The Hallows Inn [Fantasy Inn Role-Play]

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The Hallows Inn

You find yourself sprinting, as fast as you can, pushing every muscle in your body to the limit. The dirt track in front of you, so bogged down by rain water has become nothing more than a sludge path of sodden muck. With every step you feel as if your boots are about to be pulled from your feet. Thin, black gnarled branches of long dead trees pinch and tear at your clothes and skin, but you ignore the pain other than a wince after each painful lash. The rain is pouring and your soaked clothing weighs you down, you feel as if at any minute, your fatigue will overcome you and you will succumb to being yet another victim of the Drakenwald, in common tongue, the Dragon's Wood. For the longest time now, your only light source has been that of the moon where it manages to penetrate through the crowded tree-tops, whose dead branches are like crippled arms clawing at the sky, begging for freedom.

Suddenly, thunder rumbles and now consistent flashes of lightning offer you glimpses of what lies ahead, allowing you to maneuver around thorns and branches as sharp as a good sword. However, with each flash of lightning paranoia grows on you, fingering at the deepest parts of your brain. What was at first a hunch that you were being watched is now visuals, whether or not they are hallucinations, deep red eyes watching you through the trees, waiting for you to fall, or make a mistake before the pounce. Thunk you hit the ground hard as you trip over something, struggling to turn onto your back you see it was a rope, tied between the bases of two trees. Your hunch proved to be right, someone or something is hunting and you are their prey. About to give in, you lie back and feel the muck molding to your shape, opening your eyes you see something that almost beings your heart to a stop. Hung from a thick branch, is a skeleton, a long dead victim of whatever it is that resides in this place. Strangely enough this gives you the power to keep going. Bringing yourself to your feet you turn on your heels and once again begin to make haste. You don't know where you are going but anywhere is better than this place. Seconds turn into minutes, which in turn feel like hours as you find you are hopelessly lost. But, something catches your eye, a light coming from between two trees, this is not like any light you have seen in a long time, this is natural daylight. You make one final dart for the light, you can feel your hunter is right behind you. You run and you run and you run.

Thunk. Once again you hit the ground, but this time the fall is not as bad, you open your eyes to see that you came crashing through a final line of trees and landed in a clearing of lush, green grass. Strangely enough, as you look up at the sky, you can see the sun hovering directly overhead, a small ball in the sky. You squint as it hurts your eyes, but you cannot look away knowing that only moments ago you'd seen the moon, it was as if, you'd stumbled into a different time. Bringing yourself around, you see that there is a building ahead of you, it appears to be some sort of resting place, an inn. Beside it lies the forge of a blacksmith. Coming to your feet, you walk towards the building and upon reaching the door, push it open and stumble inside, dragging in muck and dripping water all over the oak floor. Eyes from all over the large open room fall you, you catch a pretty maiden standing on the stairs. Time seems to freeze for a moment, only to be started again by a voice.

"Another wanderer? This is the third this week, at this rate, we're soon going to run out of rooms... Welcome to the Hallows Inn! Lazarus, at your service."

The Hallows Inn is situated in the middle of a clearing in a forest known as the Drakenwald. The Drakenwald has never been fully mapped but is known to be the largest woods in the chartered World. The exact location of the clearing in relation to the forest is also unknown as all who have come across The Hallows Inn have done so by accident, often after days, if not weeks of being lost in the vast expanse of the Drakenwald.

The owner of the inn is a man who goes by the name Lazarus. Nobody knows his exact age, only that he has been at the inn for centuries, some rumors say that he was born in the Drakenwald and has never been outside its borders, others say that Lazarus is an entity of the forest that cannot leave, a Dryad of sorts. What is definitely known is that all weary wanderers who come across the Hallows Inn are offered refuge until they decide it is time to move on, if at all.

The Grounds

When exactly the inn was engineered, within one of the more accommodating glades of the Drakenwald, is unknown. However, when Lazarus took the building under his care it had all but fallen to ruin. In the beginning, an old Elvish friend Sceolan (who later went on to become king of a distant land) erected magical wards in the form of stones, obelisks as tall as a man that seemingly glow with an almost invisible aura. A powerful presence can be felt by the more attuned to the arcane when close by. For centuries now they have kept the beasts, ghouls and other creatures of the woods at bay - all who arrive at the inn are safe within it's boundaries. While the Drakenwald itself is not as dangerous during the day and you are far less likely to run across unwarranted company, it is still heavily advised adventurer's don't stray too far from the inn as to get lost, or the dryads and nymphs will be the least of your problems.

The inn itself sits towards the southern end of the clearing with Toradh's (a former master Dwarven blacksmith) humble forge and hut close by. One of the most noted things about the inn by travelers and residents is the fine finish on any work they present the Dwarf with. Rumor has it his tools are enchanted relics from a far off land and guide his hand and mind in work. Others will tell you while the tools are certainly magical and aid him in some way - his skill has been proven in legend long before he arrived at the Hallows. Some men, foolish or brave, have ventured from the safety of home into the woods to get something crafted by Toradh, many more have died in place - their corpses once littering the undergrowth now reclaimed by nature.

A newer edition to the grounds is a hot springs behind the main building. Welcomed by nearly all patrons - a place to relax under the night sky surrounded by the trees, stars and good company can never go amiss.
A few miles north of the inn are a series of three clearings, forming as much a crescent shape as imaginable with the eye. Three ponds, that could nearly be called small lakes with near crystal clear water. Nymphs are said to inhabit the lake and surrounding area, remarkably these are not your typical creatures that have been noted to inhabit other parts of the Drakenwald and in fact have granted the wishes of men and sometimes women who have come to them from the inn and offered an appropriate tiding.

Adventurers, patrons and residents have all shared stories both wondrous and harrowing of spots in the woods and anyone who decides to explore will be sure to have their own stories to tell around a fire with good mead. Be wary however of the living forest and make sure to be able to always find your way back to the safety of the Hallows.


The role-play is following a traditional-fantasy style, at least for the time being, so it would be appreciated if we kept our characters in this genre in relation to race, class etc. Feel free to spruce up the appearance of your CS with coding if you wish, magic should be included in the weapons or other section depending on it's use.


Low Magic - uses natural objects from the world around you, different to elemental although for the sake of the role-play we'll include elemental magic under low.

High Magic - encompasses a wide variety of complex rituals, spells or incantations to perform the desired action/conjuration etc.

Folk Magic - magical practices that is usually practiced by peasantry or those considered commoners, often influenced by superstition it has however proven it's worth in matters of healing, dispelling curses or casting them to curing blighted crops, among all other sorts of things. Sometimes folk magic incorporates religious practices and beliefs, where as other times it has its own set of traditions.

When writing about your characters magical abilities, remember to include where they acquired them in the history section- innate ability, enchanted relic, curse, study? Any other questions about what can or can't be included should be sent to me in PM or addressed in the ooc; I'll try to be accommodating to reasonable requests - note many will fit into the above categories and should be rationalized with common sense or fantasy logic. You don't have to write an essay.

Appearance: (Pictures are preferred)
Trinkets: (If any)
Short History:

  • Bucket of Rainbows
Reactions: esoteric
Ooo, this looks neato! What is the posting expectation and writing level?
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Good to have you. I'm flexible with posting expectation, it's not a RP with a huge emphasis on plot and overarching story arcs. So, people will have some leeway with posting. Be as active or as distant as you'd like. As for writing level, I'd prefer intermediate but this shouldn't stop somebody who can write, let's say one good paragraph regularly, from joining. Quality over quantity but quantity shouldn't be neglected is my general rule of thumb.

Once again, glad to have you with us, tell your friends.
I hope a post a month doesn't slow you guys down then. :P I figured it was too slow lol.
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I am intrigued
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What is considered "Low magic"? Only fire, water, earth, and air, or are there other elements as well that are available to us?
hey Kat
What is considered "Low magic"? Only fire, water, earth, and air, or are there other elements as well that are available to us?

So, I wouldn't normally class elemental magic as low magic but it works for keeping everything tidy and concise. Another term for it would be "Natural Magic", think incorporating items like herbs, oils, stones etc. Unlike high magic which may have many complexities in performing a spell or ritual, low magic would be more concerned with chants/incantations, charms and that kind of thing. Hope this helps.
  • Useful
Reactions: esoteric
So, I wouldn't normally class elemental magic as low magic but it works for keeping everything tidy and concise. Another term for it would be "Natural Magic", think incorporating items like herbs, oils, stones etc. Unlike high magic which may have many complexities in performing a spell or ritual, low magic would be more concerned with chants/incantations, charms and that kind of thing. Hope this helps.

So, to clarify, is fire, water, air, and earth the only elements we have to choose from?
So, to clarify, is fire, water, air, and earth the only elements we have to choose from?

Wow. I really managed to tip-toe around that one and then miss the point completely, apologies. What did you have in mind outside of fire, water, earth and air?
Wow. I really managed to tip-toe around that one and then miss the point completely, apologies. What did you have in mind outside of fire, water, earth and air?

Lightning, Necromancy, Light, Dark, Metal, etc.
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Sure thing, sounds good.

Ok, so I have my character. Where would I post her? :) Should I just post her here for now?
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Reactions: Laika
Here is fine, for now. You can move it to the character index when one gets put up.
Awesome! Here she is; PM me if there's anything you feel needs to be changed. :)


Name: Minerva Rissaih
Age: 293, Appears Late 20s, early 30s
Race: Dark Faery
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Unknown
Class: Warrior-Commander
  • Waterskin: A small receptacle for retaining water naturally.
  • Daggers: Two daggers settle in hard, black leather skins on her left hip, sleek and shiny.
  • Short Sword: A 13" single edged sword with intricate engravings on the handle rests on her left hip.
  • Coin Pouch: A nice amount worth a few days travel, be it staying a couple nights at an inn or getting a meal.
  • Vambraces: Black leather vambraces occupy both of her lower arms.
  • Greaves: Hard, black leather pads rest on the front of her lower legs beneath the knee caps.
  • Left Pauldron: A large piece of segmented black leather that covers her left shoulder and some of her back.
  • Basic Climbing Kit: One hundred feet of rope and a grappling hook.
  • Quarter Horse: A hearty gelding named Arion carries any extra weight she may need for traveling.
  • Leather Bags: Two large leather cow skin bags rest on either side of her horse's quarters.
  • Basic Medicine Kit: Bandages, flask of vinegar, honey, thread, needle, and various herbs occupy this kit.
  • Rations: Some apples and carrots for the horse; hard cheese, dry meat, and stale bread for the lady.

  • Hunting & Tracking: Minerva has been traveling for a long time. She's learned how to track animal footprints and hunt with stealth and caution.
  • Basic Healing: She can't cure, but she can treat and disinfect minor wounds, as well as stitch up cuts due to many years of learning under a ranger. This kind of knowledge has never been extended to anyone beyond her.
  • Naturalist Skills: Days on horseback and in the forest have forced her to adapt to the changing climate. When she was younger, the same ranger was kind enough to teach her the ways of the wilderness.
  • Close Ranged Weaponry: She is master in broadsword, skilled in shortsword, and proficient at wielding dual daggers. She hopes to learn how to wield dual swords soon.
  • Ranged Weaponry: She is a master in bow and arrow. Any other ranged weapons are foreign to her knowledge.

Combat Prowess:
Minerva is extremely agile and dexterous; like a snake in her movements. She is skilled in hand-to-hand combat and ranged weaponry. She also has mastered the bow and arrow and broadsword, but tends to lean more towards using her fingers and incantations to attack an opponent, rather than physical labor. Minerva is a sophisticated woman, and prefers not to get dirty whenever she can. Do not underestimate her however; She can deliver a final bloody blow if the situation calls for it.

  • Semi-Immortality: The ability to never physically age. Is immune to aging-based abilities and will always be at her physical prime. Is still vulnerable to everything else that would effect other beings, such as decapitation, being slain, infectious diseases, and/or mortal wounds.
  • Dark Aura: Can surround oneself in darkness and/or shadows. Is constantly active. May hinder a person's capacity to see her physical form, depending on where the dark aura is present at time, possibly confusing one person, but does not physically harm or weaken a target's sight. Target still knows she's there.
  • Enhanced Agility: The ability to go from one motion to another effortlessly, doing things like effectively dodging attacks and performing numerous gymnastics and martial arts feats. Can still experience exhaustion after prolonged exposure. Over time, joints can become inflamed and arthritic, if ability is not exercised with caution. Cannot perform high risk feats, such as surviving falls from great heights or crashing into walls.
  • Enhanced Dexterity: Can precisely control movements, muscles, and digits with ease, making her unable to be clumsy or fumbling. Cannot balance on large unstable surfaces, such as a collapsing building or an earthquake. Can fall over if physically uprooted or pushed, but usually lands on her hands. Still runs the risk of injury if too much is done and she doesn't exercise caution.
  • Enhanced Strength: Able to exert great force onto objects and/or persons. She can crush the bones of an enemy or topple over a carriage with both of her hands, but her ability does not extend to lifting things that are two times her weight or considered extremely heavy, such as a boulder or a house. If she tried to lift anything beyond said weight limit, the bones in her arms are likely to break.
  • Enhanced Beauty: The ability to possess a level of grace, physical beauty, sense of style, and social poise above that of an average human. Can use it to influence others, but is also likely to attract unwanted attention. Does not allow direct control or subversion of others' will.
  • Psychometry: Is only active when she wants it to be, which isn't as often as one might suppose it is for an evil person. She can engage in a "sixth sense" like state, and perceive the residual information of an object and/or person. Senses are only limited to touch and sight. Persons invulnerable to psychic abilities are immune.
  • Dark Magic: A form of magic typically used for nefarious purposes. Generally leans towards harming, destruction, cursing and/or harming others. Can be highly addictive and leave a person susceptible to insanity, even if treated with respect. White magic and/or any other positive forms of magic is especially effective against this.
  • Confusion Inducement: The ability to cause temporary interference with the clear workings of a target's mind. People with immunity to mental-based abilities are highly resistant to this power. Strong-willed or focused people can recover quickly from this. Prolonged usage of this can severely damage the user's mind.
  • Dream Manipulation: Can create, enter, shape, and manipulate the dreams of oneself and any other person. Can only affect sleeping persons for one hour and is unable to induce sleep. Ability does not extend to the real world. People immune to dream based abilities cannot have their dreams altered.
Trinkets: Minerva wears a small, slightly rusted necklace that has a snowflake attached to it, made out of delicate stones and diamonds. This was given to her by her lover a few years before she abandoned him and their child.

Short History: Minerva was born into upper class, born with innate magical abilities, akin to faery heritage. When she was only a young teenager, she was forced to wed the dreadful dark faery prince, Nylas. Years later, after she slit his throat, she took it upon herself to leave her homeland and never return. It was within adventuring, she found love and compassion for a stranger: a man who turned her whole world around after he helped heal her. When she became pregnant with her first child, an evil sorcerer cast a curse on her baby. Minerva dreaded seeing her child fall before her eyes, thus, abandoned her and her husband when she was only a few months old. Minerva regrets not seeing her child grow to thirteen and abhors the day when her husband may come across her again, in spirit or otherwise.

Minerva's gray eyes appeared distant as her Mother tugged on her hair a bit and secured the five strand braid. "Run along now. Prince Nylas is waiting for you." She stood up and left the room to meet her fiancé for a stroll. Her father, High Lord, Nymrak Rissaih, was busy with council sessions and advising King Idril on the Seelie court. Shirayne Rissaih, her mother, was busy taking care of her and the other four children, so she was accompanied by her uncle Belgos instead, to meet the young boy once more. There was a catalyst, however, that sought to ruin Minerva further. After an attempted assassination on the King Idril, her father was not right in the head. He became distant from his wife and children, distant from her. Shirayne, however, found out he'd sought out the company of a whore at a high end brothel for men. She retaliated against him in grief and frustration, accidentally becoming pregnant with a child that was not his. For the longest time, however, she made him believe the baby was his and even let him pick out a name, Rayela Rissaih, to continue the mere illusion.

When the child was born, Shirayne lied to her husband again and told him there was a miscarriage. She gave the child away to the father's uncle and the baby was never heard of or seen again. Minerva's life was not centered around beauty or freedom; as she grew up, she was taught how to be a wife to her husband. When she wanted to learn how to sword fight, everyone merely laughed at her and her fiancé, Prince Nylas squeezed her shoulder. "A woman can't play with swords," he chuckled. "You'll ruin your soft skin, Minerva." She grew to hate Prince Nylas and her dependence towards him, even more so when they finally got married. Minerva dreaded every second of their marriage; The consummation was a disaster and she felt left out, especially when she'd failed to give him heir and he acted like everything was alright; even though she didn't want children. Minerva continued to stay strong, however, and quite often, would sneak out at night to ride her black palmetto horse or borrow her husband's daggers so she could practice throwing them at targets on trees in the forest.

Despite the high risks she took to make herself feel comfortable in her own body, in who she was, Minerva felt pleasure from contemplating and pursuing the unknown. She felt great whirlwinds passion whenever she threw Nylas' daggers at the trees, or tried to wield his sword, even though it was too heavy for her. Some wondered what had become of the docile flower she used to be; Prince Nylas shrugged the change off, assuming it was because she'd drank too much, or simply had a good story to tell about her ladies in waiting. Minerva simply agreed with him. As a person who didn't trust him all that well, he seemed to be too trusting of her. She would use that against him as a form of revenge for the next few years, twisting his mind and slowly, but surely, making him bow down to her. Minerva never planned to fully take over, no; it was better to see him suffer in silence, everything was better, until she found her own form of silence once more. The death of her mother by some unknown disease shook her like a leaf; Nylas sought to comfort her but she felt nothing with him.

Now, that she was on her own, Minerva felt she had no choice but to leave the life everyone else had laid out for her. She packed a small leather bag with spare clothing, a few days of rations, one of her husband's coin pouches, and both of his daggers. At night, when the moon shone the brightest, she left his estate, slitting any guard's throat that got in her way. In the morning, she knew he would hunt her down like a hawk; she knew he would find her. Minerva wandered the forest for many days; She became sick, she became cold, but still, she triumphed over mother nature. A week later, just as she'd suspected, Prince Nylas found her wandering the edges of a slum filled lake. He was less than happy about her running away. Minerva stood her ground as he chastised her and called her stupid. "Get her horse," he commanded his men. "No!" she hissed, gripping on the reins and pulling out a dagger with her free hand. Nylas stepped down from his horse and began to trek towards her. "Minerva, I've never seen you so high strung. What happened, love?" She felt her body begin to tremble and her lips quiver.

Minerva didn't like how vulnerable she felt around him. Her fingers almost lost their grip on the dagger when he came up to her, arms wide open. "You never cared about me, Nylas. Never," she sobbed as he wrapped his arms around her and held her close, trying to comfort her like a mother would their child. Minerva wouldn't play his game anymore. "Of course, I-." Blood suddenly splattered on her right shoulder. She glanced over to see his shocked face. "I'm not sorry," Minerva spoke through gritted teeth. "I will never be sorry for the way you treated me. You know what you did." She drove the dagger in deeper, then abruptly pulled it out from his back. Prince Nylas fell to the ground, dead. Minerva wiped away her tears and dirt. She shouldn't have been crying while that poor bastard died in her arms. "Arrest her!" one of the guards shouted. "Don't you dare!" A fiery resistance lingered within her tone as she tried to lift Nylas' sword up. "Don't you dare arrest me! I will slaughter each and every one of you!" she snapped, her fury blind to them. "You can't even lift up that sword, little lady!"

Then, she did the unthinkable and lifted the sword without much effort and despite her inexperience in using such a weapon, managed to kill all five guards. Minerva fell to the ground, exhausted and out of breathe, cut up, bruised, and bleeding on her stomach from a large slash one of the men had bestowed upon her during their fight. Minerva smiled and closed her eyes, drifting off to sleep. She never expected to wake up, but that's what happened when she found her stomach all wrapped up with bandages and a campfire crackling and burning bright. She yelped as a surge of panic rushed through her and pain soared through her lower abdomen. There was some stranger, some man sitting down in front of the fire with a small pot over the fire. Her head felt light as she tried to scramble away, but he simply shook his head and let out a hearty laugh. "You're going to run away while you're still healing, huh? That'll only make it heal slower." Minerva wasn't sure who he was or what he'd done. "You did this?!" she exclaimed in horror, cheeks flushed. "Why did you do this?! Who are you?!"

"You may call me Ranger. I saved your life."

"I didn't want to be saved," she whispered.

He looked over at her, a certain calm in his eyes, but said nothing. That was the start of an unlikely partnership. Minerva hesitantly allowed Ranger to take care of her while she was still at her weakest point. Minerva didn't have any experience in traveling or surviving on her own, so naturally he became her mentor and eventually, a friend. They fell in love and Minerva became pregnant with a young daughter they named Adeva. Unfortunately, a few months in, an evil wizard named Vilfreyn cast a curse on their first born child. Thirteen years after Adeva would be born, she would pass away from Shadow Spasm, the same disease that infested Minerva's mother. The fear of watching her daughter suffer like that plagued Minerva; She silently left Ranger and her child not long after she was born. All forms of communication were broken from the moment she stole some of his things and regrettably, left him and Adaeva. Minerva traveled for days on horse, wandering aimlessly into unknown lands. She trekked across snow and tended to frostbitten fingers, searching for a sign, for anything to help her.

A steadfast old man named Nasaios stepped in and saved her. He brought her into the underground society and imparted his knowledge of different weaponry towards her. Minerva used his kindness to her advantage, and many years later, Nasaios mysteriously passed away. No one could identify who killed him or how identify exactly how he died. Minerva used her wits to rise towards the top and cooperated with the underground almost immediately to lower the risk of any suspicions or ill inhibitions. Minerva made each decision with confidence; anyone who got in the way of her plans was killed on spot. She ruled with fear and respect, unlike the previous imperator. Over the years, she spent time rebuilding the underground society from the ground up and taking credit for what Nasaios had originally built. She accumulated the best criminals to take on a new round of responsibilities, training young rebels and outcasts to become assassins, pickpockets, and train in other criminal specialties. Minerva's reformation of the underground began to lead the underground to great success and still continues to do.

  • Minerva's alignment is neutral evil.
  • She has no wings any more, due to willing removing them.
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Reactions: Laika
Awesome! Here she is; PM me if there's anything you feel needs to be changed. :)


Name: Minerva Rissaih
Age: 293, Appears Late 20s, early 30s
Race: Dark Faery
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Unknown
Class: Warrior-Commander
  • Waterskin: A small receptacle for retaining water naturally.
  • Daggers: Two daggers settle in hard, black leather skins on her left hip, sleek and shiny.
  • Short Sword: A 13" single edged sword with intricate engravings on the handle rests on her left hip.
  • Coin Pouch: A nice amount worth a few days travel, be it staying a couple nights at an inn or getting a meal.
  • Vambraces: Black leather vambraces occupy both of her lower arms.
  • Greaves: Hard, black leather pads rest on the front of her lower legs beneath the knee caps.
  • Left Pauldron: A large piece of segmented black leather that covers her left shoulder and some of her back.
  • Basic Climbing Kit: One hundred feet of rope and a grappling hook.
  • Quarter Horse: A hearty gelding named Arion carries any extra weight she may need for traveling.
  • Leather Bags: Two large leather cow skin bags rest on either side of her horse's quarters.
  • Basic Medicine Kit: Bandages, flask of vinegar, honey, thread, needle, and various herbs occupy this kit.
  • Rations: Some apples and carrots for the horse; hard cheese, dry meat, and stale bread for the lady.

  • Hunting & Tracking: Minerva has been traveling for a long time. She's learned how to track animal footprints and hunt with stealth and caution.
  • Basic Healing: She can't cure, but she can treat and disinfect minor wounds, as well as stitch up cuts due to many years of learning under a ranger. This kind of knowledge has never been extended to anyone beyond her.
  • Naturalist Skills: Days on horseback and in the forest have forced her to adapt to the changing climate. When she was younger, the same ranger was kind enough to teach her the ways of the wilderness.
  • Close Ranged Weaponry: She is master in broadsword, skilled in shortsword, and proficient at wielding dual daggers. She hopes to learn how to wield dual swords soon.
  • Ranged Weaponry: She is a master in bow and arrow. Any other ranged weapons are foreign to her knowledge.

Combat Prowess:
Minerva is extremely agile and dexterous; like a snake in her movements. She is skilled in hand-to-hand combat and ranged weaponry. She also has mastered the bow and arrow and broadsword, but tends to lean more towards using her fingers and incantations to attack an opponent, rather than physical labor. Minerva is a sophisticated woman, and prefers not to get dirty whenever she can. Do not underestimate her however; She can deliver a final bloody blow if the situation calls for it.

  • Semi-Immortality: The ability to never physically age. Is immune to aging-based abilities and will always be at her physical prime. Is still vulnerable to everything else that would effect other beings, such as decapitation, being slain, infectious diseases, and/or mortal wounds.
  • Dark Aura: Can surround oneself in darkness and/or shadows. Is constantly active. May hinder a person's capacity to see her physical form, depending on where the dark aura is present at time, possibly confusing one person, but does not physically harm or weaken a target's sight. Target still knows she's there.
  • Enhanced Agility: The ability to go from one motion to another effortlessly, doing things like effectively dodging attacks and performing numerous gymnastics and martial arts feats. Can still experience exhaustion after prolonged exposure. Over time, joints can become inflamed and arthritic, if ability is not exercised with caution. Cannot perform high risk feats, such as surviving falls from great heights or crashing into walls.
  • Enhanced Dexterity: Can precisely control movements, muscles, and digits with ease, making her unable to be clumsy or fumbling. Cannot balance on large unstable surfaces, such as a collapsing building or an earthquake. Can fall over if physically uprooted or pushed, but usually lands on her hands. Still runs the risk of injury if too much is done and she doesn't exercise caution.
  • Enhanced Strength: Able to exert great force onto objects and/or persons. She can crush the bones of an enemy or topple over a carriage with both of her hands, but her ability does not extend to lifting things that are two times her weight or considered extremely heavy, such as a boulder or a house. If she tried to lift anything beyond said weight limit, the bones in her arms are likely to break.
  • Enhanced Beauty: The ability to possess a level of grace, physical beauty, sense of style, and social poise above that of an average human. Can use it to influence others, but is also likely to attract unwanted attention. Does not allow direct control or subversion of others' will.
  • Psychometry: Is only active when she wants it to be, which isn't as often as one might suppose it is for an evil person. She can engage in a "sixth sense" like state, and perceive the residual information of an object and/or person. Senses are only limited to touch and sight. Persons invulnerable to psychic abilities are immune.
  • Dark Magic: A form of magic typically used for nefarious purposes. Generally leans towards harming, destruction, cursing and/or harming others. Can be highly addictive and leave a person susceptible to insanity, even if treated with respect. White magic and/or any other positive forms of magic is especially effective against this.
  • Confusion Inducement: The ability to cause temporary interference with the clear workings of a target's mind. People with immunity to mental-based abilities are highly resistant to this power. Strong-willed or focused people can recover quickly from this. Prolonged usage of this can severely damage the user's mind.
  • Dream Manipulation: Can create, enter, shape, and manipulate the dreams of oneself and any other person. Can only affect sleeping persons for one hour and is unable to induce sleep. Ability does not extend to the real world. People immune to dream based abilities cannot have their dreams altered.
Trinkets: Minerva wears a small, slightly rusted necklace that has a snowflake attached to it, made out of delicate stones and diamonds. This was given to her by her lover a few years before she abandoned him and their child.

Short History: Minerva was born into upper class, born with innate magical abilities, akin to faery heritage. When she was only a young teenager, she was forced to wed the dreadful dark faery prince, Nylas. Years later, after she slit his throat, she took it upon herself to leave her homeland and never return. It was within adventuring, she found love and compassion for a stranger: a man who turned her whole world around after he helped heal her. When she became pregnant with her first child, an evil sorcerer cast a curse on her baby. Minerva dreaded seeing her child fall before her eyes, thus, abandoned her and her husband when she was only a few months old. Minerva regrets not seeing her child grow to thirteen and abhors the day when her husband may come across her again, in spirit or otherwise.

Minerva's gray eyes appeared distant as her Mother tugged on her hair a bit and secured the five strand braid. "Run along now. Prince Nylas is waiting for you." She stood up and left the room to meet her fiancé for a stroll. Her father, High Lord, Nymrak Rissaih, was busy with council sessions and advising King Idril on the Seelie court. Shirayne Rissaih, her mother, was busy taking care of her and the other four children, so she was accompanied by her uncle Belgos instead, to meet the young boy once more. There was a catalyst, however, that sought to ruin Minerva further. After an attempted assassination on the King Idril, her father was not right in the head. He became distant from his wife and children, distant from her. Shirayne, however, found out he'd sought out the company of a whore at a high end brothel for men. She retaliated against him in grief and frustration, accidentally becoming pregnant with a child that was not his. For the longest time, however, she made him believe the baby was his and even let him pick out a name, Rayela Rissaih, to continue the mere illusion.

When the child was born, Shirayne lied to her husband again and told him there was a miscarriage. She gave the child away to the father's uncle and the baby was never heard of or seen again. Minerva's life was not centered around beauty or freedom; as she grew up, she was taught how to be a wife to her husband. When she wanted to learn how to sword fight, everyone merely laughed at her and her fiancé, Prince Nylas squeezed her shoulder. "A woman can't play with swords," he chuckled. "You'll ruin your soft skin, Minerva." She grew to hate Prince Nylas and her dependence towards him, even more so when they finally got married. Minerva dreaded every second of their marriage; The consummation was a disaster and she felt left out, especially when she'd failed to give him heir and he acted like everything was alright; even though she didn't want children. Minerva continued to stay strong, however, and quite often, would sneak out at night to ride her black palmetto horse or borrow her husband's daggers so she could practice throwing them at targets on trees in the forest.

Despite the high risks she took to make herself feel comfortable in her own body, in who she was, Minerva felt pleasure from contemplating and pursuing the unknown. She felt great whirlwinds passion whenever she threw Nylas' daggers at the trees, or tried to wield his sword, even though it was too heavy for her. Some wondered what had become of the docile flower she used to be; Prince Nylas shrugged the change off, assuming it was because she'd drank too much, or simply had a good story to tell about her ladies in waiting. Minerva simply agreed with him. As a person who didn't trust him all that well, he seemed to be too trusting of her. She would use that against him as a form of revenge for the next few years, twisting his mind and slowly, but surely, making him bow down to her. Minerva never planned to fully take over, no; it was better to see him suffer in silence, everything was better, until she found her own form of silence once more. The death of her mother by some unknown disease shook her like a leaf; Nylas sought to comfort her but she felt nothing with him.

Now, that she was on her own, Minerva felt she had no choice but to leave the life everyone else had laid out for her. She packed a small leather bag with spare clothing, a few days of rations, one of her husband's coin pouches, and both of his daggers. At night, when the moon shone the brightest, she left his estate, slitting any guard's throat that got in her way. In the morning, she knew he would hunt her down like a hawk; she knew he would find her. Minerva wandered the forest for many days; She became sick, she became cold, but still, she triumphed over mother nature. A week later, just as she'd suspected, Prince Nylas found her wandering the edges of a slum filled lake. He was less than happy about her running away. Minerva stood her ground as he chastised her and called her stupid. "Get her horse," he commanded his men. "No!" she hissed, gripping on the reins and pulling out a dagger with her free hand. Nylas stepped down from his horse and began to trek towards her. "Minerva, I've never seen you so high strung. What happened, love?" She felt her body begin to tremble and her lips quiver.

Minerva didn't like how vulnerable she felt around him. Her fingers almost lost their grip on the dagger when he came up to her, arms wide open. "You never cared about me, Nylas. Never," she sobbed as he wrapped his arms around her and held her close, trying to comfort her like a mother would their child. Minerva wouldn't play his game anymore. "Of course, I-." Blood suddenly splattered on her right shoulder. She glanced over to see his shocked face. "I'm not sorry," Minerva spoke through gritted teeth. "I will never be sorry for the way you treated me. You know what you did." She drove the dagger in deeper, then abruptly pulled it out from his back. Prince Nylas fell to the ground, dead. Minerva wiped away her tears and dirt. She shouldn't have been crying while that poor bastard died in her arms. "Arrest her!" one of the guards shouted. "Don't you dare!" A fiery resistance lingered within her tone as she tried to lift Nylas' sword up. "Don't you dare arrest me! I will slaughter each and every one of you!" she snapped, her fury blind to them. "You can't even lift up that sword, little lady!"

Then, she did the unthinkable and lifted the sword without much effort and despite her inexperience in using such a weapon, managed to kill all five guards. Minerva fell to the ground, exhausted and out of breathe, cut up, bruised, and bleeding on her stomach from a large slash one of the men had bestowed upon her during their fight. Minerva smiled and closed her eyes, drifting off to sleep. She never expected to wake up, but that's what happened when she found her stomach all wrapped up with bandages and a campfire crackling and burning bright. She yelped as a surge of panic rushed through her and pain soared through her lower abdomen. There was some stranger, some man sitting down in front of the fire with a small pot over the fire. Her head felt light as she tried to scramble away, but he simply shook his head and let out a hearty laugh. "You're going to run away while you're still healing, huh? That'll only make it heal slower." Minerva wasn't sure who he was or what he'd done. "You did this?!" she exclaimed in horror, cheeks flushed. "Why did you do this?! Who are you?!"

"You may call me Ranger. I saved your life."

"I didn't want to be saved," she whispered.

He looked over at her, a certain calm in his eyes, but said nothing. That was the start of an unlikely partnership. Minerva hesitantly allowed Ranger to take care of her while she was still at her weakest point. Minerva didn't have any experience in traveling or surviving on her own, so naturally he became her mentor and eventually, a friend. They fell in love and Minerva became pregnant with a young daughter they named Adeva. Unfortunately, a few months in, an evil wizard named Vilfreyn cast a curse on their first born child. Thirteen years after Adeva would be born, she would pass away from Shadow Spasm, the same disease that infested Minerva's mother. The fear of watching her daughter suffer like that plagued Minerva; She silently left Ranger and her child not long after she was born. All forms of communication were broken from the moment she stole some of his things and regrettably, left him and Adaeva. Minerva traveled for days on horse, wandering aimlessly into unknown lands. She trekked across snow and tended to frostbitten fingers, searching for a sign, for anything to help her.

A steadfast old man named Nasaios stepped in and saved her. He brought her into the underground society and imparted his knowledge of different weaponry towards her. Minerva used his kindness to her advantage, and many years later, Nasaios mysteriously passed away. No one could identify who killed him or how identify exactly how he died. Minerva used her wits to rise towards the top and cooperated with the underground almost immediately to lower the risk of any suspicions or ill inhibitions. Minerva made each decision with confidence; anyone who got in the way of her plans was killed on spot. She ruled with fear and respect, unlike the previous imperator. Over the years, she spent time rebuilding the underground society from the ground up and taking credit for what Nasaios had originally built. She accumulated the best criminals to take on a new round of responsibilities, training young rebels and outcasts to become assassins, pickpockets, and train in other criminal specialties. Minerva's reformation of the underground began to lead the underground to great success and still continues to do.

  • Minerva's alignment is neutral evil.
  • She has no wings any more, due to willing removing them.

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Faucon Yngvildr





Nomad/Bounty Hunter


(Thank-you Geralt for lending your weathered face).


  • One-handed ax -
  • Rope/Chain sickle -
  • Hunting Knife - Primarily a hunting tool, if all else fails him in battle he can use this as a last resort in defending himself. Made in the likeness of the growth of a new shoot, the knife boasts a hardwood, oaken, grip, curved blade and a total length of 17.5" with a blade length of 11". Where his sword is kept on his left, this knife is worn on his back.

(See top picture).

  • Rabbit's foot

Short History:

Bump, always open, always looking for fresh faces.