The Heart of Kiyohime [SaberWolf & Sailor Moon]

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King of Knights
Original poster
Posting Speed
  1. Speed of Light
  2. Multiple posts per day
  3. 1-3 posts per day
  4. One post per day
  5. 1-3 posts per week
  6. One post per week
Writing Levels
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  5. Adaptable
Preferred Character Gender
  1. Female
I enjoy modern fantasy, fantasy, scifi, romance, yuri, romance,adventure, action, all that good stuff. I tend to stay farther away from horror and the like, but thrillers maybe? I guess? I've never really tried so I'd be open to it.

The Kyo Mountain Range was a spectacular sight. Snow peaked mountains brushed past wispy clouds against a blue sky and the slopes were littered with evergreen trees. Normally this sight would be enjoyable, recreational even, if Sato hadn't been spending most of her time camping on a cliff watching a dragon. Currently she was sitting in a tall tree scanning the peak of the Kane Mountain. Supposedly there was a dragon that lived up there named Kiyohime, and recently the Emperor had put a bounty on the dragon's heart based on a rumor that it could grant immortality. There was actually a lot of rumors about the heart of Kiyohime. It could grant wishes, it could cure any disease or curse, and even grant a vast fortune.

None of these rumors Sato believed of course, since she had been watching the mountain for almost a week now and hadn't seen a trace of a dragon. At this point she wasn't even sure it existed, though today, there was a group of people headed up the trail towards the peak. The woman sighed as she rested her elbow on a branch and cradled her chin in her hand. So far this seemed pretty boring, but maybe not today with the sheer number of people carrying torches and armed to the teeth. If there was a dragon up there, it was up for a rough encounter.

Sato stretched her arms before jumping down from the tree and headed towards the campsite where her travel companion was waiting. "There's a large group heading up the mountain as we speak." The mercenary reported as she sat down on a stump and tossed a log on the small fire. "Guess we will find out if a dragon really is up there or not." It's not that she didn't believe in dragons in general, she'd seen several in her life. Most burning down villages, thought most had been hunted to near extinction. But Kiyohime was supposed to be one of the most vicious, and the largest in the land. Hence how she'd survived for so long, or so she'd heard. "So what's the plan? Let them beat the dragon up a bit and then swoop in for the killing blow?" Golden eyes glanced at the brunette woman with a small smirk.

@Sailor Moon
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Kokoro Ota
Kyo Mountain Range

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Kokoro sat on a large rock positioned conveniently near the campfire, her legs tucked comfortably underneath her. In her lap was a small bowl of green tea, which she'd brewed in attempt to get some sort of reading on the dragon that called Kane Mountain it's home. It was rumored to be a fierce beast, with extraordinary powers that would cause many to seek it out. Unfortunately all who ventured into the dragon's lair never lived to tell the tell, and so Kiyohime was quite the mystery to all.

The mystery of Kiyohime would soon be solved, though. Kokoro had devised a plan with Sato to strike it when it was weak, after everyone was standing on their last leg and would be easiest to take down. It wasn't the most honorable thing that they could have done, but the power of Kiyohime's heart and the prospect of being Empress was too much to pass up.

"There's a large group heading up the mountain as we speak." The mercenary reported as she sat down on a stump and tossed a log on the small fire. "Guess we will find out if a dragon really is up there or not.

Kokoro sighed and set her tea down beside her, before standing up on top of the rock. She looked down at Sato, her eyebrows lifting gently as her travel companion relayed what she'd seen. Kokoro turned towards Kane mountain and used her hand to block out the sun. From where she was standing she couldn't see any humans, but the outlines of their auras and the energy that lie dormant within the mountain was difficult to ignore. "I'm sure she's up there. There's no doubt about that."

Kokoro picked up her tea and climbed down from the rock, making her last step with a gentle hop. "It may be wise to head there now." She said, dumping the tea off to the side. When she started to walk away, a sharp pain shot through her eyes, and visions of white hot lightning and iridescent scales filled her mind. There were screams, so real that Kokoro would have been driven mad, if this had been the first time she had experienced them. She knew what was happening though, and braced herself on the boulder that she had previously been resting on.

The vision lasted seconds, but in the mind of Kokoro it felt like hours. She could finally open her eyes, and they no longer felt like they were being stabbed by daggers. "I saw her." Kokoro's chest swelled as she inhaled shakily. What she saw should have caused her to turn away, but the desire for more was what kept her going. She opened her fan and waved it gently around her face, more of a soothing gesture than anything. "We're going to have to be careful, Sato. She's more than any of us ever expected, and we may lose our lives up there." Kokoro paused for a second, seeming to process that fact.

"Even still, I'm willing to try." Kokoro said, standing up straight and offering a faint smile. "It's the only way."
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Sato was poking at the fire as she watched Kokoro go into a blank stare. She'd witnessed the girl enter this state before, it only lasted moments to her, but to Kokoro she wasn't sure how long it felt. Either way, after the shorter girl had mentioned that she'd seen the dragon, it made Sato pay closer attention. If Kokoro had seen the dragon in her vision, that meant it did actually exist. This would definitely makes things more interesting. Sato chuckled softly before rolling her shoulders before glancing at Kokoro and smirking.

"Be careful?" The dark haired women raised an eyebrow before moving towards Kokoro and wrapping an arm around her shoulders. "Do you suddenly care about my well being, Koko?" Sato grinned as she pulled the brunette closer before winking at her. "I wasn't aware you would acquire feelings after we met in that tavern." The swordswoman laughed before standing up straight and grabbing her nodachi before resting it on her shoulder, turning to face the mountain where the group was still climbing. She wondered what sort of challenge walked among those people. Sato was always itching for a good fight. The harder, the better. A warrior could never get better unless faced with challenges to overcome.

The mercenary glanced back at her companion with the same confident grin as before. "I hope that dragon puts up a good fight, it'd be a shame if it's slain easily" Sato inhaled deeply, taking in the fresh mountain air before addressing the young woman again. "I'm ready whenever you are, Koko."
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"I wasn't aware you would acquire feelings after we met in that tavern."

The light teasing from Sato was a welcome change after Kokoro's vision, but she could have easily done without the nickname, and the arm resting around her shoulders. They weren't pals, despite what had gone on in the tavern that night. "Yes. Then maybe you know something I don't." Kokoro said, giving a stern look to her travel companion. She turned and rolled her shoulders, loosening up as she prepared herself for the trek up the mountain. Along the way, they were bound to see things, but what intrigued her the most was the dragon, Kiyohime.

Kokoro led Sato up a path that, in her opinion, would have the least amount of traffic. She wanted to avoid most of the travelers, as she was instantly weary of the many men that would no doubt be making their way up to Kiyohime's nest. While Kokoro had come equipped for battle, the last thing she wanted to do was get her hands dirty before it was time. She needed to save energy for what truly mattered. As they came up to a small gap with an uprooted tree connecting one mountain to another Kokoro had an idea.

"Let's go this way." Kokoro suggested, waving her hand over to the tree. The makeshift bridge did look unsteady, but if they moved quickly and carefully, then it would be fine. Kokoro hadn't seen anything about her death recently, so she assumed it would be mostly safe. The wood of her sandal had only lifted inches off the ground, when a thunderous roar filled the air, seeming to shake the earth.

Back on Kane mountain, a brave adventurer made his way up to the peak where Kiyohime lay nestled in her cave. From where he stood, he could see quartz and crystals glistening within the dark. Dragons were said to hoard treasures, ranging from jewels and gems to magical artifacts. It was all so close to him, and the dragon, Kiyohime had to be much deeper in the cave. More treasures than the emperor himself... He thought, as he crouched to the ground and slowly made his way over to the cave's entrance. With this, I wouldn't need to be emperor.

The treasure called his name, and he imagined being able to provide for his family without risking his life or spilling any blood. He swallowed thickly, beads of sweat forming along his forehead as he moved into the cave. He was within reach, concealed by the darkness. Some of the treasure glowed, providing a faint aura of light where they were tucked. The man searched for something that looked to be valuable, but not too heavy.

Carefully he moved through the treasures, his eyes now set on some sort of ivory staff sticking out of a mound of glistening, iridescent jewels. It was probably the most beautiful thing he'd seen, and he knew that someone would be willing to take it off of his hands. Perhaps, if he told the story about how he'd come to have it then he could charge even more. Just the thought put a smile on his face, and he continued to carefully maneuver about, until he was within arms reach of the staff.

The man glanced around, almost paranoid that the dragon would emerge from the depths of the mountain and devour him. There was no sight of it, thankfully. He reached up and wrapped his hands around the staff, tugging it gently, at first. When it didn't budge, he pulled even harder, with all of his strength. The cave suddenly began to groan, causing his heart to nearly jump through his throat.

The jewels and treasures seemed to sink into the ground, and the staff that the man had been tugging began to move, almost growing in length when the treasures began to tumble down into the massive hole in the ground. There was a deep huff from below, and the man looked down to see giant almond shaped orbs staring up at him in confusion. The confusion didn't last long as the purpley blues filled with rage and the dragon known as Kiyohime lifted her head as tall as she could without hitting the cave.

Kiyohime released a roar so loud that the surrounding areas would feel like they'd been hit by some sort of earthquake. The man was still hanging by the antler, but he refused to let go. Kiyohime lifted her long neck and shook all the way down to her eel like body. There was another loud roar, but without the earth shaking powers as the first. Now that Kiyohime was awake, she could hear and smell the people nearest the peak.

The dragon soon emerged from the cave, the man hanging on by the antlers as Kiyohime led him up into the sky for all to see. She whipped around in one smooth motion, flinging the intruder from her back and onto the ground. Her mouth swelled suddenly, and sparks of lavender lightning danced around her lips. She stared down at the man, her eyes glowing faintly before releasing the storm of lightning onto the general area.​
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Sato nodded when Kokoro motioned towards the makeshift bridge. She wondered if the other people that were traveling up the mountain would actually do anything to the dragon. From what Kokoro mentioned from her vision, they might actually have a good fight in front of them. Still, it wasn't like the woman to worry about a battle, whether it be a dragon or a human. Just as Kokoro was about to step up onto the fallen tree, the roar of the dragon shook the air, and the mountain. It was so loud that Sato had to cover her ears and steady herself against a near by boulder. Sato looked up to the peak of Kane Mountain and could barely hear the screams of the men that had traveled up there.

The mercenary moved forward and scooped Kokoro up in her arms before glancing down at the brunette. "It'll be faster this way, and I can't have you falling to your death if this tree breaks while we're crossing." Sato didn't waste time sprinting across the tree, holding her companion in her arms before she found the trail that led up to the peak. She thought about setting Kokoro down, but truly, it would be faster if she did the traveling. Though Kokoro was a resilient travel companion, the young woman lacked a bit of endurance. So Sato jumped off a large boulder to a tree that would save her a few minutes of running. From the tree, she found the trail again and began running. She didn't want to miss any of the action, not to mention she wanted to see the abilities this dragon.

As they neared the top of the mountain, Sato could hear the screams and roars of the dragon. Sato stopped short, seeing a blast of purple lightning ignite the sky. She crouched down behind a boulder and put Kokoro down before she glanced over it. There were fallen bodies scattered on the ground, some were still alive, but most seemed to be dead already, their clothes scorched. Her eyes widened when she saw the large, white iridescent beast. Kiyohime's snake-like body was coiled on the ground, but her head and arms were erect, looming over the few remaining men that held their ground. Sato was in a bit of shock since she hadn't believed the dragon existed in the first place, but her eyes couldn't like.

Kiyohime was larger than Sato could've imagined, and the mercenary didn't know if she and Kokoro would put up a decent fight against the dragon. "I think we should fall back and think of a different strategy, Koko." Sato muttered to the shorter woman. "I might be out of my league here." Sato assumed that the lightning had come from Kiyohime, if that was the case, her swords would almost be useless, especially at a distance. Now that they had seen what the dragon could do, it would be best to back off and figure out an effective way of fighting her. Before Sato could get another word out, the dragon let out another earth shattering roar and the mercenary had to cover her ears once more. The world shook around her and she noticed something in the sky. The dragon had lifted off into the air, twisted around and was charging the men that were still standing. Another blast of lightning erupted from her mouth and scorched the ground, launching the men into the air. Sato could feel the electricity traveling through the ground and braced herself against the boulder.
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Kokoro braced herself against the dragon's roar, trying to keep her footing against the unstable tree. She felt the tree move just slightly and gasped, certain that the both of them would be sent tumbling to their deaths.

"Run!" Kokoro started to move in the opposite direction, when suddenly her feet were swept from underneath her. She screamed momentarily, before realizing that they hadn't fallen at all and she was being held safely in Sato's arms. She looked up in awe, though that was short lived after Sato opened her mouth to speak. It was true that Kokoro wasn't the fastest or the most agile, but she was more than capable of defending herself at times. Of course, this was a little different, and there wasn't any time to argue.

The awe soon returned to Kokoro as Sato bounced from boulder to tree, like some flying animal. Kokoro couldn't help but wonder how Sato, a human, was capable of such speed and agility. Her brow furrowed just a bit as she thought deeply. The screams of the warriors grew nearer and Kiyohime roared louder, snapping the young woman to attention as they landed behind the boulder. Just ahead was a shimmering and white snake-like creature curled on up on the ground. In person it was more magnificent than the tales told, and Kokoro couldn't believe what she was seeing.

"Kiyohime." Kokoro mouthed the dragon's name, almost fearful to speak Kiyohime's name in case she heard her. Lightening lit up the arena, and the air on the mountain seemed to be charged with sparks.
Kokoro watched closely, her eyes growing wider with each warrior that fell to the dragon's wrath. It was just as her vision revealed.

"I think we should fall back and think of a different strategy, Koko."

Kokoro tore her eyes off of the dragon and looked at Sato, worry in her eyes. She hadn't noticed until then that her heart was racing, beating so loud that she could hear it all around her. She had overestimated her abilities, as well as Sato's, but it was too late to turn back now. Kokoro swallowed her fear and turned back around to peek over the boulder at Kiyohime. The dragon opened it's mouth and white lavender charged in her mouth, before erupting and lighting up the ground.

Kokoro quickly ducked behind the boulder, holding onto it tightly. She shut her eyes as the boulder absorbed most of the hit. The bolder was visibly damaged by lightning strike, and was barely standing. She was rattled by the attack, but afterwards, forced herself to remain confident.

"That's not the woman I hired speaking, is it?" Kokoro turned to Sato, her voice shaking more than she'd have liked in that moment.

Kiyohime fired up another strike, this time aimed directly at their last bit of protection. Kokoro rushed forward, the blast of lightning finishing what was left of the bolder and sending her flying. Kokoro rolled forward, the smell of burnt flesh stinging her nostrils as she landed near several scorched bodies. She groaned lightly, crawling onto her hands and knees as she scanned the area for her companion.

The wind started to pick up on the mountain, so powerful that the trees began to pull. Kokoro could feel her body leaning in the opposite direction, and she latched onto one of the bodies. It was the only thing around that would anchor her. She looked up, and then saw Kiyohime flying through the air swiftly. She's trying to pull us in. That fact didn't worry Kokoro immediately. It wasn't until the speed picked up and people began to lift into the air.

"No. She wants to get us off of her mountain," Kokoro said quietly. Suddenly, she was flailing around as herself and the body she had latched onto began to hover in the air. She removed the folded fans dangling at her side and stabbed them into the ground. It was the only thing she could think to do, and surprisingly, it worked.

The body that she had used to secure herself on flew away, and Kokoro knew if Kiyohime kept going that her fans would eventually come up. There was no way to fight against it, though she wanted to try to hold on for as long as possible.

"Sato!?" Kokoro yelled, squinting and scanning the area for Sato once more. Her fans finally came loose in the dirt, and Kokoro flew away with the rest of the people on the mountain. She didn't know where they would land, or even how they would land, but for now they seemed to be getting sucked into the air while Kiyohime circulated it with her body.​
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When the blast of lightning destroyed what was left the boulder she was hiding behind, Sato was launched back and landed hard on the ground. Her ears were ringing and she was seeing dark spots where the light had momentarily blinded her. She was way out of her league. Even though Sato was confident she could kill almost any beast she came up against, she was still humble enough to know when she was outmatched. A dragon was too much for her, especially this dragon who seemed to be controlling the weather itself. Sato blinked a few times before standing up and looking around for Kokoro. Her vision was still spotty as she furrowed her brow and felt the air shift and swirl around her.

The currents of the wind were pushing against her and Sato had to lean forward to stop from being launched off the mountain top. The snake-like dragon was circling above the mountain, stirring the air so that it was causing a small whirlwind that was making the dead bodies fly off of the mountain. That's when she heard Kokoro's cry. She turned sharply to her right and saw the brunette, fans dug into the ground and her body lifting into the air. It was almost slow motion when Kokoro's fans finally gave way and the small woman was pushed off the mountain by the strong gusts of wind. Sato tensed before sprinting as fast as her legs could manage. She was a ways away from Kokoro, not to mention that Kokoro was now a good six feet in the air. As soon as the brunette left the whirlwind, however, she began to descend quickly.

"Kokoro!" Sato unsheathed the kodachi at her waist and leapt off the mountain after Kokoro. She grabbed the brunette around the waist, and the added weight caused them to fall faster. Sato took the Kodachi in her left hand and stabbed it as hard as she could into the cliff side. She felt something snap in her shoulder and cried out in pain as her sword scarred the rock, but eventually, slowed them to a halt. Sato tried to keep a strong hold around Kokoro as she hung from her sword and tried to get a layout of their surroundings. Her arm was burning and her grip on her kodachi was getting weak.

They had fallen a lot farther than she'd thought. More than halfway down the mountain before they'd finally stopped. The dark haired woman glanced down and saw a large river a hundred feet or more below them. She didn't really have a choice at this point. Sato needed to let go of Kokoro so she could free her sword from the stone with her good arm. A soft chuckle escaped her throat as she glanced at the brunette and offered an apologetic grin.

"Don't be mad, ok? I did just save your life." Without any other warning, Sato released Kokoro and watched the girl land in the calm river below, hoping Kokoro would swim to the river bank on her own. A fall from that height wouldn't kill anyone, but it would probably hurt a little bit. Sato then reached up with her right hand and pulled her kodachi free, using her legs to launch her away from the mountain side so she would land closer to the river's center. The impact wasn't pleasant. It rocked the warrior's body and caused the burning and numbness in her arm to turn into a throbbing ache. The river, lucky enough, was deep enough that Sato didn't touch the bottom. When she finally broke the surface, she swam to the bank and rolled onto her back, gasping for air.

"Well that didn't go exactly as planned, eh?" Sato tried to lift her left arm to no avail. She couldn't move it at all, but she could still move her fingers so she knew it wasn't too badly damaged, probably just dislocated. "You wouldn't know how to relocate my shoulder by any chance, would you Koko?"
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Kokoro, along with everyone else on the mountain, was forced off of the peak by the brutal whirlwind that Kiyohime created. There was nowhere for her to go, though that didn't stop Kokoro from desperately grasping at the air, hoping for some invisible rope to form around her, before she could hit the ground. She wasn't the only one wishing for that outcome, as others began to fall as well. Only a few clever souls were able to escape, using whatever means necessary to escape their deaths.


The brunette looked up as she was falling, her gaze locking with Sato's. She reached up for the woman, but that didn't stop her from falling. When Sato leaped off after her, however, Kokoro couldn't help but be a little surprised. Within a few short seconds, she was safely in Sato's arms, clinging onto her for dear life as they slid down the mountainside.

Kokoro shielded herself from the rock and rubble by burying her face against the woman's side. She could feel Sato's hold on her weakening, but they both managed to make it to a stopping point in one piece. She looked down to see a river down below, where her wooden sandal was now making its home.

"Well, there are worse things, I guess." Kokoro struggled, as she climbed her way up Sato's side for a bit more security. She looked to Sato, seeing that she was just barely holding on to everything. Kokoro glanced around carefully, hoping for something that could take some of the stress off of her partner. While Kokoro was looking around, she heard Sato chuckling, and gave her a perplexed look.

"I'm no-" Kokoro began, before being tossed aside. "Sato!!" She screamed out the woman's name, only stopping as her back hit the water, and the wind was knocked out of her chest. It was more startling than painful, but she knew she would feel it later. Kokoro swam angrily up to the surface, emerging with a deep exhale. She scanned her surroundings briefly, finding the bank was conveniently close.

"Stupid idiot..." Kokoro grumbled. She heaved herself out of the water, dragging herself along the ground, until she was fully out of the water. Her clothes were heavy when wet, so she plopped down with a deep sigh. There was a similar splash off in the distance, and shortly after, she found Sato badly injured from her earlier heroics.

"For you, my dear. It would be my pleasure" Kokoro replied, as she knelt down beside the warrior gracefully. She had an innocent look on her face, but in her eyes, their was a hint of mischievousness. "You may want to look away for this, but, suit yourself." Kokoro said as she carefully took the woman's arm in her hands.

Without warning, Kokoro made several quick movements with Sato's arm that would frighten even the most flexible person. Still, it got the job done, as she felt Sato's shoulder fit back into place. Kokoro flattened her hand and chopped the warrior's shoulder sharply, before clasping her hands together.
"I'd say this is my finest work. What do you think, Sato?" Kokoro asked, beaming.
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For a moment, Sato was relieved that Kokoro was there to reset her shoulder, that was, until she saw the gleam in her eye when the brunette braced her arm. The taller woman clenched her jaw and groaned as she heard the deep, sickening snap in her shoulder. The vibration reverberating all the way down to the pit of her stomach. If she had been weaker, the pain probably would've caused her to get sick, but she just inhaled deeply to regain her composure. At least until Kokoro chopped her shoulder and sent a sharp prickling sensation down her arm all the way to her finger tips.

"Hey now!"
Sato grabbed her weak limb in her good arm and leaned away from the brunette. "No need to take your frustrations out on me, Koko, aye? I mean, I wasn't really left with many choices. Besides, you're not dead, yeah?" Sato groaned as all the feeling started to fully return to her left arm and she rolled her shoulders slightly before doing the same with her neck. "Though I guess I should thank you. I could've reset it myself, but I just have such a hard time inflicting pain on my own body. Not to mention I'm sure you enjoyed it, even just a little."

Sato grinned, winking at Kokoro as she stood and made her way closer to the cliff side to get away from the water. Her clothes were soaked and heavy, putting more weight on her arm than she'd like. The woman sighed before finding a small tree that she could hang her clothes on and rested her swords against the trunk. She removed her robe and gently laid it over a low branch before sitting down on the ground. She started to wring out her hakama as best she could before looking for some sunlight to sit in. The only thing covering her top half now were the linen bindings that wrapped around her bust. She winced slightly as she stood up again, slowly and cautiously stretching her arms above her head.

"So we should find the nearest village and get some supplies."
Sato called out to Kokoro as she sat down in a patch of grass that just so happened to be getting a good amount of sunlight through the clouds. "And so we could sleep in an actual bed, that would be grand. Not that I don't enjoy sleeping close you." She glanced over her shoulder and smirked. "But removing all the rocks in an area is a bit tedious, don't you think? Then, once we're well rested, we can regroup about what to do about that dragon."
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"It had to be done," Kokoro said in response to Sato's whining. She was still smiling, proud of herself and deeply amused by how much of an infant Sato could be. Even after escaping a dragon and saving Kokoro's life in the process, a little bit of arm chopping was enough to bring her companion to her knees. She laughed at the thought, watching Sato closely as she removed her clothing.

Kokoro had enough manners not to stare, but she did see that Sato had red lines scarring her back. They could have easily been from the rock slide, but the formation of them said otherwise. Blinking, she put her index finger against her chin and tapped. An image popped into her head, one she quickly had to shove to the back of her mind. Whatever it was that Kokoro saw had caused her to turn red. To make matters worse, Sato was flirting...or possibly just teasing her again. It was always hard to tell.

"Hah. I think separate futons will do just fine." Kokoro scoffed, gathering her sandals as they washed up on the riverbank.

By now, the sun had dried her skin considerably. Her robes were still slightly damp, but it was nothing she couldn't handle. She certainly wasn't going to disrobe in front of Sato over temporary discomfort. Her clothes would be dry by the time they arrived to the nearest village, hopefully.
Kokoro began walking away from Sato, heading towards a path that she knew was just past the trees. She wasn't going to wait for Sato, but she wasn't really going to leave her behind either.


Once the delicious scents from the village wafted their way, Kokoro turned around and began walking backwards. Her stomach growled quietly, just loud enough for Kokoro to feel it.

"Nee, Sato. You wouldn't happen to have any money, would you? I was thinking that we could combine our money when we get to town and buy a tasty feast." Kokoro asked, eyes filled with hope and her hands clasped together desperately. "Of course when I become Empress, I'll have enough on my own to buy whatever I want." She laughed nervously. In all actuality, Kokoro wasn't really sure if that a was feasible goal anymore, since they had technically already failed to slay Kiyohime and capture her heart. It seemed likely that she would have to resort to her old ways to make a living, which put a damper on her mood.
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Sato caught Kokoro staring before a bright blush ignited in the brunette's cheeks. The samurai chuckled softly before turning her face back towards the sun. The light was warm and before she knew it, her hakama was dry enough to travel in. She went back to the small tree and retrieved her robe, giving it a single shake before putting it back and securing her swords in her belt. Sato chuckled at Kokoro's comment about separate futons before following the young woman down the path.

It wasn't too long before the sounds of a village started filling the air and the foot traffic was starting to pick up. Sato glanced around as the arch way to a village came into view and sighed in relief. She was happy with the idea of a soft futon and a hot meal, not just a warm meal. Not to mention she'd run out of sake a few days ago and she could use a good drink. She perked up slightly when she heard Kokoro ask if she wanted to combine their coin to get a good, hearty meal. The woman chuckled as she rubbed the back of her neck.

"You know, why don't I treat you, Koko."
Sato reached into her kimono and felt her coin purse. It was full, as always, it wasn't cheap to hire her and she'd had a nice savings from the past couple jobs before she met Kokoro. "You can get the next feast we have." She smirked and made her way towards the restaurant. The smells wafting from the establishment were mouth watering. Sato inhaled deeply as she moved the fabric in front of the door away and smiled.

"Welcome!" A woman smiled and bowed to Sato. "Table for two?"

"Please." Sato offered her most charming smile and the woman blushed slightly before leading them to an empty table. "Could I get a bottle of sake please?" Sato asked before the waitress could as she sat down on the cushion, glad to sit on something comfortable. "And then whatever the young lady would like." She glanced at Kokoro and quirked an eyebrow.
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While Kokoro was a little put off by Sato's chuckling, she knew that Sato was a little fond of her. The woman had bent to Kokoro's will more than once before, though Kokoro wouldn't make it a habit of asking Sato for things. She did appreciate Sato agreeing to foot the bill, her face lighting up innocently as they were led over to a table. It was hard to ignore the oh-so charming smile Sato gave the waitress, but Kokoro only rolled her eyes at the display.

"How lovely." Kokoro knelt down on the cushion, her legs folded and her feet tucked underneath her bottom comfortably. Her stomach ached at all the delicious scents lingering in the air, and her mouth watered for something cool to drink. Unable to take it any longer, Kokoro clapped her hands together silently and looked up at the waitress, more intensely than she'd meant to. "Sashimi and Spicy Seafood Udon," Kokoro said, giving a quick nod after she'd finished. The waitress shimmied off and Kokoro was filled with a sense of relief knowing that their food would be out soon.

It wasn't long before the waitress returned with the bottle of sake, and the dishes filled with their foods. All of it was in shareable portions, and Kokoro happily scooped some of her order into a bowl.
"Ah, Sato-san. You're so kind to treat me to this meal. I do hope I can earn enough to return the favor," Kokoro said, as she slurped up a long noodle. "But if I can't, what would be a suitable payment? I could read your fortune, perhaps." She added with a smirk.
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Sato smiled brightly when the waitress returned with her sake and the delicious foods. The woman inhaled deeply before pouring herself some sake and downing it quickly. The alcohol warmed her throat and stomach as it settled in her stomach. Sato let out a contented sigh before taking some of the food and making a plate for herself. She had only ordered some yakitori and udon, as well as a few steamed meat buns. Since Sato had been traveling and working as a mercenary for so long, she had learned to ration her food. There had been times when she'd go weeks without eating a hot meal and she'd live off of rice and fish.

The woman tried not to stuff herself, but she couldn't stop herself from indulging this time. Especially since she was paying for everything. Two more cups of sake and Sato was feeling much better, and much warmer since her clothes were still a little damp. She glanced at Kokoro when the brunette asked what a suitable payment would be if she couldn't pay her back with coin. A smirk grew on Sato's face before she took another drink from the sake.

"Hm, that's a good question, Koko-chan."
Sato hummed as she tapped her chin in thought before raising her eyebrow at the shorter woman. "You could always give me kiss." The dark haired woman winked before pouring herself another drink. Sato liked to tease Kokoro and flirt, mainly because of how they had first met. Not to mention how easily flustered the young woman was whenever Sato would flirt with her.

When the food was all finished and the sake was gone, Sato sighed and left some money on the table for everything. She stood up and stretched her arms over her head before gently patting her stomach. She was very satisfied with the food and sake, so much so that she probably could've fallen asleep standing up. Sato wrapped her arm around Kokoro's shoulders and chuckled softly, her cheeks rosy and warm from the alcohol.

"Let's find that inn, Koko." She muttered as she wobbled a bit. "I can hear a nice soft futon calling my name."
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Hearing Sato's suggestion, Kokoro perked up, her expression one of surprise as her cheeks were tinted with a light pink. She had to act somewhat surprised, though she had practically manipulated Sato in her vulnerable state. Kokoro finished another bite of her food as Sato latched onto her, then stood up, supporting the taller woman with a small grunt.

"Sato, you're not helping." Kokoro replied, as she was helping Sato out the bamboo door that led outside. "You've got to focus, or I won't be able to take you very far." The priestess groaned, her limbs beginning to burn from the amount of effort it took to support Sato. It was hard enough for Kokoro to carry another person, but Sato was also drunk and wobbling, which made the task even more difficult. She didn't complain much, since Sato had saved her life earlier and the inn was now coming into view.

The two had nearly reached the inn when the ground shook and lightening cracked the sky with purple streaks. Kokoro looked up, and heavy droplets of rain splattered on her eyelids and forehead. She looked down and over at Sato, the rain suddenly pouring down. Kokoro slid the door open and forced Sato in before her, huffing.

"That's no ordinary storm." As Kokoro was stating the obvious, a deep roar filled the air, causing the inn to rumble. Kokoro braced herself against the wall, while others fell over or steadied themselves on the nearest thing they could find.

"What have they done?" A man said, staring up at the roof with a terrified look. "Because of the emperor's selfishness we will all feel Kiyohime's wrath. We're doomed."

Kokoro swallowed and glanced towards Sato. While she remained silent, she knew that the stranger was right about Kiyohime. She had seen the visions, and faced Kiyohime herself. Thinking of how many lives they would potentially ruin from their adventure made Kokoro sick. She let Sato go and walked up to the desk, quickly exchanging some yen for a room. The inn worker was too startled to make chit chat, and with the storm coming, more people began to pour into the inn. Mainly travelers passing by.

Upstairs, Kokoro helped Sato into bed and covered her with the blanket. She wasn't tired yet, and she was dreading closing her eyes for fear of waking up in hell. Sighing softly, Kokoro knelt down in front of the window and watched the rain pour from the sky. Somewhere in the distance she could hear faint roars, no doubt belonging to Kiyohime.


Kokoro awoke the next morning to the sound of horrific screaming and the scent of burning flesh. She gasped and scrambled backwards, as the building was set ablaze. The walls around her crumbled from the fire, and it was so close that she could feel the heat on her skin. The door fell forward and Kokoro could soon hear the sound of pained moans when a horde of burned villagers limped into the room. They were coming for her, full of anger and revenge.

"No, no no," Kokoro screamed, as one grabbed a hold of her arm, burning her skin with a single touch. The others followed suit, and Kokoro shook and swung at the people, but to no avail. She was soon engulfed in a sea of fire and burning up, until she woke up in the inn.
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The trip to the inn was a bit patchy for Sato. She had drank enough sake that would put a man three times her size down, but she had a fast metabolism so it took a lot for her to get, and stay drunk. She remembered slightly stumbling through the town and hearing someone mention something about the Emperor being selfish, but she wasn't paying too much attention to it. Sato really had no thoughts or opinion on the government. She lived her life the way she wanted and if anyone stopped her, she would deal with it. No emperor or anyone else was going to give her boundaries.

The next thing Sato knew, she was on a futon, a very comfortable one and she drifted off to sleep. Though that was disrupted when she heard Kokoro screaming bloody murder. Sato sat up quickly, whipping her head around and finding the brunette asleep near the window, flailing her arms as if someone was attacking her. Sato rubbed her eyes and quickly got to her feet, moving towards Kokoro and gently grasping her forearms to keep herself from getting hit.

"Kokoro!" Sato grunted. The small woman was stronger than she let on, it was clear that Kokoro was having a nightmare. Something that Sato was getting more accustomed to since they'd been traveling together. "Kokoro, it's just a dream. Wake up!" Sato tensed her muscles the more Kokoro fought before crossing the woman's arms in front of her chest and giving her a bear hug. Kokoro was still struggling in her sleep as Sato held her, that's when she noticed the rain pouring down in sheets outside the window and the purple lightning igniting the sky. "The dragon..."

Sato's brow furrowed as she leaned over slightly to look outside the window. The clouds were the darkest Sato had ever seen, and the streets outside were already flooded with puddles of water. Kokoro was still struggling and Sato held her tighter before leaning down. "Kokoro, it's Sato." She muttered right into the brunette's ear. "I know you can hear me when you have your visions. You need to bring yourself back. It's just a nightmare. You're completely safe with me in an inn."

Time spent with Kokoro had given Sato the chance to try a various amount of things to attempt to wake the woman when she had nightmares or visions. So far, nothing worked immediately, but Kokoro had mentioned that she could hear Sato if she was speaking close enough to her ear. Before, the swordswoman had tried shaking her, pinching her, restraining her and shouting, but nothing really worked. But it wasn't like Kokoro's visions were going to stop anytime soon, so she had plenty of time to try new methods.
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It was true that Kokoro could hear Sato, or what sounded like Sato's voice. Unfortunately for Kokoro, Sato's voice sounded distorted and demonic, but this had happened last time. Kokoro knew that if she only concentrated that she would be able to distinguish the real Sato's voice. She could hear it buried beneath all of the layers, and she followed it, until it was so loud in her ears that she snapped awake.

Relief settled in as Kokoro realized that she was back at the inn, and in Sato's arms. For reasons she couldn't explain, or dare to acknowledge, she lunged for Sato and wrapped her arms tightly around the woman's neck. It was strangely comforting, and Kokoro remained silent as they hugged. There was no reason to say how terrified she was, Kokoro was practically shaking, her heart was still racing from the things she'd seen and heard in her dream.

"The worst part is, that I don't know if that was just a nightmare, or something that has yet to pass," Kokoro pulled back just slightly, reluctant to meet Sato's eyes after all she'd just seen. "Thank you, Sato. For being here," She looked up, the slightest smirk forming on her lips. In that moment, Sato was not just...some annoying woman she'd hired, but an actual friend. Those lines had been blurred before, but Kokoro was just grateful in that moment to be safe. To feel protected.
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Sato relaxed when Kokoro finally woke up. The shorter girl launched herself at Sato and the warrior gently wrapped her arms around Kokoro's waist. The poor girl was still shaken from her nightmare and Sato tried her best to comfort her. Unfortunately, all she could do was hold Kokoro as she started to calm down slightly. She wasn't very good with dealing with emotions other than being happy or mad. Not to mention she wasn't really sure what to say to Kokoro that would even help her since she had no idea what Kokoro had seen.

"Let's hope it was just a nightmare."
Sato muttered as she adjusted so that Kokoro was cradled in her arms. "How about we get you into an actual bed, maybe you'd have better dreams on a more comfortable surface."

The taller woman easily picked the woman up and carried her over to the empty futon. She knelt down and pulled the blanket back before laying Kokoro down. Sato sat down next to the futon and pulled the blanket up over the brunette's body. A soft sigh escaped her lungs as she glanced down at Kokoro and grinned. "Of course if you're afraid to go to sleep we can find other things to keep you awake." Sato could never handle things being too serious for too long. She always felt the need to break a serious conversation or moment, but that was partly due to the fact that she'd never really been close enough with anyone to want to comfort them, even her own family.

Sato looked out the window at the storm and frowned. "If this weather doesn't clear up tomorrow, I don't think we'll be going anywhere soon." She turned and glanced back down at Kokoro. "I wonder if that means that Kiyohime is still around or if that's her aftermath. I guess in any case, she'll be easy to track."
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"How about we get you into an actual bed, maybe you'd have better dreams on a more comfortable surface."

Kokoro, nodding in agreement, began to get to her feet. She didn't get far, however, as Sato swiftly picked her up and without warning and carried her to the futon. If the feeling of the dread that the nightmare had brought wasn't so prominent, Kokoro may have actually enjoyed it a little. After all, the two women had already gotten to know each other on a more...physical level once before, but as tempting as it was, Kokoro knew it was best not to linger.

"Striking when my guard's down, hm?" Kokoro asked, while Sato pulled the cover over her body. She looked up at the woman, amused and intrigued by this new side of Sato. Of course, that didn't last long, as Sato brought up the one thing that Kokoro would have rather not thought about. She simply sighed, closing her eyes tentatively for fear that she may see more burned bodies or horrific scenes. Another sigh escaped her lips, this time relieved, as all Kokoro could see was darkness, which comforted her.

"I wonder if that means that Kiyohime is still around or if that's her aftermath. I guess in any case, she'll be easy to track."

"The thunder from her roars was world shaking. I can't imagine she's gone too far," Kokoro replied, a hint of worry in her voice. "I worry about the villagers. The man from earlier, he was so upset. Maybe we really are doomed."

"We should rest." Kokoro opened her eyes a final time to look up at Sato, a sleepy smile on her face. "Good night, Sato."
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[glow=red]「 TACHI - 太刀 」[/glow]
There were stories in the rain.

The rain was the world's history, compressed into little drops of water, beaded and spread across the land and drenching clothes with teardrops. The rain told you everything about nature, how the sky and earth, two things that never touched could finally meet and embrace one another like distant lovers. To Tachi, lumbering through what had been a long, lonely trail, the rain had become her new companion. It was the friend that kissed her, its magnificent indifference reminding her of the days she would perch against the wall and listen to the innocent patter of the rain across her windowsill.

Pressing through the thunderstorm, the lone figure moved across the empty road until she reached the nearby town, flocks of farmers scattering amidst the torrential downpour that began to soak the surrounding area. She didn't know what town she was in, not because she was lost, but rather because it simply didn't matter to her. Every town was the same to her. As she passed through the town's border and began to move between the now sparsely populated streets, she could feel the eyes of the town's denizens focusing on her from the safety of their hovels.

"Tch. Not a very warm welcome." She mused to herself, auburn eyes dipping behind a circular straw hat. The woman wore a tattered yukata, the once proud symbol displayed on the back now faded and droopy, as if the symbol itself had been something that had been long forgotten. Like with every town, Tachi was most concerned with finding the village tavern. She didn't have money, of course, but who did nowadays? Hopping between town to town, she had always found ways to pay her debts. Whether it be through hard labor in the fields, to cutting down a monster or bandit with her blade. It was all the same to her and she soon found that each journey had a different lesson to teach.

Finally finding the tavern at the town's center, Tachi made her approach, pressing the back of her hand against the rectangular noren before moving through the rectangular fabric that covered the entryway. Auburn gemstones studied the surrounding room as she navigated her hand upwards, removing the drenched straw hat that sat upon her head. Raising her finger, she politely asked for a seat at the nearby bar, where she was greeted by the glares of nearly every person in the room. It was clear by how she casually sat among them that the girl had grown accustomed to such treatment.

"Sake, onegaishimasu." She bowed her head slightly before placing her nihontō against the empty seat beside her, allowing her sword to rest close at hand. The night was growing dark now... and she could tell that the men that surrounded her had already begun to think about claiming the large bounty on her head. Minako had learned early on in life that men were eager to kill for money. With just one cut, any of the men in the tavern could live comfortably for several months. As she brought the warm shot glass to her lips, the Rōnin had long been prepared to face any challenger.

After all, they would find that destiny was not so easily cleaved.
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Sato hadn't had the best sleep of her life in that inn, despite the comfortable futon she was lying on. Mainly because she was still worried a bit about Kokoro sleeping the whole night through. She'd only woken up twice in the night to check on her companion, but it was getting back to sleep which was the struggle. So when Sato woke up the last time and saw the sky starting to turn a light lavender, she decided it was close enough to a decent hour to actually get up. She stretched her arms over her head before retrieving her swords and securing them under her belt. Her eyes glanced down at the still sleeping Kokoro before she left the room and headed down to the front desk.

"Good morning!" The inn keeper greeted as Sato reached the bottom of the stairs. "Is there anything I can help you with." Sato smiled to the woman before leaning on the counter.

"Where's a good place to get dumplings in this town?" The woman thought for a moment, humming to herself before she smiled again.

"There's a small shop that would be open right now." She pointed towards the entrance. "Just walk out the door and take a left, the shop is only four buildings down on the right hand side."

"Thank you, miss."
Sato bowed her head before walking out the door and taking the inn keeper's directions, took a left. She was surprised that the weather was so nice despite the storms that had raged over night. The street was still damp and puddles riddled the road, but over all, it seemed like it was going to be a pleasant day. The streets were still a little bare. Just the random merchant opening their shops and setting up their stands for the day's sales. She counted four buildings on the right and saw that there was already steam rising from the small chimney pipe. The woman inhaled deeply before letting out a slow sigh and walking up to the shop. "Good morning!"

A small, older woman popped her head up from behind a counter and grinned at Sato. "What can I get you, dear?"

"Hm, could I have six chicken gyoza, please."
Sato smiled at the old woman who nodded and moved back to a steaming basket before retrieving the dumplings and putting them in small bamboo basket. She handed them to Sato and the swordswoman placed some coin on the counter. "Keep the change." The old woman bowed her head and Sato headed back to the inn. The dumplings smelled amazing and the samurai realized she was hungrier than she had previously thought. Maybe she should've gotten more dumplings...

When she reached the inn, she thanked the woman at the desk for the advice and then headed back up to her room. The sun was just breaking the mountains that surrounded the village and shining into the room when Sato opened the door. Kokoro was still sleeping, so she moved to the small table that was in the middle of the room, grabbed a cushion, and sat down. She opened the basket and steam rolled from it. Sato fanned the steam towards Kokoro's sleeping form, thinking that the savory scent would wake the sleeping brunette, but just in case it didn't.

"Koko, I brought breakfast," Sato picked up a dumpling, a very hot one, and bit into it. "Though I wish I could've gotten some chopsticks and rice. You better wake up before I eat them all."
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