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Rotten and Delicious
Original poster
Invitation Status
  1. Not accepting invites at this time
Posting Speed
  1. Multiple posts per day
  2. 1-3 posts per day
  3. One post per day
  4. 1-3 posts per week
  5. One post per week
Writing Levels
  1. Adept
  2. Advanced
  3. Prestige
Preferred Character Gender
  1. Female
  2. Nonbinary
  3. Primarily Prefer Female
Fantasy, Horror, Romance, Yaoi, Magical Girl, Supernatural, Victorian Goth, Steam Punk
The Heart Of Kiyohime

Sign-ups | IC

The emperor, who has been quite ill for some time, is the last remaining member of his family and is now looking for a successor to the throne. Traditionally the emperor would have had plenty of heirs to choose from, but he was unable to conceive a child. He made a royal proclamation in the capital city that anyone who brings him the heart of Kiyohime - a dragon of legend that is said to slumber deep within Kane Mountain - will take over as Emperor or Empress when he dies.

The proclamation spread near and far, attracting people from all over the country who were eager for a shot at a better way of life. News that big couldn't stay within humans ears for long, as it also drew in demons and other creatures who were desperate to rule the most prosperous kingdom in the lands. The emperors proclamation is not without fault. Many people gather to protest the proclamation, for waking up the dragon would spell doom. Only the ones who were truly brave would make the journey up to Kane mountain.

However, when the dragon awakens it sets off a chain of catastrophic events, and everyone would find that the protesters were right. A cloud of darkness seems to cover the land, and the attacks from demons and evil humans seem to be on the rise. Now that the veil has been lifted off of the dragon and it's servants, the only way to end the chaos is to defeat it once and for all.

Character List

Kokoro Ota
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Sato Noken
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Chika Yamanashi
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Brutus Armano

Hermione Dorchester

Father Tsuneo


Shimatzu Akuma

  • Rules
    1. Understand that my word is law, though I will always try to be accommodating of each and every character.
    2. If you have an issue with a player or anything in the roleplay, come to me first via PM.
    3. Keep the drama between your characters, any Player drama should be taken to PM and left out of my roleplay.
    4. If you're going to be away for an extended period of time, or have plans to drop please say something! Don't leave me in the dark.
    5. Post at least once a week. If there have been no new posts from you in over a two weeks unless otherwise stated, your character will be removed from the roleplay.
    6. All Iwaku Rules apply here. While romance is accepted and possibly encouraged by your GM, any sex scenes must fade to black.
    7.Post your character sheet in the Sign-Ups!
    8. Adept roleplay standards are expected here, but I will not be mad over a typo here and there.
    10. No godmodding, metagaming, etc.
    11. If you drop from my roleplay or become inactive for over a week and a half, and we haven't seen you on at all, I will personally move the scene along and decide the fate of your character. Basically, I'll take control of your character and keep things going, until I can find a suitable way to write them out.
    12. In combat scenes do not auto-hit any characters or monsters.
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My cs used to be here.
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Reactions: Dunruffle and Saber


Noken, Saisho (Birth name)
Goes by Sato



Sexual Orientation:


147 lbs.

Hair Color:

Eye Color:


Primary Weapon:
Nodachi Katana

Secondary Weapon:
Kodachi (short sword)

Master swordswoman, proficient in hand to hand combat, agile,
strong, can fight with other weapons if need be, but not very well.

Descriptive Personality:
Sato is a "do it for yourself" type of person and comes off as cocky and charming to most. Deep down
she has a good heart, and a certain sense of honor, but a complicated past. Sato is
a sword for hire and is very money oriented since she didn't have much when she was growing up.
She's very picky with the jobs she takes which, most times, shows her true nature. She can
also be lazy when not in battle and a bit of a flirt that tends to get her in some brawls.

Hunting, fishing, cooking, sleeping outside, money, beautiful women,
meditating, crowded bars, alcohol, swimming, traveling.

Righteous people, weak fighters, shellfish, entitled people,
strict rulers, selfish rich folk/stingy people, people who talk too much.

Sato is a surprisingly good cook.
Is acrobatic due to her combat training, but she
doesn't use it much while fighting, more for showing off.
Is a good tracker because of her hunting history.

Sword fighting.
Speed and Agility.
Charming and Charismatic.
Can calm her mind in a fight.

Ranged attacks.
Doesn't handle any serious emotion.
Tends to not take too many things seriously.

Character Bio:
Sato is the eldest daughter to the Noken family of Samurais, she has four younger siblings, three brothers and a sister. She was in line to take her position as head of the family when her father died in a duel over honor. Sato harbored some resentful feelings towards her father because he didn't need to accept the duel that led to his death. So instead of taking over as Head of the Noken family, she stole his swords and fled in the middle of the night with as much money as she could fit in her pockets. Ever since then, her siblings have been pursuing her to kill her and regain their family honor. Saisho took on the male name Sato to throw her family off her trail.

Sato traveled around for a year being a sell sword and gambling before she came across a woman in the forest that was being attacked by a pack of demons. After helping her and escorting the woman to the nearest tavern where they proceeded to drink themselves into oblivion. Ever since then, Sato and Kokoro have been trying to find a way to lift the younger woman's curse, with the promise of money of course.

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Chiaki Yamanashi




Sexual Orientation


145 pounds

Hair Color
Dark Brown

Eye Color
Bright Red

Clan Outcast, Warrior for Hire

Primary Weapon
Dragon Breath/Fire Manipulation

Secondary Weapon


Fire abilities-She mainly uses them with her fists and feet since their bare to fight. She will often
breathe fire just like a dragon. Though Chika likes to use her powers mostly when fighting it does come with limitations. She will burn her clothes if she wears gloves or shoes and being doused in water makes it harder to light a spark.
Knowledge of Fighting Style-Chika spent a years training and it paid off. She knows various moves from many fighting styles though her expertise ranges in those most common to feudal Japan.

Descriptive Personality
Chika grew up as an outcast, and because of such treatment she has gotten used to others blaming her
for wrong doings. She will often be more docile when people blame her for things and simply looks away though she doesn't tolerate it from outsiders from the clan or those who don't know her. She is fairly friendly on sight and more accepting of new people but she will not tolerate other critiquing what she believes or where she comes from.

Traits List
Tolerant, Caring, Strong Willed

Fire, Warm Food, Comforting Company, Adventures, Kind People, Home cooked food, Her Halberd, Cuddling, Liquor, Hot springs, Small Adventuring Groups, Different Cultures.

People who force their culture on her, Snow, Overcrowded adventure parties, Insufficient sleep.

Home Cooking- Over years of surviving on her own Chika learned to cook basic things to keep herself alive for years. Most of her cooking is made from easily gathered or hunted food and little of things bought from towns. Things such as bread and cheese were considered luxury to her.
Basic First Aid-Chika knows how to make remedies for basic injuries such as cuts and fevers. Anything major she can temporarily help but seeking further help would continue their life
Major Fighting Techniques-Through years of training with a monk Chika learned how to fight quite well, from the basic left punch to throwing someone over her shoulder. Her style is a mix of various martial arts that her teacher picked up from his travels.
Flexibility-Through fighting keeping her flexibility and dexterity has been little issue. She considers it a talent since she can lift her foot to her head.

Fire Breathing
Fighting Experience
Happy Demeanor
Basic Survival Knowledge

Short Tempered
Not a fan of water
Sticks to her roots


Character Bio
Chika was born an illegitimate child. Her mother had been engaged when she figured out she was with child. The father didn't claim responsibility and simply gave her back to her family. Forced out of every place Chika mother lived on the edge of society. Even as Chika came to light there was no one willing to own up.

It wasn't until years later that it was revealed who the father was. Even though her mother was an outcast her parents scooped up her child when her mother became very ill. Chika was none the wiser that no one wanted her. She was eventually put into work for various nobles as a cleaning lady, even less than women usually were. One day while Chika was serving the clan family dinner she spotted their sons training. They moved strangely with open palm movements. The village was quiet until a massive group jumped the house. It was a rival clan who had been looking to take out the Ishikawa family for years. The men fought bravely while Chika ushered the mistress of the house and her guests away. Despite having little formal combat training Chika stood in front of the door. When one of the men tromped after her she screamed, and out came the flames.

The house came down in flames. The intruders fled, but the entire village was stunned. Who was this little girl covered in ash. Occasionally she would burp a small flame or two so it must have been her. Only Ishikawa could receive fire breath why had she? The man of the house admitted his teenage fault to his wife on private. The two of them sent the girl back to the outskirts of the village. No one must know her true nature. From then on Chika was on her own. She took up her old home and started trying to control what she had to avoid burning down the house.

One day a monk stopped by late at night to ask for a place to stay. Chika couldn't offer much but she did what she could. She silently cleaned his cloak and cooked him a warm meal. When morning drew the monk was still there with a glint in his eye. He offered to help teach her how to control and find peace with her inner demons of fire. When Chika was 18 she finished her training and said goodbye to her days of being a monk. Even after spending time on adventures the clan still shunned her, even more so now that she embraced what she was given. When the challenge was spread around Chika kept at the chance to be accepted again and show her village what she could do.

Sample Post:
Shouting. There was shouting again. This was the third night Chika had spent cooped up in a small room in the barn. It wasn't even a room. Her bed was made of thick hay that the horses would munch on during the cold winter nights, her only light floating through the window and across her pale skin. The whole clan could probably hear the shouting. The Ishikawa tried to make themselves appear as the perfect family. With Chika the façade all came crumbling down. She was the weakness in their lies. The Ishikawa men could get away with what they wanted and hide the consequences. Chika just had to wait. She would probably be banished again, returning to the times of her faded past with her mother. For now Chika waited underneath the moonlight, tugging the makeshift cover past her shoulders in hopes of some well needed rest. And maybe this time the barn wouldn't catch fire.
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Man everyone has cool pictures for their characters and all I have is a description because I cannot find a good anime picture.
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Man everyone has cool pictures for their characters and sll I have is a description because I cannot find a good anime picture.

I use anime-pictures.net :) You may find something there.
  • Thank You
Reactions: Dunruffle
No luck, @Dunruffle ?

Also I'll make the cs dump sometime today.
I find the picture first. That's why its so wicked. The picture usually gives me an idea of what kind of person they are and what they've lived
I find the picture first. That's why its so wicked. The picture usually gives me an idea of what kind of person they are and what they've lived
Same. I find a picture first with a loose idea of what I want, but the picture sets it in stone. It was hard to find a priestess that looked slightly dark that wasn't Kikyo.
Its usually the opposite for me. I like to think up a character first. But I have a big collection of pictures but most of them are drawn not anime
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My issue comes from the fact that I'll imagine what they look like and then hunt down a picture that fits closest to them. x]
I often get stuck repeating the same character type if I don't let the picture tell me what it wants
I enjoy playing similar characters but having them in different scenarios. Though, this priestess will probably be a bit different since she will be an antagonist for a good portion of the roleplay. :D
I usually play the rogue type character but I have been trying to branch out with different character types
I just play what I enjoy, lol.
And I just do anything that comes to mind lol. For me I can use any pic and it'll fit my chars. I just seem to find the right pic without knowing it lol.
Any estimate on when the IC thread will be up?
Quite a few people still need to complete their character sheets including myself, so probably not until next week.
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Accepted btw, @IceQueen. Just finished reading your cs.
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