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Weaver of Threads
Original poster
Posting Speed
  1. Speed of Light
  2. Multiple posts per day
  3. 1-3 posts per day
  4. One post per day
  5. 1-3 posts per week
  6. One post per week
Writing Levels
  1. Elementary
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  1. Male
  2. Female
Fantasy, Scifi, Magical
[fieldbox="Hello!, blue, solid"] Welcome, all of my possible fellow RPers! I am Sail, an intern on this wonderful site known as Iwaku Roleplay. Finally, after waiting over three months, I have gotten my act together, and have formed a world with the assistance of @PoetLore (co-GM) and @Mason Moretti. Enjoy! [/fieldbox]
  • Quoram, the four forces of natuee, is a gift that many here on Seiko are blessed to have. It is the will of the gods that those who are blessed with the gift of Quoram use their powers to help those without powers. Young mages will initially show promise in one cornerstone of Quoram, and as they grow older will show aptitude in two cornerstones of Quoram. However, no mage has been able to master all four forces of nature. These four forces are:

    Internal Quoram - Enhancing one's own personal strengths and mental capability. This is the most common form of Quoram, and it is surprising for a mage to develop any other form of Quoram without developing Internal Quoram. However, it is not impossible.
    Natural Quoram - Manipulating plants, animals, and other living things found in nature around Seiko. This was the first discovered form of Quoram.
    Alchemic Quoram - Manipulating inanimate objects and materials, changing their properties amd starting reactions, similar to alchemy.
    Creation Quoram - The ability to manifest Quoram into physical objects from what appears to be nothing. This form of Quoram is rare compared to the other three forms, and drains the user much more when performed.
    Only one other rule applies to Quoram, that being that all magic has a Cost.
  • Seiko is a planet-island that freely floats through space, magically lighted by the great star Cainus Starus. This planet was formed during the Rusted Era, which occurred 200 years before the RP began. Now, the world is met with a new danger, a tyrant hellbent on taking over all of the world, establishing an empire. The fate of this world rests in you, the players hands! Can you stop the tyrant, Paldroth, from establishing his empire? Or, will you allow him to reign over his kingdom of perdition for eternity?

    • Just as normal humans, these humans are balanced by both the Creator and the Destroyer. They have no natural weaknesses, but also have no strengths. They can achieve the use of Quoram.
    • Unlike humans, elves were made directly by the Creator. They are more proficient in the usage of magic, but also have much higher Costs when using Quoram.
    • Made from pure dark matter, the Shardacs are created by the Destroyer himself. The Shardacs are much less proficient in magic, but have incredibly lessened Costs when using Quoram.

This here be the barebones CS. Feel free to add to it if you so wish :D

Race:(either elf, human, or shardac)
Alignment:(good or evil.this will determine where you start in the story)
Powers/Ablities+Cost of Quoram:
Bio:(this can be as complex or as boring as you want)
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(Placeholder for the map as it is revealed)
Name: Kirin Taka
Age: 20
Race: Half-elf.
Alignment: Chaotic neutral
Powers: Internal Quoram only... for now. Plus, of course, his innate speed and skill with knives, which he honed with his incredible drive and work ethic. His cost--each hour he takes for training, he repays with an hour of horrific nightmares; he routinely sees the deaths of everyone he loves, himself, and is forced to witness, endure, and participate in horrific things, something which is slowly leeching away his sanity--whatever of it he had to begin with.
Appearance: Dark, wild hair, long enough to brush his shoulders, and eerie silvered eyes. Deep scars ringing both wrists, although these are usually covered with wide leather bracelets. Tall, about 6'1", with the lean, muscled physique of a dancer or swimmer.
Bio: Kirin is...interesting. He is, in the most general of terms, a sadistic bastard. He enjoys other's discomfort and pain, and doesn't care about most people in general. He tends to have a cavalier attitude toward killing--cross him at your own risk. However, Kirin can truly care about someone, and when he does, no one on earth will touch the one he loves. He protects those he cares about at any cost, but he makes a point of not caring about most people in general. He has a hard time trusting people and is a loner in general. When he is with other people, however, he takes command instinctively, and his commanding presence makes others want to follow and trust him. Kirin considers his word to be his bond--if he gives someone his word, he will go to the ends of the earth to fulfill his promise. He tries to avoid this as much as possible, not liking to be bound to anyone or anything. Kirin is very independent; any attempt to control, manipulate, or subjugate him will be rewarded with absolute hatred and a willingness to fight any control to the extreme. Kirin is a born fighter and is extremely skilled in hand-to-hand combat, knives, and other weapons. If there's something he hasn't mastered, he sees this as a challenge and will do his best to master it immediately. Kirin is rarely able to pass up a challenge, and the more difficult it is, the more he will enjoy it.

Let me know if the race and alignment are okay. They just seemed most...fitting. But he's technically "good."
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Thank you, and yeah, they are fine :D Once a few more people join, we can start.

Also, remember that you need to show the Cost for your magic :D I should've included it, and will update the base sheet accordingly.
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(Just to let you all know, I'll be playing this character along side of Paldroth :D)

Name: Kadva Hale
Age: 26
Race: Shardac
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Powers: Natural Quoram, Kadva uses it for the purposes of manipulating others into doing things for him, and to making his theft of objects much easier. Also possesses a very smart mind, able to think of grand schemes that nearly always work.

Biography: Born to what was once a very rich family, the Hales, he was destined for fame and glory, yet the Gods did not have that fate in mind for Kadva. At the young age of 4, Kadva's entire family, save for his aunt and uncle, were slaughtered, and everything that his family had worked for was destroyed by a group known as the Seigen. Ten years later, he and his "parents" were captured by the Seigen, which prompted him to finally realize his powers.

He broke out from their prison, only having time to save his uncle, leaving his aunt behind to die. This was due to the fact that his aunt was being tortured, and he knew that he could not kill all of the people torturing her. That decision haunted him for the rest of his childhood, into his adult life. Thus, with his mind scarred beyond belief, he turned to a life of crime to sustain he and his uncle...
Pretty good. Slowly losing sanity is always an interesting Cost for a character :D
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