The Fires of Love and Justice (ThatGuyxVoicesLure)

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The RAWRing 20s
Original poster
Invitation Status
  1. Look for groups
  2. Looking for partners
Posting Speed
  1. Speed of Light
  2. 1-3 posts per week
  3. One post per week
  4. Slow As Molasses
Online Availability
After 11pm EST
Writing Levels
  1. Beginner
  2. Elementary
  3. Intermediate
Preferred Character Gender
  1. Male
  2. Female
  3. Transgender
  4. Futanari
  5. Primarily Prefer Female
Yuri, Yaoi (if there is a crossdresser), Furry, Romance, School Life, Fantasy, Sci Fi, Modern, etc. I'm pretty open minded
New Nova city was a beautiful sight to behold in the modern world. It was the center for the emerging arts and an envy of culture everywhere. Business tycoons flooded the city increasing its size guided like a moth to a flame by the potential buried beneath all the culture. Soon New Nova became a retreat and home to private business and the testing ground for new emerging technologies. Despite all the glamour there was still the dingy under layer of the poor being stomped on by the rich.

Where the light of progress didn't touch there was the all too familiar sight that metropolitan cities were known for. The slumps and poor districts riddled the outer limits of the glistening inner city, its majestic skyscrapers taunting the poorer peole with wealth they could never have. That daily taunting leading many into a life a crime to attain even an ounce of that treasure. Some committing petty crimes that later they regret while others were tempted into violent acts by promises of the gilded men who ruled from their thrones in those skyscrapers.

But tonight crime was getting a rude awakening. Tonight the Phoniex Fire would burn fear into their hearts and ignite the flame of hope in the innocents. Soon news of the Phoniex Fire's crusade will be written in the "Nova Prime" paper. . . or the internet! Or instead of the Phoniex Fire, the fierce and compassionate Phoniex Maiden! Soaring through skies like a falling star!

Eliza couldn't help giggle to herself. The Phoniex Maiden did have a good ring but it was too soon to decide right? She hadn't even made her maiden voyage yet as a superhero. Wasn't she getting caught up in technicalities? Though Phoniex Maiden did have a good ring to it. 'Honestly girl, stop your daydreaming. There is Justice that needs to be served!'

Eliza snapped out of her thoughts and back into the reality of walking down a suspicious looking street wearing jeans and a gray hoodie that made her look equally as shady. The only lights she could see outside of the traffic lights and street lamps were the different neon signs advertising sleezy strip clubs or questionable bars. The bird brain had a point, she needed to keep her wits about her if she wanted to survive the night. She could feel the Phoniex Fire nodding his head in his know it all way. Eliza just rolled her eyes, the ancient disembodied voice had a way of annoying her like no one else.

"Right, so now what bird brain?" Eliza spoke but made sure no one heard her. The passerbys probably wouldn't think anything of it if they heard her speak, just another homeless crazy person. She heard the Phoniex Fire sigh. 'Patience young one, you simply can't. . . how do you say it. . . rush forth guns burning? Hmm how about that den of sin?' Eliza peered from under her hood and looked at the establishment in question. A smirk ran across her face. "Well not the best place for my first appearance but suppose it works." Eliza shoved her hands into her hoody pockets as she made her way across the street.
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After a long day of working with, unfortunately very rude children, Crystal was now packing her things up to leave. Don't get her wrong, she loves her job, and the most rewarding thing that she knows about teaching was the very moment a student of hers understood something or they became interested in the many experiments that they did. But like every job, it had its downside.

When the students start to get antsy, they tend to get... very rude. But that's nothing she couldn't handle. "Have good night, Crystal." One of the female history teachers called, as they walked by the empty classroom that Crystal was in. "Have a good night," Crystal called back.

Crystal quickly finished packing up her bag and was on her way out of the school building. Crystal hated walking at night, but she didn't have enough money to get a car yet. Teachers were already paid very little, so it was normal for them to walk. Crystal continued on her way, she hated the fact that her apartment was in the.. bad part of the city, but it couldn't be helped, it was cheap after all.

Crystal knew she should be more aware of her surroundings but, she had walked this path multiple times that she didn't feel as though she needed to. So Crystal ended up with her head in the clouds, as she passed each building.
Eliza chuckled inwardly to herself, the establishment was called the "Devil's Den" and appeared to be a dingy bar of some sort. She had to give it to bird brain, he knew how to pick them. She could hear him trying to rationalize his decision Eliza tune him out as she passed a couple drunks making their way out the crowded bar. Her nose wrinkled up smelling the heavy stench of alcohol wafting in her direction. She liked a little drink now and then but not enough to smell like it. As if on cue she heard the Phoniex praising her outlook on such an indecent activity. Ugh! Her mind was so peaceful before he made his perch there.

The bar was filled with the music of an amateur punk band who was terrible to say the least but when your head was intoxicated, it probably sounded decent. But to her right now it sounded like a cage full of monkeys rattling the bars. When the Phoniex chimmed in with his own comments, Eliza realize the band's sound was a better alternative than his nagging as she pulled up a stool to the bar.

When the bartender asked what she wanted, she ordered a beer, not caring what brand. Out of the corner of her eye she spotted a male patron being rather rough with his female partner. It was a typical situation, being curtain by the loud noise and drunken antics. Her eye never left him as he dragged the poor girl out of the bar, surprisingly through the front entrance.

Shortly she followed the man out into the streets where she threw the woman onto the ground and in one fluid motion pulled a gun on her. "You fucking tramp!" He yelled at her, his gun shaking. The whole development caught Eliza by surprise and the Phoniex saying something in his foreign language, she assumed it was 'Oh shit'. Immediately Eliza rushed the man knocking him to the ground but her eyes filled with horror as she realized the gun went off. Time seemed to slow as she looked at where the gun landed and then the direction of where the barrel rested. The man beneath her was luckily knocked out by his impact onto the ground.

"Oh shit!" she cursed to herself as she rushed to the victim's side. The bullet had shot into the woman's lef having her collapse onto the cold pavement. Eliza did not imagine her first night out ending this way. Like she saw in plenty of Netflix shows, she looked to see if the bullet had passed through not wasting time with small talk. 'Damn it!' she thought as she couldn't find the exit wound. 'I believe you are handling this innocent rather roughly' she heard bird brain at his two cents and this time she heedes his advice. She sat on the ground propping the woman's leg across her lap. The woman was either good at hiding her pain or was in shock but either case, she had to do something before the police arrive. Taking a deep breath she looked up at the woman, making sure her oversized hood hid her face.

"I um am the Phoniex Fire or um. . . Phoniex Maiden but I suppose that doesn't matter right now. You see there this voice in my head that um gives me these powers and um with them I plan on pulling that bullet out of you. I imagine its going to hurt a lot but please bare through it." she gulpled hoping her idea would work. Her digits set a ablaze as she conjured the Phoniex's power. 'So your plan is to use my power to pull this thing you call a bullet out of her wound and you hope my fire will heal her wound am I correct?' Eliza rolled her eyes trying to calm herself. 'I seen it in movies and shows so. . . must work right?Besides you said your fire only harms the guilty and protects the innocent right' The Phoniex stayed silent as Eliza drove her fingers into the poor girl, wincing at her screams. She made as little movement as possible not to make the poor woman anymore uncomfortable. When she felt the bullet she counted to three before easing it out of the wound. To her relief, the wound seemed to be already healing but her whole body felt exhausted. 'You are right, my fire protects the innocent but what you did, you weren't ready for young one.' Eliza felt her head become extremely light headed as she pushed the other woman's leg off of her. Her breath became ragged and her vision become blurry. In the distance she could barely make out the familiar shapes of police cars and what appeared to be an ambulance. 'I can't be found out' she thought to herself wobbly getting herself back up on her feet. 'Phoniex I need to get home. . . now' As if obeying, fire erupted around Eliza before consuming her, masking her body in radiance before she was propelled into the night sky by a jet of flame.
Crystal had heard a female scream not that far from her; it had abruptly snapped her out of her musing and put her on high alert. 'Something wasn't right' She had thought, her footsteps slowed until she had slowly stopped walking. 'Where did that scream come from?' Crystal didn't know if she should continue walking or turn around and head back to the school.

Before Crystal could make a decision, the sound of police alarms nearby made the decision for her. Crystal turned to look behind her and watched as two police cars and an ambulance came rushing down the road, it wasn't uncommon to see this, but it still scared her. Crystal watched the cars disappear in front of her; she stood there for a moment just staring at where the cars had gone before she started to walk again.

As soon as she stepped down, Crystal saw something bright shoot up into the sky. It looked little like fire, actually a lot like fire but it turned. Crystal never saw fire move like that before, 'Just what in the world was going on?' She thought. Against Crystal's better judgment she took off running in the direction the fire was going if it was going to hit a building she had to warn the residents. Crystal never that if she reported what she was seeing, then they would think she was drunk and definitely wouldn't believe her.

So as the wind slapped Crystal in the face and with her bag that laid heavily in her hand, she ran as fast as she could to the direction of the flame.
'Young one your body cannot take anymore, we must land before my fire consumes you' Eliza couldn't hardly make out the voice's words, feeling herself being drawn to a deep winding abyss. "I can't be found out" she meekly replied out loud as her breath became more labored. This wasn't her idea of her debut as a superhero. She wanted to protect someone from harm not inflict it onto somebody else. This night was a trainwreck that she knew would keep replaying in her dreams. 'Stay with me girl, I must land us!'

The blaze around Eliza slowly turned to embers as the Phoniex landed in a rather secluded area of Wilson Memorial Park. Immediately upon landing on her two feet, Eliza fell onto the ground trying to catch her breath. She hadn't realize the toll these powers could have on her body. It was going to take longer to be able to emulate her favorite superheroes. As her senses started to return to her she could hear Bird Brain lecturing her on the proper use of her powers. Though the night air seemed cooler than she remembered.

Her cheeks flushed hotter than any flame she could produce as she realized she was only in her undergarments. 'H-h-how in the hell did my other clothes burn up!' Her sudden inner outburst of anger took the Phoniex by surprise. 'They must have not burned away upon our descent. But why are you embarrassed? Warriors before you were comfortable with their naked body' Eliza let out a frustrated sigh wishing she could hit the disembodied voice without hurting herself. 'Well I am not those warriors now am I?! I'm a modern woman who enjoys keeping her body private until the right person comes along.' Frustrated, Eliza looked around her new surroundings hoping there was something she could cover herself up with. To her dismay, there was nothing in her immediate area she could use.

Then her body froze in place as she heard a stick snap. Slowly her eyes turned towards the direction of the sound and her eyes flashed with horror. The moonlight illuminated her pale body that now was blushing all over. "Um. . . hey there. . . I was um . . . you know. . . gardening. . . " Eliza spoke the first thing that came to mind to the stranger in front of her before reflexively covering her private areas with her arms.
Crystal had run towards where the flame had disappeared to, to her relief the flame seemed to pass all of the buildings. Crystal had stopped running to catch her breath and instead started walking, cautiously towards where she thought the flames had landed. Crystal had ended up in the Wilson Memorial park, Why did it stop here? Crystal questioned. What even was that? Her mind was consumed with unanswered questions as she walked up towards the front entrance.

Crystal took a hesitate step past the entrance, she was terrified, trying to find out what some mysterious thing she saw, is ... and at night, was not one of her better ideas, but she couldn't go back now until she sated her curiosity. Crystal moved further into the park on high alert, "H-hello?" She called and as expected, got no response in return.

As she walked she heard talking, Crystal slowed her steps so she could listen. 'There was someone else there, talking to themselves? Maybe they were crazy!' Crystal thought as she felt her panic grow. Crystal continued walking towards the talking, even when every fiber of her being was telling her to run. 'What if they needed help?' Crystal reasoned with herself, 'I have to see at least if they are okay.'

One small step after another until she could see who was talking, it was a lady...and she's naked? 'Maybe this was a bad idea.' Crystal thought before she could turn and sneak away, she stepped down, and a stick snapped under her foot, causing her to jump a little in surprise. Turning back around Crystal made eye contact with the woman, the woman gave a pretty lame excuse but, the woman looked a little pale.

'Something must have happened.' Crystal thought as concern took over her features, it is dangerous here especially at night.
"A-are you okay? Do you want me to call someone?" Crystal questioned as she took out her phone, hesitating a little, Crystal took off her jacket and offered it "Here, You can use it too... u-um cover... up." Crystal flushed in embarrassment and turned away to give the woman some privacy.
Eliza blinked at the woman's words until she realized she was in nothing but her panties and bra again. Her face blushed bright red almost more red than the other girl's flushed face. This was a very embarrassing first night out, first she had a by stander get shot and now was in the middle of what seemed to be a park in front of a beautiful dark skinned woman who probably thought she was crazy. Where the hell did Bird Brain take her and how did the girl find her. . .maybe she was just walking by and happened to see her. Home sounded good right now.

Shyly, Eliza took the woman's coat and wrapped herself with it. The coat offered a nice warm feeling against the chilly night air. She could hear the Phoenix giving her lecture in the back of her head but she blocked out his voice. At the moment she didn't have the patience to deal with the super powered disembodied voice. Eliza offered the woman a smiled, "Um thank you, I'm decent now well not as much as I would like but um thank you for the coat." Eliza snuggled the coat closer to her as the night air seemed to get colder. "I think I am okay. . . ow." The exhaustion she felt earlier came back over her like a wave as she fell to the ground. Why did being a superhero have to be so taxing.?

"Um Miss what I am about to ask you is probably going to sound weird but could you help? Don't call an ambulance or anyone, just um help me to your place. Once I get to feeling better, I'll leave you and go back to my place. And um I'll pay you back, I happened to be an eccentric billionaire, just kidding but I could use the help." Eliza looked up at the girl from her position on the floor, her sight getting blurry once more.
Crystal had let out a sigh of relief when the woman took her coat and covered up, will cover as much as she could. When the woman fell to the ground Crystal rushed forward in concern. "A-are you okay?" She asked, her eyebrows furrowed in concern.Kneeling next to the woman, she listened to what she had to say, "My home?"

Crystal hesitated, she didn't know this woman, but she obviously needed help, and refusing to go to the hospital at least, sounded suspicious to her. But then again Crystal probably wouldn't even trust the hospital in this city; they'll probably just keep her there overnight and not do anything but bill her a couple of thousand dollars for it, So Crystal understood where she was coming from. "Alright." Her hesitation was clear in her voice.

Standing up, Crystal held out her hand for the woman to take. When she really thought about it, the woman didn't seem to have any ill intent, but you could never be too sure. "What were you doing out here anyway?" Crystal didn't think that anyone, let alone an half-naked woman, would be outside at night... Crystal remembered just then about the flame she saw heading over here, quickly looking around for any signs of smoke, she looked back at the lady and asked "Did you see anything fall over here? like a flame?"
Eliza groaned a little as she was helpled up. When would she get used to this exhaustion. The last thing she wanted, well besides falling down from the sky, was to burden a civilian with her problems. She was supposed to protect her not lean on her. The Phoniex Fire seemed to agree with her but desperate times called for desperate measures. Such was this case.

"Would you believe me if I told you that I was that flame? It was a pretty chilly night so I thought I would catch on fire and fly through sky a little." Eliza joked with the girl, even if she was telling the truth she knew the other girl wouldn't believe her anyways. Why would she? The girl found her half naked and the only thing Eliza could tell her was she was gardening. She was always a hit with the ladies. Regardless she needed to get somewhere safe and didn't feel like exposing her secret identity just yet back having her take her back to her step father's manor or her upscaled apartment. Right, just add fuel to the fire of the town's economic division.

She leaned on the woman as to help keep her balance. Up close the girl was a dark skinned beauty and on a regular night, she would probably offer the woman a drink and get to know her. Thought after tonight she doubted she would ever meet the exotic beauty again. "Um thank you again. I know I am asking a lot to crash at your place and I hope your boyfriend won't be too upset with you." She offered the girl an apologetic smile. She could hear bird brain giving her a lecture about how she should be carrying herself. . . blah blah blah.
Crystal chuckled at the woman's joke, that would have been a strange sight to see someone turning to flames and flying through the sky. Crystal held on to the woman and helped her walk out of the park. Up close to the woman she realized that she was pretty cute, Her skin was the color of the moonlight, she was gorgeous. It was a weird feeling, to think another woman was attractive.

At The woman's question, Crystal smiled and shook her head "Oh, Don't worry. I-I don't have a boyfriend." Not for the lack of trying on her part. The men she attracted had wanted only one thing from her, and the men she went after only saw her as a friend. But there wasn't much she could do about that.

"Oh, I haven't gotten your name. My name is Crystal Hall." Crystal said by way of conversation, as she helped the woman towards her home. Crystal was on her guard, two women walking home alone, and one so happens to be half naked just screamed trouble. Especially in this part of the city.
Eliza couldn't help but perk up some at the thought of this girl named Crystal being single. It was a shame since the girl's beauty reminded her of an Egyptian Queen who couldn't be touch by mere mortals, her divine beauty only meant for the hands of divinity. She couldn't help but chuckle at the thought of it. Maybe when she was better dressed she would use that as a pick up line on the girl. Then of course the Phoniex Fire interrupted her romantic thoughts with his voice of reason.

"Um my name? Hmm well for my knight in shining armor I suppose could offer that much. You can call me Eliza, for my last name though you'll have to get me a drink sometime. " she gave the girl a wink and a friendly nudge with what little strenght she had. "So tell me Miss Hall, or can I call you Crystal, what do you do besides rescuing damsels? Though I imagine it is a full time job." Eliza figured the more she talked with the girl, the less she would be focused on bird brain's speeches. Plus the girl had a soothing voice that made it easy to listen to her.

Though good times couldn't last long. As they turned a corner Eliza made out two thugs walking in their direction, their step picking up when they noticed the two lone girls. 'Great, bird brain I hope you have some juice left to deal with these assholes.' Eliza clenched her fists feeling their temperature increasing. 'Child, your body can only do one more attack before you are rendered unconscious this time.' That was all the answer she needed as she smirked at the two thugs who were eyeing them down. "Girls you look fine, how about you two spend the night with my friend and I. We could use the company." The other man snickered as he lewdly stared the two down. As the man reached to grab the girls, Eliza held out a hand shooting a small fireball that slammed into the man's chest causing him to be pushed down on his back. "Now. . . I suggest you two leave now before something worse happens." Scared, the two thugs scampered away. Panting, Eliza looked up at Crystal with a smile. Her body gradually shutting down on her. "Promise, no hospitals just your place. And if I die. . . I want you to know I think you're beautiful like an Egyptian queen." Eliza smirked as she lost consciousness in the girl's arms.
Crystal laughed a little at what the lady said, a knight in shining armor? That didn't sound like her at all, but it was nice to be called that. When the lady spoke, Crystal listened to her. "Eliza? It suits you.". Crystal blushed a little at the rest of what Eliza said, dinner? Honestly, Crystal wouldn't mind doing exactly that. Eliza wasn't bad looking if anything she reminded Crystal of the moon goddess that the English teacher was talking about when she passed by his room.

When they turned the corner and saw the two men, Crystal immedieatly felt cautious and soon her cautioun turned to fear when the men made a move towards them and made there lewd comments. Crystal would have grabbed her pepper spray that was in her bag but she knew she couldn't spray both of them at the same time and she definitely couldn't run.

Crystal's eyes widened in surprise when Eliza had created a fireball in her hand, out of nowhere and threw it at one of the men. They both had run away after that, but Crystal was still in disbeilf. Crystal didn't know what to do with Eliza until she spoke and called her an Egyptian queen and had passed out.

Now holding onto Eliza, Crystal debated what to do but not for long. Putting more of Eliza's weight on her, Crystal continued her walk towards her apartment. Even though she had a lot of questions, she wasn't going to go back on her promise. Thankfully they were close to her home, once there and safely inside. Crystal gently put Eliza on her bed and hesitaterd, unsure of what to do. Going into the kitchen, Crystal grabbed a water bottle and an aspirin and left it by her bedside before going into the living room. Crystal sat down and waited for Eliza to wake up.
Eliza could feel her whole body warming up as the Phoniex Fire went about rejuvenating her. She couldn't feel much besides his heat nor could she remember what happened. Slowly she opened her eyes to greet her new surroundings. Man was she thankful that. . . Crystal didn't take her to the hospital. It would be a hard enough time explaining things to her unlucky bystander. If she had to explained things to a doctor, she couldn't help shake the feeling that she would be visited by government agents. That was something she rather avoided with her superhero career. Nothing good happened when the government were involved.

The sight of the aspirin and water was a welcome sight. Weakly, she reached over to the counter and downed the sweet pain killer. Sure she had the power of regeneration but it wasn't as glamourous as it sounded. She let out a groan of pain as she could feel the Phoniex Fire working over her body. 'Stay still, you are not yet fully healed.' Eliza rolled her eyes, she really wanted to get the explanation out of the way. Ignoring the voice in her head, she feebly stood out of the bed and wrapped herself in a blanket to help keep some modesty about her. She tuned out the Phoniex Fire's protests as she made her way out of the bed room.

She walked limply into the living room, giving the girl a smile as their eye met. Her body felt like it was on fire as she took a seat opposite of Crystal. "So I guess I have some. . . " she paused for a moment wincing in pain. "Some explaining to do huh?" She chuckled, finishing with an ouch. "Well to start things off, I have inside me the power of warriors past, the almighty Phoniex Fire. Basically I am a super hero. Well. . .ermm. . . I have a few things I could work on for sure." She shook her head trying to will herself to stay awake during her regeneration. "So um any questions?"
Crystal had waited a while for Eliza to wake up, she sat on the couch not fully paying attention to the tv that she had turned on. She had so many questions that ran through her mind, like why was Eliza barely clothed? How did she... create fire from nowhere? But Crystal couldn't ask those question now, it was better to wait until her guest had woken up or was at least feeling a little better. Crystal looked around the living room for something to do, to calm her fidgeting. Finding nothing, she leaned back on to the couch and decided to get comfortable for the night.

Crystals eyes had started to droop sleepily until Eliza walked into the living room and sat across from her. Crystal looked at her in concern, she didn't think that Eliza would be up so soon. It didn't even look like she should be up and moving around too, going by the wincing and limping she had done just to get to the seat. "You can explain later, you look like you need to rest some more." Crystal suggested.

When Eliza started to talk, Crystal listened intently. At first, she couldn't believe what she was hearing, 'a superhero?' She thought. It sounded way too far-fetched... but the more she thought about it, it made sense. After all that she saw tonight, this made the most sense, she supposes anyway. But Eliza didn't seem like the type of person to play a prank on some random stranger, so Crystal decided to give her the benefit of the doubt.

"If you are a superhero... How come I've never heard of you?" Crystal asked it was the only question that she wanted answers to right now. Honestly, Crystal would be more than happy to let Eliza rest a lot longer than a few hours, but the way Eliza was holding herself, made it seem as though she wanted to get the question over with.