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Prologue: A Tale No One Knew About

The world has collapsed…. the beast now stands still at the center of the world, its poison spreading across the planet like a fire during a dry summer day. The wildlife is on the peak of extinction; and the few strong enough to survive have finally fallen under the command of the beast. Few sentient species still remain on the planet, the Zora have retreated from the rivers and oceans into isolated lakes, hoping to spear their people of the poisoned water supply. The Hylians and Rito that once lived upon the surface world have fled, pushing large chunks of earth into the sky. The Gerudo have retreated from the raging desert, the sandstorms now so sharp they cut into skin like glass. The Gorons have built villages inside dormant volcanos to protect themselves from the harsh and violent surface world climate. After 200 years, an ancient race has resurfaced, the tribe of demons. They now hold multiple strongholds across the dying surface world, attempting to call back their Demon King that was banished to another realm. However, the demons still stand united, only now an entity welding Majoras mask guides them to a sinister future.

Soulrule is dying…and only the guardians can save it.


"Link!" called out a young woman, her voice held panic like she had never before seen a monster; however, this was far from true. The women rushed through the large double doors, a young man with blonde hair right beside her. The two pushed the massive stone doors shut, hoping that something as simple as stone would keep the monsters at bay.

"Link, you must open the door of time, it's our only hope!" yelled the women, her voice was still full of panic, but her blue eyes showed nothing but fear and pain.


"Princess…I do not have the stones to open the portal, and all the tools I once welded now lay in the hands of great evil" stated Link, he was only 18 and the great calamity that once ruled over his homeland was ended due to him and the princess. However, the damage left over from the great calamity was severe; clans of monsters raided villages, killed travelers, and even bound together for an attack on Hyrule Castle.

"Then we have no other choice…we must blast open the doors, and force time to stop within this land." Cried the Princess as she heard a loud bang on the stone doors, fearing the monsters would soon break through; the Princess took Link's hand and lead him to the far end of the temple. Standing in front of the Doors of time, Link sighed.

"Princess, your magic is not strong enough to break the doors seal, nor do I have the power." Stated Link as he took the princess hand in his, their fingers intertwined.

"I fear we are running out of time…." Stated Link as a tear rolled down his cheek,

"The Triforce has been lost, monsters are overrunning villages, and a threat unnatural to this world has begun a massive invasion" continued Link as a rapid wave of bangs emitted from the front temple doors.

"I will not leave Hyrule!" shouted the Princess as she ripped her hand from Links,

"I am the last member of the Royal family, me and you are the only people standing between Hyrule's destruction." Angrily shouted the princess, she quickly stomped to the doors of time, grazing the cold stone with her pale white hands.

"I fear my magic won't be enough to stop this threat….I fear that we may never be reincarnated; and that our love will never flourish…" started the Princess, her eyes now emitting a steady flow of tears. But as the tears fell, a bright white light appeared between Link and the Princess.


"You mortals are always so emotional." Stated the stranger


That was one hundred years ago; and after the meeting of the mysteries stranger both Link and the Princess found themselves in a strange land, one like their own, but different in many ways. Now they stand at the throne room of a long-forgotten castle, for the stories and myths have spoken of champions and guardians that would arrive on such a day.

Whoever you were; and wherever you come from, you felt like you were floating. Your body felt weightless, and your mind went blank. Then as you flew towards the sky, your vision went black; and it felt like you were in a void for a mere second or two, but as your vision returned you realized you were no longer home. You were no longer in your own world.

Now you stood among a crowd that stands in a crumpling throne room, a man and women stand in the far front of the room near a large filthy window. A stone throne sits in the center of the room, a folded yellowed letter upon its cracked seat. A large wooden door sits at the east end of the room, a cluster of humanoid robots that were once great and powerful now in ruins, their limbs torn and broken.

It seems you have no way to return to your world, so now you must choose one of the options that stand before you. Approach the man and women, investigate the aged letter, investigate the destroyed robots, or go through the wooden door.

The Prologue will last a total of 4-5 days.

Character Roster:

@Camleen as Kora

@Ulysses as Nathaniel pierce 'Arcane Warrior'

@The Wanderer as The Courier, Garrett, and Isaac Clarke

@Shepard as Masa Sakamoto

@thatguyinthestore as Samus Aran and Michael J. Caboose

@Crow as Ben Tennyson and Silver Crow

@LuckycoolHawk9 as Ness and Lucas and Evan Hansen

@Archwar as Doom Slayer

@Mr. Malevolent Maleficium™ as ASH THE ASSASSIN

Caboose Prologue: Another Day, Another Alternate Dimension

It was another day in the life of Micheal J. Caboose. The soldier was sitting back at the blue base when suddenly, he was transported away from it! Once he awoke in this strange new world, he looked around before approaching Ben Tennyson.

"Um, hello. I am Caboose. Do you know where I am?"


Cruel Angel's Thesis
"… what I saw at that match really was amazing, Korra. So why can't you do it here?"

The voice is calm, kind. The voice of perhaps the most powerful Airbender in the world, Tenzin. The sun had just come up, and so he and his family had already started training. His 3 children, all Airbenders (of varying talent) stand assembled just outside of the forested area of their home, Airbender Island. The oldest sibling, Jinora, stands with full focus on her father, her teacher and mentor in Tenzin. The middle child, Ikki, she hops lightly foot to foot anxiously waiting for them to start playing training. And the youngest of them, Meelo, he has by now wandered off and has been digging in the dirt looking for pirate treasure. Because.. well there has to be pirate treasure around here somewhere, right?
But the focus of Tenzin's words isn't related to the Airbender, not by blood in the least. But due to many circumstances, she might as well be. Her name is Korra, and she is from the Southern Water Tribe. And she is this generation's Avatar. A being that acts as link between the human and the spirit world.. the being meant to bring balance to the world, and thereby peace.

But she has a lot to learn yet.

Her voice is full of frustration as she tugs on the long sleeves of the Air Bending training uniform she is being forced to wear. "Because.. because I don't know, okay? I don't know what you saw, but I was only doing what I needed to do, ya know to help my team!" Korra had been in a Pro-Bending match the night previous, where she exhibited the movements that an Airbender naturally has.. something she has been unable to really do to this point. She has mastered 3 of the 4 elements she needs to master.. water, earth and fire.. air is the last. And the one she seems stumped on.

Tenzin lets out a sigh and approaches the young girl as she fidgets, and Korra looks up to him with those puppy dog eyes. He pulls the sleeve of her top down as they should be, making Korra wrinkle her nose. Air Bender clothing is to restrictive for her tastes. "Stop fidgeting, Korra. And leave the sleeves be, please." His voice is as calm and tender as it always is when he is in full on teacher/mentor mode. He now brings his hands up to pat her shoulders, smiling down to her. "What I saw last night showed me that you have it in you, young Avatar. You need only find it. Now, let's try it again, okay?" Korra sighs and nods to him with a small, forced smile. "Okay Tenzin.." Korra jumps a little suddenly as Ikki lets out an excited cry, and she grabs Korra's hand to lead/drag her to the training grounds proper. "Korra's gonna Airbend Korra's gonna Airbend!" The young girl says in a rapid, excited tone as she leads Korra. Tenzin and Jinora sigh softly as one, following them now to the training ground.

And as for Meelo.. well he may not leave this space until he's found that darn pirate's treasure!

The day's hours pass faaaaar to slowly for Korra. And another day has come and now gone with no progress whatsoever with Airbending. In her opinion. The sun now has set, and Korra now stands in the courtyard. There is an angry scowl on her lips as she looks towards the forlorn moon hanging in the sky. Yeah, she knows how it feels. She's on an island where 90% if the population focuses on her and helping her train or keeping her safe.. but she feels so alone. She, by now, has changed back into her usual garb, the kind of clothing you would find many from the Water Tribe wearing. She feels comfortable in this kind of clothing, even if some people think it's to 'uncivilized' for the big city. She is, in essence, a country girl.

The dark skinned girl continues to silently staring up at the moon… as if the moon itself were conversing with her.

Perhaps it is.

But the voice Korra hears comes from behind her… "I know you're frustrated.. but please don't be.. dad can seem rough.. but he really just wants ta help you." The voice is of Jinora, Tenzin's oldest daughter. And the most like Tenzin by a long stretch. The younger girl now steps up beside Korra, smiling up to her, her hands folded behind her back. Korra looks out of the corner of her eyes towards Jinora.. and she can't help but smile. Korra is an only child, but if she ever had siblings.. she imagines it would feel like she feels when she's around Jinora, Ikki and Meelo. Yes even Meelo. Korra lets out a huff as she looks back towards the moon, speaking softly. "I know I know.. it's not him I'm frustrated with, I guess. But you already know that, huh?" She looks to Jinora once more out of the corner of her eyes, this time a little smirk on her face. Jinora can't help but grin and shrug, looking out into the darkness. Jinora might be much younger than Korra, but she always seems to be more on top of things than Korra knows. "Well you're not the only one who's been a little miffed while being trained by him.." Jinora says as she shrugs a little once more. Korra watches the young girl a moment, somewhere in the back of her mind she wishes she had it as together as Jinora seems to have it. Korra lets out a sigh and now smiles as she motions over her shoulder. "Speaking of.. your dad's gonna be miffed if he finds you out here so late. Get ta bed, you." Jinora looks around suddenly, as if to make sure her father really wasn't there. Because yes he would be miffed, and she doesn't want that of course. But instead of scampering off, Jinora suddenly moves to Korra and hugs her tight around the waist. Korra is taken by surprise for a second, but then lets out a soft chuckle as she hugs Jinora back, just as tightly. But not to tight, don't wanna hurt the girl and all. "Okay okay, scoot now." Jinora pulls away and nods up to Korra, now jogging away as she waves. "Night Korra! Hope you have sweet dreams!" Jinora calls out to Korra as she disappears into the darkness. Korra waves lightly, and then glances up at the hanging moon a moment more as she almost whispers. "yeah.. sweet dreams."

A half hour or so passes.. and Korra wanders back to her room in the temple. A small room, sparsely decorated. As is tradition amongst Airbenders. As she opens the door.. a massive beast pokes it's head out, sniffing fiercely. "Naga stoppit!" Korra says as she pushes on the snout of the rather massive polar bear dog inhabiting her room. And Korra's best pal. Naga snarls playfully as she pushes against Korra's hand, but she of course backs off to allow Korra into the room. Naga continues to push her muzzle against Korra, wanting some attention after not seeing one another for quite a few hours. "Naga come on.. you know I missed you too.. stoppit!" Though her words are meant to be forceful, she can't help but giggle a little with the large animal's attentions. Korra flops down on the comfortable chair next to her open window, and Naga lays her head in Korra's lap, her tail thudding gently against the wooden floor. Korra absently scratches Naga's head as she looks out across the bay towards the beautiful Republic City. The city glimmers with lights and metal, as far as Korra knows it's the most advanced and high brow (in her opinion) city on the planet. And one she just wants to be a part of. As she stares out at the glistening city, she wonders what her pal Bolin is doing. What Mako is doing. Bleh.. he's probably on a date or something with that Asami. A soft sigh escapes her lips as she closes her eyes, leaning back in the chair as she absently scratches behind Naga's ears. Much to Naga's delight. And before you can count to 20, she's out. The exhaustion of this day just overtaking her.

Or perhaps something else.

A place in between spaces….
"The Avatar is relegated to our world! Meant to bring about balance…"

"The lineage of Wisdom acts out of desperation. She would not do so lightly."

"And besides… we know what the stakes are."

"Yes, her world. HER world. With what is about to come to light here… how can we dream of allowing this?"

"We, all of us, knew this would soon come. The One of Wisdom reaching out to us once again. We did not act before, we can not simply stand by once more."

"You think the misery of her world is our fault?"

"We certainly did not move to stop it. So yes, I do."

"That's foolish, even you must know that. Did you just say that because you knew it would be enough to aggravate me more?"

"It's possible."

"Listen… She is asking for our aid. She wouldn't unless this was very bad."

"As I said."

"Let her world deal with it. The Avatar—"

"Is meant to bring balance to the world. And beyond it. The role of the Avatar isn't just to the physical realm of the flesh. The Avatar will always be able to step beyond that…"

"Go on."

"I feel that if we do not aid the Lineage of Wisdom… our own world will be next."

"That is something all of us can agree on, yeah?"

"Of course."

"…. Yes."

"Then it is decided. Korra… Korra it's time to wake up… just breathe…"

Korra thinks she is dreaming, now. Dreaming of flight… of riding along the winds themselves. Take a breath… breath in the crisp air that carries you. Breathe it in. Oh she has had this particular dream before… it is the ultimate expression of that elusive Airbending. Or so she thinks.

"Just breathe"

She can feel the winds holding her aloft, carrying her towards the darkening sky. How exciting!

"Korra… Korra it's time to wake up…"

Was that her imagination? Can her imagination work like that in a dream? She hears a voice… no many voices… somewhere in the far distance. As if hidden by the winds themselves.

"Wake up."

And then, all around her simply fades to black.

With a soft groan she starts to come to in this new world. She feels the stone floor against her butt… the wall she is sitting against is cold against her back. When did she fall asleep in a dungeon? She mutters softly as she starts to wake up "mmm… Naga?" Her eyes flutter open… and she is definitely not where she should be. Her eyes spring open suddenly and she pushes herself to her feet, her hand pressed against the stone wall.

"Uh oh."

She utters softly, her eyes tracing along the very strange scene around her. Her first instinct is to simply lash out, in case they are trying to capture her. Because that's what Korra does. The young girl stands fully now as she frowns, clear blue eyes inspecting the scene around her. Sure she could bring this whole place down if she wanted to… but that MIGHT not be so productive at the moment. A few people standing around in the room… a couple standing near a big dirty window… some kind of big chair (the throne)… a door… some kind of junk pile…

"The One of Wisdom"

Korra's eyes draw back towards those near the filthy window… and her brows furrow as she makes a decision. She strides towards the two at the window, her eyes making contact with each and every one of the beings she passes. As if to silently warn them not to screw with her. A little later that warning will be much louder.

"Hey, hey you two. Tell me where I am right now, or I'll bring this whole place down on your heads."

She stops behind the couple at the window, her hands in clenched fists at her sides. She needs to sound authoritative here, like she means business. She does mean business, of course. But intimidation is always a good plus. She doesn't know where she is, or how she got here, or who these people are. If they are trying to capture her… they've bitten off way more than they can chew.
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Nathaniel stood in the throne room without a word only gazing around at the other individuals within the room and reading from his time for any kind of magic from his world that might have cause such a displacement of this magnitude even though he could not see outside he had a feeling this was not the world he was born to, his attention immediately drawn to the robots and without a moments notice he sped past everyone as if they were not even present and kneeled besides the robots in order to study them staring st their woulnds and beginning to sketch what he could given they were almost completely deteriorated he could not discern how they functioned if they were some sort of magic technology or even a summoned being into the world.

After a few minutes of studying the robots he finally was drawn to the two individuals that had been in the front of the room since the beginning were they the natural inhabitants of this world or perhaps were summoned here against their will just as the others had, slowly wandering over to them making note of the rather regal design of the room he stood in front of the two unknown individuals and finally began to speak "do either of you two know what is going on? How did we get here and where exactly is here? I sense none of the magic of my world and even if my world was not pleasant the fact I do not know is much more frightening" he stood still in front of them clutching his tome in two hands whilst looking at the two through the sockets of his armours mask awaiting their reply.
Oh, my day has been just cheerful! Woke up, naked and chained, into a Hell invasion caused by a woman with a god-complex, had to rampage my way through the demon-infested facility, destroy the generators collecting Argent Energy, recover the Crucible and destroy the wraiths(poor bastards), and defeat the Spider Mastermind while being hindered by a cyborg.

Said cyborg was now walking away from me with Crucible in hand, right after he stole it.

So forgive me if rage consumed my mind. I slammed my fists into the barrier that kept me 'safe' while an interdimensional tether prepared to fling me elsewhere. The energy responded with a crackle. Great, inanimate objects were laughing at my misery. I opted to glare at the cyborg known as Hayden, storming up so many ways to rip him apart. That shield of his wasn't going to protect him, not with the BFG shoved up his ass.

I closed my eyes as the tether prepared to transport me. All that work I did and for what? As long as Hayden has the Crucible, he could open up another portal and we have to go through the same old bullshit again.

I reopened my eyes after a moment of weightlessness, as standard of these tether devices, and blinked. I stood in what appeared to be a medieval throne room. Time had not been kind to it either. It was crumbling, all sorts of filth had collected, and the smell of rot burnt my nostrils. Compared to the blood-scented air of the facility or the sulfur stench of Hell, this was a welcomed change. In the center was a stone throne. An old, folded letter laid on the set. There were others as well. Some wore armor similar to mines, others looked like civilians.

Did the priests of Hell drag a bunch of people from their worlds and threw them into here? Well, let the party start then. I brought the chainsaw for cutting the demons!

Alright, enough joking.

"Hey, hey you two. Tell me where I am right now, or I'll bring this whole place down on your heads."

I glanced to the front of the room to see a brown-skinned woman clutching her fists. I arched an eyebrow. She threatened two people, a man and a woman, that if they didn't tell her what was going on, she was going to bring the whole place down. Have fun digging yourself out then.

Though she may be able to jump out through the window, weakened by age, before she does.

Shortly after she made that comment, another person walked over and asked them if they knew what was going on. As seeing they were popular right now, I decided to see what the letter contained.

I walked over to the throne, intending to read what the contents of the letter.



Cruel Angel's Thesis
"… what I saw at that match really was amazing, Korra. So why can't you do it here?"

The voice is calm, kind. The voice of perhaps the most powerful Airbender in the world, Tenzin. The sun had just come up, and so he and his family had already started training. His 3 children, all Airbenders (of varying talent) stand assembled just outside of the forested area of their home, Airbender Island. The oldest sibling, Jinora, stands with full focus on her father, her teacher and mentor in Tenzin. The middle child, Ikki, she hops lightly foot to foot anxiously waiting for them to start playing training. And the youngest of them, Meelo, he has by now wandered off and has been digging in the dirt looking for pirate treasure. Because.. well there has to be pirate treasure around here somewhere, right?
But the focus of Tenzin's words isn't related to the Airbender, not by blood in the least. But due to many circumstances, she might as well be. Her name is Korra, and she is from the Southern Water Tribe. And she is this generation's Avatar. A being that acts as link between the human and the spirit world.. the being meant to bring balance to the world, and thereby peace.

But she has a lot to learn yet.

Her voice is full of frustration as she tugs on the long sleeves of the Air Bending training uniform she is being forced to wear. "Because.. because I don't know, okay? I don't know what you saw, but I was only doing what I needed to do, ya know to help my team!" Korra had been in a Pro-Bending match the night previous, where she exhibited the movements that an Airbender naturally has.. something she has been unable to really do to this point. She has mastered 3 of the 4 elements she needs to master.. water, earth and fire.. air is the last. And the one she seems stumped on.

Tenzin lets out a sigh and approaches the young girl as she fidgets, and Korra looks up to him with those puppy dog eyes. He pulls the sleeve of her top down as they should be, making Korra wrinkle her nose. Air Bender clothing is to restrictive for her tastes. "Stop fidgeting, Korra. And leave the sleeves be, please." His voice is as calm and tender as it always is when he is in full on teacher/mentor mode. He now brings his hands up to pat her shoulders, smiling down to her. "What I saw last night showed me that you have it in you, young Avatar. You need only find it. Now, let's try it again, okay?" Korra sighs and nods to him with a small, forced smile. "Okay Tenzin.." Korra jumps a little suddenly as Ikki lets out an excited cry, and she grabs Korra's hand to lead/drag her to the training grounds proper. "Korra's gonna Airbend Korra's gonna Airbend!" The young girl says in a rapid, excited tone as she leads Korra. Tenzin and Jinora sigh softly as one, following them now to the training ground.

And as for Meelo.. well he may not leave this space until he's found that darn pirate's treasure!

The day's hours pass faaaaar to slowly for Korra. And another day has come and now gone with no progress whatsoever with Airbending. In her opinion. The sun now has set, and Korra now stands in the courtyard. There is an angry scowl on her lips as she looks towards the forlorn moon hanging in the sky. Yeah, she knows how it feels. She's on an island where 90% if the population focuses on her and helping her train or keeping her safe.. but she feels so alone. She, by now, has changed back into her usual garb, the kind of clothing you would find many from the Water Tribe wearing. She feels comfortable in this kind of clothing, even if some people think it's to 'uncivilized' for the big city. She is, in essence, a country girl.

The dark skinned girl continues to silently staring up at the moon… as if the moon itself were conversing with her.

Perhaps it is.

But the voice Korra hears comes from behind her… "I know you're frustrated.. but please don't be.. dad can seem rough.. but he really just wants ta help you." The voice is of Jinora, Tenzin's oldest daughter. And the most like Tenzin by a long stretch. The younger girl now steps up beside Korra, smiling up to her, her hands folded behind her back. Korra looks out of the corner of her eyes towards Jinora.. and she can't help but smile. Korra is an only child, but if she ever had siblings.. she imagines it would feel like she feels when she's around Jinora, Ikki and Meelo. Yes even Meelo. Korra lets out a huff as she looks back towards the moon, speaking softly. "I know I know.. it's not him I'm frustrated with, I guess. But you already know that, huh?" She looks to Jinora once more out of the corner of her eyes, this time a little smirk on her face. Jinora can't help but grin and shrug, looking out into the darkness. Jinora might be much younger than Korra, but she always seems to be more on top of things than Korra knows. "Well you're not the only one who's been a little miffed while being trained by him.." Jinora says as she shrugs a little once more. Korra watches the young girl a moment, somewhere in the back of her mind she wishes she had it as together as Jinora seems to have it. Korra lets out a sigh and now smiles as she motions over her shoulder. "Speaking of.. your dad's gonna be miffed if he finds you out here so late. Get ta bed, you." Jinora looks around suddenly, as if to make sure her father really wasn't there. Because yes he would be miffed, and she doesn't want that of course. But instead of scampering off, Jinora suddenly moves to Korra and hugs her tight around the waist. Korra is taken by surprise for a second, but then lets out a soft chuckle as she hugs Jinora back, just as tightly. But not to tight, don't wanna hurt the girl and all. "Okay okay, scoot now." Jinora pulls away and nods up to Korra, now jogging away as she waves. "Night Korra! Hope you have sweet dreams!" Jinora calls out to Korra as she disappears into the darkness. Korra waves lightly, and then glances up at the hanging moon a moment more as she almost whispers. "yeah.. sweet dreams."

A half hour or so passes.. and Korra wanders back to her room in the temple. A small room, sparsely decorated. As is tradition amongst Airbenders. As she opens the door.. a massive beast pokes it's head out, sniffing fiercely. "Naga stoppit!" Korra says as she pushes on the snout of the rather massive polar bear dog inhabiting her room. And Korra's best pal. Naga snarls playfully as she pushes against Korra's hand, but she of course backs off to allow Korra into the room. Naga continues to push her muzzle against Korra, wanting some attention after not seeing one another for quite a few hours. "Naga come on.. you know I missed you too.. stoppit!" Though her words are meant to be forceful, she can't help but giggle a little with the large animal's attentions. Korra flops down on the comfortable chair next to her open window, and Naga lays her head in Korra's lap, her tail thudding gently against the wooden floor. Korra absently scratches Naga's head as she looks out across the bay towards the beautiful Republic City. The city glimmers with lights and metal, as far as Korra knows it's the most advanced and high brow (in her opinion) city on the planet. And one she just wants to be a part of. As she stares out at the glistening city, she wonders what her pal Bolin is doing. What Mako is doing. Bleh.. he's probably on a date or something with that Asami. A soft sigh escapes her lips as she closes her eyes, leaning back in the chair as she absently scratches behind Naga's ears. Much to Naga's delight. And before you can count to 20, she's out. The exhaustion of this day just overtaking her.

Or perhaps something else.

A place in between spaces….
"The Avatar is relegated to our world! Meant to bring about balance…"

"The lineage of Wisdom acts out of desperation. She would not do so lightly."

"And besides… we know what the stakes are."

"Yes, her world. HER world. With what is about to come to light here… how can we dream of allowing this?"

"We, all of us, knew this would soon come. The One of Wisdom reaching out to us once again. We did not act before, we can not simply stand by once more."

"You think the misery of her world is our fault?"

"We certainly did not move to stop it. So yes, I do."

"That's foolish, even you must know that. Did you just say that because you knew it would be enough to aggravate me more?"

"It's possible."

"Listen… She is asking for our aid. She wouldn't unless this was very bad."

"As I said."

"Let her world deal with it. The Avatar—"

"Is meant to bring balance to the world. And beyond it. The role of the Avatar isn't just to the physical realm of the flesh. The Avatar will always be able to step beyond that…"

"Go on."

"I feel that if we do not aid the Lineage of Wisdom… our own world will be next."

"That is something all of us can agree on, yeah?"

"Of course."

"…. Yes."

"Then it is decided. Korra… Korra it's time to wake up… just breathe…"

Korra thinks she is dreaming, now. Dreaming of flight… of riding along the winds themselves. Take a breath… breath in the crisp air that carries you. Breathe it in. Oh she has had this particular dream before… it is the ultimate expression of that elusive Airbending. Or so she thinks.

"Just breathe"

She can feel the winds holding her aloft, carrying her towards the darkening sky. How exciting!

"Korra… Korra it's time to wake up…"

Was that her imagination? Can her imagination work like that in a dream? She hears a voice… no many voices… somewhere in the far distance. As if hidden by the winds themselves.

"Wake up."

And then, all around her simply fades to black.

With a soft groan she starts to come to in this new world. She feels the stone floor against her butt… the wall she is sitting against is cold against her back. When did she fall asleep in a dungeon? She mutters softly as she starts to wake up "mmm… Naga?" Her eyes flutter open… and she is definitely not where she should be. Her eyes spring open suddenly and she pushes herself to her feet, her hand pressed against the stone wall.

"Uh oh."

She utters softly, her eyes tracing along the very strange scene around her. Her first instinct is to simply lash out, in case they are trying to capture her. Because that's what Korra does. The young girl stands fully now as she frowns, clear blue eyes inspecting the scene around her. Sure she could bring this whole place down if she wanted to… but that MIGHT not be so productive at the moment. A few people standing around in the room… a couple standing near a big dirty window… some kind of big chair (the throne)… a door… some kind of junk pile…

"The One of Wisdom"

Korra's eyes draw back towards those near the filthy window… and her brows furrow as she makes a decision. She strides towards the two at the window, her eyes making contact with each and every one of the beings she passes. As if to silently warn them not to screw with her. A little later that warning will be much louder.

"Hey, hey you two. Tell me where I am right now, or I'll bring this whole place down on your heads."

She stops behind the couple at the window, her hands in clenched fists at her sides. She needs to sound authoritative here, like she means business. She does mean business, of course. But intimidation is always a good plus. She doesn't know where she is, or how she got here, or who these people are. If they are trying to capture her… they've bitten off way more than they can chew.

Nathaniel stood in the throne room without a word only gazing around at the other individuals within the room and reading from his time for any kind of magic from his world that might have cause such a displacement of this magnitude even though he could not see outside he had a feeling this was not the world he was born to, his attention immediately drawn to the robots and without a moments notice he sped past everyone as if they were not even present and kneeled besides the robots in order to study them staring st their woulnds and beginning to sketch what he could given they were almost completely deteriorated he could not discern how they functioned if they were some sort of magic technology or even a summoned being into the world.

After a few minutes of studying the robots he finally was drawn to the two individuals that had been in the front of the room since the beginning were they the natural inhabitants of this world or perhaps were summoned here against their will just as the others had, slowly wandering over to them making note of the rather regal design of the room he stood in front of the two unknown individuals and finally began to speak "do either of you two know what is going on? How did we get here and where exactly is here? I sense none of the magic of my world and even if my world was not pleasant the fact I do not know is much more frightening" he stood still in front of them clutching his tome in two hands whilst looking at the two through the sockets of his armours mask awaiting their reply.

The window was massive, it overlooked the entire courtyard of the castle, but that was long before the arrival of the beast. The window now stands tall with cracks, dirt, and grim. These disgusting traits cover every inch of its being. The two individuals that stand before it look outwards, trying to look past the horror that time has done to the window. The women looks to be about in her late 20s, stress has turned most of her blonde hair white, and her face sits still with a dozen scares. She looks to be in a deep thought, the only thing she realizes that is nearby is the man standing next to her. The man has blonde hair, however it looked as if most of it was covered in dried blood, but due to time it has turned a horrified brown colour. The mans arms were crossed, his stance showing he was ready for any to approach, as two people did he turned to them, his blue eyes showing pain.

"There is no need to be so aggressive," started the man.

"We are not the ones who brought you here; we are just the ones who are welcoming you to this torn land." simply stated the man as his tone was calm and collected. His eyes landed on Korra, her outfit so foreign to him, just like everyone of the Companions and Guardians that had arrived. When Nathaniel spoke, well the man just glared over to him;

"The Princess predicts that you all have a Divine entity that has showed great interest in you, and that they have put you here to stop the Beast." started the man as he turned to face the two strangers, his arms were no longer crossed and his face was covered in dirt and dried blood.

"and to answer the question of where you are at, well you're in Soulrule; a place that has been forgotten by the gods and found by a strong and deadly force known as the Beast." spoke the man, sorrow in his voice and a tear rolling down his filthy cheek.

"The reason you cant sense your lands magic is because you no longer stand on your homeland, but instead a far off realms."

@Ulysses @Camleen
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Oh, my day has been just cheerful! Woke up, naked and chained, into a Hell invasion caused by a woman with a god-complex, had to rampage my way through the demon-infested facility, destroy the generators collecting Argent Energy, recover the Crucible and destroy the wraiths(poor bastards), and defeat the Spider Mastermind while being hindered by a cyborg.

Said cyborg was now walking away from me with Crucible in hand, right after he stole it.

So forgive me if rage consumed my mind. I slammed my fists into the barrier that kept me 'safe' while an interdimensional tether prepared to fling me elsewhere. The energy responded with a crackle. Great, inanimate objects were laughing at my misery. I opted to glare at the cyborg known as Hayden, storming up so many ways to rip him apart. That shield of his wasn't going to protect him, not with the BFG shoved up his ass.

I closed my eyes as the tether prepared to transport me. All that work I did and for what? As long as Hayden has the Crucible, he could open up another portal and we have to go through the same old bullshit again.

I reopened my eyes after a moment of weightlessness, as standard of these tether devices, and blinked. I stood in what appeared to be a medieval throne room. Time had not been kind to it either. It was crumbling, all sorts of filth had collected, and the smell of rot burnt my nostrils. Compared to the blood-scented air of the facility or the sulfur stench of Hell, this was a welcomed change. In the center was a stone throne. An old, folded letter laid on the set. There were others as well. Some wore armor similar to mines, others looked like civilians.

Did the priests of Hell drag a bunch of people from their worlds and threw them into here? Well, let the party start then. I brought the chainsaw for cutting the demons!

Alright, enough joking.

"Hey, hey you two. Tell me where I am right now, or I'll bring this whole place down on your heads."

I glanced to the front of the room to see a brown-skinned woman clutching her fists. I arched an eyebrow. She threatened two people, a man and a woman, that if they didn't tell her what was going on, she was going to bring the whole place down. Have fun digging yourself out then.

Though she may be able to jump out through the window, weakened by age, before she does.

Shortly after she made that comment, another person walked over and asked them if they knew what was going on. As seeing they were popular right now, I decided to see what the letter contained.

I walked over to the throne, intending to read what the contents of the letter.


The letter was old, very old. Upon touching it you would realize it could crumple underneath any type of weight, but as you read the neatly written words you would realize it was some sort of suicide letter.

My dear love,

he magic surrounding the castle has weaken, the air is becoming harder to breath with every passing minute. Four of our children are dead, the land is torn, and the beast grows stronger everyday. We can not fight the evil that grows within our land, but we can leave; we can end all of this. However, i know you well my dear lover, and you will not leave our country; you are stronger than I.

Goodbye my love.

It seemed like the queen of this castle had ended her life, but it is unsure if the king still lives. It's possible you could find her corpse if you explore the castle, however no one knows what's lurking within the halls.
I shook my head upon finishing the letter. The contents made it clear that the writer ended themselves and guessing from where it was placed, it was either the king or the queen, maybe one of their lovers. How the mighty fall. Still, it had some information. The 'Beast' was an evil that grew strong and the age of the building suggested some centuries had passed. Oh joy, from one Hell-infested planet to another.

Will I never know peace again?

I could search for the corpse. The letter mentioned that magic around the castle had weakened. Some kind of barrier perhaps, but it was likely gone now, allowing any creature into it. It was doubtful that demons or hostiles roamed the halls since those two blonde-haired people by the window were apparently waiting for us. They would have cleared out the building. They could have also missed something.

Something for me to pummel into a crimson paste.

So, instead of chatting with any of others(not like I could anyway), I turned and brought out my chainsaw, marching deeper into the castle to find any demons or hostiles to channel my rage on. If I stumbled on the corpse, all the better, I suppose.

I shook my head upon finishing the letter. The contents made it clear that the writer ended themselves and guessing from where it was placed, it was either the king or the queen, maybe one of their lovers. How the mighty fall. Still, it had some information. The 'Beast' was an evil that grew strong and the age of the building suggested some centuries had passed. Oh joy, from one Hell-infested planet to another.

Will I never know peace again?

I could search for the corpse. The letter mentioned that magic around the castle had weakened. Some kind of barrier perhaps, but it was likely gone now, allowing any creature into it. It was doubtful that demons or hostiles roamed the halls since those two blonde-haired people by the window were apparently waiting for us. They would have cleared out the building. They could have also missed something.

Something for me to pummel into a crimson paste.

So, instead of chatting with any of others(not like I could anyway), I turned and brought out my chainsaw, marching deeper into the castle to find any demons or hostiles to channel my rage on. If I stumbled on the corpse, all the better, I suppose.


As you walked in the stone halls your nose would be met with the smell of rotting flesh and mold; and as you continued down the stone walled hallway you would realize that blood and torn flesh littered the floor like dots on a dollmansion. Looking past the horrible site, you would notice the hallway split in two at the far end, with 3 rooms just before the split. Two rooms lied on the right, and one on the left. The two that resigned on the right had single wooden doors, however the one closest to you had a small but unique symbol on it. The one on the right had no door at all, but a faint light shined from it.


Caboose Prologue: Another Day, Another Alternate Dimension

It was another day in the life of Micheal J. Caboose. The soldier was sitting back at the blue base when suddenly, he was transported away from it! Once he awoke in this strange new world, he looked around before approaching Ben Tennyson.

"Um, hello. I am Caboose. Do you know where I am?"


The young lad, Benjamin Tennyson, rose from his... slumber. He looks around to see - a soldier? And in pretty high tech gear too.

"Huh- what? Where's Vilgax?" Ben ponders. "We're in the- wait, this isn't Bellwood. Or anywhere I know."

Ben looks around the area. Nothing like he'd ever seen.

"I can't even remember how I got here."

Ben was trying to recall...


Today, Samus had been tracking down a group of space pirates so she co​
The young lad, Benjamin Tennyson, rose from his... slumber. He looks around to see - a soldier? And in pretty high tech gear too.

"Huh- what? Where's Vilgax?" Ben ponders. "We're in the- wait, this isn't Bellwood. Or anywhere I know."

Ben looks around the area. Nothing like he'd ever seen.

"I can't even remember how I got here."

Ben was trying to recall...


Caboose gasped.

"l can't remember either! Maybe we can remember together!"

The familiar smell of blood and the sight of flesh greeted me as I walked through the halls. Everywhere I go to nowadays has to have guts and gore. Though I disappointed that there weren't any demons charging me(yet).

I found myself at an intersection where the corridor split. Three doors, two on the right and one on the left. The closest door to me had a symbol different from the others. Three intersected, pointed ovals were in the center of a circle forming, to my eyes, a flower design. I stood, staring at it. Some might say I was gawking at it, but I haven't seen a flower in a long time. I was tempted to open the door when I noticed a light faintly shining through a doorless frame out of the left corner of my vision.

I shifted my chainsaw to the left and walked into the room with the faint light.


Korra stops before the two beings, her eyes narrowing as the male informs her that there isn't need to be so aggressive.

Well sure, there's rarely need to be aggressive. But aggressive usually works.

She stares at the man as she frowns a little… those clear blue eyes drifting towards the woman then. He mentioned the Princess… is that her? Is he some kind of guard?

"Soulrule… that… doesn't sound like a province in the Earth Kingdom…" which she thought she might have been at first, given the style of architecture this place has. But the two standing near the window… they don't exactly seem human, do they? Wait… Soulrule? Korra's eyes widen with possible realization.

She's in the Spirit Realm. That has to be it. If she's in the Spirit Realm… then her Bending shouldn't work. To her left her gaze drifts, her left hand dipping down to her hip and then rising up to shoulder length, her palm upwards. About 30 feet away a small stone lifts right up off of the ground and just floats there in the air, and Korra sighs to herself. Yep, she can Earthbend here. So it's not the Spirit Realm. Her hand turns over, her palm now facing down and she lowers her hand. As her gaze returns to the man and the woman, the stone lowers itself back to the ground gently.

The initial… let's call it for what it is… fear has passed now, and Korra is able to take better inventory of what is around her. A man clad in armor went to the big chair and read the letter, then moved off. Another armor clad man (similar, but different than the first one) is speaking with a kid. A kid? (Ben) Oh that's not a good sign. Out of the corner of her eyes she looks towards Nathaniel, he looks like some kind of shaman. He had been studying those piles of scrap (she doesn't even recognize what they might have been), and then he speaks of magic.

Magic? Like making a Lop-Eared Rabbit or a Jackalope appear out of a hat? Like that kind of magic?

Keeping in mind 'magic' is something kind of foreign to Korra.

Drawing in a deep breath, she now looks back to the man and the woman. She is lost in thought… and he is handling addressing everyone. They both look like crap. "You both look like crap." She blurts out as she stares at them both. Korra also has a problem with her words moving almost immediately after they are formed in her often empty head. "So we were brought here to stop this… Beast. Some Divine Entity decided we were needed? All of us?" Why would these other people possibly be needed.. Korra was the only one here that they need.

In her ignorant opinion, of course.

She now draws in a deep breath, and she feels dumb for being so aggressive at first. Another common mistake on her part. Hey, she's just learning. She now steps closer to the odd looking man and woman, and she glances towards the rest of those gathered in the ruined room. She speaks in a tone loud enough it would be carried to each being, conviction in her tone.

"I am Korra of the Southern Water Tribe, and I am the Avatar." She looks back to the man and woman, speaking with a small, comforting smile. "You just point me in the direction of this Beast thing, and I'll take care of the chump. I'll help you." She says with a nod, her hands once more clenching into fists at her side, her eyes drifting to the woman. Who is pretty, but was probably very beautiful on her better days.
The window was massive, it overlooked the entire courtyard of the castle, but that was long before the arrival of the beast. The window now stands tall with cracks, dirt, and grim. These disgusting traits cover every inch of its being. The two individuals that stand before it look outwards, trying to look past the horror that time has done to the window. The women looks to be about in her late 20s, stress has turned most of her blonde hair white, and her face sits still with a dozen scares. She looks to be in a deep thought, the only thing she realizes that is nearby is the man standing next to her. The man has blonde hair, however it looked as if most of it was covered in dried blood, but due to time it has turned a horrified brown colour. The mans arms were crossed, his stance showing he was ready for any to approach, as two people did he turned to them, his blue eyes showing pain.

"There is no need to be so aggressive," started the man.

"We are not the ones who brought you here; we are just the ones who are welcoming you to this torn land." simply stated the man as his tone was calm and collected. His eyes landed on Korra, her outfit so foreign to him, just like everyone of the Companions and Guardians that had arrived. When Nathaniel spoke, well the man just glared over to him;

"The Princess predicts that you all have a Divine entity that has showed great interest in you, and that they have put you here to stop the Beast." started the man as he turned to face the two strangers, his arms were no longer crossed and his face was covered in dirt and dried blood.

"and to answer the question of where you are at, well you're in Soulrule; a place that has been forgotten by the gods and found by a strong and deadly force known as the Beast." spoke the man, sorrow in his voice and a tear rolling down his filthy cheek.

"The reason you cant sense your lands magic is because you no longer stand on your homeland, but instead a far off realms."

@Ulysses @Camleen

What the man had said brought a small amount of joy to Nathaniel as it meant he was no longer in a world where he would be hunted for who he was but still knowing that there was an entity strong enough to transport him from his own world to here weighed heavily on his mind before he finally spoke back to the young man.

"The gods abandoned me the day I was born, you've been attacked and battled this 'beast'? I was hunted from when I was a boy by the rulers of my world so forgive me if I don't swallow this chosen by a divine entity crap because if I was then why didn't it help before and why should I fight the beast does it imprison all those who oppose it like the rulers of my realm? Does it seek to become a god to rule over others" he said even through the mask his anger at his past was apparent but his eyes were not visible to show his sorrow but in truth he would help if it meant he was allowed to leave this room and away from other people, they never took long to turn on him before so why should now be any different.

Stepping away from being directly in front of the nameless man he sat upon the bottom steps of the throne and chose to find solace in his tome as he had done many times over the years finding comfort in his drawings and notes even from a world that had shunned him he was still fascinated by it, the idea of being in a completely new world was making him want to run out the doors and explore every inch of the rather desolate world only stopped by the thought of whatever this beast was.
Prologue: Dear Mother..

Ness awoke and looked around the room and was very confused. This was not the hotel that he had fallen asleep earlier with his friends. This was not his him. Where were Paula and Jeff? Was he alone again? It made him sad that he wasn't with his friends and he took a moment to look around the room. There was a man and woman... but they didn't interest him. He decided to go through the wooden door. It seemed somebody else had a similar idea to him and he followed him.

@Archwar @TheColourlessRainbow

Lucas awoke in the room and was very confused to what had happened to him also. He figured that the best person to know the answer were the man and woman... but when he saw their faces, he decided to not bother with them. They were scary and he had enough scary things in his life with his mom dying and his brother becoming evil. He went to look at the robots.


Dear Evan Hansen,

Today was a good day.

Sincerely, Me

Evan awoke holding the letter in his hand and he sighed. He had forgotten about the letter he was writing. Where was he? Who were these people? He decided to approach the man and woman , nursing his cast and walking over and decided to ask the question. " But, what are your names?"

@Camleen @Ulysses @TheColourlessRainbow
The familiar smell of blood and the sight of flesh greeted me as I walked through the halls. Everywhere I go to nowadays has to have guts and gore. Though I disappointed that there weren't any demons charging me(yet).

I found myself at an intersection where the corridor split. Three doors, two on the right and one on the left. The closest door to me had a symbol different from the others. Three intersected, pointed ovals were in the center of a circle forming, to my eyes, a flower design. I stood, staring at it. Some might say I was gawking at it, but I haven't seen a flower in a long time. I was tempted to open the door when I noticed a light faintly shining through a doorless frame out of the left corner of my vision.

I shifted my chainsaw to the left and walked into the room with the faint light.


As you approached the entrance of the room, you would notice that the faint light you once saw was now growing darker, and a horrible smell of earthly herbs hit your nose. As you walked in with your chainsaw shifted to the left, you would quickly notice a small child sitting in front of a cauldron; a liquid boiling inside it.


"You are not a Guardian." simply stated the child, it's childish voice echoed in a deeper and more sinister tone.​

At first she was at home. Now she was here, in a stone building Masa had never seen before. All of the faces around the room were completely new. Panic struck through her initially. It had taken her so long just to adjust to the academy. To be thrown into a situation like this...
Wrong... It's wrong...wrong

The voices echoed in her mind, drowning out her own thoughts. Every breath she let out was shaky and more labored than the last. Masa clutched her head in a futile effort to quell the noise. Just stop...Shut up...Stop!! STOP!! The voices ceased all at once as her own thoughts cut through the senseless noise. She has only met one person who could make them stop before. Unfortunately for Masa she didn't see him in room of faces.

Everywhere she looked there were people doing something. A dark skinned woman yelled at people then made a rock float. Some other men were investigating things in the large room. Masa didn't want to do anything. All she wanted was to be back in the school or anywhere that was familiar. Soulrule... She heard Soulrule being tossed around. That didn't sound familiar at all.

Not right.. Not safe...
Get out.. hide
The voices started up again. Masa ran her fingers through her hair, beginning to chuckle to herself. She couldn't keep the voices at bay for very long. The feel of cool stone against her thin black shirt made her jump. She had backed herself against the left side wall of the room without even realizing it. "I don't like it. I want to go home!" She whined to herself, sliding against the rough wall and sat on the ground.

Korra stops before the two beings, her eyes narrowing as the male informs her that there isn't need to be so aggressive.

Well sure, there's rarely need to be aggressive. But aggressive usually works.

She stares at the man as she frowns a little… those clear blue eyes drifting towards the woman then. He mentioned the Princess… is that her? Is he some kind of guard?

"Soulrule… that… doesn't sound like a province in the Earth Kingdom…" which she thought she might have been at first, given the style of architecture this place has. But the two standing near the window… they don't exactly seem human, do they? Wait… Soulrule? Korra's eyes widen with possible realization.

She's in the Spirit Realm. That has to be it. If she's in the Spirit Realm… then her Bending shouldn't work. To her left her gaze drifts, her left hand dipping down to her hip and then rising up to shoulder length, her palm upwards. About 30 feet away a small stone lifts right up off of the ground and just floats there in the air, and Korra sighs to herself. Yep, she can Earthbend here. So it's not the Spirit Realm. Her hand turns over, her palm now facing down and she lowers her hand. As her gaze returns to the man and the woman, the stone lowers itself back to the ground gently.

The initial… let's call it for what it is… fear has passed now, and Korra is able to take better inventory of what is around her. A man clad in armor went to the big chair and read the letter, then moved off. Another armor clad man (similar, but different than the first one) is speaking with a kid. A kid? (Ben) Oh that's not a good sign. Out of the corner of her eyes she looks towards Nathaniel, he looks like some kind of shaman. He had been studying those piles of scrap (she doesn't even recognize what they might have been), and then he speaks of magic.

Magic? Like making a Lop-Eared Rabbit or a Jackalope appear out of a hat? Like that kind of magic?

Keeping in mind 'magic' is something kind of foreign to Korra.

Drawing in a deep breath, she now looks back to the man and the woman. She is lost in thought… and he is handling addressing everyone. They both look like crap. "You both look like crap." She blurts out as she stares at them both. Korra also has a problem with her words moving almost immediately after they are formed in her often empty head. "So we were brought here to stop this… Beast. Some Divine Entity decided we were needed? All of us?" Why would these other people possibly be needed.. Korra was the only one here that they need.

In her ignorant opinion, of course.

She now draws in a deep breath, and she feels dumb for being so aggressive at first. Another common mistake on her part. Hey, she's just learning. She now steps closer to the odd looking man and woman, and she glances towards the rest of those gathered in the ruined room. She speaks in a tone loud enough it would be carried to each being, conviction in her tone.

"I am Korra of the Southern Water Tribe, and I am the Avatar." She looks back to the man and woman, speaking with a small, comforting smile. "You just point me in the direction of this Beast thing, and I'll take care of the chump. I'll help you." She says with a nod, her hands once more clenching into fists at her side, her eyes drifting to the woman. Who is pretty, but was probably very beautiful on her better days.

What the man had said brought a small amount of joy to Nathaniel as it meant he was no longer in a world where he would be hunted for who he was but still knowing that there was an entity strong enough to transport him from his own world to here weighed heavily on his mind before he finally spoke back to the young man.

"The gods abandoned me the day I was born, you've been attacked and battled this 'beast'? I was hunted from when I was a boy by the rulers of my world so forgive me if I don't swallow this chosen by a divine entity crap because if I was then why didn't it help before and why should I fight the beast does it imprison all those who oppose it like the rulers of my realm? Does it seek to become a god to rule over others" he said even through the mask his anger at his past was apparent but his eyes were not visible to show his sorrow but in truth he would help if it meant he was allowed to leave this room and away from other people, they never took long to turn on him before so why should now be any different.

Stepping away from being directly in front of the nameless man he sat upon the bottom steps of the throne and chose to find solace in his tome as he had done many times over the years finding comfort in his drawings and notes even from a world that had shunned him he was still fascinated by it, the idea of being in a completely new world was making him want to run out the doors and explore every inch of the rather desolate world only stopped by the thought of whatever this beast was.

Both the man and princess listened to Korra as she spoke, the man holding a firm expression of exhaustion and the women quiet and reserved as she looked towards the window. When she asked about the Divine entity would summon them all, well the man was ready to answer; however Korra quickly went into another direction, her ignorance leading her every move. Finally, after claiming she alone could stop the beast, the princess let out a quicky sigh. Turning, she looked coldly into Korras eyes;

"No matter how strong you are; or how important you are in your own land, the beast is stronger." started the women, her voice as cold as the winter winds,

"This monster has poisoned the very land it touched, drove out all forms of life from their homes, and released a powerful demon tribe from their imprisonment; and still it continues to destroy all within its range," sorrowfully spoke the princess as she took a step towards Korra, her holds held up in fists.

"it has killed billions of people, and now it bares a child. One that will finally snuff out the light." finished the princess, her voice full of rageful sorrow as she started to sob. With a slight touch of the man's hand on her back; her sobbing lessened. Gently he pulled her into a hug, holding her against his chest as her sobs quietly died out.

Prologue: Dear Mother..

Ness awoke and looked around the room and was very confused. This was not the hotel that he had fallen asleep earlier with his friends. This was not his him. Where were Paula and Jeff? Was he alone again? It made him sad that he wasn't with his friends and he took a moment to look around the room. There was a man and woman... but they didn't interest him. He decided to go through the wooden door. It seemed somebody else had a similar idea to him and he followed him.

The long narrow corridor reeked of rotting flesh, bits of blood and flesh lying upon the floor. At the far end of the hallway the path split into two; three rooms just before the split. 2 lied on the right, and one of the left. The two that resigned on the right had single wooden doors,


however the one closest to you had a small but unique symbol on it.

The one on the right had no door at all, but a fading light shined from it, and you could hear two people taking.

@Archwar @TheColourlessRainbow

Lucas awoke in the room and was very confused to what had happened to him also. He figured that the best person to know the answer were the man and woman... but when he saw their faces, he decided to not bother with them. They were scary and he had enough scary things in his life with his mom dying and his brother becoming evil. He went to look at the robots.

Upon inspection of the robots Lucas would notice there was about 15 of them, all of them different designs with limbs and body parts torn apart. They all looked as if they came from different universes; some had shiny metallic skin with human features, while others looked of futuristic features, its skin made of unknown mental and cloth.

Dear Evan Hansen,

Today was a good day.

Sincerely, Me

Evan awoke holding the letter in his hand and he sighed. He had forgotten about the letter he was writing. Where was he? Who were these people? He decided to approach the man and woman , nursing his cast and walking over and decided to ask the question. " But, what are your names?"

As the women lied quietly against the man's chest, the both took a moment before they acknowledged the man's question.

"My name is Link..." stated Link,

"and I am Princess Zelda." stated Princess Zelda as she kept her face towards Link's chest.
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Isaac Clarke

The last thing that went through Isaac's mind was the thought of Ellie being safe as he plummeted towards the planet that was the homeworld of the Markers. The one thing that had been there for every hellish experiences and the same things that had caused Isaac to be on this journey.

As he closed his eyes, ready to accept death. He felt strange. Like the feeling one gets when they're sleeping, and they feel weightless. Struggling to open his eyes, Isaac wondered if this is what death is like. The feeling of weightlessness and darkness. However, he soon found that he hadn't died, and was instead lying face down in a room with complete strangers.

Slowly standing up, Isaac found that he was now wearing the Advanced suit. Which was strange as he no longer had said suit in his possession during the trip to Tau Volantis. Also near him was his old Plasma Cutter. Further confusing him as he lost that weapon back on the planet where he fought the hive mind. Picking it up, he examined it for any damage. Aside from a few dents and scrapes from the times he used it as a makeshift melee weapon.

Pressing a button on his wrist, his RIG opened up a display infront of him. Looking over his inventory, he found that he barely had any ammo for his plasma cutter. That and he only had three small med packs. Unless he found a way to make more. He was going to have to be extremely careful with any usage of the sparse resources at his disposal.

Noticing that most of the others were gathered near the man and woman. He wondered what was going on, deciding to walk on over to the group. Not wanting to appear like a robot, Isaac pressed another button on his wrist. His helmet began to deconstruct and retract into the suit.

Hearing the various questions and answers, as well as the story of this world. He couldn't help but be reminded of the Markers and the hellish curse it brought with its presence. "So, this beast......How can we stop it?" He asked both Link and the Princess. Hoping they had enough information on this beast.
@TheColourlessRainbow @Camleen @Ulysses @LuckycoolHawk9
The Courier

Luck was a mysterious force. One moment you're winning a jackpot of caps among others things. And the next, you're face to face with a Deathclaw with only a toothpick to defend yourself.

For the Courier. Luck held an exception for him. As he survived being shot in the head, surviving against the wasteland's creatures. As well as the encounters with Caesars Legionary Assassins.

Today however, luck faltered on the Courier's part. As he was testing out a teleportation device when a few legionary assassins attacked. Their battle damaged the device, causing it to teleport the Courier away to some unknown destination while exploding with the force of several bombs going off at once.

Now here he was. Standing in a room with strangers. Cautiously putting his hand on the grip of his holstered revolver. He scanned over the other people gathered there. Preferring to play it safe, as well as find out what was going on. He walked off to the side of the group gathered at the man and woman. Leaning against a wall, he decided to look over his NCR Ranger armor and duster. While listening to the group's questions and the answers from the two people. A few of the assassins got a lucky hit, but from the look of things. The bullets barely made it through the armor. The duster on the other hand now had more bullet holes in it. After the inspection of his armor. He looked over his weaponry.

First and foremost. His hunting shotgun. It was in decent condition, the leather strap could use some work on it, but it should be fine. The ammo situation for it wasn't great. he only had twenty five shells and fifteen slugs for it. He wasted too much on those legionaries. Putting away the shotgun, he pulled out the revolver. Looking over its engraved body for any dents or signs of being broken. Thankfully finding none. The ammo situation wasn't too bad for it. Forty eight rounds for it. So long as he played it smart and didn't fire like an idiot. He should be fine. He looked into the medical pouch on his side. Only six stimpaks. A side effect of him deciding to test the device before refilling on supplies.

With all that done, he decided to join the group. Not wanting to be left out the loop.


Garrett's day was going well. He had snuck into a so called 'impossible to break into' building. Stole some extremely valuable art that would look nice in his hideout. All without even a hint of suspicion.

However, good things don't last. As evident after he went to bed, he awoke in a strange new place. With complete strangers. At first, he pondered if this was a dream or if he had lost consciousness because of an event similar to the one at Northcrest Manor. Both seemed unlikely. As this felt too real, and he was in his hideout last time he checked.

Cautious, he kept as faraway from the group gathered. He wanted to check over his equipment. His handmade bow was in good condition, had plenty of arrows for it. He however was short on rope arrows. But the claw would remedy that problem. Blackjack was in good condition as well. His lockpicks were there as well. Hidden in a small space in the sneaking suit's wrists.

But, much of his other tools were gone. Most likely left behind at his hideout.

That annoyed him quite a bit. He wanted answers. He walked to the side of the group. Listening for anything that sounded important. Ready to speak his mind.
Both the man and princess listened to Korra as she spoke, the man holding a firm expression of exhaustion and the women quiet and reserved as she looked towards the window. When she asked about the Divine entity would summon them all, well the man was ready to answer; however Korra quickly went into another direction, her ignorance leading her every move. Finally, after claiming she alone could stop the beast, the princess let out a quicky sigh. Turning, she looked coldly into Korras eyes;

"No matter how strong you are; or how important you are in your own land, the beast is stronger." started the women, her voice as cold as the winter winds,

"This monster has poisoned the very land it touched, drove out all forms of life from their homes, and released a powerful demon tribe from their imprisonment; and still it continues to destroy all within its range," sorrowfully spoke the princess as she took a step towards Korra, her holds held up in fists.

"it has killed billions of people, and now it bares a child. One that will finally snuff out the light." finished the princess, her voice full of rageful sorrow as she started to sob. With a slight touch of the man's hand on her back; her sobbing lessened. Gently he pulled her into a hug, holding her against his chest as her sobs quietly died out.

Nathaniel stayed sitting upon the stairs to the throne only glancing over at the discussion that was occurring between the two new faces of the room as well as the two he had just spoken to before sitting away from them to delve into his books, even if he didn't want to assist people who seemed to barely know more than himself but after hearing the tale and the destruction the monster had caused he knew for all his hatred of those in power he couldn't allow a world to get destroyed if he could help it. Noticing that no one had recognised him from the get go meant no one could possibly be from his world and it was safe to remove his helmet. As he removed the restraints holding the helmet in place the blue eyes slowly dimmed till they were cut off entirely from the liquid that help recover his mana for his spells, his hair tumbled past his face falling just to his nose and stopping any view to his eyes as he fixed his hair out of the way he finally spoke without the helmet distorting him.

"It's easy to assume the plan is for us to work together isn't it?" He called over gesturing to everyone in the room before letting out a small laugh "beside she the two of you no one here knows anyone or anything beyond what you tell us, how can we trust each other or even win when we don't know if another might stab us in the back but I'll admit the thought of exploring this world is exciting a new world filled with creatures both wonderful and horrific" he finishes by holding up his tome already having begun to sketch the others as a small group before testing how worried the others would be with his abilities by summoning a small rock golem into the world. "Maybe we should show everyone our capabilities? I'm curious what the one who boasts being able to slay such a beast is capable of." He finished leaning back on the stairs and ifnoring everything else as he relaxed being able see without the helmet to block out his vision.