwarven war hammer ever crafted in the dwarven forges and both Kolmar and his hammer are mighty proud of that fact. Like all dwarves, Kolmar can run quickly over short distances [keeping up with the average elf] or can toil on at a steady, slower pace for days without tiring. His tough hide is difficult to pierce and he is resistant to all sleep, poison, and fear spells and magics.

Weaknesses: When Kolmar swings his hammer, watch out. He has absolutely no control over where it will land, though he can determine an approximate target and expect to hit it within a foot on either side. Kolmar has a soft spot for the tavern scene and it can be very hard to persuade him to move on once he's set his eyes on a tavern. If he drinks himself sodden, brew up a strong pot of coffee and he'll be right as rain in a few hours.

Brief Bio: Kolmar is a prime specimen of a dwarf from the Longlegs clan. He is physically fit, intelligent, ruggedly handsome with chocolate tresses, and has unusually long legs, thus making him the envy of his second cousin twice removed on his father's side-- Ferrar, Leader of Clan Longlegs. As boys they were inseparable but when Ferrar began training for his role as the future leader of the clan he began to resent Kolmar's raw charismatic appeal. Ferrar was, unfortunately, a dwarf with all brain and no brawn. He was only average height for a Longleg and bore the bulbous, red nose of his fathers. Being a fat, pathetically weak dwarf, Ferrar could only wield a short sword and was insanely jealous when Kolmar crafted the beautiful and deadly Ikspar. His second cousin twice removed's perfections irritated him.

Trying to bridge the gap, Kolmar joined the dwarven army to serve and protect his homelands and his childhood friend and relative, but his renown on the field of battle only succeeded in creating a larger wedge between them. Unsure of how to deal with this, Kolmar packed his bags and began travelling throughout the kingdom. His tender heart stopped him at many a cottage and before long this trek became a mission of mercy for the needy in the realm. Enraged with the overwhelmingly positive support the kingdom gave Kolmar, Ferrar promoted Kolmar as a foreign diplomat to softly exile him from the kingdom.

Kolmar has since travelled great distances preserving the alliance of the dwarven clans.
[/tab][Tab=Sahvati Kassab]
played by @Mowkie[/Tab]
[Tab=Sahvati Kassab][/tab]​
[Tab=Sahvati Kassab]

Sahvati "Bloody Tail" Kassab
22 | Female | Alghenia Sailor

Human | Weasel Shifter


Sahvati is a darker-skinned woman with a complexion that could match that of a soft cappuccino, her near-black hair falling in thick dreads nearly to her waist to frame an oval face with a rounded chin, thick lips, and round eyes the color of rich, deep rum tinged with a hint of fire red. Of course, only one eye can be seen, as she wears a thick bandana of gold, green, and red over her left eye. From beneath that bandana stretch a series of vicious, thin scars that hint at a previous injury that could have been from a fire of some sort. The longest and most noticeable scar, however, is the one that stretches from the covered eye across her nose and halfway across her right cheek, thin and wavy like a river, suggesting a possible dagger or even sword fight.

When the bandana is removed, a simple "X" stitching covers an empty socket, keeping it closed and slightly less frightening, and the worst of the burn damage is shown from the left side of the forehead halfway down the left cheek, possibly from embers or even a bit of gun powder being lit in her face. Her silky skin, though rugged along her face, softens slightly as it reaches down her neck and along her shoulders and chest, covering a lean and well-honed frame built for speed and accuracy. Around her neck, from the right side where it meets her shoulder to wrap across the back and reach up from the left to mark her chin is a delicately-designed, serpent-like tattoo that twists around on itself. The ink, though black, has faded, giving a hint that this has been on her flesh for many years. This tattoo, however, is not the only one, for her arms are covered with all sorts of tribal-like symbols on each arm, reaching down to her hands. The most notable mark, however, is the one on her back, of a mighty kraken, the symbol of her sailor family.

This young sailor stands only five feet, even, and she loves to wear a mixture of tight and loose-fitting clothing. Her blouse, a brilliant crimson the color of blood lined with bits of gold, has the usual "V" shape that allows for air to flow to the necessary places, and is tied off with a cloth belt just beneath her small breasts. In the typical tunic style, it falls loosely in an "A" shape, open at the front to allow air to once more flow where necessary and sometimes show her well-muscled abdomen. From her waist to tuck into well-worn leather boots are a pair of simple trousers, clinging tightly to her as various bits of cloth poke from pockets to hide various items that are lined on the more well-designed belt that hold them up. On her left side on a simple ring design is her trusty khopesh blade, its odd design keeping it from properly being sheathed, and in her right boot is a simple dagger sheathed between the leather of her trousers and the boot, itself, only the bone handle sticking out to be seen. Strapped over her red blouse, hanging with the top on the right shoulder is a simple quiver of twelve arrows with a simple recurve bow hooked to its side for easy grasping. Her belt is lined with five silvery throwing knives, hidden by the various bits of cloth found in her trousers. Like any well-paid sailor, she loves to wear jewelry, and can often be seen with an arm full of various sized bands and bracelets. Both of her ears are pierced with thick golden hoops, and her neck is laden with shining golden chain and lapis lazuli beaded necklaces.

[[Tattoo Basic Appearances: Sleeve Designs || Back Design (Not Colored)]]
[[Weapons: Khopesh || Bow || Quiver & Arrows || Throwing Knives || Boot Knife]]

Her weasel form is much like that of a Least Weasel in its white winter coat. Tiny, rounded ears rest on a pointed head tipped with a slick black nose. From this nose stretches various sprouts of shadowy whiskers that rise up and twitch beneath beady black eyes that hint with red in certain lights. Her entire being, which is long and narrow, is no larger than eight inches, not including her long tail, which nearly doubles this length. Her paws are tiny, the only things on her that are marked with pink skin, each toe tipped with deadly, sharp claws that can do a surprising amount of damage despite her diminutive size. The only thing more dangerous on this little weasel is her long, sharp teeth, which never seem to stop growing. Despite her body being nearly solid white, she has tiny tufts of black fur inside her ears, and her tail is tipped with black and a greenish-brown fur, granting her the name of bloody tail, as it reminds her fellow sailors of rotting blood that has sat there for a few weeks.

[[Images of the Least Weasel: One | Two |Three]]

Hardy || Vigorous || Stalwart
With a long life on the tides of the seas, one has little choice but to grow a thick skin and stand up to whatever Mother Nature throws around. Sahvati has grown up strong and healthy, able to withstand the spray of the sea and the lash of the tongue. She can handle her own not only in a brawl, but also in the little things that life may throw her way. She has a good sense of humor and knows how to laugh when necessary, but at the same time, she can be quite sarcastic and domineering in nature. It takes a lot to truly insult her, as words fall from her skin like water droplets.

Quiet || Reserved || Aloof
Unlike her hardy upbringing, Sahvati is surprisingly quiet for a woman of the seas. She does not enjoy speaking around strangers, and while she can be good at wriggling her way out of tight situations with a well-placed word here and there, she prefers the quiet of her own thoughts, which are less tumultuous than the raging seas she grew upon. She is not the unfriendly sort, however, and while her appearance may make her seem a little more threatening than some, she is by no means an unapproachable person. She just likes a little privacy every now and then.

Ferocious || Aggressive || Extreme
When pushed past her point of anger or pulled into a danger that could have deadly consequences, Sahvati becomes a very powerful storm and anger and violence. Her tactical mind gives her an upper hand, and her ferocity matches the animal that she takes the shape of, often killing beyond the point of necessity, as though to make a statement. She can be quite merciless if pushed too far, and though not sadistic or cruel in nature, can come across as such when in the heat of battle. She has a deep passion, and while she is able to contain her aggressive nature for the most part, she can be a bit pushy at times, even with friends and those she cares for. She is a volatile creature by nature, and while her upbringing has granted her a thick skin and quiet reserve, her anger is like a hot, penetrating flame.

Tactical || Judicious || Prudent
When her buttons aren't being pushed quite so hard, Sahvati has a surprisingly strategic thought process. She is skilled at thinking ahead as well as on her feet, allowing her to put sensible thoughts into action. Whether this is for escape plans, battle formations, politics, or something as simple as keeping herself safe, she is practiced in all types of strategy. She likes to keep things "ship shape," and at all points in her life, she puts a great deal of effort into making everything just so. She can come up with battle plans like the best of them, but she also knows when the advice of a comrade is good to use. She is not the most prideful of people, and she takes advice quite well. But she is also well-schooled in various knowledges from around the world, and she does her very best to put each bit of information to good use. Sahvati also loves to learn, and whenever she has a moment to spare, she can be spotted reading something new to better hone her skills as a tactician and strategist.

Cunning || Deceptive || Sly
Of course, no one said that a sailor was the most honest of people. Sahvati knows when the truth is too much for others and can quite easily spin a fable of herself, her people, or really anything that needs a tiny fib or two. She is a silver tongue by nature, quick-witted and hearty. This is what allows her to wiggle her way in and out of politics and bad situations. She may not enjoy socializing like some, but she knows how to do so. She could potentially tell a man the sky was green, and he would have half a mind to believe her for a moment. Of course, she has been caught, and this may be the reason none know her true history.

  • Jack of Trades – Whether it is close quarters combat, or any type of ranged, Sahvati has had her hand in everything. She is decent with a bow and quick with throwing knives when necessary, but what makes her most interesting is her ability to use the unique khopesh style of fighting, which even allows her to sometimes de-shield her opponent. Of course, she is no master at any of these.
  • Thick Skin – It truly takes a lot to insult and bring Sahvati off her high horse. She seems to have a much more enjoyable outlook on life and takes things like nothing more than the spray of the mighty seas. This doesn't mean, however, that she is immune to everything.
  • Silver-Tongue – A liar by nature, Sahvati is very good at persuading another of anything that she likes. Some of her lies may seem obvious, while others are so miniscule, they're hardly noticed. This can make her quite the…valuable ally.
  • Strategist – Escape routes, battle scenarios, puzzles – whatever the case, Sahvati will do her very best at solving the problem at hand. She has a cool, calculating mind that only becomes tumultuous when threatened, which aides her in coming up with tactical procedures otherwise unheard of.
  • Shifter – Her somewhat unique ability to take such a small form allows Sahvati to get into the tiny nooks and crannies that would otherwise be inaccessible. This makes her the perfect scout…and the perfect escape artist. This also grants her with a few bonuses in her sense of hearing and smell, even in human form.
  • Liar Liar – By her very nature, Sahvati is a liar, making her very hard to trust, even when in the company of friends. Even without meaning to, she has a habit of lying. This habit will take a great deal of time and effort to break.
  • Never a Master – While this sailor is pretty good at many different weapons, she is not a master of any of them and thus often makes mistakes. So far, she has been able to survive without putting forth too much practice on one weapon of choice. However, this has a great chance of backfiring on her one day.
  • Land Locked – Having been raised on the open seas with the land often in the distant horizons, Sahvati has a very hard time being trapped on land. She loves the feel of water on her skin and hates being completely dry. She greatly misses the open seas, and because of this can become quite downtrodden about her life amongst the land lubbers.
  • Unfamiliar Territory – The more familiar the place, the better the strategy. Sahvati is in uncharted waters and finds herself at a great disadvantage due to this.
  • Partially Blind – Due to a missing right eye, Sahvati must compromise with the vision of only a single eye, which fortunately happens to be her dominant. This can cause her to be more easily blindsided, making her a more volatile target when in danger. Ranged combat is, by far, her worst skillset due to this.
  • Ferocious Nature – While Sahvati is a hardy young woman who needs many, many buttons pushed before she goes overboard, once she's reached the edge, she becomes a violent storm that is hard to stop. If it is a friend that pushes her this far, she will show little mercy.
Brief Bio
Sahvati Kassab was a babe born of the sea, her father a captain of the ship named "Malak Albyhr," a native saying that meant "Sea Queen," her mother a wench from one of the finest pubs of the shores of Alghenia. Her father was a darker-skinned man, much the color of rich, spiced coffee, while her mother was a woman of fairer skin and slightly tipped ears, making her appear almost half elf in nature. This couple's time together was meant to be short and sweet, but their love grew so deeply that he brought her aboard, the first woman to sail the open waters of Valeroma. Together, they would have a single daughter, who took the special ability of her father to take the shape of a weasel.

Little is known of how the child was raised, save the fact that most of her life was spent at sea with her parents. She would only set foot on land to learn new trades, for she would one day captain the same ship that was her father's, and no daughter of his was going to be a sheltered brat beneath the spray of the open ocean. They traveled to many unique locations along the shores of the mighty continent and even found a few islands off the coast with unique lifestyles and skills. Taking these skills and applying them to life was where the child flourished the most.

Their most frequent stop, however, was in the port city of Alghenia. Here, they would trade the valuable goods picked up from across the seas, and with each passing trip into the trading hub, the family and the crew of Malak Albyhr grew richer and richer. Alghenia was Sahvati's home away from home, and with each time she came to the strange and boisterous place, she found herself more and more in love with it. There were ports that lined the beach seemingly for miles, and various ships of all sizes made port to trade and relax a while away from the raging ocean waters. The streets were lined with shining cobblestone, and the buildings sat low to the ground so they wouldn't get blown away by the winds. Everything about Alghenia was exotic and wondrous, even down to the people. All races mingled here, be they elf or dwarf or even shifter, and humans seemed to be the centerpoint. The hub within the trading hub.

But the greatest part of Alghenia were the many different pubs.

From a very young age, Sahvati became an excellent liar. A player of sorts, wriggling in and out of conversations and spreading all sorts of juicy rumors about how spectacular her family, crew and all, was.

This trip, we found the hidden treasures of the ancient Deltora, who hid them away long, long ago. We had no idea this monster was still alive and guarding his hoard. Could you believe that a dragon still lived in this world? I thought there were only dragon shifters left, but there he was, brooding on some desolate island that we just happened across. There are so many treasures out there, still undiscovered! We just have to go out and find them.

Last night, as we came to port, we were thrashed by the mighty Leviathan that you only hear of in stories! I think he just wanted to say his farewells to us, as we are the greatest ship in the seas. Plus, were it not a goodbye, I think he would have destroyed us without a second thought.

I've seen mountains that are filled with greedy little imps that steal jewels from wary travelers. The caves glitter with thousands of stolen shinies, which are a stark contrast to the pale, gruesome bodies of these little fellows. They taught me how to be more sneaky, and in return, I gave them a pretty jeweled dagger that I swiped away from Father. He hasn't even noticed!

Whether or not these were lies remained to be seen, of course.

Her life became a sham of rumors and fibs mixed with tiny bits of truth scattered to the wind. As she grew older, Sahvati also grew more cunning. Due to this, there is a different story about her on each ear that has heard, and still many more to tell. She has become more honest, though, and professes that she may or may not be lying when she tells you about it. Asking her twice may prove interesting.

A Dream to Be a Hero
[spoili][/spoili][spoili]Dozing within the cabins of her father's beloved ship, Malak Albyhr, Sahvati dreamed something odd and fascinating. Something that, though she would not realize it at the time, would change her life forever. Her closed lids fluttered over dancing eyes as a hand fell to the side of the hammock she swung in. They were at port in Alghenia, and they would be for at least another week before setting sail once more. But today, she felt the need to stay within the comfort of her shiply home. And good thing, too, as her mind was sucked into an odd sense of spiritual lifting.

Sleep, however, did not last very long. Jolting upright, the young sailor found herself twisting out of the hammock and falling to the floor in a heap. Her head spun, a hand rising to settle on her forehead while she took a moment to regain her composure. What just happened, she wondered.

As she sat there, pondering over the strangely vivid dream she saw, Sahvati found herself with a driving need to get packed. She leapt to her feet, throwing on her favorite boots and packing a small knapsack full of things she knew she would need. Extra clothes, fletching tools, a few shiny items just in case she needed to get out of a jam. Then, making her way to the deck, she looked out for her father and mother, spotting them as they climbed aboard to look out at the setting sun.

"Ami...mother...Alyb...father...I want to travel inland for a while. There's something I'd like to do, and if I come back, I'll bring you many fine goods to help with the sailing. Perhaps we could build another fine ship and start a fleet!"

"Wherever did this come from, my daughter?" Her mother's surprised voice sounded out first, her face a mask of shock and confusion. "I thought you were perfectly happy with the sailing life."

"I am, Ami. But I feel there is something I need to do before I can go back out to sea. You understand, don't you?"

"Ah, let the girl go, my love! When a sailor gets a gut instinct, it's always best to follow. To ignore such a thing would be to ignore the sea, herself!" It didn't take the dark-skinned man very long to ponder it, having been a sailor his entire life. He looked to Sahvati with genuine pride and love, speaking to her as he wrapped an arm around his wife's shoulder. "We have given you all we can, my dear. You will make us famous by going inland and telling the stories of the mighty Sea Queen! Just be sure to return to the sea when she calls for you once more. When your task is done, we will be here, waiting for our First Mate to arrive once again!"

Delighted, Sahvati threw her arms around her father, planting a kiss on his cheek affectionately. "Thank you, Alyb! I will not let you down!" He chuckled as she pulled back and placed a kiss upon her mother's cheek. Then, with a brief goodbye, the young sailor made her way into unfamiliar territories. She would buy a map and begin her journey to the place that had shown itself in that strange dream, and there, she would find herself on a path to either great fame or great destruction.
played by @Bitterblue
Name: Vaeros



Dragon/Human shifter

Dragon Form

Human Form


Vaeros is utterly evil. He has one purpose: Destroy and rule the world. He will do anything and everything for this cause

-His enormous size gives him a huge advantage in a fight
He breathes fire
To be RP'D


He is power hungry, thereby blind with power
He can't turn as well, he isn't as agile
To be RP'd

Brief Bio

He has been prophesied about for 400 years, he hatched and immediately started to fulfill this prophecy. He has some people or dragons working for him, but he is ultimately the big bad. There's not much to tell about him, he is born to wreak chaos, and wreak chaos he shall.

None that I can think of.

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(Support version)​
Name Valaina (Vala) Inglorion
Age 155
Gender Female
Race Elf
She is shy around new people and when put into a position where she is being introduced to someone new she would feel much more comfortable hiding behind someone else. However when around friends she is outgoing and cheerful. She likes talking to people and will most certainly listen to any problems another has. In the end she is just a kind, shy, girl.

-She can create a barrier that blocks small projectiles (such as arrows and throwing knifes)
-She can use her magic to make a single target lighter or heavier (Heaviest is double the weight and lightest is the weight of a feather.)
-She has minor healing spells that can remove scrapes and cuts
-She can use major healing spells to save lives
-She is resistant to poison
-She can slow all enemies in a 10x20ft area.

-Major healing spells have a long cast time, while she is using it she cant be interrupted or break concentration otherwise she would have to start over again
-All her spells require concentration as soon as she stops concentrating on a spell it slowly wears off
-She is not good under pressure
-She will hold a grudge for an unreasonable amount of time
-She isn't good in the cold
-The smell of coffee makes her nauseous

Brief Bio
Vala was left outside an orphanage when she was nine months old and never knew her parents. For unknown reasons she was an elf in a human settlement which didn't make her life any easier. For a long time she was picked on by the other orphans. They would call her names such as long ears and tease her constantly for anything and everything they could think of. Sometimes she would get her lunch, normally a bowl of porridge, pored over her head, other times she would get out of a bath only to find her dress and towels missing. She was ridiculed for a long time, though the adults never seemed to care.

Free time was especially hard for Vala. All the kids were forced outside and of course most of them had nothing better to do than chase her around the entire time making fun of her and throwing the occasional stick. She was lucky if she walked back into the orphanage with only a few bruises. Of course this got old fast. It was then that her magical prowess began to show. She first started to realize her abilities when a kid decided to throw a rock instead of a stick, she raised up her hand and deflected the rock with some kind of invisible force.

As time went on she started to learn new things and come up with new ways to use her gifts. From slowing down her antagonists to making herself as light as air so she could simply jump away, her life started to get better and better. During the last year of her life living under the orphanages care the worst the other children could do was verbal. Though words still hurt...

She was fourteen when someone finally adopted her. Though she soon found out they didn't adopt her because they liked her, they adopted her because of her magical abilities. She soon found herself helping her 'father' with his delivery job by making everything he had to lift as light as a feather. She was happy for the most part. Helping out wasn't exactly the worst thing ever and at least she wasn't called names wherever she went. In fact most of the adults treated her like a normal girl, though the occasional glares did come her way.

After a few years her 'father' became a drunk and as his addiction progressed he started to run low on money and become more violent. She soon found herself being 'punished' by his belt. Though it didn't happen often the marks took a while to heal up which was a big problem for her. A lady from the orphanage would come by every once and a while to check up on her and make sure she was still happy with her family. If she were to see the bruises shaped like a belt buckle it would be a clear indicator that she was beaten. Though she wasn't a fan of the beatings it was still better than going back to the orphanage. With this in mind she started to teach herself how to heal. Luckily Vala had a natural talent for healing and it didn't take long for her to figure it out.

It took a while but her father started to realize the marks were vanishing over night which made him curious. After a little digging he found out about her healing abilities and decided he could use that to get out of the financial crisis he put himself into. The next thing she knew he was asking her to heal the sick and the wounded. Once again she found herself using her abilities to make her father money.

When she turned eighteen she left the house and began to wonder. She tended up avoid people, afraid they would be like those from the orphanage or perhaps more like her parents. She did not want to be bullied or used, she just wanted to live out her life with a few people she trusted... unfortunately she hadn't found any yet.

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1. You forgot something in the CS, go back and read the rules please
2. Please change your pic, it was also in the rules with no manga or anime, I prefer actual pictures or realistic pictures
Sorry for being so picky.
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Name: Crystal Barintino
Age: 14
Gender: Female
Race: Human
Personality: Brave, loyal, ready for anything, would die for anyone, practically fearless, tomboy, fighter, lone wolf, valiant.
Strengths: works well in a team who she can bond with. good at Archery and can do a duel weild katana movement
Weaknesses: has trouble making friends, but never let's go of them once she's made them. because she's been so icolated, she really only listens to her own opinion, but sometimes listens to other people's. not great with hand to hand combat
Brief Bio: This country girl is an incredibly wise and clever introvert. she would literally die for anyone who is an allie and will kill anyone without hesitation. she's quiet, her eyes are always sharp and she always seems to be listening.
Other: She only has ever had her loving, yet hard working father to take care of her seeing as her mother died of brain cancer when she was two. Her gradmother passed away two years ago from old age and her older brother was killed in a car accident. Being so lonely, she has learnt to be very independent. she taught herself to fight. Also makes a wicked Mocca
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@Kattybat14 Accepted! I did forget to add the age limit to the rules, so your char will probably be the only one under 18. Sorry!
I would like to ask that you add at least one more 'physical' weakness, if that makes sense. It would balance the physical strengths
Name: Agardir Exien
Age: 170
Race: Elven-Human
Appearance: Exactly like that ^ but not the clothes or the face markings.

Personality: Kind, humorous, hates losing, immature at times, likes being with friends, doesn't like being pestered, charming and flirty
Strengths: Agile, strong, and stealthy, enhanced hearing and detection
Weaknesses: He's too light for his own good, drinks too much, and is incredibly forgetful and lazy, unless he's fighting.
Brief Bio: Agardir is an elven prince who ran away from his kingdom after his father was overthrown and murdered by a traitor among the people he trusted. Furthermore, lots of people have crossed him so he will hold knives to even the slightest mercenary's neck. He decided to enlist into the army, considering he loved fighting and defending, and excelled at his academy and on the field. After some years in the army, he retired and went to buy a home in a village, un aware of what was to come.
Other:Has a platinum-tungsten sword with a silver hilt he has named Zephyr
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@Zeon Will you add a few more weaknesses? And the Dark one hasn't hatched yet....he will hatch the day we start the RP.
And for future reference, I would like longer Bios. DETAILS PEOPLE. DETAILS ARE EVERYTHING. I know, I expect a lot, especially in the IC.
@Kattybat14 Accepted! I did forget to add the age limit to the rules, so your char will probably be the only one under 18. Sorry!
I would like to ask that you add at least one more 'physical' weakness, if that makes sense. It would balance the physical strengths
Okay! fine with me! aslong as I get to roleplay ^_^
Name: Crystal Barintino
Age: 14
Gender: Female
Race: Human
Personality: Brave, loyal, ready for anything, would die for anyone, practically fearless, tomboy, fighter, lone wolf, valiant.
Strengths: works well in a team who she can bond with. good at Archery and can do a duel weild katana movement
Weaknesses: has trouble making friends, but never let's go of them once she's made them. because she's been so icolated, she really only listens to her own opinion, but sometimes listens to other people's. not great with hand to hand combat. can't run for long periods of time
Brief Bio: This country girl is an incredibly wise and clever introvert. she would literally die for anyone who is an allie and will kill anyone without hesitation. she's quiet, her eyes are always sharp and she always seems to be listening.
Other: She only has ever had her loving, yet hard working father to take care of her seeing as her mother died of brain cancer when she was two. Her gradmother passed away two years ago from old age and her older brother was killed in a car accident. Being so lonely, she has learnt to be very independent. she taught herself to fight. Also makes a wicked Mocca
Sorry, I thought it would be fine because it was a painting. @Bitterblue Is that better?

I read the rules threw and threw, I just hadn't finished my CS yet. The bio is the easiest place to add things that I might not have thought about.

Last but not least, its fine. Being picky is a GMs job. After all if we did what we wanted all the time you would have a hard time keeping interest, and we all know if the GM loses interest the RP has no hope. I will update soon, just been bogged down between work and school.
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Reactions: Bitterblue
Name: Kolmar of the Longlegs
Age: 142
Gender: Male
Race: Dwarf

Personality: As the saying goes, All Brawn No Brain or All Brain No Brawn. This is generally typical among dwarves simply because they use it as an excuse to hone one without exercising the other. Kolmar, however, is not a typical dwarf and prefers to amend the saying with Very Buff With Brain. He is quite prideful, being the first dwarf to ever measure above five feet, but is wise enough to bow to his betters. He is disciplined, but gives way to spontaneity upon occasion, dominating, but gentle, a leader of companies, but a lover of the fairer sex. His calloused hands are quick to draw a weapon in defense and quick to caress a stricken sparrow on the ground.

Strengths: Kolmar wields an extremely heavy two-handed hammer that, when swung at its optimum angle, can crush the skull of a troll or smash in the snout of a dragon. Ikspar [Mighty Fist] is the tallest dwarven war hammer ever crafted in the dwarven forges and both Kolmar and his hammer are mighty proud of that fact. Like all dwarves, Kolmar can run quickly over short distances [keeping up with the average elf] or can toil on at a steady, slower pace for days without tiring. His tough hide is difficult to pierce and he is resistant to all sleep, poison, and fear spells.

Weaknesses: When Kolmar swings his hammer, watch out. He does not have complete control over where it will land, though he can determine an approximate target and expect to hit it within a few inches on either side. While this does not immediately pose a problem, it does mean that a death blow can turn into just an annoying scratch if he miscalculates on a larger opponent. Kolmar has a soft spot for the tavern scene and it can be very hard to persuade him to move on once he's set his eyes on a bubbly pint of ale. If he drinks himself sodden, which rarely ever happens, brew up a strong pot of coffee and he'll be right as rain within the hour. He is also extremely susceptible to magics, especially of the fire variety. Last but not least, his greatest weakness is also one of his strongest strengths... his perfection. Kolmar is the prime specimen of a warrior and has never tasted defeat. Because he believes he is invincible, one failure can be his utter ruin.

Brief Bio: Kolmar is a prime specimen of a dwarf from the Longlegs clan. He is physically fit, intelligent, ruggedly handsome with chocolate tresses, and has unusually long legs, thus making him the envy of his second cousin twice removed on his father's side-- Ferrar, Leader of Clan Longlegs. As boys they were inseparable but when Ferrar began training for his role as the future leader of the clan he began to resent Kolmar's raw charismatic appeal. Ferrar was, unfortunately, a dwarf with all brain and no brawn. He was only average height for a Longleg and bore the bulbous, red nose of his fathers. Being a fat, pathetically weak dwarf, Ferrar could only wield a short sword and was insanely jealous when Kolmar crafted the beautiful and deadly Ikspar. His second cousin twice removed's perfections irritated him.

Trying to bridge the gap, Kolmar joined the dwarven army to serve and protect his homelands and his childhood friend and relative, but his renown on the field of battle only succeeded in creating a larger wedge between them. Unsure of how to deal with this, Kolmar packed his bags and began travelling throughout the kingdom. His tender heart stopped him at many a cottage and before long this trek became a mission of mercy for the needy in the realm. Enraged with the overwhelmingly positive support the kingdom gave Kolmar, Ferrar promoted Kolmar as a foreign diplomat to softly exile him from the kingdom.

Kolmar has since travelled great distances preserving the alliance of the dwarven clans.

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Edited, made the bio a bit longer
got him a custom sword
We need one more person, and a guide! :D
I'm like, the only dude. I'm surrounded with women. Life is good. Oh, and because of this, I made Agardir flirty and charming
That is true, so far its looks like you will have your own harem.

Edit: Finished my character.
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Hehe! I may end up making my little fox a boy just to give you some competition with the ladies.
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